Computable Shell Decomposition Bounds John Langford School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University˜jcl Abstract Haussler, Kearns, Seung and Tishby introduced the notion of a shell decomposition of the union bound as a means of understanding certain empirical phenomena in learning curves such as phase transitions. Here we use a variant of their ideas to derive an upper bound on the generalization error of a hypothesis computable from its training error and the histogram of training errors for the hypotheses in the class. In most cases this new bound is significantly tighter than traditional bounds computed from the training error and the cardinality or VC dimension of the class. Our results can also be viewed as providing PAC theoretical foundations for a model selection algorithm proposed by Scheffer and Joachims. 1 Introduction For an arbitrary finite hypothesis class we consider the hypothesis of minimal training error. We give a new upper bound on the generalization error of this hypothesis computable from the training error of the hypothesis and the histogram of the training errors of the other hypotheses in the class. This new bound is typically much tighter than more traditional upper bounds computed from the training error and cardinality or VC dimension of the class. As a simple example, suppose that we observe that all but one empirical error in a hypothesis space is and one empirical error is . Furthermore, suppose that the sample size is large enough (relative to the size of the hypothesis class) that with high confidence we have that, for all hypotheses in the class, the true (generalization) error of a hypothesis is within of its training error. This implies, that with high confidence, hypotheses with . training error near have true error in Intuitively, we would expect that the true error of the hypothesis with minimum empirical error to be very near David McAllester AT&T Labs-Research˜dmac to rather than simply less than because none ofthe hypotheses which produced an empirical error of could have a true error close enough to that there exists a significant probability of producing empirical error. The bound presented here validates this intuition. We showthat you can ignore hypotheses with training error in calculating an “effective size” of the class for near hypotheses with training error near . This new effective class size allows us to calculate a tighter bound on the difference between training error and true error for hypotheses with training error near . The new bound is proved using a distribution-dependent application of the union bound similar in spirit to the shell decomposition introduced by Haussler, Kearns, Seung and Tishby [1]. We actually give two upper bounds on generalization error — an uncomputable bound and a computable bound. The uncomputable bound is a function of the unknown distribution of true error rates of the hypotheses in the class. The computable bound is, essentially, the uncomputable bound with the unknown distribution of true errors replaced by the known histogram of training errors. Our main contribution is that this replacement is sound, i.e., the computable version remains, with high confidence, an upper bound on generalization error. When considering asymptotic properties of learning theory bounds it is important to take limits in which the cardinality (or VC dimension) of the hypothesis class is allowed to grow with the size of the sample. In practice more data typically justifies a larger hypothesis class. For example, the size of a decision tree is generally proportional the amount of training data available. Here we analyze the asymptotic properties of our bounds by considering an infinite sequence of hypothesis classes , one for each sample size , such that approaches a limit larger than zero. This kind of asymptotic analysis provides a clear account of the improvement achieved by bounds that are functions of error rate distributions rather than simply the size (or VC dimension) of the class. We give a lower bound on generalization error show- ing that the uncomputable upper bound is asymptotically as tight as possible — any upper bound on generalization error given as a function of the unknown distribution of true error rates must asymptotically be greater than or equal to our uncomputable upper bound. Our lower bound on generalization error also shows that there is essentially no loss in working with an upper bound computed from the true error distribution rather than expectations computed from this distribution as used by Scheffer and Joachims [4]. Asymptotically, the computable bound is simply the uncomputable bound with the unknown distribution of true errors replaced with observed histogram of training errors. Unfortunately, we can show that in limits where converges to a value greater than zero, the histogram of training errors need not converge to the distribution of true errors — the histogram of training errors is a “smeared out” version of the distribution of true