Oct – Nov ’03 ISSUE 94 SAN FRANCISCO BICYCLE COALITION PROMOTING THE BICYCLE FOR EVERYDAY TRANSPORTATION FREE What Would You Do as Mayor? Swervey \’swer-vã\ (n): A survey taken on the streets of San Francisco by SFBC volunteers who grab passing bicyclists – sometimes causing them to swerve and avoid hitting us – in order to ask questions SFBC Endorses Matt Gonzalez for Mayor, Yes on Prop K ur members have spoken and now it’s official! The SFBC has officially endorsed Board of Supervisors President Matt Gonzalez in November’s mayoral race. “Matt Gonzalez has shown leadership and effectiveness in promoting sustainable transportation in San Francisco,” says Leah Shahum, SFBC Executive Director. “We are at a crucial point in expanding the citywide Bicycle Network. Matt, as Board President, has stepped up unequivocally to prioritize the goal of making biking easier, safer, and more convenient. The Coalition is O THIS TUBE TIMES SWERVEY took place on Valencia and Duboce as well as Market and Gough and asked, "If you were elected mayor in November, what would you do to make San Francisco the best city for bicycling in the United States?" Aubrey (Upper Haight) “More bike racks and close Market St. to automobile traffic.” INTERVIEWS AND PHOTOS BY DAVID GARTNER Bob (Dolores Park) about bicycling in the city. Christian (North Berkeley) Margaret (looking for an apartment) “More bike racks – the stupid new parking meters are kind of a pain in the ass, to tell the truth.” “Start with more bike lanes, wider bike lanes, and more green areas.” Jeff (Mission) “Put in more bike lanes and add monorails to the city to eliminate the cars completely.” Jeremy (Tenderloin) “I would build an elevated bikeway throughout the city, similar to the ‘L’ (elevated) Train in Chicago, that would just be for bikes that would completely separate the traffic from the bikes.” Stacy (Castro) www.sfbike.org NEW TRAFFIC CIRCLES & BIKE RIGHTS SIGNS p 3 WOMEN BIKING IN THE MIDDLE EAST p 6 “I would probably put the bike lanes on the sidewalk like in Germany.” “I would do a big education program to teach drivers and bicyclists both that they need to share the road and behave properly towards one another, because right now it’s just ugly.” Nathan (East Bay) “I’d do something about Market Street.” Adriana (Barcelona) “Obviously more bike lanes, more bike racks, and that you don’t have to wear a helmet.” MOUNTAIN BIKING? IN SAN FRANCISCO? p 8 From Leah’s Desk TUBE TIMES Members Provide the Resources to Carry Out Our Mission never stop being amazed at the determination of Bike Coalition members. Ten years’ worth of advocacy won bike lanes on Fell Street this summer. The renewed energy to start dozens of member-led committees is building support for the top 20 Bike Network projects. And then the ways individual members continually save the day by responding to our calls for last-minute help. (You know who you are, and there are literally hundreds of you each month. Thank you!) In my first year as Executive Director, I have been amazed by people’s depth of support – and particularly their financial generosity — for the work we’re doing together. I expected fundraising among the membership to be one of the most challenging and intimidating parts of my job but, in fact, it’s one of the easiest and most rewarding. SFBC members understand the importance of our work and they generously support it with time and money, both of which are essential. We are unusual for a nonprofit group in that a healthy portion of our funding comes directly from members, through annual dues and special contributions. And it’s a good thing because this is a difficult time, to say the least, for winning foundation grants or government contracts. So financial support from the membership means more now than ever, because we’re aiming to I Investment in Membership Shows Results I had the opprotunity to ride the new bike lane on Fell St. (along with several other lanes) to the Power to the Peaceful event in Golden Gate Park. And this served as a hearty reminder that my membership-renewal request had been on my desk for a few days. The ride on that short stretch between Divisadero and the Panhandle was soooo worth any money I have given in the past and will in the future. Then I got to the event and had the finest of bike parking volunteers hold onto my ride. Just figured I should sent a word of thanks with my renewal, rather than you thanking me. achieve more than ever. Given our members’ expectations, strong local political support, the current unprecedented Bike Network planning effort, and the potential to increase local bike funding ten-fold (see Prop. K news, p. 9), it’s not only possible but highly likely that we will achieve our goal of making San Francisco a model biking city. Our success up to this point would not have been possible without members’ generous financial support and it won’t be possible to increase our success without your increased support. So please consider ways you can give a little extra to the Coalition in these last few months of the year. All members will receive a letter in November asking for an end-of-the-year gift. Our goal is to raise at least $10,000 from this annual campaign for the SFBC’s ongoing advocacy work. Please, give what you can. You’d probably be surprised at the difference even a small amount makes to our success. Or, if a single year-end gift doesn’t fit your budget, consider joining our monthly sustainer program, where giving $25 a month makes a big difference. And we’ll make it easier by reminding members of ways to support the SFBC year-round. For instance, does your employer offer company matches? This is an easy way to double your donation. Or do you know other bike enthusiasts who could support our work? Help us meet them, either through individual meetings, or presentations at a workplace, or at house parties. Do you have connections to grant-making foundations? Or fundraising ideas? Let us know. Another great way to offer support in the next few weeks is by helping us solicit donations from local businesses for our big Winterfest Auction and Party — our biggest event fundraiser of the year. (See p. 5) Golden Gate Park that day! Y’all rock! Car Crashes Are Worst According to the lead factoid in the Aug./Sept. ’03 Tube Times Index, just 12% of bike crashes involve a motor vehicle. True, but most bike crashes are merely falls, with little injury. In the U.S., collisions with motor vehicles have been found to increase the cyclist’s risk of hospitalization four-fold and to account for 90% of cycling fatalities, including 95% of fatalities among children. By failing to include these stats, the Index inadvertently contributed to the perception that bikes are inherently dangerous, when the danger actually arises from the presence of motor vehicles. Letters MARK HELLER Let us all thank the heroic volunteer valets who parked more than 5 0 0 bikes in PAGE 2 CHARLES KOMANOFF, RIGHT OF WAY NEW YORK CITY Thanks, Charles. The point we were trying to make was that being hit by a car in a serious collision happens less frequently than many novice riders think — and crashes of many kinds are avoidable with good traffic habits. Freedom from Oil Brings Peace While riding around the city, I often hear a car to my side keeping pace with me. I feel the driver leaning over to say something. I roll my eyes, and think “What now?” I look over, almost involuntarily, and brace for confrontation. Though I haven't stopped expecting drivers to unleash invective, since the war started in March, it hasn't