Contributors Report 7-1-09 to 6-30-10 #2

central state university
The Division of insTiTuTional aDvancemenT
Report of contributors:
1887 legacy society members
individual Donors
organizations and corporations
July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
institutional advancement Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Please accept our apology if we inadvertently omitted your name from the donor listing.
institutional advancement Report
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
“Change is Central”
institutional advancement Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Please accept our apology if we inadvertently omitted your name from the donor listing.
institutional advancement Report
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
“Change is Central”
central state university foundation Board of Trustees
mr. ernie Green, President and chairman of the Board of Trustees
cenTRal sTaTe univeRsiTY founDaTion BoaRD of TRusTees anD suBcommiTTees:
chairperson: mr. Bob Recchia
sub-committee members:
Dr. James a. elam ’54
chairperson: mr. charles Whitehead ‘61
sub-committee members:
Dr. James a. elam ’54
mr. Dennis Dowdell ‘67
chairperson: mr. James e. farmer ‘67
sub-committee members:
mr. charles Whitehead ’61
mr. alvin Tucker ’60
chairperson: mr. Dennis Kernahan
sub-committee members:
Dr. Ronald e. Goldsberry ’64
chairperson: mr.vernon n. ford ‘70
sub-committee members:
mr. Barry D. hoffman ‘70
csu foundation legal counsel: otto Beatty, attorney
ex-officio Trustees:
mr. John W. Garland, esq., President
mr. anthony R. fairbanks,vice President Div. of institutional advancement
as of october 1, 2010
Please make your gift
the central state university foundation
enclosed is a donor gift card
and remittance envelope.
You may also call
the csu foundation at
(937) 376-6173 for more information
or to make a gift by phone.
Thank you
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
The 1887 legacy society
he 1887 legacy society is a giving society to recognize alumni and friends who
have designated a principal ($50,000 and above) or legacy (property, bequest,
insurance) gift to the university.
The first induction ceremony for the 1887 legacy society
was held Thursday, april 5, 2007 at the schuster Performing
arts center in Dayton, ohio. singer/actress Della Reese was
the keynote speaker for this inaugural event. During an
“evening with Della Reese” twelve individuals were recognized for their principal and/or legacy gifts. each year society
members are inducted during a gala ceremony.
in the past five years The 1887 legacy society members have donated more than
$4 million dollars in planned gifts to benefit the university.
The following list presents The 1887 legacy society members inducted since 2007.
The 1887 legacy society (Planned Giving),
Garland, John W.
& carolyn farrow
angell, John & Janet
alston, Dolores
Brack, armelda
*Bronston, esther
callier, alice m.
campbell, linda Dukes
Douglas, hugh
Dowdell, cheryl l.
elam, James a.
*farris, hattie
Glover, Waverly
Goldsberry, Ronald
Green, ernie & Della
*hardin, leota
hayes, Ronald
hills, Jr., James h.
*Jackson, lance o.
James, latisha
*Jefferson, Ruby
Kidd, cynthia e.
lapedes, Richard & maureen lynch
*marable, James
nicholson, Doris
*norman-Turner, audrey
*norman, Gene
*Palmer, Dorthy
Peoples, Kimberly l.
Perkins, Deborah
Perkins, Keith a. & lisa
Price, David
Renick, James c. & Peggy
shepherd, Richard & Betty
smith, Joshua
symond, curtis
Thomas, leatrice
Walters, Gwendolyn
Walton, Patricia
Willis, urcelle carter
1887 leGacY socieTY
PlanneD GivinG insTRumenTs
central state university formed the 1887 legacy society as a way to recognize alumni and friends who give to
central state university using a planned or deferred gift. Below is a listing of the Planned Giving instruments society
members have employed.
BeQuesTs (last Will and Testament)
Provision for a planned or legacy gift may be made in the form of a bequest through a properly executed last will
and testament. a bequest qualifies for an estate tax charitable deduction. a bequest removes assets from the donor’s
estate and reduces its exposure to federal taxes.
every centralian should have a Will. The office of institutional advancement would like to know if you currently
have central state university in your Will. if you do not have a Will we are more than happy to assist you by
sponsoring a workshop in your area on Will preparation. Please contact institutional advancement for additional
PRinciPal GifTs
Principal gifts to the university can be given in many different ways. Gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, retirement benefits,
and real property are most popular. Gifts are considered principal if the total dollars gifted is $50,000 and above.You
can make a principal gift over a specified time period. for additional, information please contact anthony fairbanks,
vice President institutional advancement at 937-376-6373.
