2011 - Maine Sea Coast Mission

The Maine Sea Coast Mission
Annual Report | 2011
Compelling Work
Island Health: Taking Care
Island Ministries: Community in the Midst of Tragedy
EdGE: seizing opportunities
EdGE: Through a Parent’s Eyes
EdGE: Ten Years out
scholarships: Dreams Within reach
Food Pantry: Food on the Table
Housing repair Program: A roof overhead
Emergency Assistance: Warmth in the Cold
A Legacy of Caring: Connie Greaves Bates
A Faithful Friend: Marianne Barnicle
Financial Highlights
Board of Directors and staff
Ways to Give
inside back cover
This compelling work has continued now for well over a
century. The Mission’s dedicated staff and over 500 volunteers
work tirelessly year round to fulfill our mission of service.
Dear Friends,
The vast and varied work of the Maine sea Coast Mission in many ways can best be described as
compelling. It is compelling when the Sunbeam V sails into a harbor to bring care and support to an
island community. It is compelling when children involved in the EdGE program realize they can achieve
things they never thought possible. It is compelling when the Mission helps a family stave off hunger and
cold on a Maine winter night.
This compelling work has continued now for well over a century. The Mission’s dedicated staff and
over 500 volunteers work tirelessly year round to fulfill our mission of service. This list includes staff and
teachers of the EdGE program, the crew and medical team on the Sunbeam, volunteers in our Housing
repair Program and the list goes on and on.
In this 2011 Annual report we share with you highlights of what we do and the impact we have on
the island and coastal communities we serve. It is critical to note that much of what the Mission does is
made possible because each year hundreds of loyal donors give freely and generously to support our
work. We thank each and every one of our supporters – your generosity is also compelling.
Gavin WaTSon and SCoTT planTinG
The Maine sea Coast Mission will continue to serve for years to come. We invite you to learn about
Cover: planTinG SeedlinGS aT The
edGe Garden
and take part in the vital work that we do for the people of Downeast Maine.
scott Planting
Executive Director
Gavin H. Watson, Jr.
Board President
Through health clinics, educational health talks,
and personalized health care, islanders receive the
health care necessary to live on an island year round.
no one likes to be sick. For those living on an island, the challenges related to illness increase greatly.
Access to medical providers is a constant issue and an unexpected ailment can mean days away from
To IsLAnDs
home. Throughout its history, the Maine sea Coast Mission has been an important resource for the health
■ Sunbeam V
continues this tradition of providing critical services. Through year-round trips to Frenchboro, Isle au Haut
■ Island Health Services
and Matinicus, sharon helps people take care of their health through both preventative education as
■ Island Ministry
well as providing flu shots and clinics for cardiac health, blood pressure, diabetes, prostate cancer and
■ Island Partner Churches
skin cancer among many others. Through the use of advanced telemedicine, sharon also helps connect
North Haven Baptist Church
patients directly with their doctors without a trip to the mainland. As she describes it, the Mission acts
Second Baptist Church of Islesboro
as a virtual bridge between onshore providers and islanders needing primary and behavioral care. In
Swan’s Island Baptist Church
Union Church of Vinalhaven
and well-being of island residents. sharon Daley, rn, as the Mission’s Director of Island Health services,
the past year the medical suite on board the Mission vessel Sunbeam V underwent an overhaul, making
the space more conducive to the use of telemedicine equipment. In her many years with the Mission,
sharon has become not only a trusted medical provider but also an advocate for the health care needs
unique to island residents. In 2011 the Mission hosted an Island Eldercare Conference at Point Lookout
in Lincolnville. The conference was designed to bring together residents of twelve islands to discuss
challenges of caring for the elderly living in island communities.
Sharon daleY, rn, TaKeS a Blood preSSure readinG on The SUNBEAM V
The Sunbeam was transformed into a place of
wide-open hospitality, a place where the pain of
loss and the wounds of grief could begin to heal.
In early october a single-engine plane crashed before landing on one of the islands the Mission has served
for over 100 years. The pilot, a well-respected and beloved employee of the island air service and a
member of the extended island family, bringing groceries to island residents, was killed. The Sunbeam had
left the island just before the accident, headed to another island before the next day’s telemedicine clinics.
But when we got news of the crash, stunned, we tried to regroup as well as we could and determine what
to do next. The tide had already fallen below the point where we could make it back in to the harbor, so
we decided to return early the next morning.
That morning the Sunbeam hosted a breakfast for anyone on the island who wanted to come – those who’d
been up all night coping with the aftermath of the crash, and those who’d stayed up all night, too grieved
and worried for sleep. The school children came aboard for some refreshments and games, and a safe
place to begin to make sense of what had happened. The Sunbeam was transformed into a place of wideopen hospitality, a place where the pain of loss and the wounds of grief could begin to heal.
so often in the midst of crisis we worry that our responses will be inadequate, unable to fix the cause of grief
or stem its pain. And then, by the graced spirit of God, we are reminded that what we cannot fix we can
still tend, as bearers of light in the midst of all sorts of darkness, and harbingers of the rising tide of hope.
Rob Benson
lefT: roB BenSon iS The MiSSion’S paSTor To The ouTer iSlandS
oppoSiTe: The SUNBEAM V approaCheS MaTiniCuS iSland
They have weathered interpersonal conflicts and grown
friendships. They have gained skills, created beautiful
things, and given me an endless share of hope.
strengthening our kids goes beyond traditional education; it begins in the heart and in relationships. I
am an AmeriCorps volunteer and staff teacher with the EdGE afterschool and summer camp program.
Every day at EdGE, I learn more ways to connect with my students beyond worksheets and numbers.
■ The EdGE
that reinforce what the kids learn during the school day. I also have had the opportunity to bring my own
■ Mission Scholarships
creativity to the program through a photography club, which I started with thirteen students in Milbridge
I have the opportunity to build fun science, technology, engineering, and math activities for afterschool
Elementary school. Through a grant, we gave them cameras, taught photography lessons, hosted visiting
photographers, and brought two high school student mentors from the narraguagus photo art class into
the afterschool program. our young fourth through eighth grade students bettered their ability to capture
the beauty and visual images of their world. When I arrived at the EdGE one of my first experiences was a
spontaneous staff meeting where my co-workers tried to brainstorm words that describe the EdGE. “Pride,
hope, strength, education, opportunity,” they said. Each of those words represents my experience with
the EdGE program and the thoughtful, untiring, devoted people who care for the children of Washington
County. Whether it’s been on the ropes course in fall, ice rink in winter, cooking afterschool, or any of our
other activities, I’ve seen my students seize opportunities to grow and challenge themselves. They have
weathered interpersonal conflicts and grown friendships. They have gained skills, created beautiful things,
and given me an endless share of hope.
Caroline Fish
edGe TeaCher Caroline fiSh on a loBSTer BoaT durinG The edGe iSland
eXplorer SuMMer CaMp
Braden is autistic – the EdGE staff were very
understanding, patient, and eager for Braden to
participate in the program.
My son Braden Jacobs, a student at the Mountain View Grammar school, just finished the fourth grade. This
year he was eligible to participate in the EdGE afterschool program. This was a big step for Braden because
he is autistic; it was also a big step for me as a parent of a child with autism. We approached this opportunity
with a bit of apprehension because transitions and change are difficult for us both. Fortunately, the staff at the
EdGE was very understanding, patient, and eager for my son to participate. Before committing to the program,
Braden and I attended the step up night to learn more about the EdGE. After that evening, Braden was so
excited, he decided he would like to attend the program every Monday and Wednesday after school. This
turned out to be a very positive experience and in the last year, Braden has grown tremendously. Everyone at
the EdGE, from the teachers to the volunteers to the other students, helped make this a successful experience
for my son. Braden especially enjoyed the games geared towards independent thinking and watching other
participants play basketball. The EdGE program, which is designed to meet the needs of its participants, was a
great fit for Braden because he was able to join in as much or as little as he felt comfortable. Also, it gave him
opportunities to work independently and in groups and provided another place where he could be successful. In
fact, this year, Braden received an award for all of his hard work and growth toward being more independent.
