Top technology: Club models 2013 Perfect equipment: Minitrix loco

Exclusive reports
N Gauge: Europe’s great module show
Audit: Test of toughness for models
Top technology: Club models 2013
Perfect equipment: Minitrix loco class 18.6
Fascination in detail: H0 loco class 58.10-21
Top model in N: the 18 612 is more than just an elegant loco with a graceful boiler and an imposing tender; the Minitrix 2013 Club model scores with a
speed-dependent smoke generator and processor-controlled firebox flickering. The detailing of the N-gauge locomotive is also worth studying.
Issue 01 / 2013
News: Club year 2013 in overview / exhibition preview
“Faszination Modellbahn” Sinsheim / News from Trix Express ........... 4
Club model 2013 in N: designer Matthias Maurer shows us the
finer points of the rebuilt S 3/6 loco 18 612 ........................................... 6
Club models 2013 in H0: class 58.10-21 and her coal wagons ............ 10
Insights: models ready for distribution under test in Audit –
they are tested negotiating turnouts too ............................................. 12
Euro-meet: at the European N-Scale Convention the N-railroader
scene celebrates an international party – a colorful mosaic of different
building styles and landscapes of all types as well as train operations
without frontiers ...................................................................................... 16
Overview: the Trix round tables: fun with the model railroad and
expert discussions between people with similar interests .................. 19
Layout Portrait: how in three square meters space can be found for
an operationally interesting and visually attractive N-gauge layout .... 20
Editorial / masthead . .................................................................................. 3
The Club mailing 01/2013 includes the following enclosures: Trix Club News 01/2013,
Märklin Magazin 01/2013, Trix New products brochure 2013, DVD Märklin TV “Best of 2012”.
Worthy of admiration: the module miniatures at the N-Scale
Convention stand for the vivacity of the N-gauge world.
Your service numbers
Harmonious: the loco of class 58.10-21 in charge of seven high-side gondolas – the 2013
Club models in H0 complement each other brilliantly to form a fantastic block train.
Dear Club members,
Customer Service
Club hotline:
Telephone Monday – Friday
from 10 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Telephone: + 49 (0) 71 61 / 6 08 - 2 13 • Fax: - 3 08
Queries about technology, repairs
and spare parts / complaints:
Telephone Monday – Friday
from 10 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Telephone inland: 0 90 01 / 6 08-2 22 (49 cents a
minute from the German fixed phone network,
mobile tariffs may differ)
Telephone from abroad:
+ 49 (0) 71 61 / 6 08 - 2 22
Fax: +49 (0) 71 61 / 6 08-2 25
Please inform us in good time of your new
address so we will know where we can reach
you. A forwarding address at the Post Office
unfortunately will not suffice.
The Club models for 2013 were received by the members with acclaim:
above all the Minitrix steam loco 18 612 with all her technical refinements met an enthusiastic welcome. In this issue, designer Matthias
Maurer tells us what the development procedure is. The H0 Club model
for 2013, together with her high-side gondolas, also made a lasting
impression – and so Product Manager Karl-Heinz Grässle is going to
let us into some details of the impressive ensemble made up of steam
loco 58 1836 and coal wagons. To ensure the quality on delivery is as
it should be, the manufacturing lots of locos and cars must be subjected to random sample tests. How these tests are carried out, the audit
staff tell us in a background report. In the Quality Assurance, it’s all
matter-of-fact like in a laboratory, so we turn to the colorful side of Ngauge life for the next two articles: at the European N-Scale Convention
in Stuttgart, the international model railroader scene has celebrated a
“Fiesta de la N” – building styles and landscape designs from ten different countries stimulate the appetite for 1:160 scale. And just what
can be done with N gauge in little room is shown by the portrait of a
charming layout from Franconia. Whether you want more encouragement or would like to have contact and exchange with an association,
you will find plenty of suggestions if you look out one of our Trix round
tables. We hope you enjoy reading your Club News.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Your Trix Club team
3G Media GmbH: Peter Waldleitner
(editor-in-chief), Lars Harnisch, Rochus
Rademacher, Stefanie Hirrle
Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH
Stuttgarter Str. 55 – 57
Gerhard Baumann GmbH & Co. KG
73033 Göppingen, Germany
No liability accepted for any dates given.
E 197905 – 01 2013 © by Gebr. Märklin
Club News is an exclusive part of this publication for Trix Club
members. Subject to changes and delivery options for all the
products mentioned here. All rights reserved. Reprinting in whole or
in part only with prior written permission. This also applies for
recording in electronic databases and duplication on CD-ROMs. The
Märklin Customer Clubs
Unless indicated otherwise: Trix Club
editor is not liable for any unsolicited submission of manuscripts,
Silvia Römpp (responsible)
Title: Kötzle
photographs or illustrations.
