lL] FRY-6 OMB Number7100-0297 Approval expires December 31, 2015 ( : PY Page 1of2 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Annual Report of Holding Companies-FR Y-6 Report at the close of business as of the end of fiscal year This Report is required by law: Section 5(c)(1)(A) of the Bank Holding Company Act (12 U.S.C. § 1844 (c)(1)(A)); Section 8(a) of the International Banking Act (12 U.S.C. § 3106(a)); Sections 11(a)(1), 25 and 25A of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. §§ 248(a)(1), 602, and 611a); Section 211.13(c) of Regulation K (12 C.F.R. § 211.13(c)); and Section 225.5(b) of Regulation Y (12 C.F.R. § 225.5(b)) and section 10(c)(2)(H) of the Home Owners' Loan Act. Return to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank the original and the number of copies specified. This report form is to be filed by all top-tier bank holding compa­ nies and top-tier savings and loan holding companies organized under U.S. law, and by any foreign banking organization that does not meet the requirements of and is not treated as a qualify­ NOTE: The Annual Report of Holding Companies must be signed Date of Report (top-tier holding company's fiscal year-end): ing foreign banking organization under Section 211.23 of Regulation K (12 C.F.R. § 211.23). (See page one of the general instructions for more detail of who must file.) The F ederal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization (or a person) is not required to respond to, an information collection unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. by one director of the top-tier holding company. This individual should also be a senior official of the top-tier holding company. In the event that the top-tier holding company does not have an individual who is a senior official and is also a director, the chair­ man of the board must sign the report. Reporter's Legal Entity Identifier 1. Steve Aughenbaugh Reporter's Name, Street, and Mailing Address Name of the Holding Company Director and Official President and Director Title of the Holding Company Director and Official attest that the Annual Report of Holding Companies (including the supporting attachments) for this report date has been pre­ pared in conformance with the instructions issued by the Federal Reserve System and are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. With respect to information regarding individuals contained in this report, the Reporter certifies that it has the authority to provide this information to the Federal Reserve. The Reporter also certifies that it has the authority, on behalf of each individual, to consent or object to public release of information regarding that individual. The Federal Reserve may assume, in the absence of a request for confidential treatment submitted in accordance with the Board's "Rules Regarding Availability of Information," 12 C.FR. Part 261, that the Reporter and individual consent to public release of all details in the report co ming th i · idual. December 31, 2014 Month I Day I Year None (LEI) (20-Character LEI Code) Lincoln S.B. Co r p . Legal Title of Holding Company P.O. Box 529 (Mamng Address of the Holding Company) Street/ P.O. Box Lincoln IL City State 62656 _____ Z - ip_ C_o-de 508 Broadway St, Lincoln, IL 62656 Physical Location (if different from mailing address) Person to whom questions about this report should be directed: Kendall Hurley VP, State Bank of Name Title L i nco l n 217-732-2755 Area Code I Phone Number I Extension 217-732-4215 Area Code I FAX Number khurley@sblincoln.com E-mail Address None Address (URL) for the Holding Company's web page Date of Signature For holding companies nQ1 registered with the SEC- Does the reporter request confidenta i l treatment for any pottion of this submission? Indicate status of Annual Report to Shareholders: t8J D D is included with the FR Y-6 report 0 Yes Please identify the report items to which this request applies: will be sent under separate cover O In accordance with the instructions on pages GEN-2 is not prepared and 3, a letter just ifying the request is being provided. For Federal Reserve Bank Use Only RSSDID C.I. /;l{J'(7/S- O The information for which confidential treatment is sought is being submitted separately labeled "Confidential." 1:8:1 No Public reporting burden ror this information collection Is estimated to vary from 1.3 to 101 hours per response, with an average of 5.25 hours per response, including time to gather and maintain data in the required form and to review instructions and complete the information collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20551, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (7100-0297), Washington, DC 20503. 