Literature BasedUnit 8thGrade A) Overview 1) Synopsis Ponyboyandhis brothersSodapopandDarry, and their friendsJohnny,Steve,Two-Bit, andDally all have one thing in common:they have lost parentseitherbecauseof accidents,alcoholism,or becauseof other reasons.Theseboys are all lower class citizenswho areknown asgreasers.Pon~y saysthat therearetwo typesof peoplein this world, he andhis friendswho areknown as greasersandthe Socswho arethe rich upperclass.After Ponyboy'sfriend, Johnnykills a Soc,Ponyboy'sworld comescrushing down. Ponyb°Ybecomesfriendswith Cherry, a Soc. They find that therecanbe similaritiesbetweentwo different social classes.Ponyb°Ystruggleswith the bridge betweenthe social classes,dealingwith pain and guilt, andtrying to continuea friendship andbond with his fellow greasers. 2) Fry ReadabilityStudy After examiningthreepassagesfrom The Outsiders,the averagereadability level fell arounda mid-seventhgrade. I havedecidedto usethis book at an eighth gradelevel becausesomeof the passagesaremore difficult. The contentof the book may alsobe more suitablefor studentsin uppergrades. a) SamplePassages: (i) Page53- It was almostfour monthsago. I had walked to the DX stationto get a bottle of pop andto seeSteveand Soda,becausethey'll alwaysbuy me a couple of bottlesand let me help work on the cars. I don't like to go on weekends becausethen thereis usually a bunch of girls down thereflirting with Soda- all kinds of girls, Socstoo. I don't caretoo much for girls yet. Soda$aysI'll grow out of it. He did. It was a warmish spring day with the sunshining bright, but it was getting chilly anddark by.. ., (ii) Page144-Johnnydidn't sayanything. But he staredat the dashboardwith such hurt bewildermentthat I could havebawled. Dally cussedunderhis breathand nearly tore out the transmissionof the T-bird aswe roaredout of the Dairy Queen. I felt sorry for Dally. He meantit when he saidhe didn't careabouthis parents. But he andthe rest of the gangknew Johnnycaredand did everythingthey could to makeit up to him. I don't know what it was aboutJohnny- maybethat lostpuppy look andthosebig scaredeyeswere what madeeveryonehis big brother. (iii)Page236- They were sluggingit out, but Dallas was gettingthe worst of it, so I But they couldn't jumped on his Soc" back,pulling his hair andpoundinghim. He reachedback and caughtme by the neck andthrew me over his headto the ground. Tim Shepard,who was fighting two at once,accidentallysteppedon me, knocking my breathout. I was up againas soonas I got my wind, andjumped right back on the Soc,trying my bestto stranglehim. While he wasprying my fingers loose,Dally knockedhim backward,so that all three of us rolled on the ground,gasping,... pa e Number 53 144 236 Ayerage - Sentences 6.8 6.2 3.9 5.6 ! S lIables 127 l!?! iI 121 . ~ Readin Level Low6 Mid? Low8 Mid? 3) ThematicStatement While studyingThe Outsidersthe studentswill be focusingon the themesof class structures,classdivisions, death,grief, handling loss,how societyviews social groups, andhow we asChristiansshouldact in our society. The studentswill be analyzingthe "OutsiderSlang" and will comparethe languagein The Outsidersto StandardEnglish alongwith currentslang. The studentswill be enrichingtheir vocabularieswith words learnedfrom studying The Outsiders. Grandconversationswill entail discussingthe themesthroughoutTheOutsiders. The studentswill alsoparticipatein a Mock Trial in which the studentswill take on roles of the characters.It is important for Christiansto studythesethemessincethey will anddo affect the student'slives. Analyzing The Outsiderswill assiststudentsin understandingtheir role in societyasa Christianbeliever. 4) Goals/Objectives a) The studentswill be ableto understandthe genderandclassdifferencesthat affected the charactersin TheOutsiders. b) The studentswill be able to examinethe classdivisions and interprethow these similar divisions arepresentin our society. c) The studentswill be ableto examineclassdivisions in our societywith a Christian perspectiveidentifying how Christiansshouldact in the situation. d) The studentswill be ableto identify Outsiderslang,the StandardEnglish for the slang,and the currentslangfor the sameword. e) The studentswill be ableto correctthe grammarin sentencesfrom TheOutsiders. f) The studentswill be ableto enrichtheir vocabulariesandunderstandingof the novel throughthe vocabularyactivities. g) The studentswill be ableto analyzecharactersfrom the novel. h) The studentswill be ableto identify character'spersonalitytraits, physical characteristics,relationshipsto other characters,and otherpertinentinformation. i) The studentswill be able to reflect on death,loss, and grief. They will be able to understandways to handlegrief. j) The studentswill be ableto readTheOutsidersaloud to small groupsof peers. k) The studentswill be ableto identify the main eventsin the novel. 1) The studentswill be ableto cooperativelyparticipatein the Mock Trial. m) The studentswill be ableto determineappropriatequestionsand answersto be used during the Mock Trial. n) The studentswill be able to show appropriatebehaviorwhile participatingin the Mock Trial. 