News & Facts
Trix Club year 2013
Februar / März 2013 € 5,50
Die ganze Welt der Modellbahnen
ive Rep s große Modul le
für Mo
Spur N: teprüfung
Tipp: Anlagenbau
Reizvolle Gleisführung auf
engstem Raum
Start mit Märklin
my world: Einfach einsteigen
Club members
The Club package for members
includes the Märklin Magazin
and the Club News, both of them
Der Mythos
lebt weiter
contained in the Club mailings
six times a year. Only Club members have access to the Märklin TV archive and twice a year
they receive a DVD containing a chronicle of the most important events. Another part of the Club package allows each
member to order an exclusive Car of the Year annually in H0, N
or Trix Express from his retailer. The mailings include order
forms for the exclusive Club models, the offer of special models for membership anniversaries is also restricted to Club
members. With the June mailing, members receive a voucher
with which they can order the catalog from their retailer. The
Club card is sent to all members with confirmation of membership for the Club year just starting. For all new members, the
password for logging into the Club area under
is printed on the covering letter. Members continuing from
the previous year need not alter their password. You receive
concessions on presentation of the Club card at events or to
Club cooperation partners; a summary of these will appear in
the Club News 02/2013.
Clubm nitrix-Lok BR -21
g: Mi
Spitzen Ausstattun H0-Lok BR
Das Krokodil vom Gotthard in H0
Perfektetion im Detai
“Schedule” 2013*
Issue Publication date
Die Neuheiten im
Die Clubmodelle
im Jahr 2013
Start of February
DVD Märklin TV “Best of 2012”
New releases brochure 2013
Start of April
Start of June
Start of August
Start of October
Start of December DVD “A Year with Trix” II
DVD “A year with Trix” I
Order forms for:
• anniversary models
• Current catalog
Subject to alteration. Please note the precise dates in the respective current
issue. The order forms for Club models and Car of the Year 2013 were
included with the Club mailing 06/2012.
Club models 2013: the
class 58.10-21 in H0 (top)
and the class 18.6 in N.
Club card now
with added value
As of now you can
use the Club card not
only to obtain reduced rate entrance
tickets from our
cooperation partners
and to exhibitions,
but also to order Club models, catalog and Cars of the Year.
For some time now, our retailers have been able to submit
your orders on line. This now applies to orders for Club models
too, effective forthwith. Your benefit: presenting the Club
card is all you need to do to order current products offered
for Club members. In practical terms, this means that the
order form is no longer essential. Thus, even if you have already
handed in your order form, you can still subsequently order
items you have not ordered previously. And another thing:
shortly, you will even be able check conveniently at home in
the Club area ( which items were ordered when,
and what items can still be ordered.
Club members
with umbrella
The Club team prepared a hearty welcome
for Club members at the IMA 2012 in
Cologne. Trix enthusiasts were greeted with
a welcome drink and a present: at the Club
stand, they were presented with an umbrella
bearing the Trix Club logo. At the same time,
members were also able to cast their eyes
over the exclusive Club models for 2013 –
such as the class 58.10-21 and the matching
set of high-sided gondola cars (see page 10).
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Fascination model railroad – fascination Trix
Models of the highest quality will be on view
at the exhibition “Faszination Modellbahn”
from 22 to 24 February in Sinsheim, as well
as dream layouts and model railroad operations in all gauges. The international exhibition
for model railroads and accessories has its
special attraction: many of the new products
announced at the Nuremberg International
Toy Fair will be presented to the model com-
munity at Sinsheim for the first time. Trix
Club members pay a reduced entrance fee on
production of their Club card at the entrance
kiosk on the day. Times of opening for Faszination Modellbahn are Friday and Saturday
9:00 to 18:00, and Sunday 9:00 to 17:00. You
will find further information on Faszination
Modellbahn on the Internet under
Starting exhibition: Faszination Modellbahn attracts
countless layout and model
railroad fans to Sinsheim to
look, be inspired and to chat.
Trix Express anniversary car
for five years’ loyalty
For our Trix Express fans in the Club, the wait has
been worth while: we have kept our promise and are
delighted to offer Trix Express members a special
model for five years’ Club membership: the two-axle
tank car “Dammann & Lewens” (item 33965). All
members with the Trix Express gauge preference
and a club membership of five years or longer receive an order form for our anniversary model with
this mailing. From 2014, the corresponding class of
members will receive with mailing 03 once only the
option of ordering this special model together with
the other anniversary models.
Important: Please take particular note of the closing
date for orders of the model premiere which is 31.
March 2013. Please hand in your order by that date
to the retailer who is to deliver your special model.
Deliveries are scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2013.
The price of the anniversary model is shown on
the order form.
33965 tank car
Closing date fo
March 31, 2013
!d 1
Prototype: 2-axle tank car “Dammann & Lewens”,
registered with the German Federal Railroad.
Model: separately-applied platform, catwalk and ladder.
Detailed running gear with pierced frames. Length over
buffers 100 mm (3-15/16").
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Smart little Club model:
the steam loco 18 612 in N
gauge is on its way to the
Club members.
Club model 2013 in N-gauge: 18612 with flickering firebox glow
Elegant loco with refinement
Steam loco 18 612 has captivating aesthetics – as Club model in N-gauge she also
scores with a flickering firebox glow and a speed-dependent smoke generator. Another
highly appreciated feature is the unusually fine detailing, as is evidenced by the first
model railroaders to become acquainted with her.
Technological highlight: flickering in the firebox is controlled by the processor.
