Robert C. Hughes

Robert C. Hughes
Curriculum Vitae
September 28, 2014
UCLA Department of Philosophy
Box 951451
Dodd 321
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Home address removed
for web posting
hughes at humnet
dot ucla dot edu
UCLA, Ph.D. in Philosophy with Specialization in Law and Philosophy, 2003–2010.
Harvard University, A.B. with High Honors in Philosophy, 1997–2001.
UCLA Department of Philosophy, Lecturer, 2014-.
UCLA Law and Philosophy Program, Post-doctoral Scholar, 2012– 2014.
National Institutes of Health, Department of Bioethics, Fellow, 2010–2012.
Paralegal Specialist, United States Department of Justice, Computer Crime and
Intellectual Property Section, 2001–2003.
Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Ethics, Bioethics
Philosophy of Action, History of Political Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy, Kant, Introduction to Philosophy
“Responsive Government and Duties of Conscience,” forthcoming in Jurisprudence.
“Justifying Community Benefit Requirements in International Research,” Bioethics 28
(2014): 397-404.
“Law and the Entitlement to Coerce,” in Wil Waluchow and Stefan Sciaraffa, eds.,
Philosophical Foundations of the Nature of Law, Oxford University Press 2013.
“Law and Coercion,” Philosophy Compass 8 (2013): 231–240.
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Curriculum Vitae
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“Individual Risk and Community Benefit in International Research,” Journal of
Medical Ethics 38 (2012): 626–629.
Distinguished Teaching Award, Department of Philosophy. 2009.
Yost Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Awarded to a fourth-year graduate student in
philosophy. May 2007.
“Imprisonment and Natural Duties”
UCLA Legal Theory Workshop, April 2014.
“Group Wrongs and Moral Luck”
American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, poster presentation,
April 2014.
Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, poster presentation, August 2013.
“Strict Egalitarianism about Medical Treatment”
American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, March 2013.
Northwest Philosophy Conference, October 2012.
“The Democratic Responsiveness of Judicial Review”
Midwest Political Science Association Annual National Conference, April 2013.
“A Moral Interest in Democracy”
Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, poster presentation, August 2011.
American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, April 2011.
“Law and the Entitlement to Coerce”
McMaster University Philosophy of Law Conference, poster presentation, May 2011.
“Do Saints Need Contract?”
Midwest Political Science Association Annual National Conference, April 2010.
“Governing Without Coercion”
Northwestern Society for Ethical and Political Theory, First Annual Conference,
May 2007.
“Self-ownership and Coercion”
American Philosophical Association Eastern Division Meeting, December 2005.
Berkeley-Stanford-Davis Graduate Conference in Philosophy, April 2005.
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Curriculum Vitae
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On J. Paul Kelleher’s “Prevention and Tiny Risks”
Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2013.
On Matthew Smith's “Political Obligation and the Self.”
Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress, August 2011.
On Anthony Reeves's “The Authority of Law in Nascent Legal Systems.”
McMaster University Philosophy of Law Conference, May 2011.
On Kristin Bell's “Forgiveness as an Alternate Response to Wrongdoing.”
American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, April 2009.
On Neal Tognazzini's “Four-Dimensional Agent Causation.”
UCLA-USC Graduate Conference, February 2006.
UCLA Philosophy and UCLA Law, Lecturer
Introduction to Ethical Theory. Lower-division course, Spring 2015 (projected).
Hobbes. Upper-division course, Spring 2015 (projected).
Philosophical Analysis of Contemporary Moral Issues. Lower-division course, Winter
2015 (projected).
Medical Ethics. Upper-division course, Fall 2014 (projected).
Late 19th and Early 20th Century Philosophy (Russell, Frege, Moore). Upper-division
course, Summer 2014.
Legal Philosophy. Course for law students and upper-division undergraduates,
Winter/Spring 2014, Fall 2012.
History of Political Philosophy (Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, Kant, Hegel, Marx). Upperdivision course, Summer 2013.
Authority and Legitimacy. Seminar for law and graduate students, Winter/Spring 2013.
Independent study supervisor, Spring 2014, Spring 2013.
NIH, Training Instructor
Co-taught research ethics modules in training sessions for clinical research nurses, 2011.
UCLA Philosophy, Primary Instructor (as graduate student)
“Do Good People Need Government?” Lower-division seminar, Spring 2009.
History of Political Philosophy (Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Marx). Upper-division course,
Summer 2008.
History of Political Philosophy (Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Rousseau). Upper-division
course, Summer 2007.
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UCLA Philosophy, Teaching Assistant
Upper Division
Moral Responsibility and Free Will (Pamela Hieronymi), Winter 2009 and Fall
Topics in Ethical Theory: Normative Ethics (Seana Shiffrin), Spring 2008.
History of Greek Philosophy (David Ebrey), Summer 2006.
History of Ethics: Kant (Barbara Herman), Winter 2006.
History of Modern Philosophy, 1650 to 1800 (Larry Fike), Summer 2005.
Lower Division
Introduction to Political Philosophy (A.J. Julius), Fall 2008.
Introduction to Ethical Theory (Julie Tannenbaum), Spring 2006.
Beginnings of Western Philosophy (Sean Kelsey), Spring 2005.
Introduction to Philosophy of Science (Chris Smeenk), Winter 2005.
Introduction to Ethical Theory (Pamela Hieronymi), Fall 2004.
TA Consultant, 2007–2008
Taught Teaching College Philosophy for new philosophy teaching assistants.
Nominated for the position by peers and selected by faculty.
Referee, Journal of Medical Ethics, 2013-2014.
Referee, Political Research Quarterly, 2013.
Referee, Columbia University Press, 2013.
Fellow on Call, NIH Ethics Consult Service, 2011–2012 (rotating schedule).
Referee, UCLA-USC Graduate Conference, 2005–2008.
Graduate Student Representative to the Philosophy Department faculty, 2006–2007.
Graduate Student Association Representative, 2005–2006.
(Contact information removed for web posting)
Seana Shiffrin, Philosophy and Law, UCLA.
Barbara Herman, Philosophy, UCLA.
Calvin Normore, Philosophy, UCLA.
Mark Greenberg, Philosophy and Law, UCLA.
Christine Grady, Bioethics, NIH.
Gavin Lawrence, Philosophy, UCLA (teaching reference).