0) The studentswill be ableto analyzethe actionsof the charactersby examiningtheir Christianbeliefs. B) Pre-Reading 1) PossibleActivities a) GenderActivity - AttachedWorksheet (i) The studentswill be split into groupsof four. (ii) The studentswill look through currentmagazineslooking for picturesof men and women. Both adultsand teenagers. (iii)The groupsshouldeachhave five-sevenpictures. (iv)The studentswill then identify similarities and differencesof how men and women areportrayed. The studentswill also addresshow they relateto these images. Are theseimagestrue to them? How shouldChristiansview men and women? . The studentsshouldusethe worksheetas a guide. They will thenrespondto thesepoints in a poster,overhead,or a different approvedform of displaying information of their choice. b) ContrastChart- AttachedWorksheet (i) As a classa contrastchartwill be completed. The classwill comparetwo different classes:the rich andthe poor. (ii) Onestudentwill fill in the information on the chart while the rest of the class generatesthe ideas. (ili)The objectiveis for the studentsto seethe differencesbetweenthe two classes. The studentsneedto understandhow certain classesaretreatedmore fairly than others. (iv)There will be a main chart on the overheador board. The studentswill alsohave their own chartsthat they will fill out at their desks. c) Greasersvs. SocsObstacleCourse (i) The studentswill be split into two teams. Theywill be told that they are going to go outsideandparticipatein an obstaclecourse. Therewill be sevendifferent activities in the obstaclecourse. The activities will all be from particularaspects of their day. It will run as follows: . Breakfast Run: Onememberof the team must crossthe gym balancinga raw eggon a spoon.(Team 1 will havea plastic egg,not a raw one.)This team memberwill handoff to anothermemberwho must travel back acrossthe . . . gym. Get Dressed:Another teammemberwill be given an outfit to put on. (Team 1 will havea hat and a pair of mitten; Team2 will have a hat, work gloves,and a denimbutton-downshirt). Go to school: Two membersfrom eachteamwill travel acrossthe gym !'wheelbarrowfashion"with the help of a third memberwho will carry the schoolbooks.(Team2 will be blindfolded exceptfor the "wheelbarrow driver"). Music Class: A studentwill be given three saltinecrackers,andthen must whistle the chorusof "Mary Had A Little Lamb." (Team 1 will be given a glassof water). . Composition Class: A teammemberwill be requiredto write the words to The Pledgeof Allegiance.(Team 1 is given a pen and compositionpaper; Team2 is given a small post-it and a thick marker). . Recess:A teammembermust crossthe gym bouncinga ball, andthen another studentwill return acrossthe gym bouncingthe ball. (Team I will be given a basketball;Team2 will be given a Ping-Pongball). . After school: Two teammembersmust go aroundthe gym one time. (Team 1 will havea wagonthat one memberwill ride in and one will pull; Team2 will haveto walk backwards). (ii) Eachgroupwill be given the assignmentfor eachactivity asthey completethe previousactivity. . I will havean assistantto be in chargeof oneteamwhile I am in chargeof the other team. (iii)After both groupsof studentshavecompletedthe obstaclecoursethe classwill go back inside. Then therewill be a time of discussionandreflection. The students will look at how one teamhad it easieron the obstaclecoursethan the otherteam did. (iv) Questionsto be discussed: . How did this makeyou feel? What were the differencesbetweenthe two teams? (v) The Outsiderswill be introducedto the class. The issueof Greaser'svs. Socswill be examinedby identifying which groupthe studentsthink they playedthe role of in the obstaclecourse. . 2) Vocabulary Activities a) Words: (i) Embarrassed(35) (ii) Smoldering(91) (iii)Apprehensive(97) (iv)Premonition (110) (v) Apparently (142) (vi)Conviction (145) (vii) Suspicious(152) (viii) Admiringly (165) (ix)Delinquent (251) (x) Acquitted (273) b) Word Knowledge Progressive Activity - Attached Worksheet (i) The students will be given a blank Word Knowledge Progressive worksheet. (ii) They should start this activity individually by listing each word in the first column. Then they will rank their knowledge of the word in the middle section. . Pencil should be used so updating can be done. (iii)If students have an idea about the definition, then they should write down the definition that they think belongs in the last column. (iv)Then students will fonD small groups and compare definitions and knowledge of words. (v) Studentsshouldthen usea dictionary or their book to determinethe correct definition of the word. This definition shouldbe written in the "definition" column. (vi)The chart shouldbe updatedwith more precisedefmitionsthroughoutthe unit. c) Word Links - AttachedWorksheet (i) The studentswill be given a Word Links worksheet. (ii) The studentswill thenmatchthe beginningand