Course Description:
This course is required for all freshman students. A variety of individual and team sports are
presented. These range from a competitive nature to lifetime activity development. Physical
fitness is tested and is emphasized. Daily stretching, agilities, and cardiovascular conditioning
are the primary fitness activities.
Grade Level: 9
Length of Course: 1 semester required for MUHS Graduation
Units/Course Outline
Physical Fitness Testing – Presidents Council on Physical Fitness Program
Evaluation of student’s fitness is done with Pre, Mid and Post testing. Include a
Daily Fitness Routine.
Core Units -Team and Individual Sports including Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer,
Tennis, Badminton, Archery, Square and Line Dancing.
Enrichment Activities - Swimming, Cross Country Running, Cup Stacking,
Cooperative Games may include Dodge Ball, Mush Ball, Kickball and Pickle ball.
Presidents Physical Fitness Test Booklet – teacher edition only
Student edition available online
Other Materials Needed
1. PE Uniform – provided with paid registration - $12 fee
1. Tennis Shoes
2. Socks
Course Goals/Objectives
1. To insure a well rounded education through physical activity and social interaction.
2. To stimulate an interest and participation in physical activity.
3. To promote physical health, endurance, strength, agility and flexibility.
4. To provide a knowledge and appreciation of a sound and healthy body.
5. To provide knowledge and understanding of basic skills and techniques of various
sports and activities.
6. To provide a knowledge of basic rules and regulations governing various sports
Course Unit I. Physical Fitness and Testing (Pre, Mid and Post Test)
2PA-P3 PO1, PO2,
2PA-P4 PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4
2PA-P6 PO1
3PA-P1 PO1, PO2, PO3
4PA-P1 PO1
4PA-P4 PO1
7PA-P1 PO1, PO2
7PA-P2 PO1, PO2, PO3
7PA-P3 PO1
Description – This unit is required for all Physical Education students. This program is
designed to evaluate student fitness 3 times per semester. Pre test, mid test and post test
are given in each fitness area to determine improvement and fitness level based on the US
population, gender and age. Students will gain a knowledge of how to participate in an
individual fitness routine.
Unit Goals
1. To provide knowledge and appreciation of a sound healthy body.
2. To promote physical health, muscular strength and endurance, agility, flexibility, and
cardiovascular fitness.
Unit Objectives
Upon Completion of this unit, each student will:
1. Know their Fitness test scores and comparison to the National Averages.
2. Know their current level of fitness
3. Have improved their level of fitness through participation in Physical Education.
4. Understand the importance of maintaining their physical fitness.
Unit Outline
1. Students will participate in Daily Agility Exercises.
2. Students will participate in Daily Stretching Exercises.
3. Students will participate in Daily Muscular Strength and Endurance exercises to
include crunches and pushups.
4. Students will participate in weekly and/or daily cardio fitness activities to include:
a. Fitness Walking/jogging the track
b. Jogging indoors
c. Jogging/fitness walking cross country loop.
5. Each student will be introduced to the individual fitness tests and the tests purpose.
6. Each student will be PRE, MID and POST tested in the following:
Mile Run – Tests for Cardiovascular Conditioning.
Shuttle Run – Tests for agility and quickness.
Pull ups/Flexed Arm Hang – Tests for Muscular Strength.
Sit-up Test – Tests for Muscular Endurance.
Sit and Reach Test – Measures Flexibility.
50 Yard Dash – Measures Speed (optional test)
7. Height and Weight Measurement will be taken for each student.
8. Each student will compare their individual scores with the national standards based
on age and gender.
Course Unit II. Core Units
1PA-P1 PO1
1PA-P2 PO1
1PA-P3 PO1, PO2
5PA-P1 PO1, PO1, PO3
5PA-P2 PO1
5PA-P3 PO1, PO2, PO3
6PA-P1 PO1
6PA-P2 PO1, PO2
Unit A: Badminton
Textbook: None
Other Materials Needed:
1. Gym
2. 8 Badminton Courts
3. Badminton Nets and Standards
4. Badminton Rackets and Shuttlecocks
5. Badminton Rules and Game regulations Handout
Unit Description: This unit is required for all basic PE students. This unit is designed to
improve badminton skills and knowledge of the game. Badminton can help improve
cardiovascular conditioning and aid in hand eye coordination. This course meets
requirement for one racket sport.
Unit Goals:
1. To aide the students in understanding and knowledge of the rules and
regulations governing the sport of Badminton.
2. To introduce safety precautions of Badminton.
3. To aide students in learning social and recreational skills.
4. To help students develop cardiovascular conditioning.
Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn the value of social and recreational sports.
