Bushbroker Brochure

BushBroker represents a new
direction for native vegetation
management. It provides a system
where offsets can be located on
a different property to where the
native vegetation is being cleared,
through the purchase of native
vegetation credits.
Further information
BushBroker® is a registered trademark of the State of Victoria
(Department of Sustainability and Environment)
Published by the Victorian Government
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Melbourne, March 2008
© The State of Victoria Department of
Sustainability and Environment 2008
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process
except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
Authorised by the Victorian Government,
8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne.
Printed by Stream Solutions
Printed on 100% Recycled paper
ISBN 978-1-74208-008-6 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-74208-009-3 (Online)
For more information contact the
DSE Customer Service Centre 136 186
This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and
its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any
kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore
disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may
arise from you relying on any information in this publication.
Trading native
vegetation credits
Trading native vegetation credits
Trading native vegetation credits
The Victorian Government has
adopted a new ‘whole of landscape’
approach to protect and restore native
vegetation to ensure better biodiversity
outcomes and achieve greater
certainty and economic efficiency.
BushBroker, Victoria’s native
vegetation credit registration and
trading system, will facilitate the
new approach.
In most cases the clearing of native
vegetation that requires planning
approval must be offset by a gain
elsewhere. Offsets are permanently
protected and linked to a particular
clearing site.
Offsets can often be generated on the
permit applicant’s own property. But
there are situations where this is not
possible. For example, where there is
no suitable site on the property or the
applicant is not able to manage the
native vegetation in the long-term.
BushBroker represents a new
direction for native vegetation
management. It provides a system
where offsets can be located on a
different property to where the native
vegetation is being cleared through the
purchase of native vegetation credits.
An opportunity for
landowners: establishing
credits on your land
Establishing native
vegetation credits
Landowners can establish native
vegetation credits by:
•Improving the management of an
existing patch of bush or scattered
trees. This could include weed
control, rabbit destruction and
stock removal;
•Revegetating previously cleared
land using native plants indigenous
to the area; and/or
•Protecting old trees.
Funding native
vegetation credits
Landowners will have a number of
options available to assist them to
establish native vegetation credits,
•Credit auctions, similar to
BushTender, where landowners
nominate a price for the
establishment of credits. Credits
are subsequently sold to permit
•A permit applicant funding the
landowner as part of a negotiated
third party offset arrangement. The
permit applicant owns the resulting
credit; and
•The landowner funds the native
vegetation improvement and owns
the resulting credit.
Surrender of land
The Government has established and
operates BushBroker. This involves
overseeing the registration, listing,
extinguishing, and quality control of
native vegetation credits. The buying
and selling of native vegetation
credits, including matching credits
to specific requirements such as
offsetting, is undertaken by the
owners and buyers of credits or their
The registration of native vegetation
credits is subject to specific conditions
including a secure and on-going
agreement between the landowner
and the Department of Sustainability
and Environment (DSE). Agreements
to establish native vegetation credits
require a management plan outlining
the actions for the establishment
and the ongoing maintenance of
the native vegetation credits. The
agreements will be registered on land
titles by DSE.
Expressions of interest
The Department of Sustainability and
Environment is seeking expressions of
interest from landowners interested in
establishing native vegetation credits
on their land. The Expression of Interest
(EOI) register records basic information
about the site including area, vegetation
type and bioregion. In some cases,
the Department of Sustainability
and Environment will carry out a site
assessment and this information will
also be available on the Expressions of
Interest register.
An Expression of Interest does not
obligate the landowner to proceed
further with the process.
An Expression of Interest can be lodged
at any time.
The Department of Sustainability and
Environment may provide landowners
who have expressed an interest with
information regarding incentive programs
for protecting and enhancing native
vegetation that are operating in the area.
If a landowner already has a fixed-term
agreement with a public agency for
the development of a native vegetation
gain through an incentive program, the
landowner may choose to enter into
a permanent agreement to create a
native vegetation credit, when the initial
agreement expires.
