ANNEX B (Packing List) to OPORD 15-02: JCLC FORT JACKSON 1. SITUATION a. Enemy Forces. NA b. Friendly Forces. NA 2. MISSION. Every cadet, JROTC Instructor, and chaperone attending JCLC Jackson 2nd Cycle is responsible issuing equipment and clothing items necessary to complete the entire training period. 3. EXECUTION. a. Concept of Operation. We will be conducting exciting and challenging training in austere conditions. We must be aware of current weather conditions and cadets must be appropriately attired at all times in order to complete all training. The Commandant has developed a minimum packing list found in this Annex that goes with our training plan. Every training schedule developed by the headquarters or at company level will address the uniform for the day. b. Scheme of Maneuver. The JCLC Headquarters will post uniform daily. Leaders will emphasize the importance of the uniform by inspecting each cadet prior to the conduct of any training. c. Tasks to Organizations (1) Training Units: Company Commanders will inspect all cadets prior to departure from their unit area for the proper uniform for training. Company Commanders will determine uniforms for Commandants time and in their respective company areas. (2) Committee Chiefs will insure cadets are properly attired prior to any training being conducted. (3) Evaluation Committee members will spot check cadets in the company they are evaluating to make sure the uniform is appropriate for the training being conducted. (4) Each cadet is responsible for knowing the daily uniform. d. Coordinating Instructions. The following list will be used in preparation for and during JCLC: MILITARY ITEMS: Army combat uniforms (ACUs) School nametag over right pocket Rank insignia (to be issued at JCLC) Combat boots ACU cap ACU belt with buckle Socks, heavy Brown T-shirt Pistol belt Canteen with cover or Camel back Duffle bag or Suitcase CIVILIAN PERSONAL ITEMS: Underwear Sports bras (female) Shower shoes Athletic shoes JCLC shorts and shirt (purchased online, issued at camp) Bath towels Washcloth 4 sets as a minimum Subdued JROTC over left pocket. 1 pair 1 1 5 pair 5 1 1 1 6 pairs 6 1 pair 1 pair 1 set 2 2 ANNEX B (Packing List) to OPORD 15-01: JCLC JACKSON continued Casual Civilian attire 1 set Swim wear (female one piece) 1 Sleeping attire 1set Bed Linen 2 sheets, 1pillow/w/case, 1 blanket OR sleeping bag Flashlight w/batteries 1 Combination locks (Inst. must have a list of combinations) 2 Clothes hanger 5 TOILET ARTICLES/MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Soap dish with Soap Deodorant After shave lotion Razor/blades/shaving soap or Electric razor Comb and/or brush Toothbrush and toothpaste Sun block lotion Insect repellant Feminine hygiene items Laundry soap Lip balm Foot powder Laundry bag 4. Service and Support. NA 5. Command and Signal. NA