Development Trust Annual Report 2009-10

Development Trust Annual Report 2009-10
Message from the Chairman of the Development Trust
The generosity of our donors, mainly parents and OVs, is very exciting and
rewarding. Over £6 million has been given or pledged and 25 pupils are receiving
support with their fees from the Development Trust. Seven of them receive 100%
bursaries. It is encouraging that parents who would never have considered King’s
in the past are being enabled to send their children to this school with all the
advantages that it can offer. But as awareness grows, so too does the demand.
The outstanding exam results achieved by the school and the exciting new project
for the development of the Boathouse Complex all point to a school which is
continuing to improve, develop and invest for the future. The Baker family have
been an inspiration in making the Boathouse Complex a reality.
Such success is very heartening but must not obscure the challenges ahead. Over
the next few years we hope that this inspiration will encourage other members
of the community to make the proposed Sports and Performing Arts Centre –
The SPACE - a reality. This long awaited development will not only complete the
transformation of the school site but will open up vital new opportunities for our
pupils. The ambitious plan will only be possible with the support, confidence and
enthusiasm of the whole King’s Community.
I hope you will join with me this year in continuing to support the School. The
success of the next generation is reliant on the contributions made by past and
present generations. Based on your generosity last year, the future for King’s looks
exciting and bright.
The Michael Baker Boathouse will transform the opportunities we are able to give
our rowers at the King’s School, but it will also be a facility which will benefit every
pupil. The function space on the upper floor will provide an additional much needed
gym on a day to day basis, but it will also furnish us with the most dramatic meeting
and socialising area.
The Boat Club faces a challenging year ahead during the build. Boats will have to be
stored in the car park and getting them onto the water will be difficult, but we are all
happy to deal with this, because the end result will be a stunning transformation for
King’s and the Severn River waterfront .
Jim Chalmers, Head of Rowing
The Boathouse
The Michael Baker Boathouse
In August 2009 we not only received the pledged £1 million from Michael Baker
for the establishment of the Enduring Bursary Fund, but an additional £2.5 million
to cover the cost of an entirely new Boathouse complex.
The replacement of the existing boathouse has long been an ambition for the
school but this act of extraordinary generosity has enabled us to bring forward
this project by many years.
Plans were drawn up by John Christophers, of Associated Architects, and in July
2010 these received planning approval. Construction will start in October and we
hope to complete the project in the Autumn of 2011.
The complex, which will be known as the Michael Baker Boathouse will include
storage for boats, changing facilities, offices and a gym and function room with
spectacular views over the river and a terrace linking through to the school
If you would like to see a full copy of the plans, please contact the Foundation Development Office
I have no doubt that King’s, and the friends I made there had a fundamental impact
on my own development, and contributed in no small measure to the attributes
which defined my career. The sense of independence, confidence and responsibility
were all in addition to the sound academic grounding which lies at the heart of any
good education.
Good teaching and the right motivation are only part of the important environment
which encourages a pupil’s development. Sport and cultural activities were vital in
developing my interests, and my team-working abilities. In retrospect these were
every bit as valuable as my academic education, certainly to my career, but also to
enjoying life to the full.
The project for the SPACE is in my view a great addition to the facilities at King’s,
and will help future generations of pupils. I hope you will feel able to join with me in
promoting this ambitious and exciting project – it is worthy of our support.
John Weston (S 62 –69), Chairman of the SPACE Leadership Group
The Sports and Performing Arts Centre (The SPACE)
In 2009 the Governors embarked on an ambitious plan to transform the school
site and to adapt the historic buildings to the changing demands of the school.
With the replacement of the Boat House which is due to be completed in 2011
this plan is nearly complete but the outstanding pressing demand remains the
expansion of the indoor sports facilities.
In 2007 we were presented with an exceptional opportunity to acquire a large
tract of land adjacent to the school site on Severn Street.
This offered the potential not only to fulfil our need to create a new sports hall
but also to transform the theatre, dance, performing arts and modern language
facilities. In addition, the proposed building - The SPACE - will incorporate a sixth
form centre and additional meeting and teaching facilities for all subjects.
