!SPRING 2012 il Giornale Grand Lodge of Maryland SPRING Executive Committee STATE PRESIDENT STATE TRUSTEES VINCE ZACCARIA Carol Rossi Conn 410-686-1276 Charles Ferraro STATE 1ST VICE PRESIDENT Dolores Gregory FRANCES A. CIPRIOTTI Thomas Zaccaria 410-321-1398 STATE 2ND VICE PRESIDENT LOUIS MARZULLO 443-491-3419 STATE 3RD VICE PRESIDENT DONNA DELUCA Rosario Liberati The Grand Lodge of Maryland MEETS THE 2ND MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH Arline Panaggio NATIONAL TRUSTEE Anita Lombardi-Riley NATIONAL DELEGATES Louis F. Marzullo Anita Lombardi-Riley Tony Zaccaria Visit our website www.osiamd.org 410-893-4879 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT FRANK J. PANESSA 410-224-3228 STATE ORATOR MICHAEL TRANSPARENTI 410-256-4372 STATE FINANCIAL SECRETARY FINANCIAL ADVISOR Tony Fusco COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE John DiBattista 410-404-1192 (cell) ARBITRATION COMMISSION SUSANN PALAMARA Rosalie Ranieri 301-460-5469 Tom Sutera STATE TREASURER Bob Taylor FRAN TRANSPARENTI 410-256-4372 RECORDING SECRETARY CHRISTINE HURLEY 410-931-6327 Moving? Please send address changes directly to: THE GRAND LODGE P.O. BOX 85 Perry Hall MD, 21128 John Barbo Betty Carbone Tina Wittstadt To the best of my knowledge, all information was up-to-date at the time of submission. From the desk of the Editors... Dear Brothers and Sisters, Dear Brothers & Sisters, I hope everyone enjoyed our mild winter and is ge:ng ready for a new beginning in spring! With spring just around the corner, I hope to see more submissions for the Summer 2012 issue of il Giornale for all of the events your lodge has planned over the next few months. Thank you for all your sugges@ons to help beAer our newsleAer. We take all your opinions and use them to help make us beAer. I just would like to stress the importance of having all you want included in the newsleAer on to us on @me. I know that it may not be the best op@on for everyone but we please insist you email us all flyers, photos, leAer, etc that you would like us to use. We prefer email cause it gives us the best quality to work with. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you, Tony Zaccaria In response to the very long and strong leAer of recommenda@ons that I received about the last issue of il Giornale, I would like to say that , I don't take cri@cism lightly, and would encourage those who feel passionately about this publica@on to join the staff. However I would like to thank those of you who have sent leAers of praise on past issues. Thanks, Zachary Ra:ni-­‐Nowicki il Giornale IN THIS ISSUE Editors Grand Lodge of MD Information ........................... 2 Letter from the Editor ...............................................3 Zachary Rattini-Nowicki Tony Zaccaria Words from our President .........................................4 We Remember .............................................................5 State News................................................................6-7 Lodge News..............................................................8-9 Lodge Events & Donations .................................10-12 Email: ilGiornale@me.com il Giornale Editor’s P.O. Box 85 Perry Hall MD, 21128 Italian Corner ............................................................13 Spotlight On ..............................................................14 Super Raffle ...............................................................15 All articles and pictures for the Spring Issue of the il Giornale must be in by May 25 Page 3 Words from !r President DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS, ! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I hope everyone enjoyed this mild winter and are looking forward to this upcoming spring season. ! I was proud this past February to play host to one of National Plenary Session. The meeting was held here in Baltimore on Feb. 10th and 11th. At the meeting we came up with a new membership fundraiser. For every member you sponsor, and that is accepted by the local lodge during this time frame, you get one chance per new member in the drawing for the trip for two to Italy. More details will be included later in this issue. I would like to thank Tony and the Little Italy Lodge for graciously inviting the National Delegation and me to their weekly Friday night dinner. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the experience. It was a great way for the National Representatives to see what Maryland’s local lodges are all about. executive board to participate and help install their new officers and members for 2012. ! Throughout the year I would like to encourage all our members and local lodges to keep in mind our three charities in which we sponsor, Autism, Alzheimer's, and Cooley’s Anemia. We will be accepting donations all year round and hope to make this year a huge success. ! Finally I like to wish everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter. ! ! Fraternally, ! ! Vince Zaccaria ! ! State President ! This summer The Grand Lodge is hoping to put together a Crab Feast for all members throughout the state of Maryland. ! I would like to thank the local lodges who have invited me and my fellow President Vince Zaccaria laying a wreath at the Columbus Day Parade r e b m e m We Re Please keep the following brothers and sisters in your thoughts and prayers. On the road to recovery Little Italy Lodge Rose Aquia Cass Ayres Concetta Castagna Dorthy Matassa Joseph Scalia John Wright Hellen Picarelli Nancy Menefee Mary Portera Angela Elliott Harry Stein Theresa Taylor Nick Portera Frank Terzigni Marge Mogavero Sharon Bielski Trina Ridolfi Vicki Butta Vince Pastore Towson-Dulaney Arline Panaggio Velma Perry MIchelle Holcomb Dominic Fornaro Lodge Claude Callegary Departed Brothers & Sisters Montgomery County Lodge Joseph R. Amato February 3, 1920 - December 17, 2011 Little Italy Lodge Stanley Iwancio Guy Matricciani Mary Nucci Albert Riggio Domenic Leonardi Michael Petti Jerri Ferri Angie Molino Page 5 OSIA OF MARYLAND SCHOLARSHIP (410) 866-8494 In the previous issue we included a copy of the official scholarship form for the 2012 OSIA of Maryland Scholarship. Submission deadline is March 31st. We would like to inform all interested parties to please visit our website at www.osiamd.org for all the information concerning the process and procedures of submitting the form. If any question please feel free to contact scholarship chair ROSALIE RANIERI at To: All Grand, Local and Subordinate Lodges From: Anthony Spaziani National 4th Vice-President MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN RULES The rules are simple and I'm sorry if I overlooked sending them out. The contest runs from February 1, 2012 until October 31, 2012. For every member you sponsor, and that is accepted by the local lodge during this time frame, you get one chance per new member in the drawing for the trip for two to Italy. For example: Sponsor 2 Members: Two chances in the drawing for a trip to Italy Selection of a gift from Category A. Sponsor 4 Members: Four chances in the drawing for a trip to Italy Selection of a gift from Category B. Sponsor 6 Members Six chances in the drawing for a trip to Italy or more: Selection of a gift from Category C. The list of gifts for each category will be forthcoming. Fraternally yours, Tony Spaziani HAVE YOU JOINED THE CONVERSATION? @Sons_of_Italy Order Sons of Italy in America Page 7 Annapolis Lodge #2225 St Joseph Festival Date: Saturday - March 24, 2012 Time: 12 -7 PM Transportation Cost: @$25.00 p.p. includes bus trip and gratuity. Admission to St Joseph Festival is free. Jubb’s Bus will leave from Marshall, Annapolis Plaza, Jennifer Road at 9:00 AM and will return at 7 PM. There will be entertainment and a wheel table. Italian food , Italian desserts, Wine, St Joseph cakes, and souvenirs are available for purchase. Place: St. Andrews Catholic Church 144 Street Ocean City, MD Please call Diane Cerone 410-268-1059 if you are interest in attending. I will need to confirm with Jubb’s Bus on January 3, 2012 and place a deposit of $100.00 to hold the bus for March 24, 2012 date. Deadline for payment is Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Wine Tasting Date: Saturday, May 19, 2012 Time: 2-4 PM Place: Annapolis Lodge Cost: $10.00 p.p. Class will be given by Angela, owner of the Wineaux Shop Angela will speak about Italian wines and their regions If you are interested in attending this class, please