Lufthansa Airport Express as
an exclusive H0 Club model
All there is to know about the class 403 electric express
powered rail car train in H0
Minitrix: Class 78.10 Club model as an exhibition highlight
Club benefit: See how the exclusive Annual DVDs
are produced
N-gauge: The finest modules in Europe
Inspirational: The Minitrix Club
model 2015 made lots of friends
in Dortmund at Intermodellbau –
N-gauge fans swarmed around
the exclusive short-tender
class 78.10 steam loco.
First class: The
Lufthansa Airport
Express was
exclusively for
the use of airline
passengers. With
this exclusiveness,
the class 403/404
rail car is perfect as
a prototype for a
further 2015 Club
model in H0.
Impressive: In 1982, the Intercity-”Donald Duck” became the
Lufthansa Airport Express; it is now the prototype for a further
exclusive 2015 H0 Club model for Trix Club members. On the poster
page we even peep in through the windows of this stylish model.
4News & Facts
Review Intermodellbau/IMA and
Märklin Days 2015/Competition
6Minitrix Club model 2015
Exhibition encounters with steam
loco 78 1001
8H0 Club modell 2015
Lufthansa Airport Express:
All about the prototype of the
class 403/404 express rail car train
12Technology in detail
Refinements of the 2015 H0 class
403 Club model
14Layout construction
Highlights of modular building at
the European N-Scale Convention
18Anniversary meet
Trix Express is 80 years old and its
enthusiasts meet for a celebration
in the DB Museum in Coblence
Worth seeing:
­ nnual DVD 2015
part 1, only
produced for Club
members, is now
here with presenter
Hagen von Ortloff.
A look behind the
scenes shows how
much is involved in
its production.
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20Cooperation partners
Hans-Peter Porsche TraumWerk
and Bavaria Filmstadt
21Summary of round tables
At a glance: contact details for all
Trix round tables
22Club series
Annual DVD 2015 part 1 and its
24Model highlights
Minitrix models of the classes
212 and 213
Club hotline
Telephone Monday – Friday
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Tel.: + 49 (0) 71 61/6 08-2 13
Fax: + 49 (0) 71 61/6 08-3 08
Mail address: Trix Club, Postfach 960,
73009 Göppingen, Germany
The Club hotline is the central contact point for:
Technical questions about Trix products
Information on current events at Trix
Seeking spare parts
Inquiries on the status of a repair you have
sent in
Are you moving?
“Donald” flies for Lufthansa: With the interior lighting switched on, the class
403/403 electric express powered rail car train is a truly impressive Club model in H0.
Club members,
To coincide with the holiday season, Märklin is preparing a legendary
Lufthansa Airport Express in H0 exclusively for Club members: the class
403/404 with the melon yellow lower third and converted interior fittings. In
this issue, we report on the elegant prototype of the electric express powered
rail car train that was in service with Lufthansa and feature the attractive model
on the poster page. Of course, we also keep track of the Minitrix Club model
2015 that attracted such an enthusiastic response among N railroaders at the
Inter­modellbau fair in Dortmund.
In our scene section, we feature some truly impressive model construction
skills – each year, N-Club International attracts model builders from all
over Europe to the European N-Scale Convention, where they combine
their modules to create a huge layout with numerous branch lines. Also in
focus: The Trix Express brand is 80 years old, and the Trix Express Club
Deutschland at the DB Museum Koblenz is hosting a celebration between
the museum’s locomotives. However, the entire model railroader scene will
gather in Göppingen for the major event of 2015: the 10th Märklin Days
and the 32nd International Model Railroad Exhibition from September, 18
to 20. And those who want to work on their hobby in a smaller setting can
quickly make suitable contacts through our list of Trix round tables.
In the current mailing, the Club also encloses your copy of the Annual
DVD part 1 – an exclusive Club service that always offers a wealth of
viewing entertainment. We get to peek over the shoulders of popular presenter Hagen von Ortloff and the rest of the DVD production team. This
behind-the-scenes view reveals just how much work the Club puts into
each movie production. Enjoy reading your Club News!
trix club news 3.2015
Please inform us in good time of your new
address so we will know where we can reach
you. A simple application to the post office to
forward mail is unfortunately not enough.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH
Stuttgarter Str. 55 – 57
73033 Göppingen, Germany
Supported by the heller & partner media group,
Head of Publishing: Lutz Eckardt
Trix Club
Silvia Römpp (responsible)
3G Media GmbH: Peter Waldleitner
(Editor-in-Chief), Lars Harnisch,
Rochus Rademacher, Stefanie Hirrle
Concept and art direction,
pre-press production
heller & partner communication GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0) 89/45 71 00
Unless otherwise stated: Trix Club
Title: Gerd Hahn
No liability is accepted for dates quoted.
E 254259 – 03 2015 © by Gebr. Märklin
The Club News is an exclusive and integral part
of this mailing for Trix Club members.
All products mentioned are subject to alteration
and availability. All rights reserved. Reproduction, complete or in part, prohibited except with
written consent. This also applies to storage in
electronic databases and copying onto
CD-ROM. The editor is not liable for any unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations.
The Club mailing 03/2015 includes the following
enclosures: Trix Club News 03/2015, Märklin
Magazin 03/2015, Annual DVD 2015 (part 1),
order form for Club model H0 (item 22379) and
for Full Line Catalog 2015/2016.
The Club at the Intermodellbau 2015: With Club flags flying overhead, the Club team in Dortmund welcomed members
with a little memento.
