Limnology and Paleolimnology of African Lakes Dr. Hilde Eggermont Limnology research group, Ghent University Part I: Limnology of African Lakes Part I: Limnology of African lakes Introduction (location – climate - landscape) Origin of African lakes Non-nutrient chemistry Soda lakes Generation of sediments Hydrology, stratification and mixing Nutrient fluxes Tanganyika: general limnology and some biological aspects (endemism) Human impact Location: 37°N and 35°S Mean determinant of tropical weather variability: annual north-south migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and associated monsoonal wind systems ITCZ ITCZ 850 mbar (~1500 m) CAB CAB To Southern hemisphere from sept – febr => Seasonal rainfall and wind patterns To Northern hemisphere from march-aug Vegetation zones (White 1983): Landscape: Distribution of waterbodies in Africa Origin of lakes: A. Tectonic lakes: Largest and deepest lakes were formed directly by tectonic activity (i.e. displacements the earth’s crust), which has gone on continuously since Precambrium time (most conspicuous features: Miocene to present) 2 types: - Basins formed by downthrust fault blocks (grabens); Long, deep and narrow lakes e.g., Lakes Tanganyika, Albert, Turkana, Malawi and Mweru - Basins formed by uplifting of the entire basin (upwarping); Large and fairly shallow lakes e.g., Lake Victoria (largest lake of Africa; world’s 2nd largest freshwater lake) Oldest type? > we need radiometric dating and paleontologic study of complete sections through their sediments. Origin of lakes: B. Volcanic lakes – 3 types: 1. Lava-dammed lakes: formed by lava damming of river valleys lava-dammed lakes Lava-dammed lake: Lake Kivu (Rwanda) Origin of lakes: B. Volcanic lakes – 3 types: 2. Caldera-lakes: lakes formed by subsidence of the roof of a (partially) emptied magmatic chamber (caldera= collapsed or exploded volcano); fairly large and deep caldera lakes Caldera lake: Empakai crater (Tanzania) Malha crater (northern Sudan) Origin of lakes: B. Volcanic lakes – 3 types: 3. Maar lakes: lakes occupying explosion craters (maars), formed when lava comes into contact with groundwater or degassing of magma. Often small (<2km²), round and deep (>100 m) maar lakes Maar lake districts in western Uganda N 0 500 1000 m Bishoftu lake district in Ethiopia Cameroon volcanic line Origin of lakes: C. Lakes formed by glaciers and ice – 2 types: 1. paternoster-lakes: series of lakes dammed by moraines or landslides, on the route of glacial meltwater streams 2. cirque lakes: lakes lying in amphitheater-shaped (quite small and shallow) depressions caused by glaciers scouring glaciated valleys During the Pleistocene, the tropical snowline did not as a rule extent below 3000 m, so most lakes in tropical mountains are to be found from 3000 m upwards Ruwenzori Mountains (Uganda) Lower Kitandara Lake (Ruwenzori Mountains, Uganda) Middle and Lower Kachope (Ruwenzori Mountains, Uganda) Mt. Kenya (Kenya) Hausburg Tarn Mt. Kenya (Kenya) Origin of lakes: D. Lakes formed by wind (deflation lakes): e.g. saline playas in arid areas Lake Bunyampaka (Uganda) Lake Nhsenyi (Uganda) Origin of lakes: E. Lakes in interdune hollows Ounianga lakes (northeast Chad) Ounianga lakes (northeast Chad) Ounianga lakes (northeast Chad) Origin of lakes: F. Lakes associated with shorelines, rivers ... oxbows, cutoff channels G. Man-made lakes (artificial lakes) Lake Volta (Ghana) – Akosombo dam, 50s Non-nutrient chemistry Main chemical sources A. Inflow and seepage: Depending qualitatively and quantitatively on the general hydrology and geochemical character of the catchment (incl. cultivation, fringing swamps, human settlement, …) African waters are dominated to an unusual extent by ions derived from the incongruent solution of sodium (Na+) silicate rocks (i.e. the more soluble parts go into solution first, producing a solution and leaving solid residue with different composition) => strong tendency to be solutions of sodium bicarbonate (Na+, HCO3- and CO32-), whereas temperate lakes are often dominated by calcium bicarbonate The chemical composition of African waters is largely controlled by rock weathering, evaporative concentration and precipitation of calciumcarbonate Non-nutrient chemistry Main chemical sources B. Atmospheric precipitation: Wet and dry, e.g.: considerable contribution of cyclic sea salt near the coast C. Gaseous exchange with the atmosphere Determined by mixing regime (determined by depth and elevation) Other factors, e.g. free-floating mats of