THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY Vol. 48, No. 1 Copyright © 1967 by The Williams & Wilkins Co. Printed in U.S.A. EVIDENCE OF HEMOLYSIS IN THE INITIATION OF HEMOSTASIS HARLAN J. PEDERSON, B.S., THOMAS H. TEBO, B.S., AND SHIRLEY A. JOHNSON, PH.D. Research Service, Wood Veterans A dminislraiion Hospital, Wood, Wisconsin, and Department of Physiolo Marquette University School of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wisconsin diphosphate in the blood shed 20 sec. after transection of mesenteric arterioles in guinea pigs. The adenosine diphosphate appears to accumulate in shed blood, for no evidence of adenosine monophosphate or adenosine was observed and the total amounts of adenosine triphosphate and adenosine diphosphate remained constant in the blood collected at different times during bleeding. From the above data, our group has concluded that both adenosine diphosphate and thrombin appear simultaneously in the early stages of hemostasis. We have no evidence that adenine nucleotides are added to the shed blood from the damaged vessel wall, as was suggested by Born.1 No difference was found between the total amount of adenine nucleotides in the shed blood in comparison with the total amount in circulating blood sampled by heart puncture. 0 The quantity of adenosine diphosphate observed in whole shed blood exceeded that obtainable from platelets, with the result that we concluded that much of it must be of red blood cell origin. Most of the fibrin observed in the early stages of hemostasis was in close proximity to red blood cells. On the basis of these two observations, we postulated that both the newly evolved adenosine diphosphate and the partial thromboplastin of red blood cells may contribute substantially to the initiation of hemostasis. The known physiologic mechanism that could most likely account for the release of these two substances from red blood cells was hemolysis. Hellem and colleagues3 had postulated earlier that microhemolysis might account for the availability of adenosine diphosphate in hemostasis. The present study was carried out to determine whether hemolysis occurred when blood was shed through the transected vessel wall. First the ultrastructure of experimental hemolysis was analyzed, to en- Received October 11, 1966. This study was supported in part by Research Grant No. HE-06033, U. S. Public Health Service. 02 Downloaded from by guest on March 5, 2016 Older concepts of hemostasis, based on the work of many investigators, postulated the initial cohesion of platelets to be clue primarily to the liberation of adenosine diphosphate on the platelet surface. The appearance of thrombin, which renders the aggregation irreversible, was believed to occur only after the platelets had aggregated. This brief summary was enlarged by Spaet and Zucker11 into a hemostatic theory composed of three steps which closely resembled the concept of Owren.8 The initial reaction was platelet adhesion to connective tissue fibers, resulting in the release from the platelets of a small amount of adenosine diphosphate which, in the presence of calcium, brought about cohesion of the platelets into masses. This aggregation of platelets was made more durable and compact by the action of thrombin, which also brought about additional release of adenosine nucleotides. Not all research groups, however, place the role of the blood coagulation mechanisms so late in the hemostatic processes. Troup and Luscher12 state that hemostasis is probably initiated by release of tissue thromboplastin from damaged endothelial cells, resulting in formation of thrombin on the platelet surface. Marr and associates6 have found ultrastructural evidence of fibrin, often in close proximity to collagen and red blood cells, 15 to 20 sec. after transection of small mesenteric arterioles in guinea pigs. Welldeveloped loci of fibrin fibers can be identified by the characteristic periodicity of 240 A 30 sec. after the transection of the vessel. Marr and associates7 have also established that 50% of the total blood adenosine triphosphate is broken down to adenosine July 1967 HEMOLYSIS AND HEMOSTASIS 63 T " R8C \>i \ FIG. 1. This election micrograph shows a red cell clump surrounding a platelet aggregate in a hemostatic plug 1 min. after bleeding began. Note the reduced electron density. X