Human Anatomy & Physiology: Latin and Greek Word

Latin and Greek Word-Part List (prefixes, suffixes, roots)
Students of any biology course should learn to recognize the meaning of word parts as they often give clues to the meaning of a scientific term, function,
or process. Science terminology is predominately based in the Latin and Greek languages.
The following list of prefixes, suffixes, and roots will be used in this and most Biology (bio = life, logy = study of) courses.
To help with pronunciation, word parts need to be linked together. The linkage for many word parts is “o”. For example, linking the root “cardi” with the
suffix “-pathy” would make the word difficult to pronounce; therefore an “o” is used to link the root with the suffix. The completed word is written
“cardiopathy” and pronounced kar-de-op-ah-the (heart disease).
Accurate spelling of each word is also important. Changing one letter may change the word part and its meaning. Examples include: “ileum” is a part of
the small intestine & “ilium” is a bone in the hips, “ped” refers to the foot & “pedia” refers to children, “ab” means away & “ad” means toward. Finding a
word in a dictionary, glossary, or index requires a knowledge of spelling – at least the beginning of a word. For example, pneumonia and psychology
have a silent “p”.
By the end of this course you should be able to: (1) Understand the importance of medical terminology and how it can be incorporated into the study of
the human body, (2) Differentiate between a prefix, suffix, word root, and a compound term, (3) Link word parts to form medical terms, (4) Differentiate
between singular and plural endings of medical terms, (5) Dissect (cut) compound medical terms into parts to analyze their meaning, and (6) Recognize
and pronounce commonly used prefixes, suffixes, and root words used in medical terminology.
A Few Examples:
Word Part
a-, an, non
ab-, efad-, afadi-, lip(o)-alg
ang(i)ante-, pre-, proanti-, contraaqua(e)-, hydr
arthr(o), artic-ase
Without, Not
Against, Resisting
Apnea, Anuria, Nonstriated
Abductor muscle, Efferent Neuron
Afferent neuron, Adductor muscle
Meaning of Example(s)
Not breathing, Without urine, Muscle not striated
Muscle pulling away from midline (deltoid), Carrying info away from brain
Carry info toward brain, Muscle pulling toward midline (groin)
Adipose, Liposuction
Neuralgia, Fibromyalgia
Angiogenesis, Vasodialator
Fat tissue, Removing (by suction) fat from the body
Nerve pain, Muscle pain
Making of a new blood vessel, Medicines that widen a vessel
Prenatal, Antebrachial, Promonocyte
Before birth, Before the upper arm, Before the monocyte is mature
Antibody, Contraception
Aqueous, hydrocephalus
Arthritis, Articulation
Maltase, Lipase
Resisting a foreign body (pathogen), Against conception (egg + sperm)
Water solution, Water (cerebral spinal fluid – CSF) on the brain
Joint inflammation, Joint (where two bones meet)
Enzyme breaking down maltose, Enzyme breaking down lipids/fats
Self-immunity (when a persons antibodies attack its own cells/tissues)
brachy-, brev(i)bradybronchcard-
Brachydactyly, Fibularis brevis
Short digits (toes or fingers), Short muscle in the lower leg
Slower than normal heart rate
Airway (bronchus – tube entering lungs) inflammation
Study of the heart
☺ The following information will be helpful to you but will not be on any of the quizzes.
-us (thrombus, nucleus)
-a (ampulla)
-ix, -ex (appendix, cortex)
-ax (thorax)
-ur (femur)
-on (mitochondrion), -um (flagellum)
-en (lumen, foramen)
-is (neurosis)
-i (thrombi, nuclei)
-ae (ampullae)
-ices (appendices, cortices)
-aces (thoraces)
-ora (femora)
-a (mitochondria, flagella)
-ena or –ina (lumena, foramina)
-es (neuroses)
Using the Terminology Practice
Directions: Use the previous list of prefixes/suffixes along with the additional list that is attached to answer the questions below.
I. Use the prefix and suffix definitions provided. Take apart each of the following words and define the components. Figure out
what the word means. Check the dictionary after you have arrived at a logical definition.