happened to me. A few months ago I affixed a sign to the back of each of my bikes that reads “BICYCLING: A QUIET STATEMENT AGAINST OIL WARS.” A taxi driver I thought was gunning Matthew Hoover EDITOR tubetimes@sfbike.org Victor Pérez-Varela PRODUCTION Brandon Fine DISTRIBUTION Published six times a year by the SAN FRANCISCO BICYCLE COALITION 1095 Market St., Suite 215, San Francisco, CA 94103 phone: (415) 431-BIKE fax: (415) 431-2468 email: sfbc@sfbike.org www.sfbike.org The SFBC is a 4,200-member advocacy organization working to transform San Francisco’s streets and SFBC STAFF Mary Brown BIKE NETWORK DIRECTOR Michael Calfee MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR David Gartner, Amy Panella C O M M U N I T Y O U T R EA C H C O O R D I N A T O R S Josh Hart PROGRAM DIRECTOR Chris Hayashida Knight OPERATIONS MANAGER Leah Shahum EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dale Danley (President) Peggy da Silva • Chris Fenster (Treasurer) Carolyn Hanrahan • Sami Iwata Deb Janes • Ann Lyons • Gabriel Metcalf Pi Ra • Brian Smith • Darryll White his engine was instead making a fist in support as he passed. When I smiled at him he called out and waved as he drove away. A man in a truck gave me a smile and a nod. Coasting down from Twin Peaks recently, a woman leaned over to give me a serious thumbs-up, and her two girls smiled and waved at me as she pulled away. Yes, it’s hypocritical to use oil paid for with wars you say you don’t support. But I see these expressions of support as indications that plenty of drivers are ready to change. When we push to elimSend letters to tubetimes@sfbike.org or SFBC, 1095 Market St., #215, SF 94103. Please keep them brief; letters may be edited. Unclassified Ad PEDICAB FOR HIRE: Black and white pedicab with driver for hire for weddings, parades, and special events. Contact Keith Saggers by email (keithsaggers1@juno.com) or Traffic Circles Arrive in the Haight Page Street Bike Boulevard Next? n one of the boldest and most visible projects to date by the city’s new traffic-calming program, on August 5 the Department of Parking and Traffic (DPT) began installing trial traffic circles along Page and Waller Streets in the Haight. The goal of the project is to improve the neighborhood for bicyclists and pedestrians while decreasing vehicle emissions resulting from sudden braking and acceleration. Funding for the traffic circle project came from Bay Area Air Quality Management District, which approved a grant submitted by the City’s bicycle program. I Reaction to the circles has been mixed. Even frequent walkers and bicyclists are split in their opinion of the trial circles. Those in favor say the circles simplify intersection movements and allow bicyclists to maintain momentum, while beauti- fying the neighborhood (the permanent circles will feature landscaping). The most common concern we’ve heard is related to right-ofway and safety, and indeed field observations have noted that some drivers have interpreted the removal of stop signs to be an excuse to roll through an intersection without exercising due caution. San Francisco has more four-way stop intersections than perhaps any other city, so it may take some time and prodding to get residents accustomed to negotiating new traffic circles. To address safety concerns, the SFBC has been working with the DPT to get the word out about how to navigate a traffic circle in a safe and respectful manner (see sidebar). To improve the functioning of the circles, the DPT is planning to install "yield to pedestrians" pop-up signs at each approach to the circles, paint ladder crosswalks where Traffic Circle Navigation Guide n Yield and stop when necessary for pedestrians n Yield to vehicles already in the circle n Always drive (or ride) counter-clockwise (never cut to the left of a circle when making a left turn) n As a bicyclist, take the lane before entering a circle — it is “Bikes Allowed Use of Full Lane” Signs All Over Town You may have noticed new signs going up all around the city as part of the Coexist campaign reminding drivers and cyclists that, according to the California Vehicle Code, bicyclists have the right to ride in the middle of a narrow lane (CVC 21202). Getting this message out is particularly important to reduce the single largest cause of injury to OCTOBER–NOVEMBER 2003 cyclists in San Francisco — getting "doored" when passing a parked car. Ride outside the door zone whenever possible; it’s your right to be safe. The signs are being placed in critical areas along the Bicycle Network that don’t yet have bike paths and bike lanes. To determine the best placement and avoid unnecessary sign clutter, the SFBC volunteers find the circle at Page and Clayton a nice place for a picnic and some outreach to neighbors. appropriate, and install more detailed signage indicating how to make a left turn. They are also looking into the possibility of adding stop signs on cross streets, which the SFBC supports as an interim measure that will clarify right-of-way. Of course the SFBC’s top priority is safety — that’s why this project was initiated. We agree that the design needs to be tweaked to ensure safety of walkers and cyclists. We urge neighborhood residents to get behind the project and continue to work with DPT to improve the design. It would be a shame if neighbors threw out the baby (calmer, safer streets) with the bathwater (inappropriate driver behavior). The SFBC’s baby is a full-fledged bicycle boulevard along Page St. As a residential street paralleling major arterials (Oak and Fell), Page St. is an excellent candidate for a bike boulevard — a street that priori- tizes bicycle transportation by placing restrictions on through motor vehicle traffic. Bicycle boulevards typically feature prominent signage, DPT collected data including traffic volume, collision history, speed limits, street grades, number of lanes, curb lane width, presence of parking, presence of bus routes, presence of MUNI bus lane and/or tracks, and other factors. The SFBC wishes to thank the DPT Bicycle Program for taking the initiative to install these signs, which will help make everyone aware that coexisting isn’t just a way of life—it’s the law! traffic circles, stop signs on side streets giving priority to the bike boulevard, diverters that force drivers to make turns at major intersections, and cul-de-sacs that are permeable to bicycles, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles. Bicycle Boulevards are popular parts of bike networks in cities like Berkeley and Palo Alto, and they could become a common sight in San Francisco one day, with streets such as Shotwell in the Mission having potential for boulevard conversion. As for the future of the Page St. boulevard, SFBC members need to help rally support among Page and Waller St. neighbors, as anyone who lives within one block of a proposed circle will get to vote in early October whether to accept that circle or to remove it. If the circles are rejected, it will be difficult to continue developing a traffic-calming program in the Haight area. If you are interested in helping with the bike boulevard campaign, contact Josh Hart at joshua@sfbike.org “Full Lane” signs have been or will be installed on the following streets: ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` 2nd St. 5th St. 7th Ave. 10th St. 14th St. 17th St. Cesar Chavez Battery Bayshore Broadway Circular Clay Columbus Evans Francisco Great Highway ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` Lake Merced Larkin Marina Masonic McAllister