2nd Grade Air & Weather Read and answer each question carefully. 1) 2) A thermometer placed outside a house measures A) temperature B) speed C) direction D) pressure _____. Which symbol would the class meteorologist use to show that it is rainy? A) B) C) D) Regional Science Center 1 2nd Grade Air & Weather 3) 4) 5) 6) What type of matter is air? A) rain B) gas C) bubble D) wind Meteorologists are scientists who study A) plants B) weather C) gases D) seasons Meteorologists use wind vanes to observe the A) direction B) speed C) temperature D) compression What is the relationship between wind and air? A) Wind is compressed air B) Wind is air resistance C) Wind is air in motion D) Wind has nothing to do with air Regional Science Center 2 ________. of the wind. 2nd Grade Air & Weather 7) When the vial with a paper towel inside is pushed upside down straight into the water, it will show that air can __________. A) be lost B) be trapped C) be cold D) be propelled Regional Science Center 3 2nd Grade Air & Weather 8) Which picture shows Cumulus clouds? A) B) C) D) Regional Science Center 4 2nd Grade Air & Weather 9) 10) An anemometer is a tool used to measure wind A) moisture B) temperature C) speed D) direction ______. In a closed system, when air is pushed into a smaller space we say the air is ______. A) inflated B) lift C) weather D) compressed Regional Science Center 5 2nd Grade Air & Weather 11) Look at the balloons labeled 1 and 2. Which property of air does balloon number 1 show when compared to balloon number 2? A) air resistance B) air takes up space C) air is hot D) air speed Regional Science Center 6 2nd Grade Air & Weather 12) 13) Look at the thermometer. What temperature does it show? A) about 0oC B) about 76oF C) about 76oC D) about 20oF Which is an example of using air to move something? A) parachute B) balloon rocket C) vial held underwater D) thermometer Regional Science Center 7 2nd Grade Air & Weather 14) A meteorologist uses a A) anemometer B) thermometer C) wind vane D) rain gauge to measure the amount of rainfall. Regional Science Center 8 2nd Grade Air & Weather 15) Which picture shows air resistance on a falling parachute? A) B) C) D) Regional Science Center 9 2nd Grade Air & Weather 16) 17) 18) Look at the picture. When plunger 1 is pushed in, plunger 2 will pop off because of A) resistance B) pressure C) temperature D) weather How long does it take the Moon to go from a full Moon to the next full Moon? A) about a month B) about a day C) about a year D) about a week What provides heat to the Earth? A) the Sun B) the stars C) the planets D) the Moon Regional Science Center 10 . 2nd Grade Air & Weather 19) 20) The Moon's phases show A) a pattern B) a season C) a wind D) a year _____. What do you think this science notebook entry is about? A) Not all clouds make rain. B) All clouds make rain. C) It is a sunny day. D) It is a rainy day. Regional Science Center 11