1 teaching plan • people management - ESCI-upf

1. Descriptive data
Name of the course: People Management
Area: International Businesses
Profile: Asia/Europe/Worldwide
Academic year: 2015-2016
Term: 1st.
Degree: Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and Marketing
Code: 40103
Number of credits: 4
Total number of hours committed: 100
Language: English
Lecturer: Esther Cid
Schedule: Group 1 (Lectures) Tuesdays 08.00 – 10.15
Group 1 (Seminars) Thursdays 101 09.00-09.55
Group 2 (Lectures) Tuesdays 10.30-12.45
Group 2 (Seminars) Thursdays 201 10.45-11.40 / 202 11.45-12.40
Office Hours: Thursdays 13.00 – 14.00
The purpose of this course is to define the proper steps for strategic planning in
human resources, giving a comprehensive overview of Human resources
Management. We will analyze the HR function from two perspectives:
1. Integration between HR and Company strategies
2. Which are the HR policies, best practices and tools in HR
Human Resources as a strategic tool basic for the success of every company and
how a strategic plan should be created to help meet that goal. Human resources
managers are now tasked to prepare HR action plans to support the company’s
business strategy.
The course takes a theoretical and a practical view that integrates the most
important aspects for implementing HR function in the real management scenario
and has been designed taking an international perspective as most of you will work
either for multinational companies or in other countries.
During the lectures and seminars of the course, theory and practice will be applied
in order to show the main aspects of each policy and how they are applied.
Exercises, cases discussions, readings and workshops will be delivered in order to
facilitate the understanding of the HR function.
Local Spanish practices are not the main focus of this subject (as this is not a
course about Spanish legislation applied to People Management).
The student must have solid knowledge of management of international operations,
communication skills and also a curiosity to explore how management employees
build and contribute towards organizational effectiveness.
In addition to that, understanding of what working for a company implies will be of
help. Some professional experience (no matter the size of the company, type of
work, function...) will be very helpful in order to position the Human Resources´
function into the right context.
A key objective of this course is to show that HR management is an effective
strategic organizational in alignment with business strategy:
1. To understand the role of the HR function within the firm and the integration
with company strategy.
2. To know and to develop the necessary skills to perform the HR function.
3. To learn how HR should be a key partner in every business decision.
4. To understand an overview of the major areas of HR. These areas include
job analysis, recruitment, selection, performance management and
appraisal, training and development, rewards and remuneration, and
strategic human resource management.
5. Apply the techniques of human resource management gained through this
course to the discussion of HR management issues and the resolution of
typical case problems, opinions and negotiation.
3. Competencies to be achieved in the course
General competencies
Specific competencies
Ability to relate concepts and knowledge
from different areas.
G.I.3. Ability to organize and plan.
E.P.2. Ability to analyze different economic
and business information when taking
company decisions.
E.P.13. Improvement of communication and
negotiation skills, both oral and written.
E.P.15 Acquire the ability to express ideas
and emotions orally and in a written form,
use an organized approach and strategically
plan behavior.
E.P.16 Adapt the communication style to
different audiences, understand cultural
differences in communication and convey
multicultural abilities.
G.I.5. Ability to take decisions within
complex and changing environments.
General personal competencies
G.P.1. Ability to adapt, lead and work in a
group that is multicultural, interdisciplinary,
competitive, changing and complex in
G.P.2. Ability to manage behavior and
G.P.3. Moral commitment and ethical sense.
G.P.4. Critical attitude.
Generic systemic competences
G.S.2. Ability to observe
G.S.4. Entrepreneurship
G.S.8. Respect towards gender differences,
environment and security at work.
The above competencies interrelate with the basic competences set out in Royal
Decree 1393/2007, namely:
a. competence to comprehend knowledge, on the basis of general secondary
b. competence to apply knowledge to day-to-day work in international management
or marketing, in particular, ability to develop and defend arguments to solve
c. competence to gather and interpret relevant data, enabling the development of
critical judgements on the economic and social reality
d. competence to communicate and transmit information (ideas, problems,
solutions) to a specialized and non-specialize public.
e. competence to develop learning activities in a relatively autonomous manner.
Other competencies that will be developed during this course are the following
Ability to search, analyze, assess and summarize information (G.I.1), ability for
problem solving (G.I.4), Ability to develop, present and defend arguments (G.I.6),
ability for self learning (G.S.5), ability to apply global knowledge, information and
principles to local environments (E.P.12), ability to get information and research
into different information sources (E.P.21)).