Pure model railroad
n elegant ballpoint
with stainless steel
clip and Club logo
from the Club
team as a welcoming gift – for
this was surely a welcome start to this
year’s Dortmund Intermodellbau exhibition. Naturally at the Trix Stand all
eyes were on the exclusive 2015 Club
models – in N gauge, the unusual Minitrix short tender loco of class 78.10
(item 16471; see also page 6) and in
H0 the class 18.5 express passenger
loco (item 22880) with the matching
and convertible passenger car set by
Märklin (item 42259). At the stand
the exhibition special car, the N-gauge
DB AG high-side gondola type Eanos
(item 15435), sold like hot cakes. “The
continuously-improving technical execution of the Club models we are continually
driving forward is generally much appreciated by the modelers”, says a delighted Uwe
Müller, Manager, Product Management, of
the feedback from members at Intermodellbau. “Lots of them are enthusiastic about
the many digital functions of the Club
models too, as this makes the operations
so much more varied”.
Extremely popular: As
Minitrix special model for
the exhibition a colorweathered high-side
gondola (item 15435)
with load was
offered at the
Useful: As a welcome present,
members received a quality
ball-point pen at the Club stand.
Fantastic: At the
Trix stand, the
extensive Minitrix
construction kit
model of the
Zeche Zollverein
fascinated exhibition visitors.
The great event of the year:
32nd IMA/10th Märklin Days 2015
Play and enjoyment with
railroads large and small –
and that, for three whole
days: from September
18 to 20, 2015 the IMA Göppingen is again an inspiration with full steam, model construction trends
and good company. The combination of the 32nd
International Model Railway Exhibition and the 10th
Märklin Days stands for technology you can experience, a show packed with innovations and pleasure
with model railroads and others with similar interests. The great event of the model railroaders’ year
2015 naturally has something special for Club members. To start with, get to the exhibition fast through
the Club members’ VIP entrance gates, where the
Club team is waiting to welcome all members with a
little present. On Friday, 18 and Saturday, 19 September, there are visits of the Märklin factory exclusively
for Club members – a total of 8,000 members will be
able to visit the parent factory in Stuttgarter Strasse
on the two days between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Intending participants can register online in the Club
area or in writing. And a further popular Club item
is scheduled for Friday and Saturday: the exclusive
Heki Workshop on landscape design, with professional tuition. Luck of the draw will determine who
can take part in this event.
Learn more in the Club News issue 04/2015,
or keep a regular eye on the homepage
m be r
Septe 2015
18 to
Exhibition with trends: Minitrix Product Manager Claus Ballsieper (left) can be
found at the Trix stand at the IMA/Märklin Days 2015. There will also be many
model railroad and accessory manufacturers represented – and of course there
will be plenty of layouts set up.
Close up to the prototype: In Göppingen station there will again be numerous
impressive steam, diesel and electric locos to admire.
Club Meeting Belgium
Club competition: The winners have
been chosen
Our Club cooperation partner
Ravensburger Spieleland (www. is clearly extremely
popular: Participation in our Club
competition was outstanding. The
three winners drawn for a free
family visit to Spieleland for two
trix club news 3.2015
adults and two children are: Andreas Feindler (76228 Karlsruhe,
Germany), Martin Sieber (8409
Winterthur, Switzerland) and KarlHeinz Wagner (85117 Eitensheim,
Germany). Warmest congratulations to the three Club members!
Trix and Trix Express owners are also welcome guests at the “Insider Club Meeting
Belgium” in Aalst, of which the catchment
area stretches all the way to Germany. At
the meets apart from presentations of new
items, there are regularly interesting general subjects on the agenda such as modeling prototypical loads for freight cars.
Plans for 2015 are coil- and containers
(June 26), turntables and transfer tables
(July 31), motors (August 28), model
weathering (September 25), Central Station
(October 30) and boxcars and gondolas
(November 27). Initiator Hans Van Den
Berge wants to coordinate a trip to the IMA
and Märklin Days 2015 for members of
the meeting (see article above) – those
interested should send an e-mail to
Plenty of digital
At Intermodellbau many Club members took the opportunity
to examine the Minitrix Club model 2015 closely. Produced
in metal, with lighting and sound functions – the famous
short-tender steam loco 78 1001 keeps her promises.
“The 78 1001
is a thoroughly
successful design.”
Klaus Gross
Much sought after for a chat in Dortmund: Minitrix Product Manager Claus
Ballsieper (left) is never stuck for good advice – and naturally he is delighted over members’ accolades for the Club model 78 1001 (item 16471).
laus Gross, Club member from the start, praises
78 1001 at the Intermodellbau in Dortmund: “It
looks really good – the close-coupled tender is
super and the execution of the loco is amazingly
detailed. Naturally I have already ordered the
2015 Minitrix Club model.” That of course is
sweet music to Minitrix Product Manager Claus
Ballsieper, who has purposely positioned this product highlight
in a Trix display cabinet at eye-level: “That way, the details of the
class 78.10 short-tender loco, mainly made of metal, can be better
appreciated.” Little details like the many separately-applied parts:
the reversing lever, the ladders on the tender and the footsteps to
the engineer’s cab – to say nothing of the finely-executed running
gear with its three coupled axles or the authentic lettering on the
cab-sides and the tender.
“I have been a Trix Club
member right from the
start. I have already
ordered the N-gauge
Club model, and very
good it looks too.
The close-coupled
tender is super and
the execution of the
steam loco is amazingly detailed.”
Bernd Hölter
“Up to now, I’ve always
had something of a
fixation on electric locos. But
the class 78 has
prompted me
to take more of
an interest in
earlier eras and
to increase my
fleet of models
of yesteryear.
