HSBC Amanah Funds SICAV Product range ` HSBC Amanah ` HSBC Amanah is the Islamic financial services division of the HSBC Group ` Headquartered in Dubai with regional representatives in New York, Riyadh, London, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur ` HSBC Amanah is one of the leading global players in the Islamic finance industry ` HSBC Amanah SICAV is managed by SINOPIA Asset Management, the specialist quantitative management arm of the HSBC Group ` The HSBC Amanah Funds SICAV has 4 Equity sub-funds: – HSBC Amanah Global Equity Index Fund – HSBC Amanah Europe Equity – HSBC Amanah Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Non contractual document 2 16465 – hsb1595 – HSBC Amanah Global Equity Shariah compliant investments The concept ` Shariah (Islamic law) is based on the Quran (the sacred text of Islam) and the example of Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH) ` The most distinctive element of Islamic finance is the prohibition of interest, whether “nominal” or “excessive,” simple or compound, fixed or floating (also known as “Riba”) ` In addition to prohibition of interest, investment is also disallowed in the following businesses – Alcohol, pork, weapons, gambling, tobacco, leisure, media, pornography – And anything else which is deemed “Haraam” (unlawful) Non contractual document 3 16465 – hsb1595 ` Also the contractual terms agreed between the investors and the investment manager must conform to Islamic principles Compliance with Shariah Central Shariah Committee ` All Shariah compliant investments must be certified by experts in Shariah ` Three scholars of international repute serve on the HSBC Amanah Shariah Committee: Sheikh Sheikh Dr. Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Imran Imran Ashraf Usmani Ashraf Usmani Dr Dr Mohamed Mohamed Ali Ali Elgari Elgari Sheikh Sheikh Nizam Nizam Yaquby Yaquby Non contractual document 4 16465 – hsb1595 ` The Shariah board also conducts annual audits of all funds to ensure adherence to their rulings during the year Compliance with Shariah The screening and purification process ` The Central Shariah Committee of HSBC Amanah has determined that Investment funds will not invest in companies whose primary business activity is as shown in Figure 1 (sectoral screens), or in companies which exhibit characteristics as shown in Figure 2 (financial screens): Figure Figure 1: 1: Section Section Figure Figure 2: 2: Financial Financial Alcohol Alcohol Weapons Weapons All All the the following following should should be be less less than than 33% 33% Tobacco Tobacco Pork Pork Total Total Debt/12 Debt/12 months months trailing trailing market market capitalization capitalization Financial Financial services services Gambling Gambling Cash Cash & & Interest Interest bearing bearing securities/12 securities/12 month month trailing trailing market market capitalization capitalization Pornography Pornography Leisure/Media Leisure/Media Accounts Accounts receivable/12 receivable/12 month month trailing trailing market market capitalisation capitalisation Non contractual document 5 16465 – hsb1595 ` The Fund receives company dividends generated as part of a company’s normal business operations. However, a large diversified corporation may be Shariahcompliant but may own a small finance subsidiary deemed non-compliant so any proportion of income received from non-compliant activities are paid to Charity and thereby ‘purified’ HSBC Global Asset Management Active Active fundamental fundamental specialist specialist investing investing with with conviction conviction aiming aiming to to produce produce outstanding outstanding and and consistent consistent performance performance over over the the long long term term Cash Cash management management specialist specialist offering offering aa wide wide range range of of funds funds matching investment horizon, matching investment horizon, regulation regulation and and currency currency constraints constraints Multimanagement Multimanagement specialist specialist aiming aiming to to select select the the world's world's leading leading managers, managers, irrespective irrespective of of asset asset class, class, geographical geographical focus focus & & management management style style Quantitative Quantitative specialist specialist seeking seeking to to deliver deliver performance performance in in aa risk-adjusted risk-adjusted environment environment Data as at 2 June 2008 Non contractual