Pacing Guide - Pittsburg Unified School District

Distrito Escolar Unificado de Pittsburg
Cuarto grado
Guía de enseñanza de Artes de lenguaje para el currículo Tesoros/ Treasures
Para clases de Doble Inmersión
Anotado por MWatkins
STS/ CST Released Test Questions by Grade Level
(K and 1 Approximate)
Anotado por MWatkins
Destreza de lectura
Estrategia de lectura Reading Strategy
Hacer predicciones
Reading Skill-Frontloading
Eventos principales
Making Predictions
Main Events
Hacer preguntas
Hacer conexiones
Causes and Effects
Comparar y contrastar
Compare and Contrast
Supervisar y aclarar Monitor and Clarify
Causas y efectos
Causa y efecto Cause and Effect
Comparar y contrastar
Asking Questions
Compare and Contrast
Causa y efecto
Cause and Effect
Eventos principales/ Causas y efectos
Making Connections
Main Events/ Causes and Effects
Fourth Grade Essential Standards
** Taught and emphasized in both languages
(Note: All essential standards appear on the report card. All standards are in the pacing guide by Feb. 20)
1.2, 1.3,1.4, 1.6
2.1, 2.4,2.5,2.6
(All standards in)
Anotado por MWatkins
Dual Immersion Fourth Grade Writing Pacing and Assessment 2013-2014
Language of instruction &
Review Descriptive Paragraph
# of Weeks
Smart Start
August 26-September 6
September 9-October 18
October 21-November 22
2 cycles in Spanish ~ 1 cycle in English
Assessment in SPANISH
December 2- January 24
Response to Literature
January 27- March 7
CST Review
March 10-May 16
Informational Report
May 19-June 6
Review Genre- Summary
(yellow folder sample)
Review single paragraph structure
District Assessments
Curriculum and Associates
Language Arts
Test 1: Spanish
Test 2: Spanish
Test 3: English
*Test 4: English
Test 1:
Spanish & English
Como obtuvo el zorrillo sus rayas/ How Skunk Got His Stripes
Test 2:
Administered in January & June
Spanish & English
Sueño profundo/ Deep Sleep
Test 3:
Spanish & English
Escalando los muros/ Climbing the Walls
Anotado por MWatkins
4th grade Dual Immersion Program Curricular Design
By 4th grade, students participating in the Dual Immersion program receive 60% of their instruction in Spanish and 40 % of their instruction in English. However, the
Instructional Structure presented below is more aligned to a 50/50 model and goes as follows:
Content Subject
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Language Arts
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
2 hours
Days 1-3 SLA
Days 4-5 ELA
minutes of
leveled grouping
45 minutes of
leveled grouping
45 minutes of
leveled grouping
45 minutes of
leveled grouping
45 minutes of
leveled grouping
60 minutes
60 minutes
60 minutes
60 minutes
60 minutes
English Support
*If on Day 1, EST does not take place due to Early Dismissal, the
minutes for EST would be made up through Days 2-5 by
increasing them from 45 minutes to 60 minutes.
Total time of Language Arts Instruction:
2 hours (Lang. Arts) + 45 min. (EST) =
2 hours and 45 minutes daily
PUSD Mainstream classes: 2 hours (ELA) + 45 min. ELD=
2 hours and 45 minutes daily
SLA Instruction
Follow the guidelines in your pacing guide to determine the “ON GENRE” that you are to teach. This genre will be the main focus of your Spanish Language Arts instruction for Reading
and Comprehension.
Although the Preview/Review strategy of reading the same story in both the Spanish/English anthologies is a good frontloading technique, students in the Dual Immersion program need to
be challenged and enriched with a variety of literature and a wide range of genres. The Preview/Review strategy will only be implemented at the teacher’s discretion as directed by the
needs of his/her students.
Being that the curricular design at 4th grade allocates only 3 days for SLA instruction for a program that is traditionally taught in 5 days in mainstream classes, Dual Immersion classes
have the discretion of allocating 2 weeks (6 days) to teach the SLA standards stated in the pacing guide. 6 days may also be allocated for an anthology selection in Tesoros.
Anotado por MWatkins
4th grade Dual Immersion Blue Print Focus Standards for English Language Arts Instruction
The 4th grade Dual Immersion teachers will analyze the California Standards English Language Arts Blueprints, as adopted by the State Board of Education. Upon analyzing the blueprints, teachers will determine which standards
somewhat transfer, and which standards do not transfer. Teachers will also determine which standards will be taught alternately- meaning that the standard will be taught in Spanish one week and in English the following week.
Standards that only somewhat transfer will be taught, however, not to the extent that the standards that do not transfer. The priority of English Language Arts instruction will be on the standards that do not transfer.
Focus Standard Strands
Word Analysis
Not Transferable from Spanish
(EXPLICITLY TEACH in ENGLISHupon appearing in the pacing guide)
RW: 1.2, 1.6
Somewhat Transferable from Spanish
(TEACH during ELA, but focus on the
Standards that will ALTERNATE
Week A- Spanish/Week B- English
RW: 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
RW: 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
RC: 2.2, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
RC: 2.1, 2.3, 2.4
RL: 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
WC: 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6
WS 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9
components that do not transfer)
Reading Comprehension &
Literary Analysis
Written Conventions
RL: (see bolded standards listed in next column)
WC:1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7
RC: 2.1, 2.3, 2.4
RL: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
WC: 1.2, 1.5
Written Strategies
WS 1.10
WS 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9
Bolded standards= listed in more than one column
ELA Instruction
Follow the guidelines in your pacing guide to determine the “OFF GENRE” that you are to teach. This genre will be the main focus of your English Language Arts instruction for
Reading and Comprehension on DAYS 4 and 5.
Although the Preview/Review strategy of reading the same story in both the Spanish/English anthologies is a good frontloading technique, students in the Dual Immersion program need to
be challenged and enriched with a variety of literature and a wide range of genres. The Preview/Review strategy will only be implemented at the teacher’s discretion as directed by the
needs of his/her students.
Being that the curricular design at 4th grade allocates only 2 days for ELA instruction for a program that is traditionally taught in 5 days in mainstream classes, Dual Immersion classes
have the discretion of allocating 2 weeks (4 days) to teach the ELA standards stated in the pacing guide. 4 days may also be allocated for an anthology selection in Treasures or
Science and Social Studies/ Wonders selections.
Anotado por MWatkins
Estándares de Análisis de palabras por nivel de grado
Word Analysis Standards by Grade
(Possible missing links for struggling readers)
Grade 1
RW1.1 Match Oral Words to Printed Words
RW1.2 ID Title and Author
RW1.3 ID Letters Words and Sentences
RW1.4 Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single
syllable words
RW1.5 Distinguish long and short vowel sounds in orally stated
single syllable words.
RW1.6 Create and state a series of rhyming words including
consonant blends.
RW1.7 Add delete or change sounds to change words.
RW1.8 Blend 2-4 phonemes into recognizable words.
Grade 2
RW1.1 Recognize and use knowledge of spelling patterns (e.g.,
diphthongs, special vowel spellings) when reading.
RW1.1 Know and use complex word families when reading to
decode unfamiliar words.
RW1.2 Apply knowledge of basic syllabication rules when reading
(e.g., vowel-consonant-vowel = su/per; vowelconsonant/consonant-vowel = sup/per).
RW1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words
RW1.3 Decode two-syllable nonsense words and regular
multisyllable words
RW1.4 Recognize common abbreviations (e.g., Jan., Sun., Mr.,
RW1.9 Segment single syllable words into their components.
RW1.5 Identify and correctly use regular plurals (e.g., -s, -es, ies) and irregular plurals (e.g., fly/ flies, wife/wives).
RW1.10 Generate sounds from all letters and letter patterns
including consonant blends, long/short vowel patterns and blends
RW1.6 Read aloud fluently and accurately and with appropriate
intonation and expression
RW1.11 Read common irregular sight words.
RW1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, r-controlled letter
sound associations to read words.
RW1.13 Read compound words and contractions.
RW1.14 Read inflectional forms and root words.
RW1.15 Read common word families
RW1.16 Read with fluency
RW1.17 Classify and categorize words.
Grade 3
RW1.3 Read fluently with appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression. (Include PUSD High Frequency word List)
RW1.4 Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and
homographs to determine the meaning of words.