“The tender loco 18 612 is impressive due to
her well-balanced proportions; she has a long,
slim boiler, a long four-axle type 2’2 T 31.5
tender and large diameter driving wheels”,
says Matthias Maurer, giving some characteristics of the rebuilt type S3/6. The designer of
the 2013 Trix Club model didn’t take any short
cuts in the detailing: “The domes are carefully
designed, as is the pipework on the boiler”.
Not to be forgotten – the tender: “Here the rivets
and grab-handles are cast in place; like the
loco, the steps are applied separately, as are
the pumps and the alternator on the boiler”.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
The loco is modeled as it was running in
about 1960.
Designer Matthias Maurer has trodden a new
path at Märklin with the installation of a speeddependent smoke generator. “First of all, its
housing had to be a perfect fit in limited space
in the boiler, then the route the smoke would
take to exit the smoke stack had to be decided”. Nor was it any trivial matter to design
the arrangement for filling the smoke generator: the smoke stack and a panel behind it on
top of the boiler must be removed to do this.
“So that the smoke is ejected at a rate commensurate with speed, the generator receives
appropriate impulses from the decoder’s processor”. The digital decoder is accommodated
in the tender.
“For the firebox flickering, I installed a lighting
circuit board with a white and a red LED”,
designer Maurer continues, describing a further
highlight of the Minitrix model. Again, the
lighting effect is controlled by the decoder.
The lettering on the model probably also
breaks records, as Klaus Schwichtenberg,
More about the
Club model
For hours of pleasure:
supplied with the Club
model item 16186 is the
standard reference work
on the S 3/6 series –
through to the class 18.6.
The chances for evading the “scrap vultures” don’t look too
bright for pre-heating loco 18 612 in Kempten: the scrapping
application has been approved. Bavarian railroad fans enlist
the help of federal railroad senior officer J. B. Kronawitter – and
unbureaucratically he organizes the transfer free of charge of
this magnificent machine into the sheds in Munich-East depot
on 23 May 1973: the loco is saved! “Die 18 612 entgeht dem
Schrotthändler” (18 612 escapes the cutter’s torch) is how authors Helmut Tauber and Steffen Lüdecke headline the story
in their book “Die legendäre bayerische S3/6” – “The legendary
Bavarian S3/6” – which is included with the Minitrix Club
model. The background knowledge here also prepares you for
visiting 18 612 in the steam locomotive museum in Neuenmarkt-Wirsberg, to which you will also find an entrance ticket.
Closing date fo
March 31, 2013
16186 Express train tender locomotive
!% , Z S d !
Prototype: 18 612, type 2´C 1´h4v with tender bay 2´2 T 31,7
of the German Federal Railroad, as running in about 1960.
Model: loco and tender of die cast metal. Bell-shaped
armature motor with flywheel in the boiler. Fitted with
digital decoder and sound generator with formats DCC,
Selectrix and Selectrix 2. Loco and tender close-coupled.
Three coupled axles driven, traction tires. Fitted with
speed-dependent smoke generator, refillable through re-
Engineer’s cab lighting with
warm white LEDs
Long tender Bavarian
type 2’2 T 31.7
firebox flickering
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
movable smoke stack. Firebox flickering with process-controlled LEDs red and orange. Three-position headlights
and engineer’s cab lights warm white LEDs. Also supplied
are a book describing the history of the S 3/6 with a chapter
devoted to 18 612, and a
ticket to visit the DDM in
Important: closing date for orders is
Length over buffers: 144
31 March 2013. Deliveries are scheduled
mm (5-11/16").
for quarter 4, 2013.
delicate design of dome and
pipes along the boiler
Engineer’s cab
with two-piece
Slim boiler
The order form for the Club model in N
(item 16168) was sent out with the mailing
06/2012. If you have mislaid your copy,
you are welcome to ask the Club team to
send you a replacement.
Removable smoke-stack for
refilling the smoke generator
Coal space in tender
smoke generator
Coned smokebox door
Rear pony-truck
Two-axle leadFully-detailed tender
ing truck
design incorporating
0.104 mm
Three coupled axles;
rivets and grab-handles
Tender close-coupled
driving wheel diameter
cast in
in original: 1,870 mm
Length over buffers: 144 mm (5-11/16")
Märklin’s expert on pre-printing and printing
stages tells us: “The smallest lettering is just
0.104 millimeters high and has a line thickness of 0.015 millimeters”.
First public appearance of the Minitrix 2013
Club Model of the Year was at the European
N-Scale Convention in Stuttgart (see page 16).
“It’s a superb item, is 18 612; with the flickering light from the firebox and the steam
generator, it’ll be the number one attraction
on many a layout” is the view of Jochen Krohe.
The N-Club International’s steam loco specialist is pleased to see that three-position headlamps have been provided: “In era III after all,
hardly anyone was still running with only twoposition headlamps. There are plenty of era III
runners who will be delighted with this loco”.
Her special position in railroad history makes
her even more of a pull – after all, the locomotive with road number 18 612 does represent
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
The powerful rebuilt loco: the class 18.6 locos were amongst the most efficient steam locomotives on the DB.
the ultimate development of class 18.6.