errors. This smearing loosens the bound even in the large-sample asymptotic limit. We give a precise asymptotic characterization of this smearing effect for the case where distinct hypotheses have independent training errors. In spite of the divergence between the uncomputable and computable bounds, the computable bound is still significantly tighter than classical bounds not involving error distributions. The computable bound can be used for model selection. In the case of model selection we can an in assume "! where finite ( sequence of finite model classes $# % & # # ' (' each is a finite class with )&*,+ + growing linearly in - . To perform model selection we find the hypothesis of minimal training error in each class and use the computable bound to bound its generalization error. We can then select, among these, the model with the smallest upper bound on generalization error. Scheffer and Joachims propose (without formal justification) replacing the distribution of true errors with the histogram of training errors. Under this replacement, the model selection algorithm based on our computable upper bound is asymptotically identical to the algorithm proposed by Scheffer and Joachims. The shell decomposition is a distribution-dependent use of the union bound. Distribution-dependent uses of the union bound have been previously exploited in socalled self-bounding algorithms. Freund [5] defines, for a. given learning algorithm and data distribution, a set of hypotheses such that with high probability over the sample, the algorithm . will always return a hypothesis in that set. Although is defined in terms of the unknown data .0/ distribution, Freund gives a way of computing a set from the given algorithm and the .0/ . sample such that, with high confidence, contains and hence the “ef.0/ fective size” of the hypothesis class is bounded by + + . Langford and Blum [7] give a more practical version of this algorithm. Given an algorithm and data distribu- tion they conceptually define a weighting over the possible executions of the algorithm. Although the data distribution is unknown, they give a way of computing a lower bound on the weight of the particular execution of the algorithm generated by the sample at hand. In this paper we consider distribution dependent union bounds defined independently of any particular learning algorithm. 2 Mathematical Preliminaries For an arbitrary measure .54 on . an arbitrary sample space we use the notation 768 to mean that with prob. :9 132 ability at least over the choice. of the sample we 6 4 . have that 768 holds. In practice is the training sam.54 . ;= >68 ple of a learning algorithm. . 4 Note. that 13;<1 2 does not imply 1 2 13; ;= ?68 . If @ is a finite set, and for all we have the assertion 136ED B ; C A @ .E4 . F1 2 7;=768 then by a standard application . of the 13;KA union 4 . bound we have the assertion 1G6HDIJ1 2 @ 7;= 2 . We will call this the quantification rule. .SR . LM .O4 . If 136HDN1 2 P68 and 136QDNJ1 2 T68 then by a standard application of the union bound we have .I4 . R . 2W GX 2W . We will call this the 136UDVH1 2 conjunction rule. !f of p from q, denoted YQZ\[ +%+ ]_^ , is The KL-divergence e9 !f [`)%*=Zb a ^7cdZ [^ )&*=Z b a ^ with >)%*gZ b ^>hK and [`)%*=Z8a ^h i . Let ] j be the fraction of heads in a sequence . of tosses of a biased coin where the probability of heads is ] . For ]l j k5] we have the following inequality given by Chernoff in 1952 [3]. f_yxyz b}| 1G[mAn ] oqpsrtZ]Q j ku[^ v w (1) a { This bound can be rewritten as follows. 136,Du~1 2 . YQZGZ]=j \]_^}+&+ ]_^:v ! )&*Z ^ 2 (2) Tozderive (2) from (1) note that psrtZYHZ=Z]=j ]3^}+&+ ]3^yk | z ^ equals psrtZ] j kN[^ where [k] and YQZ[ +&+ ]_^mh | . By (1)f_ywe xyz then have that this probability is no b}| larger than w a { h6 . It is just as easy to derive (1) from (2) so the two statements are equivalent. By duality, i.e., by 9 considering the problem defined by re] , we get the following. placing ] by ! )%*`Z ^ . 2 (3) 136mD~1 2 YHZ(%*Z]`j ]_^$+%+ ]_^:v Conjoining (2) and (3) yields the following corollary of (1). W )%*Z ^ . 2 136,Du~1 2 YQZ]j +%+ ]_^:v (4) W 9 Using the inequality YQZ\[ +%+ ]_^:k Z\[ ]3^ one can show that (4) implies the following better known form of the Chernoff bound. 136<D1 2 . +] 9 ]`j +tv W )%*Z ^ 2 (5) z f b | W a , which holds Using the inequality YQZ[ +&+ ]3^:k ! for a [<v] , we can show that (3) implies the following. ! ! )%*=Z ^ ] j )%*Z ^ . 136,D1 2 ]Fv]< j c 2 c 2 (6) Note that for small values of ] j formula (6) gives a tighter upper bound on ] than does (5). The upper bound on ] implicit in (4) is somewhat tighter than the minimum of the bounds given by (5) and (6). We now consider a formal setting for hypothesis learning. We assume a finite set of hypotheses and a space of instances. We assume that each hypothesis represents a function from to where we write Z;3^ for the value of the function represented by hypothesis when applied to instance ; . We also assume a distribu tion Y on pairs ;0t with ;lA and FA8 . For any hypothesis we define the error rate of , denoted w Z\_^ , to be p ;> x Z\Z;_^(hS ^ . For a given sample . of pairs drawn from Y we .write jw Z\_^ to denote the fraction of the pairs ;=t in such that =Z;_^h . in (4) yields the following secQuantifying over FA ond corollary of (1). W )&*,+ +}c)%*=Z ^ . 