2. Students will learn the skills and rules of the game of Badminton.
3. Student will learn the appropriate court manners and etiquette associated with
the game of Badminton.
4. Students will participate in exercise while playing the sport of Badminton.
5. Students will learn to play a doubles and singles game.
6. Students will learn proper sportsmanship involved when playing a team sport.
Unit Evaluation:
1. Daily points will be given to each student based on participation level.
2. Skills tests will be given on individual badminton skills. Some skills tested
may include Serve, Clear, Smash or Drop, based on teacher’s discretion.
3. Written test will be given on rules and game play.
Unit B: Tennis
Textbook: none
Other Materials Needed:
1. 8 Tennis Courts
2. Tennis Rackets
3. Tennis Balls
Unit Description: This unit is required for all freshman students. This unit is designed to
teach the student the beginning skills, rules and etiquette associated with the game of
Unit Goals:
1. To aid the student in the understanding of the history of Tennis.
2. To introduce the student to basic tennis skills. Serve, forehand, backhand and
3. To introduce the students to the rules and regulations of Tennis.
4. To provide the student with safety factors associated with Tennis.
Unit Objective:
1. Students will learn how to play a doubles and singles Tennis game.
2. Students will learn tennis etiquette.
3. Students will learn the safety guidelines associated with the game of Tennis.
Unit Outline:
1. Teach Safety factors
2. Teach Forehand
3. Teach Backhand
4. Teach Serve
5. Teach Scoring
6. Introduce Beginning Doubles Strategy
7. Introduce Beginning Singles Strategy
8. Practice basic skills, forehand, backhand and serve
9. Skills test Forehand and Serve
10. Written Test of knowledge and rules of Tennis
Unit C: Dance
1. Square Dance
2. Line Dance
3. Circle Dance
4. Social Dance – 2 step
Textbook: Square Dance for Everyone – Teacher’s Edition
Modern Square Dance
Other Material Needed:
1. Gym
2. CD Player
3. Sound System
4. CD’s of Square Dance Calls.
5. Line Dances
6. Music for Line Dances
Unit Description: This Unit is required for all freshman students. This unit is designed
to teach students the basic skills of line, circle, square and social dancing.
Unit Goals
1. To aide the student in understanding and knowledge of Square, Line, Circle
and Social Dancing.
2. To introduce safety factors of Dance.
3. To aide the student in social and recreational skills.
4. To introduce appropriate behavior in a social setting of both male and female
Unit Objectives:
1. Students will learn the value of social and recreational dance.
2. Students will have a grasp of square, circle and line dance skills and
3. Students will learn social etiquette involved in couple and group dancing.
4. Students will learn to be familiar with basic dance moves, square dance calls,
and line and circle dance moves.
Unit Outline
1. Teach square dance procedures.
2. Teach square dance skills.
3. Teach line dance procedures.
4. Teach line dance skills.
5. Teach Circle dance procedures and dance position.
6. Teach Circle dance.
7. Teach appropriate behavior, attitude and social skills associated with Dance.
8. Teach listening skills and rhythm and timing of dance.
Unit Evaluation:
1. Students will be tested on skills in square dancing.
2. Students will be evaluated on group line dancing project.
3. Students will be test on written knowledge of square dancing.
4. Students will be given daily points on participation in dance.
Unit D: Volleyball
Unit Description – This unit is required for all freshman students. The unit is designed to
introduce basic volleyball skills and strategies.
Equipment Needed
1. Volleyballs – enough for 1 ball per 2 students
2. 2 Volleyball courts with legal net height.
Unit Goals
1. To teach basic skills:
a. Bump or Forearm Pass
b. Set or Overhand Pass
c. Spike
d. Serve
2. To use drills to develop the basic 4 skills.
3. To put students into a game situation to develop skills.
4. To give students an understanding and knowledge of rules and strategies of
Unit Objectives – Upon completion of this unit students will:
1. Demonstrate beginning volleyball skills.
2. Demonstrate beginning volleyball strategies.
3. Be able to play volleyball with a team.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of volleyball rules and regulations.
Unit Outline
1. Introduce students to basic volleyball skills; bump, set, spike, serve.
2. Introduce overhand serve and underhand serve.
3. Introduce positions of play, rotations, and team play.
4. Introduce modified game of volleyball called “Queen of the Court” to teach
the more than one contact concept.
5. Play a team volleyball tournament.
6. Test students on skills learned in volleyball unit.
7. Test students on knowledge of the game.
Unit E: Basketball
Unit Description – The unit is required for all freshman PE students. It is designed to
familiarize students with the basic skills, rules and techniques of basketball. This unit will also
introduce the history of the game of basketball.