Principal gifts can be applied to the construction of new buildings or other tangible properties that benefit students,
faculty, and the surrounding community. Principal gifts can also support faculty research, academic programs,
athletics, and scholarships.
life insuRance
life insurance is a convenient and cost-effective means of making a substantial gift for the future of the university.
Your gift might be a current life insurance policy that is no longer needed for its original purpose, or you may wish
to purchase a new policy to support the university. The advantages of a gift of life insurance are 1) the value of your
old policy can provide you with an income tax deduction; 2) any future premiums you pay to keep the policy in force
can also be tax- deductible; and 3) you can make a large gift at a low, affordable cost.
in the months ahead, institutional advancement will be forwarding 1887 leGacY socieTY materials for your
consideration. We would welcome an opportunity to meet with you to discuss the Will and insurance campaigns.
We will contact you in the weeks ahead.
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
central state university
The Division of insTiTuTional aDvancemenT
Report of contributors:
This report represents contributions received
during fY’09 (July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010).
The listed contributors are alumni, friends,
alumni chapters, churches, corporations, foundations,
fraternities, sororities, and other organizations.
Please accept our sincere apology if we inadvertently omitted or made an error in our listing of
contributors. We encourage you to contact the Division office at (937) 376-6373 should you have any
questions regarding this publication. once again we thank you for your support of central state university
central state university contributors Report
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
“Change is Central”
chaRles h. WesleY cluB
$5,000 and above
Garland, John W.
& carolyn farrow
ford,vernon n.
hill, James
shepherd, Richard
& Betty Kennedy
Boozer, marcella
shears, sheila
svager, aleksandar
Turner, Dwayne e.
Whitehead, charles
PResiDenT's cluB
$1,000 to $4,999
fairbanks, anthony R.
coleman, William l.
Johnson, George l.
singletary, maxton a.
albright, Ronald
cook, Jean B.
Jordan, catherine s.
soffin, Daniel
allen, William m.
corrado,vincent m.
Kernahan, Dennis
smith, frances f.
Beal smith, frances
Kimble, carole e.
smith, Timothy l.
Berry, mattie
cummings, Jerry
lawson, sheralyn Y.
Botts, stanley J.
Dawson, lawrence s.
lipsey, isiah
stepp, William
& candace B.
Bourn-mccullough, helen
Delaney, anita m.
lowery, charles h.
stonework, horace
Bowden, Gillis l.
Dowdell, Gary a.
lucas, Beula e.
sturghill, ulus e.
Bowles, Robert l.
Dukes, Janie
martin, harold J.
swank, c. William
Bridges, Walter R.
Dukes-campbell, linda
mcDowell, linda
Taylor, myra l.
Bridges, James W.
Duncan, carl n.
mitchell, irving e.
Thomas, alma J.
Briscoe, Ralph J.
ellis, claude
molton, mary R.
Thomas J. adair, mr. & mrs.
Brown, eugene e.
Gamble, carolyn
moore, frederick B.
Towers, luther & Gloria
Brown, John B.
Gaston, leonard G.
neal, sherita m.
Tyree, shirley
Burnette, Daarel
& colette P
Gooding, Terry G.
newby, louis
Wells, carol J.
Green, ernie & Della
Peoples, l. K.
Wildermuth, J.v.
*Butler, Bene
Greenway, leona c.
Pryor, ii, chester c.
Williams, Benjamin l.
cain, Kimberly T.
Grigsby, fred J.
Renick, James c.
Williams-neal, ethelyn J.
caldwell, William h.
Gross, mary l.
Rogers, clarence c.
Winslow, Kellen B.
carter, Robert a.
hazel, Ruth R.
Rutledge, martin
Wood, Guy e.
carole J.
houston, Willie W.
sanford, Kevin a.
Wycoff, B. harrison
hunter, m. R.
showell, charles h.
Youngblade, David
Jackson, martha T.
simmons, shirley D.