This year, we have conducted a feasibility study into our ability to raise funds for
this campaign. Thank you to everyone who took part in this study.
As a result of this research, we have invited a number of people to join a
Leadership Group to help with the fund-raising element of this project and over
the course of the next year, we hope that all parents and a large proportion of
the OV community will have an opportunity to see the plans and to have their
questions answered before we embark on the fund-raising campaign.
Copies of the architectural plans are available from the Foundation Development Office.
If you would like to attend a presentation on the project, please do not hesitate to contact us.
I set up the 1976-79 Fellowship Bursary group after our reunion dinner in 2008. I
had just completed my term as OV President and was keen to help the school expand
the opportunities for promising local children whose parents could not afford the fees
– especially as so many of the success stories of my generation at King’s benefited
from some kind of financial support at the time. I am delighted that the first pupil
supported by our group will start at the school in September 2011.
Ian Smith (Cr 73-78), Development Trustee
The Development Trust aims to provide truly enabling bursaries – on entry – to
pupils who would not otherwise be able to afford to come to the school. This year,
seven of these bursaries were for the full cost of the fees.
In 2009, the Trust established the Enduring Bursary Fund with the £1 million
donated by Michael Baker (Ch 48-55). Over the course of the year we have received
additional substantial contributions into the fund and it is currently supporting
three full fee bursaries.
We are also greatly indebted to OVs who have made substantial donations
this year to fund individual bursaries. Without exception, the pupils they have
supported have thrived and continue to thrive, taking advantage of all that King’s
has to offer. It has also been a valuable experience for the donors and in the words
of one ‘has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done’.
But the past year has also emphasised the importance of smaller regular
donations from people who are not in a position to make major financial gifts but
who believe in the opportunities the school can offer. These smaller gifts provide
the backbone to the bursary support given by the Development Trust.
This year, we received our 1000th donation to the Fellowship Bursary Fund.
Established in 2005 by Andrew Underwood (S 77-88), the aim of this scheme
is to encourage groups of OVs to join together to support bursaries. A typical
Fellowship Bursary donation is just £20 a month but by the end of this financial
year, we had sufficient funds from this scheme to award five Fellowship Bursaries.
History Battlefields Trip
Mike Stevens was a member of staff at King’s from 1979 to 2001. He was the first
Housemaster of Oswald House and knew the importance of good pastoral care. He
loved trips of all kinds – the British Museum for the Classics Department; Haworth and
Dove Cottage for the English Department; walking trips in the Pyrenees; art history
trips to Italy. He believed that such extra-curricular activities were an essential part of
pupils’ education, in the fullest sense of the word.
Mindful of his own good fortune, not least his scholarship to Cambridge, he left a
legacy to the school. His wish was that the proceeds would enable individual students
to participate in activities which they might otherwise not be able to afford.
Mike and I met when I joined King’s in 1990, and we married in 1998. When we knew
he was terminally ill, we discussed our wills, and I fully supported him in his desire to
leave this legacy. As his widow, I joined the 1541 Society because I share his belief in
educating the whole person and because I want his legacy to benefit pupils for many
years to come.
Patricia Stevens, Hon OV
The Mike Stevens Fund
This year, awards totalling £1,000 were made from the Mike Stevens Fund to help
pupils join the art trip to the Eden Project in Cornwall, the History Battlefields trip
and two language trips to France.
As the number of 100% bursaries we are able to award increases, so too does
the need for financial help to enable some pupils to join the many trips and
expeditions the school offers.
In the past few years, the OV Club has kindly donated half the money raised
through the annual OV Draw to the Mike Stevens Fund. This helps to ensure that
we can continue to make these awards both now and in the future.
The 1541 Society
The 1541 Society is made up of people who have informed the school that they
have made a legacy bequest or pledge to the school. The society continues to
grow and continues to play a vital role in the future planning for the school.
This year, the society meeting was held at the House of Lords with 20 of the
members attending. Following a tour of both houses and tea in the Attlee Rooms,
the Headmaster reported on the progress of the school and its plans for future
We are hugely indebted to those who have recognised the importance of providing
for the long term financial support of King’s in this way. If you have remembered
the school in your will, please do let us know so that we can welcome you into the
1541 society and keep you updated of our plans for the school.