Between 1953 and 1956, the Bavarian S 3/6
locos of class 18.5 are rebuilt, receiving new
boilers and engineer’s cab. Performance
of the rebuilt locos, designated class 18.6, is
comparable with that of the class 01.0, which
had larger principal dimensions, writes Lothar
Spielhoff in “Lokomotiven der Bayerischen
Eisenbahnen” (Locomotives of the Bavarian
railroads). “Thus the rebuilt S 3/6 locos of
class 18.6 were amongst the most economical
steam locomotives of the DB, with an overall
efficiency between 9 and 10 percent, which
they achieved at speeds below the 100 km/h
(62 mph) mark”. As the highest continuous
power output achieved by the class, Spielhoff quotes a figure of 1,740 HP at a speed of
70 km/h (43.5 mph).
“In their ten years in service, there were some
outstanding performances put up by the 18.6”,
comments rail expert Lothar Spielhoff. Their
average daily performance was between 500
and 600 kilometers – some 310 to 370 miles.
Their longest run was between Stuttgart and
Hof (372 kilometers – 231 miles). “Most of
the locomotives ran over a million kilometers
(620,000 miles) between rebuilding and
Text: RR/Photos: C. Asmus collection, Kötzle, Trix
Typical: 18612 is in charge of a passenger train – just like the prototype stationed in Lindau.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Fascinating ensemble:
steam loco 58 1836 with
three-axle tender in charge
of seven DB high-side
gondolas loaded with coal.
The H0 Club models 2013
are modeled as running
early in era III.
Exclusive Club models 2013 in H0: class 58.10-21
and high-side gondola cars
Exquisite block train in H0
Unique in railroad history, technically to a high standard: with 58 1836, an unusual
steam locomotive in H0 is produced exclusively and in a one-off series for the Club
members. A pack with a set of weathered freight cars completes the train.
H0 Product Manager Karl-Heinz Grässle will
not entertain compromise in the Club model:
“Naturally, our freight train steam locomotive
model of the class 58.10-21 is a completely
new tooling, and it’s well worth a very close
look. The delicate metal construction, the
prominent Belpaire firebox and the pierced
bar-frames”. Trix Club members who want
to get even closer to the real thing will fit the
brake hoses and piston-rod protector tubes
24258 Freight car set
!1 d
Closing date fo
March 31, 2013
supplied – on the original, the piston-rods run
in these, protected from dirt and damage.
The design team has arranged the high-efficiency drive in the boiler of the era III locomotive,
complete with fly-wheel. The five coupled axles
are driven, and the leading pony truck helps
guide the loco round curves. If the Club model
is running on the layout, it can show off
some more technical characteristics. “With the
smoke generator provided, the loco with its
Model highlights 24258
• New design: the interchange type open freight
car Om 21 “Om Königsberg”.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
22958 Freight train steam locomotive
!W § ! K , 1 d
Model highlights 22958
• Completely new development.
• Especially delicate metal design.
• Partially open bar-frames.
• DCC decoder and extensive operation and
sound functions.
• Lighting with warm white LEDs.
• Smoke generator kit supplied as standard.
road number of 58 1836 looks impressive as if
in steam – the smoke generator only has to
be pushed into place in the smoke stack. And
energy-saving LEDs light up the Reichsbahn
lamps with a warm white light”, says Product
Manager Karl-Heinz Grässle, speaking of the
two-position headlamps, which change ends
with direction of travel. Digital operators
have a selection of up to 16 functions they
can control.
The loco is produced in the condition in which
it was running in 1952 – just like the freight
car set with seven high side gondola cars also
The inner life: the 3-D model cross-section
exclusively produced for Club members,
shows what is in the metal body shell, like
which together with 58 1836 makes an attraccircuit board, motor and drive unit. Naturally,
tive block train. “The era III freight cars are
separately-fitted pieces are also shown.
of several different types, and have different
road numbers”, says H0 man Karl-Heinz
Grässle. “In addition, the freight cars are weathered and loaded with real coal – of course
Text: Rochus Rademacher
the grains are in scale size”.
Photos: C. Asmus collection, Märklin, H. Seehuber
• All cars with different road numbers.
• All cars with real coal loads and authentic signs of weathering.
• Ideal cars to go with the class 58 freight train steam locomotive (Trix Club model 2013).
Closing date fo
March 31, 2013
Complete product information
on the Club models (loco:
item 22958, freight car set:
item 24258) can be found
in Club News 06/2012 and on
line under
Important: closing date for
orders is 31 March 2013.
Deliveries are scheduled for
quarter 3, 2013.
The order form for the Club
model was sent out with the
mailing 06/2012. If you have
mislaid your copy, you are
welcome to ask the Club team
to send you a replacement.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Auditing finished goods: checking random
samples for complete functionality
The last examination of all
The Audit for Trix models knows no mercy. Models ready for delivery are sampled,
taken to bits and in functional testing they are pushed to their limits. Spot checks
clear the way for a complete batch.
Stumbling blocks: N-gauge
locos, passenger and freight
cars ready for delivery
have to negotiate complex
arrangements of turnouts.