Expression of Interest
Landowners can lodge an expression
of interest on the attached form. A
confirmation of receipt will be sent as well
as further information about BushBroker.
The expression of interest does not commit the landowner to proceed with any agreement to establish native vegetation credits.
Property address
Developers interested in the availability
of native vegetation credits should contact
the Department of Sustainabilty and
Environment on 136 186.
Company name
VicRoads reference
Enquiry forms for developers are available
at www.dse.vic.gov.au/nativevegetation
Postal address
Lot/Plan or Volume/Folio number
Please indicate the location of the potential site(s)
below in relation to nearby roads, streams and townships.
Where possible also indicate approximate distances from
these features.
Site map
Please complete the following:
I am interested in managing existing native vegetation
on my property to create native vegetation credits.
Native vegetation credits are listed
through BushBroker on a statewide
database. Potential buyers of credits
are able to search the database for
credits that match the characteristics
they require.
A credit can only be used as an
offset once.
Estimated area:
I am interested in revegetating cleared land using
indigenous native plants to create native vegetation
Estimated area:
I am interested in protecting scattered paddock trees.
Information Paper
A more detailed Information
Paper on BushBroker can be
obtained by calling 136 186 or
visiting www.dse.vic.gov.au/
Estimated number:
I am interested in surrendering land to the Crown.
Estimated area:
Privacy Statement
A series of Information Sheets is also
available at www.dse.vic.gov.au/
Landowners can improve biodiversity on their property as well as generate a new income stream.
Native vegetation credits can also
be established through the DSEapproved transfer of freehold land
to the Crown for reservation for
conservation purposes.
How does
BushBroker work?
Please detach
A native vegetation credit is a
gain in the quality or extent of native
vegetation that is subject to a secure
and ongoing agreement. Landowners
will be able to establish native
vegetation credits on their land and
list these credits on the BushBroker
register. The credits can be bought by
another party and subsequently used
as an offset for the approved clearing
of native vegetation.
This is an opportunity for landowners
to improve biodiversity on their
property as well as generate a new
income stream.
The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) is committed
to protecting information provided in accordance with the principles
of the Information Privacy Act 2000. Information contained in your
correspondence or any other response to this matter, will be stored and
used by DSE for the purpose of providing native vegetation credit services
and supplying related information that may be of interest to you. This
information may be disclosed to persons seeking native vegetation credits.
If you wish to access information about you held by DSE, please contact
the Privacy Manager, PO Box 500, East Melbourne 3002.
Please return to:
BushBroker Expression of Interest
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Or fax to: 03 9637 8451
Or email to: the.bushbroker@dse.vic.gov.au
Trading native vegetation credits
Trading native vegetation credits
The Victorian Government has
adopted a new ‘whole of landscape’
approach to protect and restore native
vegetation to ensure better biodiversity
outcomes and achieve greater
certainty and economic efficiency.
BushBroker, Victoria’s native
vegetation credit registration and
trading system, will facilitate the
new approach.
In most cases the clearing of native
vegetation that requires planning
approval must be offset by a gain
elsewhere. Offsets are permanently
protected and linked to a particular
clearing site.
Offsets can often be generated on the
permit applicant’s own property. But
there are situations where this is not
possible. For example, where there is
no suitable site on the property or the
applicant is not able to manage the
native vegetation in the long-term.
BushBroker represents a new
direction for native vegetation
management. It provides a system
where offsets can be located on a
different property to where the native
vegetation is being cleared through the
purchase of native vegetation credits.
An opportunity for
landowners: establishing
credits on your land
Establishing native
vegetation credits
Landowners can establish native
vegetation credits by:
•Improving the management of an
existing patch of bush or scattered
trees. This could include weed
control, rabbit destruction and
stock removal;
•Revegetating previously cleared
land using native plants indigenous
to the area; and/or
•Protecting old trees.
