art 103 – history of modern art slide list 1 rococo

ART 103 – HISTORY OF MODERN ART SLIDE LIST 1 ROCOCO, NEOCLASSICISM, AND ROMANTICISM EARLY ROCOCO, 1700-­1750 [Artists: Watteau, Boucher, Fragonard, Rigaud] Francois de CUVILLIES, Hall of Mirrors, the Amalienburg, Munich, early 18th c. Antoine Watteau, Return from the Island of Cythera (Le Pelerinage a l’Ile de Cithere), 1717-­‐19 LATE ROCOCO, ca. 1750-­1800 [Artists: Chardin, Vigee-­‐Lebrun, Gainsborough, Hogarth, Copley, Canaletto] Clodion, Nymph and Satyr, ca. 1775 Jean-­‐Baptiste-­‐Simeon CHARDIN, Grace at Table, 1740 Elisabeth Louise VIGEE-­‐LEBRUN, Self-­Portrait, 1790 Architecture and decorative arts [Artists and Architects: Neumann, Adam Jefferson Wedgwood] ROMANTICISM IN THE 18TH CENTURY [Artists: Fuseli, STUBBS, West, Blake] John Henry FUSELI, The Nightmare, 1781 NEOCLASSICISM IN THE 18TH CENTURY [Artists: Kauffmann, David, Girodet-­‐Trioson] Angelica KAUFFMANN, Cornelia Pointing to Her Children as Her Treasures, ca. 1785 Jacques-­‐Louis DAVID, Oath of the Horatii, 1784 Jacques-­‐Louis DAVID, Death of Marat, 1793 ROMANTICISM IN THE 19TH CENTURY [Artists: Ingres, Goya, Gericault, Delacroix, Turner, Constable, Friedrich, Gros] Jean-­‐Auguste-­‐Dominique INGRES, Grande Odalisque, 1814 Francisco GOYA, The Third of May, 1808, dated 1814 Theodore GERICAULT, The Raft of the Medusa, 1818-­‐19 Eugene DELACROIX, Death of Sardanapalus, 1826 Joseph Mallord William TURNER, The Slave Ship, 1840 John CONSTABLE, The Haywain, 1821 ART 103 – HISTORY OF MODERN ART SLIDE LIST 2 REALISM, IMPRESSIONISM, AND POST-­‐IMPRESSIONISM ACADEMIC ART (19th c.) William BOUGUEREAU, Nymphs and a Satyr, 1873 NATURALISM (19th c.) Rosa BONHEUR, The Horse Fair, 1853-­‐55 REALISM (19th c.) Jean-­‐Francois MILLET, The Gleaners, 1857 Gustave COURBET, A Burial at Ornans, 1849 Honore DAUMIER, Rue Transnonain, 1834 PRE-­RAPHAELITES (19th c.) John Everett MILLAIS, Ophelia, 1852 IMPRESSIONISM (19th c.) Gustave CAILLEBOTTE, Paris: A Rainy Day, 1877 Mary CASSATT, The Bath, ca. 1892 Edgar DEGAS, Ballet Rehearsal (Adagio), 1876 Edouard MANET, Le Dejeuner sur l’Herbe (Luncheon on the Grass), 1863 Claude MONET, Rouen Cathedral: The Portal (in Sun), 1894 Berthe MORISOT, Villa at the Seaside, 1874 Camille PISSARRO, La Place du Theatre Francais, 1898 Pierre-­‐Auguste RENOIR, Moulin de la Galette, 1876 Henri de TOULOUSE-­‐LAUTREC, At the Moulin Rouge, 1892-­‐95 J.A.M. WHISTLER, Nocturne: Blue and Gold—Old Battersea Bridge, 1872-­‐75 POST-­IMPRESSIONISM (19th c.) Paul CEZANNE, Mont Sainte-­Victoire, 1902-­‐04 Georges SEURAT, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, 1884-­‐86 Vincent VAN GOGH, Starry Night, 1889 Paul GAUGUIN, Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?, 1897 2 ART 103 – HISTORY OF MODERN ART SLIDE LIST 3 SYMBOLISM, ART NOUVEAU, FAUVISM, EXPRESSIONISM LATE 19TH-­‐CENTURY SCULPTURE SYMBOLISM (ca. 1870-­‐1900) [Artists: Ensor, Moreau, Munch, Puvis de Chavannes, Redon, Rousseau, Ryder] Henri ROUSSEAU, The Sleeping Gypsy Edvard MUNCH, The Scream (The Cry) [From Symbolism to Expressionism in Austria and Germany] Gustav KLIMT, The Kiss ART NOUVEAU(ca. 1890-­‐1920) [Artists: Beardsley, Horta, Guimard] Victor HORTA, Stairway, Tassel House, Brussels FAUVISM (ca. 1900-­‐1920) [Artists: Derain, Vlaminck, Matisse, Roualt] Henri MATISSE, The Red Room EXPRESSIONISM (ca. 1910-­‐1930) [Artists: Klimt, Kokoschka, Nolde, Kirchner, Marc, Kandinsky, Kollwitz, Beckmann, Barlach] Expressionism in Dresden: Die Brucke (The Bridge) Ernst Ludwig KIRCHNER, Street, Berlin Expressionism in Munich: Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) Franz MARC, The Large Blue Horses Vasily KANDINSKY, Improvisation No. 28 Expressionism: Independent Artists Kathe KOLLWITZ, Memorial to Karl Liebknecht LATE NINETEENTH-­CENTURY SCULPTURE (ca. 1880-­‐1900) [Artists: Rodin, Claudel] Auguste RODIN, Burghers of Calais 3 ART 103 – HISTORY OF MODERN ART SLIDE LIST 4 CUBISM, FUTURISM, ABSTRACT ART, NON-­‐OBJECTIVE ART, ARCHITECTURE CUBISM (ca. 1908-­‐after 1911) [Artists: Picasso, Braque, Davis, Delaunay, Douglas] Analytical Cubism Pablo PICASSO, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (Ladies of Avignon) Georges BRAQUE, The Portuguese Synthetic Cubism Pablo PICASSO, Still Life with Chair Caning FUTURISM (ca. 1910-­‐1920) [Artists: Duchamp, Severini, Balla, Boccioni] Umberto BOCCIONI, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space Responses to Cubism ABSTRACT SCULPTURE (ca. 1915-­‐30s) [Artists: Lipchitz, Archipenko, Gonzalez, Modigliani] Julio GONZALEZ, Woman Combing Her Hair ABSTRACT SYMBOLISM (ca. 1930s and later) [Artists: Moore, O’Keeffe] Georgia O’KEEFFE, City Night Non-­objective Styles CONSTRUCTIVISM (ca. 1910-­‐1930) [Artists: Malevich, Gabo, Tatlin] Kazimir MALEVICH, Suprematist Composition: Airplane Flying NEOPLASTICISM: DE STIJL (ca. 1920s-­‐1930s) [Artists: Mondrian, Rietveld] Piet MONDRIAN, Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue PURISM [Artists: Leger, Le Corbusier] Fernand LEGER, The City ORGANIC FORMALISM (ca. 1930s-­‐1940s) [Artists: Calder, Brancusi, Arp, Hepworth] Alexander CALDER, Untitled Architecture: De Stijl (Rietveld); Bauhaus (Gropius, Mies van der Rohe); Art Deco (van Alen); International Style (Le Corbusier);Frank Lloyd Wright 4 ART 103 – HISTORY OF MODERN ART SLIDE LIST 5 DADA, SURREALISM, REGIONALISM, SOCIAL REALISM DADA (DADAISM) (1916-­‐21) [Artists: Duchamp, Schwitters, Man Ray, Hoch, Heartfield] Marcel DUCHAMP, Fountain Marcel DUCHAMP, The Large Glass (The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even) Man RAY, Cadeau (Gift) Kurt SCHWITTERS, Merz 19 SURREALISM (1920s-­‐1930s) [Artists: Atget, Ernst, Dali, Magritte, Kahlo, Chagall, Klee, Miro, Oppenheim] Marc CHAGALL, The Falling Angel Salvador DALI, The Persistence of Memory Max ERNST, Two Children Threatened by a Nightingale Frida KAHLO, The Two Fridas Paul KLEE, Twittering Machine Rene MAGRITTE, The Treachery (or Perfidy) of Images Joan MIRO, Painting Meret OPPENHEIM, Object (Luncheon in Fur) REGIONALISM (1930s) [Artists: Benton, Wood] Grant WOOD, American Gothic SOCIAL REALISM (1920s-­‐40s) [Artists: Stieglitz, Lange, Hopper, Shahn, Lawrence, Douglas, Orozco, Rivera, Picasso] Edward HOPPER, Nighthawks Dorothea LANGE, Migrant Mother Pablo PICASSO, Guernica Diego RIVERA, Pan American Unity ( 5 ART 103 – HISTORY OF MODERN ART SLIDE LIST 6 POST-­‐WAR EXPRESSIONISM, ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM, COLOR-­‐FIELD PAINTING, POP ART POST-­WAR EXPRESSIONISM (1940s) Francis BACON, Painting ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM (1950s-­) Jackson POLLOCK, Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist) Willem DE KOONING, Woman I Barnett NEWMAN, Vir Heroicus Sublimis Mark ROTHKO, Untitled POP ART (1950s-­) Richard HAMILTON, Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, So Appealing? Jasper JOHNS, Target with Four Faces Robert RAUSCHENBERG, Estate Andy WARHOL, Marilyn Diptych The following movements may be included: COLOR-­FIELD PAINTING (1960s-­) Helen FRANKENTHALER, Bay Side MINIMALISM (1960s-­) Donald JUDD, Untitled Eva HESSE, Hang-­Up Maya Ying LIN, Vietnam Veterans Memorial CONCEPTUAL ART (1970s-­) Judy CHICAGO, The Dinner Party 6 EXTRA CREDIT STUDY CARDS Instructions: 1. Format/Materials: index cards (any size), photo paper, or 8-­‐1/2 x 11” paper (your choice, but the cards or pages in each set must be the same size) 2. One art work per sheet/card: image (you can print the images directly from my Web page, or photocopy from the textbook) on one side of the card/page; on the other side, include the identifying information from the slide list (handout) 3. Initial each card. 4. Attach together so they come apart easily. (Suggestion: Punch a hole in one corner and bind together with a loose-­‐leaf ring or use a loose-­‐leaf binder.) 5. Due on the dates indicated. No late cards will be accepted. 6. Each complete set submitted on time in a proper, neatly executed format is worth 16.6 points (6 sets for a total of 100 points). Due dates are in the Course Schedule. 7 