meiosis & reproductive system review answers

Meiosis and Reproductive System Review
Chapter 11
Name: KEY
Chromosomes: Label the diagram below by dragging and dropping the names in the appropriate locations.
Answer the questions that follow.
Sister Chromatids
1. How many sister chromatids make up a chromosome?
2. Look at the picture of an actual chromosome to the right. What are the thin, wiry strands?
3. What is similar about the 2 sister chromatids?
They contain the same DNA with the same genes
4. What is the name of the protein disc at the center of the chromosome?
5. How many chromosomes are in a human body cell?
1. Look at the picture to the right. What has occurred?
Crossing over
2. What does crossing over provide for the cell- why is it important?
Supplies variation in an organism’s gametes
3. What type of cells does crossing over occur in- sex or body cells?
Sex cells
4. What phase of meiosis does crossing over occur in?
Prophase I
5. What is the term for 2 chromosomes in which one is
from the mother and the other is from the father? Homologous pair
Meiosis: Label the following phases of meiosis by dragging and dropping the phases under the correct picture.
Answer the questions that follow.
Prophase I
Prophase II
Metaphase I
Metaphase II
Anaphase I
Anaphase II
1. Which diagrams are part of meiosis I (type down the letters)?
2. Which diagrams are part of meiosis II?
Telophase I
Cytokinesis II
A, B, C & D
E, F, G & H
a. How many chromosomes are in the parent cell in the diagram above? 4
b. How many chromosomes are in the resulting daughter cells in the diagram above?
4. What type of cells does meiosis produce in a female? eggs in a male?
5. How many chromosomes are in a human egg cell?
6. What is the term for a female gamete? egg male gamete? sperm
7. Name 2 ways meiosis is different from mitosis. Meiosis results in 4 cells that have half the amount of DNA
and different DNA as the parent cell. Mitosis results in 2 cells that have the same type and amount of DNA as
the parent cell.
8. Identify the following characteristics as part of meiosis (ME) or mitosis (MI).
A. MI occurs in body cells
B. ME daughter cells have 1/2 the amount of DNA as parent cell
C. ME occurs in sex cells
D. MI How an infant grows to an adult
E. ME results in gametes
F. MI daughter cells look identical to the parent cell
G. ME results in haploid cells
H. MI results in 2 diploid cell
I. ME sperm and egg cells
J. ME results in 4 daughter cells
Meiosis: Use the diagram to the right to answer the
following questions.
1. Place the pictures in the appropriate order from
1 to 6 by dragging and dropping the picture next
to the correct number.
2. Which letter shows homologous chromosomes lined
up next to each other? Picture B
a. What is the diploid number of this cell? 2
b. What is the haploid number of this cell? 1
4. During which phase does crossing over occur? Prophase I
5. What phase is shown in letter F?
telophase I
6. Which phase is shown in letter C?
telophase II
7. Which phase is shown in letter B?
prophase I
Haploid and Diploid: Use the following information and
answer the following questions by typing the answer on
the red line.
1. A body cell is diploid
, which means it has homologous chromosomes- one from mom and the other from
2. An egg cell is haploid , which means it does NOT have homologous chromosomes and contains half the
amount of a body cell.
3. A sugarcane leaf cell has 80 chromosomes.
a. What is the diploid number for a sugarcane plant? 80
b. What is the haploid number for a sugarcane plant? 40
c. How many chromosomes does a sugarcane’s pollen(sperm) contain? 40
4. A horse’s sperm cell has 32 chromosomes.
a. What is the diploid number for a horse? 64
b. What is the haploid number for a horse? 32
c. How many chromosomes does a horse’s muscle cell contain?
5. In a dog, 2n=78.
a. What is n for a dog cell? 39
b. How many chromosomes does a dog’s sperm cell have? 39
c. How many chromosomes does a dog’s liver cell have? 78
6. In a frog, n=13.
a. What is 2n for a frog cell? 26
b. How many chromosomes does a frog’s egg have? 13
c. How many chromosomes does a frog’s skin cell have? 26
7. The haploid number for a housefly is 6.
a. What is the diploid number for a house fly cell? 12
b. What is 2n for a housefly? 12
c. How many chromosomes are in a housefly egg cell?
Reproductive System: Drag and drop the labels of the reproductive systems below. Answer the questions
that follow.
fallopian tube
1. Where in the female reproductive system is the egg fertilized?
2. What part of the male reproductive system produces sperm?
Fallopian tube
3. What part of the female reproductive system produces estrogen?
4. What does the epididymis hold?
Mature sperm
5. Where in the female reproductive system does a fetus develop?
6. What tube connects the testes to the urethra?
7. What is another name for the birth canal?
Vas deferns
8. In the female reproductive system, what is a barrier to
incoming sperm after they have passed through the vagina?
9. What must be at a lower temperature than the rest of the body in a male?
To allow the sperm to develop
Directions: Use the diagrams below to answer the following questions in the chart.
Cell Division A
Cell Division B
1. What form are the chromosomes in?
2. What phase of cell division is shown?
3. What is happening to the nucleus?
4. What phase is shown to the left?
5. How many chromosomes are present in
each cell? *2
6. What attaches to the chromosomes?
*spindle fibers
7. Where are the chromosomes?
*in the middle of the cell
8. How is the chromosomal arrangement in
cell division A different from cell division B?
*In A, the chromosomes are in single file & in
B they are in homologous pairs (double file)
9. What has happened to the chromosome in
division A? *pulled apart
10. What is the term for the pair of
chromosomes being split in division B?
*homologous pair
11. How many chromosomes are present in
the daughter cells of mitosis? *2
12. How many chromosomes are present in
the daughter cells of meiosis I? *1
13. What phase is shown in mitosis?
14. What is one half of a chromosome called
in meiosis? *sister chromatid
15. How many chromosomes are present in
the daughter cells? *1
16. How many daughter cells are present? *4
17. When meiosis occurs in a woman, what
is produced? *1 viable egg & 3 polar bodies
In a man? *4 viable sperm
18. What type of cell division is shown in cell division A?
19. What type of cell division is shown in cell division B?
Label: Label the diagram below using the following words. Drag and drop the word in the apprpriate location.
1. How many chromosomes are present in the egg cell?
2. What is the haploid (n) number for the organism above? 5
sperm cell?
diploid (2n) number? 10
3. Name 2 differences between the sperm and egg cell:
the egg is larger than the sperm
the sperm has a flagella
4. What type of cell division splits the number of chromosomes in half and produces gametes? meiosis
5. How many times must a cell divide to produce useable gametes?
6. How many sperm cells are made from one meiotic division?
Twice (2)
7. How many viable (useable) eggs are made from one meiotic division? 1
8. What is the term for the daughter cells in female meiosis that are not viable eggs?
Polar bodies
9. What process is shown above (when a sperm and egg meet and fuse together)?
10. What is the term for the first cell produced from the union of sperm and egg?
11. How many chromosomes are present in a human sperm cell? 23
12. How many chromosomes are in a human zygote?
human egg cell?
13. What happens to the sperm tail when the sperm’s nucleus merges with the eggs nucleus?
14. What allows a sperm to be motile?
Falls off the
The flagella (tail)
15. Why is an egg cell bigger than a sperm cell?
Supplies nutrients for the developing embryo