1 2 1g"A YHZ¡jw Z\_^}+&+ w Z¢£^7^yv 2 (7) By consider bounds on YHZ[ +&+ ]3^ we can derive the following more well known corollary of (7). W )%*,+ +8c5)&*=Z ^ . 9 2 1 2 1G"A + w Z¢£^ jw Z\_^}+ v (8) These two formulas both limit the distance between jw Z\_^ and wZ¢£^ . In this paper we will work with (7) rather than (8) because it yields an (uncomputable) upper bound on generalization error that is optimal up to asymptotic equality. 3 The Upper Bound Our goal now is to improve on (7). Our first step is to divide the hypotheses in into disjoint sets based on their true error rates. More z«!¬®­¯ specifically, for ]¤A b¡°±| define ¥$¥{]§¦}¦ to be ¨0©7ª . Note that ¥$¥{]§¦}¦ is of the form ² where either N ] ³ h and ´µh or fG! ]CD¶ and! ]CA·Z$² ¸² . In either case we have ¥}¥¹] ¦$¦Aº #}#$#} and if ¥}¥¹] ¦$¦5h ² then ]EA » A derivation of this formula can be found in [8] or [9]. To see the need for the last term consider the case where ½, ¼ ¾5¿ . fG! . Now we define Z ² ^ to be the set of A such that ¥}¥w Z\_^À¦}¦Áh ² . We define ÂZ ² ^ to be )%*ZgZ 8+ Z ² ^$+ ^7^ . We now have the following lemma. . Lemma 3.1 1G6mD1 2 1g"A W ÂZ8¥}¥w Z¢£^æ}¦^c5)&*=Z ^ 2 YQZ¡jw Z\_^}+&+ wZ¢£^7^yv ! Proof: Quantifying over ]FAH #$#}#$ ! and ?A . #$#}#} Z¹]3^ in (4) gives 136lD , 1 2 , 1]AO , 1G"A Z¹]3^ , W )&*,+ Z¯]_^$+$c)%*=Z ^ YQZ¡jw Z¢£^$+%+ w Z\_^^yv 2 But this implies the lemma. Ä Lemma 3.1 imposes a constraint, and hence a bound, we have the following where on w Z\_^ . More4 specifically, ;§ denotes4 the least upper bound (the lub 8;o ; . maximum) of the set $;Fo ÆÐÐ Ë$ÑÑ È£ÒFÓ¹Ô_Æ}ÕÀ× Ö È ÅÆÇtÈ`É lub Ê¡ËMÌ8Í Æ Å¼ ÆÇtÈÎ¹Î Ë ÈÉOÏ Ø Ù (9) ² ² This is our uncomputable! bound. It is uncomputable because the numbers ÂZ ^ , #$#}# , ÂZ ^ are unknown. Ignoring this problem, however, we can see that this bound is typically significantly tighter than (7). More specifically, we can rewrite (7) as follows. W )&*,+ +$c5)&*=Z ^ w Z\_^:v lub 8[<oYQZ¡jw Z\_^}+&+ [^yv 2 (10) is small for large Since ÂZ ² ^mvÚ)%*<+ + , and since , we have that (9) is never significantly looser than (10). Now consider a hypothesis such that the bound on w Z\_^ given by (7), or equivalently, (10), is significantly less than 1/2. Assuming is large, the bound given by (9) must also be significantly less than 1/2. But for [ significantly less than 1/2 we will typically have that ÂZ$¥$¥[8¦}¦^ is significantly smaller than . For & ) , * + + is the set of all decision trees of example, suppose . For large , a random decision tree of this size size will have error rate near 1/2. The set of decision trees with error rate significantly smaller than 1/2 will be an exponentially small faction of the set of all possible trees. So for [ small compared to 1/2 we get that ÂZ$¥}¥[8¦}¦^ is significantly smaller than )&*,+ ÛU+ . This will make the bound given by (9) significantly tighter than the bound given by (10). We now show that the distribution of true errors can be replaced, essentially, by the histogram of training errors. We first introduce the following definitions. z ë ! | z f !5 Ü ¬ çÜ | ² é ê Hfm ì ² W 2ÞHßáà:âäã låæ â UÝ æ æ æ æ æè ¬ !¬ W Ü ¬ íÜ ² ² 2Þ ß 2 Þ æ ÞGÞ Ý æ Ý Ý ¨0©ª Ý æ æ æ æ ûü The definition of jÂ î ² 06ï is motivated by the following lemma. ð ! . Lemma 3.2 136mD , 1 2 , 13[mA #$#}#¡ , ÂZ[^:vNj Z[ ϼ æ à:âäã æ ÆÐÐ Ë$ÑÑ$òó È ÒQӹԣơôÃ× Ö È Ø õ As for lemma 3.1, the bound implicit in theorem 3.3 is typically significantly tighter than the bound in (7) or its equivalent form (10). The argument for the improved tightness of theorem 3.3 over (10) is similar to the argument for (9). More specifically, consider a hypothesis for which the bound in (10) is significantly less than 1/2. Since Âj Z$¥}¥[8¦}¦6^,vS)%*,+ + , the set of values of [ satisfying the condition in theorem 3.3 must all be significantly z«!±÷P less than 1/2. But for large we have that ö ~fgP! ø 2 | W is small. So if [ is significantly less than 1/2 then all hypotheses in j Z8¥}¥[8¦}¦eP6^ have empirical error rates significantly less than 1/2. But for most hypothesis classes, e.g., decision trees, the set of hypotheses with empirical error rates far from 1/2 should be an exponentially small fraction of the class. Hence we get that Âj Z$¥}¥[8¦}¦6^ is significantly less than )%*,+ + and theorem 3.3 is tighter than (10). The remainder of this section is a proof of lemma 3.2. Our departure point for the proof is the following lemma from [6]. Lemma 3.4 (McAllester 99) For any measure on any hypothesis class we have the following where E Z\_^ âù denotes the expectation of Z\_^ under the given measure ù on . z W fG! z Ü z f z | ç | ç || . â â 1G6mDä1 2 E w vEú â 6 Intuitively, this lemma states that with high confidence over the choice of the sample