That’s why I’ve
already ordered
the 78.10.“
Club model impresses non-members too
What the observer cannot see is the twelve digital functions of the
era III steam loco, which are controlled with DCC and Selectrix 2
formats – the light and sound functions make for more interesting
running operations. Needless to say, the loco can also be run in analogue operation, but then only with headlights changing ends. But
Claus Ballsieper has hit the nail on the head with many N-railroaders with this selection. Thomas Molitor, proud owner of an eightsquare-meter (86 ft²) N-gauge layout says what a lot are thinking:
“I’m not a Club member, but I really like the 78.10. The model is for
certain a very good reason to consider joining the Club.”
Text: CN; photos: Kötzle, PW, Trix
Photos of the Trix and Minitrix presence in Dortmund
you will find on the Märklin Facebook page
Thomas Molitor
“I have an eight-squaremeter N-gauge layout
at home. I’m not a
member of the Trix
Club, but I like the
class 78.10 so much
that the model is
certainly a good
reason to consider
joining the Club.”
A unique profile: the short type 2T 17 tender underlines the special nature
of the Minitrix Club model 78 1001.
trix club news 3.2015
Flying on rails
In 1982, the class 403/404 became a
shortdistance airplane on rails. The popular
“Donald Duck” in Lufthansa’s company colors
with an elegant interior is the second H0 Club
model in 2015 – which means only Club
members can obtain all DB versions of
the class.
Start and finish: On its maiden ’flight’ on March 27, 1982, the Lufthansa
Airport Express passes Cologne (left) and on May 23, 1993 the three
sets pose for the last time in Düsseldorf storage sidings (above).
ail staff dubbed it “Flipper”, railroad enthusiasts christened it “Donald Duck”,
“Schienenhecht” (rail pike) or “Weißer
Hai” (great white shark) – all referring
to the Lufthansa Airport Express, which
in 1982 promoted the three IC express rail car
sets of class 403/404 to the status of stars of the
tracks. Painted in the house colors of the Crane airline, the chartered express units ferried airline passengers between the airports
at Düsseldorf and Frankfurt/Main four times a day. “That was how
Lufthansa replaced an uneconomic domestic air service, using two
trains and with one set in reserve”, says Thomas Landwehr, Märklin
documentarist, explaining the background to the service, which
operated from 27 March, 1982 until 23 May, 1993. “With this concept, these spectacular express rail cars brought Lufthansa flair to
the rails – fast, luxurious and exclusive”.
Class 403/404: Not even flying is better
Indeed, the aerodynamically-designed express rail cars were ideal as an alternative for airline passengers, still extremely cosseted
in the 1980s, as railroad historian Thomas Landwehr explains:
“Only passengers with air tickets were allowed on board. In
the open seating car, each row of seats had a separate window
and the passengers, all in first class seats, were catered to by
Lufthansa personnel, serving airline meals from the galleys; all
the armchairs could be turned to face the direction of travel”. An
additional attraction of the Lufthansa Airport Express especially
for foreign passengers was the romantic track alignment along
the central Rhine.
“The ET 403/404, celebrated as a masterpiece of technology,
is in Lufthansa colors for sure one of the most striking rail
cars of the 1980s”, says Karl-Heinz Grässle, Product Manager
H0 at Märklin, naming one reason for “Donald Duck” having
been chosen as a second exclusive H0 Club model in 2015.
“In the member survey asking what was the model they would
most like to see, the ET 403/404 in Intercity livery was one of
the top items, and it was a big hit as a Club model in 2012,
➞ but since then I have been inundated with messages by
e-mail, by post and approached by many Club members at
exhibitions asking why there was no version in the Lufthansa
color scheme. We don’t want to make these members wait too
long”. As with the three versions of the class 05 steam loco, only
Club members are able to obtain all the different DB versions of
the class 403/404. “Naturally, we will be bringing the Lufthansa
express rail car up to the state of the art”, stresses H0 Product
Manager Karl-Heinz Grässle. Thus with the DCC decoder there
will be several sound and light functions.
aluminum construction, the curve-controlled body steering with
tilt in curves, the cast steel brake discs essential for safe stopping
fitted on both sides of each wheel – the biggest problem in railroad engineering is braking and a high-speed train must have the
answer to that”. The railroad historian points out another design
Club model 2015 is authentic both inside and out
“We have also redesigned the interior fittings of the four cars to
match the Lufthansa Airport Express prototype”, reports model
designer Andreas Kobbe. “For the Airport Express, the dining
car, the open car and the end cars were all remodeled. Thus there
are now baggage compartments and stowage spaces to be seen in
the model, the galleys for the food containers – it all looks just as
it did in 1982 and this also applies to the switchable table lamps
and the crew compartment or the fan on one of the intermediate
power cars, which was closed off on the Lufthansa prototype”.
For smooth operation round curves, the Club model for 2015 is
realized in 1:93.5 scale.
The three class 403/404 sets started their second career with
the Lufthansa service. “With the summer schedules in 1979, the
DB introduced their new IC concept ‘Every hour, every class’,
and that was the end of that line for the first-class-only 403/404
rail cars”, reports documentarist Thomas Landwehr. All that remained for the erstwhile star of the tracks of many years was
special traffic and exhibition appearances. “Its design was also
of a pioneering nature; the streamlined design, the lightweight
22379 Electric Express Powered Rail Car
“Donald Duck” is alive and well: In the rail workshops in Neustrelitz
restoration of an ET 403/404 set is being carried out by the NetineraWerke and Bombardier.
Closing date
for orders:
August 31, 2015
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) class 403 electric
express powered rail car, 1st class, in the paint scheme as the
Lufthansa Airport Express for use between the Düsseldorf and
Frankfurt am Main Airports. 4-part unit. 1 class 403 003-7 powered end car, type Avm, with compartments. 1 class 404 102-6
intermediate car, type ARm, with a general-purpose area, open
seating area, and dining area. 1 class 404 002-8 intermediate car,
type Apm, with an open seating area. 1 class 403 004-5 powered
end car, type Avm, with compartments. The train looks as it did
around 1990.
