How to Write a Hemolysis Results Section

How to write a results section
Believe it or not, for this particular experiment, it should be the
shortest section!
Start off with a sentence that summarizes the results
Next, describe the hemolysis results in more detail
Illustrate using a graph (see below)
E.g. “Hemolysis was high for concentrations below 0.3 % NaCl, it then
decreased substantially between 0.3 and 0.5%. Hemolysis was near 0 for
higher concetrations of NaCl.”
Describe anything else that you noticed that was interesting or
strange (be qualitative!)
“Our results show that sheep from AFASLDFLKASDFASDF have a much
greater tolerance for salt in their environment than do earth sheep.”
E.g. problems with experiment (be specific!!! Please, no “experimental
error,” “human error,” “robot error,” “my dog ate my homework,” “George
W. Bush” etc….
“Despite our best efforts, the volume of the different solutions varied
somewhat. This affected our calculations.”
Don’t write out any equations (i.e. no need to show work!)
Label everything!! Remember who your “reader” is!