most hypotheses have empirical error near their true error. This will allow us to prove that j Z$¥$¥[8¦$¦e>6^ bounds ÂZ$¥}¥[8¦}¦^ . More specifically, by considering the uniform distribution on Z ² ^ , lemma 3.4 implies the following. ÿ ÿ û ÿ û çÿ E ûü ý Þ î_þ ï Ý 2 ! è û û ûü ý çÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ W Þ î£þ ï Ý 2 è z æ æ æ à âyã æ æ z ² | z çÜ ² | å â æ 6^ Before proving lemma 3.2 we note that by conjoining (9) and lemma 3.2 we get the following. This is our main result. . Theorem 3.3 1G6,Du , 1 2 , 1g"A , ÅÆÇ ÈÉ lub ñËÌÍ Æ Å¼ ÆÇtÈÎ¹Î Ë ÈÉ æ ÿ ÿ û ÿ û ç ÿ î þ ï Ý ý z çÜ åä â | æ z æ f ² | f | ² z ç | â è ê ! é ê ! W Þ 2 èz | !G ì æ W lfm ! æ æ æ z ! | ì W lfm æ ! W æ æ æ è W Ü ¬ W ² 27Þ æ æ 5Ý z ² | W æ z ² | æ æ æ æ æ æ æ æ è æ by quantification æ ! now follows Lemma 3.2 over [NA . Ä #}#$#} 4 Asymptotic Analysis and Phase Transitions The bounds given in (9) and theorem 3.3 exhibit phase transitions. More specifically, the bounding expression can be discontinuous in 6 and , e.g., arbitrarily small changes in 6 can cause large changes in the bound. To see how this happens consider the following constraint on the quantity [ . W ÂZ8¥}¥[8¦$¦^=c)&*=Z ^ 2 (11) YQZ¡jw Z¢£^$+%+ [^yv The bound given by (9) is the least upper bound of the that is sufficiently values of [ satisfying (11). Assume z±­Ã­ í °Ã°±| large that we can think of a as a continuous function of [ which we will write as Âe Z\[^ . We can then rewrite (11) as follows where is a quantity not depending on [ and  Z[^ does not depend on 6 . YQZ¡jw Z\_^}+&+ [^yvÂe Z[^c (12) For [(kNjw Z\_^ we that YQZ¡jw Z\_^}+&+ [^ is a monotonically increasing function of [ . It is reasonable to assume that for [v we also have that  Z[^ is a monotonically increasing function of [ . But even under these conditions it is possible that the feasible values of [ , i.e., those satisfying (12), can be divided into separated regions. Furthermore, increasing can cause a new feasible region to come into existence. When this happens the bound, which is the least upper bound of the feasible values, can increase discontinuously. At a more intuitive level, consider a large number of high error concepts and smaller number of lower error concepts. At a certain confidence level the high error concepts can be ruled out. But as the confidence requirement becomes more stringent suddenly (and discontinuously) the high error concepts must be considered. A similar discontinuity can occur in sample size. Phase transitions in shell decomposition bounds are discussed in more detail by Haussler et al. [1]. Phase transition complicate asymptotic analysis. But asymptotic analysis illuminates the nature of phase tran sitions. As mentioned in the introduction, in the asymptotic analysis of learning theorem bounds it is important that one not hold fixed as the sample size increases. If we hold fixed then )%& h . But this is not what one expects for large samples in practice. As the sample size increases one typically uses larger hypothesis classes. Intuitively, we expect that even for very large we have that is far from zero. For the asymptotic analysis of the bound in (9)" we ! assume , an infinite sequence of hypothesis classes W , $ # } # # and an infinite sequence of data distributions ! Y , Y W , Y , #}#$# . Let  Z ² ^ be ÂZ ² ^ defined relative to and Y . In the asymptotic analysis we assume that z­Ã­ í °Ã°±| a the sequence of functions , viewed as functions of [?A , converge uniformly to a continuous function  Z[^ . This means that for any äDu there exists a ´ such that for all BD´ we have the following.  Z8¥}¥[8¦$¦^ 9 1G[mAn § H+  Z[^}+ v z±­Ã­ í b¡°Ã°±| Given the functions and their limit function  Z¹]3^ , we define the following functions of an empirical error rate jw . ! Æ Å¡¼ È#" lub ñ`Ë~ÌÍ Æ Å¼ Î¹Î Ë ÈÉ Ï Ö ÆÐÐ Ë}ÑÑ È§ÒQÓ¹Ô_Æ ÕÀ× Ö È Ö Ø õ ! Æ ¡Å ¼ È#" lub ÊËÌÍ Æ Å¼ Î¹Î Ë ÈÉÏ $ Æ Ë È Ù The function % Z¡jw ^ corresponds directly to the upper bound in (9). The function %Z¡ jw ^ is intended to be the Z¡jw ^ . However, phase large asymptotic limit of % transitions complicate asymptotic analysis. The bound %Z¡jw ^ need not be a continuous function of jw . A value of jw where the bound %Z¡jw ^ is discontinuous corresponds to a phase transition in the bound. At a phase transition the Z¡jw ^ need not converge. Away from phase sequence % transitions, however, we have the following theorem. Theorem 4.1 If the bound %Z¡jw ^ is continuous at the z±­Ã­ are not at a phase transition), and the point jw (so we í °Ã°±| functions a , viewed as functions of [uA § , converge uniformly to a continuous function  Z\[^ , then we have the following. &)&' % % Z¡jw ^>( h %Z¡jw ^ Proof: Define the set ) * Ö Æ Å¡¼ È" Z¡jw ^ as follows. Ö ÆÐÐ Ë}ÑÑ È£Ò?Ó¯Ô£Æ ÀÕ × Ö È ñ`ËÌäÍ Æ Å¼ Î¹Î Ë ÈÉ Ï Ø õ This gives the following. % Z¡jw ^h lub ) ¡Z jw ^ Similarly, define )Z¡jw +^ and %JZ¡jw +^ as follows. )Z¡jw +^-, %JZ¡jw +^-, 8 [<A5 § gosYHZ¡tjw +%+ [^:v.