This was very exciting for our family as it shows how much he can grow and learn outside of school and home.
I cannot tell you how much the EdGE program has impacted us both; I have learned to let my son have more
independence, and Braden has had the chance to interact with his peers and be a typical ten-year-old boy.
Hope Jacobs
lefT: Braden JaCoBS parTiCipaTinG in edGe
oppoSiTe: edGe STudenTS parTiCipaTe in a BoaT BuildinG ClaSS
As a participant in EdGE I learned a great deal
about working together and about trust – all while
having a fun time.
Ten years ago I was a young person growing up in Addison, Maine. In the seventh and eighth grades
I had the opportunity to participate in a new afterschool program called EdGE. My involvement in this
program really opened up the world for me. I remember it vividly.
As a participant in EdGE I learned a great deal about working together and about trust – all while having
a fun time. I loved the ropes course and kayaking off the Sunbeam. I made lots of friends and enjoyed
the social aspects of the program. Everyone knows that junior high can be a tough time and EdGE really
made it better.
Today I am studying at Husson University for a master’s degree public accounting. As part of my internship
at Berry Dunn I recently had the opportunity to participate in the Mission’s annual audit. I was thrilled
to know that EdGE is still going strong and helping a new generation of kids know that they can be
Shireen Palmacci Barr
lefT: Shireen palMaCCi Barr
oppoSiTe: edGe STudenTS on The ropeS CourSe aT The doWneaST CaMpuS
The Maine Sea Coast Mission has been providing
scholarships to students from the islands and
coastal communities of Downeast Maine since 1918.
Attainment of a college degree is part of the American dream. For many families and students in Downeast
Maine that dream is more difficult to obtain. Tuition and fees have steadily increased at both public and
private institutions, and graduating students are carrying more student loan debt than ever before. The
scholarship program at the Maine sea Coast Mission aims to make a difference to those students who
dream of earning a college degree. The program has a long history that goes back to 1918 when the
first Mission scholarships were awarded to young women who wished to become teachers. Today, the
Mission continues that tradition, and in 2011 over $117,000 was awarded to 119 Mission scholars.
Unlike many other programs, the Mission provides scholarships to recipients throughout a four-year college
education as long as a student continues to progress successfully. Each year the Mission hosts an Annual
scholarship Barbeque and Picnic for scholarship recipients and their families.
lefT: MiSSion SCholar MaTTheW alleY and donna alleY
oppoSiTe: Board MeMBer denniS daMon preSenTS a MiSSion SCholarShip
To niCK CarTer
At the food pantries, thousands of pounds of food are
sorted, loaded, and boxed and are often all that stands
between the pangs of hunger and a healthy meal.
The Maine sea Coast Mission Food Pantry is working in Downeast communities to reduce hunger. In 2011,
over 398 households received food from the Cherryfield Food Pantry. over 50 low-income seniors are
enrolled in the senior Food Bank and receive government commodities each month. Backpacks filled with
■ Cherryfield Food Pantry
breakfast at school. In Washington County, nearly 60% of school age children qualify for this benefit. research
■ Emergency Financial
has found that children who receive free or reduced lunch are more likely to go hungry over the weekends.
■ Housing Repair Program
■ Clothes for ME
■ Senior Companions
■ Weald Bethel Chapel
■ Downeast Senior
food for the weekend are provided each Friday to 120 school children who receive free or reduced lunch and
During the final months of 2011, requests for help with food almost tripled when compared to the rest of the
year. In Washington County, many people living in poverty rely on seasonal work for their income. once
the cold weather sets in, people have to make the hard decision of whether to heat their homes, buy their
medications, pay the electric bill or put food on the table.
The atmosphere in the pantry is a welcome antidote to the cold and dreary weather outside. Gena
norgaard, the pantry manager, and her faithful volunteers, Joan, Bunny, Melissa, and Joanne greet each
■ Christmas Program
person with a smile, ask them how they are doing and help them shop for food on the pantry shelves. Each
■ Bread of Life Food Pantry
(Swans Island)
month a family is provided enough food for 15 meals, and our goal is to provide food that meets their
dietary needs and food that they would like to eat.
During the summer, the pantry is filled with fruits and vegetables grown in the Mission’s Cherryfield garden
or donated by local farmers. It is a different story in the winter when very little is available so, in 2011, the
Mission built a greenhouse to provide fresh produce to the pantry year round.
volunTeer BunnY looK WorKinG in The CherrYfield food panTrY
Volunteers of visiting church groups weatherize homes,
build bridges, repair homes, and assist with projects to
improve living quality for residents of Downeast Maine.
Maine’s harsh climate can be tough on the places we call home. For those who live paycheck to
paycheck much needed home repair is often beyond reach. Leaking roofs, drafty windows and poorly
insulated dwellings are all common challenges. The Mission’s Housing repair Program reaches out to
make a difference. In 2011, Program Coordinator scott shaw lead over 310 volunteers from churches
throughout the northeast and from local towns as they provided 10,500 hours of service to the Downeast
Community – working to ensure that people are safe and warm. These volunteer heroes also donated
over $42,000 to purchase materials for the home repairs. This year 40 homes received help with critical
home repairs.
Many traditional sources of heating assistance for Downeast families have been eliminated or drastically
curtailed – all while the cost of heating fuel continues to increase. The Mission helps fill the gap left after
other heating assistance options are exhausted. The Mission prioritizes those most at risk for hypothermia:
the very young, the physically disabled and the elderly. In 2011 we were not able to assist all those who
met our threshold for aid, and efforts are underway to increase available funding.
lefT: The MiSSion aSSiSTS WiTh a fuel deliverY
oppoSiTe: houSinG repair proGraM volunTeerS inSTall neW SidinG on a hoMe
It’s easy to focus on the here and now, but we owe
it to ourselves and the people and organizations we
love and care about to ask “big picture” questions.
How often do you think about your legacy – what you will leave behind? In our busy lives it’s easy to
focus on the here and now and the day-to-day pressures of life but, I feel, we owe it to ourselves and the
people and organizations we love and care about to ask “big picture” questions.
My family and I have been involved with the Maine sea Coast Mission for over twenty years. I have seen
first-hand the amazing impact that EdGE is having in the lives of children in coastal Washington County.
The program is doing far more than giving hope – it is teaching leadership skills through experiential
learning and giving cultural exposure through the arts. The longevity of EdGE is so critical. After discussions
with my family, I have included the EdGE program at the Mission in my estate plans and it pleases me
knowing that I will be giving permanent support to the EdGE so that the transformation in the lives of these
youngsters will continue.
Connie Greaves Bates
For more information on how to include the Maine Sea Coast Mission in your estate plans please contact
the Development Office at 207.288.5097 or email rgwinn@seacoastmission.org.
lefT: Connie GreaveS BaTeS
oppoSiTe: leGaCY GifTS Can BenefiT edGe proGraMS for Children in
doWneaST Maine
Because of Marianne’s skillful and devoted service,
the community has access to a history not only of
the Mission but of Downeast Maine.
