Name: __________________________ Per:_________ Aquatic Science Date _____________________ Unit 8A: Physical Characteristics of Freshwater Habitats Review 1. What is the characteristics/definition of a freshwater ecosystem? 2. How do drainage basins and watersheds contribute to the overall freshwater ecosystem? 3. What factors can effect a freshwater ecosystem? 4. List 5 differences between a Lentic and a Lotic water system. (one CANNOT be one is a river and one is a lake!) Don’t forget to state which one you are describing. a. b. c. d. e. 5. What defines a stream or river? What defines a lake or a pond? 6. Describe characteristics of the 3 types of rivers based on flow of water: a. Perennialb. Intermittentc. Ephemeral7. How does the water table, in terms of gaining and losing streams, make a stream perennial or intermittent? 8. How does a gaining stream gain water? 9. Where does the water go when a losing stream “loses” water? 10. What is a Meandering river, and how or why do they change over time? 11. List 3 differences between erosional and depositional habitats. a. Flow – b. Sediments – c. Organisms – 12. How do sand bars form? 13. What is the difference between: a. Riffle b. Run c. Glide 14. What is the riparian zone, and why is it important? 15. How are glacier lakes formed? 16. How are oxbow lakes formed? 17. What is a playa? Is a playa perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral? 18. How are man-made lakes formed, and what is their purpose? 19. Describe the following zones based on light penetration: a. Littoral zone – b. Limnetic zone – c. Profundal zone – 20. What determines Biological productivity/trophic state? 21. What 3 quality parameters used to determine the trophic state of lakes? 22. Describe characteristics of an oligotrophic lake. 23. Describe characteristics of a eutrophic lake. 24. Describe characteristics of a Mesotrophic lake. 25. Describe characteristics of a Hypereutrophic lake. 26. What is stratification, and how is it different in the northern and southern areas of the world? 27. How do turnovers work? How are turnovers different in the northern and southern areas of the world? 28. Describe characteristics of the following layers based on water temperature of a lake. a. Epilimnion – b. Metalimnion – c. Hypolimnion – 29. Describe the natural aging process called ecological succession in lakes? 30. What is the difference between a pond and a lake?