Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is economic growth? A process where by real per capita income increases over a long g period p of time. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: what is economic development? Economic Growth coupled with the structural changes in the Economy. y Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is dual economy? Co‐existence of both ancient and modern technologies in the economy. y Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: Who used the term ‘sustainable development’ for the first time? Brundtland d l d Commission. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: Write the formula to find PQLl. LEI IMI BLI PQLI = LEI+IMI+BLI 3 Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is the meaning of human development index? Measurement off human h development through longetivity, health and education, and standard p p of life of the people. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: Write the formula to find HDI. LEI+EAI+SLI HDI = 3 Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is primary data? Data which is originally g y collected by an investigator for the first time. time Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: Write the meaning of secondary data. Data D t which hi h iis already l d collected ll t d by others. Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: Mention the sources of secondary data. A) PUBLISHED SOURCES :‐ i) Govt. and non‐govt. orgns. ii) Private agencies. iii) Records of various depts.. Business enterprises, research reports. Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: Mention the sources of secondary data. A) PUBLISHED SOURCES :‐ i) Govt. and non‐govt. orgns. ii) Private agencies. agencies iii) Records of various depts.. Business enterprises, enterprises research reports. B) Un p published blished Reports & Records Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is time series data? Data D t collected ll t d on th the same entity with different time period. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is cross ‐section data? Data D t collected ll t d on diff differentt entities for a single time period. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is survey data? Data D t collected ll t d th through h survey or sample or enquiry. Ex. Exit poll survey. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is census data? Record R d off each h and d every item it of the Universe. Ex. Census once in every ten years. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is census data? Record R d off each h and d every item it of the Universe. Ex. Census once in every ten years. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is a Table? Systematic arrangement of Statistical data in columns & Rows. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is Bar‐Diagramme? Presentation P t ti off d data t with ith th the help of equidistant rectangles. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is Pie‐Diagramme? Representation of data in the form of a circle which includes different segments. segments Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is Structural Adjustment Programme? The micro Th i economic i measures or policies adopted by the govt. to bring the changes in the structure of the economy. economy Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is stabilization programme? Measures to maintain balance and to avoid higher variations in the economy. economy Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: When was New Economic Reforms introduced? In the year 1991 Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is Globalisation? Opening up of the Indian economy to world market by attaining International competitiveness. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: Give the meaning of Privatisation. Sale of Govt. owned equity in Nationalized industries or other commercial enterprises to pvt. Investors. Chapter 1 Chapter-1. ONE MARK QUESTIONS Q: What is Liberalisation? Removal of controls and hurdles imposed by Govt. on the economy. TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Mention any four differences between economic i growth th and dd development. l t GROWTH • Quantitative • Measurement in terms of PCI. • Macro Economic study. • Narrow concept. p DEVELOPMENT • Qualitative • In terms of National Income. • Micro Economic study. • Wider concept. p TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Mention the features(objectives) of sustainable development development. • Accelerating economic growth. • Meeting the basic needs. • Improving p g the livingg standard. • Maximising the net benefits of economic development. development • Inter‐ Generational‐Equity. • Clean environment Protection TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Mention any four features of developed countries countries. • High Per‐capita and National Income. • Higher Industrialization. • Higher capital formation. • Low level of Poverty and Unemployment. • Low Growth of Population. • High h level l l off Technology. h l • Large Scale production of goods and services. Etc., TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: What is the meaning of ‘developed country’?? Give examples. country examples A Developed country is one which has achieved maximum economic development, p , where there is high g PCI,, High Standard of living and Natural Resources are completely utilized. utilized Ex. Ex USA, UK, AUS, CANADA, GERMANY Etc., Etc TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: What are ‘developing countries’? Give examples. examples A Developing country is one which is achieving progress in economic, social and other sectors byy usingg its natural resources. Ex. India, China, Brazil etc Brazil, etc., TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: List the differences between primary and secondary data. data PRIMARY DATA • Original. Original • Collected for the first time. • They are like Raw materials. • Collection is costly. • Less reliable. • No extra care is needed. SECONDARY DATA • Not Original • Already collected by others. • Like final goods • Cheap and easy. • More reliable. • Extra care is must in use use. TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Name the parts of a Table. 1. Table No. 2. Title. 3. Captions and Stubs. 4 Body of the Table 4. Table. 