Version 8 Reports

Report Guide Version 8
2nd Edition
Revised 2013
KIS Software, Inc.
Thank you for choosing MicroSale as your point of sale software solution. This manual explains how to run
reports, when the reports are useful, and explanations of report details.
This manual is organized in logical groupings of related reports. There is a main table of contents to quickly
find reports in the manual. Each section’s table of contents briefly describes when the reports are useful.
About Reports
A Date Range Calendar typically populates before a report can be viewed (for closed days sales). Please read
Understanding the Date Range Calendar in the Introduction Section before reading further in the manual.
As you get familiarized with MicroSale reports, you will notice that there are variations of the same information
to meet restaurant operators’ needs. Typically a handful of reports in each section will meet all of your
management needs.
To view reports on screen in a PDF view, the terminal or back office computer must have the Reports Printer
Checked in Register Set UpRegister Options by TerminalPrinting/Cash Drawer “Print Reports to Report
Printer”. A Report Printer is a standard printer with 8 ½ by 11 paper size.
For reports involving product costs, it will be shown as “0.00” if the costs are not inputted in the system. While
it is not necessary to include costs in the software, you will maximize the benefits of the reporting features if
you add costs to your menu items.
To Add Costs: Manager’s MenuMenu MaintenanceMenu Items and Pricing (OR)
Manager’s MenuMenu MaintenancePricing and Number Available **NOTE: YOU
For Labor Cost Percentages to calculate, you must have Pay Rates inputted. While it is not necessary to
include pay rates in the software, you will maximize the benefits of the reporting features if you add rates to
your employees.
To Add Pay Rates: Manager’s MenuEmployee Maintenance
Table of Contents
Getting Started
Emailing Reports………………………………………………………………………………………………
Understanding the Date Range Calendar…………………………………………………………….……i.2
Chapter 1: Audit and Details
Audit Procedures………………………………………………………………………………….…………..
Audit History………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..
Daily Audit Report…………………………………………………………………………………...……………..
Driver Report…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Server Reports……………………………………………………………………………………...…………….
Transaction Review………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter 2: Time Clock Reports
Average Hourly Exemption Rate………………………………………………………………..……………
Break Report……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Current Pay Period……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Daily Labor Report Summary…………………………………………………………………………………
Daily Labor Report Detailed………………………………………………………………………..…………..
History Punch………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..
Hourly Time Report…………………………………………………………………………………………2.9
Hours by Department………………………………………………………………………………………….
Individual Daily Time and Sales…………………………………………………………………….………
Individual Time Card Review…………………………………………………………………………………..
Labor History………………………………………………………………………………………….……….
Overtime Watch……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Preview Time Records………………………………………………………………………………………2.15
Print Access Codes…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Print Closed Payroll…………………………………………………………………………………………....
Print Phone List……………………………………………………………………………………….………..
Who’s Clocked In? ……………………………………………………………………………………..………..
Chapter 3: Sale Summaries
Balance Sheet……..……………………………………………………………………………….……… 3.3
Category ………………………………………………………………………………………................... 3.6
Daily Sales Summary Dashboard………………………………………………….……………….………..
Discount History……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Find Top 10 Sales………………………………………………………………………….……………..….……….
Hourly Sales………………………………………………………………………………………….….….……
Meal Period…………………………………………………………………………………….…….………..
Misc. History……………………………………………………………………………………………..……….
Order Destination……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Payment Report……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Sales by Register Group……………………………………………………………………………………….
Sales by Terminal………………………………………………………………………………….……………..
Sales Recap (History) ……………………………………………………………………………….…………..
Sales Report Dashboard………………………………………………………………………….….……..3.24
Sales Summary Report…………………………………………………………………….…………...... 3.26
Sales Tax……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Today’s Sales Recap……………………………………………………………………………………….3.28
Weekly Graphs…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Weekly Sales Report (aka Sales Dollars) …………………………………………………………..………………..
Chapter 4: Menu Item Reports
Current Week Sales…………………………………………………………………………………….................
Current Week Voids………………………………………………………………………………………………
Daily Menu Inventory…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Inventory Usage……………………………………………………………………………………………......
Menu Items by Individual………………………………………………………………….……………………
Mix by Department……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Mix by Revenue Center…………………………………………………………………….…………………..
Print Utilities…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Product Mix Daily by Hour…………………………………………………………………….………………..
Product Mix Today by Hour……………………………………………………………………………………..
Product Mix WTD by Hour……………………………………………………………………………………….
Product Mix……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Sales Mix by Meal Period………………………………………………………………………………………….
Void History…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Chapter 5: Close Outs
Close Time Records………………………………………………………………………………………………
Credit Card Menu (Batching) …………………………………………………………………………………..
Daily Close Out Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………..
Daily Close Out Report (Example on a 40-Column Printer)………………………………………………….
Daily Close Out Report (Example on an 80-Column Printer) …………………………………………….
Weekly Close Out……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter 6: Customer Management
Customer Information…………………………………………………………………………………………
Frequent Diner………………………………………………………………………………………………….
House Accounts………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Emailing Reports
MicroSale gives restaurant managers the convenience of emailing important sales information. Virtually all
reports generated in MicroSale are available for email (sends as a PDF attachment).
While all reports viewable on screen are emailable on demand, the following reports may be emailed
automatically at the end of the day (sending during the daily close out).
Sales Mix (Product Mix)
Hourly Sales
Meal Period
Sales (Daily Close Out)
Daily Summary
Balance Sheet
Void Report
Serving Times
Setting up MicroSale to Email Reports
the following steps may be set up on any terminal or back office computer in the restaurant (with an internet connection)
1. Setup a new Gmail account, and confirm the following for the new Gmail account: Go to "Forwarding &
POPMAP", and make sure you check "Enable IMAP".
2. In MicroSale, go to Managers Menu, Register Setup, Misc Setup-Terminal Groups, Etc.. At the top middle of
the screen, type each email address that you want to "Email Sales Data To", and click Save after each one.
These addresses will all receive the selected emails.
3. Click on the Default Gmail button, and info will automatically be filled in. You must change the User Name and
Password to be appropriate for the Gmail account that you created. Then click Save. (Step 3 must be done at
each terminal from which they want to be able to email reports.)
4. You must "Select Reports to Email" by putting a checkmark in appropriate boxes at the top of the screen. Most
customers start out with "Balance Sheet" or “Daily Summary” and "Batch". Click Save. Click Exit, click Register
Setup, click Exit To Windows, and restart MicroSale to allow it to make changes to the Windows registry and
load the new settings.
**Reports check marked will be emailed to all email addresses saved**
Date Range Calendar
The Date Range Calendar prompts for historical reports. Historical reports are closed days in the system.
While the Report Guide will tell you which reports are for the current open day, the calendar prompt is a good
way to know that the information received from the report is based on closed days/weeks. When the calendar
appears, you may choose to run a report for any range of days or for one selected date (selecting the same
start and end date). The Date
Regular Usage of the Date Range Calendar
1. Make sure the Starting Date is highlighted in blue first (before clicking/touching the calendar)
2. Click/touch the ending date on the calendar (the correct date will insert in the “Select Ending Date” field.
3. Click/Touch Run Report
Option of Selecting Period to Date Button
Select Period to Date
A 13-period calendar splits the year into 13 four-week periods rather than 12 months of varying lengths. A 13period calendar is useful for accounting purposes, such as comparing sales figures. MicroSale will
automatically make a 13-period calendar for you. Depending on when you start your week (for example many
restaurants start on Monday rather than Sunday), that first day in January is the start of the 13-period cycle
and increments exactly 4 weeks.
Using the Calendar with Periods
Today’s date is circled in red. The green highlighted day is the day you click on (first). When you use the
Select Period to Date it will use the selected date, example the 27th and go back to the start of the current
period. (Remember, 4 weeks)
Figure 1
Figure 2
In Figure 2, you can see that the starting date changed to the 10th and then ending on the 27th (the period-todate). The starting date only went back the 10th in this example, as that was the start of the 4 week period (so
the 27th is only 2 weeks into the period).
Chapter 1
Audits make up all transactions and information such as net sales, gross sales, taxes, discounts, voids, and
tender types for your business. Think of this as an “Audit Trail” that tracks all sales activity for a specific person
and/or cash drawer. Audits are assigned to all employees that handle transactions on the computer.
Audit Procedures……………………………………………………………………………..…. 2-4
Employee Audits are generally used to help balance the cash drawer or server bank and correct errors at an
isolated level before chasing shortages/imbalances at the time of close out.
Audit History…………………………………………………………………………………...….5
The report is useful when you need to go back and view individual audit summaries. The Audit History gives
concentrated information only on individual employees’ audits.
Daily Audit Report……………………………………………………………………………… 6-8
The Daily Audit Report is the most commonly used report in MicroSale. It is a daily breakdown of a day’s sales by
various areas. The report allows management and operators to analyze a daily recap of sales with comparisons
to last year, labor, and forms of payment in a quick snapshot view.
Driver Report……………………………………………………………………………………….9
Driver Reports are used with Delivery. The Drive Report is useful for drivers to see their sales, money owed to
the restaurant and tips.
Server Reports…………………………………………………………………….……………….10-16
Server Reports are used in Full Service/Bar settings only. Server Reports are used to view audits, sales
averages, voids, tips, sales mixes and more.
Transaction Review………………………………………………………………..………………
The Transaction Review provides detailed financial information for an individual employee, voids, tenders, and
check components. This information can be used to track an employee’s sales performance, find user errors, and
pinpoint check details.
Audit Procedures
Audits make up all transactions and information such as net sales, gross sales, taxes, discounts, voids, and
tender types for your business. An Audit tracks all sales activity for a specific person, group, and/or cash drawer.
Audits are assigned to all employees that handle transactions on the computer.
Audits are assigned to individuals in order to allocate responsibility with sales. For cashiers and/or bartenders,
when an audit is assigned on a specific cash drawer, the drawer will only open for that employee or a
manager. Depending on your programming, the assigned audit may only allow that cashier or bartender to ring
in orders on that terminal. Other employees not assigned to that drawer will only have access to the time clock
Employee Audits are generally used to help balance the cash drawer or server bank and correct errors at an
isolated level before chasing shortages/imbalances at the time of close out.
Assigning Audits for Cashiers
(Quick Service and Cashier Environment Cashier Stations)
1. Go to the Managers Menu
2. In the upper left corner, press the Sales Audit button, then press the first button, Not Assigned.
3. Scroll through the list of Employees to pick an employee.
4. Enter the starting amount in the drawer and press Start Audit.
5. Once this is done, it will put you back on the main ID screen. At this point, the Cashier can log in with his/her
number to start placing orders.
Note: The Employee’s name will be at the top of the order screen.
Allowing Servers to Start Own Audit
Select the register option “Allow Server Audit To Start On Log In” from the Full Service tab of Register Options.
Press Save. When this option is selected, when the server enters his/her ID number and presses OK,
MicroSale will display that an audit is required to begin a check. It will then ask if he/she would like to start one
at this time. Press OK and an audit will be started. If you are using the Time Clock function, MicroSale will
automatically open an audit when the server clocks in.
Closing a Cashier’s Audit
1. Go to the Managers Menu
2. In the upper left corner, press the Sales Audit button, then press the name of the employee’s audit that you
need to close.
3. A prompt will appear, press yes.
4. Once this is done, it will put you back on the main ID screen. It will say “not assigned”, replacing the
employees name
5. Go back to the Sales Audit and press the bottom button that says “Enter Cash Deposit”.
6. The screen displayed will show all audits open for the day.
7. Find the cashier’s name for the audit that has just been closed, and touch anywhere in the row of
8. A keypad will prompt to enter the cash deposit.
9. Press Save Deposit when finished.
The cash in drawer says how much should be in the drawer. The cash deposit is the actual cash that is on
Applying Tips
To add a credit card tip, press the Apply Tip button on the Server Screen. Then select the appropriate check,
and press Apply Tip. Enter the tip amount and press Done. MicroSale can print a chit with the tip summary
information for the server to keep track of the tips they have applied.
Log in with your server number.
If you are on the table layout screen, press the Server Menu button.
Press the Apply Tip button.
Type the check number and press the done button to open the check, or press the Done button without
typing a check number to display a list of available checks to choose from.
5. Touch the field Tip Amount and type in the tip.
6. Press Done when finished.
7. To verify that checks were not forgotten, Press Apply Tip again and press done without typing in a
check number, this will show missing tips in RED
Closing and/or Printing a Bartenders/Server’s Audit
Go to the Server’s Menu. Press Server Report. If audits are set as manager only, pressing this button will only
If you have access, it will take you to the Server Reports Screen. Press Server Audits (top left button).
Left Picture shows the Server Audit Screen. It will display all servers’/bartenders’ names in the yellow area.
Select the audit you wish to close. Then press Close Server Audit.
If there are open checks assigned to the audit, IT WILL NOT LET YOU CLOSE THE AUDIT.
If all checks are closed, it will prompt to verify that you wish to close the audit.-Right Picture
Audit History or Assigned Drawer Report
Located in the Managers Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History, Audit History
Also located on the main page of the Managers Menu. As you become more familiar with MicroSale, you
will notice some redundant areas for the same report. This allows lower access levels to access specific areas
that could otherwise be off limits.
The Audit History Report (or Assigned Drawer depending on configuration) is a date range report offering
information on closed days/weeks. The report is useful when you need to go back and view individual audit
summaries. The Audit History gives concentrated information only on individual employees’ audits. The audit
information is also available by solitary day in the Daily Sales Audit.
Audit History
A breakdown description of the audit summary is available on the Daily Sales Audit Report document. The
notable area above is the Cash In Drw and Cash Dep. The ‘Cash In Drawer’ number is the cash amount that
MicroSale knows should be in the drawer. The ‘Cash Deposit’ is the actual cash in the drawer, the number
recorded after the cash countdown has been completed.