call Diane Cerone 410-268-1059 Deadline for payment is Monday, May 14, 2012 OSIA Annapolis Lodge #2225 Cookbook I am looking for a copy of the OSIA Annapolis Lodge #2225 Cookbook, printed sometime around 1978 or later. The lodge would like to reprint this cookbook for a fund raising event. Please contact Diane Cerone, 410-268-1059 if you have a copy of this book. I will take very good care of this book and return it to you in the same condition as received, along with a new copy printed. Thank you. Little Italy Lodge #2286 Friday night dinner’s every friday 5p-8p OSIA National Delegation enjoying a Maryland local Lodge Tradition. Every Friday from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm you can enjoy a dinner expertly prepared by our own Chef David Kobus. For a very modest cost of $10.00, tax included, you get an entree, fresh garden salad, crusty Italian bread and coffee or tea. Page 9 A L asting Tribute… A F itting Honor… Honor a loved one’s memory or celebrate a special occasion by making a memorial or tribute gift in their honor to the Sons of Italy Foundation. Whether you are fulfilling a family member’s wish to support the Sons of Italy or surprising a friend with a gift that truly embraces the meaning of giving, a donation to the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) is an easy and meaningful way to do good while honoring someone special. Your donation in honor of another person is the gift that keeps giving, because it is applied to the SIF’s charitable programs that make a lasting impact on those who need it most… a bright student who can further his education thanks to a Sons of Italy scholarship, a victim of natural disaster who is given a second chance, or a family relying on research into new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. These are just a few examples of the power of your donation. Memorial gifts may be made in honor of someone who has passed away. If you wish, a gift notification may be sent to a person you designate. Tribute gifts may be made for any occasion – or no occasion at all! Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, even Christmas, are all perfect opportunities to make a tribute gift to someone who is proud of his or her Italian heritage, is charitable…or simply has it all. If you wish, the person you are honoring will be notified of your gift. Memorial and Tribute gifts may be made online or through the mail. Visit WWW.OSIA.ORG or complete and return this Memorial & Tribute Gift form (see reverse) to make your donation. The gift honoree or designee can be notified by e-card (fastest method) or by mail*. Memorial and Tribute gift donations are 100% tax-deductible. You may make a Memorial or Tribute gift with a donation of any amount to any or all Sons of Italy Foundation funds. Donations of $200 or more will be acknowledged with a confirmation letter. All donations made online (regardless of amount) are acknowledged with an email receipt. *Please allow up to 5 days for e-card notifications to be sent, and at least 7 days for mail notifications to be sent. If you are making your gift through the mail, rather than online, please note that processing the gift and notifications may take longer. For more information: The Sons of Italy Foundation Memorial & Tribute Gifts 219 E St. NE, Washington DC 20002 202.547.2900 | sif@osia.org | www.osia.org/sif SubmiAed by: Dan Longo The Sons of Italy Foundation M emorial & T ribute Gifts Gift Amount and Designation General Charity Fund $________ Cooley's Anemia Foundation $________ General Scholarship Fund $________ Coaches vs. Cancer $________ General Disaster Relief Fund $________ Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism $________ Alzheimer's Association National 9/11 Memorial $________ $________ Donor Billing Information (*required information) My check is enclosed (payable to SIF, earmarked Memorial / Tribute Gift) Please charge my: Amex / MC / Visa Expiration*:__________ CCV*:_________ Credit card number*___________________________________________________________________________________ Name as it appears on card*:_____________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address*:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Billing