Northpoint Page Point Lobos Post Sanchez Sansome Sloat Stockton Sutter Webster PAGE 3 rg ikeev.eonts, b f s . wwwupdated action for es, and s! rid item CHAIN OF EVENTS OCT – NOV ’03 The SFBC’s Cultural History Tours and Recreational Rides are free to SFBC members (a $5 donation is requested of nonmembers). Unless otherwise noted, call 431-BIKE or email tours@sfbike.org (for bike tours) or recride@sfbike.org (for rec. rides) for more information. Or visit our online calendar at www.sfbike.org. Rain cancels rides. VELO GIRLS SAN FRANCISCO/ NORTH BAY RIDE BICYCLE TREASURE HUNT Sat., Oct. 25 | Noon Lincoln Park, Alameda Join a couple hundred of your pedal pals for an uproarious, funfilled day of cycle sleuthing through the mysterious (and flat!) island of Alameda. For details, www.bayhunt.org or (510) 604-4821. SFBC SAN FRANCISCO CEMETERY TOUR Sat., Oct. 25 | 11am - 4pm Main Library, Fulton St steps Join the Velo Girls for a different SF/North Bay route each month at a moderate pace. Helmets are mandatory. Any non-Velo Girls members under the age of 18 wishing to ride must have parent/guardian accompany them to the ride start. Parent/guardian will be asked to sign a ride waiver. See www.velogirls.com for more information. Come and learn the spooky history of San Francisco's ban on the dead as we bike to sites of former cemeteries. We'll learn how thousands of acres of cemetery land were reclaimed for parks, schools, and housing, and where the unmarked graves are today. We'll visit some of SF's hidden treasures along the way including the Columbarium, the Wave Organ, and the Presidio Pet Cemetery. Contact Renee for details at renee_rivera@yahoo.com BIKE AGAINST THE ODDS CRITICAL MASS #134 & 135 Sat., Oct. 11 & Nov. 8 | 9:00 am Sports Basement, 1301 6th St Sun., Oct. 19 The Breast Cancer Fund is a national nonprofit working to identify and eliminate the environmental and preventable causes of breast cancer. Join TBCF and 800 cyclists for our inaugural one-day fundraising bike ride, with five routes of varying difficulty winding throughout the East Bay. Go to www.breastcancerfund.org for more info. Fri., Oct. 31 & Nov. 28 | 5:30pm Justin Herman Plaza (foot of Market St.) A car-free grand tour of San Francisco. Still organized and sponsored by No One, including You. Take the ride somewhere! Just get up front and go, we’ll follow. Also see www.critical-mass.org. Don’t forget your costume for the Halloween ride! SAN FRANCISCO MOUNTAIN BIKING TOUR MATT FOR MAYOR CAMPAIGN BIKE TOUR Sun., Nov. 9 | 10 a.m. - noon McLaren Lodge (Stanyan at Fell) Sun., Oct. 26 | 10am Matt for Mayor Headquarters, Horseshoe Cafe 568 Haight Street (between Fillmore and Steiner) This 12-mile loop ride with some hills will take us through Golden Gate Park, along Land's End to the Golden Gate Bridge, through the Presidio on the Bay Area Ridge Trail, and back via Park Presidio trail. Only some non-paved trails due to current restrictions, but the ride will highlight what could be legal in the future, why more off-road trails would be beneficial, and how it could be achieved. Bring plenty of water and a snack. Contact aaron@ sfmtb.com for details. SFBC VOLUNTEER NIGHT Every Wed. night | 5-9 pm SFBC HQ, 1095 Market St Ste 215 Every Wednesday come to the weekly SFBC Volunteer night to do the things that make our office run, munch on pizza and snacks, and enjoy the fine company of other cyclists. We can use your help! WALK/BIKE CALIFORNIA 2003 CONFERENCE Wed. - Sat., Oct. 15 - 18 Oakland Marriott Hotel The California Bicycle Coalition and the City of Oakland in association with California Walks are presenting a worldclass event that highlights the ability of walking and bicycling to relieve congestion, stimulate economic activity, increase transit use, and create safer and healthier communities throughout California and the western U.S. For details or to register, visit www.walkbikecalifornia.net. SFBC BOARD MEETING Tues., Oct. 21 & Nov. 17 6:30 - 8pm. SFBC HQ, 1095 Market St Ste 215 All members are invited to attend. Call 431-BIKE x22 for the agenda. At the TMobile International pro bike race in September, spectators got valet parking and information about the SFBC’s many projects. PAGE 4 Ride with Matt Gonzalez, SFBCendorsed candidate for San Francisco Mayor on this freewheeling tour of San Francisco. Matt will discuss issues important to his vision of the future of our city, including two-wheeled transportation. Join this rolling campaign rally as it spreads the message that Matt is the candidate who will help us build the citywide Bike Network. ELECTION DAY & TUBE TIMES SUBMISSION DEADLINE Tues., Nov. 4 Get out and vote, in person or by mail! (Final push to get Matt in Room 200 — SFBC and the Gonzalez campgaign ask cyclists to take all or part of the day off and hold up “Matt for Mayor” signs to get those last uncommited votes. Contact Gonzales HQ at 869-1485 to volunteer.) And do you know an issue that should be a letter to the editor? A recreational ride or cultural history bike tour that you'd like to lead? An etiquette question for the Advice Pedaler? All submissions are due to the Tube Times editorial staff by midnight tonight. Our deadline is always (near) the first of the month prior to the issue date. Email tubetimes@sfbike.org. VELOSWAP: SAN FRANCISCO Sat., Nov. 15 | 9am - 5pm The Cow Palace VeloSwap, a fundraiser to benefit the SFBC and the Northern California Mountain Biking Association, brings bikes, parts, demos, accessories, clinics, samples, and fun to the Cow Palace for your pedaling pleasure! Visit www.veloswap.com for details, and see p. 5. zFederal Bike/Ped Funding Restored On September 4, the U.S. House of Representatives cast a critical vote for bicycling. By a vote of 327 to 90, the House passed a bipartisan amendment to restore $600 million in funding for the Transportation Enhancements program, the source of most federal bike and pedestrian funding. The amendment restoring funding enjoyed considerable bipartisan support thanks to the diligent efforts of bicyclists across the nation, including dozens in San Francisco who contacted Congresswoman Pelosi, who voted to save the Transportation Enhancements program. Huge thanks to everyone who wrote letters, made calls, and let Congress know that the Enhancements program is important. You were heard! Many repre- sentatives spoke fervently in favor of bicycling and walking, saying that, "in some cases bike paths were as crowded as highways" in their district, and that bicycling and walking are "real transportation." This victory not only restores $600 million in dedicated funding for 2004, it puts the bicycle and pedestrian community on strong footing for the bigger battle over the reauthorization of TEA-21, the 6year transportation funding bill. For more information on this historic victory, go to www. americabikes.org. z Bike Lanes on Fell – Good Can Get Better After more than a decade of community organizing, bike lanes were finally, gloriously striped on Fell Street! The brand-spankin’ new bike lanes are long overdue relief to thousands of beleaguered bicyclists who use this three-block stretch of Fell to connect to the Panhandle. Much indebtedness to the early Fell campaigners, and thanks to the DPT Bicycle Program for developing a critic-proof study. One hundred supporters came out to celebrate, toast the new bike lanes, eat, drink and be generally merry at our celebration picnic on August 24. was scheduled to be adopted by the Authority on August 12. The agency, composed of mayoral appointees and charged with