Daily Sales Audit Report
Daily Audit Report
The Daily Audit Report is the most commonly used report in MicroSale. It is a daily breakdown of a day’s sales
by various areas. The report allows management and operators to analyze a daily recap of sales with
comparisons to last year, labor, and forms of payment in a quick snapshot view.
Quick Service Audit Report Below (Full Service Audit Reports do not include a breakdown of servers, since a
server is responsible for a correct cash count)
The Sales Recap in teal is the list of final numbers for the day. Categories to the Sales Recap CAN have
contradicting numbers. This means that the numbers were tampered with after the audits were closed. For
example, Megan Manager forgot to void a check while an audit was open, this could throw off the voids. You
will have to follow the numbers to determine why the numbers are off. Using other reports will give you the
ability to find out exactly who and what is responsible for the skewed numbers.
1. Audits
Lists the employees that are handling the daily transactions
The Start and Ending shows the starting and ending times for the audits listed. (this is used later on for the
labor breakdown)
Start/Ending: This is the start and ending time of the audit
Cashier: Shows list out cashier names
Register: Shows the terminal of the assigned audit
Acct For: Total revenue for the assigned audit Non Cash+ Cash Collected+ Paid Outs
This does not include Discounts, Refunds, or Voids
Non Cash: Credit cards, gift cards
Cash Collected: Total that SHOULD be in the drawer
Skim: Total will subtract out of Cash Collected
Expected: This total is affected by the Skim amount. For example, if Cash Collected is $100.00 and $20.00 is
skimmed, the Expected total would be $80.00. When the drawer is NOT skimmed, the Expected total will
match Cash Collected.
Actual CID: Total of the “actual” count of money in the drawer.
+/- (Over/Short): Actual CID-Cash Collected= +/- OR Actual CID- (Expected+Skim)
2. Sales by Hour
Breaks down sales by hours
Dollars: Shows how much money was made that hour (net hourly sales)
Labor: (Labor Percentage) This column is dependent on wages inputted into job codes for each employee. If
you do not have wages set in Employee Maintenance, these percentages will be skewed. The hourly labor
percentage divides the employees’ wages (on the clock) by the dollars per hour.
Tran: Shows number of transactions (number of orders paid) per hour
LY$: (Last Year’s Sales) This is a used for comparing sales from the previous year
LY Qty: (Last Year’s Quantity) Shows the number of transactions (number of orders paid) per hour for the
previous year
+/-: Difference between the current hour and previous year’s hour
3. Discount
Displays all discounts for that day
This total is included in the “Account For” under Sales Recap
4. Tenders
Displays all noncash tenders by credit card or gift card
5. Sales Recap
This section is the finalized numbers for the day
The numbers CAN differ from the Audit totals. The reason being, someone could have gone back into the
system to do a discount, void, deposit or refund after the audits have been closed. If the numbers are off, you
can go through the sales recap numbers and track down the variations. Please view other reports to view
more detailed information.
Account For: Net Sales + (Sales Tax + Special Tax) + Discounts
Account For (Less Disc): Net Sales + (Sales Tax + Special Tax)
6. Destination
Shows sales based on destination type; Dine In, To Go, Pick Up, or Delivery
7. Department Labor
If you have job titles listed that do not apply, you can delete them in your options so that is does not show in
the list.
Amount: These numbers could be skewed based on your Job Title’s wages. All wages need to be properly
entered in order for MicroSale to properly calculate out the dollars and percentages. The amount number will
be the total dollars spent for that specific job title for the day.
Labor percentage: will divide the total net sales by the job title wage totals.
8. Paid Outs
Lists all paid outs for the day
In the above figure, you will see that only one paid out is listed. ($70.70). The reason being, the manager went
into the system (not on an audit) and entered another paid out.
9. Department
The department lists all departments of food. Usually this will be limited to Food, Beverages, Beer, and/or
Amount: Shows the department totals
Qty: Shows the number of menu items ordered in that department
Driver Report
A Driver Report represents the total sales, tips, and fees a driver has accumulated during his or her shift. In
Quick Service, a driver needs to be clocked-in and have the job code of Driver or Manager to be assigned to a
delivery. In full service anyone with an audit can be assigned to a delivery. This report allows the driver to know
how much they have made in tips for the day and what is owed at the end of their shift. This report is viewable
and printable at any time during the day.
Steps to generate the Driver Report:
1. Select Phone Orders
2. Select Access Phone Orders
3. Select Option Menu
4. Select Driver Sales Report
5. MicroSale will then prompt you to select a driver. This window will display a list of everyone who is
clocked in that either has the job title of Driver or Manager.
6. See below for the Driver Sales Report:
The employee named ‘AM Driver’ was assigned an order that totaled
$2.39 with a delivery fee of $1.00 and received a $1.00 tip. The
following explains each field:
Net Open Sales = Orders that have not been closed and are still waiting to be delivered
Open Discounts = Total discounts applied to undelivered orders
Open Sales Tax = Total tax of undelivered orders
Total Open Sales = Total sales of undelivered orders
Total Delivery Sales = Total sales of delivered orders (not including tips)
Total Sales Open & Closed = Total amount for checks that are still open and those that
have been closed
Cash Drop = Any cash drop (skim/deposit) that was performed during the day for this
Credit Card Charges = Includes the overall total of the check
Credit Cards Tips = Total tips that have been applied to credit card transactions
Total Charges = Credit Card Tips + Credit Card Charges
Delivery Charges Paid = Total delivery fee charges paid to driver
Total Delivery Charges = Total delivery fee charges
Net Del. Chg Due Driver = Total delivery charges the store owes to the driver
Net Cash Due (Restaurant) = Total the driver owes the restaurant
Total Deliveries = Number of deliveries made by this driver
Total Charges = Number of credit card transactions for a specific delivery driver
Server Reports
Server Reports are used in Full Service/Bar settings only. Server Reports are used to view audits, sales
averages, voids, tips, sales mixes and more.
Server Audits
The Server Audit Report provides detailed financial information
for an individual employee or a range of employees. The
information can be used to balance an employee’s bank,
determine tips due, or track an Employee’s sales performance.
The left displays the Active Server List. It gives a list of all the
servers that have audits open.
Select the server name, and then touch the desired function
Understanding the Active Server List:
Close Server Audit: Close an individual server audit
Print Checks: Shows a printable report of every check that a specific server closed on this
Load Active Servers: Shows a list of all Servers with an open audit
Load All Servers: Shows all Servers with an open or closed audit for this day
Contribution Report: This report is used when employees with the job title “Team Member”
are on the clock. The Contribution Report will show sales of the Team Member
! Team Member: A job title that allows an employee to ring up items on existing checks. Team
Members are unable to start new tables. This type of job is used for cocktail waitresses and servers’
Server Sales Report
This report is accessed by going to Server Reports/Server Audits/Sales Report. It will show the servers sales
and payment history. (This is available for print on a 40-column printer or is viewable as a PDF with a Reports
Printer attached)
Close All Server Audits
The function allows a manager to quickly and easily close all server audits. This is convenient when closing
the restaurant. If there are open checks or open tips, it will not allow you to close the audits.
List Closed Server Audits
The function allows a manager to view closed audits for a day or a date range. This report shows the manager
on duty (during the time that the audit was active) along with the server/cashier, start and ending time of audit,
sales, discounts, voids, CID, cash deposit, over/short, and tips.
Change Dining Room Section
**Must have Table Layouts enabled for this function**
The function is used for a restaurant with multiple floor plans and assigned sections.
Example: Judy is assigned to the PATIO floor plan, allowing this floor plan to populate automatically when she
logs into the terminal. Gina then gets cut, switching Judy from the PATIO to DINING.
Simply select the server, then select the section.
Reopen Closed Audit
This function allows a manager to reopen a closed server’s audit. This could be because a server accidently
closed an audit or that the server had to go back on the floor.
Must be on the SAME DAY. Cannot access a detailed server audit after the daily close out has been done.) In
order to access closed audits with general information, go the Server’s History Reports
Voids Today by Department
This function will bring up a list of all servers. Click on the server name to view the Voids Today by
Server Sales Income/Tip Report
A starting and ending date range will need to be entered before this report can be accessed. You may pick the
same date twice to access one day’s data.
With this report you can monitor and eliminate the under declaration of tips, and also provide all the information
you need for your financial filings. You and your tipped employees are responsible for reporting tip information.
Tip Sales: Excludes all sales that are non tipped (i.e. Gift Cards and Phone Orders)
Cash Tips: Claimed by your employees at the end of their shift
Chg Sales (Charged Sales): Total credit card sales
Chg Tips (Charged Tips): Credit card tips claimed
Tip Pd Out (Tip Paid Out): Tip outs and shared tips
Total Tips: Cash Tips+Chg Tips
Chg Tip%: Total tip percentage based on the Tip Sales in column one. (Tip Sales/(Cash tips+Chg Tips)
! This percentage should be over 8%
Today’s Server Payments
This report shows all servers and the quantity and type of payments they received during their shifts. After
touching the Today’s Server Payment button, a screen will display that will require a server name to be
When the server name has been selected, touch the Select a Server button to issue a payment report for that
servers shift. (prints on receipt printer)
Payment Report
The Payment report lists all payments made during a day or date range for a single server. The report sorts the
payments by tender, lists the total amount of the payment, as well as the tip amount applied to the tender. The
ending is a grand total of all non-cash and cash tenders.
Voids Today By Detail
Click on the ‘Voids Today By Detail’ function button. Then select an employee. A list of voids for the day in
detail will appear. If you have an integrated camera system, you can input the time shown on the right of the
report to view the user’s actions.
Server Sales Mix
This report is a date range report (for a single or multiple days) of the Daily Sales Mix per individual server. It
shows all sold items, quantity sold, the dollar amount per item sold, and the percentage.
Department Sales
The Server Department Report shows the department sold. (The departments are food, beer, wine, etc.) This
report may be accessed for a single day or date range. It will display a single server’s department sales.
Category Report
**Drills down departments into Category Sales**
The Server Category Report lists all Category’s, with the dollar amounts and quantity sold per individual server.
Also shows the percentage sold per category. Like all date range reports, there must be a starting and ending
date range entered. A server name must also be selected from the server list screen.
Transaction Review
The Transaction Review provides detailed financial information for an individual employee, voids, tenders, and
check components. This information can be used to track an employee’s sales performance, find user errors,
and pinpoint check details.
Useful for: Viewing check details in previously closed days, weeks or years; or searching details to find checks
(searching by menu item, server/cashier, voids, discounts, and more.
Accessed by: Managers Menu (main page)
Diagram of the Transaction Review Menu
The Show Items by Time option only affects
Full Service operations. When the option is
check marked, the transaction detail shows
the minutes at which each item was rang in;
the time starts when the check is opened; ex:
Onion Rings (5 mins).
Example Scenarios
Viewing check details within a time filter and by a cashier/server
The manager would like to see transaction detail for 8/19/2012 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM specifically
rang in from Jessica Jones.
Procedure: Double Click the Date, click the under the Start Time (a time prompt will appear) and then click the
End Time (a time prompt will appear). Press the drop down under the Employee Name (will show the
employees with open audits for the day). Then Press the teal Time button.
**Please note that the Start Time/ End Time and Employee Name filters ONLY work with the Time button.**
Finding an unhappy customer’s order taken over the phone (from a closed day)
Robin calls and says that the other day her order was wrong. You as a manager need to ensure the
order before taking action.
Procedure: Double Click the Date, and then press Phone Customer. Type in the phone number. You MUST
separate out numbers with periods. For example, 813.681.1875 (this is how phone orders are organized in the
software). You can see that Nathan took the order and she came in to pick up the order at 5:46 PM. You
decide that she should get a discount for her inconveniences.
Using an integrated camera system, click
on Get Video Clip to watch the
transaction on the surveillances system.
Attach Coupon will attach a “have one
on me coupon” preprogrammed. The
coupon will be attached to the specified
phone number.
**For finding a customer’s phone order for the current day, you can search through the regular POS
phone order functions. The transaction review function is to find previously closed day check
Chapter 2
Time Clock Reports
MicroSale provides labor reporting capabilities in addition to tracking sales revenue and food costs.
Time Clock Reports are designed to provide you with information about labor use, wages, and an analysis of
labor costs and net sales percentages for a particular job title or department. The following reports pertain to
employees (in alphabetical order with a short description of use)
Average Hourly Exemption Rate……………………………………………………………………… 3
Useful to quickly verify that employees are claiming enough tips to meet minimum wage requirements
Break Report……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Allows you view your employees’ breaks at a glance
Current Pay Period…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Useful to see labor hours by department (or job code) and a full list of employee names. Unlike the following
report, Daily Labor Report, this shows the hours for the current pay period; The current pay period could be for
one week, two weeks, or whenever the last Close Time Records was performed
Daily Labor Report (Summary Only)………………………………………………………………………
Useful to quickly see labor hours for the day; this will only show the labor by department (or job code) such as
Manager, Cook, Cashier, Server
Daily Labor Report (Detailed)………………………………………………………………………………..
Useful when you need to see the employees on the clock for a day, sales totals and labor percentages in
previously closed days
History Punch…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
This report will show you a history of each time an employee has used the time clock feature
Hourly Time Report……………………………………………………………………………………………….
The Hourly Time report shows how much labor dollars and sales occurred per hour since the first order was
taken. This is useful to control labor costs for the business
Hours by Department………………………………………………………………………………………….
Useful for quickly seeing which departments currently have the most hours worked. You can view this report for
both closed and currently open time records
Individual Daily Time and Sales Report………………………………………………………………….