Marianne Barnicle never planned on a ten-year volunteer stay as Mission archivist. she was volunteering
with the Mission’s Christmas program when she was approached to organize the archive. When Marianne
began her work the archive consisted of boxes of papers, photographs, art work, log books and records
scattered throughout the Colket Center. on the third floor there were rooms with slides piled on the floor,
photos stuffed into albums, and general disarray reigned. Marianne was captivated by the work, and
organizing the Mission’s documents became an amazing labor of love continuing on long after the initial
project was completed. Marianne brought a keen interest in history, curiosity and a devotion to the region
to her work organizing the Mission archive. she has helped hundreds of people who wanted information
on a family member or friend who had somehow been involved with the Mission. What started out as
a part time volunteer assignment grew into a full-time labor of love. Because of Marianne’s skillful and
devoted service to the Maine sea Coast Mission, the community has access to a history not only of the
Mission but of Downeast Maine. Upon her retirement the board of directors of the Maine sea Coast
Mission dedicated the Mission archives to Marianne s. Barnicle.
lefT: a hooKed ruG froM The MiSSion arChive, one of ThouSandS of iTeMS
CaTaloGed BY Marianne over The YearS
oppoSiTe: Marianne BarniCle
Statement of Activities for the Year Ending December 31, 2011
Contributions and grants
Programs and events
Gain (loss) on sale of donated assets
Investment appropriation withdrawn for operations
net assets released for restricted purposes
Program services
Youth Development
Direct service
Island outreach
supporting services
Development and fundraising
Management and general
CHAnGE In nET AssETs FroM oPErATIons
non-oPErATInG GAIn (Loss)
net non-operating gain (loss)
greater than withdrawals for operations
ToTAL non-oPErATInG GAIn (Loss)
Annual Giving 31.3%
Bequests 0.6%
Trust Income 5.8%
Endowment Income Withdrawal 42.5%
Government Grants 1.7%
other Grants 1.4%
Program Income 0.9%
Pre-2011 restricted Funds Used 15.8%
Christmas 1.3%
Colket Center 9.4%
Downeast outreach 22.2%
outer Island Ministry 8.5%
sunbeam 13.5%
Island Health 7.1%
scholarship 5.4%
EdGE 32.6%
nET AssETs
Beginning of year
End of year
■ Program Expenses 83.9%
■ Fundraising Expenses 7.3%
■ General Expenses 8.8%
noTEs To
Maine Sea Coast Mission
is a nonprofit, tax exempt
organization under Section
501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code, a publicly
supported organization as
defined by Section 170(b) A-6.
Contributions are tax
deductible. An independent
auditor’s report is available
by contacting Anthony
Hessert at 207-288-5097.
2011 Donors
The Boston Foundation,
Anonymous Donor
State of Maine
Mrs. Edith R. Dixon
Patsy E. and Edward T. Fogarty
Mrs. Cornelia A. Greaves Bates
Anonymous (1)
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Coleman, Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund,
Joyce and Lester Coleman
Charitable Fund
Ruth M. and Tristram C. Colket, Jr.
Cornelia Cogswell Rossi Foundation
Mr. George A. Hambrecht
Monika A. and Charles A. Heimbold, Jr.
Maine Community Foundation,
Birch Cove Fund
Mrs. Cornelia A. Greaves Bates,
Maine Community Foundation,
Edward S. and Cornelia Greaves Fund
Mentor United Methodist Church, OH
Ms. Mary A. Offutt
Sigma Kappa Foundation
Mrs. Marjorie D. Twombly
Washington Hancock Community
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin H. Watson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.Wister, Jr.,
Margaret Dorrance Strawbridge
Foundation II
Anonymous (2)
All Saints’ Anglican Church,
Amesbury, MA
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Branson,
Maine Community Foundation,
Edward S. and Cornelia Greaves
Fund II
Mr. Charles C. Butt
C.F. Adams Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Clapp
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Combs
Congregational Church of Topsfield, MA
Mrs. Josephine H. Detmer
Mr. and Mrs. William Eason, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Greaves,
Maine Community Foundation,
Edward S. and Cornelia Greaves
Fund II
Mrs. Penelope P. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Hitchcock,
In His Steps Foundation,
Hitchcock Legacy Fund
Mr. Peter Hunt,
Maine Community Foundation,
Point Harbor Fund
Jasper Wyman & Son
Mr. Joseph C. Jensen
Maine Community Foundation,
Wayanee Fund
Prime Buchholz & Associates, Inc.
John and Barbara Robinson,
The Widgeon Point Charitable
Ms. Tracy L. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stillman
The First
The Robbins-de Beaumont Foundation
Linda B. and Billy L. Thompson
Town of Southwest Harbor
Town of Swan’s Island
Anonymous (1)
Acadia Corporation
Edward L. Allen and
Lorraine D. Gawronski
Ann Arbor Area Community
Foundation, Anonymous Donor
Ascension Lutheran, Willow Street, PA
Mrs. Ellen T. Asherman
Dr. Susan R. Austin
Ms. Elizabeth W. Bamford
Russell and Pat Beede,
Stearns Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Benore
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Blake,
The Curtis and Patricia Blake
Mrs. Charlotte T. Bordeaux
Mrs. Margaret Buchanan
Mr. Richard H.D. Bullock and
Ms. Carol E. Woolman
Mrs. Leone J. Burrage
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carman,
The Dayton Foundation
Christ Church of Dark Harbor,
Islesboro, ME
Church of the Redeemer,
Sorrento, ME
Ms. Sally F. Clifford
Coastal Kayaking Tours & Acadia
Bike & Canoe
Coastline Homes
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Coleman
Congregational Church in Cumberland,
Cumberland Center, ME
Cranberry Isles Congregational Church,
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cooper, Jr.
Ms. Vickie L. Cooper,
Employees Community Fund
of the Boing Company
Mrs. Sylvia Y. Cough
Mr. Archibald Cox, Jr. and
Mrs. Judy Gordon Cox
Mr. Gregory W. Dalton
Ms. Barbara O. David
Mr. David A. Davis
Dead River Company
Mrs. Ruth B. Durfee
Emergency Food and Shelter Program
Ben and Dianna Emory,
Maine Community Foundation,
Ocean Ledges Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Falck
Family to Family,
Good Shepherd Food Bank
Capt. and Mrs. Charles D. Fellows
First Baptist Church, Bar Harbor, ME
First Congregational Church,UCC,
South Portland, ME
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Foulke
Jennifer and Steven Fowler-Greaves,
Maine Community Foundation,
Edward S. and Cornelia Greaves
Fund II
Ms. Sally A. Gibson
Ms. Lou Glenn,
The Community Foundation
for Greater Atlanta,
Hilda D. Glenn Fund
Jill M. and Sheldon F. Goldthwait,Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan R. Goley
Good Shepherd Food Bank
The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. J. Clark Grew, II
Mrs. Patricia A. Hanlon
John K. Hanson, Jr. and
Mary R. Saltonstall,
Middlecott Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Harmon
Dr. Kathleen A. Harper
Mr. David P. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hatch
Ms. Beverly I. Healy
Mrs. Nancy K. Ho and Robert P. Ho*
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Hosley, III
Ms. Malen R. Hsu
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Ingram
J.T. Rosborough, Inc.
Lee and Ann Judd,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund,
Judd Charitable Fund
Mr. Charles R. Keen
Mr. John S. Knott
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Loutzenheiser
Machias Savings Bank
Maine Community Foundation,
Belvedere General Charitable
Grantmaking Fund
Mrs. Miriam E. Malkasian
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Marshall
Clement and Linda McGillicuddy,
Vanguard Charitable Endowment,
Fiddlehead Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McKown
Mr. and Mrs. David K. McKown
MDI Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrish H. Milliken
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Myles
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Niemitz
Ambassador and Mrs. Chester E.
Norris, Jr.
North Haven Summer Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Osborn, III
Mr. and Mrs. Florenz Ourisman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Parker
Rev. and Mrs. C. Scott Planting
Plymouth Congregational Church,
Coconut Grove, FL
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Poteet, II
Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Prime
R.H. Foster Energy, LLC
Red Empress Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Reed
Paul J. Reilly and Diane Patricia Atwood
The Rev. Patricia and
Mr. George Robertson
Mrs. Cornelia L. Robinson,
Maine Community Foundation,
John M. Robinson Fund
Mrs. Jean O. Robinson
Mr. David Rockefeller, Sr.,
The David Rockefeller Fund, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Rockefeller
Mr. Robert A. Roth
Mrs. Anne H. Russell
Mr. Andrew L. Schieffelin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Schieffelin
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schlegel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Schwab
Second Congregational Church,
West Boxford, MA
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Sharpe, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Shubert
Small Animal Clinic
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Karl Smith and Ms. Julie Canniff
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Snapp,
Schwab Charitable Fund
Snowman Printing & Presort Express
Mrs. Diana Davis Spencer
Phineas and Marylou Sprague,
P.W. Sprague Memorial Foundation
Squirrel Island Chapel,
Boothbay Harbor, ME
St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church,
Bar Harbor, ME
Stanley Subaru
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stewart
The Jackson Laboratory
The Kimball Shop & Boutique
The Mimi Foundation
St. Mary and St. Jude,
Northeast Harbor, ME
Rev. Dr. Ansley C. Throckmorton
Ms. Joan P. Tilney
Town of Tremont
Trinity Lutheran Church, Camp Hill, ME
United Way of Eastern Maine
USDA Rural Development
Mr. Richard C. Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe A. Van Marcke
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wakeman
Mr. and Mrs. Casper W. Weinberger, Jr.,
Caspar W. Weinberger Foundation
Dr. Katharine F. Wellman
Mr. Douglas Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wister, Jr.