Model: The model is a 4-part unit. The model has a digital decoder and extensive sound functions. It also has 2 controlled highefficiency propulsion drives, each with a flywheel, in the open
seating intermediate car. Both axles in both trucks are each powered by a motor. Traction tires. The model has factory-installed
interior lighting, cab lighting, and lighted table lamps. The triple
headlights and red marker lights change over with the direction
of travel. They, the interior lighting, and the cab lighting will
work in conventional operation and can be controlled digitally.
The lighted table lamps can be controlled separately in digital
operation. The lighting is maintenance-free warm white and red
LEDs. Station announcements and the stewardess' greeting in the
Lufthansa Airport Express can be called up in different train route
sequences by changing the direction of the train. There is an
additional stewardess' announcement for the next stop.
The model has special multiple-conductor current-conducting
couplings with guide mechanisms between the cars. The model
has a power pickup changeover feature with power picked up in
the end car at the front of the train. The model has many separately applied details. The roof equipment is finely detailed. The
pantographs work mechanically but are not wired to take power.
There is a reproduction of a Scharfenberg coupler (non-working)
at both ends of the model. Minimum radius for operation is 360
mm / 14-3/16". Train length over the couplers 118 cm / 46".
trix club news 3.2015
Closing date
for orders:
August 31, 2015
It’s this easy to obtain
your Club model
The express electric rail car of class 403 (item 22379)
will be produced as a once-only series exclusively
for Club members in 2015. Each Trix Club member
can order one example of each of the exclusive
models from his authorized dealer with the enclosed
order form. We expressly draw your attention to the
fact that Club order forms are not transferable.
IC express rail car: The 2012 H0 Club model in pop colors represented
the career of the ET 403/404 as an Intercity as it was running in 1973.
trick: “Each of the 403 end cars and the 404 intermediate cars of
each set were powered”. Thus the tractive force was distributed
throughout the whole train and this, compared with the end
power-car concept, reduces the stress on the permanent way.
This rail car design, in which all cars are available for passenger
use, did not reappear until 1997, with the ICE 3.
Carefully researched are the life history and technology of the
Lufthansa-403 on the “Fanpage” of Pit Meyer (,
where the restoration into working order of one of the Donald
Ducks, started in 2013, is documented – the Eschenauer Kulturlokschuppen Seku society has taken on the cult rail car. So we
Closing date for orders is August 31, 2015. Deliveries are scheduled from the 4th quarter of 2015.
At the end of 2015, it is planned to send a personalized Certificate of Authenticity direct to all who
have ordered the Lufthansa Airport Express.
now have to wonder whether the last chapter has indeed been
written on the story of the class 403/404 with the new 2015 Club
model in its Lufthansa look for Trix.
Text: Rochus Rademacher
Photos: Wolfgang Bügel/Eisenbahnstiftung Joachim Schmidt,
Gerd Rebenich/Lufthansa, Bodo Schulz, Trix
Information on the Lufthansa Airport Express ET 403/404
as 2015 Club model in H0 (item 22379) can also be found
online in the Club area under
Digital Functions
Model highlights
Pantograph Sounds
•• heavy metal construction
•• prototypical tooling changes
•• 2 controlled high-efficiency propul-
Electric locomotive op. sounds
Warning Sound
Table Lamps
Sound of squealing brakes off
Conductor‘s Whistle
operation, sound, and light functions
Doors Closing
Station Announcements
Whistle for switching maneuver
Direct control
Brake Compressor
Sound of Couplers Engaging
Operating sounds
sion drives, each with a flywheel, in
the open seating intermediate car
•• digital decoder with extensive
•• factory-installed cab lighting with
•• factory-installed interior lighting and
table lighting with LEDs
•• the stewardess' station announce-
ments and greeting can be called up
in different train route sequences
trix club news 3.2015
The profile: Its aerodynamically designed front end marks the class 403
out as the forerunner to the ICE trains. As a result, the rail car attracted
nicknames such as “Donald Duck”, “Weißer Hai” (great white shark) or
“Schienenhecht” (rail pike). The front “nose” of the train is adorned with
the DB logo, while Lufthansa’s famous crane symbol is emblazoned on
the side (see image below).
The portrait: The prototype was equipped with a car body tilting system that was dependent on the curvature of the track –
however, the tilting system was deactivated at high speeds
to enable the train to negotiate curves smoothly. To ensure
that the powered rail car trains remained theoretically within
the clearance gauge when tilted, the car bodies are tapered
inwards at the top.
The power supply: Only the two class 403 powered end cars were
equipped with type SBS 70 single-arm pantographs. The class 404
intermediate cars were powered by roof cables (see image below).
Elegant and lightning fast – these characteristics of the class 403/404 “Lufthansa Airport Express” are also embodied by the second Club model 2015 in H0 (item 22379).
Not only is the appearance a resounding success, but the detailing will also whet
every model railroader’s appetite for the legendary “Donald Duck”.
Technology in detail
The details: The two large front windshield wipers and the triple headlights help define the appearance of the class 403 lead car. On the roof
behind the driver’s cab are the rectangular resistors for the electric brakes,
which were air-cooled on the prototype.
The electric express powered rail car
train: The four-piece consist of
the “Lufthansa Airport Express”
consists of two powered end cars
(class 403) and two intermediate cars (class 404). The
open seating car is easily
recognizable thanks
to its numerous
windows: On the
prototype, each
row of seats was
arranged at a
You can also find information about the class 403/404 model of the Lufthansa Airport Express (item 22379)
on-line at and in the Club area at
The interior fittings: The conversion of the InterCity Train (Club
model 2012) into the Lufthansa Airport Express introduces changes to
the interior detailing. Each car incorporates a luggage storage area and a
galley for typical aircraft-style catering services. In the cabin section, the
table lighting provided by means of Perspex prisms as used on InterCity
models can be seen (right). The light sources – LEDs on the model –
were fitted below the table and lit the table surfaces indirectly.
