FCMAT Recommendations and Responses CVUSD Food Service Review June, 2015 Staffing and Meals per Labor Hour (Pages 5-6) Recommendations 1. Review staffing at all sites and reduce hours as much as possible. District Response A staff labor hours reduction plan is ready to be implemented and will result in a savings of 200K or SY 15/16. Implementation Plan Notify staff and implement needed staffing changes for the 15/16 SY. 2. Consider consolidating more sites and transporting food to smaller sites. Yes, we agree. A three-phase implementation plan over a two-year period has been created. A detailed plan is forthcoming. 3. Review menus and production methods. Serve simpler menus and implement more efficient serving methods to reduce staff hours. Beginning in April 2014, the elementary sites moved to a compliant meal pattern. The secondary schools moved to a compliant meal pattern in Fall SY 14/15 to use all existing food product. Several new offerings have been offered to students in SY 14/15. High School menu will now include branded products and more concise options. Consolidation of production areas and concise menus will result in decreased staff hours. 4. Have the director closely observe sites for ways to improve efficiency and attract more participation. Director actively participates and will continue to do so. On-going District Response Training has been extensive beginning in April 2014 to the present is on-going in a variety of area including Menu Production, Standardized recipes, Food Safety and Sanitation, Perpetual Inventory, Basic Computer skills, Point-of Sale training, meal pattern and nutritional requirements, including Smart Snacks in Schools 2014 and cash handling. Implementation Plan Implement HHKFA 2010- Professional Standards requirement on July 1, 2015. Required hiring and continuing education in four specific areas required. Staff Morale (Pages 7-8) Recommendations 1. Continue training staff to better understand the new programs and systems implemented by the food service director. FCMAT Responses 1 2. Include staff in the budgeting process and current financial status of the department to help them better understand the decisions being made and help institute improvements. Training began SY 14/15 using the proper complete usage of commodity and purchased products. Staff will continue to be alerted to important steps in the process, which they can contribute towards, realizing cost saving measures for the department and to better understand why the decisions and changes at the administrative level are made. 3. Have the food service director attend the K-12 principals meeting quarterly or twice yearly to give updates on programs and to achieve consistency throughout all schools. CN Director meets bi-monthly with Principals on Business Services/Principals Conference Calls. One-on-one meetings with Principals. Will set standing K-Adult agenda items as needed. 4. Print information on the meal money envelopes such as the daily and weekly cost of meals to help parents determine the amount to deposit. 5. Utilize the existing auto calling system to notify families of negative and low meal account balances. Link the point of sale system to the calling system. Will purchase ink stamp for provided cash envelopes Will begin using in Fall 2015 Steps to integrate the two systems were already in progress during FCMAT visit. Have used system in June 2015. In process Enrollment, Free and Reduced Eligibility and Participation (Page 9) Recommendations 1. Have the director regularly track participation at all sites and try to identify trends. FCMAT Responses District Response Addition of two Account Clerks in February 2015 has given the director additional time to track these areas Implementation Plan On-going 2 2. Consider modifying breakfast and lunch menus, improving line flow, and changing breakfast times to only midmornings to increase participation. There is philosophical difference regarding the breakfast programs and student learning outcomes between the FCMAT preparers of the report and the CN Director. Few schools in the district are offering breakfast at this time leaving no historical data tracking revenue of these programs at this time. In the Superintendents LCAP Plan to add breakfast programs 3. Consider eliminating the program if breakfast participation continues to be low. Second Chance Breakfast was added to Stanton, Marshall and Vannoy and showed a marked increase in participation for the breakfast meal. Add breakfast programs SY 15/16 CN Department has applied for a CDE Breakfast Expansion Grant Menus and Meal Program Meal Pattern Requirements (Pages 11-13) Recommendations 1. Discontinue allowing all students access to the salad bar. District Response CVUSD believes that all students should have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, promoting healthy habits. 2. Complete the nutritional analysis of the menus using weighted averages as required. Make any menu adjustments needed to meet the guidelines for calories, sodium and saturated fat. Is not required by the State. Implementation Plan No change Will develop and provide Nutritional Analysis by weighted averages for the Administrative Review as required by the State. Currently, There is a nutritional analysis provided on the CN website for parents and students to use each day. Menus and Meal Program Menu Variety (Pages 13-16) Recommendations 1. Review high school menus and determine the top sellers. Reduce menu choices considerably. FCMAT Responses District Response Used 14/15 SY as a testing menu to determine student acceptability and to bring the menu into compliance. Implementation of all new menu requirements for SY 12/13, 13/14, 14/15, had to be implemented. High School menu was severely out of compliance. Implementation Plan Favorable menu choices have been determined and selected Unpopular items will be deleted New, branded items will be offered Student taste test should increase 3 2. Consider revising the way cycle menus are done at the high school with a weekly cycle (repeated throughout the month). Some cycles will be revised Cycles will be condensed so that the number of offerings will be lessened each day, however, menu variety will not be sacrificed. 