language arts - Emmanuel Books

Phonics &
There are a variety of ways to begin
teaching your children to read. We have
used the book Teach Your Child to Read in
a 100 Easy Lessons successfully with most
of our seven children. We really love that
it is scripted. In other words, it tells mom
exactly what to say and what to ask the child to repeat. However, this is not the
only way to teach reading, some moms and/or children respond better to a different
presentation. We are now so pleased to offer another scripted program All About
Reading which you can read about on this page. We also highly recommend using
the Little Angel Reader Phonics Program, this lovely program has the added bonus
of being a Catholic program with readers and workbooks which reinforce and
teach basic phonics. In addition we have used the series, Explode the Code, it too
has beginner lessons. All of these programs introduce your child to the concept
that symbols represent sounds, and that when the symbols are placed next to each
other and blended, the new blended sound forms a word. The next step would
be to introduce the concept of writing these sound-symbols together or in other
words, begin a spelling program. We highly recommend the new All About Spelling
program, see it’s detailed description on page 83.
The entire process of reading and spelling varies in time and method and can be
individualized for each child in your family. Our best recommendation is to watch
for reading readiness in your little child. When you begin to see your child follow
along with you while you are reading to them and you see them begin to make out
the sounds either by themselves or in imitation of you, it is a good sign they are
ready. Move at your child’s pace. Try to keep these sessions short, fun, pleasant
and full of praise. A sure sign of moving too fast is when they get easily agitated or
downright resistant to these sessions. That’s when it’s a good time to close the book
and move back to reading aloud, cuddled up next to mommy. All of our children
have learned to read at a variety of ages, some as early as five years old, and some
closer to nine years old. But all of them, we are most happy to report, by having
had the luxury of moving at their natural pace, now have a true love of reading.
After all, are not a true love of reading and a real sense of reading success a gift of
lifetime of learning? Absolutely!!
Teacher Your Child to Read in a 100 Easy Lessons
All About Reading - New Level 2 Set Now Available
Little Angel Reader Phonics Program
Explode the Code Series
All About Spelling Program
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
By Siegfried Engelmann, Phyllis Haddox and Elaine Bruner
If you are at the very beginning of teaching your
child to read, this is the book for you! We have yet
to find its equal. In a scripted format (teacher says…
student says…), each of the 100 lessons are broken
up into several tasks. You can do all of the tasks in
one sitting which generally takes no more than 20
minutes a day or proceed at your own pace. By the
time you are at about lesson 50, your child will be
reading simple sentences. The beauty of this book is
the ingenious yet simple way it introduces your child
to the concept of blending the individual letter sounds
to make a new sound, a new WORD. We have used this as our first book in teaching truth, some of the markings and funny way they print some of the
letters is distracting– but if you follow the script and use it at your child’s pace– it
really WORKS– we have used it with our five school-aged children. HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED!! (PB, 395 pages)
Little Angel Readers
by Linda Bromeier
Excellent Catholic phonics program! Published 1997.
The average ability reader completes reader A, B, & C
in one year and reader D in the first half of the Second
year. Teacher’s Manual has lesson plans, workbook
answers, supplemental worksheets, and tests to make
it a complete reading program but readers can be used
alone. (PB) Learning sequence:
Reader A - Consonants, short vowels, ck
Reader B - Long vowels w/ silent e and long vowel pairs
Reader C - Beginning blends, consonant digraphs (sh, th, etc.), long i & o, vowels w/ r
Reader D - Vowel diagraph (ou, ow, etc.), soft c & g, silent consonants, irregular
digraphs (ea, ey, ou, etc.)
LAR-010 Teachers Manual
370 pages
LAR-001 Reader A grK-1
72 pages
LAR-002 Reader B gr1
80 pages
LAR-003 Reader C gr1
80 pages
LAR-004 Reader D gr2
104 pages
*add-WB for workbooks 64 pages each
$8.00 each
LAR-020 Entire SET $97.00
Explode The Code®
By Nancy M. Hall
Books 1–8 provide comprehensive phonics skills
instruction, including encoding, decoding, and writing
exercises. The ample practice provided enables students to
read words, phrases, sentences, and stories independently.
Books 1: Consonant review, Short vowel sounds
Books 2: Initial and final consonant blends
Books 3: Long vowels including silent -e, digraphs (sh,
th, wh, ch, ng, ck), trigraphs (-tch), and vowel digraphs
(ee-ea, ai-ay, oa-ow).
Books 4: Compound words, ommon endings (-ful, -ing, -est, -ed, -ness), syllable
types (open, closed, ending in -y and -le, diphthong, and three-syllable words ).
Books 5: Word families (all-alk, old-olt-oll, ild-ind, qu
words), three-letter blends (thr, shr, scr, str, spr, spi),
diphthong -ey, and the three sounds of -ed.
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Writing Road to Reading ~ New 6th edition
by Romalda Spalding
The new 6th Revised Edition includes: Updated research on
all the instructional components (including handwriting)
and principles of learning and instruction that make The
Spalding Method effective, Part 1 chapter titles and organization aligned to our Grade-Level Teacher Guides, Chapter
2 instructional strategies in outline, rather than narrative,
format, Precise dialogue for cursive writing, Sample dialogues
for teaching 5 mental actions, Updated Children’s Literature
Recommendations, OPR and WPR Cue Words, A section on Morphology (word
structure) in Part 2.
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
All About Reading
Level Pre-1
By Marie Rippel
WOW! Mrs. Rippel has
done it again! She really
sweats the details and
thinks of everything for the homeschool parent to become a great teacher and for
the child to really master what they learn! All About Reading program is unique
because it begins with Level Pre-1 for preschoolers and kindergarteners, and it
focuses on the Big Five Skills. These five fundamental pre-reading skills include
letter knowledge, phonological awareness, print awareness, listening comprehension, and motivation to read. It is this specific set of skills that helps pre-readers
understand the basics of language and how it works, preparing them to learn to
read and eventually to spell and ultimately write. With All About Reading Level
Pre-1, your child will play special games, enjoy little crafts, and engage in charming
story time activities--all the while absorbing these all-important Big Five Skills.
Begin by choosing for Level Pre-1 the Basic or Deluxe packages:
The Basic Package includes:
• Teacher’s Manual (208 pages)- the Daily Lesson Plans
• Student Material Packet includes:
• My Book of Letters and Sounds Activity
Book (192 pages)
• Picture Cards
• Letter Sound Cards
• Capital Letter Alphabet Chart
• Lowercase Letter Alphabet Chart
• The Zigzag Zebra: a rhyming alphabet hardcover book
• Lizard Lou: rhymes old and new hardcover book
• Divider Cards (keeps your Picture Cards and Letter Sound Cards organized)
• “Letter Sounds A to Z” CD-ROM.
• With the Basic package, you will need to add your own puppet and your
own index card box.
AAR-100 Basic Package
The Deluxe Package includes the same items as the Basic package (Teacher’s
Manual, Student Material Packet, Divider Cards, “Letter Sounds A to Z”
CD-ROM). It also includes
• Ziggy the Zebra puppet
• a charming Activity Box to hold your student’s learning cards
• All About Reading tote bag to keep your components organized
AAR-110 Deluxe Package
All About Reading Story Collections
By Marie Rippel with Renee LaTulippe
These charming, fully illustrated story collections correspond with the word lists taught in the All About Spelling
program. However, since reading usually precedes spelling
feel free to use these purely for reading practice too! They
will in turn better prepare your child for spelling down the
road as they are confidence builders at these early stages. Each
level is packed with fun and amusing short stories to foster
reading and spelling success. (HC, 160pp., 5 ½ x 8 ½ )
Each Hardcover book sells for $19.95:
Level 1 Books:
AAR-011Run, Bug, Run! (correlates w/steps 6-13 in Level 1)
AAR-012The Runt Pig (correlates w/steps 14-18 in Level 1)
AAR-013Cobweb the Cat: (correlates w/steps 15-24 in Level 1)
Level 2 Books:
AAR-021What Am I? (correlates w/steps 1-14 in Level 2 )
AAR-022Queen Bee (correlates w/steps 15-25 in Level 2)
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
All About Reading - Level 1
By Marie Rippel
This is a true multisensory
program: your child will
learn through sight,
sound, and touch.
Everything is taught in
context, and your child
applies new learning right
away. Your child will be engaged in thinking, processing, comparing, and learning.
Each new concept builds upon the previous one, and no steps are skipped.
There are five key components of reading—Phonological Awareness, Phonics and
Decoding, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension
This well designed approach to reading develops
children into confident readers who absorb and retain
new information.
When you order this set of Level 1 Materials, you’ll
receive these five items: Level 1 Teacher’s Manual,
Level 1 Student Packet, Run, Bug, Run! decodable
reader, The Runt Pig decodable reader, Cobweb the Cat
decodable reader
Please note: In addition to the Level 1 Materials, you will also need to choose either
the Basic or Deluxe Reading Interactive Kit. The Interactive Kit contains nonconsumable items that are used throughout the entire All About Reading program.
Level 1 SET
All About Reading - Level 2
By Marie Rippel
Your student will learn
three-letter blends, the
introduction of Silent E,
new phonograms, and
methods for decoding
multisyllable words – and
continue to establish
a firm foundation for a
lifetime of learning. Every
component of reading is taught: decoding (phonics and structural analysis),
vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Below is a sampling in each area.
Decoding (Phonics):
• Read words containing the new phonograms, such as whale, sheep, herd,
farm, horn, toy, boil, saw,
• Read words with long I or O before two consonants, as in find and gold
• Read words with soft C, as in race
Decoding (Structural Analysis):
• Identify base words
• Learn syllable division rules for reading multisyllable words
• Read words with past tense ending ed, including all three sounds, as in
wanted, tested, and chipped
• Discuss new words in the context of the story and one’s own life
• Understand homophones
• Understand synonyms and antonyms
• Read with accuracy
• Read with meaningful expression
• Read with natural phrasing
• Connect text to own experiences
• Make predictions
• Compare and contrast settings
• Skim for specific information
Level 2 SET
Order by phone (302) 325-9515
All About Spelling Program
By Marie Rippel
This program is truly an answer to a prayer. Truly! It uses
the well-established Orton-Gillingham (aka Spalding and
Writing Road to Reading) methodology of teaching phonics
and spelling to children. But what is really great about this
program, is that the author has done a fantastic job of laying it out in such a well-organized and easy to follow manner
that employs kinesthetic, auditory and visual learning, that no
prior knowledge or prep time is required.
The step-by-step lesson plans lay out new material clearly and concisely and saves
you valuable time. You use the teacher manual every day moving at your child’s
pace. Each child has a Material Packet to work on every day, that include flashcards to provide a visual and hands-on way to help your student learn and review
phonograms, words, and spelling rules. In addition each child makes their very own
Silent E book, homophone charts and much more. I especially love the Writing
Station and Dictation Exercises that reinforce and review previously learned words
in context. Children often can spell words in isolation but have trouble when the
words are seen in sentences, Mrs. Rippel addresses this common problem to show
children how to self-correct by using spelling strategies, and word analysis. All About
Spelling doesn’t “teach it and forget it.” The children work through lessons using
letter tiles to segment the sounds employing not only visual learning but tactile
learning to strengthen all four modes of learning to achieve mastery.
• You work through each step bit by bit at your child’s pace, always reinforcing
previous learned material. There is no more need to buy extra lesson plans,
the teacher manuals are the lesson plans, totally scripted with what you say
to the child and what they need to do!
• Mrs. Rippel has thought of everything, including periodic teaching tips,
reinforcement tips, identifying trouble spots and suggestions for making
spelling FUN too!
• The program is mastery-based, not grade-level based, so when students
master a specific concept, they move on. If a child needs more practice in a
certain area, the program allows for that so the child can really master each
concept. There’s no sense building on a shaky foundation, because that will
cause spelling difficulties down the road when the spelling words get harder.
All About Spelling, has identified the concepts that are most important for
your child to master, weeding out all busy work so often seen in other spelling programs.
• Concept-oriented spelling lists are grouped by similar phonograms and spelling rules accelerate learning by organizing ideas in the student’s mind and
allowing the student to concentrate on and master one or two main concepts
before moving on.
• At the higher levels, the Suffix Tiles are a different size and color than the
letter tiles so your student can learn the rules for adding suffixes without
confusion and easily recognize and choose the correct suffix when building
new words.
• The Jail provides your student with an engaging, memorable way to learn
Rule Breakers the first time around, eliminating the need to remediate later.
How do you begin? We recommend starting at the very beginning because this
is such a thorough and foundational program that will benefit both natural spellers and those having difficulty. The books are not graded but are presented in
levels, so any grade is appropriate. However, if you have worked in any other
Orton-Gillinham based programs and want to make the switch, then you could
start at level 2 or 3, after answering the questions presented on our website www., where we provide sample lesson plans and placement guidance, scope and sequences.
1. Choose your Interactive Kit. This is a one-time purchase, and you will use it in Levels
1 through 7. Order either the Basic Interactive Kit or the Deluxe Interactive Kit.
2. Almost all students start with Level 1 because this is a building block program.
Each Level includes a Teacher’s Manual and Student Materials for one student.
Although no two students are alike, a typical young beginner may take up to one
school year to complete Level 1, whereas a junior high or high school student may
complete Level 1 in a month or so.