Displays employee sales and time record information for a specific date or date range. It is useful for seeing total
sales and labor dollars quickly. The data is updated as the employee clocks in/out and closes their audit so it is
available to be viewed before a close out is ran
Individual Time Card Review Report………………………………………………………………………
Allows you to review and print a specific employee’s time history for a specific date or date range. You can also
select more than one employee at a time which gives you the ability to customize how your report will look. It
includes a sign line for employees
Labor History………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Useful when you want to know if your sales are outweighing your labor costs. This report is viewable after a Daily
Closeout is performed.
Overtime Watch………………………………………………………………………………………….…14
Shows employees that are near or at overtime for the open time period. The report can flag employees’ times for
any number of hours. By default, the watch starts at 30 hours
Preview Time Records Report………………………………………………………………………………
Useful for viewing current payroll information as well as viewing when the last payroll close out occurred. This
report is populated with data as soon as someone clocks in for the day
Print Access Codes………………………………………………………………………………………….
This report is useful when you need to quickly find employees’ access numbers
Print Closed Payroll…………………………………………………………………………………………
It is useful for viewing past payroll information. This report is populated with data as soon as a date or date range
for time records are closed.
Print Phone List……………………………………………………………………………………………..19
Used to print employees’ phone numbers
Who’s Clocked In?...........................................................................................................................20
Used to view employees who are on the clock (includes clock in time). This report is also helpful for seeing if
employees did not clock out.
Average Hourly Rate Exception Report for Tipped Employees
It is required by law that all employees be paid at least minimum wage. If you touch the “Average Hourly Rate
Exception Report for Tipped Employees”, it will prompt a calendar for you to select a desired date range.
Once the date range has been selected, a message will display stating whether or not there are any
employees that have fallen below the minimum wage that has been previously setup in Register Options
under Timeclock/Misc.
A report will be generated with the names of the employees that fall below minimum wage. These are the
“exceptions”. This report can be affected by employees either not reporting all or enough of their tips when
going to clock out or underperforming.
This report is useful to ensure that employees are claiming enough for minimum wage and to prevent auditing
of your resaturant.
Break Report
Located in the Managers MenuReports MenuTime Clock Reports
The Break Report allows you to preview breaks for the current pay period. You can also view breaks on the
“Preview Time Records” Report. Some states enforce breaks every 4 hours. This report will help you view
your employees’ breaks at a glance.
The report is available in PDF view on a back office computer or any terminal that is connected to a reports
printer. The report can also be printed on any terminal with a receipt printer attached.
Above: The report header will show the restaurant name and address along with the report title “Break Report”.
It will show the date that the report was ran (the current day), time, and the employee who accessed the report.
The report lists the employees that have taken breaks during the current pay period. It lists the work date,
break times and the total minutes for the break. The “Break Out” is listed first, since the employee essentially
“clocks out” before clocking back in.
It is helpful to use breaks instead of clocking in/out during break times. The break feature allows the option of
paid or unpaid breaks and keeps the employees’ shifts consolidated.
Current Pay Period Labor
This report is useful for showing employee hours per department. It includes overtime, dollars spent, labor
percentage, and regular hours. You can view this report in two different formats. When select date it will
prompt you “Show Summary Only?” and you must choose Yes or No.
If you choose Yes, it will show you a summarized labor report (by department not employee):
If you choose No, it will show you the information per each employee and their assigned departments with the
summarized data at the end of the report:
Daily Labor Report (Summary Only)
Common Question: “The Daily Labor and Daily Audit Report Labor do not match.”
Reason: The Daily Audit Report is captured when the daily close out is performed. The Daily Labor Report is closing at
the default time of 4:00 am.
Example: Your restaurant closes at 11:00 pm, and you go ahead and run the daily close to start doing your other end of
day processes. Your end of day is closed, however you still have employees cleaning and finishing their shift. The
employees could clock out at 1:00 AM when their tasks are completed.
Solution: To make the totals always match, set the Daily Close to auto close at 4:00 am. This will ensure that the
numbers always match.
The Daily Labor Report is located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Time Clock Reports, Daily Labor
Report. The report pulls information from the Time Records Database (timerecords.mdb). The report offers
information for single days in the current (open) payroll period. The report is useful when you would like to see
your labor dollars and percentages for a single day in your current pay period.
The report is available for print as a PDF (when connected to a Reports Printer) or will print on a 40 column
receipt printer.
It will provide information for the labor departments (or Job Codes) such as Manager, Cook, Cashier, Server,
To populate the Dollars and Percentage fields, you must have the employees’ wages inputted in the Employee
Maintenance area.
Daily Labor Report Full Report
The Daily Labor Report shows previously closed days in the current payroll period. To access the report, go to
the Managers Menu, Reports Menu, Time Clock Reports, Daily Labor Report.
The Daily Labor Report is useful when you need to see the employees on the clock for a day, sales
totals and labor percentages. Printable on a 40-column printer or viewed as a PDF when connected to a
Reports Printer
The report shows employees on the clock for the day, the department name (job code) for all of the jobs
he/she has worked for the day, the hours, over time (if applicable) and the sales rang in with his/her audit.
Labor Information
Period 08/20/2012 To 08/20/2012
Report Printed 08/21/2012 Printed by Aiden Colorado
Name Kim Johnson
Department Name
Regular Hours
Over Time
Name Jessica Jones
Department Name
Regular Hours
Over Time
Name Ricky Mendez
Department Name
Regular Hours
Over Time
Name Thomas Samuel
Department Name
Regular Hours
Over Time
Name Anna Marco
Department Name
Regular Hours
Over Time
Summary Totals
Total Hours Used
Total OT-Hours Used
Total Dollars Spent
Net Sales
Regular Hours
Over Time
History Punch Report
This report will show you a history of each time an employee has used the time clock feature. The date, time
in, break out, break in, time out, total time, labor dollars, sales, tips, and how many breaks they have taken
since they began working for the store. This report is useful for viewing a historic total of how many breaks
have been taken and time record information. It is only available after a daily close out is run and overtime is
not shown on this report.
To view this report:
Go to the Manager’s Menu
Click the Reports Menu button
Click the Time Clock Reports button
Click the History Punch button
Hourly Time Report
The Hourly Time report shows how much labor dollars and sales occurred per hour since the first order was
taken. This is useful to control labor costs for the business.
Labor Percentage is calculated by dividing Labor Dollars Spent by Sales Dollars.
To view:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Click on the Reports Menu button
Click on the Time Clock Reports button
Click on the Hourly Time Report button and select a date or date range
Hours by Department Report
The Hours by Department Report will display each Employee’s time sorted by the department they are listed
under. This is useful for quickly seeing which departments currently have the most hours worked. You can view
this report for both closed and currently open time records.
To View:
Go to the Manager’s Menu
Click on the Reports Menu button
Click on the Time Clock Reports button
Click on ‘Hours by Department’ button
Select a date or date range to view the report; click Search
Below is a sample report. You can see that their were 3 different departments working for a specific date
range. Each department has a final Hours total.
Individual Daily Time and Sales Report
This report will display employee sales and time record information for a specific date or date range. It is useful
for seeing total sales and labor dollars quickly. The data is updated as the employee clocks in/out and closes
their audit so it is available to be viewed before a close out is ran.
To view this report:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Select Reports Menu
Select Time Record Reports
Select Individual Daily Time and Sales Report
The following information is included:
Clock In/Out times
Total Hours
Total Labor Dollars
Total Tips
Total Individual Sales
Individual Time Card Review Report
This report will allow you to review and print a specific employee’s time history for a specific date or date
range. You can also select more than one employee at a time which gives you the ability to customize how
your report will look. It includes a sign line for employees. This is printable on both a report printer and receipt
To view this report:
Log into Manager’s Menu
Select Reports Menu
Select Time Clock Reports
Select Individual Daily Time and Sales Report
What the top of the report shows:
Employee Name
Time In/Time Out
Break Out/Break In
Total Hours
Department Name
Regular Hours (per dept.)
Over Time Hours (per dept.)
Total Hours
Sign line
What the bottom of the report shows (Summary):
Total Sales
Total Tips
Gross Pay
Tip %
Department Name
Regular Hours (per dept.)
Over Time Hours (per dept.)
Dollars Spent
Total Hours
Total Dollars
Labor History
This report allows you to view how much labor had cost during the day or date range you select. As well as,
the percentage compared to your sales for the day. This report is useful when you want to know if your sales
are outweighing your labor costs. This report is viewable after a Daily Closeout is performed.
Percentage = Total Department Labor Cost / Net Sales
Amount = Department Labor Pay Rate * Department Labor Hours
To run a Labor History Report:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Select the Reports Menu button
Select the Daily Sales Summary button
Select the Labor History report along the top left of the page
Select a specific date or date range
a. When you select the ‘Labor History’ button a Calendar will appear. You may either select a date
by using the Calendar or you can use the drop-down fields for Start and End date.
Below is an example of the Labor History Report:
Overtime Watch
The Overtime Watch report is available in PDF view on a back office computer or any terminal that is
connected to a reports printer. The report can also be printed on any terminal with a receipt printer attached.
The Overtime Watch Report shows employees that are near or at overtime for the open time period. The
report can flag employees’ times for any number of hours. By default, the watch starts at 30 hours. This can
be altered in Register Options.
To change watch hours:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Click Register Set up
Click Register Options
Click Time Clock/Misc.
Find the red box that says “enable alerts”
Please note: Checking the option for Enable Alerts will automatically send the associated report to a manager
when the restaurant has met or gone above the set number.
Preview Time Records Report
This report allows you to preview open time records. It will list the following information: Name, SSN, Work
Date, Time In/Out, Break In/Out, Regular Hours, Over Time Hours, Total Hours, Tip Sales, Total Tips, Job
Title, Department Name, Gross Pay, % Sales, and a Sign line. If an employee altered a time record, it will be
shown in this report.—Figure 2
It is useful for viewing current payroll information as well as viewing when the last payroll close out occurred.
This report is populated with data as soon as someone clocks in for the day.
To run a Preview Payroll report:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Select the Reports Menu button
Select the Time Clock Reports button
Select the Preview Time Records button
Select a specific date or date range
a. When you select the ‘Preview Time Records’ button a Calendar will appear. You may either
select a date by using the Calendar or you can use the drop-down fields for the Start and End
date. The only dates available in the drop-down Start and End fields are those records that are
currently open or have yet to be closed out. This is a quick way to see when the site’s last
payroll closeout was performed.
Below is an example of the Preview Time Records report:
Figure 1
Figure 2
An altered shift will be represented by an asterisk (*). Below the time records, it will say “Shift Edit By
Employee Name”. The name is recorded when the employee logs into the Manager’s Menu. In the Time Area
of MicroSale, altered shifts are shown in red.
Print Access Codes Report
The Print Access Codes report is available for print on a reports printer or receipt printer. If pulling the report
on the back office, you will be able to view the report on screen as a PDF. This report is useful when you need
to quickly find employees’ access numbers.
The employees will be listed in alphabetic order by the last name (first name, last name)
Report Formats:
PDF report on screen (available for the back office or terminals using a reports printer)
Report printed with a 40 column
printer (available for regular
Print Closed Payroll Report
The Print Closed Payroll Report displays a historical record of time records that have been closed. It will list the
following information: Name, SSN, Work Date, Time In/Out, Break In/Out, Regular Hours, Over Time Hours,
Total Hours, Tip Sales, Total Tips, Job Title, Department Name, Gross Pay, % Sales, and a Sign line.
It is useful for viewing past payroll information. This report is populated with data as soon as a date or date
range for time records are closed.
To run a Print Closed Payroll Report:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Select the Reports Menu button
Select the Time Clock Reports button
Select the Print Closed Payroll Report button
Select a specific date or date range
a. When you select the ‘Print Closed Payroll Report’ button a Calendar will appear. You may either
select a date by using the Calendar or you can use the drop-down fields for the Start and End
date. The only dates available in the drop-down Start and End fields are those records that are
currently closed out.
Below is an example of the Print Closed Payroll Report:
Print Phone List
This option will allow you to print out all of the employee’s phone numbers that have been entered into the
system in the Employee Maintenance portion of the program. A list will be automatically printed when the “Print
phone list” button is selected. If the system is configured to print to an 80 column printer, the report shown
below will be displayed on the screen for you to print and/or email.
Who’s on the Clock?
Located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Time Clock Reports
This report is available in PDF view on a back office computer or any terminal that is connected to a reports
printer. The report can also be printed on any terminal with a receipt printer attached.
This report is designed to indicate which employees are clocked in at the time the report is generated. The
report is useful to quickly determine if anyone is late, if there are too many people on the clock, and/or to verify
that everyone is clocked out at the end of the day.
Above: The report header will show the restaurant name and address along with the report title “Who’s
Punched In”.
It shows the date that the report was run (the current day), time, and the employee who accessed the report.
The report lists the employees that have clocked in for the shift.
Chapter 3
Sales Summaries
Sales Summaries allow you to see summarized sales numbers of your revenue. The reports are designed for
a more generic overview of sales comparative to Menu Item Reports. The summaries provide hourly, daily,
weekly or a range of information organized by category, department, group, payment, tax, etc.
Balance Sheet……………………………………………………………………………………………..…..
Useful to balance assets, liabilities and equity of a company at a specific point in time and is used to calculate net
worth. Used for a single day, range of days, weeks or years.
Useful to see closed day(s) or week’s sales summarized by category only
Useful to see daily or week’s sales summarized by category and department
Daily Sales Summary Dashboard……………………………………………………………………………
The dashboard is useful for viewing sales data for the day/week quickly, editing deposits, viewing weather or
memos, accessing sales trends and reprinting the daily close out.
Useful to see closed day(s) or week’s sales summarized by department only
Discount History……………………………………………………………………………………………..11
The report is useful when you are interested in seeing where discounts are originating
Find Top 10 Sales…………………………………………………………………………………………….