endof the word by drawing a line from one columnto the next. (iii)On the reversesideof the worksheetthe studentswill write the definition of the word. If the studentscannotrememberthe definition, they may usedictionaries to look it up. (iv)This activity will be doneafter the studentshavehad multiple exposuresto the words. (v) The studentsshouldbegin the activity individually andmay finish it with partners. C) During-Reading 1) Possible Activities a) Character Analysis (i) The students will be placed in small groups. Here they will analyze one character from The Outsiders. (ii) After looking through the book to find details about the character, the students will make a poster. They should draw th~haracter that they are analyzing. The students should also include the charact~ name, personality traits, relationship to other characters, and any other pertinent information. (iii)Each group will present their poster to the class. Every student should have a role in the project. b) Dealing with Loss (i) The studentswill discussas a classthe lossthat Ponyboyhashad to deal with throughoutthe book. . How haslossaffectedhow Ponyboyacts? Hashe changeda lot? (ii) The studentswill usebooks and the internetto researchgrief. The students shouldidentify the stagesof grief andhow to handleloss. (iii)The classw:ill identify the main stagesof grieving alongwith somebasicson how to handlelosing a loved one. (iv)Studentswill be encouragedto sharetimes when they may havelost a loved one. c) Mock Trial (i) This will occurbeforethe trial hasbeenread. The Mock Trial will be accurateas to the proceedingsandcharacters.However,the studentswill havemore responsibilityin generatingquestionsand answers.The questionsand answersdo not haveto be identical to the book. (ii) Characters/Roles: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge Ponyboy Sodapop Darry Cherry Cherry'smom Cherry's dad Randy Randy'smom Randy'sdad Socsl Socs2 Socs 3 Doctor (iii)How the trial will proceed: . The doctorwill talk with thejudge . Randywill be questioned . Socs1, 2, 3 questioned . Cherryquestioned Darry questioned . Sodaquestioned (i) ***Everyone saysthat Johnnykilled Bob . Ponyboyquestioned (i) ***Pony was never askedaboutBob getting killed. (iv)The studentswill be assignedroles aheadof time. The studentswill havetime to preparequestionsand statements.Eachstudentwill have a sheetwith possible questions. (v) The studentswill needto speakthe truth during the trial. (vi)The studentswill dresssimilar to their character. . 2) Skills/Phonics/Grammar Activities a) Slang/Dialect- AttachedWorksheet (i) As a classwe will define slanganddialect. The studentswill first give their ideas asto what the definitions are,andthen the words will be lookedup in the dictionary. (ii) The studentswill work in groupsto makea list of slangwords usedin The Outsiders. Thesewords will be written in the first column of the Slang/Dialect worksheet. The studentswill determineusingtheir book what the Standard English would be for the slangword. Studentsshouldthen decidewhat if thereis a slangword that is usedtoday. (iii)As a classa masterlist will be compiledandpostedin the classroom.The studentswill encounterthesewords during their reading. b) SentenceStructur~Analysis (i) The studentswill begin the lessonwith the instruction to free write for ten minutes. The studentsshouldwrite abouteventsin their lives during the last two weeks. The studentswill be told that the free writing doesnot needto be proper. They shouldsimply write the words that they would useif they were talking to a friend. They will be encouragedto write the word how it would be pronouncedif possible. (ii) After the studentshavefinishedtheir free writing they will be shownthe following quoteson the overhead.The classasa whole will fix the sentencesto show propergrammar. . Pg 13: They ain't gonnahurt you no more. (i) They aren't (or arenot) going to hurt you anymore. . Pg 23: Me and Sodaarepickin' up Evie and Sandyfor the game. (i) SodaandI arepicking up Evie and Sandyfor the game. . Pg 116:I rememberedyou sayin' somethingaboutit once. And me andyou went to seethat movie, 'member? (i) I rememberedyou sayingsomethingaboutit once. You and I went to see that movie, do you remember? Pg 240: Is he real bad? (i) Is he really bad? (iii)The studentswill then examinetheir free writing to seeif thereare grammaticalor slangerrors. The free writing will now be corrected. The studentsshouldbe sure to useproperEnglish. (iv)The studentswill then look throughthe last two chaptersthat were readof The Outsidersand identify other incorrectsentences. (v) The studentswill listen during the next few daysto conversationsof friends and family members. The studentsshouldmake a list of sentencesthat are incorrect. This list shouldbe kept in their notebooks. . 