Address 2:______________________________________________________________________________________ Billing City*:________________________________________________ State*:_____________ ZIP*:___________________ Email:_____________________________________________________ Phone*:___________________________________ Memorial/Tribute Information (*required information) *This gift is: In Memory of… (Choose “In Memory of…” only if the honoree is someone who is deceased.) In Honor of… Full name of the honoree*: ______________________________________________________________________________ On the occasion of: ____________________________________________________________________________________ (For tribute/honor gifts, you may note birthday, anniversary, graduation, birth, etc.) Memorial / Tribute Notification (*required information) The Sons of Italy Foundation will send a memorial or tribute gift notification card to the person you wish. Gift amounts will not be included in the notification. *Choose notification type: e-card postal mail do not send a notification Title:____________ First name*:________________________ Last name*:________________________________________ Address* (required for postal mail)________________________________________________________________________ Address 2:____________________________________________________________________________________________ City*:_____________________________________________________ State*:______________ ZIP*:___________________ Email* (required for e-card):_____________________________________________________________________________ Mail to: Sons of Italy Foundation Attn: Memorial/Tribute Gifts 219 E St, NE Washington, DC 20002 Email to: sif@osia.org Fax to: 202.546.8168 Page 11 Belair Road Lodge #2265 Annual Mary/Carmella Crab/Casino Excursion When: Thursday June 21st, 2012 Where: Fisherman’s Crab Deck Delaware Park Casino *Delaware Park will be giving Price: everyone $30 in slot money* $72 (Price includes bus & crab feast) Fisherman's Crab Deck Menu: All-you-can-eat Steamed Crabs, Crab Soup, Cole-slaw, Hush Puppies, Chicken Fingers, Corn-on-the-cob & Ice Cream Sundae. Soda, Iced Tea & Beer are included. How: Checks payable: Belair Road Lodge Mail Checks to: Verna Dietrich ! ! ! 3210 Fox Glove Lane ! ! ! Baltimore, MD 21220 Itinerary: Leave Carney Park and Ride ! ( Harford Rd & Jomat Ave.) at 10:15am ! Arrive Fisherman’s Crab Deck at 12pm Leave Fisherman’s Crab Deck at 2pm Arrive Delaware Park Casino at 3:30pm Leave Delaware Park Casino at 7:30pm Arrive Carney Park and Ride at 9pm ! ! *all times are estimations* For reservations or more information Contact: Vera Dietrich (443) 559-8331 ! ! -orMary Frances (410) 931-4531 ITA The Italian F t Corner l n LIA H r H r N ER ORN C p zzl th l t p zzl F F th l t F ff ff hr tp lvdr n hr t lp nvdr ,b t th ll t l Famous n , b tpeople n th ll with Italian roots........ R N DN L L NL R FN J L H D T RN N N R D NR N L N N RRF D LJ L PH D N N N T D RN Z NR R N N D RJ DRL P P N NR F T R D V NN R R VDL R FJ R P RN J R Z R F R N N L R R N F V NN R R V L R F R J N N L R R N F R R DB DT L R J H P T N RR R DT B D T L R J H P T T J T J NF L V R R N H R TR N R V L R R JR H V H B T DJ NT RJ TN F VL DR NRRRT R V B J L N PR J H V D T R N R BB DL D TT B B R T R R R R B NJ NP R DL D DN R TN B N T R T NV N NP N L R D RR NR R NT NTN NV NB P N L B D B N DT N DN N RD R R T NNNT V T NN NV L N T BN D N B BD TB LN N D N T V TLR LN TZ N D N B N T L N NV N L N T R L Z N L D L R P D L P T NB D D HR LT R P D L P T N B D P H R L B NL R B H R T P H R L B N L R B N Z Z R R V D NN V NT NT Z Z Z RNRN VN D NNNN V R T R NN H T Z NN N NN R R N H NR NNN R L T L H N NR NNN R L T L H N N F L P V R N F L P V R N N DD FF LL FFRR NN NN T TR R P PL LP P R R VV NN LL RRRR NN NN T T F F N N N N DD R R NN NN RR VV BB R R RR L L HH DD HH FF LL RR RR R R R RN N NN R R T T TT NNRRRRRRLL NN P P V V R R T T T T N hh ll N JJ LL nn ll ll rd DD pr pr LL nn rd D nn rtrtnn D hn Tr Tr vv ltlt JJ hn hh ll nn l l BB nn rrrr t t rr BB rr rr PP l l nn DD VV rrrr zz zz nn vv nn L n FrFrn n l l ndnd r rh h d d D nn DD V V D nn t t T Tn n B Bnnnntt tt TT r r BrBr prpr nn t t n n hn F Frrrr L L b br rh n BBn nJ Jv v RR r r nn l l p pn n L N B B r nr n rt