RW1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among
grade appropriate words and explain the importance of these
RW1.6 Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of
unknown words.
RW1.7 Understand and explain common antonyms and synonyms.
RW1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features
of unknown words
RW1.8 Use knowledge of individual words in unknown compound
words to predict their meaning
RW1.8 Use knowledge of prefixes and Suffixes to determine
RW1.9 Know the meaning of simple prefixes and suffixes (e.g.,
over-, un-, - ing, -ly).
RW1.10 Identify simple multiple-meaning words.
Anotado por MWatkins
Segundo Grado
Tercer grado
(la lista de 2ndo grado + los siguientes)
(otra vez)
(demasiado, excesivo)
(no, lo opuesto de)
(falta de, no)
(malo, equivocado)
(negación, contrario de)
(manera de; forma el adverbio)
(indica acción)
-ero/-era, -or/-ora
-ín/-ina, -ito/-ita, -illa/illo (pequeño)
-ote/-ota (grande)
(la lista de 2ndo grado + los siguientes)
-ísimo/ ísima
(estado o calidad de)
(lleno de)
(que se puede)
Anotado por MWatkins
Second Grade
Third Grade
-able/-ible (is able)
over- (too much)
(forms adverb)
non- (not)
-ity/-ty (state /quality)
pre- (before)
(past tense)
sub- (under, below)
(quality of)
(full of)
(state or quality of)
(forms noun from verb)
(state or quality of)
mis- (bad)
(full of )
Anotado por MWatkins
Análisis de palabras
4to grado: Preguntas relacionadas a los Estándares Esenciales
(18 preguntas) 24% del Examen
RW1.2: (8 preguntas) Aplicar el conocimiento sobre el origen de las palabras, su derivación, sinónimos, antónimos y expresiones idiomáticas para determinar el sentido de palabras.
Lee está oración de la lectura C. ¿Cuál de estas palabras es un sinónimo de ______?
¿Qué palabra significa lo mismo que _____?
Lee la siguiente oración que aparece en las instrucciones/lectura. ¿Qué palabra es un antónimo de _______?
La oración ( ej. con la boca abierta) significa ___________. En esta oración, ________ significa__________.
En esta oración, la palabra ______ quiere decir _________.
La palabra ____ es __________. La palabra________ viene de ____________.
RW1.3 (3 preguntas) Aplicar el conocimiento sobre las raíces de las palabras para determinar el significado de de palabras desconocidas
Lee esta oración de la lectura B. La raíz de la palabra____ significa ________.
La palabra_____ viene de una palabra que significa _________.
El prefijo de la palabra ______ significa ________.
La palabra______ significa _________.
La raíz de la palabra ______ significa ________.
RW1.4 (1 pregunta) Conocer las raíces y los afijos derivados del latín y el griego y aplicar este conocimiento para analizar el significado de palabras complejas.
Lee esta oración de la lectura. La palabra ___ contiene el prefijo Latín (in-)___. ¿Qué significa decir (in)?
La palabra___ contiene el prefijo Latín ____. ¿Qué quiere decir ____?
La raíz en Latín ___ en la palabra _____ significa _______.
RW 1.5 (1 pregunta) Utilizar el diccionario de sinónimos para determinar las relaciones entre palabras y conceptos.
Esta información viene de un diccionario de sinónimos. Lee esta oración.
¿Qué sinónimo se podría usar para reemplazar la palabra ____ en la oración?
Esta información del diccionario de sinónimos te permite saber que alguien que _____, ________.
RW1.6 (5 preguntas) Distinguir e interpretar palabras polisémicas (significados múltiples).
Lee esta oración de la lectura. ¿En cuál de las siguientes oraciones la palabra _____ tiene el mismo sentido que en la oración anterior?
Comprensión de lectura
(15 preguntas) 20% del Examen
RC2.1 (1 pregunta) Identificar los diversos patrones estructurales de un texto informativo: (comparar y contrastar, causa y efecto, orden de secuencia/cronológico, proposición y apoyo) para fortalecer la comprensión.
En la lectura A, el párrafo (#)___ está organizado para __________.
En la lectura B, la información debajo de _____ esta organizada para ________.
¿Cómo está organizada la lectura A? ¿Cómo está organizado este pasaje?
RC2.3 (2 preguntas) Hacer y confirmar predicciones sobre el texto con la ayuda de conocimientos previos y de las ideas presentadas en el texto, ilustraciones, oraciones de tesis, palabras claves, presuposiciones.
De la primera oración en la lectura C, te das cuenta que el autor probablemente _____________.
Al leer estas instrucciones puedes concluir que ____________.
¿Cuál es la razón más probable para incluir el dibujo del _______?
Te das cuenta por la ilustración en la lectura A que el autor probablemente va a _________.
Del título de la lectura A, sabes que el autor probablemente va a ___________.
De la primera oración del (#)___ párrafo en la lectura B, te das cuenta de que el párrafo se trata de _____.
Anotado por MWatkins
RC2.4 (3 preguntas) Evaluar información e hipótesis nueva probándolas con otras ideas e informaciones.
RL 3.3 (1 pregunta) Usar el conocimiento de una situación, ambiente, personalidad y motivación para determinar las
De la información del segundo párrafo de la lectura B, puedes llegar a la conclusión de que ________.
causas de las acciones de un personaje.
En el cuento _____, ¿cuál de los siguientes pueden haber ocurrido verdaderamente?
En (la historia) _______, (personaje)______ quería ______ porque __________.
De la información de la lectura C, puedes concluir que _________.
En (la historia) _______, (personaje)______ (verbo)______ porque __________.
Basado en la información de la lectura C, ¿cuál de las siguientes declaraciones parece ser razonable?
¿Por qué (personaje)______ (verbo) al________?
Si ______, probablemente _________. Si _______, podrías concluir que __________.
3er grado:¿Qué palabra describe MEJOR al marinero? ¿Qué palabra describe MEJOR el punto de vista del gato?
(ej.) Si tu experimento durara 2 semanas en lugar de 10 días, ¿con cuantas filas harías tu tabla?
RC2.5 (3 preguntas) Comparar y contrastar información sobre un mismo tema después de haber leído varios artículos *RL 3.4 (2 preguntas) Comparar y contrastar cuentos de diferentes culturas trazando las hazañas de un determinado tipo
(Ej.) La rana en_____ y el sapo en ____ son parecidos porque _________.
de personaje y desarrollar teorías que explican la similitud de los cuentos en diversas culturas.
La información de las tres lecturas respalda/apoya la idea de que________.
¿Qué lecturas cuentan sobre ________? ¿Qué lecturas se refieren a ________?
¿Cuál es el mensaje que se transiten ambos cuentos de hadas y que representan distintas culturas?
En estas dos historias, tanto ______ como ____ son _______.
Tanto____ como ____ obtienen lo que quieren con _______.
¿Qué lecturas advierten sobre ________? ¿Qué lecturas dan información sobre________?
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre los dos?
¿Qué lecturas apoyan la idea de que ________?
En ambas historias, el personaje principal demuestra ____ al______.
RC 2.6 (3 preguntas) Distinguir entre causa y efecto, hechos y opiniones en un texto expositivo.
En ambas historias, el (héroe) es ________.
¿Por qué _____ no quería ______?
Una diferencia entre ____ y _____ es que __________.
¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones de la lectura B es un hecho?
Al final de las historias, ¿qué (han ganado) ____ y ________?
¿Cuál de los siguientes no es un resultado de que _______?
RL 3.5 (3 preguntas) Definir lenguaje figurativo (símil, metáfora, hipérbola, personificación).
¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones de la lectura A es una opinión?
Un ejemplo de hipérbole en la lectura ____ es ________________.
De acuerdo a la lectura ____, ¿qué ocurrió como resultado de ______?
¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones de _____ es un símil?
¿Qué ocurriría como resultado de hacer ______?
Estas oraciones contienen un ejemplo de _________.
En esta oración, el autor está usando ___________.
RC 2.7 (3 preguntas) Llevar a cabo instrucciones de manuales técnicos a su nivel de grado de múltiples etapas y procesos
Si todavía no has _____, puedes suponer que __________.