macrophytes (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, Salvina molesta,…) as such mats can lead to reduced concentrations in the waters below (i.e. they can create particular barriers to vertical exchange) Salvinia molesta Waterhyacinth Non-nutrient chemistry Main anions: - Largely bicarbonate-carbonate - Anions all increase regularly with increasing conductivity in African waters - Chloride dominated waters are strongly represented in Coastal/near coastal areas with past or present ingress on sea Water conductivity -Floride concentrations can be fairly high Non-nutrient chemistry Main cations: - Sodium (Na+) conductivity - In the commonest type, bicarbonate-carbonate, increase in salinity is associated with a steady rise in Na+, a rather less regular rise of K+, and final loss of precipitation of Ca2+ and Mg2+ (as carbonates) Lake Katwe (Uganda) Trona (sodium carbonates) Lake Magadi (Kenya) - African lake waters encompass virtually all of the very wide range of salinity - pH generally rises with increasing alkalinity. It can (locally) be depressed by accumulation of CO2 and raised by active removal in photosynthesis Soda lakes Cover large areas of the Rift valley and also occur in southern Africa, northeast of Chad, etc. Lake Elementeita (Kenya) Two morphometric groups 1. Broad, shallow pans: usually stratify and mix each day (calm stratified mornings followed by wind-mixing afternoons) Lake Nakuru (Kenya) Lake Kitagata (Uganda) Two morphometric groups 1. Broad, shallow pans: usually stratify and mix each day (calm stratified mornings followed by wind-mixing afternoons) 2. Small, deep depressions: chemically stratified and meromictic, but daily mix to the Chemocline Typified by suspended mineral materials or dense phytoplankton; vertical decrease of light is often very high Soda lake biota is species poor, though amongst the world’s most productive ecosystems Lake Katwe (Uganda) Trona (sodium carbonates) Lake Magadi (Kenya) Solid salt deposits along the margins of many shallow soda lakes Generation of sediments (1) allochtonous particles; (2) chemical precipitation; (3) biological deposition Hydrology Flushing time (Volume/Outflow): Ratio of ponded water to river flow through it open lakes (short flushing time) ----------------------------- (nearly) closed lakes Closed lakes (no surface outflow) are commonly less seasonal partly because they are sustained by a groundwater reservoir that fluctuates less than rivers. Changes occur more slowly as a result of runs of relatively wet or dry years. For many lakes, including Victoria and Tanganyika, the main water losses are direct evaporation from the water surface. => Lake balance, determined by evaporation-precipitation balance Seasonal changes in hydrology are particularly great in floodplain lakes of seasonally variable rivers; some completely evaporate to dryness. With it are associated species that have adapted their life histories is spectacular fashions (e.g., airbreathing lungfish, diapausing eggs,... Lake Nakuru (Kenya) Lake Chad (Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon) 1963 1987 1973 1997 Stratification & Mixing Stability (S) per unit area of lake is the quantity of work or mechanic energy required to mix the entire volume of water to uniform temperature without addition or substraction of heat. The stability is strongly influenced by temperature of the lake water, size and morphometry. Density difference: the density difference between water at a given temperature and 1°C lower (=density difference per degree lowering) increases markedly at T above and below 4°C. Hence, the amount of energy to mix water of different densities increases proportionally to the density differences >> In warm waters, a relatively small difference in temperature between surface and deep waters may already provide considerable thermal stability [e.g. The amount of energy to mix layered water masses between 29°C and 30°C is 40x greater than that required for the same masses between 4°C and 5°C.] Temperate lakes: Mixing is determined by seasonal fluctations of radiation and atmospheric temperature (difference in radiation between summer and winter) Seasonal variation in radiation and hence temperature changes systematically with latitude, both as regard the amplitude (minimal near the equator) and phase Radiation captured at different latitudes Tropical lakes: Within the tropical belt (latitudes <23°C) the amplitude of seasonal variation of solar radiation and T are minimal - wind-induced evaporative