A Midsummer Night’s
Dream, 2008
I appeared in the first ever Annual Fund campaign brochure when I was in the
Lower Fourth. Now there seem to be lots of things all over the site which have come
from this fund- benches, clocks and the theatre changing screens which we used for
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. We are all looking forward to having some shelter this
year when we queue for lunch.
Holly Hudson, Upper Remove
Annual Giving
Annual Giving
Our annual giving programme remains a small but important part of the
Development Trust’s programme.
Its aim is to provide additional funds to support modest and achievable projects
– projects which will directly enhance the experience of pupils currently at the
school. It is the opportunity for current parents to give additional support to the
school. Any size of gift is welcome and we hope that all parents will participate in
some way.
Parents of leavers are invited to donate their deposit at the end of their child’s
time at the school to the Annual Fund. The money goes towards projects which
will benefit the next generation of pupils. This year over £6,000 was received from
the 2009 leavers.
Current parents are invited to join the fund every autumn, and combined with
the deposits received from the 2009 leavers, over £12,000 was raised for the fund
this year.
The money has been spent on the Old Chapel, extra curricular clubs, benches
for the cricket pavilion and netball courts and a substantial contribution to the
project to build a covered area next to the dining hall.
Total: £6,303,875
Legacy Pledges
Total: £6,303,875
Capital Projects
Unrestricted / Other
Annual / Mike Stevens Funds
Financial Report
Financial Report 1st August 2009 – 31st July 2010
£3,205,000 has been received and £625,364 pledged in the past year.
202 individuals have donated to the Development Trust since
1st August 2009.
£6,303,875 has been committed to the school through the
Development Trust since 2001 (including legacy pledges).
871 people have made donations to the Development Trust since 2001, many of those on a regular basis.
There are now 35 members of the 1541 society (see page 11).
Number who
have given
% of those in contact with the
Governors and Trustees
20 donors
Former and Current Parents
470 donors
Former and Current Staff
43 donors 22%
Old Vigornians
378 donors
Please note there is some cross-over between groups ie: Parents who are OVs
Old Vigornians 1st August 2009 – 31st July 2010
Mr J G Ranford
Colonel John Reynolds
Mr J V T Wilson
Mr H C Coldicott
Mr A Hambling
Mr T J Richardson
Mr R A Franklin
Mr B T C Smith
Mr J H Whitehead
Mr A Nisbet
Dr G J Hollister-Short
Mr J Brushfield
Mr B Davis
Mr M C Joyner
Mr P C Sheppy MBE FRAgS
Mr C Rigg
Dr D R P Bushby
Mr T A Brown
Mr D R Mills
Dr P G M Foster
Mr D Taylor
Mr E Rippier
Mr J K Grieves
Mr L D Jones
Mr H Scurfield
Mr A R Hunt
Mr M T Baker
Dr P. J. Bulman
Mr M H Leonard
Mr J P B Lee
Mr R W Powell
Mr C D Young
Mr J G Roe
Mr A J Tinkel
Mr H D Watson
Mr R F Haynes
Mr M R Dudley
Dr B N Gerrard
Mr P D Bannister
Mr D A Sheffer
Mr J Hill
Mr A M Kemp
Mr M Woolley
Mr D J Hook
Mr R A Hall
Mr J Langdon
Mr J G Robertson
Dr T M Wadsworth
Mr L G Wadley
Mr D T Howell
Mr W A Comyn
Mr R A Vincent CBE CMG
Mr D M Robertson
Prof. Dr. Med. Detlef Uthoff