Equipment Needed
1. Basketballs – 20
2. Gym with 6 baskets
3. Team jerseys.
4. Cones
Unit Goals
1. To aide the student with an understanding and knowledge of the rules and
regulations of basketball.
2. To introduce the safety factors involved with the game of basketball.
3. To aide the student in social and recreational skills.
4. To help students develop cardio-respiratory fitness.
Unit Objectives – Upon completion of this unit students will be able to demonstrate:
1. Knowledge of the game of basketball that include rules and regulations.
2. The basic skills of basketball.
3. Knowledge of the history of the game of basketball.
Unit Outline
1. Introduce Basic skills
a. Shooting
b. Dribbling
c. Passing
d. Pivoting
e. Ball Handling
f. Rebounding
Introduce the Rules of Basketball
Introduce the safety factors of basketball.
Application of the skills in a game situation.
Play 3 on 3 half court basketball.
Introduce Offense and Defensive skills.
Play fun games like Bump out, horse etc.
Test students skills in shooting and dribbling and pivoting.
Test students of the knowledge of the game of basketball.
Unit F: Soccer
Unit Description – This unit is required for all freshman PE students. It is designed to
familiarize students with the skills, rules and techniques involved in the game of Soccer.
Equipment Needed
1. Soccer Field
2. Soccer balls – 7-20 balls.
3. Team jerseys.
4. cones
5. Soccer goals
6. Indoor soccer ball and goals.
Unit Goals
1. To provide students with the basic skills of soccer.
2. To provide opportunity for students to participate in a game of soccer.
3. To aide the students in an understanding and knowledge of the rules of soccer.
4. To teach safety factors of soccer.
5. To help students obtain cardiovascular conditioning.
Unit Objectives – Upon completion of the soccer unit the students will be able to:
1. Perform the basic skills of soccer.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the rules and regulations of soccer.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of soccer strategies.
4. Demonstrate the knowledge of the history of soccer.
Unit Outline
1. Introduce soccer skills
a. Dribbling
b. Passing
c. Shooting
d. Heading and Juggling
2. Introduce Soccer rules and History.
3. Implement skills in a game situation.
4. Test students soccer skills.
5. Test students knowledge of the game of soccer.
Unit G: Archery
Unit Description – This unit is required for all freshman PE students. It is designed to
give students a basic understanding of the sport of archery. Students will be introduced to the
care of archery equipment and the safety factors involved with using the equipment.
Equipment Needed
1. Recurve Bows
2. Field tip Arrows
3. Strings
4. Targets and straw bales
5. Quivers
6. Safety equipment – Arm guards and finger tabs.
Unit Goals
1. To teach basic archery skills.
2. To have students become proficient in beginning archery skills.
3. To teach the recreational aspect of archery.
4. To teach the history of archery.
5. To make students to be aware of the real dangers and hazards of archery with
the emphasis on safety.
Unit Objectives – Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of beginning archery skills.
2. Score and end in target archery.
3. Increase skill level and self confidence in archery skills.
4. Learn how to use archery equipment.
Unit Outline
1. Introduce the archery equipment
a. Types of bows
b. Types of arrows
c. Safety equipment
d. Targets and quivers
2. Teach the steps to stringing a bow
a. with partners students will learn to string and unstring a recurve bow.
3. Teach the steps to shooting an arrow.
a. Stance
b. Nocking an arrow
c. Draw, Anchor, Aim, Release and Follow through.
4. Teach Safety precautions for Archery shooting in class and out of class.
5. Practice shooting from 10 and 15 yards.
6. Test students of skills learned in Archery
7. Test students of knowledge of Archery.
Course Unit III: Enrichment Activities (optional) are at teacher’s discretion in the
consideration of time, class environment and $.
Unit A: Swimming
Unit B: Cross Country Running
Unit C: Other Games and Activities
1. Cup Stacking
2. Mush Ball
3. Aerobic Kickball
4. Ultimate Frisbee
5. Speedball
Arizona State Physical Education Standards
1PA-P1 PO1 Demonstrate competency in at least three different types of movement forms (e.g.,
aquatics, teamp sports, individual and dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, gymnastics,
dance) (basic skills, strategies and rules) in an increasing number of more complex versions of
at least three different movement forms.
1PA-P2 PO1 Use specialized knowledge to develop movement competence/proficiency.
Demonstrate improved skills by applying the critical elements to competent performance.
1PA-P3 PO2 Identify and apply critical elements to enable the development of movement
competence/proficiency. Demonstrate and apply the biomechanical concepts and principles to
the skills.