3) ComprehensionQuestions- Set 1 (Chapten 1-5) a) Literal Questions (i) How doesCherry explain the differencesbetweenSocsandgreasers? . Chap3. Cherry saidthat greasershavea different setof values. They are more emotional. Sacsaresophisticated,cool to the point of not feeling anything. Nothing is real for Socs. (ii) Why doesPony have a problemwith Johnnywanting to disguisethem? . Chap5: Pony did not want to cut andbleachhis hair. Pony's hair was his pride. It was long, silky, andtuff. It was his trademark. b) lnferentiaVlnterpretiveQuestions (i) Do you think Darry loves Ponyboy? How doesDarry showhis love? . Chap 1. Yes, I think Darry loves PonyboY. He showshis love in different ways. He protectsPony andprovidesfor the family. Darry hastaken on the fatherrole in the family. Darry showshis love throughhis concernfor Pony when the Socsattackedhim. (ii) Do you think Sodapoploves Ponyb°Y? How doesSodashowhis love? . Chap 1. Yes Sodaloves Ponyboy. His love is very expressive.Pony is more receptiveto Soda'slove than to Darry's love. Pony showshis love through his words and actions. c) EvaluativeQuestions (i) What would your advicebe to Johnnyand Ponyboyif they cameto you for help? . Chap4. If JohnnyandPony cameto me for help in this situation,I would be scared. I would encouragethem to go to the Police and to tell the truth. I would not havetold them to hide andrun away. (ii) What doesPonyboymeanwhen he says"I lie to myself all the time?" Do you ever lie to yourself? Why? . Chap 1. SometimesI lie to myself. If I am not acceptingof a situationor things that I heard,I will tell myself that it is not true. I think that I lie to myself becauseit makesme feel better aboutmyself. 4) Comprehension Questions- Set 2 (Chapters 6-12) a) Literal Questions (i) What was Bob's real problem, accordingto Randy? . Chap7. Randysaidthat Bob was spoiledrotten. His parentsgavein to him all the time. Bobjust kept trying to make someonesay"No" to him but no one everdid. He wantedsomeoneto lay down the law, setthe limits. (ii) What is the differencebetweenTim Shepard'sgangand Ponyboy'sgang? . Chap9. Tim Shephard'sgangwas a hard-lookingbunchof peoplewho followed strict discipline from Tim. They had a leaderandwere highly organized. Ponyboy'sgangwasjust a bunchof friends who stucktogether. Every man was his own leader. b) Inferential/InterpretiveQuestions (i) What doesPonymeanwhen he says,"we couldn't get alongwithout you" (referring to Johnny)? . Chap8. Johnnywas an essentialpart of the gang. Johnnywas very different from the rest of the gangwith regardsto his ageandpersonality. Johnnywas a youngerbrotherto most of the gangmembers. (ii) What doesDally meanwhen he saysto Johnny,"that's what you get for tryin' to help people?" . Chap9. Dally meansthat Johnnyhadto die to savethe children in the church. SinceJohnnywantedto help he sacrificedhis own life in the end. c) EvaluativeQuestions (i) What is your definition of a hero? Do you considerthe threeboys to be heroes? . Chap7. To me a hero is someonewho savesthe day. They do a gooddeed without being askedor prodded. A hero canbe a role model and if not previously a role model then will likely becomeone. Heroesshouldbe respected.I do considerthe threeboys to be heroes. They savedchildren's lives andwere not forced to do it. (ii) Why do you think that Dally wantedto die? . Chap 10. Dally was frustratedwith his life andthe eventsof the last couple weeks. Dally did not know how to managehis emotionsand anger. He probablythoughtthat dying was the only way to control what he was feeling. D) After-Reading 1) PossibleActivities a) Polar Opposites- AttachedWorksheet (i) The studentswill work in small groups. They will needto choosefour characters from TheOutsiders. The studentsshouldgroupthe charactersin pairs so two pairs areformed. (ii) The studentswill then receivea Polar Oppositesguide. On this guidetherewill be continuumswith blanks on eachend. The studentsshouldthink of qualitiesof the charactersandtheir opposites.Theseshouldbe listed on eachcontinuum. The studentsshouldthen rank onepair of characterson this continuum. . The studentsmay usethe character'sfirst nameas an abbreviationandwrite that on the appropriateblank. Under eachcontinuum,the studentsshould write a shortreasonasto why the characterswere placedwhere they were. . This will be donewith eachpair of characters.The pairs of charactersshould havecontrastingtraits. b) Literary ReportCard (i) The studentswill be placedin six groups. Eachgroupwill be assigneda character (ponyboy,Johnny,Cherry, Darry, Bob, and Sodapop). (ii) In thesegroupsstudentswill write a report card for their character. . A samplereport cardwill be shownfor Dally. (iii)The studentsshouldhaveten categories.Charactersshouldbe gradedon personalitytraits, qualities,andbehaviors. Studentsshould assigngradesalong with comments.Emphasiswill be placedon the student'scomments. The categoriesshouldall be statedin the positive foIm. (i) Patienceinsteadof impatience. (ii) Honestyinsteadof dishonesty. . c) Plot Organizer- AttachedWorksheet (i) Studentswill work in groupsof threeto identify fifteen eventsin TheOutsiders. They will list theseeventson the spaceson the bottom half of their Plot Organizer in chronologicalorder. (ii) Oncethe