Âe Z\[^=c/ lub )Z¡jw +^ We first show that the continuity of %Z¡jw ^ at the point jw implies the continuity of %JZ¡jw 0^ at the point ¡ejw >e . We note that there exists a continuous function Z¡ejw 1^ ù with Z¡jw ^h jw and such that for any sufficiently ù near 0 we have the following. 9 YHZ Z¡jw +^}+&+ [^hYQZ¡tjw +%+ [^ ù We then get the following equation. %Z¡ejw +^>h2%Z ù Z;=3^7^ % Z¡jw ^ is continuous at the Since is continuous, and ù point jw , we get that % Z¡jw 4^ is continuous at the point ¡jw >e . z±We ­Ã­ now prove the lemma. The functions of the form í °Ã°±| é a converge uniformly to the function  Z[^ . This implies that for any ~D there exists a ´ such that for all BD´ we have the following. 9 )Z¡jw 6 ^ 5 ) Z¡jw & ^ 5)Z¡jw +^ But this in turn implies the following. 9 %Z¡jw ^: v % Z¡jw ^:v %JZ¡jw +^ (13) The lemma now follows from the continuity of the function %Z¡ejw +^ at the point ¡jw >e . Ä Theorem 4.1 can be interpreted as saying that for large sample sizes, and for values of jw other than the special phase transition values, the bound has a well defined value independent of the confidence parameter 6 and determined only by a smooth function  Z[^ . A similar statement can be made for the bound in theorem 3.3 — for large , and at points other than phase transitions, the bound is independent of 6 and is determined by a smooth limit curve. For the asymptotic analysis 3.3 we as "! of theorem sume an infinite sequence , W . , ! . , #$#}. # of hypothesis classes and an infinite sequence , W , , #$#} # of sam. ZG ² d6^ ples such that sample has size . Let and j Z ² ,6^ be Z ² ,6^ and j Z ² <6^ respectively . and . defined to hypothesis class sample relative ² Let 7 Z ^ be the set of hypotheses in having an . empirical error of exactly ² in the sample . Let 8 Z ² ^ be )%*ZgZ K+ 7 Z ² ^$+ ^ . In the analysis of z±­Ã­ a °Ã°±| theorem 3.3 we allow that the functions 9 are only locally uniformly convergent to a continuous function 8 Z[^ , i.e., for any [AN § and any QD there exists an integer ´ and real number :HD satisfying the following. 8 Z$¥}¥¹] ¦$¦^ 9 9 8 Z¯]_^}+ 1_ D´3`1]"A5Z[ :`0[>; c :g^+ v Locally uniform convergence plays a role in the analysis in section 6. z±­Ã­ °Ã°±| Theorem 4.2 If the functions 9 a locally 8 ¬ Z[converge uniformly < to a continuous function ^ then, for any z à ­ ­ íÜ °Ã° | 2 also converge fixed value of 6 , the functions a z±­Ã­ °Ã°±| locally uniformly to 8 Z[^ . If the convergence of ¬ a 9 z à ­ ­ íÜ Ã ° ° | 2 . is uniform, then so is the convergence of a Proof: Consider an arbitrary value [KA and . We will construct the desired ´ and : . More specifically, select ´ sufficiently large and : sufficiently small that we have the following properties. I Ö ÆÐÐ ½ ÑÑ È I3$ Æ{½ È JK = ? Ø >A@ ò = C ½ BJÆ E Ë DCFHG3ò=Ë Ò FHG È æ D L æ Ø æ æ æ æ æ æ 95 9 8 8 1 ]?AlZ\[ :0[äc :G^M+ Z¹]3^ Z[^$+tv DB ´ c !±÷ )&*=Z ² ^ 2 u 9 ON ´ : )&*~´ v ´ 9 Consider an D ´ and ]qAÚZ[ :`d[scP:g^ . It now suffices to show the following.  j Z$¥$¥{]§¦}¦e06^ 9 8 Z¹]_^ æ v æ æ æ æ æ æ æ Because 7 Z$¥$¥{] ¦$¦^ is a subset of Z8¥}¥{]§¦}¦6^ we have the following. 8 Z$¥}¥¹] ¦$¦^ j Z$¥}¥¹] ¦$¦e>6^ 9? k k?8 Z¹]3^ z±­Ã­ ¬ íÜ b¡°Ã° | 2 as follows. We can also upper bound + Z8¥}¥¹] ¦}¦76^$+¤v þ v þ v þ v Qf Qf R b Qf æ è 9 R zVU z 9 w b R þ zV U z ¡b | é X W | ?w 9è v v 8 Z¹]3^=c v 8 Z¹]3^=cY ej Z8¥}¥¹] }¦ ¦>6^ þ | zVU z w è æ z w 9 R Qf æ è b b ?S ´ æ /T æ æ æ7 c þ | éXW | b}| é X W | )%* æ z±­Ã­ °Ã°±| A similar argument shows that ifz±­Ã­9 a converges a °Ã°±| 8 uniformly to Z[^ then . Ä ­Ã­ does ¬ 9 [í Ü Z z±so a °Ã° 2 | Given quantities that converge uniformly to 8 Z[^ the remainder of the analysis is identical to that for the asymptotic analysis of (9). We define the following upper bounds. z­Ã­ ¬ íÜ °Ã° | é xyz Ü \ Ü z ç±Ü | 2 ç | a ^î ] ï ì lub à a å ß { a èU z xyz Ü \ Ü z ç±Ü | ç | a| ` lub _ ß a å { a 9 a Again we say that jw is at a è phase transition if the funcj Z¡jw ^ is discontinuous at the value jw . We then get tion % the following whose proof is identical to that of theorem 4.1. j Z¡jw ^ is continuous at the Theorem 4.3 If the bound %J z­Ã­ are not at a phase transition), and the point jw (so we °Ã°±| converge uniformly to 8 Z\[^ , then we functions 9 a have the following. j Z¡jw ^ )& % % j Z¡jw ^>h %J 5 Asymptotic Optimality of (9) Formula (9) can be viewed as providing an upper bound on w Z\_^ as a function of jw Z\_^ and the function  . In this section we show that for any entropy curve  and value jw there exists a hypothesis class and data distribution such that the upper bound in (9) is realized up to asymptotic equality. Up to asymptotic equality, (9) is the tightest possible! bound computable from jw Z¢£^ and the numbers ÂeZ ^ , #$#}# , ÂZ ^ . The classical VC dimensions bounds are nearly op! ejw Z¢c timal over bounds computable from b$^ and the class . The numbers ÂZ ^ , #}#$# , ÂZ ^ depend on both and the data distribution. Hence the bound in (9) uses information about the distribution and hence can be tighter than classical VC bounds. A similar statement applies ! to the bound in theorem (3.3) computed from the empirically observable