document 6 16465 – hsb1595 HSBC HSBC Global Global Asset Asset Management Management is is the the global global sales sales and and service service platform platform for for all all asset asset management management capabilities capabilities within within the the HSBC HSBC Group Group SINOPIA Asset Management Quantitative specialist of HSBC Global Asset Management ` SINOPIA was formed in 1989, as a subsidiary of HSBC France Assets under management by investment type* 21.20% ` SINOPIA is headquartered in Paris, with subsidiaries in Hong-Kong and London. The company manages USD 27.3 billion at end of December 2008 36.80% 16.80% ` The investments teams are supported by a global network of HSBC Global Asset Management sales and marketing teams 25.20% Fixed Income Guaranteed & Structured Products Absolute Return Source: SINOPIA Asset Management at end-December 2008 – * EUR/USD conversion rate of 1.39 based on currency spot rate as of 31 December 2008 Non contractual document 7 16465 – hsb1595 Equities SINOPIA 's Core Beliefs Investment philosophy and beliefs ` Markets exhibit mispricings we can exploit – Markets are rational and efficient on average: – they fully and correctly reflect all relevant information in determining long-term security prices – an asset equilibrium or fair price can be identified at any given moment – there are times when market risk premiums and fair risk premiums differ but only temporarily – Those differences represent tactical opportunities to exploit = ACTIVE management ` Risk management is key to steady performance – We take risks on attractive expected returns while avoiding risk where we do not have specific views ` Implementation with rigour and discipline is important Non contractual document 8 16465 – hsb1595 – We minimise costs and ensure consistency across asset classes and products SINOPIA’s Process Principles Investment process: discipline and transparency 1. 1. Valuation Valuation 2. 2. Optimization Optimization Synthesize Synthesize market market & & economic economic data data Expected Expected returns returns plus plus risk risk factors factors Build Build valuation valuation models models Build Build optimization optimization and and risk risk models models GENERATE GENERATE EXPECTED EXPECTED RETURNS RETURNS GENERATE GENERATE OPTIMIZED OPTIMIZED PORTFOLIOS PORTFOLIOS ` State-of-the-art models and practical influence of experienced fund managers ` Our models enable us to process economic and financial information objectively and efficiently 3. TAA & 3. Weekly TAA meeting 3. Weekly Weekly TAA meeting meeting & action action & action Sense Sense Check Check (review, (review, analyse analyse and and explain) explain) Risk Risk Management Management DETERMINE DETERMINE TARGET TARGET PORTFOLIOS PORTFOLIOS ` Transparency when communicating on how we make decisions and their results. Not a black box 4. 4. Implementation Implementation Review Review trading trading costs costs and and operational operational risk risk IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENT TRADES TRADES Independent Independent review review of of risk risk parameters parameters plus plus performance performance analysis analysis 9 ` Ability to customize, based on specific client parameters 16465 – hsb1595 5. 5. Risk Risk control control & & Performance Performance Attribution Attribution Non contractual document Our quantitative traits HSBC Amanah Funds SICAV Product offering HSBC HSBC Amanah Amanah Global Global Equity Equity HSBC HSBC Amanah Amanah Global Global Equity Equity Index Index (Active (Active Quantitative Quantitative management) management) (Full (Full Replication Replication strategy) strategy) HSBC HSBC Amanah Amanah Europe Europe Equity Equity (Active (Active Quantitative Quantitative management) management) HSBC HSBC Amanah Amanah Asia Asia Pacific Pacific ex ex Japan Japan Equity Equity (Active (Active Quantitative Quantitative management) management) 16465 – hsb1595 Non contractual document 10 Equity Index strategy A pragmatic full replication strategy for the HSBC Amanah Global Equity Index fund ` Objective is to replicate the performance of an equity universe which meets Islamic investment principles ` The strategy tracks a given index under the following constraints: – Minimise tracking error level – Neutralisation of the key risk sources – portfolio weight deviations (vs. index), sector & country bias ` Same number of stocks in portfolio as in the benchmark – Trading