10/2014 LINCOLN S.B. CORP Lincoln, Illinois A One-Banking Holding Company Comparative Balance Sheet YEARS ENDING 2014 and 2013 ASSETS 2014 2013 67,715.17 43,175.13 Investment in State Bank of Lincoln 29,200,261.43 25,845,417.77 TOTAL ASSETS 29,267,976.60 25,888,592.90 Cash LIABILITIES IL State Withholding Tax Payable for Shareholders 11,991.61 3,258.00 Notes Payable - Stockholders 0.00 0.00 Interest Payable 0.00 0.00 11,991.61 3,258.00 TOTAL LIABILITES STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 16,072.00 16,072.00 3,256,267.54 3,256,267.54 Retained Earnings 24,345,457.31 24,712,229.93 Treasury Stock at Cost (1524 shares) (1,269,417.54) (1,269,417.54) Common Stock Additional Paid in Capital Unrealized Gain or Loss on Securities 756,807.12 (463,044.41) Increase in Retained Earnings 2,150,798.56 TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 29,255,984.99 25,885,334.90 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 29,267,976.60 25,888,592.90 (366,772.62) 14,548 14.548 March Book Value 1,917.16 2,092.18 June Book Value 1,960.57 1,842.30 September Book Value 1,990.97 1,864.04 December Book Value 2,011.00 1,779.31 Number of Shares outstanding LINCOLN S.8. CORP Lincoln, Illinois A One-Bank Holding Company (Subchapter S Corporation) Comparative Statement of Current Changes in Retained Earnings For Years 2014 and 2013 OPERATING INCOME Dividends Received from Subsidiary Equity of Undistributed Income Miscellaneous Income 3,603,066.00 2, 134,992.13 2,189,888.00 (356,296.46) 0.00 0.00 5,738,058.13 1,833,591.54 Amortization of Goodwill 0.00 0.00 Interest Expense 0.00 0.00 Other Operating Expense 8,451.57 18,164.16 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSE 8,451.57 18,164.16 NET INCOME 5,729,606.56 1,815,427.38 TOTAL INCOME OPERATING EXPENSE Shareholder Distributions for Taxes 2,269,488.00 872,880.00 Other Shareholder Disritutions 1,309,320.00 1,309,320.00 TOTAL DISTRIBUTIONS 3,578,808.00 2, 182,200.00 Increase in Retained Earnings 2,150,798.56 (366,772.62) Form FRY-6 Annual Holding Company Report Lincoln S.B. Corp. 508 Broadway Street PO Box 529 Lincoln, Illinois 62656 Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014 Report Item: 2(a): Organization Chart Lincoln S. B. Corp. 508 Broadway Street PO Box 529 Lincoln, Illinois 62656 Incorporated in the state of Delaware 100% State Bank of Lincoln 508 Broadway Street PO Box 529 Lincoln, Illinois 62656 A State of Illinois financial institution There are no non-controlled investments greater than 5% but less than 25% owned by the bank holding company. 2 ( b ) : Branch Verification Submitted via e-mail on March 26, 2015. Results: A list of branches for your depository institution: STATE BANK OF LINCOLN (ID_RSSD: 490535). This depository institution Is held by LINCOLN S.8. CORP. (1204nS) of llNCOLN, IL The data are as of 12/31/2014. Data reflects Information that was received and processed throuBh 01/07/2015. Rrcondliation and Verification Steps L In the Data Action column of each branch row, rnter one or more of the actions specified below. 2. If required, enter the date in the Effective Date column. Actions OK: If the branch Information is correct, enter 'OK' in the Data Action column. Chanee: If the branch Information is incorrect or incomplete, revise the data, enter 'ChanBe' In the Data Action column and the date when this Information first became valid in the Effective Date column. Close: Jf a branch llsted was sold or closed, enter 'Close' in the Data Action column and the sale or closure date in the Effective Date column. De lete: tf a branch IJsted was never owned by this depository institution, enter 'Delete' In the Data Action column. Add: If a reportable branch Is missing, insert ;:i, row, add the br;:i,nch data, and enter ' Add' In the Data Action column and the opening or acquisition date in the Effective Date column. If printing this list, you may need to adjust your page setup In MS Excel. Try usinB landscape orientation, page scaling, and/or legal sized paper. Submission Procedure When you are finished, send a saved copy to your FRB contact. See the detailed instructions on thts site for more information. If you are e-mailing this to your FRB contact, put your institution name, city and state In the subject line of the e-mail. Note: To satisfy the; FR Y-10 reportln1 requirements, you must also submit FR Y-10 Domestic Branch Schedules for each branch with a D•t• Action of Change, Close, Delete, or Add. The FR Y-10 report may be submitted • in a hardcopy format or via the FR Y-10 Online applfcatlon - https://ylOonline.federalreserve.gov. FDIC UNINUM, Office Number, and ID_RSSO c.olumns are for reference only. Veriflcation of these values is not required. o... Adlon E-Dote Bninch Service Type OK Full Service (Head Office) Br•nch I D_R sso• PopuluN•m• 49<li35 STATE BANK OF LINCOLN StTeet Address City SOS BROADWAY LINCOLN Sblte Zip Code County IL 62656 LOGAN Country UNITEDSTAlli FDICUNINUM• 7884 Office Nu mber• Head Offace HHd Office ID RSso• D STATE BANK OF LINCOLN 6 STATE BANK OF LINCOLN 490535 OK Full Service CLINTON IL 61727 DEWITT UNITEDSTATES 7683 OK Full Service 3494413 CLINTON IGA BRANCH 22D