James, Gwendolyn l.
simpson, calbreith l.
choice, John h.
cohen,valerie a.
colbert, charles a.
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
central state university contributors Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
ToWeR cluB
$500 to $999
alford, Geraldine
Darjean, alex B.
long,vanessa G.
simpson, Zoie
anderson, Beth a.
Dickerson, Tyrone e.
lowell, cadance a.
sims, almon
atkinson, melanee
Dupree, martha a.
lynton, Gwendolyn l.
singh, alvin R.
Bailey, lugene
eldridge-howard, Joyce v.
mark, J. J.
smith, James m.
Barker, seymour h.
fitzgerald, Robert e.
mayberry, B. cato
stepp, Wendell
Biddle, Reginald f.
foster, Debra a.
merriwether, Barbara
sullivan, ernest l.
Blockberger, Julia m.
freeman, monroe
moore, Robert l.
Timmons, Bettie
Brannon, Thomas e.
Gibbs, Peter c.
newell, evelyn
Toomer, Donald
Broomfield, Geraldine
Graham, Joe l.
norman, ellsworth R.
Trapp, Randa
Brown, lois P.
Gunn, Gladys
norvell, chisty l.
Tucker, henry c.
cherry, Ronald
harrison, Peggienne
o'Rourke King, Gloria K.
Wagstaff, lynne T.
chilton, Rosanne
holden, John m.
orr, annie
Walker, Willie f.
chinwah, lovette a.
irving, Bryan s.
Washington, nodie m.
clark, melvin l.
Johnson, carolyn s.
Pelekoudas, lois m.
Willis, urcelle c.
Johnson-Jordan, Karen
Perkins, Deborah
Wood, sarah e.
crosby, Tiney m.
Jones, Roosevelt
Pipes, miriam e.
Wright, michael l.
catherine m.
Jones, Daisy m.
Ransier, frederick l.
Keys, James G.
Reed, Winifred a.
Danes, Roger l.
Kuti, morakinyo a.
Rengan, alessandro R.
maRauDeRs’ cluB
$300 to $499
alexander, majorie i.
clark, Ronald
hall, ara v.
leavell, Zenobia
angell, John e.
cosey, cameron e.
hazel, Kim a.
linder, arthur i.
anthony, Donald K.
craft, Thomas J.
herring, Robert l.
marshall, lillie
avery, eleanor m.
crutcher, lucinda J.
hill, Betty J.
mccants, harold
Baker, Judy
Daniel, Willie D.
hylton, Robert l.
mccloud, henry a.
Barwick, Gertrude
Dawkins, nolan B.
iles, larry s.
meeks, howard W.
Bolden, carol P.
edwards, Kristian K.
imes, Diane l.
morrison, Boris R.
Bowman, nancy
flagg, larry
Johnson, Dwight l.
newby, Philip l.
campbell, amy s.
forest, George
Kelly, Ralph
Please accept our apology if we inadvertently omitted your name from the donor listing.
central state university contributors Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
maRauDeRs’ cluB cont’d
$300 to $499
nicholson, Doris
Price, David h.
sharpton, Robert e.
Williams, lucretia a.
Penny fuller, Ponzella m.
Pryor, Willa
sherman, Rommie
Williams, shirley D.
Pettis, curtis s.
Purnell, Gerald a.
Terry, aamir R.
Young, Gail
Phillips, eugene
Roberson, Joshua P.
Thomas, courtney
Porter, frank
Robinson, John D.
BenefacToR's cluB
$200 to $299
attaway, allen h.
Dorsey, Gladys m.
harris, carolyn h.
Badger, idabelle
Doss, ella m.
hatcher, calvin l.
marcus, Robert
& cheryl l.
Beck, William m.
Douglas, lillian
henderson, David l.
mccullough, Tracy l.
Beebe, frederick B.
Dowdell, marilyn a.
henderson, James R.
mcDowell, marion l.
Bennett, allomaine
Dowdell, samuel
henderson,Yvonne G.
mclin, Rhine
Bloodsaw, William
easterly, cassandra e.
hill, Ronald c.
means, arthur
Bosch, marna K.
flowers, harold l.
hopson, Tanya D.
miller, carlyn o.