implementing Prop. J, chose not to adopt the plan, however, in part due to an appeal filed by the Alliance for Golden Gate Park to halt construction of the parking garage planned for the Music Concourse. The SFBC will be working to ensure that the Bike Plan is approved as soon as possible and that key safety projects aren’t held up unnecessarily. Quick Releases Unfortunately, the future of these bike lanes is not ensured! The DPT is conducting a six-month trial, after which, the bike lanes will need to again go before the Board of Supes for approval. The SFBC doesn’t feel quite finished with them either: we’re organizing to retime the stoplights to 25 mph, revoke the tow-away zone the length of Fell, and most important: MAKE THE LANES RED! These bike lanes are the perfect high-volume, high-speed, high-conflict zone for trying out a thick layer of colored asphalt. It would make the lanes more visible to drivers and more comfortable for bicyclists. For more info about colored bike lanes, check out www.sfbike.org/ bikeplan/streetdesign, or call Mary Brown at 431-BIKE x24. z GGP Park Bike Plan Delayed by Environmental Appeal The Golden Gate Park Bike Plan, produced by the SFBC over the last year for the Concourse Authority, z Music Concourse Garage Debate Heats Up The 800-car garage project has been generating a good deal of controversy recently. Many city residents are shocked that the project would destroy century-old pedestrian tunnels, provide no "pedestrian oasis" as called for by Prop. J, and include a second garage entrance inside the Park. The need for a garage in the park at all is still being questioned, and improvements to transit, shuttle, bike and pedestrian facilities could more efficiently get people to the new institutions in the park. SFBC staff has been advocating for bicycle access into and out of the park at 10th Ave. for months, and the Concourse Authority has responded by revising their designs to include a bike lane. You can read about the SFBC’s position on the garage project, and also download the Golden Gate Park Bike Plan at www.sfbike. org/campaigns/ggp_task_force. z Giant Veloswap Show Coming to SF Veloswap, the world's largest bicycle show and swap, is coming to the Cow Palace on Saturday, November 15. The event will feature over 100,000 square feet of bikes, parts, demos, accessories, clinics, samples, and fun from all the big names in bikes and gear. It will benefit the SFBC and the Northern California Mountain Biking Association. You can get in for free if you are part of the SFBC’s select volunteer corps; otherwise it’s $6 in advance and $8 at the door. Visit www.veloswap.com for more details. To volunteer, contact michael@sfbike.org. z Winterfest Rides Again The biggest bike party of the year is coming soon, with music, live and silent auctions, food and drinks, and everybiker who’s anybiker in attendence! Do you have items or services to donate for our auctions? Perhaps an “in” with a company who’d be willing to support us with donations of products or services? Plus we always need lots of volunteer help leading up to and the night of the event. Contact Kay Hoskins, Winterfest coordinator, at 845-4610 or kay@sfbike.org to coordinate donations or to arrange a volunteer task. Be sure to check www.sfbike.org and the Biker Bulletin e-mail for the specific date Fell Street, now with bike lane! OCTOBER–NOVEMBER 2003 PAGE 5 Helping Women Bike in the Middle East The story of one SFBC member’s summer vacation magine the delight of helping a 38-year-old woman learn to ride a bike for the first time in her life. Picture the fear and excitement in her face, the growing sense of liberation spreading from head to toe like a dip into an ocean of love. Her dawning awareness of aesthetic and sensual joys comes naturally as you power, side by side, your two-wheeled vehicles through tree-lined bike paths and quiet roads, away from noise, drivers, and the demands of children. A clear moon rises as you pedal along, drowning the hot sun, creating another evening of orange and blue shadows and cool breezes. I Your new riding companion is Palestinian, and she is training her body and soul for the first all women’s three-country bicycle event in the Middle East. Insh'allah (in God’s will) next April she will ride from Beirut, Lebanon, to Damascus, Syria, to Amman, Jordan, along with hundreds of other historyPAGE 6 making women. They are riding through the cradle of civilization to raise consciousness, drawing attention to the unnecessary suffering of women and children in the Middle East. This was part of my summer in Amman, Jordan. A New Bike Ride for Women Follow The Women For Peace is in its first year, organized by EuroMed, a young adult cultural exchange program. The event was inspired by exchanges between Israelis and Palestinians, and has been expanded to include several countries. It is intended to give women in the Middle East an opportunity to take charge of something in their own lives, get noticed, and educate as large an audience as possible about the situations facing all women who live in areas of conflict. The main ride route, from Beirut to Damascus to Amman, covers approximately 165 miles, and participating women will take several days this April to complete the course. Precise dates have not yet been set. Another ride will take place simultaneously in Cyprus, where Israelis will join Cypriots and women from other countries on the island. Additional rides in Denmark, Sweden, and elsewhere are being organized as sister rides. Everything culminates in a conference in Amman, where women will discuss peace, human rights, and activism. I left San Francisco for Jordan in June, aiming to spend the summer volunteering with organizations in support of the people of Iraq. I wanted to better understand the Arab world, and experience first-hand the humanity I felt my own country was doing its best to mess up, with my our tax dollars and in my name. As world events and my own circumstances evolved, I found myself with plenty of opportunities to connect with people right in Jordan, and the unexpected bonus was that it was all incredibly fun! Getting to volunteer on a bike seat, well, that was just over the top. Riding and Learning In Jordan we gathered three evenings per week to train for an hour or two, meeting at the majestic Sport City in Amman, an impressive athletic facility and park built with the private funds of the late and beloved King Hussein. Women aged 16 to 60 participated, often toting sisters, aunts, nieces, mothers, and grandmothers. Approximately half of the women team identified as Palestinian, most of them having lived in Jordan their whole lives. There was a mixture of Muslims, including some who wore the hijab, the scarf that goes from the face to the neckline covering all hair, and Christians, who wore sleeveless shirts and did not worry about hiding their curves. Some women came in their street work clothes, riding in nice shirts and slacks, while others had clearly purchased sweat suits for this purpose, and they wore them every time we met. We rode on rented bikes, having paid about $15 at the beginning of the season to do so. Only one or two team members actually owned bikes. Usually these were worldly, young women who had been schooled outside of the country, or had traveled enough to have discovered biking for themselves. The rented bikes were not the most reliable, but no one ever complained. Women’s comfort levels and familiarity with riding varied, in line with their ages. Most of the younger women were savvy and