S400. able us to identify similar ultrastructure in hemostatic plugs in vivo. The amount of hemolysis in circulating blood collected by heart puncture was then compared with the amount of hemolysis in blood shed from transected mesenteric vessels. An attempt was made to obtain evidence of a hemolysin. MATERIALS AND METHODS Benzidine base (Hartman-Leddon Company, Inc.). The purification procedure of this reagent was carried out as described by Hanks and co-workers.2 Glacial acelic acid (Fisher Scientific Company). This preparation was used as supplied. Hydrogen peroxide, 30% (Fisher Scientific Company). This preparation was diluted to 3 % beforeuse. Heparin, Liquaemin sodium 10 (Organon, Inc.). This preparation was used as supplied. Electron microscopy. The materials used for electron microscopy have been described previously.4 In brief, the tissue was embedded in Epon S12 according to the procedure of Luft6 with 3 parts of Epon A and 7 parts of Epon B. The sections were viewed on an EMU 3G double condenser RCA electron microscope. Formation of in vivo hemostatic plug. A small mesenteric vessel of a guinea pig was transected and allowed to bleed for approximately 55 sec. The bleeding end of the vessel was removed and placed in a vial of cold s-collidine buffered osmium at exactly 1 min. after transection. After 10 min. the tissue was divided into 1-mm. blocks and replaced in the osmium for 1 hr. Subsequent dehydration, penetration, and embedding were carried out according to technics described in a previous publication.4 Preparation of red blood cells for study of Downloaded from by guest on March 5, 2016 RBC , & 64 TABLE 1 NUMBER OF HEMOLYZED RED BLOOD CELLS COUNTED WITH THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Type of No. No. Red Blood Cell Specimen Counted Hemolyzed Hemolysis In vivo plug In 0.35% saline In 0.9% saline Vol. 48 PEDERSON ET AL. 1073 1145 1371 1059 1122 21 % 98.69 97.99 1.53 RESULTS Ultrastructural Evidence of Hemolysis in in Vivo Hemostatic Plugs Red blood cells clumped in in vivo hemostatic plugs fixed after 1 min. of bleeding displayed reduced electron density. The red blood cells showed reduced electron density of varying degrees and tended to be spherical in shape, with irregular or serrated membranes, as illustrated in Figure 1. Table 1 is a comparison of the number of hemolyzed red blood cells (identified in electron micrographs by reduced electron density) found in the in vivo clump with the number of red blood cells hemolyzed when they were suspended in 0.35 % solution of saline and 0.9 % solution of saline for 10 min. Nearly all of the red blood cells in the in vivo clump were hemolyzed. Figure 2 is an electron micrograph taken from the same in vivo clot, but at the periphery of the red cell clump. It may be seen that the free red blood cells directly around the outer limits of the clumped red cells showed normal electron density. Their shape was irregular or flattened, as is usual for circulating red blood cells, instead of spherical, and the membranes tended to be smooth. All of the in vivo clots studied shared this common characteristic of a centrally located clump of hemolyzed red blood Downloaded from by guest on March 5, 2016 experimental hemolysis. Guinea pig blood was collected by heart puncture and added to 3.2% solution of sodium citrate in a ratio of 9:1. When the blood was centrifuged at 3000 X g for 20 min. and the plasma was drawn off, the packed red blood cells were divided into two equal parts. One half was suspended in an equal volume of 0.35% solution of saline and the other half in an equal volume of 0.9% solution of saline. After the tubes were inverted to facilitate mixing, the suspensions were centrifuged for 20 min. at 3000 X g and the packed red blood cells were fixed and embedded as described. Determination of hemoglobin in various •plasmas. Circulating blood was obtained by heart puncture through a 20-gauge needle on a syringe containing heparin, final concentration 1000 units per ml. The shed blood was obtained immediately after transection of a mesenteric arteriole by collecting the blood in either capillary pipettes or a syringe and needle similar to those used to sample circulating blood. The specimen of circulating blood was obtained by heart puncture either before or after the specimen of shed blood. The blood was centrifuged