Studentshave identified their fifteen events,the Studentswill rank each eventon a scalefrom one to four. The rangewill be from Calm, Interesting, Exciting, andMind-Boggling. . The Studentswill show their rankingsby plotting a dot on the charton the top of the Plot Organizer. The dot shouldbe placedabovethe numberon the xaxis. The dot may be placedanywhereon the spectrumfrom the very bottom of Calm to the very top of Mind Boggling. (iii)Once the grouphasfInished,the studentswill mount their finishedPlot Organizer on a pieceof constructionpaperandplace it on the wall to be displayed. (iv)After the majority of the studentshaveplacedtheir Plot Organizeron the wall, the studentswill havean opportunity to browsethe other organizers. . Studentsshouldnote the differencesin selectedevents. Studentsshouldalso notice similarities anddifferencesin plot points for similar events. 2) Responding activities - Writing a) What is importantto me? (i) The studentswill write a paperaboutsomethingthat is importantto them. (ii) The Outsidersis from Ponyboy'sperspectiveand his story aboutsomethingthat is importantto him. (iii)The studentswill write a two-threepagepaperaboutsomethingthat is important to them. They shouldreflect like Pony did on different aspectsof their life. They shouldexaminewhat haschangedtheir lives. What makesthemwho they are. What hasshapedthem into the wonderful peoplethey aretoday. (iv)The paperwill be proofreadin classby fellow students.A clean,final copy will be expectedin the end. b) Double Entry Journal- AttachedWorksheet (i) Studentswill be given a Double Entry Journalfonn. It will be completedduring (ii) The first column will be startedfor the students.It will include quotationsfrom the book alongwith a pagenumber. As the studentsarereading,they will watch for the quotationon the Double Entry Journalhandout. Threequoteswill be given. The studentsshouldalsochoosethreeof their own quotesto include and respondto. (iii}Once they readthis quote,then they will write in the secondcolumn of the handout. In this column, studentswill write reflectionsaboutthe quotation. Studentsshouldreflect on their own lives and experiences.Studentsshouldalso place themselvesin the charactersposition andpossiblyreflect on what their actionsmight havebeen. (iv) Onceall studentshavecompletedtheir journals they will fonn small groupsand sharetheir responsesand text selections. E) SamplePacket 1) GenderActivity - Pre-Reading 2) ContrastChart- Pre-Reading 3) Word Links - VocabularyActivity 4) Word KnowledgeProgressiveActivity - Vocabulary 5) Slang/DialectIdentification- Skills Activity 6) Polar Opposites- After ReadingActivity 7) Plot Organizer- After ReadingActivity 8) DoubleEntry Joumal- Writing Activity , F) Assessment 1) Rubric a) To be usedfor Mock Trial grading b) GradingScale (i) 18-20A (ii) 16-17B (iii)14-15 C (iv)12-13 D (v) 11 andbe1owF 2) Filial Test a) To be given at end of unit b) GradingScale (i) 54-60A (ii) 48-53 B (iii)42-47 C (iv)36-41 D (v) 40 andbelow F 3) Observationand assignmentmarking of completeand incompletewill be donethrough the courseof the unit. G) Bibliography Hinton, S. (n.d.).Books- The Outsiders.RetrievedNovember1,2005, from www .sehinton.CQUl Hinton, S.E.(1989). The Outsiders.Boston:G.K. Hall & Co. Phillips, B., & Sekaran,S. (n.d.). SparkNoteon The Outsiders.RetrievedOctober25, 2005,from Rhoda,R. (2005).Lecture Notes.Sioux Center,IA Tiggelaar,Kristin. "The Outsiders."E-mail to Tami Dotty. 15 Oct. 2005. Yopp, R. H., & Yopp, H. K. (2001).Literature-BasedReadingActivities (3rd ed.).Boston:Allyn andBacon. Name: 1. Compare your magazineclippings. How are men and women shown? What are the similarities and differences? 2. How do you relate to theseimages? Are these imagestrue to you? 3. How should Christiansview men and women? ~ Name: Compare your ma~ne 1. clippings. How are men and women shown? What are the similarities and differences? - ~()w v\tUA, M.o'. \l\Jt'1'J'..R.J\.,\.,()Olu . \oo~~ -. ... -~~- ~ cl\~-.e:/\-+ i ,t"O ~ ~"("" ~O,A..d-..; l.Novv l\..J 'ov~ Si~\~~~~ .s.~~ ,-. ~~""'\ \~~U;) ~ l ( ~ Y'OLLo J .\" .s0c.l.-c... '""'-1 ~~ - ~.s\ ~l'1 -~- -7 C-g..r~ ~~~<-r-'" J°\o~ 2. How do you relateto theseimages?Are these imagestrue to you? - ?~'~ \~4~'PW"b\o~\'-1 ~\II~ ~~...t~ ~ ~\t~ ~ O?'~~ (..D\o1'. \.Q..e. Q"""'" ~ ~~ 3. How shouldChristiansviewmen and women? Ml K~ .wo~ ?tJ;:l(J\..( D..x-( ~ ~~\\ ~ \ t\.~tI\.. - V\A.R.N Md o~ v~ ~ ~ ~(),,'~ V\.~ -\"'vI..Q.. ~~ ~ \"'0' d rA..A.r" e ~ \&1-b\J~~" V'J"OI\I\.R..I\I ~ Name: 1. Embar nsive 2. Smal ction 3. Apprehe 4 Prem 5. Appare 6. Convi 7. Suspi 8. Admi 9. Delinquent 10. Acqui Definitions: 1 2. 3. 4. 5.. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. rassed cious onition ringly quent ~ Name: 1. E 2. Smo ion 3. App tly 4. 5. 6. ,... 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. tM\I\lnM ~"i-\1l~ -of ~\4\9 7.M~UO\)~-~~\J~\'ill~\(J.QV'\ 8. f\(\'f.\\/i-A.@\\J -= C.