costs are closely monitored and minimised Indicative index* Global Equities Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans 100 Index * For indicative purposes only Non contractual document 11 Tracking error level Number of stocks 0.50% max. Around 100 16465 – hsb1595 HSBC Amanah Global Equity Index Investment universe Indexed investment process A structured and disciplined process… Preliminary Preliminary Index Index Analysis Analysis Index Index & & portfolio portfolio constituents constituents number number of of investible investible securities, securities, liquidity, liquidity, volume, volume, index index turnover, turnover, volatility, volatility, sector/industry sector/industry composition composition and and large large cap/small cap/small cap cap distribution distribution Portfolio Portfolio Construction Construction Trading Trading Analysis Analysis and Implementation and Implementation Risk Risk factors factors management management ensure ensure neutral neutral position position relative relative to to risk risk exposures exposures implied implied by by the the index. index. Corporate Corporate actions actions and and Cash flows monitoring Cash flows monitoring Trading Trading Costs Costs control control Analysis Analysis of of trading trading costs costs and and individual individual stock stock risk, risk, as as well well as as the the costs costs of of aa large large rebalancing rebalancing Trade Trade Execution Execution Optimise Optimise instrument instrument mix mix between between stocks stocks and and ETFs ETFs 16465 – hsb1595 Non contractual document 12 Indexed investment process – Risk control Central to SINOPIA’s neutral risk approach to indexation ` Daily performance attribution – Fund manager – Daily performance attribution reports ` Daily control of trade implementation – Trading team & fund manager – Internal trade reporting system – Daily check of restrictions – Daily monitoring of spreads between portfolio & benchmark – Compliance ` Risk budgeting – Fund manager ` Monthly Risk Monitoring – Dedicated HSBC Global Risk team measure & analyse ex-ante risk exposures – Attributions for ex-post tracking error from Global Performance Measurement team Non contractual document 13 16465 – hsb1595 – MSCI/Barra Risk Analytics & Northfields Software Portfolio characteristics Sector weights Regional weights Consumer Goods (8.9%) Consumer Services (5.57%) Health Care (22.59%) Industrials (5.72%) Oil & Gas (20.45%) Technology (20.94%) Telecommunications (9.05%) Europe ex UK (14.89%) UK (10.63%) Japan (5.42%) Asia Pacific ex Japan (6.02%) Utilities (1.76%) Source: HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited, as at 27 February 2009 Non contractual document North America (63.05%) 14 16465 – hsb1595 Basic Materials (5.04%) HSBC Amanah Global Equity Index Fund Performance 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 -23.91 -23.28 -25.00 -30.00 -35.00 -31.80 -34.76 -34.68 -40.00 6 Months -31.64 -37.33 -37.27 12 Months 2 years Fund Index 3 years Performance explained by: -0.35 Withholding Tax -0.06 Comm/Charges 0.17 Cash -0.66 Withholding Tax -0.09 Comm/Charges 0.22 Cash -1.10 Withholding Tax -0.18 Comm/Charges 0.22 Cash -1.53 -0.30 0.16 Estimated True TE 0.12 Estimated True TE 0.44 Estimated True TE 0.82 Estimated True TE 0.85 Source: HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited as of 31 December 2008 Note: Past performance is not a guide to future performance. All performance is gross of fees. Launch date – April 2004 Non contractual document 15 16465 – hsb1595 Withholding Tax Comm/Charges Cash HSBC Amanah Global Equity Index Fund Fund terms Legal structure Sub-Fund of Luxembourg-based “HSBC Amanah Funds” SICAV Investment company HSBC Investment Funds (Luxembourg) SA Investment advisor SINOPIA Asset Management Liquidity Dealing daily by 3:00pm (CET) Domicile Luxembourg Minimum initial investment A Share (available to all investors): USD 5,000 or its equivalent I Share (only available for investors qualifying as institutional investors): USD 1,000,000 or its equivalent 1 March 2004 Shariah review HSBC Amanah Global Equity index Fund is reviewed and approved by the HSBC Amanah Shariah Advisory Board Non contractual document 16 16465 – hsb1595 Launch date Active Quant Strategies Active equity management to outperform different Islamic equity universes ` Objective is to deliver outperformance over the long term, using four performance drivers: – Equity