Basic competence: understand and comprehend
I. General competences G.I.3, G.S.2,
Basic competence: to apply the knowledge acquired
I. General competences G.I.2,
Basic competence: to get an interpret data
II. Specific competences E.P.2
Basic competence: communicate to each other and transfer information.
I. General competence G.P.5
II. Specific competences E.P.13, E.P.15, E.P.16
Basic competence: develop learning activities
I. General competences G.I.3, G.P.4
Other competences which define the HR discipline professional´s profile not
included among the basic competences:
In general, these competences share some key aspects which are critical to achieve
students proficient level in both business environment and international marketing.
- to equip the student to adapt themself to changing environment and teams.
- to equip the student to build their own view of any business of any project within
International Marketing.
- to equip the student to take difficult decisions and for them to develop negotiation
I. General competences G.I.5, G.P.1, G.P.2, G.S.4, G.S.8
Competencies exclusive of the HR discipline
to take decisions within the HR environment.
to apply the HR practices and techniques
to differentiate when a business problem solving requires an HR decision or
to handle difficult situations with colleagues, subordinates, direct managers
Part I.
The Human Resource Environment
 Strategic Human Resources Management
 The Analysis and Design of Work
Part II.
Acquisition and Preparation of Human Resources
 Human resources Planning and Recruitment
 Selection and placement
 Training
Part III.
Assessment and Development of HRM
 Talent Management
 Employee Performance and Development
 Feedback performance process
 Career Development
 Emotional Intelligence
Part IV.
Special Topics in Human Resource Management
 Managing Human Resources globally
 Strategically Managing the HRM Function
The course has been designed to ease student´s learning and understanding week
by week. So there are weekly evaluations both in the lectures (quizzes, questions
to the students) and in the seminars (case discussions, role plays, exercises, etc)
Some of the activities are synthesis activities some others are composing the
continuous evaluation part of the course. The main purpose of all of them is to
show that the student has acquired the required competences as stated above on
this teaching plan.
Assessment elements
Time period
Type of
Assessment agent
Test moodle (1
point maximum)
understanding an
report on the
book ¨Drive¨ (1
point maximum)
Team work, role
plays, readings
(2 points
ESCI will
fix the date
for the final
Final exam
(6 points
Type of
Group (#)
ng and
follow up of
the main
concepts of
the discipline
the different
concepts of
the practical
dimension of
the people
It is compulsory to get unless 50% of the grade on each of the activities that
compose continuous evaluation (this is: 0,5 point minimum for the quizzes,
0,5 minimum for the book, 1 point minimum for the team work, role play,
readings 'activity). Otherwise the minimum qualification obtained will be the
only one considered to sum up to the qualification obtained in the final
It is compulsory to take the final written exam. Minimum grade required to
be eligible to pass the discipline is 5 points in the final.
Recovery criteria
Quizzes, book, readings, role play and team work activities cannot be
In case students don't pass the discipline:
• If they have obtained the minimum grade specified above on
each of the criteria, then students will have the opportunity of
taking a recovery test in order to have the possibility of
passing the subject successfully. ESCI will fix the date for
the exam.
• Not taking the recovery test will mean keeping the previous
grade. Taking the recovery test will imply that the student will
get the new grade with the following weight distribution: 60%
final exam. 40% continuous’ evaluation (quizzes, books,
readings, role play and team work activities).
• It is indispensable to obtain 5 points minimum in the recovery
test in order to pass the discipline successfully.
The following activities will be considered:
1st, Lecture (all students)
Beginning Sept. 21st. and ending on Nov. 23th. 10 lectures will be delivered by the
The main purpose of these sessions is to provide the theoretical ground which will
be crucial to acquire a general understanding of Human Resources. Although the
course has a very pragmatic approach, it is basic to understand the theory in order
to develop a different mindset. This mindset will equip the student to interpret
practices and behaviors in the HR world (whatever the business environment will
Before attending the lectures, students should read the material scheduled for each
session (see point 8 to get detailed information)
2nd, Seminars (15-20 students)
Starting on Sep. 28th, seminars in small groups will be held (ending on Nov. 23th)
so there will be 9 seminars). The purpose of the seminar is to provide a setup
where students can apply the concepts acquired during the lectures and previous
readings. By following this method, even if -in most of the cases- this will be the
first time that they study the HR discipline, students will develop a way of
reasoning which will be extremely helpful for any job in which they have to deal
with people.