Brack, armelda l.
flowers, alice
horton, Patricia
milo, Daniel P.
Bratton, Betty W.
flowers, Pearl R.
hutchins, Reva
mitchell, John T.
Brown, charles l.
frazier, addiebelle
hylton, Robert
mitchell, lorraine D.
Brown, Tulanda
frazier, Ross
James, marcia f.
moncree, s
Bullard, margaret l.
Gaines, mildred a.
Johnson, Joseph e.
moody, mary Robinson-
Bunch, lenita J.
Gardin, Betty P.
Johnson, cynthia P.
morris, alberta s.
caldwell, Robert e.
Garland, Richard D.
Jones, margaret
moss, Relda a.
caldwell, Ronald
Gillespie, Gwendolyn
Jones, John c.
musgrove, lawanda c.
carter, James T.
Giscombe, Gary l.
Joyner, Patricia e.
norman,velma l.
chatman, larry D.
Gormley, michael v.
Junior, ester J.
owens, Joan J.
conway, fred
Green, charles a.
Keener, Janice D.
Palmer, louis T.
cosey, Ronald e.
Greene, Judy l.
Keiser, Kris
Powell, Bill
craft, otwool c.
Grissom, leo W.
Kelley, helen Jones- e.
Powell, lewis T.
crawford, John c.
harger, leah R.
lang-Jeter, lula l.
Price, J. R.
crisp ivy, loyce
harper, amy a.
lewis, isabelle
Robertson, cheryl K.
Davis, Robert l.
harrell, clarence l.
livingston, William f.
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
central state university contributors Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
BenefacToR's cluB cont’d
* Deceased
$200 to $299
Robinson, James e.
snyder, carolyn f.
Trent, Dorthula atkinson-
White, Paul l.
samuels, charlotte
sritharan, subramania
Tunstall, eric
Widener, cina
sanders, Betty
stevens, William f.
Turner, Thomas
Williams, albert
savage, James R.
stone, nelson m.
Tutt, nathaniel K.
Williams, angela
shepherd, Gladys l.
Thomas, leatrice
Tyler, David l.
Wright, James a.
short, mark
Thomas, sandra m.
vafaie, massoumeh
Wright, Roxanne c.
smith, lynn s.
Thomas, Theodore l.
Waller Pope, carol
Young, Gerald a.
smith, Bennett G.
Tildon, eva
Wei, Xiaofang
cenTuRY cluB
$100 to $199
adderley, hulstrum K.
Brannon, Joann
curtis, John W.
edwards, Keith
ajayi-majebi, abayomi
Brown, Booker T.
Daniels, Donald
edwards, martha m.
anderson, charles W.
Brown, clinton J.
Darrow, sheila l.
ellis, emory
anderson, samuel K.
Brown, louis e.
Davis, helen
embrey, Bennie J.
anderson, sandra Y.
Brown, Geta leseur-
Davis, ida
farmer, James e.
andrews, michael
Bulley, Jessica e.
Davis, Kathryn
fedrick, Juliette f.
Baker, Dominique n.
Burton, Robert l.
Davis, catherine
ferguson, Phillip R.
Ball-Williams, sonya
Butler, alice c.
Davis, Joyce e.
fisher, carolynn l.
Bayless, marsha J.
Byers, andrew
Dickerson, William l.
fleming, charles e.
Baylor, orlando & erma e.
campbell, Daniel e.
Dixon, Gary l.
flowers, Delbert l.
Beasley, Roger
carter, Deborah a.
Dixon, edward T.
ford, Barbara
Bess, mattie Robinson
childs, ellen
Dodson, Patricia G.
fraley, Greg
Bivins, shirley
chinnappan, santhi
Donaldson, lee
francis, James l.
Bland, Phillip m.
clements, allan e.
Dotson, Joanne
freeman, fillmore
Bolden, nancy
cole, margie hubbard
Douglas, Wayne
Gao, Daqing
Bonner, marsha l.
comton Bunch, Jackie
Dover, Kimeta a.
Gardin, sherman D.
Boyce, Russell e.
connell, mary e.
Dowdell, cheryl l.
Gardner iii, Joseph h.
Boyce, Wendell l.
cornelious, marlene
Duffy, Jeanne s.