Photos: Märklin
It’s all possible
in N-gauge
The European N-Scale Convention inspired N-gauge
enthusiasts with hundreds of modules. It’s fun to look left
and right of the tracks too.
hat you really must see. Peter Csavajda, President of the N-Club International (NCI), stands
in front of a module by AMC, the Austrian model railroad club, and points to a millpond with
a large water-wheel which produces electricity
for the adjacent “Sonnenschein GmbH” factory.
Truly the module creates such a perfect illusion
that the watcher can almost hear the running water. “That shows
once again that everything is possible in N-gauge”, comments the
NCI president. Peter Csavajda is in his element – he has had a
good look at all the modules at the European N-scale Convention and has picked out his particular favorites. These
include the module with Lahti Harbor on Lake
Vestijärvi as it was in 1950, brought by the
N-Club Finland. The transshipment
point is alive with activity: Passenger ferries
are casting
In love with detail: The millpond on the factory
module of the AMC is so perfectly designed
that the viewer can almost hear the water-wheel turning.
Lifelike: The French port (left) of the AFAN
impresses most with its detailed observation
of everyday life, the port of Lahti by the N-Club
Finland below by its atmosphere of bustle.
Signs of age: The abandoned factory building by the Amici Scala N
(left) tells of past industrial glories; environmental criminals (above)
and a sprayer (below, left) take advantage of the dereliction.
➞ off, cranes are unloading the cargoes from the big freight
barges – most of it lumber from Finnish forests – and trains transport the commercial freight from the port to the processors. NCI
chief Csavajda stops at the Amici Scala N from Italy who has
a module with a large, dilapidated industrial building in brick.
There are great holes in the corrugated iron roof, several of the
windows are broken and doors are missing. “Neglect is often accompanied by vandalism – that’s what the ASN module shows
us, with the scrap car in front of the factory, an illegally-dumped
fridge and the graffiti sprayer on the boundary of the railroad line”.
Peter Csavajda thinks that independent N-module complexes devoted to one theme also have a special attraction. As an
“Enthusiasm for
N-gauge is a
throughout Europe”.
example, Bernhard Walter of the Kahlgrund Railroad Enthusiasts has produced a fjord landscape measuring 2.60 m long and
50 cm in width (102-1/2" x 19-3/4"), in which a little crossing
station squeezes itself in between cliff face and ship’s mooring.
The freight trains complete their circuits in a tunnel hidden by
the precipitous cliffs. “Also well worth seeing is the section taken
from the lively activity around the port in a small French town
with café, workshops, warehouses and wine and oil transport by
rail”, says the NCI chief as he sums up the scenery worked out by
Jean-Luc Dubray of the Association Française des Amis Du N
(AFAN). The tour of the European N-Scale Convention draws to
a close once again at the AMC, where two motifs in particular by
their chairman Wolfgang Krakora have beguiled many a visitor
into taking a closer look: One, an old cemetery with crumbling
walls and grave-lights and an open-air swimming pool which
thanks its charms to rather lush flora. “In N-gauge, anything is
possible...” is Csavajda’s comment. “And in addition, enthusiasm
for N-gauge is a phenomenon throughout Europe”.
Admire: NCI-President Peter Csavajda (with microphone) on his tour
of the exhibition presents the Stuttgart TV tower by Stefan Wörner.
Text: Rochus Rademacher
Photos: Eberhard Hummel/NCI, Kötzle, RR
You will find pictures and information about the
European N-Scale Convention 2014 on the NCI
Naturalistic: The open-air swimming pool by Wolfgang Krakora, chairman of the AMC, delights the eye as a green oasis – an exemplary
design of the biotope with ground-cover plants, bushes and trees.
Attractive: The tiny cemetery by the Vienna model railroad club AMC
shocks with an open grave – the surrounding natural idyll gives
comfort with the thought of immortality in the after-life.
Weekend fun: At the 13th Trix Express Day at the DB Museum Koblenz classic prototypes (see photo at top) are on display, many
exhibitors are present and the organizers, Trix Express Club Deutschland (left), entertains with exhibits celebrating “80 Years of Trix Express”
and with train operation on the permanent Club layout (right).
80 Years of Trix Express
Wonderful layouts, numerous models, and historical prototypes – the 80th birthday of Trix Express will be celebrated in
grand style at DB Museum Koblenz on September 19, 2015.
Brand with Tradition: 80 Years of Trix Express
In 1935, Trix Express introduced a clever trick: Using the
three-wire system, it was possible to operate two trains
simultaneously and independently of each other on the
same layout – with a catenary system adding a third
train. Trix Express continued to attract attention with a
stream of new innovations: In 1938, a class 01 loco was
fitted with a remote-controlled decoupling mechanism.
Electric signals and switches featuring train control were
introduced in 1939 and 1940 saw the remote-controlled
Trix automatic decoupling system unveiled to the world.