Funding native
vegetation credits
Landowners will have a number of
options available to assist them to
establish native vegetation credits,
•Credit auctions, similar to
BushTender, where landowners
nominate a price for the
establishment of credits. Credits
are subsequently sold to permit
•A permit applicant funding the
landowner as part of a negotiated
third party offset arrangement. The
permit applicant owns the resulting
credit; and
•The landowner funds the native
vegetation improvement and owns
the resulting credit.
Surrender of land
The Government has established and
operates BushBroker. This involves
overseeing the registration, listing,
extinguishing, and quality control of
native vegetation credits. The buying
and selling of native vegetation
credits, including matching credits
to specific requirements such as
offsetting, is undertaken by the
owners and buyers of credits or their
The registration of native vegetation
credits is subject to specific conditions
including a secure and on-going
agreement between the landowner
and the Department of Sustainability
and Environment (DSE). Agreements
to establish native vegetation credits
require a management plan outlining
the actions for the establishment
and the ongoing maintenance of
the native vegetation credits. The
agreements will be registered on land
titles by DSE.
Expressions of interest
The Department of Sustainability and
Environment is seeking expressions of
interest from landowners interested in
establishing native vegetation credits
on their land. The Expression of Interest
(EOI) register records basic information
about the site including area, vegetation
type and bioregion. In some cases,
the Department of Sustainability
and Environment will carry out a site
assessment and this information will
also be available on the Expressions of
Interest register.
An Expression of Interest does not
obligate the landowner to proceed
further with the process.
An Expression of Interest can be lodged
at any time.
The Department of Sustainability and
Environment may provide landowners
who have expressed an interest with
information regarding incentive programs
for protecting and enhancing native
vegetation that are operating in the area.
If a landowner already has a fixed-term
agreement with a public agency for
the development of a native vegetation
gain through an incentive program, the
landowner may choose to enter into
a permanent agreement to create a
native vegetation credit, when the initial
agreement expires.
Expression of Interest
Landowners can lodge an expression
of interest on the attached form. A
confirmation of receipt will be sent as well
as further information about BushBroker.
The expression of interest does not commit the landowner to proceed with any agreement to establish native vegetation credits.
Property address
Developers interested in the availability
of native vegetation credits should contact
the Department of Sustainabilty and
Environment on 136 186.
Company name
VicRoads reference
Enquiry forms for developers are available
at www.dse.vic.gov.au/nativevegetation
Postal address
Lot/Plan or Volume/Folio number
Please indicate the location of the potential site(s)
below in relation to nearby roads, streams and townships.
Where possible also indicate approximate distances from
these features.
Site map
Please complete the following:
I am interested in managing existing native vegetation
on my property to create native vegetation credits.
Native vegetation credits are listed
through BushBroker on a statewide
database. Potential buyers of credits
are able to search the database for
credits that match the characteristics
they require.
A credit can only be used as an
offset once.
Estimated area:
I am interested in revegetating cleared land using
indigenous native plants to create native vegetation
Estimated area:
I am interested in protecting scattered paddock trees.
Information Paper
A more detailed Information
Paper on BushBroker can be
obtained by calling 136 186 or
visiting www.dse.vic.gov.au/
Estimated number:
I am interested in surrendering land to the Crown.
Estimated area:
Privacy Statement
A series of Information Sheets is also
available at www.dse.vic.gov.au/
Landowners can improve biodiversity on their property as well as generate a new income stream.
Native vegetation credits can also
be established through the DSEapproved transfer of freehold land
to the Crown for reservation for
conservation purposes.
How does
BushBroker work?
Please detach
A native vegetation credit is a
gain in the quality or extent of native
vegetation that is subject to a secure
and ongoing agreement. Landowners
will be able to establish native
vegetation credits on their land and
list these credits on the BushBroker
register. The credits can be bought by
another party and subsequently used
as an offset for the approved clearing
of native vegetation.
This is an opportunity for landowners
to improve biodiversity on their
property as well as generate a new
income stream.