Garrett, Joyce
Bradley, Jean m.
crosby, Janice m.
early, Robert s.
Please accept our apology if we inadvertently omitted your name from the donor listing.
central state university contributors Report
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
“Change is Central”
cenTuRY cluB cont’d
$100 to $199
Gaskins, maclawrence
hopson, sallie f.
lauderback, Darrell B.
moss, Ruth
Gates, Theodore W.
howard, earl J.
lawler, Bennett
nelson, michael l.
Gay,victor l.
howard, Derek W.
lecompte, shirley
nervis, linda l.
Ghavami, firooz
hughey, andrew c.
leigh, Barbara s.
north, nandonna craft-
Gibson, Robert D.
hurd, Barbara e.
lewis, Gwendolyn
nuckolls, charles B.
Giddings, Geoffrey J.
iwomi, Peter o.
liddell, margaret
ohlmann, Walter
Gigger, charles f.
Jackson, susan Gordon-
liggins, sheila
okunade, samuel a.
Gillespie, Donald l.
Jackson, Douglas B.
lipscomb, Beverly a.
ovuworie, fidelis
Gillette, charlotte
Jackson, Reaner B.
lloyd, edwin h.
Palmer, James W.
Gilliam, George a.
Jackson, carolyn P.
louis, Betty J.
Palmer, marietta
Girgis, morris m.
Jackson, carolyn R.
lowe, Rochelle
Parham, James B.
Gissendanner, Betty
James, andrew
mack, Richard G.
Parker, markerite
Goins, francis v.
James, Jill f.
mahan, charles W.
Parks, maggie J.
Goldsberry, Ronald e.
Johnson, melvin a.
marsh,vivian l.
Patterson, adeana D.
Good, harry K.
Johnson, henry D.
marshall, Kenneth D.
Patterson, Dana
Goodrich, Jeffrey a.
Johnson, Judah P.
martin, Betty l.
Peal, Darryl a.
Gordon, emily D.
Johnson, nina m.
mason, Donald l.
Perkins, louis B.
Gregory, annie n.
Johnson, chester f.
mattison, Phyllis a.
Perry, James a.
Grolnic, marlene B.
Johnson, Betty l.
mcconnell, albert
Powell, Willie m.
Gruber, stephen s.
Jones, imogene i.
mccormick, Tara R.
Price, Ralph e.
hardy, matthew W.
Jones, Kelvin J.
mccormick, anita J.
Purnell, Geraldine
harper, sandra
Jones, lillian P.
mccracken, charles
Rankin, charlisha R.
harper, sanford e.
Jones, Tyrone W.
mcGregor, Karen e.
Rayfiled, Jon T.
harris, lorna J.
Jones, William R.
mcGuire, lois P.
Reeves, edward l.
harris, lon c.
Jones, David l.
mcneal, scott D.
Rice, James l.
harrison, Pamela m.
Joyner, James n.
mcneil, major R.
Richards, eugene c.
hawthorne, Daniel
Kandiah, Ramanitharan
miles, Rudy h.
Riley, Wesley c.
hazel, cheryl J.
Keels, Roger l.
minor, Rosemary W.
Roberts, chessie
hazel, Daryl f.
Kelley, Robert l.
moman, michael D.
Robinson, Ronnie e.
henderson, Donald J.
Kellon, metre
morgan, Ray l.
Robinson,Yolanda R.
hester, olivia D.
Kerley, sheila a.
morgan, carolyn T.
Robinson, haven l.
hopkins, suda f.
King, Diane R.
mosely, Peggy Defoor J.
Robinson, loretta B.
hopkins Banks, fannye
Koonce, ethel
moss, June R.
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
central state university contributors Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
cenTuRY cluB cont’d
$100 to $199
Rollins, Bobby J.
smith, leonard D.
Towers, luther B.
Washington, Robert l.
Rosser, Barbara h.
smith, stanley W.
Travis, William B.
Watts, leonard J.
Rothwell, Kenneth
squaire, eddie
Turner, Bette e.
Whiting, carla D.
Rouse, Robert m.
stepney, marilyn R.
verdon, Thomas R.
Williams, George e.
Rubin, David c.
stewart, Jack e.
vinson, linda R.