numbers Âej Z ^ , #$#}# , Âej Z ^ . In this case, the bound uses more information from the sample than just jw Z¢£^ . The optimality theorem given here also differs from the traditional lower bound results for VC dimension in that here the lower bounds match the upper bounds up to asymptotic equality. The departure point for our optimality analysis is the following lemma from [2]. Lemma 5.1 (Cover and Thomas) If ] j is the fraction of heads out of tosses of a coin where the true probability of heads is ] then for [,k] we have the following. f_yxyz b}| psrtZ]F j ku[^:k w a { Nc This lower bound on psrtZ]V j k¤[^ is very close to Chernof d f’s 1952 upper bound (1). The tightness of (9) is a direct reflection of the tightness (1). To exploit Lemma 5.1 we need to construct hypothesis classes and data distributions where distinct hypotheses have independent training errors. we say that a ! More specifically, trainset of hypotheses #}#}#$fe has independent ! e£^ are ing errors if the random variables jw Z\ ^ , #$#}# , ejw Z¢g independent. By an argument similar to the derivation of (3) from (1) we can prove the following from Lemma 5.1. » Ò m¡È h&i S Í MÆ j0k¹Ô§Æ ½ ¼ ò ½ ÈιΠ½ EÈ l Ó¹Ô_Æ × È D Ó¹Ô_Æ®Øn l ó (14) Ø T . Lemma 5.2 . Let @ be any finite set, a random variable, and od 7;=P68 a formula . such that for every ;FA?@ and 6F. Dµ we have psrtZVod ;768^< . kµ6 , and psrtZ«13;A @ od ;J68^"r p h qts psr Zuod J; z J68^ . We then ã L . w v . | have 136mDu1 2 ;HAJw @ od 7;= . Ls Proof: z z . | | z psrtVZ od ; z ®^ k Ls | . 9 Ls | ^ v psrtVZ x+od 7;= f y { ÿ Ls z LM | }~ | v w z f z . | | psrtZ«13;FA? @ x+od `; h6 ^ v w Ls Ä Now define cbZ ² ^ to be the hypothesis of minimal 4 training error in the set Z ² ^ . Let glb 8;So ; denote the lower bound (the minimum) of the 4 greatest ;§ . We now have the following lemma. set $;Fo ! Z8¥}¥[8 ¦}¦^ are Lemma 5.3 If the hypotheses. in the class independent then 136<D , 1 2 , 13[,Al #}#}#$ , xyz z Ü ¬ fK ç | | ¨ y { a y { { a y { ì Üç z z || glb ç Ü à å â a ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ è è 5.2 let [ be a fixed rational Proof: To prove lemma ² number of the form . Assuming independent hypotheses. wev can applying Lemma 5.3 to (14) to get 1G6?Dµ , 1 2 , ?A Z ² ^ , z f z% ! f z z í | é | xyz zÜz ¬ z z || ç | ç || ç || a ¨ â â { â ! Let be the hypothesis in Z\[^ satisfying 9 this formula. bZ[^7^yvEjw Z ^ and [ vw Z ^v[ . We now have jw Z¢c . These two conditions imply 136,Du , 1 2 , ! 9 YQZ(&*=Z¡jw Z\beZ[^7^7[ ^}+&+ [^ k í z a | f z% ! f é | z | This implies the following. ż ÆÇÆ Ë ÃÈ È`É glb ż Ì Í ÆMj0k¹Ô_Æ Å ¼ ò=ËzD É Ö Ö » Ö » È Î¹Î È Ë H ^ ! Lemma 5.2 now follows by quantification over [?A #}#$#} . Ä For [UAE we have that lemma 3.1 implies the following. x Ü ­Ã­ f î ç { a °Ã° ï Ü zÜ z±­Ã­ ç °Ã°±|| glb ç â a å aÿ a aa y { î ï è bounds on the quanWe now have upper and lower tity jw Z\ bZ8¥}¥[8¦$¦^7^ which agree up z±­Ã­ to asymptotic equality í °Ã°±| converges (point— in a large limit where a wise) to a continuous function Âe Z\[^ we have that the bZ$¥$¥[8¦}¦^^ both converge upper and lower bound on jw Z¢c (pointwise) to the following. jw Z¢ b Z[^7^h glb £m jw oeYQZ¡jw +&+ [^:. v  Z[^ bZ[^^ is a continuous funcThis asymptotic value of jw Z\ tion of [ . Since [ is held fixed in calculating the bounds on jw Z$¥$¥[8¦$¦^ , phase transitions are not an z±­Ã­ issue and unií °Ã°±| a form convergence of the functions is not required. Note that for large and independent hypothe bZ\[^^ is ses we get that jw Z\ z±­Ã­ determined as a function of í °Ã°±| a the true error rate [ and . The following lemma states that any limit function  Z¹]_^ is consistent with the possibility that hypotheses are independent. This, together with lemma 5.2 implies ! uniform bound that no on w Z\_^ as a function of jw Z\_^ and + Z ^}+ , #$#}# , + Z ^$+ can be asymptotically tighter than (9). Theorem 5.4 Let Âe Z¯]_^ be any continuous function of ]Aq . There ! exists an infinite sequence of hypothesis spaces ! , W , , #}#$# , and sequence of data distributions Y , Y W , Y , #$#}# such that each class has independent zhypotheses for data distribution Y and ­Ã­ í b°Ã°±| such that converges (pointwise) to  Z¹]3^ . Uz Z í | Z ¡ ^}+hBw Proof: First we show that if + z±­Ã­ í b¡°Ã°±| then the functions U z Z converge (pointwise) to Âe Z¯]_^ . í | Assume + Z ¡ ^}+£hÚw . In this case we have the following.  