Music 103: Listening to the Movies, Kibbe

Humboldt State University
Department of Music
Class syllabus - MUS 103
“Listening To the Movies” CN#41334
Fall semester 2015, Fulkerson Hall (M 132)
tuesday/thursday 9:00 - 10:20 3 credit hours
Instructor, Michael Kibbe, office in M 127
Text and materials
Karlin, Fred Listening To Movies: The Film Loversʼ Guide To Film Music,
Schirmer Books, 1994
Articles available on Moodle (I hope!):
Prendergast, The Aesthetics of Film Music
Copland, The Aims of Film Music
Copland, Tip To Moviegoers: Take Off Those Ear Muffs
Hickman, Elements of Music
Hershon, Film Composers In the Sonic Wars
Kalinak, John Williams and “The Empire” Strikes Back
Kamien, Musical Style
Spande, The Three Regimes: A Theory of Film Music
Reference books:
The New Harvard Dictionary of Music, edited by Rande,
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1986
call number: ML100 N485 1986
Reference sites: (Internet Movie Database)
Course description
There are no technical prerequisites for this class; students do not have to read music,
play an instrument or have any previous knowledge of music. This course wonʼt teach how
to score a motion picture but will provide a greater understanding of what to listen for by
studying a wide range of styles and attitudes used in film music. Six films will be examined
in class in extensive detail.
This course fulfills three units of the Lower Division Area C University Curricular
Academic dishonesty
Any student found using another personʼs work as though that work were his/her own, or
any student who knowingly permits another student to use his/her work shall be given a
grade of F for the course.
Class attendance
-IS required. Attendance will be counted as 5% of the final grade. Each un-excused
absence will result in the subtraction of 5 points from a possible 100 points for the
semester. A written doctorʼs excuse will be required for all excused absences. Tours will be
excused if I know about them in advance.
Bring books, paper, pencils to class.
Projected course schedule (subject to change)
8-24 1. Music terminology and Periods of Western Music, includes listening
to examples in class
1. View in class The Red Violin (1999); observe thematic material as it
reflects differing time periods and cultures.
2. view Gone With the Wind (1939) excerpts (28:30 - 35:50) for discussion
of leitmotifs and thematic development to enhance concept of the scene.
3. reading assignment: chapters 1 & 2 “Listening To Movies”
4. In class preparation for QUIZ #1
1. QUIZ #1 Dates and titles (spelled correctly) of the important style periods
of Western art music and define first 10 musical terms given in the “Trailer”
section of “Elements Of Music”
2. read before class; Planning the Score, chapter 1 from the text,
“Listening To Movies”
I. Role models
II. Temp tracks
III. Spotting
IV. Working with the director
3. discuss quiz #1
4. text chapter 2, Composing the Music, read pgs 17-41 before class:
Ethnic & geographic influences
Historic setting
5. some listening in prep for Quiz #2, Instruments
Continue chapter 2, Composing the Music. View film/music clips that deal
with ethnic instruments, source cues and with transformation of
musical materials.
Prep for Quiz #3, music terms (from class notes)
QUIZ #2, Instruments of the orchestra. (A listening exam)
Review Quiz #2 results
Play Elfman Interview, Horner Interview
Discussion of chapter 2, Composing the Music
QUIZ #3, define musical terms, from class notes.
Review Quiz #3 results
Chapter 3 Recording and Mixing (read before class, pages 42-64)
1. Pre-recording
2. Synchronization
3. Recording
4. Performing
5. Conducting
6. Playbacks/changes
7. Dubbing
Film and sound clips To Be Determined
9-29 Chapter 3 continued
Quiz #4, Concepts in Film Recording (open book quiz on chpt 1 & 2)
Review Quiz #4 results
Chapter 4, What To Listen For [read before class pages 67-84]
1. Source
2. Style
3. Concept
4. Melody
View The Red Pony, other clips TBD
Chapter 4 continued
Review for Quiz #5
Quiz #5 on chapter 3
Chapter 4 continued
1. Spotting
2. Playing the drama
3. Hitting the action
4. Playing through the action
5. Phrasing the drama
6. Playing the psychological subtext
7. How to listen
10-15 Review for Mid-term Exam
Mid-term Exam (in class portion)
Students will identify themes and instruments employed in various segments
from the movie “Fellowship of the Ring,” score composed by Howard Shore. Students will
be required to identify themes as well as to describe what added dimension and emotion
the music is providing to the scene.
Outline what is expected for:
MUSIC 103 Take-Home Midterm:
View a 20-minute movie segment that uses an original underscore for at least
10 of the 20 minutes. Paper needs to cover the following topics:
Credits & background information 125 words minimum
20 points
125 words minimum
20 points
Style and concept
75 words minimum
10 points
Spotting (follow format given below)
50 points
In the spotting section of you paper, number as shown below and discuss
the following elements for each music cue:
1. Time the music begins & ends/overall length of music for that scene.
2. Brief description of what is happening on the screen.
3. Identify what Theme are used, if any.
4. Identify instruments used, or type of orchestration.
5. Discuss how the music is involved in the drama; does the composer
HIT the action, PLAY THROUGH the action or PHRASE THE DRAMA?
Describe how this is done and why.
