Contract Summary Form

Vendor’s Name/Address:
Contract Summary Form
Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge
202 Himes Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Duration Information:
Date of Services:
Contract Duration:
March 1, 2015 – September
30, 2016
Multi-year 18 Months
New Contract or
Previous Contract Dates:
2/29/12 to 2/28/15
(With selective vendor only)
Funding Information:
Contract Amount:
Previous Contract Amount:
Funding Source:
Federal Fund
Funding Type:
IDEA –Part D
Use of Funds:
IDEA State Personnel Development Grant
(Federal, State, IAT, etc.)
(If applicable; w ith selective vendor only)
(IDEA, 8-G, Title I, etc)
Contract Information:
Contact Person:
Nancy Hicks/Jamie Wong
Contact Person Telephone #:
(225) 342-3342
Special Education Policy
Competitive/S. Source
Non Competitive
Louisiana’s State Personnel Development Grant is a competitive 5 year grant through the federal Office of Student
Education Programs (OSEP). As a requirement of the five year grant, the LSU staff work with the Department of
Education to implement the goals and activities which provide support to the highest need districts identified for
professional development based on meeting the targets on the State Performance Plan indicators.
Departmental Goal:
To ensure students arrive 4th and 9th grades on-time and graduate on-time.
The contract continues to provide research-based educational professional development to educators who work with
students with disabilities in such areas as inclusive practices, culturally responsive practices, school family partnerships,
and data-base decision making.
In the state's application for this grant, there is an absolute priority to partner with an Institute of Higher Education. In
this application, LSU collaborated with the LDOE and was named as the partner.
IDEA students in each participating district are impacted by this grant. Training materials that have been developed will
be available to all districts.
Does the contract assist in complying with state and/or federal regulation or laws?
Yes, the IDEA-providing FAPE in the LRE. Personnel will have the skills to impact performance of students.
September 2012 LDOE Appropriation Control
Vendor’s Name/Address:
Contract Summary Form
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Allied Health, Human Development Center
411 South Prieur Street Box SP-4-460
New Orleans, LA 70112
Duration Information:
Date of Services:
Contract Duration:
January 1, 2015 – December
31, 2015
One Year
New Contract or
Previous Contract Dates:
(With selective vendor only)
Funding Information:
Contract Amount:
Previous Contract Amount:
Funding Source:
Federal Fund
Funding Type:
IDEA –Part B
Use of Funds:
Development and implementation of a comprehensive plan for professional development of
IEP Teams in Louisiana
(Federal, State, IAT, etc.)
(If applicable; w ith selective vendor only)
(IDEA, 8-G, Title I, etc)
Contract Information:
Contact Person:
Jamie Wong
Contact Person Telephone #:
(225) 342-2073
Special Education Policy
Competitive/S. Source
Non Competitive
Recent changes in special education law support the need for Individual Education Program (IEP) teams to receive
technical support and training in the implementation of their new responsibilities.
Departmental Goal:
The Department of Education will provide IEP teams with specific guidance on how to effectively execute their
responsibilities in developing and implementing IEPs.
The Human Development Center will assist the Louisiana Department of Education in developing and implementing a
comprehensive plan for professional development of IEP Teams in Louisiana. Phase 1 will focus on the development
with rigorous stakeholder input of five modules covering the essential components of the IEP team process. Phase 2
will support the state in dissemination of professional learning in six regional events and creating and maintaining access
to on-demand learning via internet access.
Because components of the IEP Team process and accompanying documentation can be identified, professional learning
can be organized and segmented into modules suitable for professional development. Technical assistance and
professional learning should provide for a variety of instructional delivery mediums to maximize limited resources and
accommodate adult learning needs.
All IEP teams in the state of Louisiana will have access to the training created with this contract.
Does the contract assist in complying with state and/or federal regulation or laws?
Yes, it will help IEP teams improve their ability to provide appropriate services to students with disabilities as defined by
September 2012 LDOE Appropriation Control
Contract Summary Form
Archdiocese of New Orleans
7887 Walmsely Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70125
Duration Information:
Date of Services:
1/20/2015 – 6/30/2016
Contract Duration:
17.3 months
New Contract or
Previous Contract Dates:
(With selective vendor only)
New Contract
Funding Information:
Contract Amount:
Funding Source:
(Federal, State, IAT, etc.)
Use of Funds:
Previous Contract
(If applicable, with selective
vendor only)
State – HB1 Appropriation
This contractor will pursue educational initiatives that will increase schools’ capacity to
accommodate more students through the Louisiana Scholarship Program.