Ms. Nancy C. Woodward
Above Average Food Coop
Ms. Phillida M. Alcantar
Ms. Susan K. Allen
Mr. David A. Aloise
Mr. Alan L. Baker
Bangor Hydro-Electric Company
Bar Harbor Merchants Association
Ms. Lydia M. Barnes
Dr. Paul Beisswenger, MD
and Ms. Carolynne Krusi
Benevolent Friends of African Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Bennett
Mr. Gordon Bok and Ms. Carol Rohl,
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust,
Brandy Tree Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Brownell,
Evergreen Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Buchanan, Jr.
Dr. Carol J. Bult
Mr. and Mrs. Ordway Burden,
Florence V. Burden Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Roc R. Caivano
Ms. Pamela Caldwell
Camden National Bank
The Rev. and Mrs. Brenton H. Carey
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Carman
Congregational Church, Wells, ME
Mr. William N. Creasy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Darby, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Dickey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dohmen
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Donaldson
Dr. Charles Dorr,
Machias Business Group
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dreyer
Mr. Benjamin and Dr. Dianna Emory
Mrs. Sylvia M. Erhart
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fernald
First Congregational Church,
Westfield, MA
First Congregational Church,UCC,
Camden, ME
Rev. and Mrs. Fred S. Foerster
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Fox
Mr. Doug G. Gerber
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Grace Shethar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Grunewald
Kaveh Haghkerdar and Elizabeth
Hancock United Church of Christ,
Lexington, MA
Mr. Victor Hand and Dr. Patricia H. Hand
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Healing
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Heffner
Mrs. Mary S. Hockmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hughes
Illinois Wesleyan University
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ingram
Mrs. Anne O. Jackson,
Maine Community
Mr. John H. Jacobus
Mr. and Mrs. E. Robert Kinney
Ms. Sheila Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Lape
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Lewis,
Fiduciary Trust Company,
Haven Trust
Mr. Hugh C. Macgill and
Ms. Nancy T. Rankin
Mrs. E. Barbara MacQuinn
Maine Community Foundation
Maine Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. C. Keith Martin
Ms. Yvonne McAuliffe
Mrs. Lynne P. McGinn
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell T. McMillen
Rev. and Mrs. Jim Meister
Milbridge Congregational Church, ME
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Miley, Jr.
Dr. Paul R. Moulton
Mount Desert Islander,
Mr. Alan L. Baker
Mrs. Patricia G. Mudge
Mr. and Mrs. Donal B. Murphy
NACCC Missionary Society
Mrs. Janneke S. Neilson
Mr. Gregory A. Netland and
Ms. Kimberly Holliday,
Fidelity Charitable Gifts,
Netland Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Page,
Schwab Charitable Fund
Parker Lumber Company, Inc.
Mr. Richard W. Pendleton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Post
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Price, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robinson
Ms. Sydney Roberts Rockefeller
Mr. Christopher D. Roosevelt
Ms. Ruth Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Jean A. Rougeot
Mr. and Mrs. William Russell
Ms. Jo D. Saffeir and
Mr. Kristian R. Carr,
Maine Community Foundation,
Saffier Family Fund
Salmon Point Sunbeam Fair
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Sawyer, II
Ms. Mary W. Schley,
Community Foundation
of Chattahoochee Valley
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Schoeder
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Shaw,
Maine Community Foundation,
Knubble Bay Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Chadbourn H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith
St. Andrew Lutheran Church,
Ellsworth, ME
St. Peter the Fisherman Parish,
Machias, ME
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stevenson
Ms. Zareen Taj Mirza
Mr. and Mrs. Norcross Teel, Jr.
Mr. Charles D. Therrien
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund,
Thompson Family Fund
Mr. William C. Trimble, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Twining
Mr. and Mrs. Dana E. Twombly
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Underdahl
Underwater Taxi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Van der Grift,
Van der Grift Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weg
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Wellman
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wheatland
Mr. and Mrs. Winston H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Whitehouse
Mr. David A. Wildey
Wilson Memorial Chapel,
Ocean Point, ME
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Adams, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Adelman
Dr. Charles B. Alexander and
Mr. Timothy T. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Alfield,
The Waterford Group Charitable
Alfred Parish Church, UCC, ME
All Souls by the Sea, Edgecomb, ME
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Allen
Mrs. Emily C. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Amos
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Armitstead
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Aselton
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ash
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Attura
Ms. Anne Elise Aubry
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Babcock
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ballard
Bar Harbor Congregational Church,
Bar Harbor Inn
Bar Harbor Times
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff J. Barratt
Mr. and Mrs. Brett A. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Basiliere
Mr. and Mrs. Brendon M. Bass
Mr. Eric E. Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Beckjord
Ms. Katherine M. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bennett
Mrs. Carol S. Bergeson
Mrs. Irene Marquardt Berry
Big Woods Congregational Church,
Warrenville, ME
Dr. and Mrs. Llewellyn B. Bigelow
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bissell
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Blaine, II
Ms. Judith A. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Blaney
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Blank
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Blythe
Ms. Susanne E. Bogart
Drs. Alan and Margaret Booth
Mrs. Florence Borda
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bousfield
Ms. Brenda Bousfield and
Mr. David E. Marcus
Mrs. Jerilyn Mitchell Bowers
Mr. Glenn Bowery
Mr. Robert B. Bowman and
Ms. Lori Tradewell
Mr. Nathaniel C. Bradley
Mrs. Lois Bragg
Carl M. Brauer and Nancy J. Schieffelin
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brawley
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brechlin
Ms. Dorothy M. Bricker
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bromage,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund,
Bromage Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Burrow Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Shepard Brown
William Bruce and Helen Scalia
Mr. Ashley Bryan
Ms. Kathy Bugbee
Mrs. Lucy A. Burr
Mrs. Justine M. Caldwell
Ms. Pamela Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Carabetta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Carver
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Casey
Mr. Robert P. Chaplin
Mr. and Mrs. Leonide G. Charette
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Chartrand
Ms. Donna Lee Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Cheston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cheston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Chetwynd, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Cinelli
Mr. Joseph F. Cistone and
Ms. Alyne Kemunto Cistone
Mr. Toby Citrin
Ms. Constance M. Clark
Mrs. Sarah L. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Clemence
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard G. Clemons
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Clunan
Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. Colby, III
Mr. John Collier and
Mrs. Susan Ferrante-Collier
Dr. and Mrs. Darron Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Collins
Mr. Thomas R. Collins and
Dr. Mary M. Collins
Congregational Church of
Matinicus, ME
Conners Emerson PTSA
Dr. and Mrs. John D. Constable
Ms. Elizabeth C. Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cook,
Maine Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton N. Cooke
Dr. and Mrs. Louis R. Cos
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cottrell
Ms. Virginia Cousin
Ms. Leona W. Cox
Rev. and Mrs. Robert O. Crabbs
Mr. and Mrs. J. Max Creswell
Ms. Sally Scully Crock
Ms. Jeanne G. Crocker
Mr. Jock Crothers and
Ms. Lisa Heyward
Ms. Patricia S. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Daggett
Mr. Richard A. D’Alessandro
Senator and Mrs. Dennis S. Damon
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Dana, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dann
David Community Church, Osage, IA
Ms. Nancy L. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson R. Debevoise
Mr. Benjamin R. Deering
Rev. and Mrs. Gary A. DeLong
Delta Dental Plan of New Hampshire
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. DeLuca
Mr. Leonard J. DeMuro
Mr. and Mrs. John A. DeTurris
Mrs. Alix C. Diana
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitney Dickey,
New Hampshire Charitable
Foundation, Whit and Closey
Dickey Fund
Dr. Richard C. Dimond
Capt. and Mrs. Almer L. Dinsmore