Para crear un _____, ¿cuál de los siguientes pasos sigues primero?
Cuando _____, ¿cómo _______?
Para poder seguir estas instrucciones, tienes que _________.
Para ______, tienes que empezar _______.
De acuerdo a la lectura C, ¿qué deberías hacer después de ______?
¿Qué deberías escribir en la ___ columna de la ____ fila?
Respuesta y análisis literario
Un ejemplo de hipérbole en la lectura ____ es ________________.
¿Qué oración de la lectura____ es un ejemplo de hipérbole?
(9 preguntas) 12% del Examen
RL3.1 (1 pregunta) Distinguir las diferentes estructurales de las diversas formas imaginativas de la literatura, incluyendo fantasías, fábulas, mitos, leyendas y cuentos de hadas. formas de literatura.
Ambas historias se podrían describir como cuentos de hadas porque _________.
La mejor descripción para estas historias es _______.
________ es (un mito) porque _________.
Estas historias se describen mejor como ________.
RL3.2 (2 preguntas) Identificar los eventos principales de una trama, sus causas y la influencia de estos en las futuras acciones.
En (la historia) _______, (personaje)______ dijo que ______ porque __________.
En (la historia) _______, como resultado de _____, (el personaje) _____________.
En (la historia) _______, (personaje)______ le da______ porque _____________.
En (la historia) _______, ¿por qué __________?
Anotado por MWatkins
Estrategias de escritura
(15 preguntas ) 20% del Examen
WS1.1 (2 preguntas) Seleccionar el enfoque, el punto de vista y el propósito basándose en el formato requerido y en la audiencia.
¿Cuál sería la mejor manera de organizar un informe sobre _______?
Supongamos que José tuviera que ampliar uno de los temas en este informe para hacer un reporte más largo. ¿Cuál sería un tema para el informe más largo?
Supongamos que Maria quiere escribir un folleto para convencer a sus amigos que vayan de paseo al Lago Tahoe. ¿En qué información sobre el Lago Tahoe debe concentrarse?
El propósito de este párrafo es ______.
¿Cuál de los siguientes sería el mejor tema par a un informe de una página sobre _______?
WS 1.2 (3 preguntas) Crear composiciones de párrafos múltiples: proveer un párrafo de introducción, establecer y apoyar una idea central con una tesis en el primer párrafo, incluir párrafos de apoyo con hechos, detalles y
explicaciones sencillas, concluir con un párrafo que resume los puntos tratados, adecuadamente incluir un sangrado en cada párrafo.
WS 1.2 a
WS 1.2 b
WS 1.2 c
¿Cuál de los siguientes sería el mejor párrafo introductorio para este informe?
Si Pancho quiere agregar un párrafo sobre _____, ¿cuál de las siguientes sería la mejor oración temática?
¿Qué oración apoya mejor la idea principal del (segundo) párrafo?
En el párrafo ___,¿ por qué menciona Pancho ________?
Para terminar el informe, Paola debe incluir un párrafo que __________.
¿Cuál de los siguientes sería el mejor párrafo para concluir el informe de Paola?
WS 1.3 (2 preguntas) Emplear estructuras tradicionales para proporcionar información (orden cronológico, causa y efecto, similitud y diferencia, formulación de preguntas y respuestas)
¿Cómo está organizada la información en el párrafo __?
¿Cómo está organizada la información en el informe?
WS1.5 (1 pregunta) Citar o parafrasear las fuentes de información en la forma correcta.
Supongamos que Martin agrega una cita de un libro sobre _____ a su informe. ¿Qué información sobre el libro debe incluir en su bibliografía?
Supón que Denis agrega una cita de un libro a su informe. Su bibliografía debería incluir toda la siguiente información excepto ______.
WS1.6 (1 pregunta) Localizar la información en los textos de referencia empleando estructuras de organización especificas (prefacios, apéndices)
Lee esta parte del índice de un libro sobre _____. ¿En qué página buscarías información sobre_____?
Lee esta parte de una tabla de contenido de un libro _____. Si quisieras información sobre___, ¿en qué página abrirías el libro?
¿Dónde en el libro debe buscar Pancho una definición de ______?
¿Dónde en el libro debe buscar para encontrar los números de todas las paginas en que se mencionan ____?
WS1.7 (1 pregunta) Emplear varios materiales de referencia (diccionarios, enciclopedias, la red cibernética, etc.)
¿Vas a un sitio web para buscar información sobre ____. ¿En qué oración harías clic para obtener la información que necesitas?
Ana quiere averiguar sobre____. Está usando la computadora de la escuela para hacer su investigación. ¿Qué palabras debe escribir en la casilla de búsqueda?
Supón que tienes que escribir un informe sobre ___ ¿Cuál sería la mejor fuente de información?
¿Qué libro de referencia podría ayudar mejor a Ana a aprender más sobre_______?
WS1.8 (2 preguntas) Entender la organización de los almanaques, periódicos y semanarios y como utilizar estos materiales impresos.
Lee este índice de un periódico. ¿En qué página empezarías a buscar un artículo sobre ______?
¿Cuál sería la mejor fuente de información para averiguar más sobre _____?
Lee esta parte del contenido de un almanaque. Si quieres encontrar ____, ¿a qué página irías?
Pablo ha encontrado una revista que se llama____. ¿Dónde debe buscar para ver si hay artículos sobre_____?
Anotado por MWatkins
WS1.10 (3 preguntas) Redactar y revisar su borrador para mejorar la coherencia y la progresión, añadiendo, eliminando. Consolidando y reorganizando la información en el texto.
¿Sara podría mejorar la narración de su informe cambiando el orden de los párrafos a cuál de los siguientes?
Lee esta información de un diccionario de sinónimos. ¿Cuál palabra sería la mejor para reemplazar la palabra____ en la oración 2?
¿Qué detalle podría agregar Bob después de la oración #__ para mejorar su informe?
¿Qué oración debería borrar Ana del primer párrafo para mejorar su informe?
¿Qué oración se podría agregar mejor entre las oraciones #__ y ____?
¿Qué detalle debería agregar Panco al párrafo #___ para mejorar su informe?
Normativas del español escrito
(Writing Conventions)
(18 preguntas) 24% del Examen
WC1.1 (3 preguntas) Emplear y usar oraciones simples y compuestas tanto en la expresión escrita como en la oral.
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de combinar las oraciones #__ y ____?
¿Cuál de las siguientes oraciones es una oración compuesta?
Lee estas dos oraciones. ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de combinar las oraciones sin cambiar el sentido?
WC 1.2 (2 preguntas) Combinar oraciones cortas con oraciones subordinadas, apositivas, participativas, adjetivas, adverbiales y preposicionales.
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de combinar las oraciones #__ y ____?
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de combinar las oraciones #__ y ____ para formar una oración sencilla?
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de combinar las oraciones #__ y ____ sin cambiar el sentido?
WC 1.3 (4 preguntas) Identificar y emplear los verbos regulares e irregulares. adverbios, preposiciones y conjunciones tanto en la escritura como oralmente.
Para los números __ al ___, lee cada oración. Después elige la palabra que completa la oración correctamente.
Ej. Todas las hojas ____(se cayeron) de los árboles.
Saludo a su padre _______ (alegremente).
WC1.4 (2 preguntas) Emplear los paréntesis, comillas y comas en citas directas.
Para los números __ al ___, elige la oración que este escrita correctamente.
*(See specific examples listed in the Item Analysis for 4th grade DI Release Questions)
WC 1. 5 (1 pregunta) Subrayar, usar comillas o letras itálicas para identificar títulos de libros y documentos.
Para los números __ al ___, elige la oración que este escrita correctamente.
*(See specific examples listed in the Item Analysis for 4th grade DI Release Questions)
WC 1.6 (2 preguntas) Uso de mayúscula la primera letra de las palabras que componen el nombre de una revista, periódico, obras de arte, composiciones musicales, organizaciones; y también, al inicio de palabra cuando se cita
textualmente las palabras de otra persona.
¿Cuál es la manera correcta de escribir la oración #__?
*(See specific examples listed in the Item Analysis for 4th grade DI Release Questions)
WC 1.7 (4 preguntas) Uso correcto de ortografía/Reconocer y emplear correctamente raíces, flexiones, sufijos, prefijos y construcciones silábicas.