1PA-P3 PO1 Identify and apply critical elements to enable the development of movement
competence/proficiency. Identify the critical elements of a skill.
1PA-P3 PO2 Identify and apply critical elements to enable the development of movement
competence/proficiency. Demonstrate and apply the biomechanical concepts and principles to
the skills.
1PA-P4 PO1 Identify and apply characteristics of highly skilled performance to enable the
development of movement competence/proficiency. Identify strengths and weaknesses of highly
skilled performances.
1PA-P5 PO1 Apply discipline-specific information to individual performance.
2PA-P1 PO1 Explain the difference between facts and myths (e.g., the validity of marketing
claims promoting fitness products and services) related to physical activity. Identify various
products and their marketing claims.
2PA-P1 PO1 Explain the difference between facts and myths (e.g., the validity of marketing
claims promoting fitness products and services) related to physical activity. Identify various
products and their marketing claims.
2PA-P1 PO2 Explain the difference between facts and myths (e.g., the validity of marketing
claims promoting fitness products and services) related to physical activity. Explain value of
consumer item
2PA-P2 PO2 Identify consumer issues related to selection, purchase, care and maintenance of
personal fitness equipment. Identify similarities and differences among products.
2PA-P2 PO2 Identify consumer issues related to selection, purchase, care and maintenance of
personal fitness equipment. Identify similarities and differences among products.
2PA-P2 PO3 Identify consumer issues related to selection, purchase, care and maintenance of
personal fitness equipment. Identify use.
2PA-P2 PO4 Identify consumer issues related to selection, purchase, care and maintenance of
personal fitness equipment. Explain cost quality.
2PA-P3 PO1 Identify appropriate individual requirements for physical activity prescription
concerning the mode, intensity, duration, frequency and progression. Explain principles of
2PA-P3 PO2 Identify appropriate individual requirements for physical activity prescription
concerning the mode, intensity, duration, frequency and progression. Apply principles of
2PA-P4 PO4 Demonstrate ability to self-assess each area of health-related physical fitness and
interpret test scores. Prescribe needs and identify strengths.
2PA-P4 PO2 Demonstrate ability to self-assess each area of health-related physical fitness and
interpret test scores. Administer self-tests.
2PA-P4 PO3 Demonstrate ability to self-assess each area of health-related physical fitness and
interpret test scores. Explain results.
2PA-P4 PO3 Demonstrate ability to self-assess each area of health-related physical fitness and
interpret test scores. Explain results.
2PA-P4 PO4 Demonstrate ability to self-assess each area of health-related physical fitness and
interpret test scores. Prescribe needs and identify strengths.
2PA-P6 PO1 Demonstrate a knowledge of physiolgical changes that result from physcial
activity participation. Identify positive physical changes that affect the heart, circulatory,
respiratory and other systems as a result of active participation in sports.
2PA-P7 PO1 Identify safety principles associated with physical fitness development.
2PA-P8 PO1 Design a personal fitness program that 1) will lead to, or maintain, and acceptable
level of health-related fitness and 2) is based on an understanding of training principles,
individual skill levels and availability of resources. Write program goals.
2PA-P8 PO2 Design a personal fitness program that 1) will lead to, or maintain, and acceptable
level of health-related fitness and 2) is based on an understanding of training principles,
individual skill levels and availability of resources. Design a program.
2PA-P8 PO3 Design a personal fitness program that 1) will lead to, or maintain, and acceptable
level of health-related fitness and 2) is based on an understanding of training principles,
individual skill levels and availability of resources. Follow the program.
2PA-P8 PO4 Design a personal fitness program that 1) will lead to, or maintain, and acceptable
level of health-related fitness and 2) is based on an understanding of training principles,
individual skill levels and availability of resources. Monitor and adjust.
2PA-P8 PO5 Design a personal fitness program that 1) will lead to, or maintain, and acceptable
level of health-related fitness and 2) is based on an understanding of training principles,
individual skill levels and availability of resources. Complete the program.
2PA-P8 PO6 Design a personal fitness program that 1) will lead to, or maintain, and acceptable
level of health-related fitness and 2) is based on an understanding of training principles,
individual skill levels and availability of resources. Design a personal fitness program.
2PA-P8 PO7 Design a personal fitness program that 1) will lead to, or maintain, and acceptable
level of health-related fitness and 2) is based on an understanding of training principles,
individual skill levels and availability of resources. Participate regularly in a personal fitness
2PA-P8 PO8 Design a personal fitness program that 1) will lead to, or maintain, and acceptable
level of health-related fitness and 2) is based on an understanding of training principles,
individual skill levels and availability of resources. Complete a personal fitness program.
