The Outsiders Quiz Chapter 2 Multiple Choice According to Ponyboy

The Outsiders Quiz
Chapter 2
Multiple Choice
1. According to Ponyboy, why does Dally insist on sneaking in to the movies when they have
enough money to pay for a ticket?
a. Dally hates the movie drive-in owner.
b. Dally likes to behave badly.
c. Dally didn’t actually have the money.
d. Dally wanted them to get caught.
2. Who tells Dally to leave the girls alone?
a. Sodapop
b. Steve
c. Ponyboy
d. Johnny
3. Why were the Soc girls alone at the movies without a car?
a. They wanted to sit outside.
b. Their boyfriends were drunk.
c. Their boyfriends didn’t want to see the movie.
d. The boys wanted to play cards.
4. Which Soc wears all the rings on his hands?
a. Randy
b. Paul
c. Bob
d. Tim
Short Answer (2-3 sentences; pick 2)
5. What is the main difference between the way Greasers and Socs deal with their problems,
according to Cherry?
6. Predict what Hinton is foreshadowing by illustrating the smooth relationship between Soc
females and Greaser males, as opposed to the violent interactions between Soc males and
Greaser males.
7. Ponyboy spends a great deal of time discussing the differences between the Greasers and
the Socs, and the dangerous world they inhabit. Explain the effect that social class has on the
characters in this story.