The Top 10 Sales Report is a useful way to view your top or bottom grossing sales for the past two years
(approximately 730 days by default)
Hourly Sales…………………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Useful when you would like to view a summary of sales specifically by hour for a certain day or range of days
Meal Periods…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Comparing Meal Period Reports over a period of weeks or months can help you to analyze trends and see when
the most sales are accumulated.
Misc. History Report………………………………………………………………………………………….
Provides detailed information for sales accrued by Tender Type, when Discounts and Voids are being applied and
when Paid Outs are used for supplies.
Order Destination……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Order Destination is useful to see the ratio of Dine In versus To Go sales numbers
Payment Report……………………………………………………………………………………………….
The report is useful when a manager or employee needs to view sales based on payment types for the current
day, week to date, or individual days in the current week.
Sales by Register Group……………………………………………………………………………………..
Useful to determine which area is generating the most sales; such as a “Bar” Group, “Patio” Group, “Main” Group,
etc. The report will also provide information on gratuities, discounts and service charges applied.
Sales by Terminal……………………………………………………………………………………………….
The Sales by Terminal Report is useful for Quick Service establishments to see which terminals are generating
the most sales.
Sales Recap (History)………………………………………………………………………………..…………
This report is useful when you want to view sales by department for a closed day or range of days.
Sales Report Dashboard (Live Data)………………………………………………………………………
The dashboard is designed for an “at the glance” view to quickly see data for the current day
Sales Summary Report……………………………………………………………………………………….
The report is useful to view a day’s or range of days’ information of generalized sales, payment types, discounts,
and department sales.
Sales Tax…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The report is useful to view a day’s or a collection of a range of days’ sales and tax information.
Today’s Sales Recap………………………………………………………………………………………….
Useful when you would like to quickly see the current sales for the day. The report is available for print on a 40column printer or viewable as a PDF when attached to a Report Printer.
Weekly Graphs………………………………………………………………………………………………..
The reports are useful when you would like to see a visual breakdown of your sales numbers compared by day for
the week.
Weekly Sales Report…………………………………………………………………………………………….
The report is useful when you want to see summarized sales numbers for the week
Balance Report
Located in the Manager’s MenuReports MenuDaily Sales SummaryBalance Sheet
The Balance Sheet is based on Historical Data. The report can be chosen for a single day or selected date
range of closed days.
Balance Sheet: A financial statement that lists the assets, liabilities and equity of a company at a specific point in time
and is used to calculate net worth. A basic tenet of double-entry book-keeping is that total assets (what a business owns)
must equal liabilities plus equity (how the assets are financed). In other words, the balance sheet must balance.
(example screen shot)
The Balance Sheet has 3 Sections. Total Revenue, Total Accounted, and a Simple Recap for the
day/week/period of time that your Balance Sheet is analyzing.
The Total Revenue side and Total Accounted should match closely/balance.
The Total Revenue breaks out into department sales. The total
revenue includes discounts because discounts are not
necessarily linked to any specific menu department or item.
 Here the Sales tax is listed (+)
Subtracting out Refunds if applicable (-)
 Total Department Sales
+ Sales Tax Collected
– Refunds
Accounted For Total Revenue
The Total Accounted breaks out into your revenue
Bank Deposits; (cash) how much money you put in the bank 
If you are OVER, the amount gets DEDUCTED from the Total 
If you are SHORT, the amount gets ADDED to the Total
(Note: An OVERAGE is a surplus of Cash; it needs to be removed from the Accounted For)
+Bank Deposits
Accounted For Total Accounted
Gross Sales: Net Sales + discounts + voids + refunds + non sales revenue (gift cards sold+ + deposits + service
charges, + gratuity), NO sales tax included.
Net Sales: Gross sales – voids – discounts – refunds – non-sales revenue (NO sales tax included)
Adjusted Gross: Net sales + Non Sales Rev + Net Sales Tax + Liquor Tax + Tip Fee Income. Gratuity is included by
Gratuity: Gratuity automatically added to checks. (Example: an auto 18% Gratuity on a party or a server
adding in a Gratuity to a customer’s bill. This is not a regular ‘tip’.)
Labor is broken down into your labor types. This example is only lists
management (this is a demo report)
The Percentage is the Labor type divided by NET SALES.
Discounts on this part of the report are a breakdown of your top
(Displayed in RED)
Discounts and paid outs are totaled on the right side of the balance
sheet and itemized at the bottom of the report
Category Report
The Category Report is located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History. It is also located in the
Daily Sales Summary Screen under History Reports. The report is a date range report based on historical data
(closed days). To view live data for the current day, plus department information, use the
Category/Department Report located on the main page of the Reports Menu.
The Category Report is useful to see closed day(s) or week’s sales summarized by category only. The report is
available for print on a 40-column printer or viewable as a PDF when attached to a Report Printer.
The Item Name lists the names of categories (includes discounts, coupons, and gratuity if applicable). The
Quantity Sold is the number of menu items sold within the category, dollars sold is dollars sold within the
category, and the Percentage Sold generated by the category.
Category/Department Report
The Category/Department report is located in the Manager’s Menu on the main screen of the Reports Menu.
The report is available for the current day’s information (touch “Daily”) and Week to Date. The Week to Date is
based on the current week’s information; information accrued after the last weekly close out.
The Category/Department Report is useful to see your daily or week’s sales summarized by category and
department. The report is available for print on a 40-column printer or viewable as a PDF when attached to a
Report Printer.
Formulas Used:
Gross Sales: Net sales + discounts + voids + refunds + non sales revenue (gift cards sold, service charges, +
gratuity), NO sales tax included.
Net Sales: all sales – voids- discounts-refunds-non sales revenue (NO sales tax included)
Daily Sales Summary Screen
The main page of the Daily Sales Summary is the Daily Sales Sheet. The Daily Sales Sheet is located in the
Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Daily Sales Summary. The page gives you sales for the week at a glance.
All information in the Daily Sales Summary is historical data. Historical data is compiled after a close out has
been completed.
Common Uses for the Daily Sales Summary:
Viewing sales data for the day/week quickly
Accessing history reports on the tool bar
Editing daily deposits
Viewing the weather for the day or past days (including written memos)
Accessing sales trends
Reprinting the daily close out
Reports Accessed Through the Daily Sales Summary:
(*duplicate link for report)
Sales Summary*
Department Sales* (including by individual)
Category Sales* (including by individual)
Order Destination*
Weekly Sales
Meal Periods*
Labor History
Daily Audit Report
Misc. History: Paid Outs, Tenders, Deposits, Discounts, Voids [Discounts and Voids in this area only
shows numerical data; does not include descriptions]
10. Product Mix*
11. Balance Sheet
12. Sales Recap (Today’s Sales Recap is located on Reports page)
13. Top 10 Sales/Bottom Sales
14. Weekly Graphs
15. Period Reports (based on 4 week periods)
Understanding the Daily Sales Sheet
Toolbar linking to various history reports (please refer to first page to see included reports)
To go back to certain weeks or days, click a date in the calendar. To populate the entire grid, pick the
starting day of the week. By default in the system, the business week starts on Monday.
Bank deposits may be altered by right clicking on the number field in the Bank Deposits row.
Double click any 0.00 value field to view the daily weather and attached memos.
The left and right arrows will toggle through weeks. You may go back up to two years.
Click somewhere in the column for the desired day to reprint a close out. The Reprint Day will allow you
to reprint necessary information for a day that has been closed when the original printed copy has been
lost or damaged. Print will print the current screen
For a 0.00 column with no date listed, means that either the daily close was not ran for the day, which
will combine the sales with the current open day, or that the restaurant was closed and a daily close out
was not necessary.
Department Report
The Department Report is located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History. It is also located in
the Daily Sales Summary Screen under History Reports. The report is a date range report based on historical
data (closed days). To view live data for the current day, plus category information, use the
Category/Department Report located on the main page of the Reports Menu.
The Department Report is useful to see closed day(s) or week’s sales summarized by department only. The
report is available for print on a 40-column printer or viewable as a PDF when attached to a Report Printer.
The Item Name lists the names of departments (includes discounts, coupons, and gratuity if applicable). The
Quantity Sold is the number of menu items sold within the department, Dollars Sold is dollars sold within the
department, and the Percentage Sold is the ratio of sales that the specific department generated for the
selected period of time.
Discount History Report (aka Coupon History Report)
The Discount History Report is located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History
The report is a History Report is a date range report based on previously closed days. The report is useful
when you are interested in seeing where discounts are originating. It displays the date, time the discount was
taken, the employee’s audit, discount name or typed reason, and the amount.
A summarized variation of the Discounts Report is offered in the Daily Sales Summary in Misc History under
Discounts. (example below)
“Find Top 10 Sales For” Reports
The Top 10 Sales Reports are gathered in the Daily Sales Summary area (involving only historical data). The
report is located on the toolbar. The Top 10 Sales Report is a useful way to view your top or bottom grossing
sales for the past two years (approximately 730 days by default)
Figure 1
To view this report:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Go to the Reports Menu
Go to Daily Sales Summary
Click the report on the tool bar as shown in Figure 1.
When drilling down into the Top 10 or Bottom 10, a bar chart will appear along with the listed days. The list is
in descending order by sales (not by date). The sales will show a total of 11 days to show you the difference in
sales not included in the Top/Bottom 10—Figure 2.
Figure 2
Hourly Sales
The Hourly Sales Report is located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History. The report is a date
range report based on historical data (closed days). If you would like to view the current day’s hourly sales,
please go to the Sales Report Button on the main page of the Reports Menu (or go to the Sales Report
Dashboard Report in this chapter). To view sales by time intevals (Meal Periods) such as breakfast, lunch,
and dinner, go to the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History, Meal Periods.
The Hourly Sales Report is available for print on a receipt printer or viewable/printable when attached to a
report printer. The example below is a PDF view of the report.
The report is useful when you would like to view a summary of sales specifically by hour for a certain day or
range of days. This could help management understand sales trends by hour based on a day, week or year.
Example; sales are extremely high for the hours of 12:00 PM-2:00 PM then drastically drop off at 3:00 PM. A
happy hour from 3:00 PM- 6:00 PM could help increase sales numbers in the slow times.
The report specifies which day’s (or days’) data are being used (above From 2/6/2013-2/6/2013), the hours of
sales (above, the restaurant is only open from 6:00 AM- 6:00 PM), the sales (in dollars) for that time, and the
quantity of menu items sold.
Meal Periods
The Meal Period Report displays the number of checks, number of guests, sales, average check amount and
per customer average for each Meal Period established in Register Options Register SetupMisc. The
report allows you to see revenues generated during a specific time period. Comparing Meal Period Reports
over a period of weeks or months can help you to analyze trends and link sales to other factors such as
weather, holidays, or community events.
The example (to the left) are set times by default. You may change the
names of the meal periods and change the hours. In order to NOT overlap
sales in the meal periods, make sure the same hour is not listed twice. For
example, Breakfast in the picture is set from 6:00-10:00 while Lunch starts
at 11:00.
10:01 am is the beginning of the hour for 11:00, 14:01 is the beginning of the hour
15:00, etc.
The Breakfast Hours of 6:00-10:00 are strictly the sales between 6:00-10:00.
Military Time Conversion Chart
Military Time to Standard Time Conversion Chart
Military Time
Standard Time
Military Time
Standard Time
12 AM
12 PM
1 AM
1 PM
2 AM
2 PM
3 AM
3 PM
4 AM
4 PM
5 AM
5 PM
6 AM
6 PM
7 AM
7 PM
8 AM
8 PM
9 AM
9 PM
10 AM
10 PM
11 AM
11 PM
Report Example
In the above example, the restaurant ran a report for one day 10/7-10/7.
The Meal Period Report is broken into two sections; the top, displayed in red, consolidates all days’ (or one
day’s) sales information into sales by the meal period names, start and end time, departments (of menu items
sold), sales, and menu item count. The restaurant in the example is an ice cream shop with departments of
Food, Ice Cream, and Discount.
The second section, in blue, will break down each day and provide a summary of each including menu item
count per department, totals, customer average and tax.
Miscellaneous History
Located in the Managers Menu, Reports Menu, Daily Sales Summary (top tool bar: Misc History)
The Misc. History category includes reports for Paid Outs, Tenders, Deposits, Discounts and Voids. The
Miscellaneous Reports are useful because it provides detailed information on how sales are being accrued by
Tender Type, when Discounts and Voids are being applied and when Paid Outs are used for supplies.
Paid Outs
The Paid Outs option is the only Misc. History option that provides another drop down menu for more options.
The Paid Out report can be displayed the following ways, Summary by Name, Summary by Description and
List by Description. When the desired report is chosen, a date range calendar will appear. You may run the
report for a single day or a range of dates. You will not be able to choose the current day if the day has not
been closed out.
The Summary by Description and List by Description are very similar reports. The Summary by Name Report
groups the Paid Outs by the category that was selected plus the total amount per category.
The Summary by Description shows the Paid Out by the name that was entered for the Description of the
Paid Out. Each descriptive name will also display the total amount for the Paid Out.
The List By Description includes both the Summary by Name and the Summary by Description. It includes
the Paid Outs by category and the descriptive name plus the amount total.
The report lists all Non-Cash Tenders for a selected date range which includes Gift Cards, Credit Cards, and
House Accounts. The report displays the Tender by name, the associated tip amount, and total amount of the
tender. (Using the Tenders and Deposits together will allow you to see total tender amounts performed during
the selected date range)
Deposits show the amount of money that was entered as a Cash Deposit for a specific day or date range. It is
important to remember to put in Cash Deposits each day in order for your reports to be accurate. Cash
Deposits entered into the system is the only way for MicroSale to “know” the actual cash on hand. Forgotten
deposits can be revisited for adjustment.