The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) is committed
to protecting information provided in accordance with the principles
of the Information Privacy Act 2000. Information contained in your
correspondence or any other response to this matter, will be stored and
used by DSE for the purpose of providing native vegetation credit services
and supplying related information that may be of interest to you. This
information may be disclosed to persons seeking native vegetation credits.
If you wish to access information about you held by DSE, please contact
the Privacy Manager, PO Box 500, East Melbourne 3002.
Please return to:
BushBroker Expression of Interest
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Or fax to: 03 9637 8451
Or email to: the.bushbroker@dse.vic.gov.au
Trading native vegetation credits
Trading native vegetation credits
The Victorian Government has
adopted a new ‘whole of landscape’
approach to protect and restore native
vegetation to ensure better biodiversity
outcomes and achieve greater
certainty and economic efficiency.
BushBroker, Victoria’s native
vegetation credit registration and
trading system, will facilitate the
new approach.
In most cases the clearing of native
vegetation that requires planning
approval must be offset by a gain
elsewhere. Offsets are permanently
protected and linked to a particular
clearing site.
Offsets can often be generated on the
permit applicant’s own property. But
there are situations where this is not
possible. For example, where there is
no suitable site on the property or the
applicant is not able to manage the
native vegetation in the long-term.
BushBroker represents a new
direction for native vegetation
management. It provides a system
where offsets can be located on a
different property to where the native
vegetation is being cleared through the
purchase of native vegetation credits.
An opportunity for
landowners: establishing
credits on your land
Establishing native
vegetation credits
Landowners can establish native
vegetation credits by:
•Improving the management of an
existing patch of bush or scattered
trees. This could include weed
control, rabbit destruction and
stock removal;
•Revegetating previously cleared
land using native plants indigenous
to the area; and/or
•Protecting old trees.
Funding native
vegetation credits
Landowners will have a number of
options available to assist them to
establish native vegetation credits,
•Credit auctions, similar to
BushTender, where landowners
nominate a price for the
establishment of credits. Credits
are subsequently sold to permit
•A permit applicant funding the
landowner as part of a negotiated
third party offset arrangement. The
permit applicant owns the resulting
credit; and
•The landowner funds the native
vegetation improvement and owns
the resulting credit.
Surrender of land
The Government has established and
operates BushBroker. This involves
overseeing the registration, listing,
extinguishing, and quality control of
native vegetation credits. The buying
and selling of native vegetation
credits, including matching credits
to specific requirements such as
offsetting, is undertaken by the
owners and buyers of credits or their
The registration of native vegetation
credits is subject to specific conditions
including a secure and on-going
agreement between the landowner
and the Department of Sustainability
and Environment (DSE). Agreements
to establish native vegetation credits
require a management plan outlining
the actions for the establishment
and the ongoing maintenance of
the native vegetation credits. The
agreements will be registered on land
titles by DSE.
Expressions of interest
The Department of Sustainability and
Environment is seeking expressions of
interest from landowners interested in
establishing native vegetation credits
on their land. The Expression of Interest
(EOI) register records basic information
about the site including area, vegetation
type and bioregion. In some cases,
the Department of Sustainability
and Environment will carry out a site
assessment and this information will
also be available on the Expressions of
Interest register.
An Expression of Interest does not
obligate the landowner to proceed
further with the process.
An Expression of Interest can be lodged
at any time.
The Department of Sustainability and
Environment may provide landowners
who have expressed an interest with
information regarding incentive programs
for protecting and enhancing native
vegetation that are operating in the area.
If a landowner already has a fixed-term
agreement with a public agency for
the development of a native vegetation
gain through an incentive program, the
landowner may choose to enter into
a permanent agreement to create a
native vegetation credit, when the initial
agreement expires.
Expression of Interest
Landowners can lodge an expression
of interest on the attached form. A
confirmation of receipt will be sent as well
as further information about BushBroker.
The expression of interest does not commit the landowner to proceed with any agreement to establish native vegetation credits.