3. Take a look at the optional readers, that correlate directly with the All About
Spelling program. These stories contain the same words that are in the spelling
Interactive Kits:
This is a one-time purchase, and you will use it in
Levels 1 to 7. The All About Spelling program is multisensory, and the Basic Interactive Kit contains components that enable your child to learn through sight,
sound, and touch. The Basic Interactive Kit includes
these four items: Letter Tiles, Magnets for the Letter Tiles, Phonogram CD-ROM,
and the Divider Cards. (Purchased separately, these items normally total $37.80.
Save $7.85 when you purchase these items as a kit.)
This Kit includes the same four items that the
Basic Interactive Kit does (Letter Tiles, Magnets
for the Letter Tiles, Phonogram CD-ROM, and
the Divider Cards) plus three more: Spelling
Review Box, Spelling Tote Bag, and bee stickers
for your child’s progress chart. (Purchased separately, these items normally total $62.70. Save
$12.75 when you purchase these items as a kit.)
Teacher’s Manual and One Student Material Packet:
AAS-001 Level 1
AAS-002 Level 2
AAS-003 Level 3 $39.95
AAS-004 Level 4 $39.95
AAS-005 Level 5 $39.95
AAS-006 Level 6 $39.95
AAS-007 Level 7
Extra Materials:(When ordering for Multiple Students each student
needs their own Student Material Packet and perhaps tiles)
AAS-001S Level 1
AAS-002S Level 2 $19.95
AAS-003S Level 3 $19.95
AAS-004S Level 4 $19.95
AAS-005S Level 5 $19.95
AAS-006S Level 6 $19.95
AAS-007S Level 7
AAS-000L Letter tiles
AAS-000M Magnets for Letter tiles $5.95
All About Spelling testimonial
After years of trying different spelling programs, I finally found and
tried All About Spelling; I am thrilled with it! This is the first spelling program that I have used that introduces each spelling rule clearly
and methodically. Lessons are short and varied, and each lesson
builds upon the previous one. My older children regularly walk
through the room and comment how unfair it is that they didn’t get
to use this program!
-Diane, MI
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
Wordly Wise Series
by Kenneth Hodkinson with Joseph Ornato
Vocabulary builders!! Gives interesting word histories and
alerts students to verbal pitfalls. Complete with lessons, exercises, puzzles and narration.
(PB, A-C 61 pages, Books 1-4 approx. 140 pages each)
WORW-004 Wordly Wise Book 1, Grade 4 WORW-005 Wordly Wise Book 2, Grade 5 WORW-006 Wordly Wise Book 3, Grade 6 WORW-007 Wordly Wise Book 4, Grade 7 WORW-008 Wordly Wise Book 5, Grade 8 Each Teacher’s Key, (10 pp. each) add-(TK) to item # above
Modern Curriculum Press
Plaid Phonics Program
A classic! A very good and basic way to review and practice
phonics, but not a complete phonics program, use it to
supplement your phonics and spelling curriculums.
Revised Phonics, Level K (PB, 176 pages)
Revised Phonics, Level A- 1st (PB, 272 pages)
Revised Phonics, Level B- 2nd (PB, 208 pages)
Revised Phonics, Level C- 3rd (PB, 176 pages)
Revised Phonics, Level D- 4th (PB, 177 pages)
Revised Phonics, Level E- 5th (PB, 160 pages)
Revised Phonics, Level F- 6th (PB, 160 pages)
Excellence in Spelling: The PhoneticZoo
By Andrew Pudewa & James B. Webster
Here is a multi-sensory approach to teaching
spelling, using the fun theme of animals and
a zoo to illustrate the spelling rules! Whether
your children are visual, auditory, or kinesthetic
learners, this spelling guide will appeal to them!
This program includes fun rule jingles that secure
spelling rules in your child’s memory, such as for
“-ir,” as in “girl,” the jingle is: “The tired third
girl was virtually the first to encircle the birds in the mirror mirage at the birthday
circus miracle.” This program includes three levels, where each level utilizes the
same spelling rules with more difficult words presented at the upper levels. The
lessons are divided into 10-minute sessions on the CDs for your student to listen
to until he or she achieves 100% on the lesson – twice in a row! The complete
Phonetic Zoo Program includes an introductory video for parents, 5 audio CDs,
flashcards, and zoo cards (Gr. 2 – 8).
PZ-001 Elementary
PZ-002 Intermediate$99.00
PZ-003 Advanced$99.00
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
We highly recommend Teaching Writing Structure
& Style as an excellent resource that gives the
parent the “tools to teach” their children how to
write. While we may be good writers ourselves, the
art of teaching this to our own children may prove
difficult and even at times impossible. But help is here. This program of classes, taught
from the comfort of your own home via DVD, is designed for the “Parent as Teacher”
to watch and learn. I had the exceptional opportunity of taking these classes live
and in-person, with Mr. Pudewa, which by the way was way more expensive than the
classes sold here on DVD. It was one of the best two days I spent, for I had finally
learned a natural process to teach my children how to write. No more tears, no more
frustration, no more blank stares! You will learn how to teach outlining, creative
writing, narratives, picture studies, persuasive essays, research reports as well how
to improve writing stylistically. There is no need to create additional assignments
for writing, just use your current history, religion or literature curriculum writing
assignments and apply your newly acquired “tools to teach.” In addition, it is just as
valuable for your high school student to watch several of the DVDs as review courses
too! You also can review sections of the course as you need them, or treat yourself
and a fellow home educator to a night of learning over a
cup of coffee and dessert!
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style
(9 DVDs + 51 page teacher’s manual)
TWSS-001 $169.00
Student Writing Intensive Workshops
When we pop in the DVD’s from this program and
Andrew Pudwa comes to life on the screen, it is like
having a personal teacher come into your homeschool.
He makes learning fun for children and even gets a
chuckle out of mom too! Writing is one area where many
students groan and complain and often times it is because
they just don’t know where or how to begin. Personally
this has been our experience. This has been one of our
very best investments, which has been used by multiple
children. The material presented in these 4 DVD’s guides both the “Parent as Teacher”
and the student towards absolute success in writing. The early years begins with learning
how to formulate outlines from a variety of source materials. Then it moves on to
learning how to write paragraphs and essays from their own outlines creating original
written work. He teaches the children how to clarify, organize and choose words to
better express what they are trying to say by giving what he calls “dress-ups” but what
are in fact excellent, age appropriate skills in learning how to be clear thinkers and
in turn writers. As the levels progress, so does the writing skills, they will learn how
to use multiple sources towards a cohesive essay or paper, learn the art of persuasion
and even do creative writing. The program can be easily adaptable to any curriculum
substituting your own writing assignments from the ones given in the course. We used
the History based writing assignments alongside this program to incorporate our history
with language arts. Simply wonderful! (*Previous experience with Teaching Writing
Structure and Style may be beneficial but is not required for the teacher.)
Each level is $109.00
Level A (Gr. 4-5) SWI-001
Day 1 – Outlines, Summary, & Dress-up
(120 min)
Day 2 – Story Summary, Dress-up
(92 min)
Day 3 – Reference Summary, Structure
(114 min)
Day 4 – Creative Writing
(84 min)
Level B (Gr. 6-7) SWI-002
Day 1 – Outlines, Summary, & Dress-up
(120 min)
Day 2 – Story Summary, Dress-up
(106 min)
Day 3 – Mult. Ref. Summary, Structure
(113 min)
Day 4 – Creative Writing, Sent. Openers (101 min
Level C (Gr. 8-10+) SWI-003
Day 1 – Note-Taking, Story Summary, & Dress-up (115 min)
Day 2 – Summarizing a Reference Openers (119 min)
Day 3 – Multiple Ref. Summary Openers (118 min)
Day 4 – Formal Essay, Decorations
(111 min)
Order by phone (302) 325-9515
Student Resource Notebook
This all-in-one, easy-to-use resource contains writing
helps which students can refer to, including Models of Structure,
Style Charts, Substitutes for Banned Words (and other great
word lists), Decorations, Grammar Rules, and much more! 110
pages in a spiral bound book.
Rockets, Radar, & Robotics
Technology-Based Writing Lessons
By Danielle Olander with Nathaniel Olander
Designed especially for those techies-in-training or newbie nerds,
Rockets, Radar, and Robotics introduces middle school students
to the Institute for Excellence in Writing models and stylistic
techniques using technology as the subject material. Students
will enjoy learning how the military is using iPods, how radar was developed, and what
makes rockets work. Thirty lessons contain checklists and sources, along with teacher’s
notes in a complimentary, separate e-book. The author’s 12-year-old son originally
conceived the concept for this fascinating book and collaborated throughout the
project. By purchasing this or any other book of theme-based writing lessons, you will
automatically receive a complimentary copy of the Student Resource Notebook e-book
with your order! (If you did not place your order online through our website, please
check the copyright page for the free download information.) (PB, 119 pages.)
Following Narnia:
Writing Lessons in Structure and Style
by Laura Bettis
Using the first three novels of The Chronicles of Narnia® (The
Magician’s Nephew, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and
The Horse and His Boy), this series of 31 lessons beckons
students to experience the enchanted land of Narnia through
structure and style.
The Student Book gives reading assignments from the novels, source texts on related
topics, checklists, assignments, wordlists, and more! The Teacher’s Manual is a
necessary component of the course, as it will guide the teacher/parent through each
lesson with in-depth explanations, tips for teaching, checklists, and other notes that
will ensure that you and your students are successful with Following Narnia.
These lessons are designed to be used by an instructor who has been through the
Teaching Writing: Structure & Style seminar, either live or on DVD.
Perfect for homeschoolers, homeschool co-ops, tutors, and hybrid schools, this
theme-based writing curriculum supports parents and teachers in teaching writing
to middle school students (grades 6–8).
Second Edition updates:
• Traditional IEW checklists have been added along with the customizable checklists.
• Incorporates more source texts from important figures from the WWII era such as
Winston Churchill and Theodore Roosevelt.
• The new edition is not compatible with the old (due to the changes in
multiple lessons).
The Elegant Essay Writing Lessons Third Edition
By Lesha Myers
Now in its third edition, The Elegant Essay walks students
through the entire essay-building process. The student book
includes instruction, practice exercises, modeling, and grade
sheets. The separate teacher’s manual provides a sample schedule, grading helps, and lesson-by-lesson instructions regarding
how to teach the material and includes sample models and
answers. After practicing the elements of an essay, students
apply all they have learned by completing two essay assignments: a descriptive and
a persuasive essay. With clear explanations and practice exercises, The Elegant Essay
is an excellent extension and refinement of IEW Unit 8. Consumable.
Set (TM & SB)
EEWL-001-SB Student Book Only $29.00
The Lost Tools of Writing (Level 1)
All writers face three universal problems. From 14 year old
students to Pulitzer prize winners: every writer has to come up
with good ideas, every writer has to organize those ideas clearly,
and every writer has to express those ideas effectively.
The Lost Tools of Writing (LTW) adopts the three canons
of classical rhetoric to solve those problems.
• Invention - a series of tools and skills that teach
aspiring writers to come up with good ideas.
• Arrangement - tools and skills that help them
organize their thoughts in an organized, effective,
and coherent fashion.
• Elocution (a fancy word for style), which is made up
of skills and tools that allow the young writer to creatively, effectively, and
purposely express their thoughts.
Made up of 12 lessons (each featuring one essay) The Lost Tools of Writing takes the
students through those three canons, one skill, one step at a time, each one more
complicated and complete than the one before it. In this way, the program teaches
the student a skill in a way that, while complete, does not overwhelm him and
instead allows him to see clearly what he knows, thereby providing confidence.
Once the aspiring writer grasps how to employ these tools effectively the stresses
and confusions that accompany writing begin to fade and with it the fear that often
comes with writing assignments.
The Student’s Workbook contains a complete set of worksheets for every Lesson,
a glossary, checklists for student’s to revise their essays, and a complete set of
arrangement templates for outlining essays.
The Teacher’s Guide contains detailed Lesson Guides for every Lesson in the
curriculum, including a review lesson, as well as chapters on assessment, a glossary,
FAQ’s, recommended additional resources, and much more.
This 6-disc DVD set, presented by founding author, Andrew Kern, and
Program Director, Michael Buck Holler, includes more than 10 hours of
instructional material to help you in your day-to-day lesson planning and teaching.
Covers all twelve lessons with detailed examples, insights and teaching tips.
