ISSN: 2229-3701 International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ___________________________________________Research Article Molecular Interactions Studies of Methanol and Ethanol in Non-Polar Solvent System P.Krishnamurthi, T.Vasavi Department of Physics Jayam College of engineering & Technology, Dharmapuri, Taminadu, India. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The densities and refractive index of binary mixtures of methanol with carbon tetrachloride, benzene, chlorobenzene and 1, 4 dichlorobenzene have been measured at room temperature. The data have been utilized to compute the excess volumes and molar refraction. The results have been interpreted in terms of molecular interactions existing between the components of the mixtures. Keywords: Excess molar volume, molar refraction, density, refractive index, Molecular interactions 1. Introduction The thermodynamic properties like molar volume, molar refraction, etc., are very useful tools in understanding inter molecular interaction between like and unlike molecules from the nature and structure of the molecules. 1- 5 In the present study the binary mixture of methanol and ethanol with benzene (BE), carbon tetrachloride (CT), chlorobenzene (CB) and 1,4 dichlorobenzene (DCB) .The thermodynamic properties of methanol and ethanol with above solvent have been studied over the entire composition range at 301 K 2. 3. Theory The excess molar volume (VE) can be computed from experimental density data using the relationship. VE =V12 - (V1 +V2 ) Experimental The whole chemical used was of A. R. grade with purity >99% were used. The purity of liquid was checked by comparing experimental values of densities and refractive index of these liquids [6-7]. Binary mixtures were prepared by mixing a known mass of each liquid in an airtight, stopper glass bottle. Refractive indices were measured using thermostatically controlled Abbe refractometer with accuracy 0.001 units. Calibration was performed by measuring the refractive indices of doubly distilled water at defined temperatures within 0.01 K. The masses were recorded on digital balance Aux 220 series to an accuracy of ± 1×10-4 g. Care was taken to avoid contamination during mixing. In this present study a specific gravity bottle 25ml was used for the density measurements. The specific gravity bottle was calibrated with freshly prepared Vol. 4 (1) Jan– Mar 2013 triply distilled water. The density measurements for each experimental liquid were repeated three to four times. This procedure enabled us to get an uncertainty of ±5x10-4 gm/cm3 in density measurements. m x i Since V12 = i ρ12 …(1) i and Vi = mi ρi Where xi, mi and ρi designate the mole fraction, the molecular weight and the density of the ith component. ρ12 is the density of mixture. The excess refractive index (n) values were calculated from refractive index of the solution using the following equation, nE=n12-(n1+n2) …(2) The molar refraction (R) were calculated using the relation using Lorentz-Lorentz equation 126 International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences n 2 -1 m R12 = 2 12 n +2 ρ12 …(3) The excess molar refraction gives more information than the excess refractive indices about the molecular interaction process because it take into account electronic perturbation of molecular orbital during the liquid mixtures process and R also directly related to the dispersion forces. RE=R12-(R1x1+ R2x2) 4. …(4) Results and Discussion The values of refractive index (n12) and density ( ρ12 ) for the binary mixtures of methanol and ethanol with solvent (Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene and 1, 4 dichlorobenzene at 301 K are presented in Table 1. From the table it was noticed that the n12 increase and ρ12 decreases with increasing concentration of methanol and ethanol. Figure 1 and 2 shows the variation of excess refractive index (nE) values for the binary mixtures of methanol and ethanol with benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene and 1, 4 dichlorobenzene at 301 K. From the figure 1 and 2 nE values shows complete positive for all the binary mixtures. These values follow the order dichlorobenzene > carbon tetrachloride > chlorobenzene > benzene. ISSN: 2229-3701 Figure 3 and 4 shows the variation of