6. Describe the tempo of the music and how it reflects the drama and/or the
editing of the scene. Discuss the reason for the music being there and what
added dimension effect it has on the scene. Discuss the added dimension
and emotion that the music is providing. (25 words minimum for cues that
last more than 60 seconds)
This movie should be a drama of your choosing. Be sure that the music used is
original, not adapted, and utilizes a symphonic orchestra. Apply the format given
at the end of this syllabus for The Red Violin to the following sections:
Credits and background information, Synopsis, Style and concept, and
Spotting. Be sure the paper is typed and with 1.5 or double spacing.
Mid-term Paper due at beginning of class
Chapter 5, Evaluating a score, read pages 85-91 before class
1. The score must serve the film
2. Emotional strength
3. Sincerity
4. Musical independence
5. Form and development
6. Originality
Article reviews: Choose three of the six articles posted under Articles/Files at
the MOODLE site and write a two to three paragraph synopsis and review for
each article. Each review should contain the following elements:
1. Synopsis of the article.
2. Your response to the articlea. Did you agree with the article? If so, why. If not, why not? Use
examples of film music to elaborate your point. Give the title of the
film, composer, and describe the scene and the music and discuss
how it agrees or disagrees with the point or points made by the
author in the article.
b. Discuss how a film composer might respond to the article. Would
he/she agree with the approach to the film scoring that the article
c. Do current film composers already use the approaches discussed in
the article? If so, who?
d. In what ways has this article changed your perception of film music?
3. Minimum 100 words per review.
Due in class November 19
Chptr 5 continued, and chptr 6 A Closer Look at Eight Films pages 92-145
Epic and Romance films: Adventures of Robin Hood
The Godfather
Quiz #6 on chapters 4 & 5, plus list of terms (from class notes)
Discussion of group projects:
Assignment- choose a film to present to the class. Film must be approved
by the instructor.
Elements of the presentation:
Synopsis - 20 points
Background information - 20 points
Discuss the style or styles of music used; be sure to give reasons for the
determination of the style (perhaps compare a similar film score) and discuss
why that style was appropriate for the film. You can relate the music to music
used in other films or recorded pieces of music. - 15 points
Discuss the orchestration of the film. - 10 points
Present a 5 - 7 minute segment of the film that uses the main theme or themes
and represents the general compositional style of the film. Be sure to stop the
film and identify the theme used and what its effect is on the scene. - 35 points
1. 4-5 students per group, to be determined in class
2. Work on project independently from class.
3. Each person in the group needs to present at least one of the above
elements to the class.
Chapter 6 continued pages 92-145 Film Noir
View Laura (1944) David Raksin composer
Hitchcock, Suspense and the music of Bernard Herrmann
Psycho (1960)
North By Northwest (1959)
Vertigo (1958)
Group projects
Chapter 6 continued: Sci-Fi/Electro/Acoustic scores
Blade Runner (1982) Vangelis
The Fifth Element (1997) Eric Serra
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
Tron (2010) Daft Punk
The Social Network (2010) Trent Reznor & Attica Ross
Hanna (2011) The Chemical Brothers
Article Reviews are due
Group projects
Chapter 6 continued
Group projects
Chapter 6 continued: Sci-Fi/Electro/Acoustic scores
Group Projects, chapter 6 continued
Group Projects, discussion of Final Project
View (film to be determined) (20xx), Xxxxxx Xxxxxx composer
Term Paper (see below) due Tuesday, December 15 by 10:00 a.m.
Term Paper:
You will take a closer look at (to be determined), from 00:00 to 1:00:00 and write
about the following subjects in the format given below. This movie is available for viewing
in the library or you may rent it for viewing at home.
Credits & background information 125 words minimum
125 words minimum
Style and concept
75 words minimum
Spotting (follow format given below)
Title of cue (create a 2-5 word description of the scene)
10 points
10 points
10 points
50 points
1. Time the music begins & ends/overall length of music for that scene.
2. Brief description of what is happening on the screen.
3. Identify what Theme are used, if any.
4. Identify instruments used, or type of orchestration.
5. Discuss how the music is involved in the drama; does the composer
HIT the action, PLAY THROUGH the action or PHRASE THE DRAMA?
Describe how this is done and why.
6. Describe the tempo of the music and how it reflects the drama and/or the
editing of the scene. Discuss the reason for the music being there and what
added dimension effect it has on the scene. Discuss the added dimension
and emotion that the music is providing. (25 words minimum for cues that
last more than 60 seconds)
175 word minimum
20 points
Discuss all of the themes used in the film. Compare and contrast the musical
elements of the themes as well as how they are used in the film. Criticize the themes from a
personal point of view. Were they effective for what was being presented in the film? Did
they clarify the concept of the film? If yes, describe how this was done. If not, describe why
and how it misses the concept of the film or scenes from the film.
Source Music no minimum
20 points
List where source music is used in the film., what the title of the piece is,
and who composed it. Describe how the source music is used in the film and whether it
serves to clarify important elements of the story. Discuss all unusual uses of source music.
Describe how it is used and why that technique is unusual.
Conclusion 150
word minimum
Evaluate the effectiveness of the scoreʼs influence on the film. Discuss
specific scenes where the music either worked or did not work. Give reasons for your
[insert The Red Violin paper here]
Course Evaluation
Your grade will be based on the following percentages:
Weekly Quizzes
Group Project
Article reviews
Midterm paper
Term paper
Grading scale
93-100% =
90-92% =
87-89% =
83-86% =
80-82% =
77-79% =
73-76% =
70-72% =
67-69% =
60-66% =
0-59% =
Excellent, above average
Below average