Z8¥}¥¹] ¦}¦^ h  Z$¥$¥{]§¦}¦^ ? Since Âe z±Z¯]_ ­Ã­ ^ is continuous, for any fixed value of ] we get í b¡°Ã°±| that converges to  Z¹]3^ . Recall that Y isa probability distribution on pairs ;> with nA8§ and ;uA5@ for some set @ . We take to be a disjoint union of sets Z ² ^ where ! selected as above. Let , , be the el+ Z ² ^$+ is } # $ # # ù ù¢ ements of with £BhÚ+ be the set of all + . Let @ £ -bit bit strings and define ù ¡ Z;_^ to be the value of ¤ th bit of the bit vector ; . Now define the distribution Y on pairs ;> by selecting to be 1 with probability 1/2 and then selecting each bit of ; independently where with probability the ¤ th bit is selected to disagree with ² Z3² ^ . Ä where ´ is such that A ù ¡ 6 Relating ¦ ¥ and ¦ In this section we show that in large limits of the type discussed in section 4 the histogram of empirical errors need not converge to the histogram of true errors. So even in the large asymptotic limit, the bound given by theorem 3.3 is significantly weaker than the bound given by (9). To show that ej Z$¥$¥[8¦$¦e6^ can be asymptotically different from ÂZ$¥$¥[8¦$¦^ we consider the case of independent hypotheses. More specifically, given a continuous function Âe Z¯]_^ we "! construct an infinite sequence of hypothesis spaces , W , ! , #$#}# and an infinite sequence of data distributions Y , Y W , Y , #$#}# using the construction in the proof of theorem ??. We note that if  Z¹]3^ is differentiable with bounded derivative then the z±­Ã­ í b¡°Ã°±| converge uniformly to  Z¯]_^ . functions For a given infinite sequence data. ! distributions we . . W , , #}#$# , by generate an infinite sample sequence , . selecting to consists of pairs ;=t drawn IID Y . For a given sample sequence and from distribution A we define jw Z¢£^ and j Z_ ² m6^ in a manner . 6^ but for sample similar to jw Z\_^ and Âj Z ² . The main result of this section is the following. z±­Ã­ Statement 6.1 If each has independent hypotheses í b¡°Ã°±| under data distribution Y , and the functions converge uniformly to a continuous function  Z¹]3^ , then for any 6KD¸ and ]EAV § , we have the following with probability 1 over the generation of the sample sequence. j Z8¥}¥¹] ¦}¦76^ 9 )% & h ¨ §©«}ª ¬ [! ­ Âe Z\[^ YQZ¹]+%+ [^ a 㬠We call this a statement rather than a theorem because the proof has not been worked out to a high level of rigor. Nonetheless, we believe the proof sketch given below can be expanded to a fully rigorous argument. Before giving sketch we note that the limz±the ­Ã­ proof ¬ íÜ b¡°Ã° 2 | iting value of is independent of 6 . This is j Z¹]3^ as follows. consistent with theorem 4.2. Define  9 j Z¹]_6  ^ ,¨§©«$ª ¬ u! ­ Âe Z\[^ YQZ¹]+%+ [^ a 㬠j Z¯]_^"kr Z¯]_^ . This gives an asymptotic verNote that sion of lemma 3.2. 9 ButW since YQZ¯]`+&+ [^ can be locally [^ (up to its second order Taylor approximated as ®Z¹] expansion), if  Z¯]_^ is increasing at the point ] then we j Z¹]3^ is strictly larger than  Z¹]3^ . also get that Proof Outline: To prove! statement 6.1 we first de Z¹]d[ ^ for ]7[5AÚ J# to be the set fine $#}#$ Z[^ such that jw Z¢£^Qh ] . Intuitively, of all IA Z¯]=U[^ is the set of concepts with true error rate near [ that have empirical error rate ] . Ignoring factors that are only polynomial in , the probability of a hypothesis with true error rate [ having empirical f_yxyz erb | ror rate ] can be written as(approximately) w { a . So the expected Z¹][^ can be written as f3:xz size of b | + + w yxyz alternatively, as U z Z[^$f_ z íU z | f_xyz b |(approximately) a , or~ í | b {| | w a w a { a or w { a . More formally, we have the following for any fixed value of ] and [ . )& % )&*=Z(gZ hKGZ E ZP+ ÂZ\[^ Z$¥$¥{]§¦}¦e,¥$¥[8¦$¦^}+ ^^7^ 9 YHZ¹]`+&+ [^^ We now show that the expectation can be eliminated from the above limit. First, consider distinct values of 9 ] and [ such that Âe Z\[^ YQZ¯]`+&+ [^D¤ . Since ] and distinct, the probability that a fixed hypothesis in [ are Z8¥}¥[8¦}¦^ is in Z8¥}9 ¥¹] ¦}¦"¥$¥[8¦}¦^ declines exponenYHZ¹]`+&+ [^:Du the expected size tially in . Since  Z[^ of Z$¥$¥{] ¦$¦e ¥}¥[8¦}¦^ grows exponentially in . Since the hypotheses are independent, the distribution of posZ8¥}¥¹] ¦}¦,¥}¥[8¦}¦^$+ becomes essentially sible values of + a Poisson mass distribution with an expected number of arrivals growing exponentially in . The probability Z$¥}¥¹] ¦$¦e5¥}¥[8¦$¦^$+ deviates from its expectation that + by as much as a factor of 2 declines exponentially in . We say that a sample sequence is safe after ´ if for all D¸´ we have that + Z$¥$¥{] ¦$¦e¥}¥[8¦$¦^$+ is within a factor of 2 of its expectation. Since the probability of being unsafe at declines exponentially in , for`9any 6 there exists a ´ such that with probability at least 6 the sample sequence is safe after ´ . 09 So for any 6nDI 6 the sequence we have that with probability at least is safe after some ´ . But since this holds for all 6JDS , with probability 1 such a ´ must exist. )%*=ZgZ 8+ Z$¥$¥{]§¦}¦e,¥$¥[8¦$¦^}+ ^^ )& & 9 h  Z[^ ? YQZ¹]+%+ [^ We now define  Z8¥}¥{]§¦}¦T¥$¥[8¦$¦^ as follows.  Z8¥}¥¹] ¦}¦m¥}¥[8¦$¦+ ^ ,K)%*ZgZ ~+ Z$¥$¥{]§¦}¦e,¥$¥[8¦$¦^}+ ^^ It is also possible to show for ]n z±­Ãhº ­ [ ¬ we ­Ã­ have that with í b¡°Ã ° °Ã°±| a probability 1 we have that approaches 9  Z¹]_^ and that for distinct ] and [ with  Z[^ YQZ¹]+%+ [^:v z­Ã­ ¬ ­Ã­ í °Ã° °Ã°±| a a approaches 0. Putting we have that theseð together yields that with probability 1 we have the following. Ó kj Ï Ö ÆÐPÐ ½ ÑØ Ñ8ò ÐÐ Ë$ÑÑ È n ¾ j±H² Æ¿ ò $ Æ Ë È DÍ Æ{½GÎ¹Î Ë ÈÃÈ (15) Ï Ö ¯1° Define 7 Z ² ^ and 8 Z ² ^ as in section 4. We now have the following equality. ¬µ´´´ ¬ ` Z¹]>[^ 7 Z¯]_^> h ³ _ a ã Wez will now show that with probability 1 we have that b}| 9 approaches  j Z¯]_^ . First, 9 consider a ]QA5 such j Z¹]3^:Du . Let Since  Z[^ YQZ[ +&+ ]_^ is a continuous that  9 $¬ u! ­ function, and is a compact set, §©«ª  Z\[^ ã ¬ a at some value [ b Au § . Let YQZ¯]`+&+ [^ must be realized 9 ¶[ b be8 such that  Z¶ [ b$^ YQZ¯]`+&+ ¶ [ b$^ equals Âj Z¹]_^ . We have Z$¥}¥¹] ¦$¦^JkV Z$¥}¥¹] ¦$¦e5¥}¥¶ [ b¦}¦^ . This, together that with (15), implies the following. 