The Office of Assertion
by Scott F. Crider
I wish I had picked up this book years ago. It is a must-have for
parents who want to teach their children how to write an academic essay. This is meant for the parent to study and employ in
their written assignments for their high school students. Using
Mr. Crider’s guidance you will ensure that your college bound
high school student will be amply prepared to handle essay
writing and longer persuasive academic papers. He breaks down the process in
logical stages, carefully explaining the purpose of each stage. He offers a variety of
approaches and explains too what college professors are looking for. He defends the
adage, “clarity is not boring”, to help the student realize that planning, organizing,
writing and rewriting serve a valuable purpose to which ends is a persuasive essay
or paper that draws the reader towards truth. Buy one for yourself to mark up and
make notes and one for your student to take to college! It is a treasure. (PB, 170 pp)
Thank you for your wonderful service of offering top quality books
for Catholic homeschoolers! I am planning on spending A LOT on
books for the upcoming school year. God bless you,
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
Speech Boot Camp
By Andrew Pudewa
Long ago, the vital skill of speaking well, or “elocution,”
was considered an essential part of every citizen’s basic
education, enabling the average man or woman to not
only reason soundly but to present ideas in a winsome,
intelligent, persuasive way. Confidence with public speaking is an essential skill,
vital for everyone. Assuming no previous experience, Mr. Pudewa teaches the most
important basic concepts for organizing and presenting a speech, giving ample
opportunity for practice, and teaching students how to effectively critique and
encourage each other. The carefully edited DVDs include several sample speeches
by students both experienced and novice, and the corresponding e-book contains
reproducible handouts for “trainees” and lesson plans with evaluation forms for
the parent/facilitator. Lesson plans provide for either a four-day intensive or a
eleven-week course. Ideal for either a family or small group. (4 DVDs, downloadable e-book, grades 6-HS)
Nature Readers
This series of Nature Readers is intended for the use of beginning readers. Lessons
straight from the shore, or the field, where life is seen in a natural environment.
Guaranteed to have a great impact on young students! B&W illustrations.
Seaside and Wayside (Book One)
By Julia McNair Wright
This book will teach children to treat even the smallest
creatures on God’s earth with wonder and awe. This is truly
a charming collection of anecdotes from our gardens to our
seashores. (PB, 87 pages, Ages 6 – 8)
Animal Life (Book Two)
By Florence Bass
This book focuses on the animal kingdom as well as the world
of insects. Your child will learn about the lives of neighboring
butterflies, beavers, bees, and more. This book will open up
a whole new world of exploration – right in your own backyard! (PB, 172 pages, Ages 6 to 8.)
Seaside and Wayside (Book Three)
By Julia McNair Wright
Children shall investigate a little farther – by the seaside and
by the wayside. Sometimes they shall walk in low marshy
places, and sometimes they shall go to the hard,white sand
and bring curious treasures from the sea. The aim of this
book is to teach children or let them learn what beauty and
wisdom exist in all God’s creations - even in such humble
things as beetles and worms! There are some review questions at the end of the
book. (PB, 184 pages, Ages 6 to 8.)
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
Catholic National Readers
Exclusively Catholic! One could say these are the Catholic
version of a McGuffy type reader. Instead of chapters, you
have lessons that always begin with the new words marked
phonetically. Also includes cursive and writing exercises and
quizzes. Originally published by Benziger Bros. at the turn of
the century. (HC)
CNR-001 Primer/Book 1, 126 pp. $11.95
CNR-002 Book 2, 168 pp.
CNR-003 Book 3, 260 pp.
CNR-004 Book 4, 286 pp.
English From the Roots Up: Volume I
by Joegil Lundquist
This program is a great way to begin your study of vocabulary and Latin. You can begin as early as 3rd grade. Very
easy to follow and master. It is amazing how many words
you will recognize once you’ve mastered these essential
roots. Also great for high school students and SAT preparation. (PB, 100 pp.)
Vol. I Text
Vol I Cards
Lighted Lanterns: Level A (PDF Download)
This one-of-a-kind program is very gentle, very
Catholic and able to be tailored to your own child’s
Being very busy homeschool moms, we wanted the best
of all worlds: Catholic, integrated, little to no preparation, able to be tailored, all in a convenient, tidy, and
very attractive workbook. We thought perhaps others
might like something that fit that bill as well.
Since this is an integrated approach, they naturally cover
spelling, gentle grammar, vocabulary, penmanship, oral
narrations, creative writing, picture studies, and more.
Lighted Lanterns Level A has been geared towards
children who are already familiar with printing words, approximately a Grade 2
level. Level A has 8 units consisting of 4 lessons per unit for a total of 32 lessons.
The first through third lessons of each unit contain:
• copywork selections
• lesson suggestions
• tailored spelling lists
• poetry
• quotes/interesting facts
• places for dictations
• editing practices
• character and faith-building stories
• places for narrations
The fourth lesson of each unit takes a different approach. They consist of:
• Picture Studies with questions to aid in observation skills
• Word Play -- fun activities with words
• Writing with Purpose -- in which the student learns to do various types of
writing, such as descriptive writing, directions, poetry, letter writing
• Hands-On -- your child will be making mini-booklets, cutting, pasting,
illustrating, and more!
Manuscript Edtion $27.99
Cursive Edition
Order by phone (302) 325-9515
Primary Language Lessons
By Emma Serl
The NEW COLOR VERSION of Emma Serl’s classic
book contains many COLOR paintings for picture
studies and several lessons are even Catholic!!! For
those using the MODG third grade syllabus, rest
assured that ALL the lessons assigned are intact and
complete in this new version. Nevertheless, you may
want to use some of the lessons with color paintings
or Catholic themes in place of similar ones in the
syllabus. This book may be used as a complete third grade course or may be used as
a two-year course for second and third grade. There are a total of 164 lessons that
represent a balance between oral and written work. Emma Serl understands this
stage of learning very well; exercises are perfectly suited to the skills of observation
and memorization. Great literature, fables, folklore and maxims are used for
exercises in gentle grammar, usage, composition, punctuation, memorization, oral
conversation, letter writing, studied dictations, reading and etiquette in writing.
They will especially inspire conversation between student and teacher that will
give the child all the necessary practice to master proper grammar at this primary
level. In addition this new edition has larger print and a larger, 8 1/2 X 11 format,
with a spiral binding which lays flat (especially great for copywork). (Spiral bound,
138 pages,) An answer key is available as a free download at
Intermediate Language Lessons
by Emma Serl
This is a Catholic, color version of the next
book in Emma Serl’s Language Arts series and is
recommended for use in 4thand 5th grades in Laura
Berquist’s curriculum (can be used for 6th grade also).
Well-designed lessons engage the young student’s
interest and are integrated to encompass every aspect
of Language Arts (Literature, poetry, letter writing,
creating outlines, grammar and word usage, all forms
of composition, memorization and oral presentation, debating and dictation). No
teacher manual or answer key necessary. Instructions for how to do a “studied
dictation” are found in Laura’s 4th and 5th grade syllabi. It includes a picture study
and narration St. Paul’s Conversion as well as of St. Jerome and the Lion and a
discussion of a quote by St. Thomas Aquinas. Also, since it is larger, it is easier to
do the copy work.
The First Whole Book of Diagrams
by Mary Daly
The idea behind this book is that diagramming is like
learning a foreign language. In the author’s own words
“ learn the English language without a systematic
study of syntax is rather like learning to read without
phonics.” It is not intended as a stand alone grammar
resource. Ideally you should have a text to cover
the basics of grammar and use this book consistently
throughout the year as part of your English curriculum.
The book is divided into 16 chapters covering most of grammar such as, subjects
and verbs, articles, adjectives, conjunctions, intransitives, etc., as well as selections
from prose and verse. There are tons of sentences to practice on ranging from
simple two word sentences to Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73, even some proverbs and
prayers. The teachers’ manual included in the text gives instructions and answers
to exercises for each chapter. (Spiral bound PB, 194 pages, 5th Gr. +)
The Elementary Diagramming Worktext
by Mary Daly
This book takes you through the first 8 chapters of The First
Whole Book of Diagrams. It is not a workbook version either
but rather a more elementary version of it. It is designed to
complement it especially for those new to diagramming. It
does include an answer key for the exercises in the worktext.
It does provide enough sentences to see if the student understands the material. Begins with two word sentences and
progresses to poems, proverbs and more! Great addition to
any grammar curriculum. (PB, 112 pages) *LB Syllabus 6th Gr.
Lepanto Grammar
(formerly Voyages in English)
These are the originals used in the 60’s in Catholic
schools when it was not unheard of to use glorious
truths of our faith right in the students exercises in
learning basic grammar. I am often heard telling my
children to remember well these pearls of wisdom as
they are practicing a lesson on the rigors of nouns
and how they are modified. If your formation in
grammar is somewhat lacking as mine was, you will
enjoy learning side by side with your children. If you
plan to use this book with the MODG syllabi, then
what is recommended is that you use just the grammar section, not the composition sections of the book. That will
be covered in other subjects, such as religion and history
where the student will work on their compositional skills
at age appropriate levels. The text is best used by outlining
the entire chapter for your student before you begin the chapter. Then as you
spend several weeks on each part of speech, let’s say nouns, you keep referring back to the general outline as a 2 minute daily review so that your child
sees the overall connection between the detail he is studying that particular
day and the overall concept. Even though some may shy away from a more
rigorous approach to grammar, I have seen the fruits of this in my own children who have benefited greatly from this classic text. My oldest glided into
Warriner’s 9th grade English without a problem. The TM includes answers to
the textbook exercises. The item called “Exercises” is a workbook with about
125-156 supplemental grammar exercises per Voyages lesson (answer key sold
separately). *LB Syllabi grades 6, 7, 8.
VOY-006 Grade 6 (432 pages, HC)
VOY-007 Grade 7 (460 pages HC)
VOY-008 Grade 8 (459 pages, HC)
Add –TM Teachers Manual (200 pages, PB)
Add –EX Exercises Gr. 6-8 (130 pages, PB)
Add -AK Exercises Answer key (30 pages, PB)
Basic Language Principles with Latin Background
by Ruth Wilson
See Page 109
(PB, 72 pages)
Basic Language Principles
Answer Key & Lesson Plan
By Laura Berquist
See Page 109
43 pages
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
By Michael Baker
This series will challenge your kids to think critically
as they analyze a story, picture, and caption for grammar, punctuation, and content errors. Plus answer key
(in back) and teacher’s suggestions. Combines critical
thinking with analysis of grammatical errors. Can be
copied!! (PB)
EIC-001 Book A1 (Gr. 4-6), 64 pgs. $14.99
EIC-001-A Book A2 (Gr. 4-6), 63 pgs. $14.99
EIC-002 Book B1 (Gr. 6-8), 86 pgs. $14.99
EIC-002-A Book B2 (Gr. 6-8), 86 pgs. $14.99
EIC-003 Book C1 (Gr. 8+), 124 pgs. $17.99
EIC-003-A Book C2 (Gr. 8+), 130 pgs. $17.99
Great Editing Adventure Series
Students learn grammar as they search for errors in
these exciting stories! Exercises teach and review
grammar, writing mechanics, spelling, vocabulary,
finding synonyms with a thesaurus, and dictionary
use. 4th-6th Grade (7th-8th Grade review). Answers
are immediately below the exercise! (PB, approx. 60
pages) Both books are the same grade level, they just have different stories. You
can use either or both.
Volume 1: Three stories/ 90 lessons, 61 pp.
GEAS-001 $14.95
Volume 2: Three new stories/ 90 lessons. 56 pp.
GEAS-002 $14.95
Student Book: (without answers)
add SB to code
Easy Grammar
by Wanda Phillips
Easy Grammar is available for individual grade levels--including convenient workbooks and test booklets! This is a
terrific, comprehensive and complete grammar program that
fits ideally in the home education environment. It provides
clear instruction for parent and student. The author uses the
prepositional method, whereby students begin by learning and
memorizing a list of prepositions, (which are involved in nearly
every aspect of grammar). Then they learn to cross out the prepositional phrases from
each sentence giving them the opportunity to focus on the other parts of speech as
they are introduced to the student. The students can worked virtually independently
throughout the course because of the author’s approach to break down each major
concept into mini lessons in a building block format. Her many years of experience
continue to enhance this series. The books are offered in workbook style to help the
student learn the basic elements of grammar as well as containing plenty of practice
for each concept introduced. The main text contains everything you need to teach
grammar for one year, the worksheets, teaching notes and answer keys, all contained in
the big main book. Each lesson has several follow-up worksheets which are presented in
a two-page spread, the left page worksheet has the answers to the exercises filled in and
the right side worksheet is the blank worksheet. You can reproduce this blank worksheet
for your student. However, for convenience there is available a student workbook, which
contains just the blank worksheets, (considering that there are over 200 pages, it’s worth
the price versus having to make copies yourself). There is also a test booklet of just the
blank test forms for the student but again these blank forms are contained in the main
book. Grades 5 and 6 also feature a new sentence-writing unit.
Easy Grammar Gr. 5
EG-006 Easy Grammar Gr. 6
EG-007 Easy Grammar Plus
Add -WB for workbook
Add -TB for Test Book
Easy Grammar®
Ultimate Series for High School
By Dr. Wanda C. Phillips
Fix It! Grammar and Editing Made
Easy with the Classics, Second Edition
By Pamela White
Ingenious! Students hunt for and correct errors in Fix-It!
sentences from actual classic stories that have had errors
inserted in them. From the stories, students rewrite 1–2
sentences a day, editing as many of the embedded errors as
they can find. What fun to correct these famous authors
and not their own written work. Fix-It! is divided into 4
daily practices a week for 33 weeks and includes stories for up to five years of grammar instruction for grades 3–12. Also included for each day is a bolded word to
look up in a dictionary, to help boost vocabulary skills too! With the downloadable
student e-books that accompany this softcover teacher’s manual you will have a
non-consumable to use for years! (PB, 152pp. gr 3-12)
I know I can get books cheaper elsewhere, but I prefer dealing with
Emmanual Books. I just love dealing with you...and I recommend
you to all new and old homeschoolers. Thank you for offering all that
you do!