The Discount report will display information on the type of discount, the total dollar amount, and the total
quantity for the discount in the selected date range. The report will help you track how often a discount is
being applied at your store.
The discounts are organized by discount name. The discount will display the type, whether it was a discount
or service charge, after the discount Name. The bottom of the report includes a total for the Discount Amount
and the Discount Quantity. This will be the total dollar amount of discounts, regardless of the type of discount,
and the total quantity of discounts. To see a more description version of this report, go to the Reports Menu,
History Reports, Discounts (known as the Coupon History Report).
The Void Report is sorted by check number; displaying the Menu Item and the price associated with the Menu
Item. The reason for the void, the server and the manager name is also displayed. This places accountability
on whoever is voiding transactions. The Menu Item name has a number in parenthesis signifying the quantity
of the Menu Items voided. (Descriptive void information is available in the Current Week Void Report, Server
Reports, or the Transaction Review)
**This report is also located in the Reports MenuHistory Reports**
Order Destination
The Order Destination Report is located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, in History Reports. It is also
available on the tool bar under History Reports in the Daily Sales Summary Screen. The report is based on
historical data (closed days) available to view in a single day or date range.
Order Destination is useful to see the ratio of Dine In versus To Go sales numbers. The Quantity is the
number of menu items sold in each order destination, the Sales is the number of sales generated by the
destination and then the percentage between the two types of destinations.
Payment Report
The Payment Report is located in the Manager’s Menu on the main page of the Reports Menu. The report is
useful when a manager or employee needs to view sales based on payment types for the current day, week to
date, or individual days in the current week. There is also the option to view payments by hour in the day(s)
The report is available for print on a 40-column printer or viewable as a PDF when attached to a Report Printer.
If the establishment accepts tips (most quick service establishments do not, like in the below example), there
will be the total tip amount for each payment type. The Cash Tip Amount will be the total tips claimed at the
end of servers’ shifts.
Format example based on Hourly Payments for Monday:
Sales by Register Group Report
Located in the Managers Menu on the main page of the Reports Menu
The Sales by Register Group displays department sales and discounts for menu items in a selected date range
by groups of terminals (registers). You will assign terminals to a register group to separate sales from other
register groups to utilize this report. The report will display the total sales for all register groups as well as the
total sales for the business.
The report is useful to determine which area is generating the most sales by examining the total sales from
each register group; such as a “Bar” Group, “Patio” Group, “Main” Group, etc. The report will also provide
information on gratuities, discounts and service charges applied.
At the bottom of the report you will see the total quantity of menu items and total sales for all register groups.
Sales by Terminal
Located by the Managers Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History, Sales by Terminal
The Sales by Terminal displays separated sales information for a selected date range. The Sales by Terminal
Report is useful for Quick Service establishments to see which terminals are generating the most sales.
The report provides the terminal name, gross sales, tax, and net total. The report is generated with history
data, meaning that it will only offer information on the current day after the close out is completed.
Sales Recap (History)
Located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Daily Sales Summary, top tool bar “Sales Recap”
The Sales Recap displays department sales and discounts for menu items in a selected date range based on
Historical Data (closed days’ information). The report also displays Gross Sales, Voids, Sales Tax, Refunds
and a simple balance of cash accounted. This report is useful when you want to view sales by department for a
closed day or range of days.
Each Department includes the quantity of menu items sold and the dollar amount of the menu items sold. The
bottom of the reports shows payments which will display credit card payments with the quantity of transactions,
the dollar amount and the amout of tips claimed on credit cards.
The Discounts section shows the type of discounts used, the quantity, and the total dollars. This is a good way
to track how often discounts are being used during a selected period.
+69.50 (discounts)
+44.56 (voids)
+0.00 (refunds)
+0.00 (non sales rev)
Formulas Used:
Gross Sales: Net Sales + discounts + voids + refunds + non sales revenue (gift cards sold, service charges, +
gratuity) (NO sales tax included)
Non Sale Revenue: gift cards sold + deposits + service charges + gratuity
Net Sales: Gross Sales – voids – discounts – refunds – non-sales revenue (NO sales tax included)
Total to Account For: Net Sales + Taxes (Sales Tax + Special Tax) + Non Sale Revenue
Cash to Account For: Cash that MicroSale ‘thinks’ you should have on hand (after tips are taken out)
Sales Report Dashboard
The Sales Report Dashboard is located on the main page of the Reports Menu. The dashboard provides
critical summary data for the current day. The dashboard is designed for an “at the glance” view to quickly see
The Sales Report Dashboard provides live data. The numbers are captured when the button is touched. Exit the screen
to refresh the data (the numbers will not change if the screen is kept open)
Formulas Used:
Gross Sales= net sales + discounts + voids + refunds + non sales revenue (gift cards sold, service charges, +
gratuity) (sales tax not included)
Net Sales= gross sales – voids – discounts – refunds – non-sales revenue (sales tax not included)
Averages= Number of X/Net Sales
Average Time @ Window is used for restaurants that offer Drive Thru services (using the Drive Thru
Terminal Settings)
Average Table Time is used for restaurants that offer table services (using Full Service Terminal
The Pie Charts offer a visual to better understand percentages and costs for the restaurant.
Since Labor Rates are not required in the system, you may discover that the Labor Information is
blank or significantly wrong percentages. To get the most out of your system (including all Time Clock
Reports), please put in the employees’ rates of pay in the Employee Maintenance Section (more
instruction is listed in the introductory of the Report Manual)
If the terminal is connected to a report printer, the function buttons populate a PDF view of summary
data. The reports print automatically on 40-column paper if attached to a receipt printer.
The Hourly Sales displays sales by the hour, number of transactions (payments), and number of
customers (if applicable)
Sales Summary Report
Located by the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History, Summary (aka Sales Summary Report). Also
located in the Daily Sales Summary Screen, on the toolbar labeled “Sales Summary”.
The Sales Summary Report is a date range report based on historical data (closed days). The report is useful
to view a day’s or range of days’ information of generalized sales, payment types, discounts, and department
The report is similar to the Sales Recap (based on historical data); except it is in a slightly different format and
offers Gross Receipt Sales. As you familiarize yourself with MicroSale reports, you will discover that there are
many variations of the same data to achieve different objectives.
Gross Receipts “the starting point”: All Sales + voids + discounts + non sale revenue + tax
Gross Sales: All sales + discounts + voids + refunds + non sale revenue (gift cards sold, service charges, +
gratuity). (NO sales tax included)
Net Sales: All sales – voids- discounts-refunds-non sales revenue. (NO sales tax included)
Sales Tax: Sales History Report
Located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History, Sales Tax
The Sales Tax Report is a date range report based on historical data (closed days). The report is useful to
view a day’s or a range of days’ sales and tax information. The report is available for print on a 40-column
printer or viewable as a PDF when attached to a Report Printer.
Formulas Used:
Net Sales: Gross Sales – Voids- Discounts-Refunds-Non sales revenue (NO TAX INCLUDED)
Taxed Sales: Sales that are taxable
Net Sales – Non Taxed Sales
Non Taxed: Tax exempted sales or menu items
Reg Sale Tax: Regular sales tax collected only
Spc Sale Tax: Special tax collected only; menu items with special tax tables ex: liquor tax, beer tax,
occupation tax
Total W/ Tax: Sum of sales that are taxable, regular sales tax and special tax
Taxed Sales + Reg Sales Tax + Spc Tax
Today’s Sales Recap
The Sales Recap is located in the Manager’s Menu on the main page of the Reports Menu. The Recap is a
summary of the current day’s sales (the open day). A similar report is located in the Daily Sales Summary
under “Sales Recap”. However, all sales in the Daily Sales Summary Screen are History Reports (based on
closed days).
The Today’s Sales Recap is useful when a manager or staff member would like to quickly see the current sales
for the day. The report is available for print on a 40-column printer or viewable as a PDF when attached to a
Report Printer.
The report displays sales organized by department, with the number of menu items sold in each area, total
dollars, and the percentage of sales each department generates.
Payments (form of payment for sales) list the types of payments used such as Cash, Visa, American Express,
Gift Card Charges, and/or House Account Charges. The Quantity is the number of transactions that used that
specific type of payment.
Formulas Used:
Gross Sales: Net sales + discounts + voids + refunds + non sale revenue (gift cards sold, service charges, +
gratuity) (NO sales tax included)
Non Sale Revenue: gift cards sold + deposits + service charges + gratuity
Net Sales: Gross sales – voids – discounts – refunds – non sale revenue (NO sales tax included)
Total to Account For: Net sales + sales tax + non sale revenue
Cash to Account For: Cash that MicroSale ‘thinks’ you should have on hand (after tips are taken out)
Weekly Graphs
Accessed by the Daily Sales Summary Report on the toolbar, the Weekly Graphs reports offer a wide selection
of reports in a pie chart format. The reports are useful when you would like to see a visual breakdown of your
sales numbers compared by day for the week.
Daily Sales Summary Toolbar
Information available in pie chart format:
Net Sales
Labor Percentage
Labor Hours
Voided Sales
Department Sales
Meal Periods
Over/ Short
Net Sales for the Week Chart
Weekly Sales Report
The Weekly Sales Report is located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, Daily Sales Summary, History
Reports (on the toolbar)
The Weekly Sales Report is a History Report, which means that information populates after the Weekly Close
Out has been completed. The report is useful when you want to see summarized sales numbers. You may
see weeks in more detail by toggling through the spread sheet on the main page of the Daily Sales Summary
The report is organized by Week Number, such as #1 is the first week in January, and so forth; based on 52
weeks in a year.
The week number, net sales, sales tax, discounts, and non-taxed numbers are listed in the report.
Net Sales: All sales minus voids, discounts, refunds, nonsales revenue, and NO sales tax included.
Non Taxed: Tax exempted menu items
Chapter 4
Menu Item Reports
Menu Item Reports allow you to see how your revenue is being generated. The reports reveal which items are
selling, which need to be repriced, discontinued or produced more.
The information received from the Menu Item Reports will give you a true, accurate approach on what items
are selling.
Current Week Sales……………………………………………………………………………………….
Useful to view the current week’s (or days) sales broken down by category per menu item
Current Week Voids………………………………………………………………………………………5
Provides information and detail pertaining to the current week voids; it lists pertinent check details such as the
employee name, manager approval, date, check number, menu items voids, reason, amount and void time
Daily Menu Item Inventory………………………………………………………………………………….
Useful to track single menu items to see the actual on hand amount
Inventory Usage………………………………………………………………………………………………
Useful to track menu items that make up a whole or to track menu items made up by recipes/components
Menu Items by Individual…………………………………………………………………………………..
Useful for sales contests with employees or to customize your own menu item report
Mix by Department…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Useful to view the current or past day’s sales broken down by department per menu item
Mix by Revenue Center………………………………………………………………………………………
The report will help you see which days generate the most sales by area and will also allow you to track
reopened checks and tables
Print Utilities………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Useful to print out lists of menu items and/or modifiers, inventory, and PLU numbers if applicable
Product Mix Daily by Hour……………………………………………………………………………………….
Useful to view menu items sold by hour for the current week (week that has not yet been closed out)
Product Mix Today by Hour…………………………………………………………………………………
Useful to view menu items sold by hour for the current day
Product Mix WTD by Hour……………………………………………………………………………………….
Shows total sales of menu items by hour for the current week
Product Mix……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Useful for determining which menu items and modifiers are most and/or least popular (History Report: not based
on current/open days)
Sales Mix by Meal Period………………………………………………………………………………………
Useful to see menu items sold by category in each meal period (breakfast vs. lunch vs. dinner)
Void History………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Lists check details such as the employee name, manager approval, date, check number, menu items
voids, reason, and amount
Current Week Sales Mix Report
The following report will show the sales of current week by day, current day, and week to date.
The report displays sales broken down by category. Each menu item’s column displays the quantity, cost (if
applicable), dollar, and percentage.
Steps to run the Current Week Sales Mix Report:
Go to the Manager’s Menu
Select Reports Menu
Select Menu Reports
Select the Current Week Sales Mix button
The following prompt is displayed when selecting the Current Week Sales Mix Reports. The selection offers
the current day, closed days in the current week, and the week to date for the current week (including the
current day). The prompt will appear differently depending on the settings selected in the Register options for
the first day of week.
The report will contain information about the category sales, individual sales and percentage sales. Each
menu item will have a Quantity, which will be the total amount of times the item was sold and Dollars, which
will be the total amount of sales for the item.
The last column shows Percentages, which will be the total dollar amount of this individual item divided by the
total dollar amount of the sales for the day. These columns will also be available for the category totals. The
quantity represents the total amount of items sold in the category.
Current Week Voids Report
To access the report: Managers Menu, Reports Menu, Current Week Voids (middle button)
The Current Week Voids Report is only for the current week that has not been closed. When clicking on the
report button, a calendar prompts. The software does not know if you are trying to view the voids for the
current day, select few days, or the entire week. You must only pick days that are relevant.
To view Voids for previously closed weeks, go to Sales History (button under Current Week Voids) and select
Void History, or go to the Daily Sales Summary, Misc History, Voids.
The Current Week Voids Report provides information and detail pertaining to the current week voids. It lists
pertinent check details such as the employee name, manager approval, date, check number, menu items
voids, reason, amount and void time. To investigate further, use the Current Week Voids report with the
Transaction Review (Report listed in the Sales Summaries)
Daily Menu Inventory Report
The Daily Menu Inventory enables you to track menu items sold. While many of the reports in MicroSale allow
you to see how many items are sold, this report gives you a clearer number to track.
“What’s the difference between the Menu Inventory and Inventory Usage?”