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dodge
Mrs. Pamela Dodge
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. Donaldson
Mr. Jeremiah J. Donovan
Mr. Myron H. Downs
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Drake
Ms. Jean B. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Duffy
Ms. Carol McCarthy Duhme
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Yvan E. Dupuy
Ms. Cynthia B. Dutton
Rev. and Mrs. George W. Easton
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Eaton
Edgecomb Congregational Church,
Mr. Jon Edwards and Ms. Nancy Fox
Mr. Charles H. Egerton and
Rev. Karen Egerton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Eley
Elijah Kellogg Church, Harpswell, ME
Ms. Susan Elliott
Mr. Reginald Elwell
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Emery
Emmaus Lutheran Church,
Falmouth, ME
Mrs. Celia P. Emmons
Mrs. Marjorie W. English
Ms. Elizabeth A. Ennis
Gordon I. Erikson* and Dotti Erikson,
Greater Worcester Community
Foundation, Gordon Iver-Dorothy
Brewer Erikson Fund
Gordon I. Erikson* and Dotti Erikson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. Eustis, II
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Evans
Mr. Frederick C. Evering
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Faller
Mr. Wyman Farnsworth
Federated Church, Thomaston, ME
Mrs. Anna M. Fernald
Mr. and Mrs. H. Allen Fernald
First Church of Christ Congregational,
Lynn, MA
First Congregational Church,
Hanson, MA
First Congregational Church,
Millinocket, ME
First Congregational Church,
Searsport, ME
First Congregational Church,
South Paris, ME
First Congregational Church of
Gray, ME
First Congregational Church of Kittery,
First Congregational Church of
North Anson, ME
First Congregational Church, UCC,
Brewer, ME
First Congregational Church, UCC,
Farmington, ME
First Parish Congregational Church,
York, ME
First Parish Congregational Church,
UCC, Yarmouth, ME
First Presbyterian Church,
Warrensburg, NY
Mr. and Mrs. Julian D. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Forsley
Ms. Elizabeth C. Forster
Ms. Ruth Foster
Mr. Peter E. Fox
Mr. Vance Frost and
Mrs. Elsie V. LaCount Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Fuerst, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Furciniti
Jim Geary and Louise Soucey
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas T. Genimatas
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Gervasi
Ms. Barbara Baron Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gilchrist
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gilfillan
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Gilfillan
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald L. Gillies
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Gilliland
Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Ed T. Girvin
Mrs. Anne C. Godfrey
Ms. Jessie A. Godfrey
Peter Godfrey and Joan Mackie
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Gogolak,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund,
MMG Gift Account
Good Shepherd Food Bank,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goode, Jr.,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund,
Goode Family Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David Goodrich
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Gorman, Jr.
Robert Gossart and Judith Burger-Gossart
Ms. Charlotte H. Gowen
Mrs. Margaret F. Grace
Mr. Andrew R. Grainger
Mr. and Mrs. W. Arthur Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Grant
Mr. Philip Grausman and
Ms. Judith Petrovich
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence H. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greene
Ms. Frances R. Grindell*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Gurtler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C Habermann
Ms. Mary R. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hall
Mr. Morris Hancock and
Rev. Linda Peyton-Hancock
Hancock Waldo Assoc. of the Main
Conference UCC, Lamoine, ME
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Handwerk
John K. Hanson and Mary R. Saltonstall
Harbor House Community Service Center
Ms. Marjory W. Hardwick
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Harper
Anne Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harrington
Mrs. Nancy G. Harris
Dr. and Mrs. J. Warren Harthorne
Mrs. Ann E. Haslett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Haslett
Ms. Victoria C. Hatch
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Dana R. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E.
Heidenreich, Jr.
Mr. Darwin Heme and Mr. Ruth Binder
Mr. Jeffrey S. Henderson
Ms. Leah Henderson
Ms. Alice E. Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Hessert
Ms. Elizabeth Hicken
Mr. and Mrs. G. Albert Higgins, Jr.
Ms. Nancy J. Hildenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hinckley
Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Hindle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Hineline
Ms. Margaret Hinman
Ms. Frances S. Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Hitz
Ms. Amanda F. Hobart
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Hoche
Ms. Nancy J. Hoeflich
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hogenboom
Mrs. Eileen Holberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hollenbeck
Dr. and Mrs. William S. Holt
Ms. Betsey Holtzmann
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Horn,
Community Foundation of
New Jersey, Horn Family Fund
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Horner
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Houldin, Jr.,
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Nancy D. Howland
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Hoyt
Malcom Hughes and
Lydia Barnes Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. John H Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Hume
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hutz
Mrs. Angela M. Imhof
Mr. Ronald P. Indorf and
Ms. Donna E. Elliott
Ms. Elizabeth F. Ingram
J. C. Milliken Agency, Inc.
Ms. Isabel A. Jackson
Ms. Joanne W. Jacob
Donald J. Jalbert
Jeff Dobbs Productions, Inc.
Mr. David Johanson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Boreham Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Johnson,III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Johnson
Rev. and Mrs. William A. Johnson
Jonesboro Union Church, ME
Jordan-Fernald Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Judd
Ms. Bonnie Cowle Kane
Mr. Karl J. Karnaky, Jr. and
Ms. Susan Turner
Mr. and Mrs. James Katovitch
Ms. Ruth Keene
Mr. Stephen Keiser and
Ms. Karen Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Morris C. Kellett
Ms. Gwendolyn L. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kellogg
Mr. Dewey Kerr, Jr.
Mr. William H. Killam
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Kimnach
Ms. Elizabeth S. King
Ms. Evelyn L. King
Ms. Mary M. King
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kittredge
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Knebel
Ms. Barbara Kneeland
Ms. Wendy Knickerbocker
Mr. Stephen P. Koster and
Ms. Laurie Feldman
Ms. Anne M. Kozak
Dr. and Mrs. Julius R. Krevans
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips L. Kuhl
Mr. John C. Kyriakos
Ms. W. Deanna LaCasce
Ladies Benevolent Society, Wells, ME
Mr. George R. Lafferty, Jr.
Dr. Barry M. Lamont
Miss Anna Lamontain
Dr. Carlisle P. Landel and
Mrs. Kathleen M. Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lape
Mrs. Hope W. Lapsley,
Fiduciary Trust Company
Ms. Elaine C. Latham
Mrs. Katherine D. Lathrop
Ms. Emily Lewis,
Middlecott Foundation
Ms. Rosalind W. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Lewis
Ms. Verna C. Lewis
Ms. Jan Lichtenwalter
Ms. Karyn Lie-Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Lingel, II
Mr. and Mrs. David Little
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton C. Lockwood
Ms. Liz Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Loring
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lovit
Mr. and Mrs. K. Prescott Low
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lowe
Mrs. Lorraine S. Lowell
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lowell, Jr.
Ms. Marie H. Lundahl
Mr. and Mrs. H. Stanley MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Nigel S. MacEwan
Mr. and Mrs. Ward D. Mackenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith H. Mackusick
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Macomber
Maine Mountain Man
Mr. William Mank and
Mrs. Chris Parsons-Mank
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Marshall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Martin
Rev. and Mrs. Leory L. Martinson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster Mathews
Mr. Charles C. Mayhood and
Ms. Madeline E. Hutcheson
Ms. Marilyn M. Mays
Ms. Maralyn J. Mazza
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McAdoo
Mrs. Mary Ellen McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter McCracken
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. McEntee
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. McNair
Mr. and Mrs. Creighton McShane
MDI Dental Arts
Mr. and Mrs. Dana G. Mead
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Meade
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Meeks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Mellon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mendelson
Mr. James S. Menson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Merians
Mr. Bob Merrill
Mr. Charles H. Merriman, III
Mr. and Mrs. Steen Meryweather
Mrs. Jean P. Messex
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Meyer
Ms. Florence R. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Meyerbach
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Meyerjack, Jr.