Contract Information:
Contact Person:
Lauren Perry
Contact Person
Telephone #:
Competitive/S. Source
To expand capacity for scholarship recipients within participating schools.
Departmental Goal:
To create high expectations and pathways to college and professional careers for all students, regardless of family
income, zip code or disability.
The Archdiocese of New Orleans will increase selected schools’ capacity to serve more Louisiana Scholarship Program
students by partnering with CTB/McGraw-Hill Education to implement data-driven, blended learning curriculum and
Selected through an evaluation for “Believe and Empower – Expanding Capacity in Current Scholarship Schools” Request
for Proposals.
Families and schools participating in the Louisiana Scholarship Program.
Does the contract assist in complying with state and/or federal regulation or laws?
September 2012 LDOE Appropriation Control
Contract Summary Form
Diocese of Baton Rouge
1800 South Acadian Thruway, P.O. Box 2028
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Duration Information:
Date of Services:
1/20/2015 – 6/30/2016
Contract Duration:
17.3 months
New Contract or
Previous Contract Dates:
(With selective vendor only)
New Contract
Funding Information:
Contract Amount:
Funding Source:
(Federal, State, IAT, etc.)
Use of Funds:
Previous Contract
(If applicable, with selective
vendor only)
State – HB1 Appropriation
This contractor will pursue educational initiatives that will increase schools’ capacity to
accommodate more students through the Louisiana Scholarship Program.
Contract Information:
Contact Person:
Lauren Perry
Contact Person
Telephone #:
Competitive/S. Source
To expand capacity for scholarship recipients within participating schools.
Departmental Goal:
To create high expectations and pathways to college and professional careers for all students, regardless of family
income, zip code or disability.
The Diocese of Baton Rouge will increase selected schools’ capacity to serve more Louisiana Scholarship Program
students by partnering with the Associated Professional Educators of Louisiana (A+PEL) who will provide professional
development workshops, school site visit evaluations, and support with blended learning.
Selected through an evaluation for “Believe and Empower – Expanding Capacity in Current Scholarship Schools” Request
for Proposals.
Families and schools participating in the Louisiana Scholarship Program.
Does the contract assist in complying with state and/or federal regulation or laws?
September 2012 LDOE Appropriation Control
Contract Summary Form
Diocese of Shreveport
3500 Fairfield Avenue
Shreveport, Louisiana 71104
Duration Information:
Date of Services:
1/20/2015 – 6/30/2016
Contract Duration:
17.3 months
New Contract or
Previous Contract Dates:
(With selective vendor only)
New Contract
Funding Information:
Contract Amount:
Funding Source:
(Federal, State, IAT, etc.)
Use of Funds:
Previous Contract
(If applicable, with selective
vendor only)
State – HB1 Appropriation
This contractor will pursue educational initiatives that will increase schools’ capacity to
accommodate more students through the Louisiana Scholarship Program.
Contract Information:
Contact Person:
Lauren Perry
Contact Person
Telephone #:
Competitive/S. Source
To expand capacity for scholarship recipients within participating schools.
Departmental Goal:
To create high expectations and pathways to college and professional careers for all students, regardless of family
income, zip code or disability.
The Diocese of Shreveport will increase selected schools’ capacity to serve more Louisiana Scholarship Program students
by partnering with the School Leadership Center who will provide teacher support and coaching, as well as leadership
development fellowships.
Selected through an evaluation for “Believe and Empower – Expanding Capacity in Current Scholarship Schools” Request
for Proposals.
Families and schools participating in the Louisiana Scholarship Program.
Does the contract assist in complying with state and/or federal regulation or laws?
September 2012 LDOE Appropriation Control
Contract Summary Form
Vendor’s Name/Address:
Akili Academy/ Crescent City Schools
2013 General Meyer Avenue, New Orleans LA 70114
Duration Information:
Date of Services:
Contract Duration:
07/01/13- 06/30/15
New Contract or
2 Years
Previous Contract Dates:
(With selective vendor only)
Funding Information:
Contract Amount:
Previous Contract Amount:
Funding Source:
Federal – Title IV
Funding Type:
21st Century Community
Learning Centers (21st CCLC)
Use of Funds:
This program must be for the purpose of meeting the needs of residents of rural and innercity communities through the creation or expansion of 21st Century Community Learning
(Federal, State, IAT, etc.)