The Daily Menu Inventory tracks whole items while the Inventory Usage tracks recipes.
Step 1
Input the Product Inventory Count
Go to the Manager’s MenuMenu MaintenanceMenu Items and Pricing (Select a menu item)
There are two sections you may fill out in the Menu Item, one is Number Available which will show the
tracking of the product on the Menu Item Button which will countdown to an 86, and not allow any more
items to be rang in until restocked. The second is Product Inventory which will track the product being
sold for the report.
Step 2
Run the Report
Go to the Manager’s MenuReports MenuDaily Menu Inventory
Example Report
This will only display the Menu Items that are set up with Product Inventory in the Menu Items and Pricing
The sales amount is the amount of the Menu Item that has been sold since the beginning Inventory.
The On Hand Amount is the Beginning Amount minus the Sales Amount.
The Count has a space for the manual count of the inventory
Deviation is the difference between the manual count and the On Hand
Inventory Usage
Included in MicroSale, the Inventory Usage feature is a tool to help you track recipes, menu components, and
simple inventory. To access the feature go to the Manager’s MenuReports MenuMenu ReportsInventory
Usage Set up
“What’s the difference between the Menu Inventory and Inventory Usage?”
The Daily Menu Inventory tracks whole items while the Inventory Usage tracks recipes.
The Inventory Usage is Used For:
A. Tracking menu items that make up a whole.
B. Tracking a whole that is made up of single items.
1. You sell glasses of wine. You want to know how many bottles of wine you should have in your inventory.
(glasses of wine in ratio to bottle)
2. You sell a Mixed Drink. You want to know how much of the inventory is being used for that item. (mixed
drink in ratio to 4 oz of Red Bull, 1 oz of Grey Goose.)
You must follow these steps in order for it to work correctly.
Step 1: Create Inventory Item
What are the menu items being taken from? Case of Bud Light, House Merlot Bottle
How much did that unit cost? Bottle of Wine: $5.00
Press the gray Save Item button in the green oval.
Step 2: Find the menu item you want to link to the created Inventory Item
Press Load Menu from Mix. (this will list all menu items including shifts and modifiers; menu file list will only
show menu items that are on buttons)
The green box is only used to input the Inventory Item. You will not need this in linking the menu item to the
inventory item. Please view screen shot below for better understanding.
Once you complete the link, press the green Save Button.
Ask yourself: how many glasses of wine can I get from this bottle? Read ounces on the bottle and measure how
many ounces are in your restaurant’s wine glass.
>Our glasses are served with 5 oz. of Wine.
5 oz= 1 glass
>ounces of wine are the variable. (this example the wine is 25.4 oz)
Formula: Glass Ounces/Bottle Ounces
5oz/25.4=19.6% ~ .196
Each glass of wine is 19.6% of the bottle.
Step 3: Run the Report
At the end of the day, after your close out is complete, go to back to the Menu Reports and find the Inventory
Usage button (above Exit). Depending if you are on a computer that has a reports printer, you may view the
report on screen; otherwise the report will print on your receipt printer. The report will show how many bottles of
wine you went through, plus your cost and percentage.
In conjunction with the Inventory Usage, it is recommended to use the Price and Number Available Screen. The
Inventory Usage tracks components of menu items while the Number Available or Product Inventory Number
tracks single menu items, such as bottled beer. To access the feature go to the Manager’s MenuMenu
MaintenancePrice and Number Available. (following page)
By default, the white area will show every menu item programmed into your system. Press the drop down in the
green box to filter by category.
Product Availability will always show 9999 by default. When this number is set, it does not decrease. Any
number lower than this will decrease as your staff sells the items. When the item drops to 0, it will ‘86’ and not
allow any more of that item to be rang in until it is put back in stock. (use this screen to put items back in stock)
Product Inventory will always show 0 by default. This number is simply a beginning count. Unlike the Product
Availability, this number will not cause the menu item to ‘86’. Both options will give you the same result, to see
how many items you have sold versus what is actually counted at the end of the night.
For users with a keyboard, you may type in the numerical fields.
For users without a keyboard, use the purple area to the right. Double touch the fields to prompt a keypad.
Menu Item(s) by Individual Report
The Menu Item(s) by Individual Report shows sales of menu items based on the current day or closed sales
data. It is a customized report that lets the user filter sales in order to populate specific data. Please follow the
documentation below from start to finish in order to accurately filter your data.
By default, the list will show all items saved from the “Menu File”. The Menu File shows items as saved in the
POS. The Sales History will show the actual items sold, with shift levels, special modifiers, etc. For a more
precise sales mix, click the “Load from Sales History”.
Filtering by Menu Item
You may filter menu items individually by manually checking off items, selecting all menu items (press Select
All) or by specific category (choose the drop down and then press Select Category). *Clear All unchecks all
Once the menu items are selected, it can be saved for future usage by typing a title in the field to the right of
the menu items under “Mix Name”. PRESS SAVE.
Sales by Individual: This report is also used for Sales Contests for employees. Sales by Individual will show
the sales for the specific items chosen under each employee that sold the items.
Group Items Together: This groups menu items and modifiers with the same name together as one item. For
example, if a Coke is a menu item and in a modifier for a combo, it will combine both Cokes into one item.
With this unchecked, you will see Coke twice as two separate items in the report.
Filtering by Time/Date
If necessary, press the “None” under the Start Time to populate an hour/minute for the report to begin. If you
are going to use a Start Time, you MUST choose an End Time.
Typically, you will leave the Start and End Time at “None” in order to view an entire day’s sales. You may
press “Today” to view the current day or Select Range to choose any date range desired.
Report Structure:
Header: includes restaurant name and address.
Report Date lists the current day (that the report was ran), the time, and who accessed the
report; helpful when being emailed/printed.
Lists the date range for the sales information shown (currently showing 11/1-11/8)
If specific times were chosen, that would be listed in place of “None”.
Body Information: Displays all sales for the items previously chosen for the report.
Lists the item name, number sold, the cost (your cost if applicable) and the total sales
Note: The report can be used for current (open) data or history. The product cost is only
applicable for current data. It is not stored for history, as it is not necessary.
Report Tools: This report can be emailed or printed. (When emailed, it will automatically send to
the predetermined addressees.)
Mix by Department Report
The Mix by Department shows sales of Menu Items by selected Departments. The report will also change
during the day if you are viewing the current day instead of a past time period.
The Menu Items are broken down by Department. Each Menu Item includes a column that displays the
Quantity, Cost and Dollar amount.
Steps to run the Mix by Department Report:
Go to the Manager’s Menu
Select Reports Menu
Select Menu Reports
Select Mix by Department
Figure 1
Figure 2
When selecting the Mix by Department button, the screen to the left will appear—Figure 1
First, select the departments you wish to view by checking the box next to the associated department (or press
Select All)—Figure 2
Once the departments are selected, select a date range (or today). When you click on the button Select
Range, the following prompt will display on the screen.—Figure 3
Figure 3
The first date selected is the Starting Date and the following date selected is the Ending Date. If you need to
view another month, use the arrows to the right and left of the calendar header. Once the Starting and Ending
Dates are entered, press the Search button. The following report is displayed below. The printing is
determined by your report configuration.
Report Data:
The Departments are displayed in alphabetical order and contains the Menu Items associated with the
Department. The Quantity is the amount of items sold during the selected time period. The Dollars is the price
of the Item multiplied by the Quantity sold during the selected time period. The total row on the bottom
displays the quantity for all of the Menu Items sold for the selected Departments as well as the total Dollar
amount for the selected time period.
Mix by Revenue Center Report
To access the report: Manager’s MenuRevenue Center (main page). When the Revenue Center is touched,
it prompts to choose the Daily Report or Week to Date.
The report shows the name of the receipts or tables and the amount of customers that used the receipt name.
If the system is using check numbers then it will display the check numbers as well. This will allow you to track
the number of customers you have plus the Dine In and Go Order customers you have in a day or week.
This report will help you see which days generate the most sales by area and will also allow you to track
reopened checks and tables.
The Daily Report will display the revenue for receipts for the current day and Week to Date will show you the
receipts for the current (open) week.
If you are not assigning names to tables or receipts then it will use the regular check number scheme
set up in the system. This will also show you the number of customers that have used the same table
or receipt name.
If you have express order they will be recorded as Dine In or Go Order depending on the selection.
This will allow you to track Go Orders compared to Dine Ins at your place of business.
Daily Revenue Report (Full Service)
Week to Date (Full Service)
Quick Service Revenue Reports
In Quick Service Settings, customer numbers are typically not tracked. The Revenue Center Report tracks the
number of transactions.
Print Utilities
Located in the Manager’s MenuReports MenuPrint Utilities.
The Print Utilities area allows you to print a full list of the menu in the POS, modifiers, PLUs if applicable, and
The first option on the left is Print Store Menu. If your system is configured to only print to a 40 column printer
as soon as you click the button it will automatically print to the receipt printer that is attached to the terminal.
On this printout it will show all the menu items programmed into the system, along with each menu items price
under the “$” column, if it’s taxable under the “Tax” column, and if the item is set to print to a remote printer
under the “Remote” column.
If your system is configured to print to an 80 column or “report printer” the following report will be generated onscreen.
This report is the same as the report that would print to the receipt printer except it shows more detail. On the
80 column printer the report will also show the menu items categorized by the departments they’re assigned to,
along with the names of the modifiers attached to the menu items and the names of the remote printers that
the item is sent to. You also have the option to email this report, as well.
The next button in the list of options is Print Menu Inventory.
If your system is configured to only print to a 40 column printer MicroSale will only print the item name and the
amount on hand. The amount on hand reflects the number that MicroSale has recorded for the number
available for a menu item. This can be looked up for each menu item under Menu items and pricing. If you are
using an 80 column printer the report shown below will be generated.
This report is more detailed than the report that would be printed to a 40 column printer. The report shows the
menu item name, amount on hand, count, cost, and value. This report is meant to be printed out and used to
count and verify that the amount listed as “on hand” matches the actual number that is available, which will be
written in the “count” column. The price listed under the “cost” field is the actual price per unit and the “value”
field is amount the items are worth retail. The total value amount is listed under total inventory.
The next button in the options list is View Modifier list.
If your system is configured to only print to a 40 column printer Micro$ale will show the modifier name, the
dollar amount charged for the modifier, and if the modifier is modified by another modifier, the modifier it’s
modified by is listed as well. If your system is configured to print to an 80 column printer then the report below
will be displayed or printed out.
The Modifier Name is actually the Modifier Title when being compared to the Menu Modifiers screen under
Menu Maintenance. The Cost column is the price of the modifier or upcharge amount in some cases. The
Category is actually the Modifier Name when being compared to the Menu Modifiers screen. The Modified By
column is the modifier title that the modifier name is being modified by.
The next button in the options list is Print Modifiers.
If your system is configured to only print to a 40 column printer MicroSale will show the Modifier Name as the
Modifier Title when being compared to the Menu Modifiers screen under Menu Maintenance. The “Mand” or
mandatory column, “Multi” or multi-select, and “Opt” or optional columns are referencing which boxes are
checked for each modifier title on the Menu Modifiers screen, which is shown below.
On the report each column is marked with either a “Y” for yes or an “N” for no.
The 80 column printout has the same columns as the 40 column printout along with an “Expanded Print”
column to let you know if the “expand print on check” option is checked on the “Menu Modifiers” screen.
The next button in the options list is Liquor PLU Dump.
This report prints the same on both 40 and 80 column printers. The report shows the menu item name, PLU,
and quantity for all menu items programmed into the system that have PLU’s assigned to them.
The last button in the options list is Order Type Report.
This report prints the same on both 40 and 80 column printers as well. It breaks down sales by their order
destination. The first column “$ Sold” shows the dollars sold for dine in, go orders, etc. the next column shows
the quantity for each order destination, and the last category shows the dollar amounts for discounts by their
order destination. The report also provides totals for each column at the bottom of each column. You can also
save your previously ran reports in the “Order Type Report” window shown below.
Once the box is checked next to the dated report it will automatically start to print if the print jobs are routed to
the receipt printer. In this configuration the reports for the “Print Store Menu” and “View Modifier List” can be
pretty lengthy, so make sure the printer has enough paper in it before selecting these reports.
Product Mix Daily by Hour Report
The following report shows the sales of menu items by hour for the current week by the day selected. This
report will change as the days are closed. Once the day is closed, it will appear in this menu and the current
day will get larger as more items are sold.
When examining this report, it will allow you to see what items are sold hourly for the day selected. If you
select today, it will show you the current sales by hour for the current day. Also, you will be able to see the
quantity for each item and the total amount for the current day as well as previous days closed out for the
current week. This report can be viewed at any time of the day as it updates items as they are sold throughout
the current day and will also have previous days already stored as they day was closed out.
Steps to run the Product Daily by Hour Report:
Go to the Manager’s Menu
Select Reports Menu
Select Menu Reports
Select the Product Mix Daily by Hour
When you select Product Mix Daily by Hour, it will provide a screen display shown below. This displays the
days that have been closed out for the current week as well as the today, or the current day that has not been
closed out for the week.—Figure1
Figure 1
When selecting the Product Mix Daily by Hour button it will proceed to print out the report for the day selected.
The day selected will be marked by a numerical value, e.g. Tuesday is 2 and Friday is 5. This numerical value
will be determined by the first day of the week. This is selected in the Time/Clock Register Option by Terminal
section of the Manager’s Menu. The report will look like the one attached below. On this report you will have a
header of a Name, Quantity, and Amount. Listed below the header is where you will see the menu items that
were sold for the current day and hour of the day or the sales by hour from a previous day closed out during
the current week. Again, this report will change by hour as there are sales on items throughout the day unless
you select a day that has already been closed out for the week. –Figure 2
Figure 2
Product Mix Today by Hour Report
The following report shows the sales of menu items by hour for the current day. This report will change hourly
as the day progresses, and will get larger as there are more items sold throughout the day. When examining
this report it will allow you to see what items are selling during all hours of the day for the current day. Also,
you will be able to see the quantity for each item and the total amount for the current day. This report can be
viewed at any time of the day as it updates items as they are sold throughout the current day.