-Annmarie C., Jeffersonville, PA
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
Don’t lose what was learned in 5th -8th grade. All too often
mechanics are forgotten during the high school years as
the student concentrates on developing their skills towards
clarity of thought and expression. Here is the perfect answer
that will insure that your child continues to foster and retain
their grammatical skills every year throughout high school. These 180 daily, teaching
lessons, per level, will only take 10 minutes a day, perfect for your busy highschooler.
And they can work through each text independently as each day’s work includes a
teaching lesson. The materials are presented in an easy, step-by-step approach where
concepts build upon themselves. For example: types of phrases, such as prepositional,
participial, gerunds and infinitives are taught after the student understands what
each type is. The study of clauses for compound, complex, and compound-complex
sentences begins with first understanding subject/verb. The student proceeds to
understand and work upon the difference between an independent clause and a
dependent clause. Using understanding of this concept, students learn construction
of fragments, sentences, and run-on and the structure of compound and complex
sentences. Capitalization and punctuation basic rules are reviewed daily as well
as learning these at a higher level. And sentence combining drills are included to
enhance the student’s expository writing skills. (This student workbook does not
contain the answer key and is to be used in conjunction with the teacher’s guide.)
EG-008 Grade 8 $24.95
EG-008-WB Grade 8 workbook
EG-009 Grade 9 $24.95
EG-009-WB Grade 9 workbook
EG-010 Grade 10 $24.95
EG-010-WB Grade 10 workbook
EG-011 Grade 11 $24.95
EG-011-WB Grade 11 workbook
EG-012 Grade 12 $24.95
EG-012-WB Grade 12 workbook
Order by phone (302) 325-9515
Favorite Poems Old and New
By Ferris (Ed.)
Covers over 700 poems especially for young children! Poems
on favorite topics such as pets, playtime, family, nature and
nonsense. Delightfully illustrated! Great introduction to
the joy of poetry. Indexed by author and first line. (HC, 598
pagees, Gr. K-6)
The Harp and Laurel Wreath
Poetry and Dictation for the Classical Curriculum
Edited by Laura Berquist
Convinced that a critical part of education is to foster in our
children a love of the beautiful and true, teacher and writer
Laura Berquist presents this wide selection of poetry for every
age level from grades one to twelve (over 200 poems). This
book contains all the poems recommended in Berquist’s bestselling Designing Your Classical Curriculum. Also includes dictation selections
that are useful tools in the development of the child’s writing ability, as well as
study questions and answers for each poem. (PB, 493 pages) *LB Syllabi, K-12th
“In the avalanche of educational materials today, few resources can approach the value of
The Harp and Laurel Wreath, Laura Berquist offers us the tools to convey to our children the
beauty and adventure of literature. Parents and teachers will find this a priceless resource.”
– Michael O’Brien, Author, A Landscape with Dragons
Developing Linguistic Patterns
Through Poetry Memorization
By Andrew Pudewa
Fantastic!!! This is so worthwhile. This book and accompanying audio CD set is just the ticket for getting you and your
family to embrace the joy and benefits of poetry memorization. If you have hesitated to incorporate poetry memory
work in your curriculum you won’t any longer. Once you have listened to and
watched Mr. Pudewa present his talk on Nurturing Competent Communicators on
the BONUS DVD presentation (that is included in this set), you will be eager to
begin. This talk alone is worth the price!!! Even if you have already incorporated
poetry memorization in your curriculum this program will expand your horizons
even further by showing you how to help your children remember the poems they
have already learned while still working on new poems. The audio CD contains
all 76 poems read aloud, to help the children learn quickly and with correct
pronunciation, clear articulation and even dramatic presentation. Some of the
poetry gems the children learn are: My Shadow, Who Has Seen the Wind?, Whole
Duty of Children, Singing Time, The Swing, Sea Fever, The Charge of the Light
Brigade, Stopping by Woods on Snowy Evening, O Captain, My Captain, Casey
at Bat and many more. You will be introduced to such great poets as: Rosetti,
Tennyson, Stevenson, Scott, Belloc, Frost, Carroll, Yeats, Longfellow and
more. Highly recommended!!
LDPM-002 Set: Book & audio CDs $65.00
A Child’s Garden of Verses
by R.L. Stevenson
Over 60 poems children and their parents have cherished for over
a century! Including “The Land of Counterpane” and “My Bed is
a Boat”... must for every home— unabridged!
(PB, 88 pages, 3rd Gr.+)
Paperback $2.50
ACGV-001-E *Free eBook download available when you order online
A Child’s Garden of Verses Coloring Book
By Robert Louis Stevenson
Illustrated by Nancy Haase Tafuri
A selection of 25 from his book by the same title.
Including the classics Rain, The Cow, My Shadow, The
Swing, Bed in Summer, The Wind, Singing, Windy
Nights, The Land of Counterpane, and more. The illustrations are a great complement to the poems in simple
line drawings appropriate for even very young ones to
enjoy and color. (8 x 10 paperbound)
A Child’s Garden of Verses: Includes
a Read-and-Listen CD
By Rober Louis Stevenson
This reproduction of a 1940 publication is enriched by
67 wistful illustrations, 16 of them in full color, by noted
children’s book illustrator Fern Bisel Peat. An exclusive
CD accompanies the volume, allowing kids to read
along with the recording, or simply listen, or enjoy the
book alone. Readers and listeners of all ages will treasure
this keepsake edition of Stevenson’s timeless poetry. (Reprint of the Saalfield
Publishing Company, Akron, Ohio, 1940 edition.) Includes such favorites as
“Happy Thought” “The Land of Nod,” “Escape at Bedtime,” and “My Bed Is a
Boat”, “Foreign Lands,” “Pirate Story,” and “Where Go the Boats?” and more...
(PB, and CD, 96pp., 8 1/4 x 11, all ages)
See Lap Books™ Section on page 75 for blank
books to make your children’s own poetry book.
How to Read a Book
By Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren
This classic book, originally written in 1940 is a must for every
home, especially those who choose to home educate. It is written by the founder of the Great Books curriculum. It is the
best and most successful guide to reading for understanding.
We are all taught how to read…but not how to read a book
with the depth needed to ask questions, organize thoughts and
form opinions. In other words, this book will help you to learn about the various
levels of reading and how to achieve them -- from elementary reading, through
systematic skimming and inspectional reading, to speed reading. You learn how to
pigeonhole a book, extract the author’s message and critique any book you read.
In this 1972 revised edition co-authored by him you will be taught the different
reading techniques for different types of books too: imaginative literature, plays,
history, mathematics, science, poetry and more. This is a necessary tool for moms
who want to foster deeper discussions about their readings with their children and
those heading off to college. A must!! (426 pages)
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
A Landscape With Dragons
by Michael O’Brien
Gives parents the tools of discernment to assess the content of
children’s fairy tales, books, videos and film. In this study of the
pagan invasion of children’s culture the author describes his own
coming to terms with the effect it has had on his family and on
most families in Western society. This completely revised, much
expanded second edition also includes a very substantial recommended reading list
for grades one through eight. (PB, 261 pages)
A Mother’s List of Books
By Theresa Fagan
A list of 1000 entertaining, inspiring, and wholesome stories of
men, women and families. A wealth of fun, literature, poetry,
history and biographies grouped into four age categories for ages
2-17+. Has a large teen section. (PB, 35 pages)
For the Love of Literature
Teaching Core Subjects with Literature
By Maureen Wittmann
We love books about books! This is so great, and we
were very happy to see many of our offerings listed in this treasure of a book. This is one to go back to over and over again.
Maureen has done the hard work of gleaning tons of books to
find ones that will help you teach every subject with a literature approach using
“real” books! Here you will find Classic Catholic literature annotated and arranged
by subject to aid you in teaching virtually every subject, from art to science.
Features include: grade level recommendations, top five picks per subject, extensive resource lists and more! Anyone who appreciates the gift of good stories will
want this book! We especially loved her section on building a home library and
using your library, her suggestions and years of experience are invaluable. She has
done the hard work for you by searching for these gems, reading them and telling
us a bit about each story and how they fit into the different aspects of a homeschool
curriculum. The history section is by far the largest section arranged chronologically with selections that show her discerning eye for history with a Catholic
perspective. My copy is already dog-eared and marked with wish list titles to find.
Kindergarten Stories and Morning Talks
By Sara E. Wiltse
With over 125 sweet illustrations, this is the ideal first
literature curriculum for homeschooling parents of young
children who enjoy and appreciate vintage texts and classic stories with noble heroes and strong character lessons.
Stories on Florence Nightingale, Saint Elizabeth and St.
Christopher, the story of King Midas, several Aesop fables,
nature stories on the white oak, the pea-blossom, are scattered throughout with suggestions for activities to further
explore the lessons of each story. A convenient week-byweek arrangement is used to span the entire school year. You’ll also appreciate
the depth of knowledge that was instilled in young children in the 19th century,
with strong virtues such as truth and gratitude which are emphasized and upheld
throughout this absolutely lovely book. (PB, 326 pp., Gr. Pre-K-2)
Lined Page Blank Book
You’ve asked for lines printed on the pages and now we
have them! This 8” x 11” book has lines with ¾” spacing
on half of every other page starting on page 3 of this 28
page hardbound blank book. There are 7 lines on each
bottom half page, enough for your young author to retell a fable or Bible story or
use for science note taking!
Aesop’s Fables for Children
Illustrated by Milo Winter
A collection of nearly sixty fables from Aesop, including
such familiar ones as “The Every child should know the
stories of “The Hare and the Tortoise,” “Belling the Cat,”
“The Ants and the Grasshopper,” and Aesop’s other timeless tales. This edition features more than 130 of his beloved
fables, enhanced with full-color illustrations and a wonderful CD recording — by a diverse cast of professional readers — of 42 of the most
popular stories. (CD & PB, 112 pages)
Little Bear Series
avid and reluctant in our family. In both cases we found it was so vital to
feed their imaginations with truth and beauty. A trip to the library could
produce many undesirable effects. I armed myself with several good reading
lists and began to get familiar with authors in whom I entrusted my children’s
imaginations. Many of these authors are represented through the titles we
offer in the historical fiction books recommended by Mrs. Berquist. She has
an uncanny knack for choosing great books. I often have used her reading lists
in Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum. We chose books from her lists
for school work – and just for fun! It is regrettable that many of the gems we
have found are out of print. Many modern publishers print stories for children
that are marketing successes but leave the soul thirsty at best. What follows is
a small sampling of some of the titles currently in print that seem to fit our bill.
We have also taken the liberty to introduce a few authors who have delighted
us. Please let us know if you’d like to see more of this in the future.
These are just adorable, great first books to read to little ones
or have them read to you! Meet Little Bear and his mother
in the original story Little Bear on a cold and snowy day as
he tries to find just the right outfit to play in, follow him on
his trip to the moon all the way to his making birthday soup!
Little Bear goes fishing, wishes for a mermaid gets the hiccups and rejoices in
book two Father Bear Comes Home and then follow him on his visit to his
grandparents in the sweet story Little Bear’s Visit. Each book has four short
stories told in unforgettable adventures of the bear your whole family will
love! To celebrate Little Bear’s thirty-fifth anniversary, these three paperback
editions in the series have been slip-cased in a boxed gift set for a great price!
