Interest Group Research Paper Your assignment is to


Interest Group Research Paper

Your assignment is to choose an interest group, research it, and write a short paper. Every student should have their own interest group to research; no two students should research the same group. Claim your interest group by putting your name and interest group on the signup sheet. You should answer as many of the questions below as you can about your interest group. The paper should be about five paragraphs in length. Your paper should be typed and double-spaced.

Make sure you site your sources. Your paper is due Monday, November 6 th .

Here is a list of interest groups that you might choose from:


1. How many members does your group claim to have? Who are they?

2. What are the policy objectives of the group?

3. Do they have a Political Action Committee?

4. How much money do they spend on political activities?

5. What accomplishments have they made in the realm of politics?

6. Do they participate in electioneering of any kind?

7. Have they participated in any litigation?


Your paper will be evaluated using the OVER rubric. See the website for details