Para los números __ y ___, elige la palabra subrayada que está escrita correctamente.
¿Cuál es la manera correcta de escribir las palabras subrayadas en el párrafo # ___?
Para los números __ y ___, elige la palabra subrayada que no está escrita correctamente.
*(See specific examples listed in the Item Analysis for 4th grade DI Release Questions)
Anotado por MWatkins
Grade 4 Essential Standards Released Test Question Stems
Word Analysis
RW1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to determine the meaning of
words and phrases
Which word is a synonym for___________.
In these sentences ________means_________.
What does_____want to know?
Which word is a synonym for ________as it is used in the sentence above?
The phrase______________most nearly means_______________.
RW1.3 Use knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of unknown words within a passage
The root word in _________means_____________.
RW1.4Know common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
The root word in ____is ____which in Latin means____. ______must be something ___.
The word ____contains the Latin root____. What does ___mean?
The Latin root ___in the word ___means____.
RW1.6Distinguish and interpret words with multiple meanings.
In which sentence does the word ___have the same meaning that it has in the sentence above?
What is the meaning of ___as used in the sentence above?
In which sentence below is ____used with the same meaning as in the sentence above?
As used in Sample D, the word ___means___.
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in informational text to strengthen comprehension.
Which fact about Sample B helps you know that it is a journal entry instead of a letter?
How is this passage organized?
Which of the following best describes how this passage is organized?
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and hypotheses by testing them against known information and ideas.
Which of these could really have happened?
When students have entered information in three easy search screen boxes which button should they
click to continue?
The most important information missing from Sample E is the____.
RC2.5 Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.
Which samples tell about things you might______.
Information in all of the samples supports the idea that____.
Based on information in the four samples, all of the following words can be used to describe
One difference between ___and ___is that___.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and effect and between fact and opinion in expository text.
Which of these is an opinion in this passage?
Literary Response and Analysis
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their causes, and the influence of each even ton future actions.
Both the ___ and the ___ change into men when they___.
What is the main event in “_________________”.
RL3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and setting and of the character’s traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions.
In “___”, how did ___show how much they (disliked and disrespected)_____?
The ___in the story are___.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and identify its use in literary works.
Which phrase from “___” is a simile?
When the author says___, they mean ______.
In this sentence the author is using______.
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based upon purpose, audience, length, and
format requirements.
The purpose of this report is______________.
If ___had written this report for a science class, which of the following would have been best for her
to include?
WS1.2 Create multiple paragraph compositions: provide an introductory paragraph, establish and support a
central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph, include supporting paragraphs
with simple facts, details, and explanations, conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points, use correct
If __wanted to add a paragraph about different places people go orienteering, which of the following
would be the best topic sentence?
To conclude this report, the student should include a paragraph that___.
In paragraph 1, why does ___mention ___?
Which sentence would best conclude the report?
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for conveying information
WS1.7 Use various reference materials as an aid to writing.
__is using the school computer to do online research for her report. What words should she typed into
the search box?
Which reference source would be best in helping the writer learn more about___?
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to improve the coherence and progression by adding, deleting,
consolidating, and rearranging text.
Which sentence would best support the ideas in sentence 9?
If __added a sentence at the end of paragraph 5 it would most likely tell us__
What detail should Carrie add to improve her report?
Which sentence could best be added between sentence 12 and 13?
Which is the best way to rewrite the sentence?
Which is the best way to combine the ideas in these sentences?
What is the best way to revise sentence 12 without changing its meaning?
Anotado por MWatkins
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound sentences in writing and speaking.
Which of these sentences from the report is a compound sentence?
Which is the best way to combine the sentences to form a simple sentence?
WC1.2 Combine short, related sentences with appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.
How can these sentences best be joined without changing the meaning?
What is the best way to combine these sentences?
Which is the best way to combine these two sentences?
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions in writing and speaking.
What is the correct way to write the underlined word in sentence 5?
What is the correct way to write the underlined words to fit the verb tense of the sentence?
What is the correct way to write this sentence?
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections, suffixes and prefixes, and syllable constructions.
Which underlined word is not spelled correctly?
Which word from the report is not spelled correctly?
Which of the underlined words is spelled incorrectly?
Anotado por MWatkins
Ficción- Comprensión: Grado 4
Título1: (WC1.5)
Título2: (WC1.5)
Puedes descifrar de título #___ que el autor probablemente intentó
Autor ____________________________________________________
Autor _____________________________________________________
(PIEE)__________________________________________________________________ (RC2.3)
Pasaje #___se puede describir mayormente como (Género)_______________________porque
(Descripción)_____________________________________________________________________________________ (RL3.1)
Personaje (s)
¿Cómo es el personaje?
¿Qué hacen los personajes?
¿Por qué hicieron eso?
¿Por qué actuaron así?
¿Cómo afecta el ambiente a las
acciones de los personajes?
Lenguaje Figurativo
Citar comillas o guiones
Citar comillas o guiones
Lo que el autor intenta decir/comunicar:
Lo que el autor intenta decir/comunicar:
Esto es un ejemplo de __________________________ porque
Esto es un ejemplo de __________________________ porque
Anotado por MWatkins
Evento (RL3.2)
Debido al hecho que
Evento: (RL3.2)
causó _____________.
Evento: (RL3.2)
Puesto que
Anotado por MWatkins
Comprensión No-Ficción Grado 4
Información bibliográfica
Tema/Idea principal (RC2.5)_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Encabezamiento A (RC2.5)
Encabezamiento B
Encabezamiento C (RC2.5)
Hechos/Detalles :
! Detalles más importantes ( RC2.4 La información más importante es de __.)
*Información similar (RC2.5 La información en todos los ejemplos apoyan ____.)
- Información diferente (RC2.5 Una diferencia es____.)
o Opinión (RC2.6 ¿Cuál de estos es una opinión?)
Anotado por MWatkins
¿Cuál de estos recursos fue más útil para investigar tu tema?
Fuente de información A:
¿En qué manera fue organizado este pasaje? ¿Qué palabra lo mejor describe? (RC2.1)
De acuerdo al título puedes deducir de que el autor
Fuente de información B:
¿En qué manera fue organizado este pasaje? ¿Qué palabra lo mejor describe? (RC2.1)
De acuerdo al título puedes deducir de que el autor
Fuente de información C:
¿En qué manera fue organizado este pasaje? ¿Qué palabra lo mejor describe? (RC2.1)
De acuerdo al título puedes deducir de que el autor
Anotado por MWatkins
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
El proceso de escritura
Demostrar cómo se usa el mapa de
1. Lluvia de ideas:
Demostrar cómo verbalizar y
Incluir Texto mentor
2. Organización
Exposición-Diagrama de Árbol
2. Los estudiantes escriben un
borrador usando el mapa de pensar
creado el día anterior.
Los estudiantes crean su propio mapa
de pensar para planificar su
Aprox: 30-40 min
1-2 días
Los estudiantes verbalizan usando:
dar uno/recibir uno
cubos/tiras de colores
** Recuerden: asignar normas de
gramática para incluir con el fin de que
los estudiantes las revisen / editen
más tarde
Marquen x en cada dos líneas para
recordar a los estudiantes que se
salten esas líneas.
Aprox: 30-40 min
1-2 días
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Cuarto grado
Estrategias de escritura
Normativas de escritura
Demostrar cómo se revisa usando su
propio borrador o el de uno de los
Demostrar cómo se edita usando su propio
borrador o el de uno de los estudiantes.
Los estudiantes se reúnen con el maestro/a
para revisar su borrador que anteriormente
fue revisado y editado por ellos mismos.
Enseñar cómo revisar un de acuerdo a
los estándares. Demostrar cómo
revisar esto en su propio borrador.
Enseñar cómo editar de acuerdo a los
estándares. Demostrar cómo editar esto en
su propio borrador.
El maestro/a guía al estudiante para hacer
correcciones finales y después volver a
escribir el ensayo de manera presentable.
Los estudiantes escriben lo que están
revisando en la parte superior de su
trabajo o adjuntan una lista de
Los estudiantes escriben lo que están
revisando en la parte superior de su
trabajo o adjuntan una lista de verificación.