Mr C E Cartwright
Mr M Ferrar
Mr P B Preece
Professor N Boyle
Revd. Martin Loveless
Mr D Seabright
Lt Col The Revd William Burke
Mr P W McIntosh
Mr M J Page
Dr J R Quiney
Mr K Robinson
Mr P G Dane
Mr P D Miyazaki-Ross
Mr A E Reekes
Mr D F Scrimshaw
The Rt Hon Lord Justice Tomlinson
Mr J J Snewin
Dr P C Hassan
Mr A S Woodward
Mr P W Ranford
Mr L Connell
Mr G R Andrews
Mr C Holder
Dr T D Houlding
Mr M K J Hardyman
Mr S M Bagnall
Dr K Asthana
List of Donors
Staff and Friends of the School
Mr C T O’Donnell
Mr N Fairlie
Dr D C Kirrage
Mr I J C Smith
Mr M R Palmer
Dr R M Lane
Mr Z Win
Mr T F J Hodgson
Mrs K L Brooks
Mr T Pain
Mr C N Jaques
Dr A R Green
Mr D P Hubert
Mr S Jevons
Mr P J Bassett MC
Mr J Gordon-Cumming
Mr N G Knapp
Mr M D A Beloeil-Smith
Mr A W Underwood
Mr S A Haynes
Mrs A L East
Dr C J J Preston
Mr I Garrod-Waters
Mr D W Gibbs
Mr N J Briggs
Mr M W Checketts
Mr D S Pearce
Miss D McFarlane
Mrs H E Randall & Dr M D Macleod
Mrs J Best
Mrs C A Wyse
Mrs M Wightman
Mr F S Sutcliffe
Mr M J Points
Mrs B Curle
Mrs C J Henshaw
Mr F Maroso
Mrs B Burkill
Mr P Uthoff
Dr D G Willmer
Mrs S J M Shaw
Mrs E Allen-Back
Mr S M Atkins
Mrs C Furber
Mr A A D Gillgrass
Mrs E Greenhill
Mrs V Gunter
Miss J Harris
Miss S Hincks
Mrs A Hines
Miss P Hope
Mr D P Iddon
Mrs V A Iles
Mrs S Key
Miss L P Lawson-Pratt
Mrs S Le Marchand
Mrs J Lucas
Mrs S Nevitt
Mrs J M O’Bryan
Mr D N M Orr
Mrs D Paddock
Mrs V Peckston
Mrs M L Richardson
Mr I Robinson
Mrs M A Roberts
Mrs D Salkeld
Mrs J Vivian
Mrs S Whitworth
Annual Giving 2009-2010
Mr & Mrs D Bailey
Mr & Mrs P E Barnett
Mr & Mrs M Bladen
Dr G & Mrs L Brown
Mr & Mrs I Butterworth
Mr & Mrs R Cole
Mr & Mrs C Colenso
Mr & Mrs M P Coomer
Mr & Mrs L D Connell
Mrs G Corbett
Mr & Mrs G Cox
Mr & Mrs G Cox
Mr & Mrs M J Darby
Mr & Mrs P G Dutton
Mr & Mrs T Edwards
Mr & Mrs N C Fane
Miss G Flynn
Mr & Mrs A Gilmour
Mr A Gray
Mrs J Gray
Mr & Mrs R P Gready
Mr & Mrs S C Greenwood
Mr & Mrs A Griffee
Mr & Mrs K Gwynne
Mr & Mrs T Halford
Professor & Mrs G F Harding
Mr K Harrington
Dr & Mrs J A Harris
Mr & Mrs K Harris
Mr & Mrs R Harris
Mr & Mrs M Henderson
Mrs A Hershman
Mr & Mrs K I Hope
Mr & Mrs R Hornsby
Mr & Mrs I Jarvis
Mr & Mrs K Jeavons
Mr & Mrs C Johnson
Mr & Mrs J Keegan
Mr & Mrs P Kitching
Mr J Lamb
Mr & Mrs D Leith
Ms C W Lewis
Mr & Mrs A Longden
Mr & Mrs P Lucas
Mr & Mrs R Maguire
Mr & Mrs A G Marskell
Mrs K Martyn Smith
Mr & Mrs D McIldowie
Mr S Meadows
Mr & Mrs M Moss
Mrs P Olander
Mr & Mrs I Page
Mr & Mrs A R Pain
Mr & Mrs I Park
Mrs J Perry
Mr & Mrs I Powell
Mr & Mrs W J Pykett
Mr & Mrs S Ray
Mr & Mrs D Robertson
Mr & Mrs A Robinson
Mr & Mrs M Rollins
Mr & Mrs J Rosser
Mr & Mrs T J Slack
Mr & Mrs I J C Smith
Dr & Mrs K E Stansfield
Mr & Mrs A Stevens
Dr J Stockley
Mr & Mrs M A Stone
Mr & Mrs C Summers
Mr & Mrs C J Talbot
Mr & Mrs G A Taylor
Mr & Mrs A Tidy
Mr & Mrs P Tongue
Mr A Whiteley
Mr R J Wilkins
Mrs E Wilkins
Mr & Mrs I Williams
Mr & Mrs J A Willmott
Mr & Mrs M A Wilson
Mr & Mrs M Wilson
Mr & Mrs P Wilson
Making a Gift
Making a Gift to the King’s School Worcester
How to make a donation
A Regular Gift, made by setting up a standing order, adds up significantly over time and
helps the Trust plan for the future. Fill in the form attached and we will organise this with
your bank.