Steps to run the Product Mix Today by Hour Report:
Go to the Manager’s Menu
Select Reports Menu
Select Menu Reports
Select Product Mix Today by Hour (top button located in the right sided column)
When selecting the Product Mix Today by Hour button it will proceed to print out the report. The report will look
like the one attached below. On this report you will have a header of a Name, Quantity, and Amount. Listed
below the header is where you will see the menu items that were sold for the current day and hour of the day.
Product Mix Daily WTD by Hour Report
The following report shows sales of menu items by hour for the current week. This report will change daily as
the week progresses, and will get larger as there are more items sold throughout the week. When examining
this report it will allow you to see what items are selling during all hours of the day for the current week. Also,
you will be able to see the quantity for each item and the total amount for the current week. This report can be
viewed at any time of the day as it updates items as they are sold throughout the current week.
Steps to run the Product Mix Daily WTD by Hour:
Go to the Manager’s Menu
Select Reports Menu
Select Menu Reports
Select Product Mix WTD by Hour (third button from the top located in the right sided column)
When selecting the Product Mix WTD by Hour button it will proceed to print out the report. The report will look
like the one attached below. On this report you will have a header of a Name, Quantity, and Amount. Listed
below the header is where you will see the menu items that were sold for the current week and hour of the day.
Again, this report will change by the hour as more items are recorded.
Report printed on a 40 column receipt printer
Product Mix Report
The Product Mix Report is located in the Manager’s Menu, Reports Menu, in the Daily Sales Summary on the
top tool bar. The Product Mix Report in this area is based on Historical Data. To view current sales, please go
to the Menu Item Reports (Menu Reports).
The report will display all the menu items that were sold during a selected date range. The report is broken
down by category type to display individual menu items/modifiers. Each menu item displays the quantity sold,
dollars, and percentage sold. The report prints on a 40-column receipt printer or available to view as a PDF
when connected to a Reports Printer.
The report is useful for determining which menu items are most popular/least popular. Since the report also
shows modifiers, it will help determine modifiers that need to be eliminated or offered more.
Sales Mix by Meal Period Report
The following report will show the sales of menu items by meal period. will show each menu item that has
been sold for the selected date range. For each menu item there will be a category for each meal period and
then the total amount. Inside of each category will be the quantity that was sold, then the total amount and the
last category will be the sales amount. The sales amount will be the total quantity of the menu item multiplied
by the price of the menu item. This report is viewable at any time of the day, but only for days that have been
closed out.
Steps to run the Sales Mix by Meal Period Report:
Go to the Manager’s Menu
Select Reports Menu
Select Menu Reports
Select Sales Mix by Meal Period
Once the Sales by Meal Period report is selected a date range option will appear. The first date you will select
will be the starting date, and then the following selection will be the ending date. Once the starting and ending
date have been selected, then you will select search. The selection range allows this report to show one single
day or a multitude of days.—Figure 1
Figure 1
Once the date range has been selected the following option will present itself. The question that will appear is
a filter, that will ask whether you would like to include prices or not. –Figure2
Figure 2
If you select yes, the following report will be displayed. The menu items will be assorted by category and then
it will list the menu items that were sold below the category title. The report will display each meal period and
the quantity of the menu item that was sold during the meal period. At the end of each column it will have a
Total quantity and then the Sales. The Sales is calculated by the total quantity that was sold multiplied by the
price of the item.
If you select no, the following report will be displayed. The menu items will be assorted by category and then it
will list the menu items that were sold below the category title. The report will display each meal period and the
quantity of the menu item that was sold during the meal period. At the end of each column it will have a Total
quantity and then the Sales. The Sales is calculated by the total quantity that was sold multiplied by the price
of the item. The menu items displayed without a price are the modifiers such as a flavor added to a menu
Void History Report
To access the report: Managers Menu, Reports Menu, Sales History, Void Report
Also located in the Daily Sales Summary, Misc History, under Voids
The Void History Report is only for closed days or weeks. When clicking on the report button, a calendar
prompts. The software does not know if you are trying to view the voids for one day, select few days, or the
entire week. You must only pick days that are relevant.
The Voids Report provides information and detail pertaining to the selected date range. It lists pertinent check
details such as the employee name, manager approval, date, check number, menu items voids, reason, and
amount. To investigate further, search Voids in Transaction Review.
Chapter 5
Close Outs
“How do I close out my POS System at the end of the day?” This guide will walk you through the process of
running your end of day reports and closing out the week. Daily and Weekly Close Outs are essential to the
efficiency of your operation. A close out reconciles sales, batches credit card sales, and ensures that days’ or
weeks’ sales are accounted properly.
Close Time Records…………………………………………………………………………………………
Finalizes employee time records; this should be performed weekly or bi-weekly depending on the setup of the
Credit Card Menu (Batching Credit Cards)…………………………………………………………….4-5
The credit card menu is a view of all transactions tendered with a credit card. From the credit card menu, you can
view each check that was tendered using a credit card as well as any tip or gratuity added. If you select the
“Batch Charges” button you will close the current batch
Daily Close Out Procedures…………………………………………………………………………………..
A close out should be run at the end of each day to reset the starting day totals for the system and settle the
credit card batch (if applicable).
Daily Close Out 40-Column Example……………………………………………………………………..
Displays an example of the Daily Close Out using a receipt printer (includes calculations)
Daily Close Out 80-Column /Report Printer Example…………………………………………………..
Displays an example of the Daily Close Out using a report printer; please reference the 40-column example for
formulas if needed
Weekly Close Out………………………………………………………………………………………………
A weekly close out should be run on the last day of the week after the last Daily Close Out has been run for the
business week. This will reset the week to date totals as well as perform maintenance on the system
Closing Time Records
This function allows you to close open time records for a specific date or date range. Once the time records
are closed, they will no longer be editable. This function is useful for finalizing employee time records. This
function should be used weekly or bi-weekly depending on the setup of the restaurant. A report is viewable
after closing the records that will show each employee’s times for a specific date or date range.
The report lists the following information: Name, SSN, Work Date, Time In/Out, Break In/Out, Regular Hours,
Over Time Hours, Total Hours, Tip Sales, Total Tips, Job Title, Department Name, Gross Pay, % Sales, and a
Sign line.
To use the Close Time Records:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Select the Reports Menu button
Select the Time Clock Reports button
Select the Close Time Records button
Select a specific date or date range
a. When you select the ‘Close Time Records’ button a Calendar will appear. You may either select
a date by using the Calendar or you can use the drop-down fields for the Start and End date.
The only dates available in the drop-down Start and End fields are those records that are
currently open.
b. A report will print to either a receipt printer or a report printer depending on your configuration of
the system. You can see an example of both below:
Printed with Report Printer
Formulas Used:
Gross Pay = Rate of Pay * Total Hours
Total Tips = Cash Tips + Non Cash Tips
Sales = Net Sales
The bottom of the report lists totals for Regular Hours and Over Time Hours per
job title and a total for all job titles.
Credit Card Menu
The credit card menu is a view of all transactions tendered with a credit card. From the credit card menu, you
can view each check that was tendered using a credit card as well as any tip or gratuity added. If you select
the “Batch Charges” button you will close the current batch. When you do this, MicroSale sends the credit card
information that was stored for that day to the merchant provider for settling. The Daily Closeout will prompt
you at the end to settle the batch, so you normally would not initiate this manually. If you select the “Batch
Utilities” button you will have several more options to choose from, listed on page 2.
Viewing the Credit Card Menu:
1) Log into the Manager’s Menu
2) Select Credit Card Menu button
3) Below is the Credit Card Menu screen:
 Auth. No = comes from the processor
 Status = Sale, Void, or Offline
 Check No = The assigned number for a check
 Servers = Name of the server/cashier who tendered the order
 Charge Amt = The total price of the check including tax
 Gratuity = Any tip or gratuity that was added to the card
 Account Number = The card number on the swiped card showing only the last 4 digits
 Check Total = Overall total of all checks tendered using a credit card
 Tip Total = Overall total of all tips applied to credit cards
 Batch Total = Check Total + Tip Total
Selecting the “Batch Utilities” button will load the following menu options:
Print Batch = Prints the currently open credit card batch
Clear Batch = Erases the batch completely ***NOTE*** You will lose every charge that exists in
MicroSale and it will not be recoverable!!!
Show Entire Batch = If the batch close out has been skipped for a day or more (possibly due to a
problem with the internet connection) this button will allow you to see all charges from those skipped
Authorization is On = Works as a toggle button, meaning if you touch it the word ‘On’ will changed to
‘Off’. This is helpful if the client is offline and cannot process credit cards. You will have to manually
change it back to ‘On’ once the client is back online. This is useful when there are intermittent internet
connection problems
Change Batch # = Allows you to adjust the batch number in case it did not get incremented after the
last batch closeout (NetEPay users). You should not use this unless directed by Technical Support
Process Off Line Charges = Searches through the approvals database for any charges that have the
status as ‘offline’ and will attempt to obtain authorization numbers for these
Search all terminals for lost charges = Looks through the network at each terminal in the system for
any charges that aren’t accounted for on the terminal you are currently on and will add them to the
approvals database. This is used to recover lost charges due to network issues
Reprint Batch = Launches a list of PDF files from previous batch closeouts that you can reprint
Exit = Exits you back to the Credit Card Menu
Daily Close Out Procedures
A close out should be run at the end of each day to reset the starting day totals for the system and settle the
credit card batch (if applicable). The following will explain proper procedure and settings to achieve a
successful close out.
Note: A close out can occur at night or the next morning prior to ringing up sales for the new business day.
Before You Run a Close Out:
Close out any open orders (Tables, Tabs, Checks, Phone Orders, etc.)
Apply any remaining tips to credit cards (if applicable)
Make sure ALL audits (servers/cashiers) are CLOSED
Optional: Enter in the audit deposits (Quick Service only)
To Run a Close Out:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Select the “Daily Close” button. This button can also be found on the Report’s Menu and the BackOffice
“Dashboard” screen.
Optional: Enter in any remaining cash deposits under the Bank Deposit (1-4) area. This will adjust your
“Over/Short” amount.
Select the “Close Daily Sales” button. This process can take several minutes to complete and when it is
finished it will exit you back out to the Manager’s Menu. Halfway through the close out it will prompt you
to close your batch with a Yes/No message. You should always choose “Yes”, unless there are still tips
that need to be added to credit cards. You can settle the batch manually at a later time from the Credit
Card Menu if there are tips that still need to be applied. The batch will display a successful message
when completed and it will finish the close out process.
Configuring Specific Reports to Print or Email During the Close
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Select the “Register Setup” button
Select the “Misc Setup – Terminal Groups Etc.” button
Select the Closing Reports you want to disable/enable for
printing as well as Email. Save each section separately.
For an example, reference the ‘Daily Close Out Report – 40
Column Printer’ and the ‘Daily Close Out Report – 80 Column Printer’ documents.
Daily Closeout Report Example on Receipt Printer (40-Column Printer)
Non Sales Revenue = Gift
Cards Sold, Service Charges,
Gratuity, Deposits
Net Discounts = Total Disc.
Voided Sales = Total Voids
All Sales
+ Discounts
+ Voids
+ Refunds
+ Non Sales Revenue
= Gross Sales
Gross Sales
- Voids
- Discounts
- Refunds
- Non Sales Revenue
= Net Sales
Net Sales
+ Net Tax
- Non Cash Tenders
- Paid Outs
Cash to Account For
Net Sales
+Non Sale Revenue
+ Net Sales Tax
Adjusted Gross Total
Bank Deposits
+ Total Paid Outs
+ Non Cash Tenders
Total Accounted For
1962.40 All Sales
+ 87.58 Discounts
+ 57.40 Voids
+ 0.00 Refunds
+ 0.00 Non Sales Rev
$2107.38 = Gross Sales
2107.38 Gross Sales
- 87.58 Discounts
- 57.40 Voids
0.00 Refunds
0.00 Non Sales Rev
$1962.40 Net Sales
1962.40 Net Sales
+ 139.06 Net Tax
-1696.06 Non Cash Tenders
- 160.00 Paid Outs
$ 245.40 = Cash to Account For
1962.40 Net Sales
+Non Sale Revenue
+ 139.06 Net Tax
$ 2101.46 Adjusted Gross Total
245.40 Bank Deposit
+ 160.00 Paid Outs
+ 1696.06 Non Cash Tenders
2101.46 = Total Accounted For
Daily Closeout Report Example on Report Printer
Weekly Close Out
A weekly close out should be run on the last day of the week after the Daily Close Out has been run. This will
reset the week to date totals as well as perform maintenance on the system.
Before the weekly close out, you must perform the daily close out (for the current day)
To run a weekly close out:
Log into the Manager’s Menu
Select the “Reports Menu” button
Select the “Weekly Close Out” button
Note: The system will prompt the following message:
The system will display a Week to Date Mix report. You can always reprint this report at a later time for any
desired date range.
Chapter 6
Customer Management
MicroSale includes customer relationship management tools that give you details of customers for call in
orders, loyalty programs, memberships and house accounts.
Customer Information……………………………………………………………………………………. 2-6
A customer may be set up using the standard Phone Order functions. Basic customer information includes name,
address, email, and phone number. Saved customers are searchable by keywords or phone number.
Frequent Diner…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Useful to create loyalty programs; set up instant rewards plans or accumulating points plans
House Accounts…………………………………………………………………………………………………...