cooling is the main determinant of circulation - other factors: atmospheric humidity, atmospheric turbidity, salinity, elevation, morphometry E.g. Lake Pawlo (Ethiopia): seasonal phase of cooling around Oct-Dec. This takes place not in the season of low solar radiation, but under a combination of relatively high solar radiation and low humidity equator Tropical lakes: (1) Shallow tropical lakes, at low to mid-elevation <5 m depth; < 3000-3800 m altitude Warm polymictic, with frequent periods of circulation at temperatures well above 4°C Lake George (Uganda) area: 250 m², mean depth 2.4 m Diel cycle of heat storage, (midday) stratification and (nightime) mixing The diurnal thermocline that quickly develops in the late morning and afternoon (cf. density stratification at >12-14°C!) affects phytoplanktonic sinking and accumulation or depletion of dissolved gases and mineral nutrients, much as do the seasonal thermoclines of the temperate zones. The daily stratification is ended by increased vertical mixing due mainly to a combination of reduced radiation input, increased wind strenght late in the day, and transfer of sensible heat to a cooler nocturnal atmosphere. ! In shallow saline lakes, diel mixing is incomplete due to high salinities (high density differences) e.g. Pretoria salt pan (South Africa) Tropical lakes: (2) Tropical lakes of intermediate depth, at low to mid-elevation <100 m depth; < 3000-3800 m altitude Oligomictic, one to several periods of mixing at irregular intervals throughout the year by occasional cooling of the surface Lake Victoria (Uganda): area: 68,800 km²; max. depth: 79m; average depth: 40 m. In this lake, mixing is an annual event, sometimes accompanied by spread of anoxic water and massive fish kills From September to January there is a trend leading ultimately to stratification with a thermocline at 40 to 60 m between January and May (no more than 2°C difference between surface and bottom!). Breakdown of stratification happens during May to July: this is a period of the heavy southeast trade winds, resulting in increased evaporation and there may also be greater loss of heat by radiation at night. The onset of the calmer weather in August stimulates another period of progressively increasing stratificiation. Tropical lakes: (3) Deep tropical lakes, at low to mid-elevation >100 m depth; < 3000-3800 m altitude Meromictic, staying stratified yearround (strata: monimolimnion, chemocline, mixolimnion) Especially tectonic and volcanic lakes that are very deep relative to their linear extent and often windsheltered by a craterrim or surrounding highlands Above the level of permanent stratification (i.e. in the mixolimnion), there may be a seasonal thermocline subjected to annual or more frequent breakdown by evaporative cooling of surface waters during the windy season. E.g., Lake Tanganyika and Malawi. Both lie in deep rifts orientated north-south, up which the powerful southeast trade winds are funnelled during the period from April to September. The seasonal alteration between this period of strong unidirectional winds with low rainfall, and the remainder of the year with variable and generally less violent winds and more rain, is the dominant influence on the hydrological regime. The power, direction, duration of the wind; the orientation of the lake and the surrounding topography all favour this condition. Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi: Partial mixing results in recycling of nutrients (>erosion of the upper part of the anoxic layer by turbulence at the interface and through movements in the anoxic layer itself associated with internal waves). This is crucial for maintaining lake productivity (cf. endless summer of high surface T yearround accelerates all biological processes and hence consumption of nutrients) Some special features: Strong temperature inversion e.g., Lake Mahega (western Uganda): at 1 m depth T-max of 40°C with cooler water above and below reason: a bloom of bacteria and blue-green algae at 1 m depth absorbing solar energy to produce a warm layer Some special features: Gas accumulation e.g. Lake Kivu (Rwanda) & Cameroon crater lakes: Strongly stratified, with methane and carbon dioxide trapped in deep water under high hydrostatic pressure. These gases have accumulated to concentrations that exceed saturation at surface pressure Gas exploitation Extensive fishkills (upwelling of deep water rich in toxic gases or low in oxygen) Limnic eruption phenomenon & catastropic gas disasters (eg. 1984-1986 