DN rN r R R b b rt D l n nt n nt nt V V l nt F nd H H nr nrF nd n tr Fr Fr n n n tr L Ln n rd rdD DV nV n J JD D t ph hr hrt ph r r l lb b r r V Vp p nr nr F rF r T n nz D nz T nT D nt J nt Jph ph nr nr r r l l n tn f tn f n nz nz F rrF rrr r d nn d nn L L n Pn vPr vtt r tt B nn nn nn B nn D n D n B nB nn n Page 13 Spotlight-On Italian Americans Innovators Chef Boyardee, the man behind the nation's leading brand of spaghetti dinners, pizza mix, sauce and pasta, was really Ettore Boiardi, an Italian immigrant from Emilia Romagna. Boiardi, who began as a chef's apprentice at age 11, eventually opened a restaurant in Cleveland, Ohio in 1924 and began packaging pasta and sauce for his customers to take home. In the 1930s, he began selling his pasta and sauce in cans. A food distributor convinced him to change the spelling of his name to make it easier for Americans to pronounce. During World War II, the company was the largest supplier of rations for the U.S. and Allied Forces. Mr. Peanut and the Planters Peanut Company were created by Amedeo Obici and Mario Peruzzi, two Italian immigrants. Obici, who came to America from Oderzo in 1889, began selling five-cent bags of peanuts on the street. In 1897, he took Peruzzi as his partner. By 1930, the two had four huge factories, and raked in over $12 million annually. Today the Planters Peanut Company has over 5,000 employees. Mr. Coffee, the best-selling coffee maker in the world, was invented by Vince Marotta, who also developed a better way extract oil from coffee t l n beans and invented the paper coffee filter. Since 1972, moreF than hr p 50 vdr H r p zzl th l t f f t l n ,b t n million Mr. Coffees have been sold. An estimated 10 billion Mr. Coffee paper filters are sold annually. F L L N NR The cough drop was created by Vincent R. Ciccone, who began his career in the 1930s as a janitor at the Charms Candy Co. and retired as the company's president and chief executive officer. Ciccone secured 20 patents, including the "Blow Pop," a lolly pop with a bubble gum center. He died at age 81 in 1997. V N NN R R D R T R DT T B R N R R R D N D DN R N N B NR N T N N HR N Z T Z NR NNN N N D V N NN HD H T N h l J L n ll L n rd D pr D n rt n J hn Tr v lt h l n l B n rr t B rr r P l v nn D V rr zz n L N R R V L D T B D B R R T T N N T V L T R L L T P Z R R NN R F L F L F R L R R R F L R NR R R N D L R F R T L R J T NR R R V R F J L R DL P J R P N R J R J H J NF L T V R B J N N P N B N DN NT Z R P D L P T H R L V D NN V N NN R L T P N N T N N T V R R L N P Fr n l nd r h d D nn D V t T n B nn tt T r Br pr n t n F rr L b r hn B nJ v R r n l p n HD th ll T NN R Z R F N F P V R L R J NP R L B DB N B T L N N NB B N R N L V R P L F N B R R R NN V R B r n R b rt D N r nt V l nt n H nr F nd Fr n n tr L n rd D V n J D hr t ph r l r V p nr F r b R N N T D R T N R H HV DL D D DN T NN NV L D NL R B T H H N R P R NDR L R T T T T n D nz nt J ph nr r l n t f n nz F rr r d nn L n P v r tt nn B nn D n B n n The Grand Lodge of Maryland and Scholarship Fund 2012 Super raffle $25 per ticket for the year January 1st, 2012 through December 31st, 2012 Tickets are on sale now! THERE IS A WINNER EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR! Great Gifts for Everyone - Any Occasion! Great for Birthdays, Graduation, Anniversary, Christmas, or even a “Thank You” Day Prize Daily Winner $25 Last Day of the Month $50 Christmas & New Years $200 Mothers & Fathers Day $500 Drawings will take place at the monthly Grand Council Meetings. In months where no Council Meeting is scheduled, drawings will take place at Grand Lodge special event or Executive Council meeting. For Tickets and/or Information Loretta Butter Joyner at Grand Lodge Office (410) 668-OSIA Page15 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 5830 BALTIMORE Maryland OSIA Grand Lodge IL GIORNALE P.O. Box 85 FIGLI D’ITALIA Perry Hall 21128of MD, OSIA Grand Lodge 7718 Belair Rd., Suite 200 IL GIORNALE Baltimore, MD 21236 NON-PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 5830 BALTIMORE FIGLI D’ITALIA Grand Lodge of MD, OSIA 7718 Belair Rd., Suite 200 Baltimore, MD 21236 BE A PARTICIPANT SUPPORT YOUR OFFICERS SUPPORT YOUR LODGE BE A PARTICIPANT SUPPORT YOUR OFFICERS SUPPORT YOUR LODGE Made on a Mac