The mysterious Christ-like prophet Whats Your Name

Whats Your Name, the Christ-like American prophet, and the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation
10/24/2007 12:24 PM
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The mysterious Christ-like American prophet Whats Your Name -could he be one of the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation?
In October 1999 a white-robed evangelist who is called "Whatsyourname" showed up in Hazleton
Pennsylvania. It is said people listened to his preaching and were changed by it, and he attracted a
large following. It is said miracles started to occur there including miraculous healings. It is said he
looked like Christ and acted like Christ. Soon he became international news. Who is this mysterious
man from Ohio, Whatsyourname? Note that he is from Toledo Ohio, and there is the expression
"Holy Toledo".
Note that the last chapter of the Bible, the Book of Revelation, talks about an evil dictator called the
Antichrist who will rise to power in the future. Revelation also talks about 2 mysterious prophets,
called the two witnesses, who will appear at the time of the Antichrist. Could whatsyourname be one
of the two witnesses in Revelation 11?
Revelation 11:3 (King James Version:
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Whats Your Name, the Christ-like American prophet, and the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation
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"And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and
threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." (they prophesy 3 1/2 years, and they will be simply dressed).
11:4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
11:5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies:
and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
11:6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power
over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will."
I don't know and am not offering an opinion on whether Whats your name is one of the two witnesses.
But if he is, then a second mysterious prophet should appear. But if the Antichrist is appearing now
(possibly President Putin in Russia) then the two witnesses should be appearing soon. No, I do not
think the evil Moslem terrorist leader Osama bin Laden is the Antichrist, I discuss on this page why I
think Osama bin Laden is an evil demon from Hell called "The angel of the bottomless pit" and "The
Destroyer" in Revelation 9:11, but who is not the Antichrist, he is too evil to be the Antichrist. The
Antichrist will at first appear to be a good man.
Concerning the two witnesses, they are said to have the power over the weather and are able to strike
the earth with disasters. Note that Hazelton Pennsylvania where this man Whats-you-name has
appeared is at these geographic coordinates:
40.95 N 76.00 W, exactly on 76 degrees. Note that Hazleton is near Bethlehem Pennsylvania! The
significance of these numbers could relate to: Revelation 4:1 corresponding to "41", where a door is
opened in heaven, and in Revelation 4:6 there is a throne in heaven and a sea of glass. Note that
Toledo Ohio is considered to be the glass capital of the world. Note that Toledo has an important
cathedral, "Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral". Toledo in Spain was an ancient city going
back to the Roman times. And Hazleton Pennsylvania sits on top of Spring Mountain and is the
highest elevation for a city in Pennsylvania. (Possible significance-- Spring Mountain, as a spring is a
source of water, which is a source of life, which could relate to Whats-your-name having performed
healings.) Note that 76 W also goes exactly through Virginia Beach Virginia, home to the Edgar Cayce
center and former location of Edgar Cayce, Edgar Cayce considered to be America's greatest prophet
and psychic healer. So Hazleton is exactly North of Virginia Beach, Virginia. A sign that
whatsyourname could be another great American prophet and healer? Also, in Feb. 2002, What's
Your Name was reported to be in England, where he was on a radio show program.
Also relevant to the idea of a prophet being in Pennsylvania: during the day of Sept. 11, 2001, and the
Muslim terrorist attacks on the U.S., one of the planes that was headed for Washington D.C. to strike
a target there crashed in Pennsylvania, because the passengers fought with the terrorists. That took a
lot of bravery, for the passengers on that plane to fight the terrorists, and it prevented another great
disaster from occurring in Washington D.C.. The passengers on the plane that crashed in
Pennsylvania were national heros, and when the history books are written one day about this war
against Moslem terrorists, the passengers of that plane will be remembered as among the great heros
of American history. So the relevance to this web page, was that on that day in that plane in
Pennsylvania there was the spirit of Christ in the passengers of that plane. Maybe there is something
about Pennsylvania.
Also, on this page on 9-11 I discuss why the two towers of the World Trade Center may be the "two
candlesticks" in Revelation 11:4 who represent the two witnesses, and in Revelation 11:7 the Beast
from the Bottomless Pit (who I think is Osama bin Laden) destroys these two candlesticks.