Éstos se pueden recolectar en un portafolio
Ideas para la enseñanza de Revisión:
 Oraciones Súper/Expand-0
 Cortar/Separar el escrito del
estudiante en partes para ser
revisado por grupos
 Verbalizar
 Carteles vivientes
Durante las semanas siguientes
preparar con los estudiantes una lista
de verificación para revisar la lección
anterior y añadir una cosa nueva para
Los estudiantes usan esta lista de
verificación para revisar su borrador.
Aprox: 30-40 min
1-2 días
Ideas para la enseñanza de edición:
 Marcar con un círculo la habilidad
objetivo: ej. todas las mayúsculas/punto
 Cortar/Separar el escrito del
estudiante en partes para ser
editado por grupos
 mi..mi perro…mi perro es…
 Carteles vivientes
o ser exhibidos junto con arte relevante.
Nota: Los estudiantes pueden también
recolectar borradores y escoger uno para
Aprox: 30-40 min
1-2 días
Durante las semanas siguientes
preparar con los estudiantes una lista
de verificación para revisar la lección
anterior y añadir una cosa nueva para
Los estudiantes usan esta lista de
verificación para editar su borrador.
Approx: 30-40 min
1-2 día
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Escritura Expositiva
Temas de Revisión para el 4to grado :
_________ Varios párrafos (párrafos múltiples)
Temas para Editar para el 4to grado:
_________ Uso de mayúsculas
____Oración principal
____ Párrafos de apoyo
___Párrafo de conclusión que resume
____Títulos (libros, revistas, periódicos, etc.)
____ Al principio de cada oración
____ Nombres propios/Sustantivos propios (nombres de personas, lugares/ciudades y objetos)
____Puntuación correcta al final de cada oración
____ Uso correcto de interrogaciones y exclamaciones
____Comas en fechas, localidades
_________ Detalles para mejorar el enfoque
____agregar palabras/ oraciones
____quitar/omitir palabras/oraciones
____consolidar o combinar oraciones cortas
____ elección de palabras
____ orden de palabras
____Comas en serie
____Comas en citas directas
____Títulos de documentos (subrayar, itálicas o entre comillas)
_________ ¿Hace sentido?
_________ Materiales/Recursos de referencia
____ Información del texto está entre comillas o está parafraseada (escrita en tus propias palabras)
____ Los materiales están citados correctamente
____Usar los materiales de referencia para mejorar la escritura
____Oraciones Completas/Incompletas
____Oraciones simples/compuestas
____Combinar oraciones cortas
____Uso constante del tiempo verbal
____Orden de palabras es/no es confuso
____ Palabras que faltan
___________ La progresión de las ideas hace
____Concuerda el sujeto con el verbo
(Las ideas son lógicas y secuenciales)
sentido y está en orden
___________ Sangrado al comienzo de cada párrafo nuevo
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Escritura Narrativa
Temas de Revisión para el 4to grado :
_________ Varios párrafos (párrafos múltiples)
Temas para Editar para el 4to grado:
_________ Uso de mayúsculas
____Oración principal
____ Párrafos de apoyo
____Títulos (libros, revistas, periódicos, etc.)
____ Al principio de cada oración
____ Nombres propios/Sustantivos propios (nombres de personas, lugares/ciudades y objetos)
___Párrafo de conclusión que resume
____Puntuación correcta al final de cada oración
____ Uso correcto de interrogaciones y exclamaciones
____Comas en fechas, localidades
_________ Detalles para mejorar el enfoque
____agregar palabras/ oraciones
____quitar/omitir palabras/oraciones
____consolidar o combinar oraciones cortas
____ elección de palabras
____ orden de palabras
_________ La progresión de las ideas hace
(Las ideas son lógicas y secuenciales)
____Comas en serie
____Comas en citas directas
____Títulos de documentos (subrayar, itálicas o entre comillas)
_________ ¿Hace sentido?
____Oraciones Completas/Incompletas
____Oraciones simples/compuestas
____Combinar oraciones cortas
sentido y está en orden
____Concuerda el sujeto con el verbo
____Uso constante del tiempo verbal
____Orden de palabras es/no es confuso
____ Palabras que faltan
___________ Sangrado al comienzo de cada párrafo nuevo
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Expository Writing
Fourth Grade Revising Topics :
_________Multiple Paragraphs
____Topic Sentence
____Supporting Paragraphs
____Concluding Paragraph that summarizes
_________Reference Materials
____ Quote/paraphrase information from reference included
____ Quoted/paraphrased material cited appropriately
____Use references to aid writing
_________ Details to improve the meaning and focus
____add words or sentences
____delete/omit words or sentences
____consolidate or combine short sentences
____word choice
____word order
_________Logical/sequential progression of ideas
Fourth Grade Editing Topics:
____Titles (Books, magazines, newspapers etc)
____Beginning of a Sentence
____Proper nouns (names of people, pronouns,
places/cities, and things)
____Periods etc. at the end of a sentence
____Commas in dates, locations, and addresses
____Commas in a series
____Commas in direct quotations
____Apostrophes in possessives and in contractions
____Titles of Documents (underline, italics, or quotation marks)
_________Making Sense
____Complete/Incomplete Sentences
____simple/compound sentences
____combine short sentences
____Subject/Verb agreement
____consistent use of tense
____confusing/not confusing word order
____missing words
_________Spelling (roots, inflections, suffixes, prefixes, and
syllable constructions)
_________Indent at the start of each new paragraph
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Narrative Writing
Fourth Grade Editing Topics:
Fourth Grade Revising Topics:
_________Multiple Paragraphs
____Opening Sentence
____Supporting Paragraphs
____Concluding Paragraph that summarizes
_________ Details to improve the meaning and focus
____add words or sentences
____delete/omit words or sentences
____consolidate or combine short sentences
____word choice
____word order
_________Logical/sequential progression of ideas
____Titles (Books, magazines, newspapers etc)
____Beginning of a Sentence
____Proper nouns (names of people, pronouns, places/cities,
and things)
____Periods etc. at the end of a sentence
____Commas in dates, locations, and addresses
____Commas in a series
____Commas in direct quotations
____Apostrophes in possessives and in contractions
____Titles of Documents (underline, italics, or quotation
_________Making Sense
____Complete/Incomplete Sentences
____simple/compound sentences
____combine short sentences
____Subject/Verb agreement
____consistent use of tense
____confusing/not confusing word order
____missing words
_________Spelling (roots, inflections, suffixes, prefixes, and syllable
_________Indent at the start of each new paragraph
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Reporte Informativo -Grado 4
4WA 2.3 Escribir reportes de información: desarrollar una pregunta central sobre un asunto o situación; incluir hechos y detalles de enfoque.
Mi pregunta______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
La estructura de este ensayo es mayormente como: comparar/contrastar, causa/efecto, secuencia/orden cronológica o proposición y apoyo.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Ejemplos de cómo citar tus fuentes de información/recursos:
De un libro:
Higham, Cindy. Snowflakes for All Seasons. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, 2004.
“Human Spaceflight.” Compton’s Encyclopedia. Volume 22. Chicago, Encyclopedia,
Britannica, 2004.
De una revista/periódico :
Keith, Ted. “From Cursed to First.” Sports Illustrated Kids. January 2005: 31-33.
De un sitio web:
Australian Scientists Prove Less Trees, Less Rain. Online. 10 March 2005.
**Si hay un autor, escríbelo primero. Título debe subrayarse (sitio web). Fecha de acceso. Escribe el sitio web entre < >
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Escritura Narrativa -Grado 4
4WA2.1 Escribir narraciones: Relacionar ideas, observaciones, o recolecciones de un evento o experiencia; Proveer un contexto que le facilita al lector imaginar el mundo del evento o experiencia;
Usar detalles sensoriales, proveer una percepción al porque el evento o experiencia es memorable.
Principio (introducir el ambiente y
los personajes)
A mediadas (avance del evento o
A mediadas (avance del evento o
Final (el evento concluye)
La estructura de este ensayo es mayormente como: comparar/contrastar, causa/efecto, secuencia/orden cronológica o proposición y apoyo.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Respuesta Literaria -Grado 4
4WA 2.2 Escribir respuestas literarias: demostrar entendimiento del trabajo literario, apoyar opiniones por medio de referencias tanto al texto como a conocimientos previos.