exposure management – Country allocation – Sector allocation – Stock selection ` Average tracking-error: [4%-6%] ` Fund range: Indicative index* Number of stocks HSBC Amanah Global Equity Global Equities Dow Jones Islamic Market Index Between 100 and 150 HSBC Amanah Europe Equity Eurozone, UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and European emerging countries Dow Jones Islamic Europe Index Between 80 and 120 HSBC Amanah Asia Pacific ex-Japan Equity Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Islamic Index Between 100 and 150 * For indicative purposes only Non contractual document 17 16465 – hsb1595 Investment universe Investment process: Overview Four sources of alpha Global Global US US EZ EZ HK HK …/… …/… Health Health Oil Oil & & care Gas care Gas Tech Tech …/… …/… Islamic Islamic index index SINOPIA SINOPIA quantitative quantitative equity equity valuation valuation model model Investable Investable universe: universe: minimum analysts coverage minimum analysts coverage & & market market capitalisation capitalisation Islamic Islamic market market exposure exposure relative relative to to all all markets markets SINOPIA SINOPIA quantitative quantitative stock stock scoring scoring model model Expected Expected return return at at country country and and sector sector levels levels Stock Stock expected expected returns returns Country Country allocation allocation Sector Sector allocation allocation Shariah Shariah compliant compliant portfolio portfolio Non contractual document 18 Stock Stock selection selection 16465 – hsb1595 Exposure Exposure management management Investment process - Valuation Valuation model Forecast Forecast data data Non contractual document Macro Macro economic economic variables variables Earnings Earnings growth growth Market Market Market Market Market Market Consensus Consensus forecast forecast Consensus Consensus forecast forecast (GDP (GDP growth, growth, CPI CPI …) …) I/B/E/S I/B/E/S data data based based on on 10,000 analysts’ estimates 10,000 analysts’ estimates with with over over 1,500 1,500 company company visits visits per per week week Equity Equity market market valuation valuation signal signal (for (for each each country/sector/stock country/sector/stock and and for for the the market market as as aa whole) whole) 19 16465 – hsb1595 Output Output Inputs Inputs Current Current data data Short Short term term interest interest rates rates Investment process: Allocation Active risk management Equity exposure Expected returns Country exposure Optimisation: country & sector correlation Sector exposure Individual stock exposure 16465 – hsb1595 Non contractual document 20 Investment process: Implementation Controlling trading costs is crucial ` Review with trading desk to determine best trading strategy (ex. Basket trading) to limit implicit costs and turnover: – Search for lowest brokerage fees per basket – Quantify and anticipate market impact – Rely on proprietary historical transaction database and research analysis – Adapt trading strategy to basket patterns – Liquidity issues ` Monitor trading process – Assistant fund manager liaising with traders and middle office 16465 – hsb1595 Non contractual document 21 Risk management and monitoring An integral part of the investment process ` Performance verification and performance attribution – Daily controls of main exposure to risk and performance factors – Daily performance attributions performed by the assistant fund managers – Weekly review of our valuation and risk models (Tactical Asset Allocation committee) ` Investment Risk approach – Beyond the quantitative management framework, additional ex-ante risk indicators calculated through NorthField to check the risk of equity investments… – Ex-ante tracking error, beta, etc. – … taking into account fundamental, macro-economic and statistical risk factors – – – – Market/Sector Interest rates/Oil Price Size/Growth-Value/Developed Markets Currency risk Performance Performance & & Risk Risk Management Management are are inseparable inseparable Non contractual document 22 16465 – hsb1595 – The risk parameters (stock betas to each risk factor, variance and covariance matrix of the risk factors, stocks specific risk) are updated each month HSBC Amanah Global Equity Fund Country/sector allocation as of end of February 2009 Top 10 countries Country United states United Kingdom France Japan Switzerland Australia Canada Hong Kong Italy Germany Sectors