Williams, lucretia D.
Russell, Billy c.
strange, cassandra f.
Walker,vivian sample
Williams, Joey D.
saunders, cora W.
sutherland, lovell W.
Walker, sue
Williamson, Bobbie
scales, Robert i.
Waller, carol Pope
Willis, Joyce a.
scott, Rachel m.
Thomas, loretta
Whitfield- l.
Walton, Doris D.
Wilson, Don
seymour, Patricia
Thompson, Kemal P.
Walton, Peter l.
Wise, Paula
shi, Zhenjun J.
Thompson, William m.
Walton, sherri J.
Wyse, Rodney e.
simms, David T.
Thornton, milton
Washington, ethel m.
Yelder, Joyce
Tiggett, alice m.
oTheR DonoRs
allain, Gloria
Blake, leonard W.
Brownlee, William
clayton, emanuel o.
allen, anna m.
Blakeny, Douglas s.
Bryant, ezzel l.
coates, Philip e.
allen, Gloria
Bobo, cheryl J.
Bryant, marshall P.
cobb, carole a.
alston, Dolores R.
Booker, lemauel
Burch, Rodney
cole, Robert
alves, loren D.
Boxley, herbert e.
Burney, sandra B.
coleman, Joseph h.
ashley, Rubelle
Bradford,virginia D.
Byas, Beverly a.
collins, Rudolph v.
Baker, mae Rose
Bramwell, Patricia a.
cade, michael e.
cooper,valencia R.
Ball, Jane l.
Branham, laTonya m.
carpenter, Rick l.
costley Bond, Gladys a.
Barnes, ella m.
Brewster, Garland W.
carter, Joan B.
cousounis, Timothy P.
Barry, Tasha a.
chainani, anjali
cranshaw, William
Bates, Dorothy m.
Brodnax, Rhenda R.
chandler, David W.
crawford, Judith a.
Battle, menzo
Brooks, esther
cherebin, Barbara J.
cross, charles P.
Belt, Gwendolyn
Brooks, michael J.
christmas, Dolores
Dale, marvin
Bender, Jodell m.
Brooks, michael l.
churchman, edith e.
Dansker, emil
Bissett, marilyn l.
Brown, David e.
clapp, ellen J.
Darden, m.Yvette
Black, Glendora n.
Brown,vernon h.
clay, David a.
Please accept our apology if we inadvertently omitted your name from the donor listing.
central state university contributors Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
oTheR DonoRs cont’d
Davenport, Brenda s.
Garrett, Bridgette G.
holley, Peggy a.
lackey, Johnetta B.
Davis, linda m.
Garvin, carolyn a.
hollimon, edna
lansdown, edward m.
Davis, Janet m.
Gasho, Roger W.
holt, James s.
lansing, Kerry l.
Davis, Karen
Gates, charles W.
holt, D. l.
lapeyrolerie, Jacques B.
Day, hatcher a.
Gelate, ethyl h.
hoskins, catherine D.
leahr, michael l.
Dennis, Patricia
Gernstenfeld, sheldon l.
hoston-harris, Janette
lee, Reginald s.
Dewalt, Kimberly a.
Gerren, Joyce K.
house, Rosalyn P.
lewis, florence G.
Dillard, opal
Giles, alana c.
howard, John a.
lewis, mable e.
Dillon, Gloria W.
Givens, Tiffany l.
hunt, freddie
lindsey, amanda
Dreakward, shirley
Glover, Rashad R.
hunter, Gloria J.
link, Karl J.
Dumas, George l.
Graham, harry l.
ivy, loyce c.
lipinski, Joseph h.
Dunbar, Dax a.
Gray, marcy m.
Jackson, Johnny W.
little, Gwendolyn l.
ector, ernest J.
Green, Della m.
Jacobson, nancy D.
long, arthur l.
edelen, ida
Groce, stephen D.
Jarrett, Dolores
long clarke, Joy a.
evans, hakim K.
hardy, Jimmy l.
Jemison, lana J.
manigault, Kimberly a.
evans, David c.
harrington, albert l.
Jenkins, Jewell s.
mann, alma a.
fahrenbruck, mary J.
harris, emily P.
Jenkins, Beatrice
manuel, emma
feaster, charles
harris, Paula n.
