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Atomic Structure & Periodic Table Test Study Guide
VOCABULARY: Write a brief definition of each term in the space provided.
1. Atoms: smallest unit of an element that has all of the properties of that element containing a nucleus within
an electron cloud
2. Element: pure substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by physical or chemical means
3. Nucleus: very dense region consisting of protons and neutrons at the center of an atom
4. Protons: + charged subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom & contributes to the mass of the atom
5. Neutrons: tiny, very dense, + charged region in the center of an atom; made up of protons & neutrons
6. Electrons: - charged subatomic particle of the electron cloud; involved in the formation of chemical bond
7. Electron shell, energy level, or electron ring: grouping of electrons surrounding the nucleus of an atom
8. Valence electrons: electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom that influence how an element will
react with other substances
9. Chemical symbol: capital letter or capital letter followed by a lower case letter that symbolizes an element
10. Atomic number: number of protons in the nucleus of one atom of an element
11. Atomic mass: average mass of protons and neutrons in an element
12. Periods: rows in a periodic table that classifies the elements by the number of atomic shells
13. Groups/Families: columns on a periodic table that arranges the elements by the number of electrons that
are in the outside shell
14. Noble Gases: Un-reactive non-metals in Group 18 of the Periodic Table
18. Neutron
21. Electron
15. +
22. -
16. Nucleus
17. 1
19. Nucleus
20. 1
Electron Cloud
23. ~0
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24.-30. Below is an excerpt from the Periodic Table of Elements. Identify/explain each piece of information.
24. Atomic number: number or protons
25. Chemical symbol
26. Chemical name
27. Atomic mass: protons + neutrons
28. Period: #3
29. Group: #1
30. Metal
31. Most of the volume of an atom is empty space.
32. Identify the atom shown at the left: Lithium
33. How many valence electrons does the atom in the diagram have? 1
34. What is the atomic mass of the atom in the diagram? 6 amu
35. What is the name of the atom that has 79 protons? Gold
36. What electrically neutral atom has 30 neutrons and 25 electrons? Manganese
37. What is the net charge of an atom that has 20 protons and 18 electrons? +2
(# protons + # electrons = net charge)
38.-40. Matching: Draw lines to connect the appropriate pieces of information; a sample has been done.
Valence electrons
Valence electrons
41. Elements in the Periodic Table are arranged according to increasing numbers of protons, which is called the
atomic number on an element key.
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42. Each element in the same row (these rows are called periods) has the same number of energy levels. The
energy levels are also called electron shells.
43. Each element in the same column (these columns are called groups or families) has the same number of
valence electrons.
44.-48. Complete the chart below
44. 2
46. Sulfur
48. Radon
45. Metal
47. Nonmetal
Noble Gas
49. All elements in Group 18 are called noble gasses and are inert, which means they don’t readily react with
other elements.
50. What is true about elements A, B, C, and D?
A. They are in the same group
C. They are all in the same period
B. They are all nonmetals
D. They are all gasses
51. What is true about elements W, X, Y, and Z?
A. They are in the same group
C. They are all in the same period
B. They are all nonmetals
D. They are all metalloids
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52. Elements to the left of the zigzag line on the periodic table are called metals and share similar
characteristics; name three of these characteristics:
53. Good conductor of heat & electricity
54. Malleable
55. Ductile
56. Elements to the right of the zigzag line on the periodic table are called nonmetals and share similar
characteristics; name three of these characteristics:
57. Poor conductors of heat & electricity
58. Brittle
60. Elements on the zigzag line are called: metalloids
Draw a Bohr model of a Neon atom in the space below and to the right:
61. Protons: 10
62. Neutrons: 10
63. Electrons: 10
64. Number of electron shells: 2
65. Group #: 18
66. Period #: 2
67. Number of valence electrons: 8
68. An electrically neutral atom has an atomic mass of 30.973 and an atomic number of 15. How many
neutrons does this atom have? 16
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******* PRE-AP *******
Draw the Lewis Dot structure for the Argon atom.
What is the atomic mass for this atom of Argon? 40 amu
What is the overall charge for this atom of Argon? neutral
How can you determine what period the above atom of Argon is in without looking at a periodic table?
Number of electron shells (3 shells = period 3)
What is the name of the group Argon is located in? 18
An atom that has 24 protons and 25 electrons is called a(n) ion (-1 anion)
An atom that has 1 proton and 1 neutron is called a(n) isotope
What is the one thing that cannot change about an atom? number of protons
Which element does this model represent? Lithium
represents neutrons
represents protons
represents electrons