Portfolio weight 55.81% 9.88% 4.49% 4.27% 3.03% 2.68% 2.56% 1.53% 1.32% 1.32% DJIM weight 54.37% 7.65% 3.66% 6.16% 3.29% 2.09% 3.99% 1.43% 0.72% 3.04% Sector Portfolio weight Health Care 20.54% Oil and gas 18.47% Technology 14.54% Industrials 11.85% Consumer Goods 8.78% Basic Materials 8.61% Consumer Services 7.38% Utilities 4.92% Telecommunications 4.90% Financials - Active position 1.44% 2.23% 0.83 -1.89 -0.27 0.59 -1.43 0.10 0.60 -1.72 DJIM weight 19.20% 18.61% 16.05% 11.99% 7.61% 9.94% 6.43% 3.26% 6.56% 0.34% Active position 1.34% -0.14% -1.51% -0.14% 1.17% -1.33% 0.95% 1.66% -1.66% -0.34% Top 5 individual stocks' overexposures/top 5 underexposures Country United States United States United States United States United States United States United States United Kingdom United States United States Sector Consumer Discretionary Health Care Health Care Information Technology Consumer Discretionary Consumer Staples Health Care Energy Energy Telecommunication Services Sources: SINOPIA , Dow Jones Non contractual document 23 Funds Weight 1.18 1.50 1.16 0.98 0.94 0.76 0.66 0.42 0.45 0.59 Benchmark Weight 0.06 0.46 0.16 0.04 0.01 1.41 1.64 1.40 1.44 1.65 Bet 1.12 1.04 1.00 0.94 0.93 - 0.65 - 0.97 - 0.99 - 1.00 - 1.06 16465 – hsb1595 Name AutoZone Inc. Genentech Inc. Biogen Idec Inc. Western Digital Corp. Guess? Inc. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Johnson & Johnson BP PLC Chevron Corp. AT&T Inc. HSBC Amanah Global Equity Fund Performance attribution from 30 November 2007 (inception date) to 27 February 2009 Return Return in in USD* USD* Fund Fund -49.69% -49.69% DJIM DJIM index index -47.37% -47.37% Alpha Alpha -2.32% -2.32% Exposure Exposure management management 0.86% 0.86% Country/sector Country/sector allocation allocation 0.02% 0.02% Stock Stock selection selection -3.39% -3.39% Dividends Dividends 1.90% 1.90% Technical Technical effects effects -1.60% -1.60% Transaction Transaction costs costs -0.11% -0.11% 16465 – hsb1595 * Performance gross of management fees – Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Sources: Dow Jones, SINOPIA Non contractual document 24 HSBC Amanah Global Equity Fund Fund terms Legal structure Sub-Fund of Luxembourg-based “HSBC Amanah Funds” SICAV Investment company HSBC Investment Funds (Luxembourg) SA Investment advisor SINOPIA Asset Management Liquidity Daily (orders taken up to 10:00 am CET) Dealing currencies USD, GBP, EUR, CHF, SGD* Minimum initial investment A Share (available to all investors): USD 5,000 or its equivalent I Share (only available for investors qualifying as institutional investors): USD 1,000,000 or its equivalent 30 November 2007 Shariah review HSBC Amanah Global Equity Fund is reviewed and approved by the HSBC Amanah Shariah Advisory Board * And any other currencies as the Board of Directors may decide from time to time Non contractual document 25 16465 – hsb1595 Launch date HSBC Amanah Europe Equity Fund Country/sector allocation as of end of February 2009 Top 10 countries Country United Kingdom France Germany Switzerland Netherlands Italy Denmark Spain Finland Norway Sectors Portfolio weight 33.99% 16.48% 13.98% 12.49% 3.72% 3.43% 3.40% 3.31% 2.61% 2.07% DJIM weight 34.11% 16.31% 13.55% 14.36% 2.94% 3.21% 2.35% 1.98% 3.42% 1.48% Sector Portfolio weight Health Care 25.29% Oil and gas 20.99% Basic Materials 11.82% Industrials 10.90% Utilities 8.55% Technology 7.13% Telecommunications 6.25% Consumer Goods 4.68% Consumer Services 4.39% Financials / Active position -0.12% 0.17% 0.43% -1.87% 0.77% 0.22% 1.05% 1.33% -0.81% 0.59% DJIM weight 24.44% 20.94% 11.86% 11.51% 9.87% 7.00% 5.85% 5.09% 3.39% 0.03% Active position 0.84% 0.05% -0.04% -0.60% -1.32% 0.13% 0.40% -0.41% 1.00% -0.03% Top 5 individual stocks' overexposures/top 5 underexposures Country Spain Switzerland Switzerland Spain Netherlands Switzerland Germany Switzerland United Kingdom United Kingdom Sector Industrials Materials Health Care Consumer Discretionary Consumer Discretionary Industrials Industrials Health Care Energy Telecommunication Services Sources: SINOPIA , Dow Jones Non contractual document 26 Funds Weight 1.54 2.56 1.76 1.78 1.70 0.55 1.19 3.63 5.07 3.74 Benchmark Weight 0.03 1.07 0.36 0.41 0.34 1.46 2.14 4.59 6.14 4.83 Bet 1.51 1.49 1.41 1.36 1.36 -0.91 -0.95 -0.96 -1.07 -1.09 16465 – hsb1595 Name Technicas Reunidas S.A. Syngenta AG Synthes Inc. Industria de Diseno Textil S.A. Reed Elsevier N.V. ABB Ltd Siemens AG Novartis AG BP PLC Vodafone Group PLC HSBC Amanah