If you prefer to make a Single Gift by cheque, cash or credit card simply fill in the form
attached and remember to sign the Gift Aid declaration.
You can also donate through our on-line donations site at
Tax efficient giving
The King’s School Development Trust is a registered charity and therefore there are
significant financial advantages if you make a donation.
If you are a UK taxpayer your gift can be increased by nearly a third with the addition
of Gift Aid. Donations received before April 2011 will also be eligible for an
additional 3% in transitional tax relief.
If you are a higher-rate taxpayer you will also be eligible to claim back tax paid on
your gift from the Inland Revenue
If you choose to donate shares or a property to the King's School Development
Trust, you can save 40% capital gains tax and deduct the full value of the shares or
property from your income for tax purposes.
Legacies left to a charity in your will are free from inheritance tax
A donation of £10,000 given over 5 years to the King’s School, could cost you as little as
£1,200 a year or £100 a month as a higher rate tax payer. The balance would all be made up
by tax rebates from the government.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Value with GA Cost to a Higher Rate Tax payer
Donation Form
Gift Aid Declaration
I would like all donations I make from the date of this declaration to be Gift Aid donations
until I notify you otherwise. I understand that as a donor I must pay or have paid an amount
of income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax claimed by The King’s School Development
Trust as a charity.
Gifts made before 6 April 2011 are eligible for transitional relief (up to 3%)
from the Government in addition to Gift Aid.
I would like my donation to go to:
The SPACE Campaign
The Fellowship Bursary Scheme
Enduring Bursary Fund
Annual Giving
Mike Stevens Fund
Legacy Pledge
I would like to include the Development Trust in my will
I would like someone from The King’s School to contact me to discuss
my proposed gift
Capital Projects
I would like to know more about The SPACE Development
I would like to know more about the Michael Baker Boathouse
Contact telephone:
Foundation Development Office, The King’s School, Worcester T: 01905 721 719
The King’s School Development Trust
Registered Charity Number 527530
Donation Form
To make a donation or talk to someone from The King’s School Development Trust,
please detatch and complete this form and send it to:
The King’s School, Foundation Development Office FREEPOST SWC 3885 Worcester WR1 2ZD
Your Details
Regular Gift
I / We would like to make a regular gift to the Development Trust; the following Bankers’
Order Form is completed for this purpose.
To the Manager, Name and address of bank:
Account number: Sort code:
Please pay from my account the following sum to:
The King’s School Development Trust, Lloyds TSB Bank, The Cross, Worcester WR1 3PY:
Account number 0655584 / Sort code 30-99-90
Amount of each instalment (figures and words): £
every month / quarter / year (delete as appropriate and initial) starting on
(date) for
years until a total of Signature:
payments have been made.
Print name:
Single Gift
I / We would like to make a single gift of £
I / We enclose a cheque made payable to The King’s School Development Trust
Please charge the following credit/debit card
Card type:
Card number:
Valid from:
3-digit security code:
Issue number (Maestro):
Please complete the remaining parts of this form overleaf, to ensure that your donation can be treated as Gift Aid.
The King’s School Development Trust
Registered Charity Number 527530
Foundation Development Office
The King’s School, Worcester
5 College Green
Worcester WR1 2LL
Tel: 01905 721 719