(PB, about 60 pg., K+)
A word about Literature: We have had both extremes of readers,
By Else Holmelund Minarik, Illustrated by Maurice Sendak
“We owe it to every child to put him in communication with great minds that he may get
at great thoughts: with the minds, that is, of course those who have left us great works:and
the only vital method of education appears to be that children should read worthy books,
many worthy books.” ~Charlotte Mason
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
Order by phone (302) 325-9515
Beatrix Potter and Her Little Books
-Complete Kit
Beatrix Potter: Her Life and her Little Books Lesson Plan
This year while realizing that there just
aren’t enough hours in the day to get to all
subjects with all 6 children I began a search
of material that would be used at multiple
levels as well as covering multiple subjects
while maintaining a classical approach. I
have been using this lesson plan, reading
guide, with my three youngest, ages 12 to
8. It has been a joy for all of us. The program entails reading one chapter at a time
from the included hardcover biography The
Story of Beatrix Potter, which is rich in illustrations, photos and details from her
life and times. In addition the program guides you through the first 10 of her little
books, beginning with Peter Rabbit. It contains therefore 20 lessons in all, each
with background information for mom, vocabulary, read aloud pointers, “Think &
Tell” oral discussion questions and a great list of fun and interesting activities with
a variety of skills and techniques. Since Miss Potter was an avid naturalist and
skilled artist, the lessons encourage discovery in not only the love of literature and
language but a love for the natural world and art. We really loved the opportunity
for narration and retellings, the practice of the art of conversation, natures study
and artistic pursuits of watercolors and clay modeling and so much more. Included
in this set is the reading guide (lesson plan) and hardcover biography, The Story of
Beatrix Potter by Sally Carr and Bronwen Hall. Guide covers the following Potter
titles (not included in set): The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin, The
Tailor of Gloucester, The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, The Tale of Two Bad Mice, The Tale
of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle, The Tale of Jeremy Fisher, The Tale of Tom Kitten, The Tale of
Jemima Puddle-Duck, The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies
(Hardcover book, 48 pp., Reading guide, softcover spiral bound, 108pp plus art
A Time to Keep
By Tasha Tudor
In Tudor’s amazingly lovingly detailed illustrations children are introduced to all the months of the year through
a personal accounting from her family! The book begins
with a little girl asking her grandmother “What was it like
when Mummy was like me?” Her answer to her granddaughter is a delightful retelling of the family’s celebrations for each month. Each month begins with a quote
from literature or the Bible and has four gorgeous oversized full color pages with
children and dogs and dollies, celebrating New Years day, Twelfth Night, a Dollie
St. Valentine’s Day, George Washington’s birthday, Easter, Summer plays for the
grandmothers, Thanksgiving, Christmas and more! Our children love to pour
over the detailed painting and lose themselves in a by gone era. (HC, 60 pg., K+)
Whales and Snails and Heavenly Tales
By Jean Bischel, Illustrated by M.L. Bischel
This lovely reader was written by a grandmother who originally
wrote this for her own grandchildren. Written in several chapters with little stories relating to the subject of each chapter, the
first is God Made All Things. In this chapter the child reads
about various animals and God’s plan for them, such as the
finches are yellow in spring but gray in winter. Chapter 2, titled We Serve God,
there are several short stories about a family and their adventures to Cape Cod
camping and to New York City visiting St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Then in Chapter
3, We Know and Love God, which introduces the child to St. Anne’s Church,
saints, a prayer written by 11-year -old Claire Bischell, the author’s grandchild. The
book ends at the family outdoor shrine of the Blessed Mother. (HC, 47 pg., K+)
The Hundred Dresses
By Eleanor Estes
What a beautiful story about forgiveness and friendship—
a wonderful lesson for children and adults alike! Wanda
Petronski was different from the other girls in her class. She
had a funny last name, she doesn’t have a mother and wears
the same dress to school every day. Each day, without fail, the
girls of Room 13 ask Wanda how many dresses she has at home and the little girl
with the Polish last name replies, “a hundred of them—all lined up in my closet.”
The other girls shriek and scream in laughter at this obvious exaggeration. Best
friends Peggy and Maddie, disagree about their treatment of Wanda. Yet Maddie
who comes to feel sorry for her is afraid to defend her at the risk of losing her
friends. When Wanda misses school three days in a row and no one knows why,
Maddie, wonders if she will ever be able to tell Wanda how sorry she was or will she
be too late? This classic tale is an absolute gem. Read it and find out if she really
has one hundred dresses in her closet! (PB, 81 pg., Gr. 1+)
The Sword in the Tree
By Robert Clyde Bulla
We love to find well written chapter books for our new readers
(about 2nd or 3rd grade level) and this is just the ticket! It is set
in the time of knights and castles and is told through the eyes
of Shan who dreams of being just like his father the great Lord
Weldon! When his long lost uncle appears suddenly everything
in Shan life is turned upside down. He vows to right the wrongs and in his quest to
do so even finds himself in Camelot! Larry read this one to Stephen when he was
just six and now at seven Stephen can’t wait to read it to himself!
(PB, 104 pg., Gr. 2+)
A Day on Skates
By Hilda van Stockum
This book springs to life the moment you open it as
the author paints vivid images with words and with
her beautiful illustrations. A Day on Skates follows
twins Evert and Afke and their class as they embark
on a skating picnic through Holland’s frozen canals and dykes. Many adventures
await the youngsters and their friends, from their surprise lunch with a local farmer,
to visiting the numerous tents sprung up on the ice that offer hot chocolate or
poftertjes—tiny round cakes, to Evert and his friends getting locked in the Church
tower. A Day on Skates also offers a poignant lesson in extending the hand of
friendship. There is even a pronunciation guide at the back to help with those
tricky Dutch words. Make certain your passport is up to date because you will
feel as if you just stepped into early 20th century Holland! (HC, 41 pg., color/BW
illustrations, All ages)
All-of-a-Kind Family
By Sydney Taylor
Just ask our children how often they hear me quote Mama when
I say, “Many hands make light work.” I love her pearls of wisdom
and they way she always manages to solve each child’s problems
while teaching them virtues. Your family will never forget this
“step-ladder” family of five girls living at turn of the century in
New York City who become extraordinary as they work through life’s ordinary
problems with love. As you read each chapter we watch each girl learning valuable lessons in forgiveness, compassion, humility through the gift of each other, of
family! (PB, 189 pages, Gr. 3+)
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
Betsy-Tacy Series
By Maud Hart Lovelace
We are so excited to bring this beloved series to you!
Originally written in the 1940s, based on the author and her
two best friends growing up together, generations of readers
have flocked to these charming stories. Your family is certain
to fall in love with these little girls—they make the most
everyday occurrences into grand, exciting adventures. And
the fun continues in book two when Tib moves to town and
soon there are now three girls that are inseparable! You will laugh along with
them as they solve simple problems in clever and sometimes unusual ways. They
sell colored sand in bottles, make Everything Pudding, play with paper dolls, put
on a flying lady show like the one they saw at the fair, make up a club and call
themselves the Christian Kindness Club. A great read aloud too!
(PB, about 135 pg. ea., Gr. 2+)
Betsy-Tacy and Tib
Mary Poppins
By P.L. Travers
This is a truly magical book! With Mary Poppins, who can tell
where fantasy ends and reality begins? Unlike other nannies,
Mary Poppins makes the most ordinary events extraordinary.
She slides up banisters, pulls anything and everything out of
her carpet bag, and best of all, she banishes all sadness and
fear! Your child’s imagination will leap and bound through
this book, right alongside the four Banks children! (PB, 202 pages, Gr. 3+)
The Moffats
By Eleanor Estes
This is the very first book about the famous fictional Moffats!
Even the most ordinary Moffat day is packed with extraordinary fun. Only a Moffat could get locked in a bread box all
afternoon, or dance with a dog in front of the whole town,
or hitch a ride on a boxcar during kindergarten recess. Only
these four Moffat children could turn mistakes and mischief
into hilarious one-of-a-kind adventures! (PB, 211 pages, Gr. 3+)
The Kitchen Madonna
By Rumer Godden
Once again we have the pleasure to introduce a whole
new set of readers to a lovely classic brought back in print!
This dear story will melt your heart and the characters will
remain in your family for a long time. The story of quiet
Gregory and his curious sister Janet is not one to be missed!
When the two discover their Ukrainian maid, Marta, is
unhappy, she tells them that she desires a “good place” in
the kitchen. What she actally means as a “good place”, is a
small type of grotto, for she must have an icon. Gregory, with young Janet in tow,
set out to find her an icon in busy, modern London. Overwhelmed, frustrated
and even humiliated in the search, Gregory does not give up nor retreat into
his silence. When it is clear that they cannot find the “right kind” of Madonna,
Gregory and Janet decide to make one. With each difficulty Gregory begins to
draw from his own unexpected and untapped well of faith and resourcefulness.
Wow! (HC, 103 pp., ages 8+)
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
Away Goes Sally - 5 Book Series
By Elizabeth Coatsworth
Away Goes Sally (New England, Early 19th c.)
Before the Wild West, there were other American frontiers.
In the era following the Revolutionary War, young Sally
and her family deliberate over whether they should try their
luck in the Maine wilderness. Young readers will be amazed
at the chores and duties that rested on Sally’s shoulders –
driving lunch to the fields in a horse-and-buggy, brewing
iron kettles of tea over a roaring fire, and weaving straw
hats! Yet their move to Maine hinges on one thing – Aunt Nannie refuses to
leave her own bed and fireside! (PB, 118 pages, Gr. 3+)
Five Bushel Farm (Maine, Early 19th c.)
Andrew must search the docks and find out if his missing captain-father has returned alive on his ship after all. So begins an
adventure to unlikely places: to Maine frontiers, and new farms,
and not-so-friendly Indians in these days of the early 1800s. But
here Andrew finds cheer when he is taken in by the lively, determined families of Uncle Joseph and Uncle Ephraim. Andrew
and Sally find the perfect spot for the new house; and friendliness
towards the wary Indians ensures their farm’s safety. Hope continues to grow that it
will be possible to track Andrew’s father, and to reach an honest compact between
the farmers and the Indians. (PB, 118 pages, Gr. 3+)
The Fair American (France, Early 19th c.)
The French Revolution suddenly invades life on the Fair
American when Sally meets Pierre, son of an aristocrat killed
in the French Revolution, who is fleeing persecution. In trying
to help her new friend, Sally is faced with new experiences and
challenges that never entered her sheltered life in the Maine
wilderness. Just when Pierre and the crew think they have
escaped the dangers of a country at war, they are stopped at sea
by a frigate of the new French Republic! (PB, 160 pages, Gr. 3+)
The White Horse (Barbary Coast, Early 19th c.)
Sally sets sail with Uncle Patterson and Cousin Andrew for
exotic Italian ports, but danger lurks along the way. Pirates
swarm the Barbary coast and soon overtake the ship. Sally finds
herself captured and taken to a very famous and elaborate palace
in the court of Moulay Ismaïl. Moulay Ismaïl is one of the most
feared leaders, his reputation for punishment and torture is well
known throughout the world. The crew of the Fair American is
terrified and helpless, but Uncle Patterson constantly reminds them to stay true to
their faith and to remain hopeful. Sally’s charming ways recommend her in serving
one of the Sultan’s beautiful wives and the young girl rapidly finds herself wrapped
up in palace intrigues and plots. (PB, 169 pages, Gr. 3+)
The Wonderful Day
Saddle up with Sally for one last adventure! Sally awakens
full of joy that the day has finally come when her old friend,
Pierre, has arrived in town. She happily sets off with Andrew
to invite friends and family to a dance at Five Bushel Farm.
Sally bubbles over with her excitement while Andrew must
sort out his feelings of resentment toward the handsome, young
Frenchman. Then just as the evening of the party nears, Sally
and Andy uncover a sinister plot that threatens to ruin everything, they must
brave a storm and race against the clock to save Uncle Joseph and their beloved
farm. Journey along with the pair as they ride across frontier Maine in order to
save the day! (PB 139 pg., Gr. 3+)
Order by phone (302) 325-9515
Fairchild Family Series
Happy Little Family
By Rebecca Caudill
It isn’t easy being small! Life is difficult when you are too young
to read, or even ice skate! This enchanting book transports
you to the Fairchild house tucked amidst the pine trees of the
Kentucky hills. Four year-old Bonnie lives here with her big
brother and big sisters at the turn of the 20th century. The
beginning reader can easily read it to younger siblings, and the
little ones will commiserate with Bonnie! Bonnie wishes that she could do all the
things that the big kids can do, but she learns that being small has its perks, too!
What an excellent story of genuine family love! B&W illustrations.
(PB, 107 pages, Gr. 3+)
Schoolhouse in the Woods
By Rebecca Caudill
The Fairchild family is here again and this time, Bonnie is old
enough to begin the great adventure-school! We join her in
excruciating anticipation of the first day, when Bonnie will
wear her new dress, carry a first reader and slate, and-displaying
nonchalance as she braves the swinging bridge-enter into the
mysteries of schoolroom learning and playground rites in a
woodland setting of the early 1900s. Bonnie’s older brother and three sisters, her
various classmates and Miss Cora, her teacher, add their liveliness to an eventful
season of learning-on every front-in the Kentucky Hills. Rebecca Caudill’s unfailing insights into a child’s heart are enhanced by Decie Merwin’s skillful drawings.
(PB, 107 pages, Gr. 3+)
Up and Down the River
By Rebecca Caudill
Our children tore Book 3 out of my hands the minute it came,
we love the Fairchild family. They remind us of our family. Here
is a delightful story of pure and simple fun, the kind we want
our children to have. Bonnie and Debbie’s desire to get rich
causes them to respond to a sure-thing magazine advertisement.
They are soon embarked upon an ambitious summer of selling
“up and down the river.” Not that circumstances end quite in the way they had
imagined! In a surprising flurry of trading, the girls somehow accumulate wealth in
the form of unexpected friends, assorted animals, and unforeseen situations, even
as their collection of dimes and dollars seem always to be slipping through their
hands. Bonnie and Debbie Fairchild occupy center stage in this story of a summer
season in the lovely hills of Kentucky of the early 1900’s. Excellent for read alouds
with the whole family. (PB, 160 pages, Gr. 3+ )
Schoolroom in the Parlor
By Rebecca Caudill
The last book in the Fairchild Family series School in the
Kentucky hills goes from August to the last Friday before
Christmas. After that the snows are too high, and later, the
thawing rivers too full, for the Fairchild children, and their
neighbors, the Wattersons, the Sawyers, and the Huffs to make
it safely to the little school house in the woods. Now that Althy
is fourteen, Mr. Fairchild has other plans for the long winter months. Learn, along
with Bonnie, Debbie, Chris and Emmy, what it is like to have school at home in
the early 1900’s. The fourth and final book in the Fairchild Family series.
(PB, 150 pages, Gr. 3+)
HLF-004 $11.95
Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls
We offer you this four volume collection for your avid reader
ages 7-12 or for reading out loud as a family. These stories
have a lovely combination of narrative and memorable poetry
and a simple sentence structure ideal for beginning readers.