fearless, having only given up riding upon puberty not so long ago. But the middle-aged and older women had not ridden for twenty or thirty years, or, in some cases, ever. I offered my best biking wisdom to the team, happy to aid the head coach as he guided participants through skills of group riding, general endurance, and hill climbing. My specialty was helping new riders, and many a time I held a woman's bicycle seat firmly, aiding her balance, running alongside of her, and reminding her to keep pedaling. In many ways I had to relearn how to ride, breaking down my tacit knowledge to become explicit about how to mount and dismount, get the wheels going, and the all important job of using the brakes. After watching and perhaps causing some painful mistakes, I finally realized that each of these skills is useless without the others. It was hard to convince new riders that the saddle soreness and general muscle pain was a good sign of their progress, and it would eventually subside and result in better biking. They would look at me like I was from another planet. Perhaps I was. I also tried to convince people to drink a lot more water, and eat to support the new needs their bodies would be having. Fortunately there was a nutritionist on the team, and she lent her knowledge as well. Together we campaigned for appropriate intake. One friend told me in email that she fainted one night evening at a practice shortly after I left Jordan. But she diagnosed her own situation and it turns out she hadn't eaten all day. As anyone who rides regularly knows, one good bonk teaches a long-lasting lesson. Insh'allah she will not have this trouble again. Few Bikes, Fewer Women on Bikes Biking is a radically progressive activity for women in Jordan. If you have seen the film, "The Day I Became A Woman," written by Mohsen Makhmalbaf and directed by Marzieh Meshkini, you start to get the idea of how eyebrows and sometimes hackles get raised when women ride bikes in the Middle East. Even though many areas Amman are entirely modern, we got stared at like crazy. People out exercising or taking a breath of fresh air with their families would watch us and gawk, stunned by our grace and power, I'd like to think. But the truth is probably that they simply never saw one woman on a bicycle, let alone a group of twenty or more. Often these onlookers would approach us with wonder, asking what was going on. We obtained more than one teammate this way. Other than our trainings, I only OCTOBER–NOVEMBER 2003 saw young men, boys, and little girls on bikes all summer long. No one commutes by bicycle, either, although the lead organizer on the Jordan team, Sahar Al-Fayez, is planning on doing so as soon as she can train the cars along her route to take care. Cars rule the road in Amman, and even though there is a symbiotic relationship with pedestrians — as in, drivers honk, pedestrians run — it would be foolhardy to test your luck on a bike on the main roads. We did start to ride bikes outside of Sport City near the end of my stay in August, and that was a thrill, after many weeks of the riding on the same bike paths for many weeks inside the park. The surrounding area was quiet, and in a large group we were able to look out for each other. I remember riding past security guards at the nearby Ministry of the Interior, sensing their dumbfounded amazement and hearing cheers of support. Well, I don't speak Arabic, so I can't be sure, but they seemed happy for us. Younger boys within the park were less encouraging, but you had to forgive them for their chiding. To them we looked out of place, ridiculous. Friday is the holy day and people don't venture out much until the evening. Around the time I was finishing my summer visit, the coach was plotting a route from Amman to Madaba, a town that figures as Matheba in the Bible, located about 25 miles away. They were planning that the team could ride weekly on Friday mornings. Someone in a van would was going to bring them back to Amman when they were through. The women were eager for this adventure, and there was a lot of excited anticipation. Back in San Francisco, my favorite thing to think about is how some women on the team just did not want to get off those bikes. They rode non-stop each evening, repeating the well-worn routes, smiling as they flew by those of us taking a break. It was as though the bikes had become a part of them, and to be off was less than living. The smiles on their faces were precious. Don't we all know that feeling? Ride With Us Locally In solidarity with these brave women riders, a group of Bay Area bikers is cooperatively creating a shorter local version of Follow The Women For Peace. We will decide together what aspects to support. For instance, we can raise money to send a scholarship for a woman who would otherwise not get to participate, or ship a load of bike accessories such as reflectors and bells to ensure greater safety to the participants, or send funds to beneficiary organizations such as those that reach out to women in Palestinian refugee camps. Or we might even send some of our own Bay Area riders to join one of the rides! For more information, to make suggestions, or to help create a local event, please send email to the author. Men are warmly welcome to participate. BY LIZA BEHRENDT Event website: http://www. followthewomen.com Jordan team photos: http:// photos.livingpixels.com/album32 Liza Behrendt: liza@znet.com PAGE 7 Mountain Biking? In San Francisco? The benefits of an integrated multi-use nonpaved trail network ithin the city limits of San Francisco, there are many greenspaces, parks, and unpaved trails that are beloved by locals for hiking, mountain biking, and other recreational opportunities. These are the places that we can go to exercise, relax, talk, and think, and to escape the city’s howl, if only temporarily. A new group called SF MTB is being formed, and it is our position that these open spaces can all be logically linked into a series of interconnected multi-use trail loops, encompassing almost the entire city. There are at least nine separate trail loops that can be combined by a small group of key "connecting greenways" — vital trailways, though probably unplanned and relatively overlooked, that provide offpavement travel between the other trail loops. This San Francisco "Multi-Use W Non-Paved Trail Network" exists now and is not some dreamer’s concept. However, the organized network itself does not exist; it has no official status and is known only by those who have explored or conceptualized it. This potential trail system would pass through the green hills of the Presidio, the rocky paths of Lincoln Park looking down on the ocean, the lightly sandy stretches of Golden Gate Park, the windy panoramas of Twin Peaks, the forested Mt. Davidson, and by the lapping waters of Lake Merced, to name a few highlights. Currently, off-road biking is not specifically disallowed on most existing non-paved city trails. However, it is not legal within Golden Gate Park and is only legal on selected trails within the Presidio. SFBC and SF MTB are planning a volunteer Golden Gate Park trail user survey to help understand who is using the trails in the park, their mode of recreation, how they access the park, and their opinions on other trail-use issues. This survey will assist SF Rec and Park staff to understand the recreational uses of the park including mountain biking. To get involved in this project, please e-mail Aaron at aaron@sfmtb.com. The many benefits of creating this trail network include: city, with sustainable trail building techniques that are being supported by the mountain biking community. If you’re interested in helping to create an interconnected trail network in SF, contact me at aaron@sfmtb.com. To see a visual concept of the citywide trail network, plus maps of existing city rides, please visit www.sfmtb.com. BY AARON DELLOIACONO THIES Ride along with the San Francisco Mountain Bike Tour on Nov. 9, and learn more about this potential trail network. See p. 4 for details. (415) 495-6027, ext. 206 www.fractureinjurylaw.com PAGE 8 q Bay Area Ridge Trail section of the Presidio. This trail goes from the Golden Gate Bridge to Arguello Gate and is about 2.5 miles long, 1.5 miles of which is non-paved. q Land's End and Sutro Park. If you piece together the trails in these two parks, there is about 1.25 miles of non-paved trail sections. q Sunset Blvd, through Stern Grove to the top of Mt. Davidson. The whole trip, bottom to top and back, is about 8 miles. It's not all dirt but, there are some lovely off-road sections and fantastic views. If it's foggy, the cross atop of Mt. Davidson is surreal. See www.sfmtb.com for maps. TUBE TIMES INDEX San Franciscans who drove to work in 1990: 67.2 % 1 • Reducing the number of local car trips made by bikers or hikers who wish to access trail systems. • Adding more commute and transportation options for city bikers, which encourages the use of non-polluting transportation alternatives for those short trips to work, school, and the store. • Improving local health and fitness options for city residents, while connecting neighborhoods. • Giving tourists more city bike routes. • Maintaining and upgrading the condition of existing trails in the A Few Offroad Rides in SF 2 3 Percentage of San Franciscans who took public transportation to work in 1990: 12.2% 4 5 Percent who drive to work today: 51.3% Percentage taking public transportation today: 31.1% Households in San Francisco with “no motor vehicle available”: 29% 6 Owner-occupied households with no motor vehicle: 11% 7 Renter households with no motor vehicle: 38% COMPILED BY ANNA SOJOURNER All data from 1990 and 2000 United States Census, rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent, by way of Transportation for a Livable City. SFBC Endorses CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ready to mobilize our active membership base to help elect Matt as the most bicycle-friendly mayor of San Francisco." Our 4,200 members had the opportunity to vote for the mayoral endorsement through the SFBC web site using an Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) system. Eleven candidates completed the SFBC’s extensive questionnaire, and these responses are at www.sfbike.org/campaigns/en dorsements. SFBC members rated Supervisor Tom Ammiano as a strong second-place candidate. "Tom Ammiano has been a longtime supporter of the SFBC and the pro-bike agenda in San Francisco," says Shahum. "Clearly Tom has a proven record on sustainable transportation and would be an absolutely bike-friendly mayor as well." If Matt’s campaign is to be successful, it is crucial that SFBC members donate as much volunteer time and money as they can. There will be rides and events throughout October (see Matt for Mayor bike tour, p. 4), and we are asking cyclists to take all or part of election day off of work and hold up signs at busy intersections to remind undecided voters to vote for Matt. Watch the SFBC web site and Biker Bulletin e-mails for more opportunities to get involved. For volunteer opportunities and other election info, go to the official Matt for Mayor web site, www.mattgonzalez.com. Prop. K. Means More $$$ for Bike Projects In other election news, the SFBC Board of Directors has strongly endorsed Prop. K, a renewal of the county’s half-cent transportation sales tax. The SFBC and Transportation for a Livable City lobbied hard for more bike funding during the city’s advisory process, raising funding set-asides for bikes from $30 million to $70 million. Vote yes on Prop. K! OCTOBER–NOVEMBER 2003 Bike Plan and Beyond ngineers and consultants for the Department of Parking and Traffic (DPT) have shifted into high gear to design detailed, bike-friendly street options for the Bike Plan Update's top 20 projects. Initial analysis and bike-friendly recommendations on dozens more mid-term projects will also be incorporated into the Update, along with bike policy, education and innovative design guidelines. The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is conducting the community outreach and planning for the Bike Plan Update, which so far has engaged the participation of 900 individuals, plus over 75 community-based organizations. In an effort to design as many streets as possible (and not duplicate work), the top 20 don't include other high-high-visibility projects covered in separate, concurrent planning efforts, such as: Market Street between E Embarcadero and Octavia; the Market/Valencia intersection; Fell Street; Fisherman's Wharf connection; Golden Gate Park; the Presidio; and Potrero Avenue. For more info about the Bike Plan Update, check out www.sfbike.org/bikeplan or contact Mary Brown at 431BIKEx24. A New Regional Force in Bike Advocacy here’s a new name in town for bicycle advocacy: the Bay Area Bicycle Coalition (BABC). Formerly called the Regional Bicycle Advocacy Coalition (REBAC), the BABC has a board of directors that includes leaders of bicycle groups in all nine Bay Area counties. The BABC’s mission is "to ensure that bicycles are part of an integrated transportation plan throughout the San Francisco Bay Area." The group’s focus is on inter-regional projects such as getting bicycle access on Bay Area bridges, and securing funding for bicycle projects through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Regional Transportation Plan process. Besides changing its name, the BABC adopted an initial platform for MTC’s Regional Transportation Plan update. It includes a request for full funding for "Safe Routes to Transit" and the Regional Bicycle Plan, and bike access on bridges. Current BABC board members include chair Dave Burch (who works at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District), vice-chair Josh Hart (SFBC), treasurer Mark Birnbaum (an advisor to the MCBC), and new board members Deb Hubsmith (MCBC) and Carol Levine (who works at Wilbur Smith, a transportation consulting firm). Committee chairs were selected for bridge access projects. If you’d like to help with the West Span of the Bay Bridge, contact Josh Hart of SFBC at 431BIKE x23. If you’d like to help with direct access on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, contact Deb Hubsmith of MCBC at 456-3469 or Robert Raburn of EBBC at 510-433-RIDE. The Bay Area Bicycle Coalition is also preparing grant applications to hire a part-time staff person who T 1. Fell/Masonic intersection 2. Masonic corridor 3. Broadway Tunnel 4. Polk contra-flow lane 5. Fifth St. 6. Second St. 7. Townsend 8. Market corridor 9. 