Ms. Sara T. Mikell
Milbridge Congregational
Church Women, ME
Mr. Johnathan S. Miller
Henry P. Minis and Patricia E. Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Mocarsky
Mr. Carl C. Monk
Drs. Jeffrey and Barbara Moore
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Kieran C. Morris
Mr. Samuel G. Morrison
Dr. Herbert C. Morse, III
Dr. and Mrs. Tom N. Mullen
Ms. Marilyn W. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Mygatt
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Natsios
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Neilson
Mrs. Marjorie D. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Grover P. Nevells
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Newell
Mr. and Mrs. William V. P. Newlin
Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis W. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Newman
Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Niblock
Mr. and Mrs. H. Gilman Nichols, Jr.
Mr. Harry Noel and Ms. Susan Livingston
Noel Builders, Inc.
Ms. Paige R. Noland
North Bucksport, UMC, Women’s Club
Ms. Sylvia G. Norton
Mr. Robert Olney and
Ms. Catherine Richards
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Opdyke
Ms. Anne Pell Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Osgood
Our New England Country Store
Mr. Jeffrey A. Oxman
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Page
Mr. Richard G. PanKuch and
Ms. Donna K. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Brainard W. Parker, II
Mr. and Mrs. David Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm E. Peabody
Mrs. Margaret Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Pennington
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradlee Perry
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perry
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Pier
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pierce
Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pierson, Jr.
Mr. Daniel A. Pileggi and
Ms. Bronwyn W. Kortge
Mrs. Judith C. Pinney
Rev. and Mrs. David B. Plank
Ms. Heather C. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Powell
Ms. Julia C. Pratt
Princeton Congregational Church, ME
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Pullar
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Pulsifer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Putnam
Mr. Ellis M. Ramsdell
Mrs. Barbara N. Rappaport
Mr. Chris Rawls and
Ms. Elizabeth Halpern
Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Read
Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Read
Mr. and Mrs. George Reath, Jr.
Mr. Earl Redman
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Resotko
Ms. Claire A. Richardson
Ms. Janet Riesman
Mr. and Mrs. Gil Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Ripley
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart C Roberts
Ms. Linda J. Robinson
Rockland Congregational Church, ME
Mr. Roberto M. Rodriquez
Mr. and Mrs. John Roll
Dr. and Mrs. Derry Roopenian
Ms. Deborah H. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan J. Rossi, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Roxby
Ms. Barbara M. Rudolph
Mrs. Carol Rush
Mr. Harry Russell, Jr.
Rev. and Mrs. Carlton T. Russell
S.A.R.A., Committee of
Capitol Island, ME
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Saccomanno
Dr. and Mrs. Eckart Sachsse
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Sager
Saint Brendan the Navigator
Episcopal Church, Stonington, ME
Ms. Terry M. Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Sanford
Mr. Alex C. Sanger
Mr. and Mrs. Louie A. Santerre
Ms. Nancy L. Saunders
Mr. William L. Saunders, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden H. Sawyer, Jr.
Mr. Henry L.P. Schmelzer and
Ms. Cynthia E. Livingston
Mr. Karl R. Schoettle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. R. MacDonald Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Scott
Ms. Valerie E. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seabury
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sears
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Seaton
Second Baptist Church Sewing Society,
Islesboro, ME
Second Congregational Church,
Warren, ME
Second Congregational Church, UCC,
Norway, ME
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Sellers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Seward
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Shaw
Rev. Martha B. Shaw and Bill Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheehan
Ms. Kathleen S. Sheehan
Ms. Andrea G. Shirley
Ms. Carol Shloss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Sidell
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey N. Siebert
Sigma Kappa Alumnae Dallas, TX
Sigma Kappa Alumnae
Ocean Area, NJ
Sigma Kappa Alumnae
S. Suburban Chicago, IL
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Simons
Mr. Glenn E. Siple and
Mrs. Linda J. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Slosser
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Smaha
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Smith
Ms. Harriet F. Smith
Mrs. Rhoda Smith
Ms. Rita L. Smith
Mr. Stephen A. Smith and
Ms. Martha J. Freimuth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Snodgrass
Somesville Union Meeting House,
Southern Ocean Congregational
Church, Little Egg Harbor, NJ
Ms. Ida L. Spooner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sposito
Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Sprague
Square & Compass Club, Inc.
St. Aiden’s Episcopal Church,
Machias, ME
Mr. and Mrs. C. William Stamm
Mr. Victor C. Stanley
Mr. Lee P. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Steele
Dr. and Mrs. T. Douglas Stenberg,
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund,
Shirley L. and T. Douglas Stenberg
Ms. Elizabeth Stergas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Stevens
Mr. Robert E. Stevens and
Ms. Kathleen E. Sullivan
Mr. Frederick Stone
Dr. Kevin B. Strange and
Ms. Rebecca Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. Elliot W. Strong, Jr.
Mr. David G. Struck and
Ms. Lavon L. Bartel
Ms. Barbara Sullivan
Mr. Tobias W. Suttle
Swans Island Cooks
Rev. Dr. George Swanson
Ms. Anne L. Swenson
Mr. Clint Swingle and
Ms. Marion Stroud Swingle
Mr. Custis B. Swope
Rev. and Mrs. Steven Swope
Mrs. Susan V. Swope
Ms. Esther C. Testa
The Garden Club of Mount Desert
The Village Church, Washington, ME
Third Congregational Church,
Middleton, CT
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Tobey
Tom’s Mini-Mart, Inc.
Mr. Paul Trickett and
Ms. Gloria Howard
Ms. Yvette Tsiropoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Twombly
Ms. Marie E. Underwood
Union Evangelical Church,
Greenville, ME
United Methodist Women,
Gardner, ME
United Parish of Auburndale, MA
United Parish of Harrison and
N. Bridgton, ME
Mrs. Jimmie V. Upham
Mr. and Mrs. Doninicus Valiunas
Mr. William G. Van Pelt
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Siclen
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vaughan
Ms. Mary Veit
Mr. and Mrs. Dyer S. Wadsworth
Ms. Mary Jane Waite
Ms. Ann S. Waldron
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Walker
Dr. and Mrs. Hallam Walker
Mrs. Doris L. Walton
Mrs. Katharine S. Ward
Washington County Food and
Fuel Alliance
Washington Ladies Guild, ME
Water of Life Lutheran Church,
Newcastle, ME
Mr. and Mrs. Jon H. Webber
Mrs. Deborah D. Weise
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Blair West
Dr. Scott A. Westermeyer
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradford Wetherell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Whitaker
Mr. John S. White
Ms. Melinda White
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Whitehouse, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg S. Whitney
Whitney Originals, Inc.