Europe Equity Fund Fund terms Legal structure Sub-Fund of Luxembourg-based “HSBC Amanah Funds” SICAV Investment company HSBC Investment Funds (Luxembourg) SA Investment advisor SINOPIA Asset Management Liquidity Daily (orders taken up to 1:00 pm CET) Dealing currencies USD* Minimum initial investment A Share (available to all investors): USD 5,000 or its equivalent I Share (only available for investors qualifying as institutional investors): USD 1,000,000 or its equivalent 13 January 2009 Shariah review HSBC Amanah Global Equity Fund is reviewed and approved by the HSBC Amanah Shariah Advisory Board * And any other currencies as the Board of Directors may decide from time to time Non contractual document 27 16465 – hsb1595 Launch date HSBC Amanah Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Fund Country/sector allocation as of end – February 2009 Top 10 countries Sectors Country Portfolio weight DJIM weight Active position Australia 21.11% 20.93% 0.18% China 24.80% 23.38% 1.42% Hong Kong 7.43% 7.78% -0.35% India 5.62% 7.15% Portfolio weight DJIM weight Active position Information Technology 19.50% 18.76% 0.75% Materials 17.46% 18.98% -1.52% -1.54% Telecommunication Services 17.21% 15.53% 1.68% Sector Indonesia 1.18% 1.34% -0.16% Energy 16.64% 15.78% 0.86% Korea 16.50% 15.01% 1.49% Industrials 9.85% 10.19% 0.33% Malaysia 2.89% 2.36% 0.26% Financials (Real estate) 4.82% 5.91% 1.09% New Zealand 0.31% 0.32% -0.01% Utilities 4.76% 4.16% 0.61% Philippines 0.00% 0.27% -0.27% Consumer Discretionary 4.67% 4.44% 0.23% 0.31% Consumer Staples 2.71% 3.68% 0.98% Health Care 2.37% 2.58% 0.21% Singapore 4.16% 3.85% Top 5 individuel stocks' over exposures/top 5 underexposures Country Sector Funds Weight Benchmark Weight Bet RELIANCE INDS LTD GDR 144A India Energy 3.18 0.00 3.18 CSL Limited Ordinary NPV Fully Paid Australia Health Care 2.37 0.00 2.37 THAI OIL PCL THB10(ALIEN MKT) Thailand Energy 1.05 0.00 1.05 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Korea Information Technology 5.99 4.98 1.00 LARSEN AND TOUBRO LTD GDR REG S India Industrials 0.97 0.00 0.97 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Taiwan Information Technology 0.31 0.51 -0.21 China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. China Energy 1.03 1.27 -0.24 Hang Lung Properties Ltd. Hong Kong Financials 0.30 0.58 -0.28 MTR Corp. Ltd. Hong Kong Industrials 0.14 0.46 -0.32 Li & Fung Ltd. Hong Kong Consumer Discretionary 0.40 0.73 -0.33 Sources: SINOPIA , Dow Jones Non contractual document 28 16465 – hsb1595 Name HSBC Amanah Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Fund Fund terms Legal structure Sub-Fund of Luxembourg-based “HSBC Amanah Funds” SICAV Investment company HSBC Investment Funds (Luxembourg) SA Investment advisor SINOPIA Asset Management (Asia Pacific) Limited Liquidity Daily (orders taken up to 5:00pm CET) Dealing currencies USD* Minimum initial investment A Share (available to all investors): USD 5,000 or its equivalent I Share (only available for investors qualifying as institutional investors): USD 1,000,000 or its equivalent 9 January 2009 Shariah review HSBC Amanah Asia Pacific ex Japan Equity Fund is reviewed and approved by the HSBC Amanah Shariah Advisory Board * And any other currencies as the Board of Directors may decide from time to time Non contractual document 29 16465 – hsb1595 Launch date SINOPIA 's Equity Management Key strengths ` SINOPIA has over 15 years experience in managing global equities with USD 10bn AUM as of end-December 2008* ` Unique and robust Active Quantitative process: – research-driven (based on fundamental data) – structured, disciplined and replicable – sophisticated risk management ` Transparency: – total availability of information (daily NAVs, weekly TAA, monthly reports, frequent contacts with the fund managers and the sales specialists) – regular performance attributions – sharing of expertise (management/R&D events, publications, conference calls, etc.) – ability to fit the clients' constraints: financial aspects (e.g. Shariah guidelines), risk management, operations (counterparts, custodians, etc.) Source: SINOPIA Asset Management – * EUR/USD conversion rate of 1.39005 based on currency spot rate as of 31 December 2008 Non contractual document 30 16465 – hsb1595 ` Flexible investment solutions Appendix Compliance with Shariah Central Shariah Committee members Sheikh Nizam Yaquby He is a Graduate in Economics and Comparative Religion from Mc Gill University