Johnson, carol finley
mccreary, sharon
felton, Zora m.
harris, cordelia
Johnson, addie m.
mcGough, Benny v.
ferguson, Grace
harris, carolyn a.
Johnson, cyrano l.
mcneal, Dennis J.
fields, marquerite K.
harris, Dianna B.
Johnson,valerie m.
mcneill, mary D.
fields,Yvette Kelly- R.
harris, melvin T.
Jones, Ruth
means, f.
floyd, elizabeth
harris, amy h.
Jones, Geraldine
melton, emma
foreman, arthur P.
harrison, Dennis
Jones, michael e.
middleton, cynthia D.
franklin, ernestine B.
harvey, cortez
Jones, Richard a.
milbry, candace
freeman, linda
hatcher, Judy m.
Jordan, Quelina m.
miller, Rose a.
fuhrer, margaret
hayes, Debra a.
Jordan, mary f.
miller, nate
fuller, clark W.
hayes, lindsey T.
Jordan, sheila Y.
mincey, Gloria
Gadagkar, sudhindra R.
haysbert, carol e.
Kareem, erma l.
moreland, John a.
Gamble, Glenn m.
hermann, Phillip T.
Kelley, sylvia G.
morgan, marlyn P.
Gant, herman h.
hill, felicia a.
King, carolyn B.
murphy, Gereard n.
Garfinkel, Terri e.
hoffman, lee e.
Kuti, mofoluwaso
myers, edward a.
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
central state university contributors Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
oTheR DonoRs cont’d
newby, Karmun P.
Rucker, Barbara
smith, Beverly f.
Walker-Jones, Gloria
newell, Barbara
Russell, sandra
snead, cora J.
Wallace, sonya
oliver, Roseanna
sadler, James R.
spahr, merry
Walton, Bette e.
Palko, linda m.
saffold, Rodger P.
steed, Don h.
Ward, issac n.
Palko, Patricia a.
sampson, Zoie G.
stephen, allen
Ware, Jennifer
Parker, marion l.
sams, sharon l.
steward, letha ann
Warren, Joan c.
Patterson, carolyn
sanders, mattie l.
stewart, Pamela
Washington, Wellesley s.
Pearson, Robin fields- m.
schooler, William B.
stiener, Jill
Watkins, Richard c.
Perkins, cynthia m.
scott, hazel c.
stocks, James a.
Watson, Bonita J.
Pettijohn, audrey G.
seaphus, marjorie f.
storng, Janelle
Weeder, Robert J.
Pickett, Brendolyn
sellers, irene D.
Taylor, Joyce o.
Wellons, mary a.
sery, edwige G.
Taylor, Gail a.
Wells, Dennis l.
seymore, James l.
Taylor-smith, sylvia a.
Pines, Gwendolyn s.
shannon, John
Thomas, myrtis R.
White, ethelrida
Pinkard, Kimberly a.
shavers, earline a.
Thomas, Barbara B.
Wilkins, James l.
Pitts, Betty
shinn, Joyce
Thomas, mary l.
Williams, hykinya mcBeth-
Pleasant, emma
shorter, mary Beatty l.
Thompson, ellen
Williams, lillian
Porter, mary e.
simms, nathaniel l.
Thorne, John n.
Williams, Doris f.
Porter, laverne
simon, mignon a.
Thorne, Dorothy
Williams, Joyce e.
Potts, marcia
simpson, franklin J.
Thurman, Dolores P.
Williams, Brenda K.
Powell, harold
singh, c.P. R.
Tindall, carolyn
Williams, marian D.
Price, anna W.
sloan, clementin
Tipton, mildred
Wilson, linda K.
Primas, lois e.
sloan,vivian R.
Trent, linda K.
Quinlan, ethel m.
smiley, mary c.
Turner, ernest G.
Withers, myrna
mitchell- J.
Redick, frances e.
smith, Wanda a.
Tyus, Paul
Reid, sarah o.
smith, Daniel a.
vondenhuevel, Betsy
Reine, olivia a.
smith, earl l.
Wade, sturgis B.
Robinson, Ruth c.
smith, otis h.
Walker, mogda s.
Wyatt, lewis
Yarbough, inez v.