Originally published in the 1930s as “stories compiled and
written in days long past by Catholic nuns in America,” this
beautifully hard bound, gold embossed collection will provide
your children with a connection to the past and will undoubtedly, be passed on to their children in the future. (Hardcover, 5”x7”, 140 pages
each, grades 2-5 – all volumes are same reading level)
Vol. I
Vol. II
Vol. III
Vol. IV
Homer Price
By Robert McClosky
A classic by Robert McClosky about a midwestern boy, Homer,
and his uncle, the inventor, will keep you laughing!
(PB, 149 pages, Gr. 4+)
Swallows and Amazons
by Arthur Ransome
Our boys loved this for family read-alouds!! The first title in a
classic series, originally published in 1930: for children, grownups, for anyone captivated by the world of sailing, adventure
and imagination. This introduces the lovable Walker family, the
camp on the Wild Cat Island, the able-bodied catboat Swallow,
and the two intrepid Amazons, Nancy and Peggy Blackett. (PB,
351 pages, Gr. 4+)
Baby Island
Carol Ryrie Brink
Shipwrecked! Two young girls, Mary and her sister Jean, are
floating on the sea in a lifeboat with four bouncing babies!
Hope comes in the form of a deserted island. But will this
become their home for the rest of their lives? Learn how these
two girls take charge and prove that young people can always
rise to a challenge! (PB, 160 pages, Gr. 3+)
The Story of the Amulet
By Edith Nesbit
In The Story of the Amulet, the siblings reunite with the
Psammead and discover an amulet with special powers.
Accompany the children on fantastic trips through time to
ancient Egypt, Julius Caesar’s attack on Britain, and even into
the future! Readers will absolutely love this amazing journey.
You will actually feel like you are a part of this glorious ride and
will marvel at the magnificent depictions of both the ancient world and the future!
Discover how the children need each other too! (PB, 292 pages) *LB Syllabus Gr. 6
PC-001-E *Free eBook download available when you order online
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
My Side of the Mountain
By Jean Craighead George
This is an extraordinary book. Sam Gribley is terribly unhappy
living in New York City with his family, so he runs away to the
Catskill Mountains to live by himself. With only a penknife, a
ball of cord, forty dollars, and some flint and steel, he intends
to survive on his own. Sam learns about courage, danger, and
independence during his year in the wilderness, a year that
changes his life forever. (PB, 177 p., Gr. 3+)
Miracles on Maple Hill
By Virginia Sorensen
A 1957 Newbery Award winner, this is a beautiful story of
“miracles”. Marley’s father has just returned from World War
II and it becomes quite evident that he is suffering emotionally
and spiritually. It is them that his wife suggests that the family
spend some time at her grandma’s house in the countryside
of Vermont. Being city dwellers, Marley and her brother are in for a bit of
adjustment, but through much love and the gift of time with each other, a special
friendship with wise and dear neighbors her father begins a beautiful healing, all
seen through the eyes of Marley. A geat read aloud!
Phantom Tollbooth
By Norton Juster, Illustrated by Jules Feiffer
The hero of the story Milo thinks everything especially learning
is a waste of time and there is nothing worth doing. When a
mysterious tollbooth appears in his room, finding nothing better
to do, using his electric car he drives past it and finds himself in
a different land. He meets strange creatures, and makes friends
with a watch dog named Tock and a bug named The Humbug. He goes on an
expedition to rescue the two princesses Rhyme and Reason because everything was
going wrong without them. He learns much through his adventures through the
tollbooth, perseverance, appreciation for words and numbers and wisdom! Life is
far from boring it is a gift!!! (PB, 256 pg., Gr. 6+)
Tales from Shakespeare
By Charles and Mary Lamb
Retelling of 10 of Shakespeare’s plays in prose form. Written in
1807 it has a rich style very reminiscent of Shakespeare’s own.
Plays covered are: The Tempest, A Midsummer Night’s Dream,
The Merchant of Venice, King Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, and more.
(PB, 160 pages) *LB Syllabus Grade 7,8
TFS-002-E *Free eBook download available when you order online
Bilbo’s Journey: Discovering the Hidden
Meaning in The Hobbit
By Joseph Pearce
Go beyond the dragons, dwarves, and elves, and discover the
surprisingly deep meaning of J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic novel The
Hobbit. Bilbo’s quest to find and slay the dragon Smaug is a riveting
tale of daring and heroism, but as renowned Tolkien scholar Joseph
Pearce shows, it is not simply Bilbo’s journey, it is our journey too - the Christian
journey of self-sacrifice out of love for others, and abandonment to providence and
grace. Relive the excitement of Tolkien’s classic tale, while discovering the profound
Christian meaning that makes The Hobbit a truly timeless adventure. (PB, 120 p.)
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
The Adventures of Tintin
By Herge
Years ago, before the movie came out, a loyal customer
and homeschool writer, Ana Henebry Braga, suggested
we carry these books. From the very first book we
obtained to present day our kids cannot put them down
and all ages absolutely love these stories. Written in the 1940’s and translated into
many languages around the world these will soon become family’s favorites too!
Here is an excerpt from her article on Tintin:
“Although Tintin is not shown going to Mass or into a confessional, the author’s
Catholic background is present in many ways. The universal values of Catholic life
are clearly portrayed as right and moral and, in a famous sequence of The Broken
Ear, the bad guys get sent to—well, you know where. Author Hergé started his
career working for a Catholic newspaper in Brussels under a Jesuit priest. His first
Tintin book—Tintin in the Land of the Soviets—was stridently anti-Communist
and attempted to expose the Communist façade. While in both Tintin on Tibet
and Flight 714 there is mention of telepathy, when faced with pagan rituals Tintin
uses clever ways to survive, such as his knowledge of an incoming total solar
eclipse in Prisoners of the Sun. The values throughout the books are the universal
Catholic values of honesty, integrity and compassion.”
The Secret of the Unicorn
In this classic graphic novel Tintin stumbles across
a model ship at the Old Street Market. Only it isn’t
just any model ship-it’s the Unicorn, carved by one of
Haddock’s ancestors, and it holds a clue to finding pirate
treasure! (PB, 62pp.)
The Crab with the Golden Claws
A can of crab meat turns out to be a small clue to a big
mystery! Tintin meets Captain Haddock in his escape and
his plan to track down the crooks takes him to an exotic
desert city.
Land of Black Gold
Car engines have started spontaneously exploding all
over the country . . . someone’s been tampering with the
oil! Tintin, with Thomson and Thompson at his side, sail
on an oil tanker to the Middle East to track down the
source of the faulty oil.
Tintin in Tibet
One day Tintin reads about a plane crash in the Himalayas.
When he discovers that his friend, Chang, was on board,
Tintin travels to the crash site in hopes of a rescue.
Tintin in America
Tintin comes to the U.S.A. to clean up the mean streets
of Chicago but ends up in the wild west! Will Tintin
make it back home?
Tintin in the Land of the Soviets
Sent on assignment to the Soviet Union, Tintin boards
a train. . . but after an explosion, Tintin is blamed for
the bombing, and he must make his way to the Soviet
Union by stealth. Once there, he uncovers some shocking
Bolshevik secrets.
Order by phone (302) 325-9515
The Queen’s Thief Series
by Megan Whalen Turner
The Thief
Gen is a thief who can steal anything—at least, that is the boast
he’s made in wineshops across Sounis. Now his boasting has
landed him in prison, so when the king’s magus invites Gen on a
quest to steal a legendary religious object, he is hardly in a position to refuse. With little fanfare, Gen, the magus, the magus’s
two apprentices, and a soldier embark on a journey that takes
them out of Sounis, across the mountainous kingdom of Eddis,
and into the potentially dangerous territory of Attolia. The three nations are currently in a tenuous peace, but if the quest succeeds, the balance of power will shift. Of
course, there’s no guarantee that the legendary object even exists. And if it does exist,
there’s no guarantee that Gen will be able to wrest it from the watchful gods who
guard it. Gen, the incorrigible young thief, narrates an unforgettable adventure full
of danger, obstacles, and the difficult truth that things are not always what they seem.
The Queen of Attolia
The talented thief Eugenides has visited the palace of Attolia
one time too many. Normally, he leaves a small token for
the queen, indicating his presence, and then safely vanishes,
unseen by Attolian guards. One excursion, however, does not
go as smoothly as planned. The queen is ready for him, and
Eugenides finds himself imprisoned in her dungeon. Attolia
punishes the thieving interloper as thieves have been punished
for generations, guaranteeing that he won’t steal from her again. Once returned to
his native land, Eugenides must overcome the physical trauma of torture and then,
after the most immediate threat passes, confront the greater problems of despair,
bitterness, and terror. Irrevocably altered by his experience in Attolia’s prison,
Eugenides emerges from his self-imposed isolation to discover Eddis at war with
Attolia and Sounis. He endeavors to end the war and stave off the threat posed
by the Mede empire, and if he plays his cards right, he might be able to give Eddis
what she desires—peace—and find his heart’s desire, as well.
The King of Attolia
As the new king of Attolia, Eugenides has all the accoutrements
of a monarch: the throne, the title, the crown, the raiment.
What he lacks is the respect normally due a monarch. The
people of his new country either resent him for kidnapping their
queen and forcing her into marriage, or else they see him as her
puppet, completely useless in his own right. Eugenides does little
to discourage this perception. He seems apathetic, weak, and
crippled, prey to the practical jokes of his soldiers and blind to the poorly concealed
insults of his attendants. But for those who will see it, there is a strong, tender bond
between Eugenides and his wife, and the few who look beyond Eugenides’s appearance might note a will stronger than tempered steel and a mind twice as sharp.
A Conspiracy of Kings
While Eugenides is winning the heart of the queen of Attolia and
becoming her king, Sophos, the unwilling prince of Sounis, has
disappeared. Everyone presumes that Sophos is dead, but that isn’t
the case. Kidnapped and sold into slavery, the scholarly heir to the
Sounis throne finds himself working among field hands by day and
reciting poetry by night, all the while concealing his true identity.
When Sophos orchestrates an escape, he reunites with the magus
and journeys to Attolia, this time to negotiate an alliance to protect Sounis from the
threats of Melenze and the Mede. A different type of hero than Eugenides, but no less
heroic, Sophos surrenders his country in order to save it, and in doing so gains the
esteem of his people, realizes his love for a queen, and proves himself a worthy king.
Content warnings: Throughout the series, Eugenides and others periodically use
milder swear words. Several scenes of sudden violence occur in different books,
including a maiming. The King of Attolia contains implicit references to conjugal
relationships. (PB, Highschool)
The Ignatius Critical Editions
and Study Guides (ICE)
We are grateful to Joseph Pearce and the folks
at Ignatius Press for doing what has been needed
for so very long. That is, to provide real critical
editions of some of the greatest works of Western
literature. Up to now we had to sift through a
collection of translations and study guides that
had more to do with jamming the youth of today
with fad-oriented, one dimentional, modern and
often immoral views of man, devoid of creation and the author of
truth and beauty, God. Each book in this newly created series is a
carefully edited translation, complete with excellent, traditionally minded notes, written solely for better and deeper understanding. In addition, they contain several critical
essays written by some of the finest literature professors today. The study guides alone are
a wealth of ideas for discussion, which will foster a love of literature, as well as a suggested
variety of paper topics. Try one set and there is no doubt you will come back for more.
Ideal for your high school curriculum. (All sudy guides are 32pp.)
Hamlet (312pp.)
ICE-001-SG Study Guide- Hamlet
Hamlet (eBook)
King Lear (350pp.)
ICE-002-SG Study Guide- King Lear
Pride & Prejudice (596pp.)*
*LB Syllabus U.S. History
ICE-003-SG Study Guide- Pride & Prejudice
Pride & Prejudice (eBook)
Merchant of Venice (250pp.)*
*LB Syllabus 8th Grade
ICE-004-SG Study Guide- Merchant of Venice
Merchant of Venice (eBook)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (512pp.)
ICE-005-SG Study Guide- Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (eBook)
The Scarlet Letter (eBook)
Great Expectations (eBook)
Mansfield Park (eBook)
Macbeth (240 pg)*
*LB Syllabus 8th Grade
ICE-009-SG Study Guide- Macbeth
Macbeth (eBook)
Romeo and Juliet (288 pg)
ICE-010-SG Study Guide- Romeo and Juliet
Romeo & Juliet (eBook)
Red Badge of Courage (300 pg)*
*LB Syl. US History
ICE-011-SG Study Guide- Red Badge of Courage
Red Badge of Courage (eBook)
Julius Caesar (240 pg)*
*LB Syl. Anc. Hist., 7th Gr.
ICE-012-SG Study Guide- Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar (eBook)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (311 pg.)
ICE-013-SG Study Guide- The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Picture of Dorian Gray (eBook)
A Tale of Two Cities (536 pg)
ICE-014-SG Study Guide- A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities (eBook)
Moby Dick (eBook)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (eBook)
Frankenstein (eBook)
Dracula (eBook)
Gulliver’s Travels (eBook)
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
The Hilda Van Stockum Stories
The Mitchells: Five for Victory
This first volume introduces us to the Mitchell family, whom
you will immediately love. With Daddy off to war and summer vacation looming before them, the five Mitchell children
form a victory club to occupy their time. The club finds many
adventures, including the discovery of a war refugee orphan.