It is directly after the Final Assembly, the Audit
room, and it has the atmosphere of a laboratory. Models of different gauges run here
on several layouts and track systems and
with complicated routes and switch layouts. In
a relaxed style, two experienced audit staff
retests models ready for delivery for soundness in wind and limb – the last quality assurance measure before they are dispatched.
“Final Assembly has already checked every
item 100 % using laid-down computer-controlled test programs; here in Audit, we see
to the functionality and visual aspects”, explains Thomas Schork, Manager of Quality
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Audit room: Maria Remy subjects Minitrix models to strict
functional testing – she also inspects separately-fitted parts,
color and wiring of the samples.
Assurance (QA). “The model railroader has a
right to be supplied with exactly the goods
Product Management has specified and which
we offer on the market”.
Audit tester Maria Remy has just come in from
Final Assembly. “Several times a day, we take
audit samples at random unannounced, of
both packed and unpacked goods, so that we
have a representative sample of any batch”,
the tester explains, who also has to archive a
package of each item. Audit results will thus
be reproducible if required at a later date.
Then functional testing of the models begins,
as laid down in Quality standards. For packaged locos, checks are extended to the accompanying instructions for use as well.
While the final post-assembly checks are carried out on standard test rigs, the Audit setup is
impressive with its variety of configurations
and above all its large dimensions. “We simulate the typical play operation of the model
railroader, including extremely slow running,
fast running, running backwards and forwards”, explains audit tester Ursula Schäfer.
On these layouts, there are many more turnouts in a short space than usual – it’s probably
best compared with a complex configuration
of switchers at the approach to a station.
“That’s really the only way we can properly
test their running behavior over turnouts”.
Testing is carried out to its limits to find malfunctions in the turnout and maneuverability
The H0 course: Thomas
Schork, Quality Assurance
manager, attentively
follows the digital functional testing.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Practical orientation: Mobile Station, catenary or loco whistle – the H0 Trix loco must function, running backwards or forwards, fast or slow.
On the rails: the Minitrix
loco has to demonstrate its
agility to the testers. Every
model has its own specific
program to complete.
Finesse: without a problem,
the N-gauge loco follows
the running instructions it
is given, here with its pantograph raised.
testing: a responsible model railroader would
long since have reduced speed to avoid
the risk of derailments. But Maria Remy is unmoved and holds the speed. “All items tested
are operated both analog and digital, on different types of track and on transition track
pieces”. Central Station, Central Station 2, and
the Mobile Station are all connected – even
the Märklin App on smart cell phone and tablet PC are used. And naturally analog transformers control everything. “We test specific
to each loco whether the dataset with all
its functions, from whistle to headlights, has
been correctly installed and can be called up
in accordance with the instructions for use”.
There’s no such thing as routine, as the checklist varies with model type. “I have to make
sure that the loco runs just as fast at it should,
that all separately-applied parts like grab-rails,
whistle or pantograph are complete and
that the windows are fitted correctly”, says
Ursula Schäfer giving us an idea of the range
of checks needed. Paintwork is also subject to
the strictest scrutiny; surface inclusions and
incomplete lettering never go unnoticed. And
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
as if that were not enough, the loco is unscrewed and the interior is inspected. The
audit experts recognize a badly-laid wire at a
And if a loco should fail one of these tests in a
breakneck turnout configuration? Then the
audit staff repeats the maneuver with a second
identical loco in exactly the same place a
number of times, slowly, fast, backwards, forwards. If they do succeed in reproducing
the malfunction, there is an immediate report
to Production, to enable the working procedure
to be optimized and the fault to be remedied.
The audit leads each day to documentation
at product level analyzed in detail according
to samples. The data are then prepared for
various target groups – for the executive board,
for the supervisors and for the staff. The main
aim is the concern’s learning curve, as Thomas
Schork makes clear: “The audit results become integrated into our quality regulation
process as an active feedback to the organization and a starting point for avoiding mistakes in future”.
Text: R. Rademacher/Photos: Kötzle
On the safe side: Quality Assurance archives a second example of every batch of goods
tested at the same time. The functional tests are exactly reproducible if necessary.
The learning concern: feedback from Customer Services into Production
Customer orientation: every month the managers of Design
(left: Thomas Mann), Service (center: Roland Mayer) and
Quality Assurance [QA] (Thomas Schork) analyze current
cases received by Customer Services. The sessions lead
to improvements.
“At Märklin models of all gauges and brands are subjected to
the audit, carried out by the same personnel on suitable layouts using the same procedures”, as Thomas Schork, Manager
Quality assurance (QA) says, stressing the standard character
of the functional testing in the Göppingen-Györ factory association. All deliveries from Hungary have already been checked
by a QA team there; further random samples are taken in Göppingen and audited. The results are passed on every day to those
responsible for the cost centers. In summary form, these audit
data are also incorporated in the quality report submitted once
a month to the executive board.
Once a week, a notice is displayed in the factories to inform all
staff of the work quality in the previous week. Where quality is
concerned, the customers also have their say. Thomas Schork
says: “In a monthly meeting, the managers from Service,
Design and QA examine current cases from our Customer
Services. Each meeting is minuted with notes for resubmission, schedules and a list of action items – a concern which is
learning will take every opportunity for improvement”.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Miniature art: everyday hustle and bustle
in the provincial town (top left), a walk
in the biotope (right) or the Christmas
market (bottom) – on the European Nmodules there is much to be discovered.