Zhang, hua Jones-
Roney, Raymond
Please accept our apology if we inadvertently omitted your name from the donor listing.
central state university contributors Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
cenTRal sTaTe univeRsiTY GeneRal alumni associaTion (Gaa)
alumni chaPTeRs
cincinnati alumni chapter
Dayton alumni chapter
Philadelphia alumni chapter
cleveland alumni chapter
Detroit alumni chapter
Washington D.c alumni chapter
everglades alumni chapter
chuRches/ReliGious oRGaniZaTions
first Baptist church of crestmont
Greater new mt. moriah
Baptist church
mt. moriah
missionary Baptist church
The Greater abyssinia
Baptist church inc.
Phillips Temple cme church
holy Trinity Baptist church
sacred heart chuch
The interdenominational
ministerial fellowship
macedonia second Baptist church
shiloh Baptist church
Wesley communitycenter inc.
mt. enon missionary Baptist church
st. andrews episcopal church
Westminster Presbyterian church
The arlington church of God
access health solutions/
sunrise health Plan
assembly & Test Worldwide inc.
adolescent oasis inc.
aT&T united Way
employees Giving campaign
alcoa foundationalma college
alpha Kappa alphaRho omega chapter
american electric Power service
american enteprise investments
services, inc.
american honda motor co., inc.
aqua falls Bottled Water
Pittsburgh alumni chapter
central valley/sierra cfc c/o
united Way of stanislaus co.
chester Willcox & saxbe llP
BcD Global ltd.
coca cola Bottling companies
Black Professionals association
charitable foundation
combined federal campaign (cfc)
Bob Ross Buick
Dayton chapter of the links, inc.
Dayton foundation
caci, inc.
Dayton literary Peace Prize
cedarville university
central state university -
Central State University appreciates all of its Supporters
cox ohio Publishing
central state university contributors Report
“Change is Central”
This listing represents all donations to the University from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
coRPoRaTions/founDaTions/oRGaniZaTions cont’d
Dayton opera association
miami valley hospital
state farm companies foundation
Dayton Power & light company
national environmental Technology
Teradata cares
economy linen and Towel service,
national city corporation
The cleveland orchestra
nationwide mutual insurance co.
The color of love
federated campaign stewrds
newpage corporation
The Kroger co. foundation
frieds of Rhine l. mclin committee
nike matchingGift Program
Global neighbor, inc.
ohio Wesleyan university
The Randolh and lara lerner
Gorman,veskauf, henson
& Wineberg attorneys-at-law
Pan-hellenic council
of central state university
The schwab charitable fund
Greater Dayton Regional Transit
authority (RTa)
Parents advancing choice
in education (Pace)
The virginia W. Kettering foundation
home at last of Brevard inc.
Parker hannifin corporation
Thurgood marshall scholarship fund
- nY hqtrs
hoop magie foundation
Peck, shaffer & Williams llP
Trinity automotive
house of Wheat funeral home
Pinnacle architects
united Way of anderson county
iBm employee service center
Plevin & Gallucci
iBm international foundation
Pnc Bank - Xenia
vectren foundation
Powers, lewis & King, Pllc
James m. cox, Jr. foundation
Prater engineering associates, inc.
vorys, sater, seymour and Pease, llP
Just Give
Proctor & Gamble
Kappa alpha Psi fraternity, inc.
cleveland alumni chapter
Rhe altamonte springs
chapter of the links inc.
Wal-mart store inc.
Distribution center 6024
corporate citizenship fund
Rob's Beer Barn
We care cleveland municipal court
Key foundation
shell oil company foundation
matching Gifts
Kroger's company
shook construction
liberty mutual insurance Group
show-me sound organization
marathon oil company
sodexo, inc. & affiliates
marauder mania athletic
alumni family
spangenberg, shibley & liber llP
meDical muTual of ohio
standard Register
miami university - oxford
state employees'
community campaign
Dayton urban league
speedway superamerica
The Boeing co.
The swarthmore Group, inc.
Washington enterprises, inc.
Wise construction
Women Reaching Book club
Wright & van noy, lPa, inc.
Wright-Patt credit union
Xenia community school District
Please accept our apology if we inadvertently omitted your name from the donor listing.