Cameroon killer lakes) Lakes Monoun and Nyos (Cameroon): 1984 and 1986 gas disasters – ‘Killer lakes’ Tropical lakes: (4) Tropical high mountain lakes (>3000-4000 m) Cold polymictic, with frequent circulations during both day and night at T below 12°C (normally slightly below or near 4°C) Air temperatures: daily T oscillations between -5 and +20°C, much greater than seasonal variations; cf. winter every night, summer every day Water temperatures: ~0-8°C Lake Batoda (Rwenzori Mountains at 3990 m) - Slight density differences of water within that thermal range Lack any stable stratification - Even distribution of oxygen because of frequent mixing ≠ cold monomictic: - More or less constant light conditions (at least with regard to daily length of isolation) - Mostly (but not always) lack ice covers Lake Titicaca (Andes of Peru at 3880 m; 280 m depth) Frequent circulation, but if such a lake would occur at lower altitude, it would be permanently stratified Nutrient fluxes Main fluxes are from (1) River inputs: Salt transportation by tropical rivers (2) Rains inputs: Total nitrogen from rain (fine terrigenous dust and photochemical reactions) (3) Swamp input: Many African lakes are fringed by extensive and highly productive swamps. Such swamps can lead to nitrogen fixation and phosphorus absorption. Rather ‘septic tanc’ than filter: large amounts of debris are produced and settle to form a sludge, which provides nitrogen and enriched detritus for the often productive biota in the neighbouring water Nutrient fluxes Main fluxes are from (4) Zooplankton (5) Phytoplanton (6) Higher level in the food chain… (7) Sediments In temperate lakes: Nutrient cycles are dominated by the physical processes governed by thermal regime and light limitation Outburst of productivity is triggered by rising in T and illumination during spring, when surface waters are enriched by nutrients during winter mixing In tropics: ‘Endless summer’: T and illumination are adequate yearround, and therefore biological control dominates the cycles of essential elements in lakes all year. Production will be maximum for the available resources, and is stimulated by the onset of seasonal heavy winds which bring to the surface water nutrients (which had been depleted above and had accumulated below during stratification) Summary: Tropical versus temperate lakes: Often solutions of sodium bicarbonate Mixing regime: - slight T difference: stable stratification (cf. density difference) - not determined by seasonal fluctuations of radiation and temperature (but: wind regime, humidity, morphometry, elevation, etc!) Endless summer (high biological productivity!) and biological control of nutrient cycles Lake Tanganyika - General features: Mean depth: 570 m Max depth: 1470, deepest lake in East Africa (3rd on global scale) 75% of volume is anoxic (chemocline at 100 m in N, 200 m in S) Seasonal thermocline between 25-75 m Permanent thermocline at greater depth Relatively small inflows 90% of water loss through evaporation Internal nutrient recycling! >1500 m of sediments Secchi depth of as much as 20 m Considerable lake level changes during its history Endemism Fish fauna (98% of the cichlid fishes: 57% of the non-cichlid fishes) Species flocks Gastropod mollusc Heavy ornameted shells do not reflect former connection of Lake Tanganyika and the sea, but are adaptations to the high wave energy environments and predators Endemism Various hypotheses Speciation requires the geographic separation of 2 populations which then diverge sufficiently to prevent inbreeding (reproductive isolation) (1) Lake Tanganyika and Malawi: long shorelines with alternating stretches of sandy beach and rocky cliff – two types of habitats acting as a series of islands, and intervening stretches of the other habitat providing effective isolation (during periods of low lake level) reproductive isolation (2) Lakes were separated into distinct basins during the course of their history these closed basins could have been the home of isolated, differentiating aquatic populations whenever the main lake dried up completely (!a fall of 750 m in Lake Tanganyika would separate the lake into three lakes; a fall of 1250 m would create four) Human impact - Deforestation in the catchment soil erosion and increased sedimentation - Overfishing - Eutrophication (persistent anoxia, fish kills, impact on nutrient recycling,...); acidification; contamination by toxic substances - Species introduction (e.g., Nile Perch and Tilapia) Waterhyacinth Nile perch