16th/17th corridor 10. Illinois 11. Cesar Chavez 12. Bayshore 13. Alemany 14. Dwewy/Laguna Honda/ Woodside intersection 15. Portola 16. SFSU connection will coordinate action plans for all of the projects listed above. The future looks good for shifting into high gear on regional bicycle projects. BY DEB HUBSMITH Bay Area Bicycle Coalition Member Organizations We urge you to find out more about our allied groups around the Bay and to give them your support! Alameda and Contra Costa Counties East Bay Bicycle Coalition 510-530-3444 – www.ebbc.org Marin County Marin County Bicycle Coalition www.marinbike.org – 415-456-3469 Napa County Lou Penning Napa County Bicycle Advisory Committee LPL@interx.net – 707-224-6923 San Mateo County Peninsula Bicycle and Pedestrian Coalition www.penbiped.org Santa Clara County Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition www.svbcbikes.org Solano County Mick Weninger Solano County Bicycle Advisory Committee BikeMick@aol.com www.solanolinks.com/aboutSTA.html Sonoma County Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition scbc@att.net – 707-545-0153 PAGE 9 Bikes & Clean Water How Smarter Stormwater Management Can Benefit San Francisco Cyclists magine riding around town on a Bike Network that includes a series of traffic-calmed "healthy corridors", with large mature trees, native flowers, and wildlife. Now imagine these roadways are vital elements in San Francisco’s effort to keep stormwater pollution out of the Bay and ocean. At first glance, there might be little in common between cyclists and water advocates, even if many of us started using our bikes as transportation for practical and environmental reasons. But we both seek to redefine how our streets are used to improve the environment and create a healthier, more livable city. The Alliance – into the Bay or ocean. This happens about 12 times per year at over 40 overflow points around the city. I for a Clean Waterfront, a coalition of environmental, neighborhood, and community groups that has been working on this issue for the past six years, invites cyclists to join us in setting the city on a course to do just that. SO WHY STORMWATER? Well, the water that falls during rainstorms picks up pollution from the ground as it flows through the streets – toxic particles from tires and brakes, motor oil, animal droppings, litter, and all sorts of other garbage. In When rains are heavy, overflows can occur in neighborhood streets or in basements. Problems can be particularly bad near the Southeast Plant – the the ’70s, San Francisco built a moat around the City to capture and treat this water, preventing these pollutants from flowing directly into the Bay and ocean. Today nearly all of the water that falls on the sidewalks, rooftops, and streets goes into pipes that carry it to one of the City’s three treatment plants. The 50-yearold Southeast Plant in the Bayview treats most of the stormwater from the northern and eastern parts of town. When it reaches capacity, the 65-year-old North Point Plant on Bay Street near the Embarcadero is activated to take the extra water. The Oceanside plant near the zoo treats runoff from the west side of town. But there’s a problem. The stormwater is collected in the same pipes as city sewage, but the system simply can’t handle all of the water during even moderate rainfalls. The mixture of sewage, garbage, and road pollution has nowhere to go, overflowing – essentially untreated workhorse of the wastewater system that takes 80% of the City’s sanitary sewage – aggravating long-standing environmental justice concerns in that part of town. The outdated sewage and stormwater system ends up degrading our bay, our neighborhoods, and our health. WHAT’S THE SOLUTION? One way to eliminate overflows is to prevent the system from becoming overloaded. Impermeable surfaces prevent water from getting into the ground, causing these "combined sewer overflows". Environmental design and landscape architecture techniques, permeable paving, and alternative technologies can be used to capture, treat, and retain the stormwater and reduce how fast and how much gets into the pipes. Many of the same things cyclists need for safe and pleasant rides – such as traffic-calmed streets, trees, and green space – are also stormwater solutions. The Bike Network Can become more than a bunch of good routes from here to there; it’s also a cost-effective tool way to help us manage our impact on the Bay and ocean. Healthy green corridors throughout the city do more than just link our neighborhoods and reduce our impact on the Bay. Other benefits that come as part of the cost of providing this indispensable urban service include neighborhood PAGE 10 Volunteers: A Special Caliber of Person Many hearty thanks to everyone who’s Philippe Arbeit Michelle Ashe Jesse Basbaum Peter Bejger April Berger Steven Bodzin Nancy Botkin Danielle Bricker Eric Brown Joe Carroll Liam Casey Spencer Chan Max Chen Suany Chough Mike Crehan Sandy Crockett Bill Davidson Laura DeFelice Amad Demetrious Emily Drennen Ann Dunn Lisa Ruth Elliott Dahu Ellingson David A. Elson Nathan Endsley Michael Ernst Brandon Fine Mike Fox Jim Frank Tony Frusciante Niles Guthrie Arlene Graves Ken Grosserode Bert Hill Phillip Holsten Matt Hoover Kay Hoskins Eileen Hsu Michael Jak David Jayne Rebecca Johnson Shirley Johnson Kevin Leach Robin Levitt Janet Lohman Brett Lutz Douglas Lym Ann Lyons Naomi Mahoney Cassidy Maione Kimberly Malesky Norm McAllister Michael McAssey Adam Milligan Angela Mraz Ralf Muehlen Patrick Myall Jim Myint Brian Neilson Monica Nolan Jeff Osbourn Jennifer Paillet Benjamin Patterson Alice Payton Steven Pitsenbarger Pi Ra Arena Reed Maggie Robbins Noreen Santini John Scopelleti Tim Shea Kyle Sosebee Amy Swenson Ariel Tellez Stephanie Theodore Andy Thornley Ted Tilles Dhamiboo Turnbull Lindasusan Ulrich Kurt Van Quill Dianna Waggoner Brian D. West James Whitten David Wilbur Steven Wilcott Jim Wolff Tom Zimlich beautification, ground water recharge, creation of wildlife habitat, and environmental education. The City’s sewage and stormwater system needs about a billion dollars in fixes and the Public Utilities Commission has begun a public process to develop a new master plan for the system. Bike advocates can join with the Alliance for a Clean Waterfront to make sure that the new master plan prioritizes smart wastewater solutions like green street corridors. To get involved, contact Alex Lantsberg with the Alliance for a Clean Waterfront at 240-0795 or Chris Buck with Friends of the Urban Forest at 561-6890 x108. Etiquette for the Conscientious Cyclist Ask the Advice Pedaler Study Shows That City CarShare Is Making a Difference hat San Franciscan hasn’t caught a glimpse of one of City CarShare’s signature green VW Beetles by now? After just two and a half years in business, City CarShare’s fleet has expanded to 75 cars (not all Beetles—they have Honda Civic hybrids and roomy VW station wagons too) shared at 45 Bay Area locations. While it’s hard to miss these cars, some people may still wonder whether or not it encourages sharing, or just more driving. City CarShare’s mission is to provide Bay Area residents and businesses with vehicles on a peruse basis — like time-sharing for cars — to save time, money, and the environment. Their vision since 2001 has been a more livable San Francisco with fewer cars, less congestion and pollution, and safer streets for bikers and pedestrians. Are they reaching any of these goals? Recent results from a threeyear survey by the UC Berkeley Institute of Urban and Regional Development shows that the group is reaching these goals, in a big way. The survey reported that City CarShare’s almost 3,000 members have dramatically reduced their total motor vehicle travel, by 47% to be exact. (Compare this to a 73% increase in vehicle miles travled among a non-member control group!) And because City CarShare operates with fuel-efficient Volkswagens and Hondas, this translates into a significant reduction in fuel consumption among members. The study revealed that W OCTOBER–NOVEMBER 2003 