£Y\~\LK..d I ~~f\Qt(\6Jo M\lt 'v\\~~ Y~~6 k-or- Name: Word Definition r= -~~ - m ~ I erstandin II think I know I I don't have a clue Yes! I know II [, -Definition IthiSword (+) this word (-) .about this word (0) I .fb-:r.e:t:n TF ~ s~w-sf\j S-t ~fv~ x Of'" {,\istr.(~. rtO ~ ~~ S\~\\{ W\"t1I\ ~ ,--t'V\AI+ -f' ~ 1~~\l.Ac x ,o.f ~'-"t\--t~ I ~fvl I~ oo~"lJ )(" ~~l_~ ~~-- ~~~ I t.\ ~\~ )( ~ - ~ c..\..eD..x-+tI 1,'" ~+, x \)~~ ~ ~ x- ~"lL~Ot\ \o~~ Do{.~f"'j \Ii U-f.Ji (.lY"OU.\f. ~ ~~P\ U \)~ I l()~ sti ~ - - ~'j\'\ ~\rt. v~~ ~ x. rO~d,;.~ ~ l"\ I\. ~ \oJ..e.J\.-+ x I 0(' - b~ ~\<t.-t 'i\o\M"i.W"\ 0+ \Q..~ - ~ (j.,fc.\a.r< ,~~ ~--Atv~- of ~ .x wn c,; ~ "j ...,. Name: Outsider Slang Standard English Current Slang V-iU."". Name: Outsider Slang SOLS gM.O; rvM.J.o~ -\u+f hQoQ Current Slang Standard English \jp~ (...\a..S) L~ C-\ ~ ~C.J..'\ Lo~~, 6V'OV~ o.Jf 9~~ -~- A~V\.lr ~O-f~ ~ ACjV\~ o.w. j"OV\A.I (.A;)o \ , ~ \I\,()...v-f> V'V\.,e.~ ~~\'I~-c;.A.~ r ~oL \.-\oc~ - ;: ':1V~ Name: Character Set 1 Characters: & (word) (word) Character Set 2 Characters: & 'Le- 4cc.. POLAR OPPOSITES The Outsiders Character Set 1 Characters: 5(fW\~'bo¥ & ~o\o ~- l~vi'('1r (word) p- C1r ofa.SrU' _b- u ~Ct..., .v LaJd (word) _..J::L ~ Sh~ -~ Soc..,s n~ 0;(13 V, O\.f.V\+ ---~- lJ)f~'t ~u Qtj Sc1tooJ ___L (p~ llvA 1- 6'(lA~ ~((, ~MB..\ \ ~ ~~'"' ~ j ~, C.4.::L J-- .." ~ ~V\~w'("~ -..12- -1L ~lB~~~~.- Name: PLOT ORGANIZER EVENTS I~ 3 4 0 6 18 19 110 141 12 13 14 15 ~ Name: PLOT ORGANIZER Mind Boggling Exciting Interesting Calm t 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 EVENTS ,_-1'br\~OO~ ... 13 'P~~ D.nd . , ~\\()w~d 'boe'i\a wck\ .Jo\;\.M\J, I W/1\'f.\I1fd '_A~ 'tI1~ d M t'\\/i ~ {~V'""(A..iy """~ .~. So(..~ C""tr-r\A -;. t"t~ I cA. ! ('S 4 :3 - . 16 ~ 'LA\ \old t'1ob 1\1\ \A. n I..-,I\""I"\\1 r,,~r\ 1r-.1..'A.A" r.,1- '"'VI'\.' l/V\\A UVYU\' (A.), t.JO "\ ~\I ,(lU~ (). l\1 \.!_a~c'" ~~.(., : \__.,'- '(' r V"JL\{" e.o~"fJ -h-o~:tr 8 ~ ~:d:~~"Sd .;n1>~: O~ !~ 111",.-f'lAy -_: .tiVt)~ -- - V~ ~\\.,", W'" -r~Q.. ~ ('>I"tt.JI'rv. 112 IJ..JlLA 1 10 10 ;~~, 11:l ~do. I I vvn..,\~\I\rjj ~~~C\ =~\ o...nrl "Dot\.~~'O~ ...,. ~ . - '. - iA --- --t1A. --- \lfI(~A.t S \.e\J..e..D.v'\.G 'Po",~ ~ \J"\ \'"'+ --- ..fnrTV\lt\-B,t --- ho.AV' /)\\ ~ ~'" ~i'l'" . n , ,' ~dPoV\\fbo\J - -- - ha.l t' ~..fu..r( V'l~\-t.. ,13 14 ~ ~~ 15 ~MfAS d\~. ~ +-o~~ ..roc ~ V"V~Io\'(""'. -- Name Double Entry Journal The Outsiders Pg 266. I just looked at him. That was the dumbest remark I ever heard anyone make. He thought he was mixed up in this? He didn't kill anyone, he didn't get his head busted in a rumble, it wasn't his buddy that was shot down under a street light. Pg 273. I wish I could say that everything went back to nonnal, but it didn't. Especially me. I started running into things, like the door, and kept tripping over the coffee table and losing things. Pg 280. I was in the bedroom, but I knew he would throw his jacket toward the sofa and miss it, take off his shoes, and go into the kitchen for a glass of chocolate milk, because that's what he does every day of his life. ~ Name Double Entry Journal The Outsiders Pg 266. I just looked at him. That was the dumbest remark I ever heard anyone make. He thought he was mixed up in this? He didn't kill anyone, he didn't get his head busted in a rumble, it wasn't his buddy that was shot down under a street light. ~u~\\. 'v:t.~) . . w~ ~ iNj ~~(.. ~u ~ ~ ~ ~ . \t- -e~ tt;I(\,.d..; ~ ~"". -1-~ ~tU 0+ \N ~ \10..* c>.u V\..o+ ~nOIJS l~ ~ IpltV'o.t. ~ (Aj\.. '~i\. v..(.~ "P~bO'j ..l.M.J.lOc...K'~'~' \~ ~ ~ /\.i.\{)"'\ £.. '"t!),~ L.k-d. * ~t St\\~ Jr\'\,A~~ \t- \~ \I\.~ ~LM... ~UA.,-X~ Pg 280. I was in the bedroom, but I knew he would throw his jacket toward the sofa and miss it, take off his shoes, and go into the kitchen for a glass of chocolate milk, because that's what he does every day of his life. ~ 0.. *' "'"', f"'.D\'N ~~\.f. MOt'\! ~() Pg 273. I wish I could say that everything went back to normal, but it didn't. Especially me. I started running into things, like the door, and kept tripping over the coffee table and losing things. --TW~ 12.ov-\i~ (I\... ~.u""t ~..::t'r1>' . jo~. ~ -t"\.I\..I..4/V Sl.\lu..6.AJ l.tI.) M,d ~ of Oi.If.(.l \{fe:. I \~ ~u.5 ~~ V\Al \~ \,i.\~ £)...t'.v \ a..4IVU ~ V\.A..AJ(...t;\) MOCK TRIAL RUBRIC Student: 4 All information Most Most presentedin the infonnation infonnation presentedin the presentedin the Mock Trial was Mock Trial was Mock Trial was clear, accurate clear,accurate and thorough. clear and andthorough. accurate,but was not usually thorough. Studentis able Studentis able Studentis able to accurately to accurately to accurately answeralmost answermost answera few questionsposed questionsposed all questions by classmates. by classmates. posedby classmates. Facial Facial Facial expressionsand expressionsand expressionsand body language body language body language generatea sometimes areusedto try stronginterest generatea to generate enthusiasm,but stronginterest and enthusiasm. seemsomewhat andenthusiasm. faked. Studentseems Studentis The studentis somewhat pretty prepared completely