and is an internationally acclaimed scholar in the Islamic banking industry. He has been a teacher of Tafsir since 1976. He advises a number of banks and financial institutions including Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, BNP Paribas, Dow Jones, Lloyds TSB and Standard Chartered on Islamic banking and finance. Sheikh Dr Mohamed Elgari He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California. He is a Professor of Islamic Economics and the director of the Centre for Research in Islamic Economics at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia. He is an expert at the Islamic Jurisprudence Academy (OIC), Jeddah. Dr Elgari is the editor of the Review of Islamic Economics. He is also an adviser to several Islamic financial institutions worldwide and the author of many books on Islamic banking. Dr Mohamed Imran Ashraf Usmani Non contractual document 32 16465 – hsb1595 He holds a PhD in Islamic Finance. He also obtained degrees of Alimiyyah and Takhassus (specialisation in Islamic Jurisprudence) from Jamia Darul Uloom, Karachi. His area of expertise is Islamic Finance in which he has carried out extensive research. Dr. Usmani is a faculty member/teacher of Jamia Darul Uloom, Karachi and Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi. He is the author of various books on Shariah (Islamic law). Purification costs ` The Fund receives company dividends generated as part of a company’s normal business operations. However, any proportion of income received from non-compliant activities are paid to HSBC in the Community foundation and thereby ‘purified’ ` Dividend purification cost ratio. This ratio is provided to investors for purification purpose, it is calculated as: – Dividend * (Non-permissible revenue/Total revenue) ` Purification costs are calculated on an annual basis. This ratio is then applied to the dividend income received from the companies to arrive at the impure income for each company included in the portfolio ` The calculations are reviewed and approved by the Shariah Committee Non contractual document 33 16465 – hsb1595 ` The ratio of impure income varies from company to company and portfolio to portfolio (depending on the composition of the portfolio). It can range from 3.0% to 5.0% of the dividend income of a fund's holdings SINOPIA 's Equity Management Team Jean-François Jean-François Schmitt Schmitt (8/15) (8/15) Global Global Head Head of of Equity Equity –– SINOPIA SINOPIA Asset Asset Management Management Manager Manager of of the HSBC the HSBC Amanah Amanah Global Global Equity Equity and the and the Amanah Amanah Europe Europe Equity Equity Funds Funds Manager Manager of of the the HSBC HSBC Amanah Amanah Global Global Equity Equity Index Index Fund Fund `` Paris Paris –– François François Dossou, Dossou, Deputy Deputy Head Head (10/10) (10/10) –– Patrick Patrick Gautier Gautier (7/9) (7/9) – Jeanne Follet (1/9) – Malika Ouznadji (7/7) –– Laurence Laurence Jobert Jobert (1/9) (1/9) 66 Equity Equity traders traders `` London London –– Nils Nils Jungbacke, Jungbacke, CFA CFA (7/11) (7/11) –– Harvey Harvey Sidhu Sidhu (8/10) (8/10) – Sunny Wu (4/6) `` Hong Hong Kong Kong `` Paris Paris –– Jérôme Jérôme Allouche, Allouche, Deputy Deputy Head Head (1/8) (1/8) –– Julien Julien Tourchon Tourchon (1/6) (1/6) –– Ekaterina Ekaterina Diatchenko Diatchenko (2/4) (2/4) –– Elena Ripca (1/1) Elena Ripca (1/1) –– Gabriel Gabriel Teboul Teboul (1/1) (1/1) –– Bénédicte Bénédicte Mougeot, Mougeot, Deputy Deputy Head Head (13/13) (13/13) 33 assistant assistant managers managers `` Hong Hong Kong Kong `` Paris Paris –– Elie Elie El El Khoueiri Khoueiri (3/3) (3/3) –– Abderrahman Abderrahman Belcaïd Belcaïd (3/3) (3/3) –– Sylvain Sylvain Treilles Treilles (1/1) (1/1) –– Jérémy Jérémy Pierre Pierre (1/1) (1/1) Non contractual document Céline Céline Boué-Deschamps Boué-Deschamps (9/9) (9/9) Head Head of of Trading Trading 34 16465 – hsb1595 Manager Manager of of the the HSBC HSBC Amanah Amanah Asia Asia Pacific Pacific ex ex Japan Equity Japan Equity Fund Fund 10 10 portfolio portfolio managers managers Disclaimer ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ††Source: Dow Jones and Dow Jones Islamic Market Titans Index SM are service marks of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and will be licensed for use by HSBC Investment Funds (Luxembourg) S.A. The HSBC Amanah Global Equity Index Fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Dow Jones and