Your little ones are bound to see themselves reflected in faithful Joan, gentle Patsy, steadfast Peter, impish Angela, or brazen
baby Timmy. This tale is absolutely delightful. Adults and
children alike will enjoy reading all about the Mitchell family in Five for Victory.
Excellent for read-alouds too! (PB, 236 pages, Ages 10+)
Canadian Summer
The Mitchell family is back again and this time they have
taken their adventures to a whole new country! Daddy’s new
job has brought them to Montreal and the only house they
can find is miles from the nearest town with no running water
nor electricity. Will they ever survive the summer? Follow the
Mitchells through the beautiful Canadian countryside as they
encounter new friends and new escapades.
(PB, 180 pages, Ages 10+)
Paperback $13.95
Friendly Gables
Here come the lively Mitchells again and this time with
new additions to the family. This beloved family is now two
years older and living at Friendly Gables in Lachine, Quebec.
There is never a dull moment in the Mitchell house! Discover
how the children cleverly escape the clutches of Miss Thorpe,
the nurse who has come to help Mother. You will be delighted
as the Mitchells make new acquaintances and when old
friends, the Jolicoeurs, resurface. (PB, 165 pages, Ages 10+)
Paperback $13.95
The Bantry Bay Series: Having lived and studied in
Ireland herself, Hilda van Stockum brilliantly captures the lilt and melody of the
Irish language. You will be amazed at how quickly you’ll master an Irish brogue!
Your family will be instantly enchanted with both the O’Sullivan family and the
rich Irish history woven throughout these stories. So, gather the whole family
together and take a trip across the pond to the Emerald Isle.
The Cottage at Bantry Bay
From the thatch-roofed cottages to Paddy, the traveling piper to
the generous hospitality of neighbors, The Cottage at Bantry Bay
paints a stunning portrait of the Ireland of yesteryear. It is here
that we are introduced to the remarkable O’Sullivan family
of County Cork, Ireland. Though they lack monetary wealth,
they are rich in faith and love. Like all of Hilda van Stockum’s
books, your whole family will enjoy this story. Everyone is
bound to relate to one of the four O’Sullivan children. There
is sweet, quiet Brigid who is always willing to help Mother, steadfast and studious
Michael and the twins, Francie and Liam, both with hearts of gold that are all too
often overshadowed by their many “adventures.” Mother O’Sullivan certainly has
her hands full with the lot of them! Go along with Brigid and Michael as they
travel the weary roads through the Kerry mountains or with Francie and Liam as
they bravely face Clementine, Mrs. Flaherty’s mean-spirited cow or with Bran, the
dog, to find hidden treasure! (PB, 239 pages, Ages 10+)
eBook $4.95
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
Francie on the Run
Francie is sent to the Orthopedic Hospital in Dublin far away
from his family and friends, but in typical Francie style, the
young boy quickly meets new friends everywhere he goes.
Sick of being in the hospital and being treated like a “babby”
by the nurses, the young adventurer sets out for home all on
his own. Along the way, Francie meets some extraordinary
characters including Mrs. McDermot in the castle, Ireland’s
famed little people (fairies), kind Father Kelly and Pegeen.
Francie journeys all over the country learning the different customs and legends of
each region. Will Francie ever reach home or will he be taken back to the lonely
hospital ward? (PB, 293 pages, Ages 10+)
Paperback $13.95
After her Grannie dies, Pegeen stays with Francie’s family
while Father Kelly tries to locate her American uncle. With
Michael away at school, Mother O’Sullivan couldn’t be
happier having another child around, but she soon finds out
Pegeen is not a very quiet addition. Poor Pegeen, no matter
what she does, it always comes out wrong, but it’s never her
fault! The young orphan manages to upset everyone in the
O’Sullivan family, each time concocting another tale to place
the blame anywhere but on her! As the weeks go by, however, Pegeen slowly
becomes a part of the family when a letter arrives from New York. Will Pegeen
have to leave her new family or will Uncle Dan let her stay in Ireland?
(PB, 266 pages, Ages 10+)
We are starting to collect some good audio books for you to use on trips or during
quiet time. These selections are reading of the stories, rather than dramatizations
which can be more difficult to follow, especially for young children.
Madeline Takes Command
By Ethel C. Brill
Based on a true account of an Iroquois attack on the Verchere
family fort. Madeline becomes the leader of the few remaining at
the fort, when it is attacked. Her brave and determined strategies
will win the reader’s admiration.Thus, Madeline, and her small
force, begin their harrowing vigil, hoping against all hope that help will come in
time. 4 CDs, Approx. 4 hrs
Old Sam—Thoroughbred Trotter
By Don Alonzo Taylor
Homesteading in the Dakota Territory of the 1880’s would not have
been the same for 10-year-old Johnny Scott and his younger brother,
Lee, if they’d had to do it without Old Sam. Once a thoroughbred
trotter on his way to championship, a crippling accident allows the
Scott family to inherit him, a horse no one else wants. Mr. Scott soon discovers Old
Sam’s uncanny and invaluable ability to do any task a larger, stronger farm horse
can do. His awkward appearance and hidden talents make for hilarious and rousing
situations. 3 CDs, Approx. 210 minutes
The Winged Watchman
By Hilda von Stockum
This is a great historical fiction of WWII -- rich in suspense,
characterization, plot and spiritual truth. A story of courage and
hope in occupied Holland: a hidden Jewish child, an “underdiver”,
a downed RAF pilot, an imaginative, daring underground hero,
and the small thing of family life which surprisingly carry on in the midst of
oppression. An inspiring story of those who suffer, but do not lose faith! 4 CDs,
Apprw. 4 hrs, Unabridged
MODG British Literature Syllabus
By Margaret Hayden
Through the study of great British poetry and literature, the student will acquire
greater skills in textual analysis and paper writing. This syllabus also encourages
creativity, as it asks students to create their own topics for papers. This allows
the student to organize and assemble thoughts on the work being reviewed. The
required texts for this course are The Harp and Laurel Wreath, Beowulf, and Sir
Gawain and the Green Knight. The goal for this year is for the student to exhibit
more subtlety in understanding, more discrimination in interpretation of text, and
more attention to language in his papers. The syllabus is designed to help the
student in these areas. British poetry will be studied throughout the year, and great
works of literature will also be read and discussed. There
will also be 4 required papers. (High School, 33 pages)
Required Texts
The Harp and Laurel Wreath
Edited by Laura Berquist
See Page __ for description
By Sir Walter Scott
Crowded with incident and full of memorable characters, among
them: wicked Prince John, the outlaw Robin Hood, and the
beautiful Jewess Rebecca, Ivanhoe is Scott’s most high-spirited
novel. Ivanhoe, banished by his father Cedric for falling in love
with Cedric’s ward Rowena, wins the trust of Richard Coeur-deLion in the Crusades. Returning to England to claim his inheritance, Ivanhoe is drawn into the struggle between Richard and his brother John. In
the two central scenes of the book - the great tournament at Ashby-de-la-Zouche and
the siege of Front de Boeuf’s castle – lay the opposing themes of historical reality and
chivalric romance, social realism and high adventure. Stories noted & glossary. (PB,
5” x 8”, 496 pp.) *LB Syllabus 8th Grade and British Literature Syllabus
IV-001-E *Free eBook available when you order online
Beowulf A Verse Translation/Critical Edition
Translated by Seamus Heaney
Here is an excellent translation of the entire Anglo-Saxon epic.
Heaney’s acclaimed translation also includes critical essays on the
poem by writers such as J.R.R. Tolkien, as well as relevant excerpts
from Genesis and The Exeter Book. A compilation of pictures and
designs of period costumes and weapons truly places Beowulf in its
cultural and historical context. An ideal study of this great text.
Some B&W illustrations. (PB, 256 pages, High School) *LB Syllabus British Literature
BN-001-E *Free eBook available when you order online
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Translated by J.R.R. Tolkien
This edition of the classic tale is translated by beloved author,
J.R.R. Tolkien, and includes a preface by his son, Christopher!
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a masterpiece of a remote and
exotic age-the age of chivalry and wizards, knights and holy
quests. Yet it is only in the unique artistry and imagination of
Tolkien that the language, romance, and power of this timeless
story come to life for modern readers! A masterful, compelling new translation and
a wonderful addition to any home library! Also includes the stories Pearl and Sir
Orfeo. (PB, 165 pages, High School) * LB Syllabus British Literature
By Jane Austen
Hysterical! Emma, a young heiress, decides that she has
great potential as a match maker, and sets off an entertaining
sequence of comic missteps and misunderstandings! This
novel is also the story of a young woman’s progress towards
self-understanding. (PB, 328 PP., High School)
*LB Syllabus British Literature
DTEC-104-E *Free eBook available when you order online
Out of the Silent Planet
By C.S. Lewis
The first book in C. S. Lewis’s acclaimed Space Trilogy,
Out of the Silent Planet begins the adventures of the remarkable Dr. Ransom. Here, that estimable man is abducted by
a megalomaniacal physicist and his accomplice and taken
captive via spaceship to the red planet of Malacandra. Once
on the planet, however, Ransom eludes his captors, risking
his life and his chances of returning to Earth, becoming a
stranger in a land that is enchanting in its difference from Earth and instructive in its similarity. First published in 1943, Out of the Silent Planet remains
a mysterious and suspenseful tour de force. (PB, 160 pages, High School)
* LB Syllabus British Literature
By C.S. Lewis
The second book in C. S. Lewis’s acclaimed Space Trilogy,
Perelandra continues the adventures of the extraordinary
Dr. Ransom. Pitted against the most destructive of human
weaknesses, temptation, the great man must battle evil on a
new planet -- Perelandra -- when it is invaded by a dark force.
Will Perelandra succumb to this malevolent being, who
strives to create a new world order and who must destroy an
old and beautiful civilization to do so? Or will it throw off the yoke of corruption
and achieve a spiritual perfection as yet unknown to man? (PB, 192 pages, High
School) * LB Syllabus British Literature
That Hideous Strength
By C.S. Lewis
The final book in C. S. Lewis’s acclaimed Space Trilogy, That
Hideous Strength concludes the adventures of the matchless
Dr. Ransom. The dark forces that were repulsed in Out of the
Silent Planet and Perelandra are massed for an assault on the
planet Earth itself. Word is on the wind that the mighty wizard Merlin has come back to the land of the living after many
centuries, holding the key to ultimate power for that force
which can find him and bend him to its will. A sinister technocratic organization
is gaining power throughout Europe with a plan to “recondition” society, and it is
up to Ransom and his friends to squelch this threat by applying age-old wisdom to
a new universe dominated by science. (PB, 384 pages, High School)
* LB Syllabus British Literature
Song School Latin
The Song School Latin student text is the delightful core
of the curriculum. The 30 weekly lessons are peppered
with songs, illustrations, hand-writing practice, stories and
activities for easy mastery and memorization. Follow Simeon the monkey through
the book and learn over a hundred engaging everyday Latin vocabulary words for
the seasons, body parts, food, animals and common greetings. A lively musical CD
is a delightful piece of the program and comes in the back in each student text. As
an ideal introduction to the language, Song School Latin will more than prepare a
student to begin a grammar school program such as Latin for Children.
• Grade level: Kindergarten through 3rd Grade
• Accompanying children’s music CD (30 songs) comes in the back of each
student text!
• Classical and Ecclesiastical pronunciations in both text and CD
• Interactive workbook text with lots of activities
• 30 weekly lessons including review chapters
• 100 + everyday vocabulary words
• Very gentle introduction to Latin grammar
English From the Roots Up: Volume I
by Joegil Lundquist
This program is a great way to begin your study of vocabulary and
Latin. You can begin as early as 3rd grade. Very easy to follow and
master. It is amazing how many words you will recognize once
you’ve mastered these essential roots. Also great for high school
students and SAT preparation. (PB, 100 pp.)
Vol. I Text
Vol I Cards
Prima Latina: An Introduction to Christian Latin
By Leigh Lowe
Prima Latina is a preparatory course for Cheryl Lowe’s Latina
Christiana and was written for teachers with no Latin background. This course is ideal for students (or parents) in grades
3-5 who desire a slower pace than Latina Christiana. It teaches
half of the vocabulary in Latina Christiana 1 and uses the same
systematic format – 125 Latin vocabulary words, numbers,
constellations, simple introduction to tenses, derivatives, conjugations, and declensions. Each of the 25 lessons consists of
new grammar skill, five vocabulary words that correspond with
the lesson, a practical Latin phrase, and one line of prayer that
is learned in totality by the end of the chapter. As a bonus,
derivatives and Lingua Angelica songs are also incorporated
for parents who want to do a little more. This second edition
includes a complete copy of the Student Book with answers
in the Teacher Manual. Prima Latina is also accompanied by a
pronunciation CD, five review lessons, five tests, an appendix,
and an answer key. Student book - 128 pp., Teacher’s book 128 pp. *LB syllabus Gr. 4
LAC-000-S Student Book
New First Steps in Latin
Based on the works of Francis Ritchie, this series is designed
for a basic text or supplement for introductory Latin at any
level from Middle School to adult learner. It employs a
grammatical approach.