1. Megakaryocyte: _____________________________________________________________________
2. Rhinoplasty: ________________________________________________________________________
3. Antiseptic: __________________________________________________________________________
4. Psychosomatic: ______________________________________________________________________
5. Muscular dystrophy: __________________________________________________________________
6. Aseptic: ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Pyorrhea: ___________________________________________________________________________
8. Osteocyte: __________________________________________________________________________
9. Mesoderm: __________________________________________________________________________
10. Polysaccharide: ______________________________________________________________________
11. Myeloblast: __________________________________________________________________________
12. Hepatocyte: __________________________________________________________________________
13. Atelectasis: __________________________________________________________________________
14. Autolysis: ____________________________________________________________________________
15. Lipoma: _____________________________________________________________________________
16. Neuraglia: ___________________________________________________________________________
17. Cholecystitis: _________________________________________________________________________
18. Glycosuria: ___________________________________________________________________________
19. Arthroscopy: __________________________________________________________________________
20. Physiology: ___________________________________________________________________________
21. Otorhinolaryngology: ____________________________________________________________________
22. Orchidectomy: ________________________________________________________________________
23. Interdental: ____________________________________________________________________________
24. Hyperglycemia: _________________________________________________________________________
25. Hydrocephalia: _________________________________________________________________________
II. Use the definitions given and supply the correct word(s) or definitions. Check a dictionary if necessary.
 Underlined words or phrases should be replaced.
 It may be necessary to reword some sentences after you have supplied the proper word(s).
1. What is the difference between a hysterectomy and a hysterotomy?
2. The arachnoid layer is found in the brain. What would you expect the arachnoid layer to look like?
3. What is the difference between an electroencephalogram and an electroencephalograph?
4. Select the appropriate term in parenthesis: Blood in the (afferent / efferent) vessels flows into the kidney.
5. Select the appropriate term in parenthesis: Strenuous exercise might cause (bradycardia / tachycardia).
6. Select the appropriate term in parenthesis: The “top” of the tongue would be a (hyperglossal / hypoglossal) structure.
7. Select the appropriate term in parenthesis: The (osteoblast / osteoclast) produces new bone cells.
8. Select the appropriate term in parenthesis: The living system is a series of checks and balances designed to maintain
(homeostasis / heterostasis / both).
9. Select the appropriate term in parenthesis: A person with presbyopia might have problems with (near / far) vision.
10. If a blood vessel bifurcates, it: ___________________________________________________________________
11. A person suffering from agraphia is _______________________________________________________________
12. Originally the osteopath was concerned with _______________________________________________________
13. If you are suffering from a cardiovascular malady, the doctor might order an ____________________. After that you might need
__________________. Replacement word(s): ____________________________________________
14. The ____________________ studied the shape of the nerve cells.
Replacement word(s): ____________________________________________
15. The pain is on the same side as the injury. Replacement word(s): ____________________________________________
16. In a precancerous condition, the cells might be poorly formed. Replacement word(s): ___________________________________
17. Joe developed an inflamed ear from a fever-producing infection. Replacement word(s): ________________________________
18. Because of the accident, she had her voice box removed. Replacement word(s): ______________________________________
19. Having short fingers is a genetic trait. Replacement word(s): ____________________________________________
20. A head injury might cause double vision. Replacement word(s): ____________________________________________
21. Many intestinal infections begin with low white blood cell counts, followed by very high white blood cell production.
Replacement word(s): ____________________________________________________________________
22. Both the dog and his owner suffered from multiple fears. Replacement word(s): _______________________________________
23. Kidney infections might cause excessive urination, painful urination, cessation of urination or severely reduced urination.
Replacement word(s): ________________________________________________________________________________
III. Use the prefix and suffix definitions provided. Fill in the literal meaning and give an example. You may use the first chapter
in the textbook for help with examples.
Word Root
1. ana
2. chondro
3. epi
4. gastr
5. histo
6. ology
7. peri
8. meta