5. Head Note 6 Foot 6. F t note. t 7. Source note. TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: State the structural adjustment programmes. programmes 1. Industrial De‐regulation. g 2. Dis‐lnvestments. 3 Public enterprises reforms. 3. reforms 4. Trade and capital inflow reforms. f Et Etc., TWO MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Name the stabilization programmes. 1.Fiscal sector reforms. 2 Financial sector refirms. 2. refirms 3. Foreign exchange rate policy reforms. f 4. Wage and Income policy reforms. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? The following changes in the Indian economy over the last 60 years clearly prove that India is a developing economy:‐ FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? India s Net National Product India’s (NNP) at factor cost (national income) was Rs.1,32,367 Rs 1 32 367 crore in 1950‐51 and it has increased to Rs.64,66,860 crores in i 2010‐2011 FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? There is a rise in PCI from Rs. 3,687 in 1950‐51 to Rs. 54,527 in 2010‐2011. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? The share of tertiary sector (service sector) in the gross domestic product has increased from 27.5% in 1950‐51 to 57.7% in 2010‐11 FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? There is continuous rise in agricultural production and India has achieved the stage of self self‐ sufficiency in terms of food grains. It is also able to build up buffer stocks of food grains for lean periods. i d FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? At present there is growth of basic capital goods industries. A large number of industries have been developed in large scale like iron and steel, heavy chemicals, nitrogenous, fertilizers heavy engineering, machine tools, aluminum, petroleum products. Etc. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? There has been substantial progress in science and technology. Sophisticated machines and instruments are produced within the country with the indigenous scientific and technical h i l kknow‐how. h FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? There has been a considerable improvement in the provision of infrastructural facilities and social security services. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? Transport and communication facilities have been extended and there has been a remarkable improvement in power supply supply. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India Called a developing economy? Banking and financial facilities have been expanded. Over th O the llastt 60 years, the th inequalities i liti in i the distribution of income and wealth h have been b reduced d d through th h progressive i taxation, increased public expenditure, social i l security it measures etc. t FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Why is India called a developing economy? There have been desirable changes in the society over the last 60 years because of urbanisation and the spread of education. The caste system, untouchability and superstitious beliefs are on the decline. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS Q: Explain Economic Reforms of Main Sectors. Sectors The economic reforms introduced by the Government of India since July 1991 may be discussed under the following sectors. a: Fiscal sector reforms b: Industrial sector reforms c: Financial sector reforms d: Public sector reforms e: External sector reforms FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS a: Fiscal sector reforms • Exemption limit of income tax has increased to Rs. 1,60,000 per year • Reduction of the rate of income tax from 40% to 30%. • Reduction of corporation tax on domestic companies to 30%. • Reduction of export import tax from 300% to 58%. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS • Five yeas tax holiday has been introduced f infrastructure for f and d smallll Industries. d • New incentives to tax savers. • Increasing service taxes and d reduction d off subsidies, • Widening id i the h tax base b to bring b i more revenue to the government f ex:‐ withdrawal for i hd l tax off 2005. • Introduction of Value Added Tax. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS b: Industrial sector reforms • Abolition Ab li i off licensing li i system and d lif lifting i allll restrictions on private industries. • Reduction R d ti off public bli sector t industries i d t i to t only 3 areas and all other Industries are left t private to i t sector. t This Thi gave a big bi boost b t for f the growth of private sector in India. • Foreign F i direct di t investment i t t limit li it was raised i d from 40% to 51% FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS b: Industrial sector reforms • Giving Gi i automatic t ti approvall for f foreign f i technology agreements. • Government brought several changes in the MRTP Act. • Special p incentives have been given g for export industries. • Encouraging private industries in infrastructure sectors. • Government allowed 100% foreign investment in selected industries, FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS c: Financial sector reforms • Liberalisingg the restrictions on banks and other financial institutions. • Deregulation of lending rates and giving freedom for banks. • Progressive reduction of CRR & SLR • Giving complete autonomy to public sector banks banks. • New generation private banks and foreign insurance companies are allowed to function parallel with public sector banks. • Empowerment of securities and exchange board of India (SEBI) FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS d: Public sector reforms • The number of industries reserved for public p sector have been reduced form 17 to 3 • The major sick industries will be either closed or transferred to private sector. • Selling the shares of public sector industries to private people. • Government has introduced VRS • Reduction d i off b budgetary d support to public sector industries. FIVE & TEN MARKS QUESTIONS e: External sector reforms • Reduction of import taxes from 300% to just 58%. • Full convertibility of rupee in the current account has been introduced to promote exports. • Quota system has been abolished and bi bi‐lateral lateral trade agreements have been encouraged. Settingg up o of SSEZss to e encourage cou age e exports po ts • Sett