prepared,but it but might have preparedand neededa couple hasobviously is clear that morerehearsals rehearsed. rehearsalwas L.2. Information Information had several inaccuracies OR was usually not clear. Comprehension Studentis unableto accurately answer questionsposed by classmates. Very little use Enthusiasm of facial expressionsor body language Did not generatemuch interest. Preparedness Studentdoes not seemat all preparedto participate. Stayson Topic It was hard to tell what the topic was. lacking. - -- - Stayson topic some(89%75%) of the time. Stayson topic most (99-90%) of the time. Stayson topic all (100%) of the time. ~ MOCK TRIAL RUBRIC Student: Ii 2 Information had Most infomlation several . . presentedin the InaccuracIes OR was usually Mock Trial was clear and not clear. accurate,but was not usually thorough. Studentis able Student is Comprehension unableto to accurately answera few accurately answer questionsposed questionsposed by classmates. by classmates. Very little use Facial Enthusiasm expressionsand of facial expressIonsor body language body language. areusedto try to generate Did not generatemuch enthusiasm,but seemsomewhat interest. faked. The studentis Student does Preparedness not seemat all somewhat prepared,but it preparedto is clear that participate. rehearsalwas lacking. Stayson topic Stayson Topic It was hard to tell what the some(89%75%) of the topic was. time. Information 13 Most information presentedin the Mock Trial was clear, accurate andthorough. 4 All infonnation presentedin the MO ~ clear, al was curate and 0 ugh. Studentis able I to accurately Ikswer almost \11 questions posedby classmates. Facial Facial expressionsand expressionsand body language body~guage gen~ a sometimes stronginterest generatea stronginterest and enthusiasm. and enthusiasm. Studentis completely preparedand but mi have need couple hasobviously more rehearsals rehearsed. Studentseems ~ r ared pretty Stayson topic Stayson topic most (99-90%)> 1"A11(~OO%) of of the time. 'the time. Name: The Outsiders Final Test Matching 10 pts. Acquitted a. to feel self-consciouslyconfusedor distressed Admiringly b. to bum slowly with smoke,without flame Apparently c. fearful of what may be coming Apprehensive d. a feeling that somethingis going to happen Conviction e. evident,clear to understand Delinquent f. stateof being convicted Embarrassed g. arousesuspicion,questionable Premonition h. havehigh regardfor Smoldering i. Offendingby neglector violation of law Suspicious j. to declare innocent of a crime or wrongdoing True/False 10 Points T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F 1. Johnnyis Ponyboy'sbrother. 2. Christiansshouldview men asbeing betterthan women. 3. Greasersarerich people. 4. Ponyb°Ywas good in school. 5. The Socslost the rumble. 6. Ponyboyis closewith Sodapopbut not with his brotherDarry. T/F 7. Dally lived in New Hampshirebeforehe movedto Ponyboy'stown. T/F T/F T/F 8. Two-Bit's most prized possessionis his black handledswitchblade. 9. Randyis one of Ponyboy's high schoolteachers. 10. PonyboyreadGreatExQectationswhen he washiding with Johnnyin the church. Multiple Choice 30 Points 1) SteveRandleis a) A Socs b) Johnny'sbrother c) A car specialist d) Noneof the above 2) Two-Bit Matthewsis a) A Greaser b) A shoplifter c) A wisecracker d) All of the above 3) Dallas (Dally) Winston a) Is a timid and shy person b) Lived in New York for three years c) Never went to jail or had beenaITested d) Is a collegegraduate 4) JohnnyCarle a) Is Sodapop'sbestfriend b) Is a very confidentperson c) Canbe comparedto a dark little puppy d) Loved by both his mother and father 5) CherryVallance a) Is a Greaser b) Is a quiet, shyperson c) WasDarry's girlfriend d) Enjoyedwatchingthe sunset 6) Who killed Bob? a) Ponyboy b) Sodapop c) Darry d) Johnny 7) What did JohnnyandPonydo while they were in hiding? a) Ate bolognasandwiches. b) Cut and coloredtheir hair. c) ReadGoneWith the Wind. d) All of the above. 8) Right beforeJohnnydies,he tells Ponyboy a) That he regrettedsavingthe children. b) To dropoutof school. c) To stay gold. d) He was mad that they fought the Socs. 9) Ponyb°Ydecidesto write his themefor English classabout a) Mickey Mouse,Sodapop'shorse. b) His friends andrecentlife struggles. c) His dad. d) His first trip to the zoo. 10) What sport doesPonyboyparticipatein at school? a) Football. b) Track. c) Wrestling. d) Gymnastics. 11) What is visible on both the EastSide and West Side accordingto Ponyboy? a) The school. b) The moon. c) Rainbows. d) Sunsets. 12)Who kills Dally? a) Darry b) The police. c) Bob and Randy. d) A dnmk driver. 13)Which characterdies first? a) Bob. b) Dally. c) PonyboY. d) Johnny. 