at 3000 X g for 20 min. and the plasma was removed. The plasma hemoglobin was determined by use of the sensitive methods of Hanks and associates,2 which is based on the fact that hemoglobin catalyzes the oxidation of benzidine by hydrogen peroxide. Attempt to detect a hemolysin or hemolysins in plasma of shed blood. Circulating blood was collected by heart puncture and shed blood was collected from transected mesenteric vessels in heparin as described previously. Red blood cells separated from the circulating blood were incubated in a water- bath at 37 C. for 10 min. with plasma separated from shed blood in an attempt to detect a hemolysin liberated from the damaged cells of the transected arteriole into the plasma of the shed blood. Both the plasma and the whole blood were kept at 4 C. until the incubation period. In some experiments the red blood cells were incubated with the plasma in a ratio of 1:1; in others the ratio was 1:9. Hemoglobin determinations were carried out on the following control and test combinations: plasma from the heart puncture; plasma from the shed blood; plasma from an incubation mixture of whole blood and plasma from shed blood; plasma from an incubation mixture of whole blood and plasma from circulating blood; and shed blood plasma and plasma from circulatingblood. July 1967 HEMOLYSIS AND HEMOSTASIS G5 cells surrounded by free, electron-dense red cells." Electron Density of Red Blood Cells Suspended in 0.9% Saline Compared with Those Suspended in 0.S5 % Saline Figure SA shows red blood cells that were suspended in 0.9% solution of saline before fixation for electron microscopy. Nearly all exhibited normal electron density (Table 1). Notice that they were irregular and flattened in shape in comparison with the hemolyzed cell, which was spherical (Fig. 3, A and B). Figure 'SB is an electron micrograph of red blood cells that were suspended in 0.35% solution of saline before fixation. Nearly all of the cells displayed varying degrees of reduced electron density (Table 1). They all tended to be spherical in shape and looked much like those found in the in vivo clump. Chemical Determination of Hemoglobin in Circulating and. Shed Blood The results of a chemical determination of hemoglobin in shed blood from mesenteric vessels compared with circulating blood collected by heart puncture are shown in Table 2. The plasma hemoglobin from the shed blood of the mesenteric vessels was always higher (mean 11.4 ± 4.6) than the hemoglobin from the heart puncture (mean 5.1 ± 1.1), whether the heart puncture was performed before or after the transection of the vessels. Both ultrastructural and biochemical data show that a significant amount of hemolysis takes place in the early stages of hemostasis when blood is shed. Attempt to Detect a Plasma Hemolysin Since we had shown that hemolysis results from a major injury to the vessel wall, it Downloaded from by guest on March 5, 2016 FIG. 2. In this electron micrograph on the edge of a hemostatic plug, some clumped red blood cells with reduced electron density, and a free red blood cell with the normal amount of electron density may be seen. The second electron dense red blood cell has just joined the clump. This tissue was fixed after 1 min. of bleeding. X 8400. 66 Vol. Z8 PEDERSON ET AL. TABLE 2 COMPARISON OP HEMOLYSIS IN CIRCULATING BLOOD COLLECTED HY HEART PUNCTURE AND IN SHED BLOOD FROM MESENTERIC VESSELS* Type of Sample Plasma Hemoglobin Mean S.D. mg./lOO ml. Blood from heart puncture 5.1 1.1 Shed bloodfrom mesenteric vessel 11.4 4.1 •N 10; p = 0.001. was of interest to determine the mechanism of hemolysis. Attempts to demonstrate presence of a hemolysin in the plasma were unsuccessful. Red blood cells incubated with the plasma from shed blood did not significantly add to the hemoglobin level of the plasma alone. The ratio of red blood cells to plasma was altered from 1:1 to 1:9 in an attempt to create conditions in which the concentration of hemolysin was higher in comparison with the amount of red blood cells. DISCUSSION Although hemolysis has held the interest of investigators for several decades, the actual means whereby hemoglobin leaves the intact red blood cells is not understood. We have presented conclusive evidence that hemolysis takes place in hemostatic plug formation, but have not elucidated the tic- Downloaded from