3. Consider selling some of the daily entrées a la carte to attract students and increase revenue. Limited ala carte items may be considered. California regulations supersede Federal requirements regarding the menu use of these offerings. Students are encouraged to purchase a complete meal to increase nutritional balance. Increased varieties will be offered, however, the number of items offered on a daily basis will remain the same without increasing pressure on kitchen production. In the report the reviewer felt the CH Director gave, “more weight to parental opinion’s than student opinions.” Regarding pizza sales for elementary and middle school menus. CN Director believes that parents are as important a customer, as the students are. CN Director will continue to work with both students and parents in this area. Additional Compliant items meeting the National School Lunch program and/or Smart Snacks in Schools 2014 will be added as they become available. Jamba Juice and Subway will be added at CVHS In progress 6. Discontinue grouping sides with entrées. Give students more choices and do not force them to take combinations they don’t want. Food combinations were written as part of an acceptable and compliant standardized recipe to ensure ease for students and staff during the menu transition. Option may be considered in the future 7. Offer two different types of entrée selections daily at elementary schools to please all tastes. With the exception of Mac and Cheese Day more at least two options have been offered each day. Two entrees will be selected for each day 8. Review and consider changing some of the elementary menu combinations. SY 2014 was a transitional year. Refinement of menu in progress 4. Review middle school choices and consider increasing menu offerings. 5. Consider offering sliced pizza at middle schools and serving it more than once a week. Look into precut heat and serve varieties if the whole pizzas are impractical at middle schools. FCMAT Responses Pizza has been tasted and selected at elementary and middle schools for the SY 15/16. 4 9. Conduct student surveys, observe meal lines, review production records and take input from site staff to determine student preferences. Where possible within the regulations, adjust menus to please students. SY 2014 was a transitional year. We have worked to address all compliance related issues. Office staffing has been stabilized which is allowing more time to focus on other priority areas. The department will continue to work in these areas. Refinement of menu in progress 10. Set a food presentation standard so that all schools’ offerings are equally appealing. Staff training is ongoing in this area. Additionally, the procurement of updated equipment and technologies is required to ensure a consistent product. Consolidation of production areas will assist in this recommendation. A detailed plan is forthcoming. 11. Consider serving ketchup and salad dressing in bulk pump containers or squirt bottles rather than individual packets. Students at the elementary level were unable to use bulk units which created unsanitary areas, and these units are difficult to sanitize. Secondary schools will test bulk pump with hot sauce on the condiment bars SY 15/16. Individual packets are portion controlled, all calories count on the nutritional analysis and lessen wasted product. Individual Portion Control servings will continue at this time. Menus and Meal Program Organization of Meal Lines (Pages 16-18) Recommendations 1. Coordinate the efforts of the director, food service staff and site administration to help all students learn and use their PIN numbers in meal lines. District Response All schools should have every student learn and enter their PIN number into the Pin pad for all meals. Implementation Plan Will set expectation with staff at all site levels. 2. Begin using double PIN pads at all point of sale stations. Double PIN pads have been implemented in most schools this year, with the remainder of schools to follow in SY 15/16. We currently do not have the equipment or service line required to provide self-serve lines. In progress 3. Consider self-serve speed lines at the middle schools. FCMAT Responses Will examine the feasibility of this option. 5 4. Reconfigure the high school serving lines either to more efficient stations at the current locations or purchase some mobile carts or speed lines for the cafeteria. We agree. In progress 5. Post simple menus by each serving station listing the foods offered at that station. Menu boards are provided prior to the student entering the serving as per required federal regulations. Provided 6. Allow cash at all point of sale stations at the high school. All lines with the exception of one line accept cash. One, “no cash/on account” line is available inside the cafeteria and at the outside snack bar, which speeds up service for students with pre-posted payments to their accounts. This simple step does not take any more time when utilized and is important to track historical sales data of individual items sold. Can provide a way to verify how many units are recorded on a menu production record. In progress Pre-payment, on-line payment method is being encouraged. 