Since 1988, the company has repeatedly produced models in cooperation with Märklin, such as a DB class 103
loco , the “König Ludwig Zug” with loco B VI No. 316 or
the DB E 70 loco. In 1995, Trix ceased regular production
of Trix Express models. In 1997, Märklin finally takes
over the company and Trix Express was last featured
in the main catalog in 2003. Since Trix H0 rolling stock
models can be converted to Trix Express models, the
Trix Express community is profiting from the Trix rolling
stock fleet. The International Toy Fair in 2013 saw Trix
Express unveil its first new models, a class 103.1 electric
loco (item 32779) with a four-piece passenger car set
(31131). This was followed in 2014 by the long-haul
diesel locomotive 217 014-0 (32712) with a freight car
set (31142) – along with the series 1800 loco (32399)
operated by Dutch Railways (NS) with four InterCity
passenger cars (31141). And finally, the Trix New Items
2015 catalog includes the general-purpose locomotive
V 160 005 (32161; see photo at the bottom of page 18)
with three freight cars (31152) as well as the DB electric
locomotive 144 097-3 (32441) with three different era IV
passenger cars (31151).
Reminiscence: Even the good old Trix metal construction set
lives on – highly prized among aficionados.
Variety: Collectors still own large numbers of Trix Express
models, and Trix is currently expanding its product range.
he Trix Express three-wire system has been
around since 1935 – and has not aged at all:
Full of enthusiasm, Trix Express Club Deutschland (TEC) is organizing an 80th birthday
celebration. “Our mission is to cater for all
topics relating to Trix Express and to promote
the shared passion of Trix Express fans,” says
Arno Hartmann, 1st chairperson of TEC e. V., explaining the
colorful anniversary event scheduled for 19 September, 2015 at
the DB Museum Koblenz. “The museum entrance fee of two euro
not only gives model railroaders access to layouts and the Trix
Express exchange, but also to over 40 electric, diesel, and steam
locomotives as well as historical passenger, parlor, and freight
cars belonging to the DB Museum.” For Trix Club members,
there is an opportunity to visit the E 93 07, the prototype of the
H0 Club model for 2014 – DB Museum Director Wolfgang Irlich
hat has even experienced a trip in the engineer’s cab.
The DB Museum is also home to the TEC’s large Trix Express
club layout – a guarantee of fascinating model railroad operations.
“In addition to demonstrations of the Trix model railroad and our
garden railroad extending over 120 square meters (142.5 square
yards), there are also tours on a five-inch railroad,” says TEC
chairperson Arno Hartmann, whetting our appetite for model
railroad fun on multiple gauges. In the DB Museum, there are
another three layouts on display. Of course, the 13th Trix Express
Day also caters for fans of prototypes, as the DB Museum Koblenz
is situated in the car depot of the former freight car repair works in
Koblenz-Lützel, where freight cars were maintained up until 1995.
“We are planning rides in the engineer’s dab of the historic E 69 03
trix club news 3.2015
And of course, the Trix Club also extends a welcome
to Trix Express operators – as demonstrated by the
­attractive annual and anniversary cars.
as well as guided tours through the entire museum including presentations of noteworthy locos,” says Arno Hartmann, pointing
to the Locsim train simulator: “In the class 110 train simulator
with the original E 10 engineer’s cab, train fans of all ages can
drive along the route themselves after a brief instruction session.”
The Trix Express exchange in the museum’s large exhibition hall
conveys the fascination with the three-wire system. Here, visitors can see Trix metal construction sets alongside the numerous
historic models and signals or tracks – right up to the current
models that Trix is producing again for Trix Express. “Naturally,
there will be a special exhibition to mark the 80th anniversary of
Trix Express,” says Arno Hartmann, keeping track of the main
topic of interest. “We will create an eye-catching presentation of
the history of Trix and Trix Express, including exhibits, which
will provide visitors with an insight into eight decades of model
railroading.” And those who can’t wait until then can enjoy a foretaste at the summer party at the DB Museum on June, 13 and 14:
State parliament deputy Josef Dötsch will open the Trix Express
anniversary exhibition – accompanied by Trix Product Manager
Claus Ballsieper. The themes of the celebration are 50 years of the
E 103 and an East-West comparison on the anniversary of German
reunification – a locomotive parade will round out the festivities.
Text: Rochus Rademacher; Photos: Arno Hartmann/TEC
Information on the 13th Trix Express Day can be found
on the website, for current
Trix Express models from Trix, visit
Dreaming in the TraumWerk
Phenomenal: Waiting for Club members at the Club cooperation partner Hans-Peter Porsche TraumWerk is an extraordinary model railroad layout in
both area and height as well as plenty of running operations, lighting effects and color.
of their Club card, a reduced entrance
fee is payable (see box right). And it’s
well worth a visit: On the model railroad layout of over 400 m² (4,300 ft²) in
H0 gauge, up to 40 of 180 trains run at
the same time on some three kilometers
(1.86 miles) of tracks. And they have to
climb: in railroad scenery representing
southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland they negotiate height differences of
up to five meters (over 16’).
Your Club benefits
On presenting their Club card, members pay a reduced entrance fee to the
Hans-Peter Porsche TraumWerk of just
10 euro instead of 12 euro.
•• Hans-Peter Porsche TraumWerk
Zum TraumWerk 1
83454 Anger, Germany
•• Tel.: +49 (0) 86 56/98 95 00
•• E-mail:
•• Convenient to reach from autoMore information on the TraumWerk can be found on their home­
bahn A 8 Munich–Salzburg
Aaand action …
Fotos: Bavaria Filmstadt
One of today’s most ambitious toy museum projects opens its doors for the first
time on June 20, 2015 at Hans-Peter
Porsche TraumWerk. In elegant modern
architectural style, it combines a fantastic model railroad layout with a unique
exhibition of toys through the decades
in an area of over 25,000 m² (270,000
ft²). With valuable tinplate and soft toys,
cars, airplanes and ship models and an
exquisite collection of old-timers, the
TraumWerk (dream factory) tells the
visitor how toys have transferred creativity to people over the years. Club
members will be delighted to learn that
the Trix Club has now won the TraumWerk as a partner, and on presentation
Join in: Stand in front
of the camera yourself
in the new visual
effects studio (above)
and learn how pictures
from the high-performance calculator are
merged with original
film scenes.