8 Z$¥$¥{] ¦$¦^ j Z¹]_^ & & * · )& k  We will now sequence is safe at say that the sample and ² if + Z8¥}¥{]§ ¦}¦ U¥}¥ ² ¦}¦^}+ does not exceed twice Z8¥}¥¹z±] ­Ã­¦}¦m¥}¥[¶b¦}¦^}+ . Assuming unithe expectation of + í b¡°Ã°±| form convergence of , the probability of not ² being safe at and declines exponentially in at a rate at least as fast as the rate of decline of the probabil[ b¦}¦ . By the union ity of not being safe at and ¥$¥¶ bound this implies that for a given the probability that there exists an unsafe ² also declines exponentially. We say that the sequence is safe after £ if it D £ . The probabilis safe for all and ² with ¸ ity of not being being safe after £ also declines exponentially with £ . By an argument similar to that given above, this implies that with probability 1 over the choice of the sequence there exists a £ such that the sequence is safe after £ . But if we are safe at then +7 Z$¥}¥¹] ¦$¦^}+mv ¹+ ; Z¹]q¥}¥¶ [ b¦$¦^$+ . This implies the following. 8 Z8¥}¥{]§¦}¦^ j Z¹]3^ º v )&% § ©gª Putting the two bounds together we get the following. 8 Z$¥$¥{]§¦}¦^ j Z¹]_^ )% & h Âe The above argument establishesz±­Ã(to ­ some level of |°Ã° j Z¯]_^ . It is rigor) pointwise convergence of 9 to Âe also possible to establish a convergence rate that is a continuous function of ] . This implies that the converz±­Ã­ b¡°Ã°±| gence of 9 can be made locally uniform. Theorem 4.2 then implies the desired result. Ä 7 Future Work A practical difficulty with the bound implicit in theorem 3.3 is that it is usually impossible to enumerate the elements of an exponentially large hypothesis class and hence impractical to compute the histogram of training errors for the hypotheses in the class. In practice the values of ÂZ ² ^ might be estimated using some form of Monte-Carlo Markov chain sampling over the hypotheses. For certain hypothesis spaces it might also be possible to directly calculate the empirical error distribution without evaluating every hypothesis. Here we have emphasized asymptotic properties of our bound but we have not addressed rates of convergence. For finite sample sizes the rate at which the bound converges to its asymptotic behavior can be important. Before mentioning some ways that the convergence rate might be improved, however, we note that near phase transitions standard notions of convergence rate are inappropriate. Near a phase transition the bound is “un stable” — replacing 6 by 6 can alter the bound significantly. In fact, near a phase transition it is likely that w Z\ b ^ is significantly different for different samples even though jw Z\ b}^ is highly predictable. Intuitively, we would like a notion of convergence rate that measures the size of the “region of instability” around a phase transition. As the sample size increases the phrase transition becomes sharper and the region of instability smaller. It would be nice to have a formal definition for the region of instability and the rate at which the size of this region goes to zero, i.e., the rate at which phase transitions in the bound become sharp. The rate of convergence of our bound might be improved in various ways: » Removing the discretization of true errors. » Using one-sided bounds. » » Using nonuniform union bounds over discrete values of the form ² . » Tightening the Chernoff bound using direct calculation of Binomial coefficients. Improving Lemma 3.4. The above ideas may allow one to remove all )%*`ZF^ terms from the statement of the bound. 8 Conclusion Traditional PAC bounds are stated in terms of the training error and class size or VC dimension. The computable bound given here is typically much tighter because it exploits the additional information in the histogram of training errors. The uncomputable bound uses the additional (unavailable) information in the distribution of true errors. Any distribution of true errors can be realized in a case with independent hypotheses. We haveð shown that in such cases this uncomputable bound is asymptotically equal to actual generalization error. Hence this is the tightest possible bound, up to asymptotic equality, over all bounds expressed as functions of jw Z\ b}^ and the distribution of true errors. We have also shown that the use of the histogram of empirical errors results in a bound that, while still tighter than traditional bounds, is looser than the uncomputable bound even in the large sample asymptotic limit. Acknowledgments: Yoav Freund, Avrim Blum, and Tobias Scheffer all provided useful discussion in forming this paper. References [1] David Haussler, Michael Kearns, H. 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