Ms. Judith Whitney-Blake
Mr. A. Logan Wichern
Rev. Michelle Wiley and
Mr. David Arey
Mr. Ellsworth E. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Williams
Mr. John F. Winchester
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Winkelstein
Ms. Anne L. Wissler
Women’s Fellowship of Hammond St.,
Bangor, ME
Woman’s Union, First Baptist Church,
Waterville, ME
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Wood
Mr. Stuart Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Worcester
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Woturski
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wray
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wright
Mr. Thomas K. Yoder
Rev. and Mrs. George Zabriskie, II
Mr. Gene G. Zimmerman
Mrs. Patricia M. Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Zinn
Mrs. Cornelia P. Zinsser
Mr. Michael Zumoff and Ms. Judith Wink
George M. Butler Trust
Louis S. Cleaves Trust
John C. Enk Trust
Frances Graves Trust
Catherine Alice Gunn Trust
Eugene B. Hamilton Trust
Mrs. Ruth Lepper Gardner Bequest
Marion B. Hamilton Trust
Hattie A. & Fred C. Lynam Trust
Ray G. Marston Trust
Edward B. Mears Trust
Austin and Ruth Robinson Trust
Priscilla Schummrick Bequest
Isabel F.Thacher Bequest
Wyman and Della Whitney Trust
Dorothy D. Spencer Trust
Jane Margaret Ream Bequest
Anonymous (1)
GE Foundation
General Re Corporation
Pepsico Foundation
Pitney Bowes
Pfizer Foundation
Dr. Charles F. Adams III
Alan Baker
Lori and Kelly Barbee
Belles Inn
Rob Benson
Curtis Blake
Matthew and Meredith Brown
Helen and Conrad Bult
The Buto Family
Ruth L. Carawan
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Caulk
Brianna Emily Chaney
EdGE Children
Ruth and Tris Colket
Bill Conway
Jeanne Grant Crocker
Naomi Davis
Patricia DeGroot
Rev. Gary A. DeLong (9)
Edith Dixon (10)
Louisa Dixon
Dr. Charles Dorr
Judy Dow (2)
Miss Durey (2)
Ruth Durfee
Marjorie M. Emery
Patsy Fogarty
Ruth Lepper Gardner
Jessica Gillis
W. Arthur Grant
Cornelia Greaves Bates (4)
J. Clark Grew
Ruth and Doug Hare
Wendy Harrington
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Hartman
Rev. Ted Hoskins
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan K. Hoyt
Stephen and Linda Ingram
Daisy Jamieson
H. Lee Judd (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kent (2)
Glenda H. Kunz
Cathy Lewis (3)
Sadie Lovit
The Harvey Lowd Family
MSCM Staff
Dave Macy
Charles and Margaret Maloney (2)
Louise Gibson McGarvey
Naomi Davis Mead
The Meeks Family
Rev. Scott Planting
Doug Foster and Meredith Randolph
Mrs. Eugene F. Ratliff
Capt. O.W. Rhoades (2)
Judy and Steve Richards
John and Peggy Riesman
Ray and Amy Ross
Ruth Rossi
Rev. and Mrs. Peter Rupprecht
Margaret Schlotzhauer (2)
Levi Shaw
Joe and Joan Sheehan
Peter Lauria and Kathleen Sheehan
Sigma Kappa Sorority of
Boston University
Stacey Smith
JoAnn Spear-Brown
Carolyn Speck
Joan Tilney
Marjorie Twombly (4)
Shirley and Gavin Watson (2)
Rev. Charles H. Whiston
Donna Wiegle
Douglas Williams
John N. Zinsser (3)
Kathleen Ames (2)
Alice Beal
Harvey Beal
Rev. Neal and Elizabeth Bousfield
Elizabeth B. Bousfield
Neal and Weston Bousfield
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Bray
Margo B Case
Ruth B. Chapin
Maybelle H. Colburn
William Marshall Cole
Dorothy and Merrill Dooey (2)
Carmen Dorr
Virginia and David Douglass
Sylvester Ellis (2)
Michael E. Fawley (4)
Fannie and Harold Finnimore
Howard and Lois Fowler
Clarence R. Fox
Ruth Lepper Gardner
Rev. John Gilbert (2)
Theodosia Gray
Edward S. Greaves (4)
Rev. Orville and Anne Guptill
Alice B. Hartwell (2)
Marilyn E. Healy
Burd Reed Helmer
Janet Hoyle
Rev. Henry Watson Huddleston, Jr.
Milton Hultman
Lillian Johnson
Rita Johnston (2)
Julia C. Knickerbocker
Shirley E. Morong (7)
Elizabeth Munger Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Niemitz
Fred and Jessie Philbrook
Milton and Dorothy Philbrook
Leslie Pucci
Ricker Ranquist (17)
Dr. E. Scott Redman
Prof. and Mrs. Edward Bliss Reed
Sharon (Brownie) Rolfe
James J. Rush
Dwight Sargeant
Rev. Arthur H. Sargent
William A. Schneider
Roderic and Joyce Scott
Izora E. Stephens
Joan Stevens (3)
Isabel F. Thacher (16)
Gavin and Ruth Watson
Ruth Stowell Whitney
Alice Wood
Michael Zimmerman (17)
A D&M, Inc.
Acadia Area ATV’ers
Acadia Corporation
Mr. John Ackerman and
Ms. Helen Bow
Atlantic Landscape
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bahl
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Bar Harbor Bed & Breakfast
Bar Harbor Congregational Church,
Bar Harbor Fire Department
Bar Harbor Garden Club
Bar Harbor Housing Authority
Bar Harbor Police Department
Bar Harbor Savings & Loan
Bar Harbor Times
Mrs. Lori Anne Bartlett
Mr. William B. Basso
Bayside Supermarket, Inc.
Birch Bay Village
Bradley University
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bryer
Ms. Patricia L. Caruso
Cas Ole
Causeway Club
Cherryfield Elementary School
Chow Maine
Ms. Sarah M. Clemens
Coastal Creations
Ruth M. and Tristram C. Colket, Jr.
Congregational Church, Wells, ME
Conners Emerson PTSA
Coston & McIsaac
Cottage Flowers
Mr. Pat Crossland-Smith
Ms. Christine Crowley
Curves for Women of MDI
Ms. Sherry Devault
Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church,
Ms. Emily Dwyer
Mr. William C. Fernald and
Ms. Ruth Brunetti
Fiddler’s Green
First Baptist Church, S. Berwick, ME
First Congregational Church,
S. Paris, ME
First Parish Congregational Church,
York, ME
Ms. Barbara Forsythe
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Fox
Ms. Sue Furth
Garden Club, Addison, ME
Girl Scout Troops 667 & 1551
Ms. Nichole Greaves
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin
Kaveh Haghkerdar and Liz McMullan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hale
Ms. Pat Hamor
Janet L. Hankins
Hannaford - Portland
Hannaford - Bar Harbor
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Harrison
The Henrich Family
Ms. Barbara F. Hepburn
Ms. Martha B. Higgins
J. C. Milliken Agency, Inc.
Ms. Lisa Jenson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Johnson
Mr. Karl J. Karnaky, Jr. and
Ms. Susan Turner
Ms. Gwendolyn L. Kelley
Ms. Patty Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance J. Kelley
Ms. Linda Kelly
Ms. Helen Koch
Ms. Anne M. Kozak
Mr. and Mrs. John Kurgan
Mr. Gerald W. Lacy
Ms. Nicole L. Leighton
Lincoln First Congregational Church, ME
Lovell United Church of Christ, ME
Mrs. Joan Loy-Baxter
Lynam Real Estate Agency
Machias Savings Bank
Maine Distributors
Maine Nature Photo
Maine Wreaths
Ms. Jessica Marks
Ms. Shirley McCormack
McKay’s Public House
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McKown
Ms. Enid K. McNeally
MDI Marathon
MDI Music Boosters
Ms. Rose Meehan
Mrs. Eleanor F. Metcalf
Milbridge Fire Auxillary
Miller Gardens
Missions Third Congregational Church,
Alstead, NH
Ms. Jean Mugsford
Mrs. Julie Mun
Ms. Nancy Northrop
Ms. Ann M. Otto
Our New England Country Store
Ms. Whitney Page and Mr. Doug Rich
Ms. Tara Parker
Parker Ridge Assisted Living
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Perrin
Rev. and Mrs. C. Scott Planting
Poor Boy’s Gourmet
Queen Anne’s Flower Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Dana J. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Dean S. Read
Red Sky
Ms. Margaret Richardson
Ms. Susan Richardson
Mr. David Rockefeller, Sr.