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Also, I think that two comets appearing in the sky in May 2004 may mean the Two Witnesses will
also appear on the world scene in 2007-2010. Note that Feb. 2004, just before these two comets
appeared, was 42 years (a number related to the Antichrist, since he is said to rule 42 months in
Revelation 13) from an unusual Astrology grouping of planets on February 5 1962, an unusual
astrology alignment. Also note that the psychic Jean Dixon predicted that a world religious leader was
born on Feb. 5, 1962, who would change the world in the new millennium.
Also, on Feb. 2, 2004, it was announced that chemical elements number 113 and 115 had been created.
Relate these elements to Revelation 11:3 and 11:5, about the Two Witnesses. Possibly these two
elements named Ununpentium (115) and Ununtrium (113), that were created by Russian and
American scientists, by colliding an isotope of Calcium with Americium, may represent the Two
Witnesses of Revelation, and may indicate that they will appear soon on the world scene in 2007-2010.
So watch out for two mysterious prophets who will appear in 2007-2010. The discovery of these two
elements in Feb. 2004, may relate to the 3 1/2 period before Armageddon, that begins in May 2007,
and ends in Nov. 2010 at Armageddon, World War 3, and it is over this time period that the two
witnesses will prophesy (for 1260 days).
Also see on the Two Witnesses, these pages on Nostradamus and the King James Bible Code, on
Nostradamus quatrain 1-50, which could be about one of the Two Witnesses in the U.S..
Whats-your-name now continues his mission in the U.S.. His pilgramage continues, as he continues to
spread good will and his message of hope in the message of Christ.
The Bible Code and What's Your Name
The "Bible Code" is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the Bible, by using a
software program to search for messages in the Old Testament Hebrew text. The spaces between
words are eliminated, so that the Old Testament is a continuous block of Hebrew letters. Then, by
skipping letters at a programmed interval, the program searches for words. There appear to be
patterns to the passages where the words are found. The Bible Code also works in English in the King
James Bible. This page discusses research I did on an English Bible code in the King James version
Bible, using Bible code software on my PC. (My PC runs at 1 GHz., but still some of the searches took
1/2 hour or longer; so when using Bible Code software, the faster your PC, the better.) I used
CodeFinder Millennium Edition software, which does ELS searches in the King James English Bible,
as well as Hebrew and Greek Bible searches. By using this Bible code software I searched for some
words in the King James New Testament and Old Testament (separately). I found that there is
evidence of English Bible code patterns that the software found by skipping varying intervals, in the
King James Old Testament or New Testament, made into a block of solid text. Below are some Bible
Code matrices I generated about What's Your Name
An Old Testament matrix on WYN at Isaiah 66:2 - Jeremiah 2:2, with search words: WHATS (ELS
skip = -175), YOUR NAME:
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Next, a New Testament matrix at Mark 15:29 - Luke 8:41 that contains: WHATS (ELS=-920), YOUR
NAME, JESUS, CHRIST, WITNESS (as in the Two Witnesses).
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Next, a New Testament matrix at Luke 3:38 - John 13:21, that contains WHATS (ELS=-5143), YOUR
NAME, JESUS, WITNESS, TOLEDO (where WYN is from). It is a very interesting matrix where two
WHATS form a cross.
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See this page for Bible Code matrices on the Two Witnesses.
My New Age/ Bible prophecy / King James version Bible Code web site link below, "Revelation 13"
includes a discussion of the possibility of the Antichrist mentioned in the Bible's Book of Revelation
rising to power soon, and prophecies related to this possibility. He is identified by the number 666 ,
the number 666 is discussed in detail.
See my Revelation 13 web site for more on this and other subjects, and my astrology / New Age /
Bible prophecy predictions of world events for the next 10 years.
You can watch my videos on subjects discussed on this web site.
Copyright 1998-2007 by T. Chase. All rights reserved.
(Also see this page on other recommended books for further reading, and this page on movies, these
have links for purchase of books and movies on DVD or VHS.)
------------------------------------------------------Please link to this web site! To help me spread my message to the world!
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"Revelation 13: Astrology, Prophecies of the Future, Bible Prophecy"
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