Dow Jones makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in the Fund. Non contractual document 35 16465 – hsb1595 ► This document is intended for investment professionals only and should not be distributed to retail clients. The material contained in this document is for information only and does not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to any reader of this material to buy or sell investments. The contents of this presentation are confidential and may not be reproduced or further distributed to any person or entity, whether in whole or in part, for any purpose. HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited has based this presentation on information obtained from sources it believes to be reliable but which it has not independently verified. HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited and HSBC Group accept no responsibility as to its accuracy or completeness. This presentation is intended for discussion only and shall not be capable of creating any contractual or other legal obligations on the part of HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited or any other HSBC Group company. Care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this presentation but HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions contained therein. This presentation and any issues or disputes arising out of or in connection with it (whether such disputes are contractual or non-contractual in nature, such as claims in tort, for breach of statute or regulation or otherwise) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. HSBC Amanah Funds SICAV is a Luxembourg domiciled SICAV and is regulated by the CSSF. The Financial Services Authority has recognised the Fund in the UK. UK based investors in HSBC Amanah Funds SICAV are advised that they may not be afforded some of the protections conveyed by the provisions in the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 including the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme. The funds mentioned in this document may not be registered for sale or available in all jurisdictions. For available funds please contact your local HSBC office. HSBC Amanah Funds SICAV cannot be sold by anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not lawful or in which the person making such an offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. All applications are made on the basis of the current HSBC Amanah Funds SICAV Prospectus, simplified prospectus and most recent annual and semi-annual reports. These can be obtained on request and free of charge from HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited, 8 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 8BQ, UK or the local distributors. The securities representing interests in HSBC Amanah Funds SICAV have not been and will not be registered under the US Securities Act of 1933 and will not be offered for sale or sold in the United States of America, its territories or possessions and all areas subject to its jurisdiction, or United States person, except in a transaction which does not violate the Securities Law of the United States of America. The value of investments may go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Where overseas investments are held the rate of exchange may cause the value of investments to go down as well as up. Markets in some countries can be described as ‘emerging markets’. Some of these may involve a higher risk than where an investment is within a more established market. Where a sub-fund invests predominately in one geographical area, any decline in economic conditions may affect prices and the value of underlying investments. It is possible that the restrictions placed on investment such as the prohibition on the use of interest bearing investments, the donations to approved Charities and the limited universe of stocks available to the Investment Adviser may result in the funds performing less well than funds with similar investment objectives which are not subject to Shariah restrictions. Any forecast, projection or target where provided is indicative only and is not guaranteed in any way. HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited accepts no liability for any failure to meet such forecast, projection or target. This document is issued in the UK by HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. © Copyright. HSBC Global Asset Management 2009. All Rights Reserved.16465/FP09-0366