La estructura de este ensayo es mayormente como: comparar/contrastar, causa/efecto, secuencia/orden cronológica o proposición y apoyo.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Resumen -Grado 4
Recuenta los eventos más importantes
4WA 2.4 Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details
Párrafo 1
Párrafo 2
Elige un verbo
Párrafo 3
Idea prinicipal
B- Idea principal
Completa el pensamiento
Párrafo 4
C- Idea principal
Detalles significantes
The structure of this essay is best described as: compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequential/chronological order, or proposition and support.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Un buen comienzo / Smart Start
9 Days
Review Yellow Folder Samples! Writing Application: SPANISH Review Descriptive Paragraph & Review Single Paragraph Structure from Grade 3
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects
Word Analysis
Review Third Grade Word Knowledge
RW1.1 Know and use complex word families when
reading to decode unfamiliar words.
RW1.2 Decode regular multisyllabic words
RW1.3 Read fluently with pacing, intonation and
August 26- September 6
RW1.4 Use knowledge of antonyms, Synonyms,
homophones, and homographs to determine the
meaning of words.
RW1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity
among grade appropriate words and explain the
importance of these relations.
RW1.6 Use sentence and word context to find the
meaning of unknown words.
RW1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and
other features of unknown words
RW1.8 Use knowledge of prefixes and Suffixes to
determine meaning
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
Writing Strategies
Review Third Grade Reading Standards
Review Third Grade Reading Standards
Review Third Grade Writing Strategies Standards
RC2.2 Ask questions and support answers by
connecting prior knowledge with literal
information found in and inferred from the text.
RC2.1 Use titles, tables of contents, chapter
headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate
information in text.
RC2.3 Demonstrate comprehension by
identifying answers in the text.
WS1.1 Create a single paragraph that includes a
topic sentence and includes simple facts and
RC2.4 Recall major points in the text and make
and modify predictions about forthcoming
RC2.6 Extract appropriate and significant
information from the text including problem and
RL3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature.
RL3.2 Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy
tales , myths, folktales, legends, and fables from
around the world.
RC2.5 Distinguish between main idea and
details in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow simple multi step written
WS1.4 Revise drafts to improve the coherence and
logical progression of ideas by using an
established rubric
RW1.7 Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and
other features of unknown words
RL3.4 Determine the underlying theme or
authors message in fictional and nonfiction
RL3.3 Determine what characters are like by
what they say or do and by how the author or
illustrator portrays them.
RL3.4 Determine the underlying theme or
authors message in fictional and nonfiction text.
RL3.5 Recognize the similarities of sounds in
words and rhythmical patterns in a selection
Written Conventions
Review Third Grade Written Conventions
WC 1.2 Pronouns
WC1.2 Compound Words
WC 1.2 Subject/Verbs agreement
WC1.1 Four types of sentences
WC1.2 Sensory Adjectives
WC1.8 Contractions
WC 1.3 Verb Tenses
WC 1.2 Articles
WC 1.4 Identify and use subjects
and verbs correctly in speaking and
writing simple sentences.
WC1.9 Arrange words in ABC order
Capitalize WC1.5, 1.7
Review Beginning of a sentence,
Proper Nouns (including: geographical
names, holidays, historical periods and
special events.),
Months and days
Titles of Books
Commas-WC1.5 1.6
Review commas in a series, dates
RL3.6 Identify the speaker or narrator in a
Skills that need the most focus are in bold so that students are prepared for Week 1, 4th Grade Standards.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 1 Week 1
*Mi diario de aquí hasta allá
Ficción realista
*My Diary from Here to There
Realistic Fiction
Writing Application: SPANISH Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details.
5 Days
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions
Word Analysis
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
Writing Strategies
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots,
inflections, suffixes, and prefixes and
syllable constructions
September 9-13
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and
idioms to determine the meaning of
words and phrases.
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 1 Week 2
La bienvenida
Ficción realista
The Adventure of Ali Baba Bernstein
Realistic Fiction
Writing Application: SPANISH Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details.
5 Days
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
Writing Strategies
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
September 16-20
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
complex words.
Reading Comprehension
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 1 Week 3
* Pequeños periodistas en acción
*Kid Reporters at Work
5 Days
Writing Application: SPANISH Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
Writing Strategies
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in
writing and speaking.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
September 23-27
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
complex words.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 1 Week 4
*La astronauta y la cebolla
Ficción realista
*The Astronaut and the Onion
Realistic Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: SPANISH Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words and phrases.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived
from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex words.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
Writing Strategies
Written Conventions
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts
to improve coherence and progression
by adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
September 30- October 4
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Unit 1 Week 5
*Gracias a Winn Dixie
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Ficción realista
*Because of Winn Dixie
Realistic Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: SPANISH Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words and phrases.
Reading Comprehension
Writing Strategies
Written Conventions
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine
the causes for that character’s actions
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
October 7-11
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived
from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex words.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 1 Week 6
Repaso y valoración
Review and Assess
4 Days
Writing Application: SPANISH Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
Reading Comprehension
Writing Strategies
Written Conventions
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
October 14-18
Staff Development 10/14
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 2 Week 1
*Mi hermano Martín
My Brother Martin
5 Days
Writing Application: SPANISH Write narratives relate ideas, observations, and recollections of an event or experience. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or
experience. Use concrete sensory details. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words and phrases.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived
from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex words.
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
October 21-25
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 2 Week 2
*Jackie la poderosa Ficción histórica
*Mighty Jackie: The Strikeout Queen
Historical Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: : SPANISH Narrrative Write narratives relate ideas, observations, and recollections of an event or experience. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or
experience. Use concrete sensory details. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
October 28-November 1
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 2 Week 3
Presentación con bombos y salpicaduras
Making a Splash
Non- Fiction
Writing Application: : SPANISH Narrrative Write narratives relate ideas, observations, and recollections of an event or experience. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event
or experience. Use concrete sensory details. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.
5 Days
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
November 4-8
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause
and effect and between fact and
opinion in expository text.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 2 Week 4
Lluvia de plata
Ficción realista
Wild Horses
Narrative Fiction
4 Days
Writing Application: SPANISH Narrrative Write narratives relate ideas, observations, and recollections of an event or experience. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or
experience. Use concrete sensory details. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
November 11- 15 End of Grading Period
Holiday 11/11
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
complex words.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 2 Week 5
*Caballo místico
*Mystic Horse
5 Days
Writing Application SPANISH Narrrative Write narratives relate ideas, observations, and recollections of an event or experience. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or
experience. Use concrete sensory details. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
November 18-22
Thanksgiving Break 25-29
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and
ID its use in literary works.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 2 Week 6
Repaso y valoración
Review and Assess
Review and Assess
Writing Application:
Fiction ENGLISH Write responses to literature: Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work. Support judgements through references to both the text and prior knowledge.
5 Days
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
December 2-6
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Essential Standard Review 2 Weeks
5 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write responses to literature: Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work. Support judgements through references to both the text and prior knowledge.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
December 9-20
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 3 Week 1
El bosque de mi abecedario
When I Went to the Library
5 Days
Writing Application ENGLISH Write responses to literature: Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work. Support judgements through references to both the text and prior knowledge.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository text
aloud with grade appropriate fluency, accuracy,
and with appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High Frequency word
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words and phrases.
January 6-10
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived
from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex words.
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the
exploits of one character type and
develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 3 Week 2
* Querida Sra. LaRue
*Dear Mrs. LaRue
5 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write responses to literature: Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work. Support judgements through references to both the text and prior knowledge.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository text aloud
with grade appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High Frequency word
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words and phrases.
January 13-17
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived
from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex words.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.1 Describe the structural
differences of various forms of
literature including fantasies, fables,
myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the
exploits of one character type and
develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase
information sources, citing them
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 3 Week 3
*Palabras que contribuyen al éxito
3 Days
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository text aloud
with grade appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High Frequency word
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words and phrases.
January 20-24
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived
from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex words.