members’ average daily car-related CO2 emissions fell by an estimated three-quarters of a pound, compared to an estimated onequarter of a pound increase among non-members. The survey also queried City CarShare members about changes in the number of cars they own. About one-third of members actually got rid of their cars (that’s about 900 cars), and City CarShare enabled an additional 68% of members to forego the purchase of a car. This means that 73% of members reduced car ownership or opted not to purchase a vehicle during City CarShare’s first two years of operation! The survey results also revealed some less-surprising statistics about City CarShare’s members’ preferred transportation options: 60% of them own bicycles and 65% carry Muni Fast Passes! For the many SFBC members who still own a car, what are you waiting for?! The only thing these numbers fail to capture is the bliss enjoyed by all those City CarShare members who are now car-free. If you’re a car owner who is not yet convinced that City CarShare is for you, visit www.citycarshare.org or call them at 995-8588. Signing up for membership online takes about five minutes, and in about a week you can reserve a car for the first time. You pay based on how much you drive: $4 per hour between 10am and 10pm, $2 per hour between 10pm and 10am, and $0.44 per mile. These rates cover gas, comprehensive insurance, maintenance, and peace of mind. Dear Advice Pedaler: As I walk around San Francisco I notice lots of people riding their bikes on the sidewalks. Besides the fact that this is illegal, it is unsafe and inconsiderate to pedestrians. I also think it works against our efforts to put in bike lanes. I even see people riding on the sidewalk in areas of Market Street that are striped with bike lanes. Is there an effective, gentle way you could suggest about how to ask people to stop riding their bicycles on sidewalks? —Sidewalks are for Walking Dear Walking: You said it. The Advice Pedaler is saddened whenever she sees scared or safety-minded cyclists riding on the sidewalk. It means that despite a little hint of a bike lane here and there on Market Street, despite all the outreach the SFBC does to cyclists, despite all the angry grandmothers shaking their canes at renegade cyclists, despite the fact that riding on the sidewalk is not safer than riding in the street… Despite all this, there are still some cyclists who choose the sidewalks over the street in some circumstances. The Advice Pedaler carries a clean hanky with her to wipe away the grease and tears. The Advice Pedaler finds that, in general, the best way to deal with someone who endangers you (on the street or sidewalk, be it cyclist, roller-blader, motorist, etc.) is to express your surprise and terror (“AAAAHH!!!”) rather than express your anger and indignation. People are more likely to be apologetic and selfexamining when they realize they have scared someone, but they are likely to be defensive and unapologetic when someone yells at them But the advice pedaler is frustrated with the amount of mail she gets from pedestrians who have been terrorized by cyclists. She’s getting tired of “gentle and effective.” So listen up, citycyclists! This means you. Grow up, get over it and get off the sidewalk! Dear Advice Pedaler: I am running for Mayor. How can I best flit from meeting to job to house party to fundraiser? It’s going to be busy between now and Election Day! —Ambitious Dear Ambitous: Don’t RUN for Mayor, BIKE for Mayor! You can fit bike shorts under your suit and wear clips to keep your pant legs from getting dirty. You will arrive in impressive style, fit exercise into your busy schedule, save money and time, and have a handy excuse for ducking out of boring social functions! “Sorry, I’ve got to get back on the bike! I’m biking for Mayor!” You can reach the Advice Pedaler at advice@sfbike.org PAGE 11 San Francisco Bicycle Coalition 1095 Market Street, Suite 215 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 431–BIKE NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SEE YOUR NAME HERE! Get the TUBE TIMES delivered to your home by becoming an SFBC member. (MEMBERSHIP FORM BELOW) JOIN SFBC THE ! Become a member of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and help make the City a better place to ride. Members OR J get: W OI N NAME " W W ON L .SFB INE TUBE TIMES newsletter six times per year. IKE. AT THE SFBC URBAN CYCLIST’S SURVIVAL KIT bike map, O RG reflectors, stickers, transit guide, hot advice and more! ! FREE RENTAL OF THE SFBC BIKE TRAILERS ACTIVISM OPPORTUNITIES GALORE BIKE SHOP DISCOUNTS see list on p. 11. FREE ADMISSION TO SFBC PARTIES & CULTURAL HISTORY BIKE TOURS! _______________________________________________ OCCUPATION ADDRESS __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ HOME PHONE __________________________________________ WORK PHONE __________________________________________ EMAIL PHOTO BY KYLE SHEPARD CITY, STATE, ZIP_________________________________________ _______________________________________________ I WAS REFERRED BY ______________________________________ MEMBERSHIP LEVELS n $500 VELORUTIONARY n $1,000 HIGH WHEELER n $120 CRUISER’S CLUB n $250 TWO-WHEELED WONDER n $52 BUCK THE SYSTEM (includes FREE “Bikes Allowed Use of Full Lane” T-shirt: Men’s Size ____ or Women’s Tee Size ___ ) n $25 INTRODUCTORY MEMBERSHIP (families: add $5 each additional member) MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO SFBC, 1095 Market Street, Suite 215, San Francisco, CA 94103. Barter memberships are available in exchange for volunteer time. Check with your employer about matching your donation. As the SFBC uses your donations for unlimited, effective grassroots lobbying, donations to the SFBC are not tax-deductible. If you need a deduction for your contribution, contact Chris at 431-BIKE, ext. 10. NAME _______________________________________________ CREDIT CARD # _________________________________________ n VISA n MASTER CARD EXPIRATION DATE ___________________ n Do not share my name, even with cool organizations the SFBC likes. I WANT TO VOLUNTEER! n n n n n n Volunteer Night (Wednesdays) staffing an information table daytime office assistance phone-tree calling valet bike parking at events attending public meetings n n n n newsletter writing newsletter mailing/distrib. flyer distribution other __________________ ____________________________ ________________________ Printed with soy-based inks on 80% recycled, 60% post-consumer paper, processed chlorine-free. By www.newleafpaper.com. The SFBC’s online store (www.sfbike.org/store) is open for business and features the 2004 SFBC Calendar, which includes this image of a competitor in the world messenger championships, plus a different bike photo each month. You can buy the calendar, t-shirts, sweatshirts, messenger bags, and more at the SFBC’s online store. SFBC DISCOUNTS A CLEAN WELL-LIGHTED PLACE FOR BOOKS AMERICAN CYCLERY ARIZMENDI BAKERY* AVENUE CYCLERY BIG SWINGIN’ CYCLES BIKE HUT AT SOUTH BEACH BIKE NOOK BLAZING SADDLES BIKE RENTALS CITY CYCLE OF SAN FRANCISCO MEMBERSHIP PAYS FOR ITSELF DD CYCLES ELECTRIC BIKE NETWORK FOG CITY CYCLES FREEWHEEL FRESH AIR BICYCLES JOHN COBB’S BICYCLE SPORTS MISSING LINK NOE VALLEY CYCLERY NOMAD CYCLERY OCEAN CYCLERY *offers a discount to customers who arrive by bike PEDAL REVOLUTION RHYTHM & MOTION DANCE STUDIO ROAD RAGE BICYCLES ROARING MOUSE CYCLES SALON DES BICICLETTES SAUSALITO CYCLERY SPORTS BASEMENT VALENCIA CYCLERY VISION CYCLERY YE OLDE BIKE SHOPPE See www.sfbike.org for addresses and policy details.