by guest on March 5, 2016 FIG. 3a (left). This electron micrograph shows electron dense red blood cells that have been suspended in 0.9% NaCl. Only one red blood cell of reduced electron density can be seen. X 2200. FIG. 36 (right). The red blood cells shown in the electron micrograph were suspended in 0.35% NaCl solution for 30 min. Most of the red blood cells exhibit reduced electron density and spherical shape, typical characteristics of hypotonic hemolysis. X2200. July 1967 HEMOLYSIS AND HEMOSTAS1S 07 Fig. 4. HEMOSTASIS (bleeding resulting from a major injury) Vessel Wall Releases ) Tissue Tpln. ( Activation of Prothrombin > THROMBIN t Degradation of ATP in RBC's t RBC's, on contact with a foreign surface, hemolyze releasing I (4 min.) Confluence of Fibrin Loci ADP 0.2uM/ml. t Few Platelet Aggregates \ Extensive Platelet Aggregation Platelet ' D e g r a n u l a t i o n ADP ( Disintegration 1.2 u M/ml. t Hemostasis Achieved Advanced Platelet Disintegration RBC Entrapped in Fibrin Network Emanating from Platelet Aggregation (15 min.) (Clot Retraction in Progress) FIG. 4. This figure illustrates a possible mechanism by which hemolysis of red blood cells may contribute both adenosine diphosphate and partial thromboplastin to the initial stages of hemostasis. tual liemolytic mechanism. The method of Hanks and associates2 for measurement of hemoglobin in plasma is very sensitive, but if great care in the collection of the blood is taken, small amounts of hemoglobin can be accurately detected in plasma. The possibility that damaged cells in the vessel wall released a substance, a hemolysin, into the plasma that hemolyzed nearby red blood cells was considered. Using the technics described in this manuscript, we were unable to find evidence of a hemolysin in the plasma of shed blood. A relation between the injured vessel wall and the hemoglobin in the plasma of shed blood, which could be demonstrated by other means, possibly exists. Although we do not know what aspect of hemostasis initiates the hemolysis described here in shed blood, several mechanisms are possible. Perhaps a newly formed, as yet unidentified component, or simply contact with a foreign surface in hemorrhage, alters the red blood cell membrane sufficiently to bring about hemolysis. Further investigation of this phenomenon is in progress. From the above data, it can be seen that the injured vessel wall may have two purposes, serving as a source of tissue thromboplastin which initiates both the coagulation mechanisms and degradation of adenosine triphosphate; and as hemolysin or as a foreign surface responsible for hemolysis. Both functions may play a part in vivo. Some components of the coagulation mechanisms (activated by tissue thromboplastin) might initiate reduction of adenosine triphosphate to adenosine diphosphate in red blood cells. Upon contact with the injured vessel wall, the red cells could hemolyze, releasing both the preformed adenosine diphosphate and the partial thromboplastin of Shinowara10 and Quick and associates,9 bringing about further activation of pro- Downloaded from by guest on March 5, 2016 Partial Tpln. i Activation of Prothrombin » (3-15 sec.) THROMBIN r— (15 sec.) Fibrin Formation I (Prothrombin (30 sec.) Several(Fibrin Loci (activated by (1 min.) Expansion of Fibrin Loci(released platelet 3 I PEDERSC sT ET Ah. 68 thrombin to thrombin. The oncoming platelets then flow into an environment rich in both thrombin and adenosine diphosphate, and extensive platelet aggregation takes place. Based on these findings, a schema for hemostasis is presented (Fig. 4). SUMMARY REFERENCES 1. Born, G. V. 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Downloaded from by guest on March 5, 2016 Some red blood cells in an in vivo hemostatic plug fixed 1 min. after transection of a small mesenteric arteriole in a guinea pig were found to display reduced electron density when they were compared with normalappearing red blood cells. Hemolysis was quantitated biochemically in circulating blood drawn by heart puncture and in blood shed from transected mesenteric arterioles, and it was established that hemolysis does occur in shed blood. I t was postulated that hemolysis is the mechanism whereby both adenosine diphosphate and partial thromboplastin are released from red blood cells in the initial stages of hemostasis. Vol. 48