3rd, Individual work (guided by the professor)
Students must fulfill two requisites:
1. To read the book that will be followed for this discipline
2. To review, analyze and study the material presented during the lectures in
order to acquire the knowledge to apply it.
4th, Team work (4-5 students)
There is a pre work that needs to be done before each seminar: 4 of the 9 seminars
will require team work. The professor will determine how the teams will be
In order to prepare the seminars, the teams will follow three different approaches:
case discussion, exercises and role play.
Before the seminar
Step 1: individual reading.
Step 2: team discussion following specific questions provided by the professor.
(Facts, main problems, why these problems exist, and proposal of possible
Step 3: preparation of an action plan.
during the seminar
The professor will choose randomly one member of each team for him/her to
present the case (facts, main problem, and action plan). The professor will choose
randomly another member/members of any of the teams in the class for them to
deliver a written summary of the case preparation. (I mean; not only to present it
orally, but to deliver a written report).
Then, a discussion among all the students about main problems and which is the
most appropriate action plan in the light the HR knowledge will be held.
before the role play:
In small teams of 2/3 students, they will simulate real situations in which they have
to apply HR knowledge and HR practices. (E.g. salary negotiation between manager
and direct report, a performance issue, meeting with unions...)
During the seminar the other students will behave as observers and will make
comments and suggestions for improvement.
5th, Individual work (managed by every student autonomously)
Every student has to prepare himself for the final exam. The final exam will consist
on a few open questions, so, preparing readings before each lecture, doing the
exercises for the seminars and participating actively on case discussions is basic to
get a thorough understanding of the HR discipline and to be ready to get a good
grade in the final written exam
8. Work schedule (Lectures, Seminars and Pre work)
This discipline makes 4 ECTS, so every week the teacher will deliver 2
hours lecture plus a seminar of one hour.
2) Detailed program of activities:
Within the class: lectures, seminars and tutoring.
Outside the class: individual reading and comprehension of the
material required, individual essays, group exercises, group
discussion, case studies, videos, presentations..etc.
Weekly Plan
Sep. 22
Sep. 29 Oct.1
People Management: WORK SCHEDULE FROM SEPT. 21st to Nov. 23th
Activity in the classroom Grouping/Type of
Activity outside the classroom type of
Seminars (Thursdays)
activity (tuesdays)
Topi c 1: Strategic Human Resources
Management. Course Introduction
Thi s week there i s onl y one s es s i onLecture:
LECTURERel eva nt book
The Stra tegy to ma xi mi ze HR i nfl uence on
cha pter: Hi l l - Cha pter 1
compa ny performa nce.
Topi c 2: HR Management overview.
Huma n Res ources Ma na gement Pra cti ces .
How effecti ve HRM pra cti ces s upport
bus i nes s goa l s .
Wha t Res pons a bi l i ti es a nd Rol es Do HR
Depa rtment Perform.
Competenci es a nd Exa mpl e beha vi ors for HR
Profes s i ona l s .
Prepa ra ti on of Semi na r
BEFORE Oct 1s t Exerci s e
1) Vi deo of competenci es a nd
beha vi ours of rema rka bl e
compa ni es of s evera l s ectors .
Prepa ra ti on of Semi na r
on Oct 1s t Exerci s e
2) Ana l yze a nd ca s es
di s cus s i ons exa mpl es .
To rea d ppt
s l i des a nd
revi s e cl a s s
notes before the
l ecture.
Oct.6 Oct. 8
Topi c 3: Analysis and design of work. Job
The i mporta nce of job a na l ys i s .
Job des cri pti on.
Job s peci fi ca ti on.
Sources of job a na l ys i s i nforma ti on.
Job des i gn.
Prepa ra ti on of Semi na r
BEFORE Oct 8s t Exerci s e
1) Prepa re a deta i l ed job
des cri pti on. HR pl a nni ng (The s teps
to be fol l owed wi l l be expl a i ned on
Sept. 29th).
Prepa ra ti on of Semi na r
on Oct 8s t Exerci s e
2) In the s emi na r: tea m
pres enta ti ons a bout Job
Ana l ys i s a nd the job
des cri pti on.
To rea d the book
(pa ge.176)before
the l ecture.
Oct. 13Oct. 15
Topi c 4: Human Resources Planning and
The Huma n res ources Recrui tment Proces s .
Interna l vs Externa l Recrui ti ng.
Recrui ters
Di rect a ppl i ca cnts a nd referra l s .
e-recrui ti ng. Linkedin, twitter.