7. Consider not entering the type of food students choose into the point of sale computer. 8. Follow through with plans to use outdoor mobile food carts. Will continue to use the “Quick Scan “ method when possible. In progress Staffing plan Competitive Food Sales (Page 19) Recommendations 1. Assign a liaison, such as the wellness committee, to educate the district (staff, students, clubs, and parents) regarding regulations for competitive food sales. Monitor the progress in this area. District Response CN Director has provided the regulations to Principals, Parent Leadership Council and CN staff. Implementation Plan School Wellness Committee will meet in the fall. 2. Assign site administrators to ensure their schools are in compliance. We agree. Assistant Superintendent will work with Superintendent to establish Principal expectations. FCMAT Responses 6 Wellness Policy (Page 21) Recommendations 1. Ensure that all wellness regulations are being met, including the appropriate membership as well as monitoring and reporting on implementation of the policy. District Response In Progress Implementation Plan Wellness Committee will meet in the fall. Budget (Pages 23-24) Recommendations 1. Review revenue to ascertain if reimbursements are missing or are miscalculated. District Response Newly hired account clerk assigned in this area is reviewing. Internal Auditors reviewed this area June 2015. 2. Review all expenses in the budget, especially food cost, to ascertain the reason for the large variations over prior years. Compliant menus are now in place and will reflect the true cost of the program. On-going 3. Review current invoices to ascertain if purveyors have made large midyear price increases over this year’s original bid pricing. If pricing is too high, seek alternative, less expensive items. Newly hired account clerk assigned to this area is reviewing. Implementation of the automated perpetual inventory system, oversight of ordering supplies and materials from the CN office from bids with consistent pricing and adjusting as needed is in process now. Note: food is a perishable commodity in nature and its availability is predicated on many factors, including weather, gas price, and recalls and livestock health. This is why menu substitutions are sometimes necessary. Assistant Superintendent has hired consultant to review three years of A/P for overpayment. FCMAT Responses Implementation Plan In progress 7 4. Verify the large possible encroachment and look for ways to cut expenses. Suggested expense cuts are being offered in Appendix A. The CN budget has been incomplete for several years. A detailed plan is forthcoming. Revenue may be increased by: regulation of site bell schedules to ensure lunch is offered within the school day, every day. Assistant Superintendent to work with Principals to notify the cafeteria when field trips are occurring so that food waste is eliminated. Increase Field Trip Meals Food Safety Program (Page 25) Recommendations 1. Continue training staff in all areas of food safety. District Response Implementation Plan ServSafe Exam, June 22, 2015 On-going 2. Rewrite SOPs so they are more applicable to each site. SOP’s will be updated as the serving and transportation to and from sites is implemented. Will review as necessary Recommendations 1. Review equipment notes from the chef and make repairs or replacements where needed. District Response Budgetary constraints have prevented forward movement in this area. Implementation Plan 15/16 has funding for equipment replacement. We have applied for over $100K. 2. Review all sites as soon as possible and schedule time to repaint areas where paint has chipped off. Will submit facilities request Summer Project 3. Repair the drinking fountain at Marshall Elementary and remove cups and bottled water dispenser. Remove all bottled water from cafeterias that have correctly functioning drinking fountains. Will review possible replacement of water fountains with bottle filling filtered, cold hydration stations as funding becomes available. Submit facilities repair request for drinking fountain Facilities (Page 27) FCMAT Responses Fresh drinking water required in all food service areas and legislation will be forth coming this requirement will be extended campus wide. 8 Cash Handling (Page 29) Recommendations 1. Schedule time daily to reconcile and deposit income from the sites. District Response Deposits are prepared at the sites daily with courier pickup each day. Implementation Plan Reviewed by Internal Auditor June 2015 2. Separate revenue from each point of service and track it on a spreadsheet. New account clerk has started this process In process Food Supplies/Purchasing (Pages 31-32) Recommendations 1. Continue and expand the new bidding procedures and align its food purchasing to include only the items on the bid. District Response As of February 2015, the Child Nutrition Dept. is doing food purchasing from within the department with the employment of an account clerk. Implementation Plan New Clerk will continue to work with the Director to ensure bid pricing and correct ordering. 2. Check the current prices with other districts’ co-ops to ensure the Alameda County Purchasing Co-op’s prices are competitive. If the prices are not competitive, consider joining other co-ops. We currently participate in the Alameda County Purchasing Co-op, and have for many years. N/A 3. Check pricing to ensure that current purveyors are charging the correct price. Spot checking has been increased In progress FCMAT Responses 9