The links are the through trains powered
by such as the Minitrix class 185.2
electric loco (above).
European N-Scale Convention in Stuttgart
FasciNation Europe
At the international N-gaugers’ meet in Stuttgart, it’s not only
the extremely long trains which cause wonderment: the delicacy
of the module miniatures are an irresistible attraction too.
Deep blue Finnish lakes, sparkling Swiss mountain
streams and river-beds full of boulders in the south
of France – the design of water features lets you
draw conclusions as to the nationality of those
who built the modules at the seventh European
N-Scale Convention. The beauty and variety
which is Europe spreads over hundreds of
modules belonging to over 220 exhibitors
– Europe in N covers an area of almost
1,600 square meters (over 17,000 sq.ft.).
There to be admired was Austrian
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Gauge N
Charm of variety: in quick succession, we see the Italian ASN building
site (left), a roped party on the Spur-N-Schweiz (below it), or a Danish
hop-pickers’ harvest (bottom). And for the N Club Finland, a lakes module
harmonizes effectively with the background.
“Europe celebrates here”
See and be seen – the international N-railroaders’ meet in
Stuttgart has become established as one of the advertisements for the model railroad in 1:160 scale. Visitors
are delighted by the different methods of construction –
the experienced model railroader garners valuable tips,
and looking at the different qualities of the various modules, the beginner loses his fear of the taking the first
step. And naturally shop talk links everyone at the European N-Scale Convention – even after the exhibition day
is finished: when on the first evening of the exhibition the
visitors have left the hall, the N-gauge enthusiasts build
up a 60-meter (200 feet) long table which groans under
the weight of the specialties of the various nations. The
Spur-N-Schweiz prepares their Fondue, the Amici Scala N
serve up Parma ham and the East Surrey N-Gauge taps
dark beer. “Europe celebrates here”, says Peter Csavajda,
President of the organizers, the N-Club International,
characterizing the cheerful mood. Here people make plans
for future cooperation, friendships are cemented, and
Trix Product Manager Claus Ballsieper takes part in the
discussions too. Photos of the event are to be found on
the NCI home page:
marshland and vegetation from Provence, an English ship
lift, a Spanish coal-mine, here a Tuscan farming estate and
a three-meter (ten feet) long bridge in the Danish module
section. Brought back to life is the long-demolished old
Spanish station of Saragossa and the abandoned rack-railroad on the Swabian Alb; and immortalized in N is the
Belgian station of Balegem-Dorp with all its accompanying
meadows, woods and willows (see page 18).
“16 model railroad clubs from ten countries took part in the
2012 Convention”, reports Peter Csavajda, President of
the N-Club International (NCI) association, whose members
will have invested six months of their leisure time in its
organization. “A novelty is that we did not join the various
modular layouts directly to the NCI layout; this year, most
of them were integrated into a single main line”. The visitors were delighted by the rolling stock too, such as the
SNCF’s BB 7200 general-purpose loco, the ÖBB local express
train “City Airport Train” or the class Re 4/4 electric loco
of the SBB. For Peter Csavajda, the Convention acts as a
general advertisement for the model railroad: “We are after
all a component part of the big hobby exhibition. That’s
European banquet: at their “Welcome back” banquet on the opening
evening of the European N-Scale Convention, over 200 model railroad
operators lay the tables, and the delicacies brought are cleared up in
an atmosphere of joyful celebration.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Lifelike: pipes are being laid (top) by
“Les Amis N de France” (AFAN), and
the Club N de España is condemning
illegal garbage dumping (left). One
item worth studying is water, which
doesn’t always flow blue (or clear!)
– as the impressions from the south
of France (above, right) and Switzerland (right) demonstrate.
Belgium in miniature
The Belgian model railroad
association N160 is pursuing
a major project. “We are
building SNCB railroad line 122
from Gent to Geraadsbergen”,
Luc Vennekens, secretary of the
N160 from Antwerp, tells us.
The segment already finished,
with the station Balegem-Dorp,
was on exhibition in Stuttgart.
The “Vereiniging voor Modelspoor” ( is happy
to exhibit its modules, Vennekens assures us: “When we do,
we get into discussions with
the visitors. Just now, one excited visitor recognized his own
house in model form – and pointed out a wrongly-designed
Luc Vennekens: Secretary
of the N160 Association.
Realistic: whether it’s a dreamy
pond (left) or a
smart house (top)
– if it’s on the line
between Gent
and Geraadsbergen, it’s going to
be copied by the
Belgian N-gauge
enthusiasts of the
club N160.
why it’s not just the dedicated model railroaders who stroll
along past the layouts; there are also women who are interested, and many, many children”.