14)Why areCherry andMarcia aloneat the drive-in? a) Their boyfriendsdid not like the moviesthat were playing so they left. b) Their boyfriendsdecidedto meetsomeother friends and left Cherry andMarcia. c) The girls decidedto go out by themselvesthat night. d) The girls discoveredtheir boyfriendshad beendrinking andthe girls left. 15) What is Ponyboy'sreal name? a) Fred b) Adam c) Paul d) Ponyb°Y Short Answer - CHOOSE 111:'.QOF THE THREE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER 10 Points 1. In Chapter4, JohnnyandPonyboywent to Dally for help. Dally told the boys to go to a churchin Windrixville andto hide theretill he camein a few days. If you were in Dally's situation,what would you havedoneto try andhelp Johnnyand Ponyboy? What advicewould you havegiven them? How would you have felt? 2. What is the differencebetweenTim Shephard'sgangand PonyboylDarry'sgang? What are similarities betweenthe two gangs? How is Ponyboy'sgangsafer? 3. What is your definition of a hero? Do you considerJohnny,Ponyboy,and Dally to be heroes? Name: The Outsiders Final Test Matching 10 pts. 2- Acquitted a. to feel self-consciouslyconfusedor distressed 3:!1- Admiringly b. to burn slowly with smoke,without flame L c. fearful of what may be coming Apparently c.. Apprehensive d. a feeling that somethingis going to happen E Conviction e. evident,clear to understand f. stateof being convicted A 0 Delinquent Embarrassed Premonition h. have high regard for ~ Smoldering \ JJ.-Suspicious g. arouse suspicion, questionable Offending by neglector violation of law j. to declareinnocentof a crime or wrongdoing True/False 10 Points T / ~~ ~~ 1. Johnnyis Ponyboy'sbrother. ~ 2. T / Christians should view men as being better than women. T I V. If)I F 4. Ponyboywas good in school. 3. Greasersarerich people. (!) I F 5. The Socslost the rumble. Ci>1 F 6. Ponyboy is closewith Sodapopbut not with his brotherDarry. TIft:) (!Y 7. Dally lived in New Hampshirebefore he movedto Ponyboy'stown. F 8. Two-Bit's most prized possessionis his black handledswitchblade. T I~ 9. Randy is one of Ponyboy's high schoolteachers. T ILV 10. PonyboyreadGreatExQectationswhen he was hiding with Johnnyin the church. Multiple Choice 30 Points 1) SteveRandleis a) A Socs b) Johnny'sbrother @A car specialist d) None of the above 2) Two-Bit Matthewsis a) A Greaser b) A shoplifter c) A wisecracker 3) Dallas (Dally) Winston a) Is a timid and shy person ~ Lived in New York for threeyears c) Never went to jailor hadbeenarrested d) Is a collegegraduate 4) JohnnyCade a) Is Sodapop'sbestfriend b) Is a very confidentperson (ipCan be comparedto a dark little puppy d) Loved by both his motherandfather 5) CherryVallance a) Is a Greaser b) Is a quiet, shy person c) WasDarry's girlfriend (9 Enjoyedwatchingthe sunset 6) Who killed Bob? a) Ponyboy b) Sodapop c) Darry @>Johnny l3)~ch characterdies first? <:y Bob. b) Dally. c) PonyboY. d) Johnny. 14) Why are Cherry and Marcia alone at the drive-in? a) Their boyfriends did not like the movies that were playing so they left. b) Their boyfriends decided to meet some other friends and left Cherry and Marcia. c) The girls decided to go out by themselves that night. (dl)The girls discovered their boyfriends had been drinking and the girls left. 15) What is Ponyboy'sreal name? a) Fred b) Adam c) Paul (.ji)Ponyboy Short Answer - CHOOSE ~ 10 Points OF THE THREE QUESTIONS TO ANSWER 1. In Chapter4, JohnnyandPonyb°Ywent to Dally for help. Dally told the boys to go to a churchin Windrixville andto hide theretill he camein a few days. If you were in Dally's situation,what would you havedoneto try andhelp JohnnyandPonyboy? What advicewould you havegiven them? How would you havefelt? , WOv cl b..e S{tt..r~ j """'O" ,.~ 01. \NOv i c! o..,Ilof --h> L.I\ LOIJ~ ~ ...J...U,l I'(tIu +-cIa --t'h..e.~ 10 ~.;")1 1 fJO ~()ulcl ..f")I"\J~ iI\..A'W --h> GlAd ro ~ V\..Ot r1).I1 ~ W ~I PC?Ii ,.f.., k ~. v'-f..- 7) What did JohnnyandPony do while they were in hiding? a) Ate bolognasandwiches. b) Cut and coloredtheir hair. c) ReadGoneWith the Wind. ~l oftheabove. 8) Right beforeJohnnydies,he tells Ponyboy a) That he regrettedsavingthe children. b) To dropoutof school. @ To staygold. d) He was mad that they fought the Socs. 9) Ponyboydecidesto write his themefor English classabout a) Mickey Mouse,Sodapop'shorse. (;pJ)His friends andrecentlife struggles. c) His dad. d) His first trip to the zoo. 10) What sport doesPonyboyparticipatein at school? a) Football. @rrack. c) Wrestling. d) Gymnastics. 11) What is visible on both the East Side andWest Side accordingto Ponyboy? a) The school. b) The moon. c) Rainbows. @)unsets. 12) Who kills Dally? a) Darry ~e police. c) BobandRandy. d) A drunkdriver. Cj~j I 00 ~Aj t. v,(A..,-d '..s -A-Z>.,..,. 'Ilr 1/11'\. . St-n' L. .H~\f'(' s Po~oo~.s .-Ev~ (] Jvst 6.. A-r-e b.J..1~ hI9L11~ 0,(,' ~ O~W"'t l..e..o DrJaA.t' ~d ~~ ol .s -tD~ ~(" Sht~ f ~ ~c1 ,..eo-Qt..e.. r 0.. .. \00 '"j ~ S"Vf>'::»r+ U b\JC1...ll'1 I ~ Mo ~ ~ ~ " ~.r LV\, v H , I} t ~ ~~ oS0 I \..1"J.-e~ ~ WL~ f.-IC-r r\.oo+-- ~ c:A..e:.r- . +-"' ~ MoMJ\ ~ Y""Qu ~V\- , ,,\oV"\'+ . 3. What is your definition of a hero? Do you considerJohnny,Ponyboy,and Dally to be heroes? Sav-(j p~ 00 or It w ".f-'tI\ 0J-f- t). ~ilt~ P"1> d-ed. n..e,V"U(~ C..tJ(\.$ (c.t..e.r A. yo-0 (..e ~ +0 ~~r\A- cl..e ~ \I\.L r'"o-e.S . It''~S RvLt-d +t> do ,-t ~tol.d ~