Ms. Amy Roebuck
Dr. and Mrs. Derry Roopenian
Sagegrass Gallery
Sawyer’s Specialties
Sea Glass Gardens
Ms. Josephine F. Sidley
Sigma Kappa Alumnae Athens, TN
Sigma Kappa Alumnae Boston, MA
Sigma Kappa Alumnae Dallas, TX
Sigma Kappa Alumnae Perkasie, PA
Sigma Kappa Alumnae Sarasota, FL
Sigma Kappa Alumnae St. Louis, MO
Sigma Kappa Alumnae
W. Orange County, CA
Sigma Kappa Alumnae
W. Shore Cleveland, OH
Sigma Kappa Alumnae
West Towns Chicago, IL
Sigma Kappa Appalachian State
U Theta Alpha
Sigma Kappa Babson College
Zeta Zeta
Sigma Kappa Ball State
U Gamma Eta
Sigma Kappa Boston U Delta
Sigma Kappa CO
School of Mines Zeta Pi
Sigma Kappa Elmhurst College
IL Zeta Iota
Sigma Kappa Foundation
Sigma Kappa U of CA State Delta Iota
Sigma Kappa U of Central OK
Delta Chi
Sigma Kappa U of E. IL Gamma MU
Sigma Kappa U of E. TN State
Gamma Lambda
Sigma Kappa U of Elon Kappa Zeta
Sigma Kappa U of GA EE
Sigma Kappa U of IA State
Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Kappa U of IN State
Gamma Gamma
Sigma Kappa U of KS State Theta Tau
Sigma Kappa U of MA Beta Eta
Sigma Kappa U of NC Gamma Phi
Sigma Kappa U of Radford VA
Delta Psi
Sigma Kappa U of Wesleyan IL Eta
Sigma Kappa U of Wittenberg OH
Gamma Omega
Sigma Kappa U State of G.Valley MI
Kappa Beta
Sigma Kappa U of Findlay Epsilon Eta
Sigma Kappa Walnut CA Zeta Upsilon
Sigma Kappa Wesleyan College
Gamma Pi
Sarah Skaggs
Ms. Louise Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Dennis L. Smith and
Mrs. Karen O. Zimmermann
South Congregational Church,
S. Glastonbury, CT
Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Spence
Ms. Angela Spurling
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stephens
Ms. Margaret Stiassni-Sieracki
Stone Soup
Subway - Mt. Desert Island
Mrs. Suzanne Sylvia
The Bud Connection
The Calico Patch
The First
The Hinckley Company
The Inn at Southwest
The Kimball Shop & Boutique
The Lynam Insurance Agency
Trinity Lutheran Church, Valparaiso, IN
Mrs. Marjorie D. Twombly
United World Citizens
Van a Tee
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Varin
Wallace Tent & Party Rental
Westside Florist
Whitney Originals, Inc.
Window Panes
Worcester Wreath
The Maine Sea Coast Mission
appreciates the hundreds of
additional donors with gifts under
one hundred dollars. Unfortunately,
space constraints do not allow us to
include all names. We apologize for
any errors or omissions. If you notice
a problem, please call Tina King at
207-288-5097 or email her
at tking@seacoastmission.org.
Board of
Gavin H. Watson, Jr.
Joseph M. Murphy
Vice President
Jim Geary
Chadbourn H. Smith
Board members and staff serve
at the Scholarship barbeque
Edward L. Allen
Roger S. Clapp
Lester L. Coleman
Ruth M. Colket
Dennis S. Damon
William E. Eason, Jr.
Reginald B. Elwell, Jr.
Patsy E. Fogarty
Jill M. Goldthwait
J. Clark Grew, II
Monika A. Heimbold
Nancy K. Ho
H. Lee Judd
Tony C. McKim
Timothy P. Schieffelin
C. Stacey Smith
Linda B. Thompson
John M. Williams
Charles B. Alexander
Alan L. Baker
Curtis L. Blake
Cornelia Greaves Bates
Christopher Hutchins
Philip B. Lape
Justine M. Morris
Chester E. Norris, Jr.
John E. Parker, Jr.
Henry L.P. Schmelzer
Patricia G. Scull
Ansley C. Throckmorton
Lynda Z. Tyson
Douglas Williams
Charles Harrington
Director of EdGE
Wendy Harrington
Director of Service Programs
Jordan Clark
Assistant Director of EdGE
Maria Hall
EdGE Administrative Assistant
Anthony Beal, Jr.
EdGE Site Coordinator
Everett Carroll
EdGE Site Coordinator
Shawn Dulac
EdGE Site Coordinator
Colket Center,
Bar Harbor
Elliott Galen
EdGE Site Coordinator
Rev. C. Scott Planting
Executive Director
Sandra Giuffrida
EdGE Site Coordinator
Rick Gwinn
Director of Development
Susan James
EdGE Site Coordinator
Anthony Hessert
Director of Finance
and Administration
Stephen Kinghorn
EdGE Site Coordinator
Kathy Jaensch
Assistant Financial Manager
Tina King
Development Assistant
Terri Rodick
Executive Assistant and
Scholarship Coordinator
Charles Weber
Kendra McCrate
Development Consultant
Isaac Marnik
EdGE Site Coordinator
Gail Myshrall
EdGE Site Coordinator
Marilyn Nickson
Community Coordinator
Gena Norgaard
Food Pantry Manager
Scott Shaw
Caretaker and Housing
Repair Program Coordinator
Island Outreach
Rev. Robert Benson
Pastor to the Outer Islands
Sharon Daley
Director of Island Services
Patricia Dutille
Sunbeam V Steward
Michael Johnson
Sunbeam V Captain
Storey King
Sunbeam V Engineer
Rev. H. Ken Dutille
Minister, Atlantic
Baptist Church
Rev. David A. Macy
Minister, North Haven
Baptist Church
Rev. David Runnion-Bareford
Minister, Second Baptist
Church of Islesboro
You can help support the
compelling work of the Mission.
There are many ways you can help the Maine sea Coast Mission assist children, families, and seniors in need.
BY MAIL Please make checks payable to Maine sea Coast Mission and mail to the following address:
The Maine sea Coast Mission ■ 127 West street ■ Bar Harbor, ME 04609
BY PHonE Please call 207-288-5097 or 1-877-314-2278. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted.
GIFTs oF sToCK Please call rick Gwinn at 207-288-5097 for delivery instructions.
GIFT PLAnnInG oPPorTUnITIEs Planned gifts prolong your support of the Mission’s work, ensuring that ever increasing
numbers of Maine’s coastal and island residents will know the Mission as their partner in weathering life’s challenges. Through
planned giving, members and supporters of the Mission have the opportunity to reduce the taxable amount of their estates and to
help secure the Mission’s future at the same time.
THE MIssIon As BEnEFICIArY naming the Maine sea Coast Mission as beneficiary of an IrA, life insurance policy, or
investment account is as easy as notifying your account or policy manager of your wishes. some individuals establish life insurance
policies with the intent of leaving the Mission a larger sum at the end of their lives than they would be able to contribute during
their lifetime.
nAMInG THE MIssIon In YoUr WILL Adding a sentence to your will instructing that a specified dollar amount or
percentage of your residuary estate be given as a charitable contribution to the Maine sea Coast Mission will result in a gift that may
reduce estate taxes and help the Mission to extend its future outreach. real estate and investment securities can also be designated
as gifts to the Mission through your will.
InForMATIon on A WIDE VArIETY oF DIFFErEnT PLAnnED GIVInG VEHICLEs. This section of our
web site has the latest information on new types of planned gifts as well as articles on the benefits of different types of planned gifts.
The Mission’s web site is www.seacoastmission.org. When you reach the Mission’s web site, just click on “What You Can Do” and
then click on “Gift Planning” to find information about planned giving options, which provide a wide range of benefits to you and
to the Maine sea Coast Mission.
ediTor rick Gwinn aSSoCiaTe ediTor Tina King
deSiGn Z studio prinT snowman Printing & Presort Express phoToGraphY Greg spring and Maine sea Coast Mission staff
© 2012 Maine sea Coast Mission
127 West street, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609
oUr MIssIon
The Maine sea Coast Mission
provides spiritual, health, and youth
development programs in coastal and
island communities from mid-coast to
Downeast Maine. rooted in a history
of non-denominational service, the
Mission offers hope, encouragement
and help to strengthen individuals,
families and communities.
The Maine Sea Coast Mission provides spiritual, health,
and youth development programs in coastal and island
communities from mid-coast to Downeast Maine.