House Accounts can run up a tab for regular customers that is prepaid or paid monthly (and email statements
when payment is due), keeps track of purchases, keeps credit cards on file while maintaining PCI compliancy,
tracks special days (birthdays, anniversaries), and is considered a payment method.
May be set up for country clubs or exclusive establishments where customers must be a member in order to
purchase products
Customer Information & Customer Reports
Accessing Customer Reports: Manager’s MenuReports MenuCustomer Information/Customer Reports
The customer information is based on phone orders. The amount of details shown is determined by the
information inputted at the time of order. By default, only the phone number is required for order entry.
However, for the Customer Information and Reports to be most beneficial, you should enter as much
information as possible. It is recommended to include the first name and/or email address.
Figure 1
1 Customer List
The Customer List Button is a date range report (viewed as a PDF). The first pop up will display a calendar, to
choose a range of dates. The range selected will show the customers who called for orders during the
selected time frame. It is recommended to choose a specific amount of days (press the same date twice to
view one day’s customers), weeks, or months. If you press “done” without selecting a date, it will find all
customers. This could take 3-6 minutes to search and if you search too far back, the information could
become outdated (customer could change phone number, email address, etc.)
An example of the Customer List is shown in Figure 2. You will see that this report can be emailed or printed
for marketing/management use. The header will show your restaurant’s information, the date the report was
ran (the current day), the manager who ran the report, followed by the pertained dates.
Figure 2
2 Add Customer
Adding a customer allows management/authorized staff to input a new customer that is not automatically
saved through phone orders. This allows you to build a customer base on more than just phone order
customers. This function also serves as a way to attach coupons for specific customers. Once the customer
information is added (requires phone number), you can attach the coupon.
This eliminates “he said/she said” discounts. (An unhappy customer was promised a free appetizer by
Manager X who is not working). Now you can say “what is your phone number, I will see what discount we
have saved for you…”
In the screen, you may also attach a credit card to a phone number. Once the number is entered, you will not
be able to see it, as it will encrypt (maintains PCI Compliancy)—Figure 3
If you choose to attach a credit card, you MUST fill out the full name, address, credit card number and
expiration date.
Figure 3
3 Edit Customers
The Edit Customers screen—Figure 4 is identical to the “Add Customer” screen, however it will first display a
list of saved customers. When you touch/click on a name, you will see the saved information for that specific
person. This screen will show you the last time the customer ordered (remember, this is driven by the phone
number!) and if it is within 90 days, you can touch/click on the Show Last Order to see the customer’s last
order placed. (the order will print on the receipt printer.—Figure 5)
Figure 5
Figure 4
4 Show All Customers
Show All Customers will display a list of all customers saved in the system. This screen is an easier way to
search and view your customers—Figure 6. You can touch/click in a customer’s row to view the same screen
as “Add Customer” and “Edit Customer”. Print List will print a PDF version which is the same as “Customer
List”—Figure 2.
Figure 6
5 Pending Orders
The Pending Orders button will print the pending orders for tomorrow’s pick up. When the button is pressed, it
will print the report to the receipt printer. The report is a quick way to view the inventory that will be used for
the orders, and to see how many orders are scheduled for pick up. Please note that this report is not designed
to be used for the kitchen, as it does not show pick up times. Figure 7 displays the report.
Figure 7
6 Pending Order Summary
The Pending Order Summary is a date range report (viewed as a PDF—Figure 8). The first pop up will display
a calendar, to choose a range of dates. The range selected will show the pending orders for the selected time
frame. It is recommended to choose a specific amount of days (press the same date twice to view one day’s
customers), weeks, or months. This report is a quick way to view the inventory that will be used for the orders.
The report breaks down items by category. The categories displaying a prefix of “M” represent modifiers.
Figure 8
7 Frequency Report
The Frequency Report is a date range report (viewed as a PDF). The first pop up will display a calendar, to
choose a range of dates. The range selected will show the customers with number of visits for the selected
time frame. –Figure 9
Figure 9
Frequent Diner
The Frequent Diner function of MicroSale allows you to provide discounts to customers who frequently
dine at your restaurant. The discount can either be based on a number of dollars spent, or based on a
number of points earned by purchasing certain products. The customers can use a magnetic card at the
time of purchase, or you can assign them a unique account number. Each qualifying sale will then be
tracked toward the completion of a plan.
This built in feature allows you to not only encourage customer frequency but to also build a customer database
for marketing campaigns.
Using Frequent Diner
Adding Customers
1. Press the Frequent Diner button on the Order Screen
2. The Add New Diner will access the screen below.
Note: All of the information does
not have to be filled out.
You may manually enter
information or you can touch the
<name> and swipe a driver’s
license to automatically insert
Beside the Account Number is
where you can choose a unique
number to give to the customer (ie,
phone number) or you can swipe
an encoded magnetic card to
assign the card to a customer.
You are also able to reference an account by Name if you do not choose to assign a customer to an number or
The right displays the plans in the system. You do not have to click on anything in this box.
Using Frequent Diner for existing Customers
Anytime during an order you can press Frequent Diner and swipe the card (or enter number/name) to register
the customer’s order into their frequent diner account.
After you swipe the card, you should see flashing text at the top of the order screen. This shows that the
card/number/name registered and that you are on their account.
After you ring in the order, you can simply tender out the order regularly. However, if the customer is
interested to see where they are at on their points/dollars status, touch the flashing text
You may have many plans in your program. Only the plans that have points
accumulated will show in this box.
Tracking and Maintaining Customers
Go to the Managers Menu and click on Frequent Diner
Customer Maintenance is a similar screen previously discussed in Adding Customers.
Plan Maintenance allows you to add and delete plans (discussed later)
Customer Status and Customer List is a report of all of your customers.
Above: The Status Report lists out all of the customers in your Frequent Diner Database. Here you can see
the customer’s plans along with the check number in which the points were received, the total spent and total
Above: The Frequent Customer list is a great tool to use for marketing. If your cashiers take the time to fill out
all of the customer’s information, you can do direct marketing.
This database will help you track the locations of your customers.
Set Up
Create a customer discount in Discount Maintenance:
Example: Buy 5 Sandwiches, get 6th Free
Name the Discount: Sixth Sandwich Free
Select the type of discount: Discount Percentage
What amount or percentage of the item gets discounted? 100.0
What is the minimum access level needed to apply the discount to a check without Manager approval? Server
Select the report designation for the discount: Frequent Diner
In the Sales Tax Adjust box, touch the drop-down beside Sales Tax and select 0 if the customers in your area
are responsible by law for paying sales tax on the total before the discount is applied. If there is a 1 in the
Sales Tax field, it means that the dollar amount after the discount will be taxed.
Set the discount to Match With: Category
From the Available Items, Assign: Sandwiches
Type a Maximum Amount Allowed per Transaction, if desired.
Touch Save after completed.
Plan Maintenance
***Please Note: Multiple Plans CANNOT track the same menu items or link to the same discounts.***
Banked Plan “Point Plan”
This plan can be taken whenever the customer would like. Can rack up or “bank” points to get something
better for free.
! Once reward is redeemed, it takes the customer back to 0. Whatever is ordered additionally on this
transaction, it will not count towards the new plan, because the reward must be tendered first.
Create the plan associated with the discount in Frequent Diner, Plan Maintenance:
Example: Buy 5 Sandwiches, get 6th Free
1. Name the Plan: Buy 5 Sand, Get 6th Free
2. Select the Discount for this plan: Sixth Sandwich Free
3. Choose the type of Plan: Points
4. Set the number of points needed to receive the discount: 6
5. Choose how to assign the points – only to specific menu items, to all menu items in a certain category,
or to all menu items that use a certain department: Categories
6. Assign the point values earned: Highlight a category in the list, and click the first empty box under
“Selected Items”. In the box next to it, type the number of points earned for menu items in that category:
Sandwiches 1
7. Continue assigning all categories that apply.
8. Touch Save when completed.
Reward Plan “Dollar Plan”
! MUST BE TAKEN AT TIME OF QUALIFICATION. If you cannot choose when to take this reward.
! Once reward is redeemed, it takes the customer back to 0. Whatever is ordered additionally on this
transaction, it will not count towards the new plan, because the reward must be tendered first.
This plan takes the AVERAGE price of all the customer’s orders.
You will be UNABLE to get something of higher value for free.
Example: Sally orders a .99 coffee 5 times, and will only get a .99 coffee for free on the 6th visit.
Sally orders a $4.99 Mocha Latte 5 times, and will get a $4.99 coffee for free on the 6th visit.
Set up the discount associated with the Frequent Diner plan. In this example, a customer can get one free
pasta after he spends $50.00. The discount is set up as follows:
Create the plan associated with the discount in Frequent Diner Plan Maintenance:
Example: Spend $50.00, Get one Pasta Free
Name the Plan: Spend $50, Get 1 Pasta
Select the Discount for this plan: Free Pasta with $50
Choose the type of Plan: Dollars
Set the number of dollars the customer must spend to receive the discount: 50
Choose which purchases qualify for the plan – only specific menu items, all
menu items in a certain category, or all menu items that use a certain
department: Categories
Assign the specific Categories that qualify. Highlight a category in the list,
and click the first empty box under “Selected Items”.
Continue assigning all categories that apply. In this example, they can
purchase any items and when the total reaches $50.00, one Pasta is free.
Click Save when completed
House Accounts Operations
Tendering to a House Account
Ring up the transaction as normal.
Finalize the sale to “House Account”
MicroSale will ask you to swipe the
House Account card, or enter number
Swipe the card, if available.
Touch “Accept Amount”
Applying Payment to a House Account
Enter Manager # and “OK”
Select “Express Order”
Select the category button that the “Apply Payment” button is assigned to.
Select “Apply Payment” button. (A window will pop up asking you to enter the amount
of the payment.)
Enter dollar amount they are paying including decimal point, and touch Done.
Select “Tender” button and it will take you to the payment screen.
Select Tender type that they paid with, such as “Cash” or “Credit Card” - - - (Not “House Account”).
The “Account Payment” screen will appear.
Swipe card or enter account # manually.
Enter dollar amount paid.
Select “Process” button
Printing House Account Statements
Manager Menu, Gift Certificate/House
Select “Reports/Utilities” button on bottom
right of the screen
On top right of screen, select “House
Account” to print only those statements
Select “Print Account Statements”
This section gives you other information
and options. The buttons in the red area
allow you to reset account activity such as
purge expired accounts and remove
inactive credit cards.
Emailing House Account Statements
Manager Menu, Gift Certificate/House Account
Select “Reports/Utilities” button on bottom right of the screen
On top right of screen, select “House Account” to email only those statements.
Select “Email Statements” button at bottom of the screen (Note: An email address must be assigned to
each House Account you are emailing the statement to.)
MicroSale will ask “Email All Statements Send?”
Select “Yes”
Membership Configuration
MicroSale has a house account type known as Membership. This option is used mainly for country clubs,
private clubs, etc. This would be used at an establishment to prevent the server to ring up any items, start any
tables, etc. without putting in the member’s name or account number. To use this option, go to Manager’s
Menu/Register Setup/Register Options by Terminal.
The Special Options box will pertain to the Membership Configuration:
Notice that the boxes Member Account Required and Member Account
by Number are checked. “Member account required” means just that.
The server HAS to search and find the person’s membership account
before they can ring up an order. The server can either search on the
person’s first or last name (put in a few letters and then search) or swipe
cards if those have been assigned to customers (this is probably the
best option). The second option “Member Account by Number” means
that the search by name option is not available and the server MUST
have the member’s number or swipe their card. This is the more secure
of the two methods.
After the register option has been chosen, they must then put in the
member’s name, address, phone number, etc. The more information the
better. The system can then either automatically generates an account
number for the member, or they can use their own number or swipe a
card. The number must be at least 5 digits long. See below:
Notice all the fields available for personal
information. The system uses this information
for various tasks. There is also a checkbox for
Pre-Paid Balance Only. This will not be used
for membership accounts. This is only used
for Gift Card accounts.
Setting Up a linked tender
If the restaurant is keeping customer’s credit cards on file, it is possible to link their membership accounts to
the credit card tender. Then, when the order is tendered out to “House Account” on the tender screen, the
customer’s credit card on file would be used.
See below:
It also gives you a chance to set the account to allow tips to be done on the house account tender.
This configuration is used in conjunction with a stored credit card. See illustration:
The illustration also shows the area in which Meals
Per Day, Daily Limit, and Period Limit are configured.
You could also have a discount be used every time
this account is accessed.
When a customer comes into the restaurant/club, the server would either get their membership card or their
name/number. Then, after the customer orders, the server would open up a table as usual. However, before
the order screen can be accessed, the server will get this prompt:
This shows all the search options. Unless the option Member
Account By Number has been turned on in the Register
Options, any of these buttons can be pressed or the customer’s
card (if they have one) could be swiped through the card
reader. If Search All is selected, you would get a keyboard
which would allow typing in a few letters of the person’s name to narrow down the search. On this screen you
could just hit “Done” and the system would just show a list of all customers in the system. See next
At left is the search screen. You could enter a few letters and hit “Done”. This
would bring up a screen similar to the example shown below:
This is the only customer we have in at this time. Normally, you would get
every customer that has any of the letters in the name shown. Or, if you hit
“Done” without entering any letters or numbers you will get a list of all
accounts in the system. After the check is entered and the customer is ready
to leave, the server would bring up the tender screen and hit “House
Account”. There is a button at the top of the tender screen which would allow
changing to a different membership account if so desired.
See below:
You can see the Change Member button at the top
left of the screen. If this button is pressed, it brings
up the member account prompt and allows the
server to put in an alternate account to be charged.
If not, the Accept Amount window shows that the
primary member for this account is being charged.