(If applicable; w ith selective vendor only)
(IDEA, 8-G, Title I, etc)
Contract Information:
Contact Person:
Kenya Pierce
Contact Person Telephone #:
Competitive/S. Source
Competitive/ 21st CCLC RFP
Supplemental & Instructional Services
Departmental Goal:
Students arrive 4th grade on-time and on-level (passing both ELA and math 3rd grade iLEAP)
Students arrive 9th grade on-time and on-level (passing both ELA and math 8th grade LEAP)
Contract provides before, during, and after-school academic enrichment opportunities for children attending lowperforming schools through the establishment and operation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
These contracts will provide after-school services to approximately 20,000 eligible k-12 student participants under the
21st Century Community Learning Centers Program. This increase is a result of the program surpassing required
attendance expectations. Upon contract approval, the proposers will provide high-quality after-school services to an
increased number of students – which will assist the Department in meeting its goal of improved academic achievement.
Title IV, Part B of NCLB will provide expanded academic opportunities in the out of school hours to K-12 students that
attend low performing schools. Their family members may also receive educational enrichment services.
Does the contract assist in complying with state and/or federal regulation or laws?
Yes, it complies with the federal guidelines for No Child Left Behind Legislation.
September 2012 LDOE Appropriation Control
Contract Summary Form
Vendor’s Name/Address:
Urban Support Agency, Inc.
9051 Mansfield Rd. Ste. E-12
Shreveport, LA 71118
Duration Information:
Date of Services:
Contract Duration:
07/01/13- 06/30/15
New Contract or
2 Years
Previous Contract Dates:
07/01/13- 06/30/14
(With selective vendor only)
Funding Information:
Contract Amount:
Previous Contract Amount:
Funding Source:
Federal – Title IV
Funding Type:
21st Century Community
Learning Centers (21st CCLC)
Use of Funds:
This program must be for the purpose of meeting the needs of residents of rural and innercity communities through the creation or expansion of 21st Century Community Learning
(Federal, State, IAT, etc.)
(If applicable; w ith selective vendor only)
(IDEA, 8-G, Title I, etc)
Contract Information:
Contact Person:
Kenya Pierce
Contact Person Telephone #:
Competitive/S. Source
Competitive/ 21st CCLC RFP
Supplemental & Instructional Services
Departmental Goal:
Students arrive 4th grade on-time and on-level (passing both ELA and math 3rd grade iLEAP)
Students arrive 9th grade on-time and on-level (passing both ELA and math 8th grade LEAP)
Contract provides before, during, and after-school academic enrichment opportunities for children attending lowperforming schools through the establishment and operation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
These contracts will provide after-school services to approximately 20,000 eligible k-12 student participants under the
21st Century Community Learning Centers Program. This increase is a result of the program surpassing required
attendance expectations. Upon contract approval, the proposers will provide high-quality after-school services to an
increased number of students – which will assist the Department in meeting its goal of improved academic achievement.
Title IV, Part B of NCLB will provide expanded academic opportunities in the out of school hours to K-12 students that
attend low performing schools. Their family members may also receive educational enrichment services.
Does the contract assist in complying with state and/or federal regulation or laws?
Yes, it complies with the federal guidelines for No Child Left Behind Legislation.
September 2012 LDOE Appropriation Control
Contract Summary Form
Vendor’s Name/Address:
Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and Agricultural and
Mechanical College
202 Himes Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Duration Information:
Date of Services:
Contract Duration:
12/01/2014- 12/31/2015
New Contract or
New Contract
13 months
Previous Contract Dates:
(With selective vendor only)
Funding Information:
Contract Amount:
Previous Contract Amount:
Funding Source:
Funding Type:
Use of Funds:
Retirement Study
(Federal, State, IAT, etc.)
(If applicable; w ith selective vendor only)
(IDEA, 8-G, Title I, etc)
Contract Information:
Contact Person:
Beth Scioneaux
Contact Person Telephone #:
Competitive/S. Source
Interagency Agreement
To provide an overview of the current costs associated with the Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana (TRSL)
Departmental Goal:
The Departmental goal and purpose of this contract is to provide a current and accurate review of the reasons for
escalating costs of TRSL.
LSU will provide a projection of the costs of the present retirement system and the ability of school boards to finance
these costs with policy recommendations for improving TRSL’s ability to meet both unfunded accrued liability and the
long term sustainability of the system.
This issue is a major concern for all schools and school districts statewide.
All schools and school districts are affected by this issue
Does the contract assist in complying with state and/or federal regulation or laws?
Yes, schools and school districts must be fiscally responsible for the retirement costs of their employees.
September 2012 LDOE Appropriation Control