Peter Csavajda sidesteps our question of the total layout
length: “All that matters is to be here, to take part – that’s
what counts. We have all been feverishly working towards
this top event”. Confirming this, Elias Martinez Fernandez
from the Club N de España (CNE), says: “In Spain, the Ngauge groups meet at a different venue each year to celebrate
a ’Fiesta de la N’. And of course we attend the European
Convention as well”. The event has a similar significance
for Italy too, as Roberto Cordioli from the Italian association ASN tells us: “The ’Amici Scala N’ (’Friends of N gauge’)
has a total of 350 members throughout Italy, of which 250
are active N-railroaders. Meets are held in Milan, Verona
or Rome – and on a European level, in Stuttgart”. Luc
Vennekens, Secretary of the N160 from Antwerp, nods:
“Here we can show off what we have been doing. But
above all, we have the chance to meet many people once
again; after all, we are here because the hobby of layout
construction in N-gauge is simply such tremendous fun”.
Text and photographs: RR
Trix-Clubnews 04 / 2012
Photos: Kötzle
Trix Round Tables
The greatest hobby in the world is even more enjoyable in the
company of friends: People with the same interests meet at
Trix round tables to swap stories about layouts, models and
the real railroad.
Contact details for Trix round tables:
44388 Dortmund, Germany, Bövinghauser Str. 23,
Markus Dyba,
48076 Münster, Germany, Postfach 470243,
Christian Schmidt,
55129 Mainz, Germany, Ringstr. 11, Stefan Claus,
Minitrix and Trix H0 railroaders love to discuss layout construction,
news from the Trix world or experience with models. that’s why on
this page we offer a platform for all those who want to enjoy their
hobby together with others: we publish the addresses of “Trix Club
round tables”. We only publish the details of private meetings attended
by members of the Trix Club; commercial meets and details of independent model railroad clubs are not included. We cannot accept any
responsibility for the accuracy of the details published, nor can we
guarantee that the round tables are established or that meetings take
place as published. The round tables are of an informal nature. The
addresses published are either those of existing round tables or of
people interested in setting one up – we do not differentiate here.
We therefore ask you to make any arrangements with the given contact
directly. Please understand that no address can be given by phone,
fax or e-mail.
Tel.: +49 (0) 61 31/6 17 65 90,
und Stephan Türk,,
56651 Niederzissen, Am Sauerbrunnen 35, Germany, Helmut Wasserscheid, Tel.: +49 (0) 26 36/
80 04 60 (ab 19 Uhr),,
78647 Trossingen, Germany, Schulstr. 24,
Gerhard Kresser, Tel.: +49 (0) 74 25/32 66 66 and
+49 (0)175/1 61 52 93,
86706 Weichering, Germany, Krautgarten 16, Peter
Tümmel, Tel.: +49 (0) 84 50/90 12 04, trixexpress@, Internet:
E-29640 Fuengirola/Malaga – Spain, Postfach
370, Bjørn Beining, Tel.: +34 (0) 661 09 39 72,
Lower Austria / Vienna, Austria, Michael Mrazek,
Tel.: +43 (0) 676/3 60 23 37,
Trix will help you set up a round table
1) You should write by e-mail or letter to
Trix if you have founded, or would like
to found, a round table and are looking
for members. Please send us your full
contact details and don’t forget your
postal address.
Whether you want to model a big airport or an idyllic little branch line village station, you’ll often
find discussions at Trix round tables going on as to how to set up layout scenarios of these types.
2) We will then publish your full contact
details in the next Trix Club News, so
that other members who would like to
take part in your round table can get
in touch with you. Trix acts here purely
as an intermediary and offers a 19
platform to round tables.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Obvious: many people
recognize Lindau harbor
entrance; it’s an ideal
feature to encourage
conversation with visitors to exhibitions.
Layout portrait: everyone is fascinated by a dog-bone layout
Composition in N
Just three square meters – 32 square feet – has to accommodate everything, yet
landscape, buildings and rail infrastructure must still harmonize. Peter Fischer managed
this elegantly with his N-gauge layout design of a squashed oval.
A tendency to build layouts:
just because he had some
N-gauge track, Peter Fischer
promptly built himself a
What does an enthusiastic designer of H0 layouts do when he suddenly gets a whole stack
of N-tracks? Right on: he turns up his sleeves.
“I was given 13 meters (over 42 feet) of Ngauge track. Well, I didn’t want to just throw it
in a box and forget about it, so I planned a little layout for Christmas to put up in the living
room”. That’s Peter Fischer’s story of the origin of his N-gauge project. The layout was going to be rectangular in shape and 250 x 80 cm
(8'2-1/2" x 2'7-1/2"). Formed of an oval tapering
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
Front of shot the railroad, at the back, the rest of life: with long trains on the main line and marshaling
operations in the centrally-sited station, this N-gauge layout is well suited to those who enjoy running. In the
background, the mountains, the quarry, the harbor and the old town appeal to the landscape designers.
inwards on both sides with a double track
main line on two levels and a helix, the
layout is just a typical design for variety in
The fact that the layout grew to measure
1.25 meters (4'1-1/4") wide, the station took
over the center of the layout as the pivot of
marshaling work and that building took six
years is all explained by Peter Fischer’s central project. The native of Franconia has run
H0 gauge since 1970 and is the driving force
behind the Model and Local Railroad Club
“Reicher Ebrachgrund”, which is following
a specific aim with its modular layout: this is
to save the partially-dismantled local line
Bamberg-Frensdorf-Schlüsselfeld from being
forgotten. The exhibitions every two years of
the growing 20-meter (65 feet) H0 layout are a
great attraction. “As my N-gauge layout was
being exhibited here as well, I extended it by
a section using no track”, the model railroader
Hard labor: rocks from the quarry are loaded and broken up: a bulk goods grader, a concrete
mixer and a factory building add color to the scenario.