Family experience:
Young and old can
have fun in Filmstadt.
Club cooperation partner Bavaria Filmstadt in the south of Munich
again offers Club members great new attractions for the 2015 season
in the context of Filmstadt guided tours: exciting interactive sets, insight into the studio during a live production, a visual effects studio as
well as visits to the original settings of current cinema hits and classics.
In addition there are extra experiences in Bavaria Filmstadt’s special
events calendar throughout the year. On presentation of their Club card,
members can enjoy the following benefits: for Filmstadt complete (Filmstadt tour, Bullyversum and 4-D motion simulation cinema, lasting
about four hours), adults pay 26.50 instead of 27.50 euro, children 6 to
17 years old 20.50 instead of 21.50 euro. And the Filmstadt tour (lasting
about 1.5 hours) and Bullyversum (about 2 hours) cost 12 instead of
13 euro for adults and for children 6 to 17 years old 10 instead of
11 euro. The special benefits quoted above cannot be combined with
any other reductions. No reduction is available on individual tickets for
the 4-D motion simulation cinema.
More information on Club cooperation partner Bavaria Filmstadt can be found on the Internet under
Contact details for
Trix round tables:
•• 44388 Dortmund, Germany
Bövinghauser Str. 23
Markus Dyba
•• 48076 Münster, Germany
Postfach 470243
Christian Schmidt
•• 52531 Übach-Palenberg, Germany
Enjoyment of the model railroad: Trix round tables will give you tips and advice.
round tables
o discuss layout construction, models and
the full-size railroad
in the rail-fans community is something
everyone enjoys, and
at Trix round tables
you meet people with the same interests.
Minitrix, Trix H0 and Trix Express followers love discussing layout building, news
from the world of Trix and experiences
with models. That’s why on this page we
offer a platform for all those who want to
share their hobby with others: we publish
addresses of Trix Club round tables. We
can only publish details for private meet-
ings of members of the Trix Club – we do
not publish commercial announcements
or those emanating from model railroad
associations. We cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy of the details published, nor can we guarantee that the round
tables are established or that meetings take
place as published. The round tables are of
an informal nature. The addresses published here are of round tables already in
existence or of persons interested in setting
up such a round table. We do not differentiate. We therefore ask you to make any arrangements with the given contact directly.
Please understand that no address can be
given by phone, fax or e-mail.
Bahnhofstr. 25
Restaurant “Postwagen”
Detlef Kochs
Tel.: +49 (0)1 72/9 92 20 89
•• 55129 Mainz, Germany
Ringstr. 11
Stefan Claus
Tel.: +49 (0) 61 31/6 17 65 90
and Stephan Türk
•• 56651 Niederzissen, Germany
Am Sauerbrunnen 35
Helmut Wasserscheid
Tel.: +49 (0) 26 36/80 04 60 (from 7 pm)
•• 78647 Trossingen, Germany
Schulstr. 24
Gerhard Kresser
Tel.: +49 (0) 74 25/32 66 66 and
+49 (0)1 75/1 61 52 93
•• 86706 Weichering, Germany
Krautgarten 16
Peter Tümmel
Tel.: +49 (0) 84 50/90 12 04
•• 29640 Fuengirola/Malaga, Spain
How Trix can help you launch a
round table
Write to Trix either by e-mail or by post, if you have either started
a round table or would like to do so, and would like to attract
members. Please send us your full contact details and don’t forget your postal address.
We will then publish your complete contact data in the next
available Trix Club News, so that other members who are interested in taking part in your round table can contact you. Trix acts
here purely as an intermediary and offers a platform to round
trix club news 3.2015
Postfach 370
Bjørn Beining
Tel.: +34 (0)6 61/09 39 72
•• 2500 Baden –
Niederösterreich/Vienna, Austria
Michael Mrazek
Tel.: +43 (0)6 76/3 60 23 37
You will also find an up-todate list of Trix round tables as
a download under
On location: Filming with Märklin Managing Director Florian Sieber (left) – editor Klaus Eckert (center) with microphone and Manfred Fiener
behind the camera.
Club infotainment
The benefits that make Club membership so worthwhile
include the exclusive annual chronicle on DVD. The elaborate production is put together by an experienced team of
TV professionals.
lub members need to be informed – comprehensively. To satisfy this need, Märklin/Trix
step up to the plate with a media mix tailored
to their target group: The Märklin Magazin
contains information about new model releases, layout construction, and current trends. The
Club News provides background knowledge,
while Märklin TV reacts with videos and reports on technology and events relating to all aspects of Trix and Märklin – and
finally, the Club area on the Internet and social media such as
Facebook provide a continuous stream of information that can
be accessed anywhere. “The function of the two Annual DVDs
produced each year exclusively for Club members is to cover
the most important information and events on a grand scale in
pictures and words,” explains editor and Club member Klaus
Eckert. “On the DVDs, we include in-depth reports on the high
Clearly presented: Complex processes involved in Trix model production are best explained by the employees themselves – perfect input
for editor and camera man.
trix club news 3.2015
Presenting: Hagen von Ortloff
Knowledge, a feel for the subject, and the art of conversation –
these are the qualities that have made German television
­presenter Hagen von Ortloff a leading authority in railroad
journalism. He is the perfect candidate to present the Annual
DVD for the Trix Club.
