Ms. Cawsey SS8 French Revolution REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAM Jeopardy Questions Vocab Philosophers Three Estates What word means slow, gradual change (it may take place over centuries)? What word is used to describe quick, violent change that happens within a life time? What is the difference between a liberal and conservative? Which group of people in France really backed up, spread & gave power to the philosophers of the Enlightenment? Who were the two English philosophers that impacted the French Revolution? Under the old regime, who had to pay taxes & who didn’t? Who is someone that wants complete & sudden change? Give a NAME of someone in the French Revolution who was that What is someone called who will use violence to STOP all change. NAME a person in the French Revolution who was this. Which estate made up the priests, nuns, Pope, etc? Which philosopher thought people could run the country on their own & didn’t need a king (he is very important in the Fr Rev) Which philosopher believed in Checks & balances? What country did he heavily impact their revolution? Which estate did you have to be BORN into? Why did the Bourgeoisie have problems with them? Who made up the 3rd estate? What percent of the French population were they? 1. Who was the most famous philosopher? He wrote satire? 2. What did he think about running gov’t with a monarchy? 3. What was his famous quote about free speech? How was the Estates-General rigged? When Louis 16th called a meeting of the Estate- General what did the 3rd Estate want? French Napoleon Revolution Why was a bloody revolution needed in France when England had a ‘glorious’ or bloodless one? At the beginning of the Fr Rev, what did moderate leaders want to create in France? What was the symbol of Louis 16ths power & what year was it stormed (in July of that year) Why was Napoleon able to rise so quickly in the French army? What reason was Napoleon able to seize power in 1799? What caused the defeat of Napoleon’s army in Russia? Why did the reign of terror happen? What was its goal? In order, where was Napoleon exiled to first & second (MUST be in order!) What was the name of the man in charge of the Reign of Terror? What party was he in charge of? What was the committee called? List Three Reforms Napoleon made in France (there are many but when you study this sheet know these for sure) Ms. Cawsey SS8 French Revolution REVIEW FOR UNIT TEST Jeopardy Answers Vocab Philosophers Three Estates Evolution bourgeoisie 3rd estate paid 1st & 2nd didn’t Revolution Locke & Hobbes 1st Liberal wants and like change but only legally (they hate violence). Conservative only wants very little & slow change. They are very cautious and do not avoid change at all cost Radical Robespierre Danton Marat Rousseau 2nd: They didn’t earth their success (bourgeoisie have no problems with excessive wealth— they just want you to have earned it). Montesquieu USA Peasants to bourgeoisies 96-98% 1. Voltaire 2. absolute monarchies can work IF they are enlightened 3. I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Each estate was given one vote but it didn’t reflect the percentage of the people they were. The 3rd Estate wanted to outvote the other two estates because represented a lot more people. Reactionary Louis 16th Marie Antoinette French Napoleon Revolution France’s people in power refused to change Constitutional monarchy like England Bastille July 14, 1789 Nobles fled & left their officer positions vacant People of France wanted to get rid of the Directory Winter forced Napoleon to turn around & head home (Russian Tsar burned down Moscow to keep him there until winter came) Foreign & domestic threats to the Fr Rev continuing Crush all opposition to the revolution Robespierre Jacobin Committee of Public Safety Elba 1st St Helena 2nd Women lost many rights Created gov’t run schools Created the Bank of France All citizens had to pay taxes Created Napoleonic Code (Important because gave Fr 1 system of laws) Roads, bridges, etc Ms. Cawsey SS8 French Revolution REVIEW FOR UNIT TEST Jeopardy Game Grid Vocab Philosophers Three Estates 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 French Napoleon Revolution 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Ms. Cawsey SS8 French Revolution REVIEW FOR UNIT TEST Bingo Game Grid Good Marie Antoinette Abdicate Guillotine Tennis Court Oath Fat & lazy Continental system Kind, shy & indecisive Cost of bread Large debt Poor Elaborate wigs Louis 14th Stomach cancer Sun King Napoleon complex Spanish Ulcer People in power in France were unwilling to change B B I N G O I Hitler Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (brotherhood) Nationalism Britain Bonaparte Women They felt threatened They remained strong N FREE A great military leader Censorship Guerrilla I met my Waterloo Marie Louise Waterloo Wellington G O Ms. Cawsey SS8 French Revolution REVIEW FOR UNIT TEST Bingo Questions & Answers Which King created Versailles & made France’s monarchy absolute? Which was Louis 14th’s nickname? Who did Louis 16th marry? Describe Louis 16th in regards to his marriage & family Describe Louis 16th physically Describe Louis 16th personality What symbol did Marie Antoinette regularly wear that showed the excessive extravagance of the nobility during the Old Regime? Why was England able to have a Glorious Revolution (bloodless) whereas France had to have a bloody revolution? What was the MOST serious, long term economic problem facing the French gov’t before the revolution? What was the immediate problem that faced French peasants that started the Fr Rev? How would you describe most people who lived in Paris before the Fr Rev? What was it called when the 3rd Estate left the Estate-General & swore not to leave until they created a constitution? What form of execution became famous during the French Revolution What were the goals of the French Revolution (reflected in their flag)? What grew throughout Europe when France’s revolutionary ideals spread? Why did nobles throughout Europe try to end the French Revolution through attacks & battles? What happened to the French Revolution ideals when Napoleon took over? What was Napoleon’s last name? Which country did Napoleon NOT invade & was also the most powerful and biggest enemy? Which group of people in France hated Napoleon for taking way their hard earned Fr Rev rights? Which famous leader might have succeeded if he had studied history? Instead, he was doomed to repeat it? Napoleon’s attention to detail, his dedication to his soldiers, his ability to “see” the battlefield, and his personal charisma made him what? Napoleon had three ways he kept his dictatorial powers in France. They were using secret police, introducing laws to prevent opposition and… What battle was Napoleon finally defeated for good? Which famous British general fought against Napoleon in Waterloo? What is the saying that means you were totally destroyed by one event? What type of warfare did Spain use against France (it is hiding & camouflaging your attack instead of straight lines & bright clothes) Josephine was Napoleon’s first wife. Who was his second? Louis 14th Sun King Marie Antoinette Good Fat & lazy Kind, shy & indecisive Elaborate wigs People in power in France were unwilling to change Large debt Cost of bread Poor Tennis Court Oath Guillotine Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (brotherhood) Nationalism They felt threatened They remained strong Bonaparte Britain Women Hitler A great military leader Censorship Waterloo Wellington I met my Waterloo Guerrilla Marie Louise What is the word that describes giving up or resigning from office (Napoleon signed it after his defeat in Russia)? What was the system that Napoleon tried to create that blocked all trade from Britain (it failed) What is the phrase used to say a short man is mean because he is trying to make himself taller? What phrase did Napoleon use to describe his problems in Spain? Napoleon may have had arsenic poisoning from the wall paper in his house but he officially died of what? Abdicate Continental system Napoleon complex Spanish Ulcer Stomach cancer