Property address
Developers interested in the availability
of native vegetation credits should contact
the Department of Sustainabilty and
Environment on 136 186.
Company name
VicRoads reference
Enquiry forms for developers are available
at www.dse.vic.gov.au/nativevegetation
Postal address
Lot/Plan or Volume/Folio number
Please indicate the location of the potential site(s)
below in relation to nearby roads, streams and townships.
Where possible also indicate approximate distances from
these features.
Site map
Please complete the following:
I am interested in managing existing native vegetation
on my property to create native vegetation credits.
Native vegetation credits are listed
through BushBroker on a statewide
database. Potential buyers of credits
are able to search the database for
credits that match the characteristics
they require.
A credit can only be used as an
offset once.
Estimated area:
I am interested in revegetating cleared land using
indigenous native plants to create native vegetation
Estimated area:
I am interested in protecting scattered paddock trees.
Information Paper
A more detailed Information
Paper on BushBroker can be
obtained by calling 136 186 or
visiting www.dse.vic.gov.au/
Estimated number:
I am interested in surrendering land to the Crown.
Estimated area:
Privacy Statement
A series of Information Sheets is also
available at www.dse.vic.gov.au/
Landowners can improve biodiversity on their property as well as generate a new income stream.
Native vegetation credits can also
be established through the DSEapproved transfer of freehold land
to the Crown for reservation for
conservation purposes.
How does
BushBroker work?
Please detach
A native vegetation credit is a
gain in the quality or extent of native
vegetation that is subject to a secure
and ongoing agreement. Landowners
will be able to establish native
vegetation credits on their land and
list these credits on the BushBroker
register. The credits can be bought by
another party and subsequently used
as an offset for the approved clearing
of native vegetation.
This is an opportunity for landowners
to improve biodiversity on their
property as well as generate a new
income stream.
The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) is committed
to protecting information provided in accordance with the principles
of the Information Privacy Act 2000. Information contained in your
correspondence or any other response to this matter, will be stored and
used by DSE for the purpose of providing native vegetation credit services
and supplying related information that may be of interest to you. This
information may be disclosed to persons seeking native vegetation credits.
If you wish to access information about you held by DSE, please contact
the Privacy Manager, PO Box 500, East Melbourne 3002.
Please return to:
BushBroker Expression of Interest
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Or fax to: 03 9637 8451
Or email to: the.bushbroker@dse.vic.gov.au
BushBroker represents a new
direction for native vegetation
management. It provides a system
where offsets can be located on
a different property to where the
native vegetation is being cleared,
through the purchase of native
vegetation credits.
Further information
BushBroker® is a registered trademark of the State of Victoria
(Department of Sustainability and Environment)
Published by the Victorian Government
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Melbourne, March 2008
© The State of Victoria Department of
Sustainability and Environment 2008
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process
except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
Authorised by the Victorian Government,
8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne.
Printed by Stream Solutions
Printed on 100% Recycled paper
ISBN 978-1-74208-008-6 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-74208-009-3 (Online)
For more information contact the
DSE Customer Service Centre 136 186
This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and
its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any
kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore
disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may
arise from you relying on any information in this publication.
Trading native
vegetation credits
BushBroker represents a new
direction for native vegetation
management. It provides a system
where offsets can be located on
a different property to where the
native vegetation is being cleared,
through the purchase of native
vegetation credits.
Further information
BushBroker® is a registered trademark of the State of Victoria
(Department of Sustainability and Environment)
Published by the Victorian Government
Department of Sustainability and Environment
Melbourne, March 2008
© The State of Victoria Department of
Sustainability and Environment 2008
This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process
except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
Authorised by the Victorian Government,
8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne.
Printed by Stream Solutions
Printed on 100% Recycled paper
ISBN 978-1-74208-008-6 (Print)
ISBN 978-1-74208-009-3 (Online)
For more information contact the
DSE Customer Service Centre 136 186
This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and
its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any
kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore
disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may
arise from you relying on any information in this publication.
Trading native
vegetation credits