Leisure: the Bavarian lion watches over Lindau harbor entrance.
Everyday life: market stalls, playground and parks enliven the edge of the old town.
Alpine foothills: country surrounds the chapel on
the hill – the main-line tunnel runs underneath it.
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
from Schlüsselfeld tells us. Since it is in two
parts, the N-scale scenario is not difficult to
The layout is roughly divided into four parts.
The left-hand end is dominated by the rocky
slopes of a mountain topped by a castle,
which hide the track helix. “The station with
four through tracks and four stabling sidings
is in the middle, on the right is an open curve
leading to the main line with gentle landscaping for long trains” says Peter as he sketches
out the central layout diagram. When a train
vanishes in the tunnel, the observer’s eye becomes a little lost for orientation. The Franconian has helped out here by adding a road
across the face of the mountain at the second
level of the layout so that when a train rushes
into the tunnel, the road leads the eye to the
tunnel exit, where the train consist leaves it.
In the fourth part – the rear extension – the
layout designer has thrown aside all pretence
at modesty: on the left, the mountain ends at
a quarry, enlivened by a concrete mixer plant
and a factory building. As a horizon on the
right-hand side, there is an old town façade,
which includes a town wall, bus stop and a
mighty monument – all of them without an
original as pattern.
In the center there was to be something special
to catch the attention. Peter Fischer took his
time, and leafed through all his Märklin Magazines from 1982 for ideas. “I hit the bullseye
in the volume 03/1983 – there was an aerial
photo of the station at Lindau on Lake Constance and the sailing ship harbor on a doublepage spread”. Fischer built the motif of the
harbor with lighthouse and the lion on its plinth
on an area of 60 x 45 cm (23-5/8" x 17-3/4"),
harmoniously integrated between the old town
Trix-Clubnews 01 / 2013
and the factory site. His reasoning has borne
fruit: “The famous harbor entrance at Lindau
is repeatedly recognized by visitors – and immediately we are in the middle of an animated
conversation, which is always a
delight for the layout designer”.
As to the rest of the project, the designer has
no worries about attractions – the operations
look after that side of things. “I have four
train consists with Minitrix locos on the layout,
and the vast majority of the rolling stock is
Trix as well. Two trains are out running and
change over in the station”, says Fischer, describing his well-thought-out operating concept.
“The operations I control with my Central
Station, and turnouts and signals all have analog
switching”. All the material is era III or later.
Left and right of the long main line in the
foreground the Franconian betrays himself
with landscape motifs to be found in the region around Schlüsselfeld in the Steigerwald
nature reserve – like a river mead with river
and streams, fruit trees, meadows, hiking trails
and cafés where you can take a snack. A little
vineyard serving as a modest reminder of one
aspect of Franconian farming culture admittedly amazed his colleagues on the H0 layout:
the “Reicher Ebrachgrund” model railroaders
are actually experts on brewing beer.
Text: R. Rademacher / Photos: C. Dick
The Model and Local Railroad Club
“Reicher Ebrachgrund” put on exhibitions regularly. E-mail contact:
Moving picture: four train
consists with locos and
cars by Minitrix populate
Peter Fischer’s layout.
Variety: two of the trains
are always out on the main
line, while the other two
await their tour of duty in
the station.
Club News presents effective Minitrix modules and layouts
A chance for all those who want to present their miniature works of art to
the greater model railroad community: Trix Club News is running a series
presenting unusual layouts, attractive modules and impressive groups
of modules in N-gauge. A harmonious overall picture, stylish track plans,
realistic and lively town, country or riverside scenes or well developed
operating concepts – there are many criteria which contribute to an Ngauge world being considered “unique”. Rolling stock should naturally
be by Trix. Send us a brief description of your layout, and we’ll introduce
it in the Trix Club News.
Layout portraits: a regular feature
in the Trix Club News.
Postal address: Trix Club News
c/o 3G Media
Serie Spur N
Löwenstr. 46a
70597 Stuttgart, Germany
Gauge N
A portrait
layout Po
Highlight 2013 in H0: Club model class 58.10-21
The typical Reichsbahn headlamps, Prussian tender, high-pitched
boiler: the H0 model of 58 1836 (item 22958) is naturally a perfect
replica of the former Prussian G 12. The loco of the change in era
(the 2013 Club model is produced as it was running in about 1952)
gives a doubly attractive impression on the layout when in charge
of the coal wagons from the exclusive freight car set (item
24258). Provided the train is not immured in the collection, then
E 197905
its visual appearance is enhanced by the twin headlamps, which
change ends with direction of travel, the engineer’s cab lighting
and the smoke generator set. The loco gives greater running pleasure acoustically too with its many sound functions. Apart from
sounds of running, the loco and shunter’s whistle, the Club member
can activate the sounds of letting off steam, shoveling coal, or
the noises of air and water pump.
Photo: H. Seehuber
Freight train steam loco in a class of its own