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine related
words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Writing Application: ENGLISH CST Writing Application Review
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.1 Describe the structural
differences of various forms of
literature including fantasies, fables,
myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the
exploits of one character type and
develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
*Words Add Up to Success
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 3 Week 4
* Ranita la princesa
4 Days
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository text
aloud with grade appropriate fluency,
accuracy, and with appropriate pacing,
intonation and expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
January 27- 31
Staff Development 1/31
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex
Writing Application: ENGLISH CST Writing Application Review
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RL3.1 Describe the structural
differences of various forms of
literature including fantasies, fables,
myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text
itself, including illustrations, titles,
topic sentences, important words,
and foreshadowing clues
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine related
words and concepts.
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the
exploits of one character type and
develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 3 Week 5
El canto de las palomas
Ficción realista
5 Days
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository text
aloud with grade appropriate fluency,
accuracy, and with appropriate pacing,
intonation and expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms
to determine the meaning of words and
February 3-7
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine related
words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Me and Uncle Romie
Writing Application: CST Writing Application Review ENGLISH
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.1 Describe the structural
differences of various forms of
literature including fantasies, fables,
myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the
exploits of one character type and
develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Realistic Fiction
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 3 Week 6
Repaso y valoración
4 Days
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository text
aloud with grade appropriate fluency,
accuracy, and with appropriate pacing,
intonation and expression.(Include PUSD
High Frequency word List)
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and
idioms to determine the meaning of words
and phrases.
February 10-14
Holiday 2/14
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
complex words.
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
Review and Assess
Writing Application: CST Writing Application Review ENGLISH
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.1 Describe the structural
differences of various forms of
literature including fantasies, fables,
myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the
exploits of one character type and
develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 4 Week 1
*Un grillo en Times Square
*The Cricket in Times Square
4 Days
Writing Application: CST Writing Application Review ENGLISH
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository text
aloud with grade appropriate fluency,
accuracy, and with appropriate pacing,
intonation and expression.(Include PUSD
High Frequency word List)
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and
idioms to determine the meaning of words
and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.1 Describe the structural
differences of various forms of
literature including fantasies, fables,
myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the
plot, their causes, and the influence of
each event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation
and the setting and of the character’s
traits and motivations to determine the
causes for that character’s actions
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
February 17-21
Holiday 2/17
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
complex words.
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with
multiple meanings.
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the
exploits of one character type and
develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 4 Week 2
*La vida de las hormigas
*The Life and Times of the Ant
5 Days
Writing Application: CST Writing Application Review ENGLISH
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
February 24-28
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing, intonation
and expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze
the meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 4 Week 3
*Escribir en la pared
*All Standards are in the pacing guide
Writing on the Wall
Non Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: CST Writing Application Review ENGLISH
the Wall
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions,
and Clarify, Asking
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
March 3-7
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with
appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of unknown
words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words
with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 4 Week 4
*El dragon despierta Ficción Histórica
The Earth Dragon Awakes
Historical Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
March 10-14
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with
appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of unknown
words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words
with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 4 Week 5
Xóchitl, la niña de las flores
Ficción realista
My Brothers’ Flying Machine
Narrative Non Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
March 17-21 End of Grading Period
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with
appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of unknown
words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words
with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 4 Week 6
Repaso y valoración
Review and Assess
3 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
March 24-28
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with
appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of unknown
words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words
with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 5 Week 1
*Un paseo por el desierto
*A Walk in the Desert
Non Fiction
4 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
March 31- April 4
Holiday 3/31
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing, intonation
and expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root
words to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and
Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 5 Week 2 *El baile del Correcaminos
Cuento folclórico
*Roadrunner’s Dance
5 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
April 7-11
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing, intonation
and expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze
the meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 5 Week 3 *Los animals regresan a nuestros parques nacionales
*Animals Come Home to Our National Parks
Non Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
April 14-17
Spring Break 4-18- 4-25
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with
appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 5 Week 4
La selva tropical
At Home in the Coral Reefs
Narrative Non Fiction
4 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
April 28-May 2
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with
appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of unknown
words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words
with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 5 Week 5
*Las ballenas de Adelina
*Adelina’s Whales
5 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with
appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
May 5-9
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text by
using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the
text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 5 Week 6
Repaso y valoración
Review and Assess
5 Days
Writing Application: ENGLISH Write Informational Reports: Frame a central question about an issue or situation. Include facts and details for focus. Draw from more than one source of information.
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
May 12-16
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with
appropriate pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze the
meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 6 Week 1
Ficción realista
Leah’s Pony
Historical Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: Review based on need: SPANISH
Reading Strategy:Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing, Connections Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing,
intonation and expression.(Include
PUSD High Frequency word List)
May 19-23
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words
and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root
words to determine the meaning
of unknown words within a
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text by
using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the
text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and
Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
Reading Comprehension
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 6 Week 2
*El juego de la fiebre del oro
Ficción científica
*The Gold Rush Game
Science Fiction
4 Days
Writing Application: Review based on need: SPANISH
Reading Strategy:Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing, Connections Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing,
intonation and expression.(Include
PUSD High Frequency word List)
May 26-30
Holiday 5/26
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words
and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root
words to determine the meaning
of unknown words within a
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and
Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 6 Week 3 Dolores Huerta ayuda a los granjeros de California
Taking the Lead
Non Fiction
5 Days
Writing Application: Review based on need: SPANISH -Reading Strategy:Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing, Connections Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes
and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy,
and with appropriate pacing,
intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
June 2-6
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words
and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root
words to determine the meaning
of unknown words within a
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text by
using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the
text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and
Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
Reading Comprehension
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 6 Week 4
*Copo de nieve de Bentley
*Snowflake Bentley
1 ½ Days
Writing Application: Review based on need: SPANISH
Reading Strategy:Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing, Connections Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
June 9-10
Last day of work: 6/11
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing, intonation
and expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
Reading Comp./Lit Analysis
Reading Comprehension
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns
found in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words
to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze
the meaning of complex words.
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on
future actions.
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use
in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion
in expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions
in a basic technical manual
Writing Strategies
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Written Conventions
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions,
and coordinating conjunctions in writing
and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in
direct quotations, and apostrophes in
the possessive case of nouns and in
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation
marks, or italics to identify titles of
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the
first word in quotations when
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Standards Taught During Each Unit -Grade 4
Unit 1 September 9-October 18
Writing Application- Resumen SPANISH
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions,
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and
idioms to determine the meaning of words
and phrases.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
complex words.
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects,
Reading Comp
Reading Comp
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WC1.1 Use simple and compound
sentences in writing and speaking
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot,
their causes, and the influence of each
event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast information
on the same topic after reading several
passages or articles.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and
coordinating conjunctions in writing and
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and
the setting and of the character’s traits
and motivations to determine the causes
for that character’s actions
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Writing Conventions
Writing Strategies
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 2 October 21-December 6
Writing Application- October 21- November 22:
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize
Word Analysis
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and
idioms to determine the meaning of words
and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown words
within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
complex words.
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast
Reading Comp
Reading Comp
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot,
their causes, and the influence of each
event on future actions.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against known
information and ideas.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and
the setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for
that character’s actions
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast information
on the same topic after reading several
passages or articles.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its
use in literary works.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion in
expository text.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words
with multiple meanings.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
Writing Conventions
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.7 Use various reference materials as
an aid to writing.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Writing Strategies
WC1.1 Use simple and compound sentences
in writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences
with appositives, participial phrases,
adjectives, ad-verbs, and prepositional
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and
irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and
coordinating conjunctions in writing and
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 3 December 9-February 13
Writing Application- December 2-January 24: English Response to Literature/ January 27-March 7: ENGLISH CST Review
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and expository
text aloud with grade appropriate
fluency, accuracy, and with appropriate
pacing, intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins,
derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and
idioms to determine the meaning of
words and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root words to
determine the meaning of unknown
words within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and affixes
derived from Greek and Latin and use this
knowledge to analyze the meaning of
complex words.
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine
related words and concepts.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret words
with multiple meanings.
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Reading Comp
Reading Comp
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge and
ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences
of various forms of literature including
fantasies, fables, myths, legends, and
fairy tales.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge and
ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot,
their causes, and the influence of each
event on future actions.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast information
on the same topic after reading several
passages or articles.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and
the setting and of the character’s traits
and motivations to determine the causes
for that character’s actions
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion in
expository text.