3PA-P1 PO1 Participate regularly in health-enhancing and personally rewarding physical
activity. Complete a program in cardiorespiratory fitness.
3PA-P1 PO2 Participate regularly in health-enhancing and personally rewarding physical
activity. Complete a developmental program in muscular strength and muscular endurance.
3PA-P1 PO3 Participate regularly in health-enhancing and personally rewarding physical
activity. Complete a flexibility program.
3PA-P2 PO1 Select physical activities from a variety of movement forms based on personal
interest, meaning and fulfillment. Complete a program in cardiorespiratory fitness.
3PA-P2 PO1 Select physical activities from a variety of movement forms based on personal
interest, meaning and fulfillment. Complete a program in cardiorespiratory fitness.
3PA-P2 PO3 Select physical activities from a variety of movement forms based on personal
interest, meaning and fulfillment. Complete a flexibility program.
3PA-P3 PO1 Develop a personal physical activity program meeting individual needs. Design a
3PA-P3 PO2 Develop a personal physical activity program meeting individual needs. Follow
the program.
3PA-P3 PO3 Develop a personal physical activity program meeting individual needs. Monitor
and adjust the program. 4PA-P1 PO1 Accomplish the health-related physical fitness standards as
designed by Fitnessgram. Identify a personal level of fitness on:
(a) cardiorespiratory performance
(b) muscular strength
(c) muscular endurance
(d) flexibility
(e) body composition
4PA-P2 PO1 Use principles of training for the purpose of modifying levels of health fitness.
Identify the results of the Fitnessgram.
4PA-P2 PO2 Use principles of training for the purpose of modifying levels of health fitness.
Apply the information to develop personal fitness goals/plans.
4PA-P3 PO1 Design a personal health-related fitness program based on an accurately assessed
fitness profile. Design and participate in a personal fitness program incorporating the FITT
4PA-P4 PO1 Identify safe and risky exercies and demonstrate safe exercise alternatives.
Describe unsafe practices and the appropriate safe alternative.
4PA-P4 PO2 Identify safe and risky exercies and demonstrate safe exercise alternatives. Devise
a plan to reduce risk and possible injury. 5PA-P1 PO1 Apply safe practices, rules, procedures
and etiquette in all physical activity settings. Follow safety rules.
5PA-P1 PO2 Apply safe practices, rules, procedures and etiquette in all physical activity
settings. Behave appropriately.
5PA-P1 PO3 Apply safe practices, rules, procedures and etiquette in all physical activity
settings. Show respect and consideration for oneself and others.
5PA-P2 PO1 Act independently of peer pressure.
5PA-P3 PO1 Resolve conflict in appropriate ways. Identify and discuss conflict in physical
education and sports.
5PA-P3 PO2 Resolve conflict in appropriate ways. Construct a conflict resolution plan.
5PA-P3 PO3 Resolve conflict in appropriate ways. Demonstrate conflict resolution skills.
6PA-P1 PO1 Explain the value of sport and physical activity in understanding multiculturalism.
Identify sports and activities that appeal to people of different genders, race, ethnic and religious
6PA-P1 PO1 Explain the value of sport and physical activity in understanding multiculturalism.
Identify sports and activities that appeal to people of different genders, race, ethnic and religious
6PA-P2 PO2 Invite others with differences to join in personally enjoyable physical activity.
Complete an activity with a diverse team.
6PA-D1 PO1 Explain the role of physcial activity in a diverse soceity. Explain how sports and
physical activities can remove boudnaries and improve understanding between people.
6PA-D2 PO1 Develop strategies for including persons from diverse backgrounds and abilities in
physical activities. Design a sports or fitness activity for a specific individual or group from a
different ethnic, racial or ability background.
6PA-D2 PO2 Develop strategies for including persons from diverse backgrounds and abilities in
physical activities. Instruct a sport or activity to a diverse group or person. Discuss the level of
reisk in various sports and activities.
7PA-P1 PO1 Demonstrate knowledge of goal setting and the ability to apply this knowledge to
personal physical fitness and activity goals. List goal setting steps.
7PA-P1 PO2 Demonstrate knowledge of goal setting and the ability to apply this knowledge to
personal physical fitness and activity goals. Apply goal setting strategies to a personal fitness
7PA-P2 PO1 Identify attitudes associated with regular participation in physical activity and/or
fitness development activities. List the rewards of regular participation.
7PA-P2 PO2 Identify attitudes associated with regular participation in physical activity and/or
fitness development activities. Identify obstacles to regular participation.
7PA-P3 PO1 Organize time management skills associated with regular physical activity
participation. Complete and document regular physcial activity outside of class at elast 3 times
per week.