The sonorous voice
of Hagen von Ortloff,
presenter of the long-running German TV series “Eisenbahn-Romantik” (railway romance)
is a familiar one for German audiences – he is blessed with a voice that
everyone wants to listen to. Above
all, however, the qualified industrial
engineer comes across as authentic
– whether discussing a “Bubikopf”
prototype or a beautifully executed
model, he shares the same enthusiasm as his audience. And of course
the technical knowledge, which he
manages to impart in a manner that
never comes across as pedantic, is
utterly captivating to everyone for
whom Hagen von Ortloff travels the
railroads of the world more or less on
their behalf. He is also held in high
regard for his friendly disposition –
many Club members have lasting
memories of the TV celebrity’s hosting skills and his autograph-signing
session in the Club tent at the 30th
IMA/Märklin Days 2013.
Masterful presentation
On the Club’s exclusive Annual DVD,
Hagen von Ortloff performs the
role of presenter – with customary
aplomb, the unmistakable voice
guides the viewer through the model, layout, prototype and technical
episodes. For Club members, this
recreates the typical "EisenbahnRomantik" atmosphere that is an
intrinsic part of the hobby for many
model railroaders.
points of the Trix year, on prototypes and models or production
processes at the plants. Then there are the educational pieces
about innovations that are intended as supplements to the printed
manuals.” And of course, the DVD focuses on Club cooperation
partners and the wider Trix community. “Club members can
therefore sit back in comfort and enjoy infotainment on their
television or notebook.”
The recently delivered Annual DVD 2015 Part 1 illustrates the
broad range of topics outlined. The look back at the preview of
the museum cars 2015 is reinforced with a visit to the museum
car partner Bühler Motor, a manufacturer of electric motors. The
film team accompanied the Club trip to Hungary and traveled
for the Club members to the “Zeche Zollverein” (Zollverein Coal
Mine Industrial Complex) – after all, the industrial complex listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site features in several Minitrix
Ein Jahr mit
Bonusfilm FührerstandsTV Glacier-Express Teil 2
The most important fact:
The Annual
DVD “Ein Jahr
mit Trix” (A Year
with Trix) will be delivered free of charge to
Club members along with
the relevant mailing.
trix club news 3.2015
Club autograph hour with
“Eisenbahn-Romantik” presenter
Hagen von Ortloff.
construction kits. The featured prototype is road number 01 519
operated by the Eisenbahnfreunde Zollernbahn railroad society
in Rottweil, whose restoration is supported by Märklin. And
since the strikingly painted class 185 locos form part of the Minitrix range, there are prototype reports and tips on how to apply
suitable weathering to the attractive models. Last of all, a technical educational piece explains how to install the finely detailed
new H0 semaphore signals from Trix on a layout.
From Idea to Post-production
Klaus Eckert and Andreas Stirl are responsible for the selection
of topics and for producing the Annual DVD. “We are an experienced and professional team consisting of an editor, a spokesperson, experienced camera men and the cutting and graphic
animation experts,” explains Klaus Eckert. “The theme of each
episode is intensively discussed at an editorial meeting; then we
start preparations for the filming schedule. We finalize – unless
otherwise specified – the shooting locations and recording dates
with our contacts and then travel by car, by train, or by air to
complete the filming.” Once everything is on camera, according
to editor Klaus Eckert, the post-production work can commence:
“For a ten-minute film, we would easily produce ten times the
amount of footage.” At this stage, we view and cut the material.
Background effects and music are added and we edit the sound
and voice-overs – until the cutting editor has come up with a
finished product. “In addition, the Annual DVD features are
hosted by the presenter – the familiar voice and expertise of
Hagen von Ortloff further enhance the exclusive Club product.”
Text: RR/photos: Claus Dick, Kötzle, Märklin
© Mai 2015 VGBahn GmbH. Laufzeit 55 + 60 Minuten.
Bei einem technischen Fehler tauschen wir die DVD
natürlich um. Rücksendung bitte frei an
1. Klasse-Video, Klosterring 9, 87660 Irsee.
Porto wird ersetzt. Danke!
The cover for the Annual DVD 2015 Part 1 is available
for downloading in the Club area at – where
you can also find the current films from Märklin TV.
Powerful allpurpose locos
16121 Diesel Locomotive
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) class
212 diesel locomotive. Crimson paint scheme
from Era IV. The locomotive looks as it did
around 1978. Use: Passenger and freight trains.
Model: The locomotive has a built-in digital decoder and a sound generator for operation with
DCC, Selectrix, and Selectrix 2. It has a motor
with a flywheel. 4 axles powered. Traction tires.
The triple headlights and dual red marker lights
change over with the direction of travel, will
work in conventional operation, and can be controlled digitally. The locomotive has lighting in
the engineer's cab. The locomotive also has separately applied grab irons. All of the functions
can also be controlled in the SX2 digital format.
Length over the buffers 75 mm / 2-15/16".
Model highlights
16131 Diesel Locomotive
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) class 213 diesel locomotive. "Traffic Red" paint scheme from Era V. Use: Passenger and
freight trains.
Model: The locomotive has a built-in digital decoder and a sound
generator for operation with DCC, Selectrix, and Selectrix 2. It has
a motor with a flywheel. 4 axles powered. Traction tires. The triple
headlights and dual red marker lights change over with the direction
of travel and can be turned off. The locomotive also has separately
applied grab irons. Length over the buffers 75 mm / 2-15/16".
Digital Functions (DCC/SX2): headlights, direct control, rear headligt out, front headlight out, engineer’s cab light.
Digital Functions
High Pitch Horn
Diesel locomotive op. sounds
Engineer’s cab lightning
Direct control
Brakes squealing off
Rear Headlights off
Low Pitch Horn
Front Headlights off
Station Announcements
Rail Joints
Conductor's Whistle
E 254259
•• completely new tooling
•• body and frame constructed of metal
•• warm white LEDs for lighting
•• lighting in the engineer's cab
•• digital sound with many functions