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the exploits
of one character type and develop
theories to account for similar tales in
diverse cultures.
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions in a
basic technical manual
Writing Conventions
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials as
an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
Writing Strategies
WC1.1 Use simple and compound sentences in
writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences with
appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and irregular
verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating
conjunctions in writing and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in direct
quotations, and apostrophes in the
possessive case of nouns and in contractions.
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation marks, or
italics to identify titles of documents
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the first
word in quotations when appropriate.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID
its use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 4 February 18-March 28
Writing Application- February 18-March 7 CST Review ENGLISH/ March 10-May 16 Informational Report ENGLISH
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing, intonation
and expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root
words to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze
the meaning of complex words.
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
Reading Comp
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Reading Comp
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found
in informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about
text by using prior knowledge and ideas
presented in the text itself, including
illustrations, titles, topic sentences, important
words, and foreshadowing clues
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge
and ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot,
their causes, and the influence of each event
on future actions.
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from
different cultures by tracing the exploits of
one character type and develop theories to
account for similar tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its
use in literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast
information on the same topic after
reading several passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion in
expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions in
a basic technical manual
Writing Conventions
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
Writing Strategies
WC1.1 Use simple and compound sentences in
writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences with
appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, ad-verbs,
and prepositional phrases.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and irregular verbs,
adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions
in writing and speaking.
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase
information sources, citing them
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in direct
quotations, and apostrophes in the possessive case
of nouns and in contractions.
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics
to identify titles of documents
WS1.7 Use various reference materials
as an aid to writing.
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines, newspapers,
works of art, musical compositions, organizations,
and the first word in quotations when appropriate.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections, suffixes, and
prefixes and syllable constructions
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts
to improve coherence and progression
by adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 5 April 1-May 16
Writing Application-Informational Report ENGLISH
Reading Strategy: Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions, Visualizing
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy,
and with appropriate pacing,
intonation and
expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to
determine the meaning of words
and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root
words to determine the meaning
of unknown words within a
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and
Latin and use this knowledge to
analyze the meaning of complex
Reading Comp
Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Reading Comp
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when
reading for different purposes.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text by
using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the
text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge and
ideas presented in the text itself,
including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and
foreshadowing clues
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against
known information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast information
on the same topic after reading several
passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion in
expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions in a
basic technical manual
Writing Conventions
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials as
an aid to writing.
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
Writing Strategies
WC1.1 Use simple and compound sentences in
writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences with
appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and irregular
verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating
conjunctions in writing and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in direct
quotations, and apostrophes in the possessive
case of nouns and in contractions.
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation marks, or
italics to identify titles of documents
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the first word
in quotations when appropriate.
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections, suffixes,
and prefixes and syllable constructions
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
Unit 6 May 27-June 10
Writing Application- Review based on need: Yellow folder sample SPANISH
Reading Strategy:Making Predictions, Summarize, Monitor and Clarify, Asking Questions , Visualizing, Connections Reading Skill: Main Events their Causes and Effects, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect
Word Analysis
RW1.1 Read narrative and
expository text aloud with grade
appropriate fluency, accuracy, and
with appropriate pacing, intonation
and expression.(Include PUSD High
Frequency word List)
RW 1.2 Apply knowledge of word
origins, derivations, synonyms,
antonyms, and idioms to determine
the meaning of words and phrases.
RW 1.3 Use knowledge of root
words to determine the meaning of
unknown words within a passage.
RW 1.4 Know common roots and
affixes derived from Greek and Latin
and use this knowledge to analyze
the meaning of complex words.
RW 1.5 Use a thesaurus to
determine related words and
RW 1.6 Distinguish and interpret
words with multiple meanings.
Reading Comp
Reading Comp
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.1 Identify structural patterns found in
informational text
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for
different purposes.
RC2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading
for different purposes.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions about text
by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in
the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic
sentences, important words, and foreshadowing
RL3.1 Describe the structural differences of
various forms of literature including fantasies,
fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.
RC2.3 Make and Confirm predictions
about text by using prior knowledge and
ideas presented in the text itself, including
illustrations, titles, topic sentences,
important words, and foreshadowing
RL3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their
causes, and the influence of each event on future
RL 3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and the
setting and of the character’s traits and
motivations to determine the causes for that
character’s actions
RL3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different
cultures by tracing the exploits of one character
type and develop theories to account for similar
tales in diverse cultures.
RL3.5 Define figurative language and ID its use in
literary works.
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard
RC2.4 Evaluate new information and
hypotheses by testing them against known
information and ideas.
RC2.5 Compare and Contrast information
on the same topic after reading several
passages or articles.
RC2.6 Distinguish between cause and
effect and between fact and opinion in
expository text.
RC2.7 Follow Multi Step instructions in a
basic technical manual
Writing Conventions
WS1.1 Select a focus an organizational
structure, and a point of view based on
purpose, audience, length, and format
WS1.2 Create Multi-Paragraph
WS1.3 Use traditional structures for
conveying information
WS1.4 Penmanship
WS1.5 Quote or paraphrase information
sources, citing them appropriately
WS1.6 Locate information in reference
texts by using organizational features.
WS1.7 Use various reference materials as
an aid to writing.
Writing Strategies
WC1.1 Use simple and compound sentences in
writing and speaking
WC1.2Combine short, related sentences with
appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.
WC1.3 Identify and use regular and irregular
verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating
conjunctions in writing and speaking.
WC1.4 Use parentheses, commas in direct
quotations, and apostrophes in the possessive
case of nouns and in contractions.
WC1.5 Use underlining, quotation marks, or
italics to identify titles of documents
WS1.8 Understand the organization of
almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals
and how to use these print materials.
WC1.6 Capitalize names of magazines,
newspapers, works of art, musical
compositions, organizations, and the first
word in quotations when appropriate.
WS1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding
skills and familiarity with computer
WC1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections,
suffixes, and prefixes and syllable
WS1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to
improve coherence and progression by
adding, deleting, consolidating, and
rearranging text.
January and June
Escalando los muros/ Climbing the Walls
Spanish & English
Test 3:
Sueño profundo/ Deep Sleep
Test 2:
Spanish & English
*Test 4: English
Test 3: English
Test 2: Spanish
Language Arts
Test 1: Spanish
Administered in
Como obtuvo el zorrillo sus rayas/ How Skunk Got His
Spanish & English
Test 1:
Curriculum and Associates
District Assessments: Dual Immersion 4th grade
DI Pacing Guide Grade 4 2013-2014
CELDT Testing Begins
Curriculum Associates #1
Primary Language initials begin
CA Results Due: Illuminate
Fluency #1 Due: Illuminate
HFW/Sight Words-Baseline#
CELDT initials testing ends
Progress Reports
Writing Prompt #1
CELDT annuals testing ends
Prompt #1 Due in Illimunate
1- 5
Curriclum Associates #2
EL Progress Profile
Primary Language Testing ends
Writing Prompt #2
CA Results into Illuminate
Writing Prompt #2
Kinder Assessments Due
Prompt #2 Due inIlluminate
Prompt #2 Due inIlluminate
HFW/Sight Words#
ADEPT Testing
Progress Reports
Writing Prompt #3
Fluency #2 Due in Illuminate
Prompt #3 Due: Illuminate
Curriculum Associates #3
Writing Prompt #3
EL Progress Profiles
HFW/Sight Words#
Prompt #3 Due: Illuminate
4th Grade Writing Test
CA Results Due: Illuminate
Kinder Assessments Due
Writing Prompt #4
Physical Fitness Test
Progress Reports
Prompt #4 Due: Illuminate
1-3, 5
1-3, 5
1-3, 5
12-16 Writing Prompt #5
12-23 Writing Prompt #5
ADEPT Testing
Curriculum Associates #4
1-3, 5
1-3, 5
HFW/Sight Words#
Fluency #3
Prompt #5 Due: Illuminate
CA Results Due: Illuminate
ADEPT Due: Illuminate
EL Progress Profiles Due
Kinder Assessments Due
Writing Portfolios Due
*CA=Curriculum Associates
#Monitored at Site
Pacing Guide Key: Bold=New, Italic/Underlined=Essential Standard