CLINTON IL 61727 DEWITT UNITTD STATES 22633D 8 STATE BANK OF LINCOLN 49053S OK Full Service 2094731 SANGAMON STREET FACILITY 111 NORTH SANGAMON STREET LINCOLN IL 626S6 LOGAN UNITTD STATES 265211 3 STATE BANK OF LINCOLN 490535 OK Full Service 2DB6D26 STATE BANK WEST BRANCH 818WOODLAWN ROAD LINCOLN IL 62656 LOGAN UNITED STATES 227049 1 STATE BANK OF LINCOLN 490535 OK Full Service 364ll39 WALMART FACILllY 82S MALERICH DRIVE LINCOLN IL 626S6 LOGAN UNITED STATES 4663Dl S STATE BANK OF LINCOLN 490535 3950852 CLINTON BRANCH 3Dl SOUTH SIDE SQUARE EAST VAN BUREN STREET 49053S Comments Form FRY-6 Annual Holding Company Report Lincoln S.B. Corp. 508 Broadway Street PO Box 529 Lincoln, Illinois 62656 Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2014 Report Item 3: Securities Holders (1)a (1)b (1)c: Current Securities Holders with ownership, control or holdings of 5% or more with power to vote as of fiscal year ending 12/31/14: (1)c (1)a (1)b Number and Percentage Name & Address Country of Citizenship of Each Class (City, State, Zip, Country) or Incorporation of Voting Securities Elinor J. Drake El Paso, Illinois 61738, USA 2,959 (20.34%) Common Stock USA Fred L Drake, Trustee of the Fred L Drake Revocable 2,634 (18.11%) Common Stock Trust u/a/d March 27, 2014 Hudson, Illinois 61748, USA USA 2,633 (18.10%) Common Stock Allen C. Drake El Paso, Illinois 61738, USA USA Marcia J. Dudley El Paso, Illinois 61738, USA 2,539 (17.45%) Common Stock USA 2,351 (16.16%) Common Stock Arthur M. Drake Bloomington, Illinois 61704, USA USA George E. Drake Family Trust 1,432 (9.84%) Common Stock as 358 (2.46%) shares each for Allen C. Drake, Dated 5/16/85 Arthur M. Drake, Fred L. Drake and Marcia J. Dudley as beneficiaries Allen Drake Trustee El Paso, Illinois 61738, USA USA Report Item 3: Securities Holders (2)a (2)b and (2)c: Securities Holders not listed in 3(1)(a) through 3(1)(c) that had ownership, control or holdings of 5% or more with power to vote during the fiscal year ending 12/31/14: (1)c (1)a (1)b Number and Percentage Name & Address Country of Citizenship of Each Class (City, State, Zip, Countrv) or Incorporation of Voting Securities N/A .Y-U Annual Holdlni:i Company Report Lincoln S,B, Corp. SOS Broadway Street PO Box 529 Lincoln, lll!nols 62656 11 Year Endlni:i December 31, 2014 Report Item 4: Insiders 11\121f3\a b c and 14\a b c (1) (2) Principal Occupation Name & Address 'City, State Counlrvl if other than with Holdlno Comoanv Lincoln, lll!nols, USA State Bank of Lincoln Steve D. Aughenbaugh George E. Drake El Paso, Illinois, USA President ( 3)(•) Tiiie & Position with Holdino Comoanv President and Director (3)(b) Title & Position (3)(o) with Subsidiaries Title & Position President NIA Chairman of Bd Vice Chairman of Board and Director: Heartland Bank and Trust Co. ( include names of subsldlarlesl State Bank of Lincoln with other businesses include names of subsldlariesl ( 4)(o) Percentage of ( 4 )(b) Percentage of Voting Securities In subsidiaries Voting Securities (Include names of in Holdlno Comoanv subsldladesl lf 4\ fc) List names of other companies (Include partnerships) If 25% or more of voting securities are held (List names of companies and oercenlaoe of votlno securities held\ None None NIA None None Llncolnland Farms LP 38,6% Owner Retired Banker Chairman of Bd State Bank of Lincoln El Paso, Illinois, USA Ret!red NIA NIA NIA 20.34% None Llncolnland Farms LP 33.64% Owner Allen C. Drake Retired Banker Director Vice President and Director. Heartland Bank and Trust Company 18.10% None Slate Bank of Lincoln Heartland Bancorp, Inc, Trustee and 25% Beneficiary of the Georoe Drake Jnlervlvos Famllv Trust ElinorJ. Drake El Paso, Illinois, USA Arthur M. Drake Bloomington, Illinois, USA Retired NIA Fred L Drake as Trustee of the Fred L Drake NIA NIA Farmer Director Director State Bank of Lincoln NIA Fanner Ofrector Director State Bank of Lincoln NIA Director Director Homemaker Richard D. Martin Glenn McCrea Lincoln, Illinois, USA Lincoln, Illinois, USA Retired Banker Director Banker Secretary Lincoln, llllnols, USA Gall L Nunnery Clinton, llllnols, USA Chairman, President, CEO Heartland Bancorp NIA El Paso, llllnols, USA TerryJ. Brown Vice President NIA Chairman, CEO Heartland Bank and Trust Co, Chairman Heartland Data Services Chairman First Communitv Title Vice President Marcia J, Dudley NIA Director & Executive Vice President of State Bank of Lincoln Banker Revocable Trust Hudson Illinois 61748 Director Vice Chairman of Board and Director: Heartland Bancorp, Inc. Stale Bank of Lincoln VP and Trust Officer State Bank of Lincoln AND 9.84% as Trustee of CRC1 LLC 100% Owner President George Drake Trust 16.16% 18.11% 17.45% Llncolnland Farms LP - General Partner Trustee of the Elinor Drake Grandchildren Trusts Trustee for CKD Famllv Trust None None NIA Heartland Bancorp 24.54% Voting Rights None NIA None None NIA None None NIA Heartland Bank & Trust Co None None NIA NIA None None NIA