excess molar refraction (RE) values for the binary mixtures of methanol and ethanol with benzene, carbon tetrachloride , chlorobenzene and 1,4 dichlorobenzene at 301 K. From the figure excess molar refraction (RE) shows complete positive for all the binary mixtures. These values fall in the order dichlorobenzene >carbon tetrachloride > Chlorobenzene > benzene. Figure 5 and 6 shows the variation of excess molar volume (VE) values for the binary mixtures of methanol and ethanol with benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene and 1, 4 dichlorobenzene at 301 K. From the figure VE shows complete positive value for all the binary mixtures. These values in the order of dichlorobenzene >carbon tetrachloride > chlorobenzene > benzene. The positive values of the excess parameter (nE, RE,VE) are observed in all the binary mixtures indicate that exist solute-solvent interaction arises due to the dispersion forces8-10. Methanol or ethanol as one of component, the order of solute – solvent interactions are benzene > chlorobenzene > carbon tetrachloride > dichlorobenzene. 5. Conclusions The refractive index, density and related excess pure liquids and binary mixtures have been reported. In the mixtures the refractive index increases and density decreases with increasing concentration methanol and ethanol. The excess parameter shows the solute-solvent interaction as in the order of benzene > chlorobenzene > carbon tetrachloride > dichlorobenzene. Table 1 Experimental data of ρ , η and calculated R, V of pure liquids at 301 K Liquids Benzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene 1,4 dichlorobenzene Methanol Ethanol Vol. 4 (1) Jan– Mar 2013 ρ gm/cm3 0.8680 1.5950 1.1100 1.2500 0.792 0.868 n R V 1.501 1.4601 1.5247 1.5434 1.328 1.501 26.51 26.42 31.06 37.09 8.2077 12.92 89.98 96.46 101.40 117.60 40.45 58.39 127 International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701 Table 2 Experimental values of density ( ρ12 gm/cm3) and refractive index of methanol and ethanol with solvent systems at 303 K Methanol BE X2 / Solvent CT n12 ρ12 CB n12 ρ12 DCB n12 ρ12 n12 ρ12 0.0476 0.86438 1.4932 1.5593 1.4545 1.0965 1.5169 1.2331 1.536 0.0735 0.86241 1.489 1.5397 1.4514 1.0891 1.5125 1.2238 1.5319 0.1010 0.86032 1.4844 1.5188 1.4481 1.0812 1.5079 1.2137 1.5274 0.1303 0.8581 1.4796 1.4966 1.4446 1.0727 1.5029 1.2029 1.5226 0.1615 0.85573 1.4744 1.4727 1.4408 1.0636 1.4976 1.1911 1.5174 0.2306 0.85047 1.4629 1.4195 1.4323 1.0432 1.4855 1.1645 1.5055 0.3101 0.84443 1.4496 1.3577 1.4223 1.0193 1.4713 1.1328 1.4912 0.4027 0.83739 1.4338 1.285 1.4106 0.9909 1.4542 1.0941 1.4736 0.5119 0.8291 1.4151 1.1978 1.3963 0.9567 1.4332 1.0461 1.4514 0.6426 0.81916 1.3923 1.0919 1.3788 0.9145 1.407 0.9848 1.4226 0.8018 0.80706 1.364 0.9602 1.3567 0.8613 1.3732 0.9038 1.3837 Ethanol 0.0672 0.8627 1.492 1.5442 1.4541 1.0907 1.5154 1.2259 1.5344 0.1027 0.8599 1.4872 1.5172 1.4508 1.0804 1.5103 1.2128 1.5295 0.1396 0.857 1.4823 1.4891 1.4475 1.0696 1.5051 1.1991 1.5243 0.1778 0.854 1.4771 1.4597 1.4439 1.0583 1.4996 1.1845 1.5188 0.2176 0.8508 1.4717 1.429 1.4402 1.0465 1.4937 1.1691 1.513 0.302 0.8441 1.4601 1.3633 1.4323 1.021 1.4811 1.1353 1.5001 0.3935 0.8369 1.4475 1.2911 1.4235 0.9927 1.467 1.097 1.4854 0.4932 0.829 1.4337 1.2114 1.4138 0.9612 1.4511 1.0532 1.4683 0.6022 0.8204 1.4183 1.1231 1.4029 0.926 1.4331 1.0026 1.4484 0.7219 0.811 1.4013 1.0246 1.3907 0.8862 1.4126 0.9434 1.4247 0.8538 0.8005 1.3824 0.914 1.3768 0.8409 1.3888 0.8733 1.3961 Vol. 4 (1) Jan– Mar 2013 128 International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701 Fig.1 Plots of nE Vs mole fraction of methanol (x2) with solvent systems Fig.2 Plots of nE Vs mole fraction of ethanol (x2) with solvent systems Fig.3 Plots of RE Vs mole fraction of methanol (x2) with solvent systems Vol. 4 (1) Jan– Mar 2013 129 International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701 Fig.4 Plots of RE Vs mole fraction of ethanol (x2) with solvent systems Fig.5 Plots of VE Vs mole fraction of methanol(x2) with solvent systems Fig.6 Plots of VE Vs mole fraction of ethanol(x2) with solvent systems Vol. 4 (1) Jan– Mar 2013 130 International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences ISSN: 2229-3701 References 1. 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