Video provided of Case study of Heinekken. The
Prepa ra ti on of s emi na r
BEFORE Oct 15th Exerci s e
1)Revi ew the Vi deo provi ded of Ca s e
s tudy of Hei nekken. The Ca ndi da te
2)Rea d How EY Us e Soci a l Medi a to
Recrui t [CASE STUDY]
(The s teps to be fol l owed wi l l be
expl a i ned on Oct 13th).
Prepa ra ti on of Semi na r
on Oct 15th Exerci s e
2) In the s emi na r: Ca s e
di s cus s i on a bout the
a dva nta tges a nd
di s a va nta tges of the
recrui tment proces s
offl i ne or onl i ne of a l i s t
of compa ni es provi ded.
To rea d ppt
s l i des a nd
revi s e cl a s s
notes before the
l ecture.
Oct. 20Oct. 22
Topi c 5: Selection and Placement
Types of s el ecti on methods :
Intervi ews
Si tua ti ona l i ntervi ew
References , bi ogra phi ca l da ta a nd
a ppl i ca ti on bl a nks .
Ski l l s , a bi l i ty a nd competenci es .
Works hop: How to prepa re a n
i ntervi ew (i n pa i rs ).
Oct. 27Oct. 29
Topi c 6: Training and development
Its Rol e i n Conti nuos l ea rni ng a nd
competi ti ve a dva nta tge.
Des i gni ng effecti ve forma l tra i ni ng
a cti vi ti es . Who needs tra i ni ng?
On-the-job tra i ni ng / Si mul a ti ons / Bus i nes s
Ga mes / Cros s -Tra i ni ng.
Tea m Bui l di ng methods .
BEFORE Oct. Nov.19th. TEAM
ACTIVITY. To des i gn a tra i ni ng a nd
devel opment pl a n pl us ca s e (tbd).
In the seminar:
team presentation and
group discussion. The
professor will choose
randomly one member of
each team to present. The
other students will ask
Nov. 3Nov. 5
Topi c: Performance Management
Conduct a n effecti ve performa nce feedba ck
s es s i on
Lecture on how conduct a n effecti ve
performa nce feedba ck proces s .
Rol e pl a y.
Nov. 10Nov. 12
Topi c: Emotional Intelligence
The rol e of emoti ona l i ntel l i gence a nd i ts
i mpa ct on knowl edge l ea ders hi p, huma n
res ources .
Before Nov. 3rd: rea d the cha pters
s peci fi ed by the profes s or of the
book ¨Emoti ona l Intel l i gence¨.
Tea m a cti vi ty ca s e (tbc).
Nov. 17Nov. 19
Topi c: Career Development
Lecture: Ca reer Pa th
Ca reer Pl a nni ng
How to i mprove the ca reer pa th i n a n
i nterna ti ona l compa ny?
Ma ke i nterna ti ona l a s s i gnment
pl a nni ng a pa rt of the ca reer
devel opment proces s . Crea te your
own ca reer objeti ves pl a n.
Indi vi dua l work
Nov. 24Nov. 26
Topi c: Strategically Managing the HRM Function
Lecture: How woul d you l i ke to l ea d the HR
functi on a t Googl e?
The future for HR Prfoes s i ona l s
Prepa ra ti on of s emi na r before cl a s s Qui z open ques ti ons .
Rea di ng Googling HR
Ma na gi ng Peopl e. Sa vi ng Sta rbucks '
Del i vera bl e: In the
s emi na r: rol e pl a ys a nd
peers ´eva l ua ti on.
6. Bibliografia i recursos didàctics
Basic bibliography (compulsory)
Human Resources Management, gaining a competitive strategy
Aut. Noe, Hollenbeck et al.
Ed.: Mc Graw Hill, 2010
Drive (the surprising truth about what motivates us)
Auth.: Daniel Pink
Ed. New York, 2009.
Thanks for the Feedback
Aut.: Heen, Sheila and Douglas Stone.
Ed. Portfolio Penguin, Great Britain, 2014.
Emotional Intelligence
Aut. Goleman, Daniel.
Ed. Kairos, Barcelona, 1996.
Suplementary bibliography:
Ernst & Young reaches out to recruits on facebook.
E.White. The Wall Street Journal, January 8 2007
On Leadership
James March, Thierry Weil
Ed.:Black well Publishing, 2005.
Management across cultures
Challenges an Strategies
Auth: Richard Steers, Carlos Sanchez-Runde, Luciana Nardon
Ed.: Cambridge University Press, 2010
Other resources:
AULAESCI, articles and videos presented during the class.