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
Latina Christiana I & II
By Cheryl Lowe
Christian Latin with enough vocabulary and grammar
to prepare for Henle’s first year Latin. Includes student
book, pronunciation CD and teacher’s manual. We
recommend that you begin this series by simply learning
the vocabulary, verb and noun forms and Latin sayings
and leave the derivative work, Latin grammar and
translation for when all the vocabulary has been learned. Teacher prep work is
required to use this series. (Grade 4+) (PB, all approx. 80 pp.)
Set I
Student Book I
Set II
Student Book II
Latina Christiana & First Form Latin Flashcards
Start learning your vocabulary right away! They include flashcards for: Vocabulary,
Latin Sayings, Conjugations, Cue words, Declensions, Derivatives. *Note:
Because Latina Christiana I Flash Cards include every word in Prima Latina, they
are an ideal study aid and a great investment for students who intend to continue
on with Latina Christiana.
LAC-003: Flashcards Level I $14.95
LAC-004: Flashcards Level II $14.95
FFL003 First Form
FFL203 Second Form
FFL303 Third Form
First Form Latin
By Cheryl Lowe
Based on twenty years of teaching
experience, this revolutionary “grammarfirst” series focuses on grammar forms
and vocabulary because those skills are
the skills most suitable for your middle
grade student. Syntax (how to use the grammar) and translation are logic and
rhetoric stage skills, respectively, and quickly overwhelm the student unless they
are introduced at a slow, gentle pace and taught for mastery. First Form is the ideal
text for all beginners, grades 5 & up, or is a great follow-up to Latina Christiana I
at any age. After mastering First Form, the student will have a solid grasp of the six
indicative active tenses of the first two verb conjugations, five noun declensions,
first and second declension adjectives, and 185 vocabulary words.
• Features include:
• Designed for students and teachers with no Latin background
• 8x8 inch Student Text, small, concise, unintimidating with 34 two-page
lessons on facing uncluttered pages
• Limited vocabulary of 185 words
• Full-size Student Workbook with 4-6 pages of exercises per lesson
• Vocabulary derivatives and detailed explanations of Latin sayings
• Grammar catechism for daily rapid-fire review
• Milestone markers for each grammar objective
• Everything-you-could-possibly-need teacher manual
• Organized for easy access
• Student Text inset with answers in color
• Chalk-talk scripted lessons
• Recitation schedule
• Pronunciation reminders
• Workbook with key
• Unit tests and lesson quizzes booklet
• FYI section for extra background
Entire set (SB, WB, TB, TM & CD) $55.00
Student Text
Student Workbook
Quizzes and Tests
Order by phone (302) 325-9515
Second Form Latin
Second Form continues the journey
of Latin grammar. Second Form is the
ideal follow-up to First Form Latin or
Latina Christiana II at any age, as it
reviews all material in First Form and
completes the verb paradigms for all
four conjugations in the indicative active and passive, and much more. Second
Form employs the identical format of First Form. After mastering Second Form,
the student will have mastered, 6 indicative active and passive tenses of all four
verb conjugations, 5 noun declensions including er-ir nouns and i-stem nouns,
Adjectives in 3 declensions, Personal pronouns, Prepositions and 180 new
vocabulary words.
FFL-200 Entire set (SB, WB, TB , TM & CD) $55.00
Student Text
Student Workbook
Quizzes & Tests
Third Form Latin
Third Form continues the journey
of Latin grammar by reviewing all
material in First and Second Form,
completing the verb paradigms for all
four conjugations in the indicative
active and passive, and much more.
Third Form employs the identical
format of First & Second Form—an
attractive, concise student text, systematic presentation in five units, extensive
workbook exercises, and a teacher manual with everything you need to successfully
teach this course.
Third Form mastery:
• Perfect system passive of 1st - 4th conjugations and -io verbs
• Active and passive subjunctive of 1st - 4th conjugations and -io verbs
• Imperative mood, vocative case
• 4th declension neuter nouns
• 3rd declension adjectives of one and three terminations
• Nine irregular adjectives
• Regular and irregular comparison of adjectives and adverbs
• Pronouns: 3rd person, demonstrative, intensive, reflexive
• Syntax: apposition
• adjectives used as nouns
• subjunctive in purpose clauses, exhortations, deliberative questions
• objective and partitive genitive
Entire set (SB, WB, TB, TM & CD) $55.00
Student Text
Student Workbook
Quizzes & Tests
*Please call or email for questions about
the upcoming Fourth Form Latin
Our Roman Roots
by Dr. James Leek
Highly recommended, this wonderful course of Christian
Latin covers grammar, language arts, prayers and hymns from
the Canon of the Mass, history of Western civilization, and
character building maxims. Includes a laminated student
text, teacher’s manual, and a 60-minute CD. This is so well
laid out that even a mother with little or no experience in
Latin can teach this course. (Some knowledge of English grammar is assumed so
if used in grades 3-5 we suggest you skip the grammar sections.) (PB, – Text, 55
pgs; Student book, 135 pgs., Gr. 3-5 or 6-8)
Latin DVDs
Bring an engaging Latin teacher right into
the comfort of your home. The following
DVDs are offered for those who want “extra”
help in teaching Latin to their children.
These are meant to be used in tandem with
their corresponding program materials giving
mom the break from doing the actual teaching. Since learning a language works best through incorporation of oral recitations
and plenty of review, these DVDs are perfect.
LAC-000-DVD Prima Latina
LAC-001-DVD Latina Christiana1
LAC-002-DVD Latina Christiana2
First Form Latin DVDs
Second Form Latin DVDs $55.00
Third Form Latin DVDs
Basic Language Principles with Latin Background
By Ruth Wilson
The purpose of this book is to make sense out of English grammar
through the study of Latin grammar and it does just what it promises to do. I love this book, grammar finally fell into place in my
poorly taught English grammar brain. It is best if used with a 6-8th
grade student who is at the stage of development that naturally
melds so neatly with this analysis of language grammar. The book
introduces the major parts of speech one at a time, first in English
and then the next chapter introduces it’s counterpart in Latin. It is
helpful but not absolutely necessary to have had an introduction of Latin as is moves slowly
with enough time to review the new Latin vocabulary introduced in this book. There is
also opportunity for practice with ample additional exercises in each chapter. We highly
recommend those new to Latin purchase the companion answer key written by Laura
Berquist. (Paperback, 9th Grade, 72 pgs.)
Basic Language Principles Answer Key & Lesson Plan
By Laura Berquist
You will find answers to all the exercises from the book, Basic Language Principles
with Latin Background. In addition, you will find a daily lesson plan for 32 weeks,
four days a week. This is the same lesson plan that is included in the seventh grade
syllabus. There are no tests included with the syllabus
Mater Anserina
Poems in Latin for Children- with CD
By Melina Minkova and Terence Tunberg
What could be better than to combine poetry recitations
with learning Latin? Mother Goose rhymes are part of the
foundation of early learning, employing songs and poems. The
authors use favorites such as “Mary had a little lamb” to “Itsy
bitsy spider” in medieval rather than classic Latin. Accentual verse reached a
very sophisticated level in the eleventh and twelfth centuries in such well known
hymns as “Stabat Mater”. This has been used to create a truly wonderful resource
for beginning a love of Latin in your family as it has in ours. The accompanying
CD aid you in the proper pronunciation of each rhyme. Each poem is in a twopage spread, with the poem and its translation, as well as delightful color illustrations and definitions of Latin words. (HC, 68 pages)
Customer Service (302) 325-9515
MODG Henle Latin Syllabi
By Laura Berquist
The lesson plans (updated from previous combined edition) have the daily assignments broken into Grammar, Vocabulary, & Exercises. These syllabi also contain
weekly quizzes (28 per syllabus) and quarter tests. MODG has found that weekly
quizzes make a tremendous difference in a student’s ability to master the Latin language. These syllabi also contain a variety of blank “chant” templates to facilitate
the student in his memory work.
DCCS-021 Latin I & II (Essential Latin) Syllabus
DCCS-023 Latin I- using 1st half of Henle 1st Year (Units 1-7)
DCCS-024 Latin II- using 2nd half of Henle 1st Year (Units 8-14) $35.00
DCCS-025 Latin III -using Henle’s 2nd Year Latin $35.00
Cambridge Latin I & MODG Syllabus
This course is intended for a student who has previously had
some basic Latin, such as Latina Christiana 1 or Our Roman
Roots. Any student who has completed Basic Language
Principles through Latin Background or Latina Christiana
II will find this course to be a nice review since this text is
slightly more advanced than Latina Christiana II or Basic
Language Principles through Latin Background. Any student
who struggled with these texts may find this course a nice stepping stone to Henle’s
Latin 1A. It is also a good option for those who would like to experience an immersion style to learning Latin. There is practice in reading Latin and thus can be used
even alongside Henle just by using only the readings as practice and review. It may
also prove to be the nice break in style needed to attract an otherwise reluctant
Latin student to continue with his studies.
CAMB-001 Cambridge Latin Unit 1 Student Bk (4th Ed.) $29.95
CAMB-002 Cambridge Latin Unit 1 Workbook
CAMB-003 Cambridge Latin Unit 1 Teacher’s Manual
DCCS-026 MODG Cambridge Latin Syllabus
Chant Chart Sets
Mother of Divine Grace School
These wonderful, easy-to-reference charts answer the
grammatical questions that arise in Latin language study!
Chart I benefits students of Latin I, while Charts 2 & 3
benefit students in Latin II. Each one is laminated for
multiple uses.
Chant Chart Set I
This set contains three charts; Chart 1: Latin Verb Conjugations, Chart 2: Verb
Tense and Mood in Subordinate Clauses, Chart 3, side 1: Properties of Latin Verbs,
Chart 3, side 2: Latin Noun Declensions
Chant Chart Set II
This set contains four charts: Chart 1: Latin Irregular Verb Conjugations , Chart
2: Latin Noun Declensions , Chart 3: Latin Adjective Declensions, Chart 4, side
1: Latin Possessive Adjective Declensions, Chart 4, side 2: Latin Deponent Verb
Chant Chart Set III
This set contains three charts: Chart 1: Latin Pronoun Declensions, Chart 2, side
1: Examples of Comparison of Relative Interrogative Pronouns & Adjectives,
Chart 2, side 2: Examples of Comparison of Personal Pronouns & Possessives,
Chart 3, side 1: Latin Pronoun Declensions, Chart 3, side 2: Rules for the Use of
Pronouns, Possessives & Adjectives
Order by fax (302) 325-4336
Fr. Robert Henle’s Series
Excellent Latin series. Answer keys come with each text! The
Latin Grammar is necessary for the entire series. See syllabus and
MODG chant chart by Laura Berquist. *LB Syllabus – Latin
FRHL-000 Latin Grammar, 259 pp.$.9.50
FRHL-001 Latin 1, 514 pp.$21.50
FRHL-002 Latin 2, 640 pp.$20.50
Song School Greek
Designed for children in the early elementary grades, Song
School Greek is a lively and gentle introduction to Koine
Greek, the language of the New Testament, and Modern
Greek. Each of the thirty-two weekly lessons includes
songs, fun vocabulary, illustrations, handwriting practice, stories, games and activities. Enjoyable, everyday vocabulary is introduced in weekly lessons to encourage
and engage young students. A lively musical CD, with a track corresponding to
each chapter, is included in the program. This text is an excellent prequel to the
grammar-based elementary program,Greek for Children.
The Rosetta Stone Version 3
Award-winning interactive program follows the
method we use as children: associating words and
phrases with the world around us. Learn to read and
write the language: Listen to the phrase, then select
the correct words and arrange them in the right order,
with correct punctuation. Speech Recognition and
Dictation checks your work for accuracy, identifies
errors, and prompts you to rearrange the sentence.
Vocabulary and grammar are integrated systematically.
400 hours of instruction (92 lessons) per level with: CD-ROM multimedia
courseware, Student Management Software, Student Management Manual,
Illustrated User’s Guide, Curriculum Text book, Handbook for Teachers, Student
Workbook, Student Study Guide, Print Quizzes and Tests. The Student
Management System allows parents to monitor progress of multiple students
and even control individualized lesson plans. Parents also have the ability to set
proficiency levels on tests. To confirm progress, printed reports are also available.
System requirements: PC: Windows 98 or higher, Mac 8.6 or higher, Pentium 233
processor, 64 mb RAM, 35 mb hard drive, 4x CD-ROM drive, 16 bit windows
soundcard, microphone (plaintalk compatible).
Any of the following languages may be selected: Arabic, Chinese, French,
German, Hebrew, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish
(Spain), Spanish (Latin America). (Level 1&2 v.2 only) Dutch, Farsi (Persian),
Greek. (Level 1 v.2 only) Danish, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Latin, Pashto
(Afghani), Polish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog (Philipino), Thai, Turkish v.3, and
Vietnamese. Unconditional 6-month money back guarantee from the publisher!
All include a headset with microphone!
RS-010 AUD
Level 1
RS-020 AUD
Level 2
RS-030 AUD
Level 3
RS-040 AUD
Level 4
RS-050 AUD
Level 5
RS-012 AUD
Levels 1 & 2 Set
RS-123 AUD
Levels 1, 2 & 3 Set
RS-105 AUD
Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Set
*Please see website for large selection of languages
Order by phone (302) 325-9515