
“The Bear Hunter”
October 2015
Volume 1, Issue 3
“Where opportunity and preparation result in success.”
Bennett Mountain High School
It only seems like yesterday that we were in August but we have already begun
our 2nd block of study with over 80 students. We were fortunate to retain almost
all of our students from the 1st block of study and we also welcomed in a handful
of new students for the 2nd block. I’m still very pleased with how the school year
is going and foresee it getting better. Our terrific student body and a wonderful
staff are the reasons why we are fortunate to have a great school.
I would like to remind everyone the importance of student attendance. There is a
direct correlation between student success and their attendance which is why we
put so much emphasis on our
students making it to school
every day. It seems like this
becomes an issue as we start
getting into the colder
months. I realize that high
school students would rather
hit the snooze button on the
alarm and stay under warm
blankets than face those dark,
cold mornings. However, they
need to power through and
make it to school on time, every
Important Dates ......................2
Graduation Forecast ...............2
Turkey Bowl 2015 ....................3
Please keep following my weekPrincipal Tesar at work
ly messages and school website
( for school information and continue monitoring
student grades, attendance, and lunch charges through Parent Portal.
Gavin’s Wish ............................3
Smith & Starkey .......................4
Blackboard Connect.................5
Thanks, from Mr. Tesar
Our Building & Classrooms .....6
As we watched the Blood Moon rise on September 27th, we knew that fall was right
around the corner. Now that hunting season
has begun, we begin to feel the chill in the
morning air that signals the advent of the first
snowfall. As the weather changes and the
temperatures in our old building fluctuate,
students are encouraged to dress in layers so
that they can adjust to these changes.
 Important dates and events.
 A look inside the classrooms.
 Gavin’s Make A Wish come
 Turkey Bowl III is coming
up! Get your game on!
November 5th: School pictures retakes!
See Mrs. Goldsby for details about who
can get retakes.
November 10th: MHHS’s Sadie Hawkins Dance will be held at BMHS from
8pm until 11pm. The theme is the 80’s, so
get those leg warmers out of the drawer &
put some mousse in your hair & dance the
night away! Presale tickets are $8 for singles, $15 for couples. At the door it’ll cost
you $10 for singles and $20 for couples.
November 11th: Veteran’s Day Holiday
falls on a Wednesday this year. No school
for students or teachers.
November 25th: 1:30 pm Early dismissal for the Mountain Home School District
in anticipation of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Turkey Bowl III: Students at BMHS are
treated to a feast with the main courses
provided by staff and local donations of
food. Students are encouraged to contribute their favorite foods and snacks and to
eat as much as they can before proceeding
to the Annual Football Game refereed by
Principal Tesar and featuring guest appearances by past graduates of BMHS.
November 21st: Church of the
Nazarene Annual Free For All
November 30th: Block 2 resumes classes as usual. Classes continue through
December 18th which is also the start of
the Winter Break. All class assignments
MUST be completed prior to December
Remember to watch the BMHS website for
updates to the calendar.
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
~ Mark Twain
BMHS has four periods per day
with a 30 minute intervention period at the end of every day. Class
periods for Block 2 are:
Sheri Freer
Period 2: Algebra
Period 3: Algebra
Period 4: Geometry
Cate Percy:
Period 2: Senior English
Period 3: Humor in Society
Period 4: American Literature
Sam Smith:
Period 1: Sophomore English
Period 2: Culture of War
Period 4: Freshman English
Pat Starkey:
Period 1: U.S. History I
Period 2: U.S. History II
Period 3: U.S. Government
Online classes are held in Labs 1
and 2 during all four periods every
day. Students are scheduled for
specific classes in the lab, but they
have the flexibility to decide which
class they work on, as long as they
stay on schedule for all of their
online classes.
With graduation coming up fast, seniors need to be planning for their
next steps. Scholarships for students headed on to college will be posted
regularly outside of Mrs. Johnson’s office. Senior English class is focusing on finding jobs for students after graduation, as well as assisting
students in completing scholarship and college admission forms.
The Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship applications are due on
December 4th. This scholarship is listed along with others on the Scholarship webpage on the Naviance website that every junior and senior
has access to for many different academic and career related resources.
Another website that contains free scholarship lists is:
For students looking for a practical work experience transition
check out AmeriCorp through
this website:
Seniors collaborate on their Senior
Cooler weather means students
need to think about wearing
layers to school. The top layer
MUST have the BMHS logo on
it, but underneath layers can be
anything that keeps you warm.
Turkey Bowl 2013 started out as a bright idea that has morphed into a school tradition at BMHS
New sweatshirts are available
whenever there are sufficient
requests to place a new order.
We have a good supply of both
long sleeve & short sleeve Tshirts. Discounts apply when
you purchase more than one
Hello, BMHS students! I don’t know if you know this or not, but a
little over a year ago I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Since then I have stayed my fair share in the hospital and have
undergone multiple procedures to help get me better. I’ve endured procedures such as putting a tube in my lung to help inflate it back to normal because the tumors were inside it and
when they shrunk my lung collapsed. I had chemotherapy and
radiation treatment (no I’m not radioactive). With all these procedures and treatments, I have been in remission since the end of
January or early February, I can’t remember exactly when I got
the news. Because of all this I have been offered the opportunity
to make a wish from the Make-A-Wish program. My wish was
initially for my entire family to get to spend a week in Florida at
Disney World and Universal Studios, but the Make-A-Wish rules
only allow part of my family to go and I didn’t like that, so I then
wished for a trip down to Dallas. This trip is taking place next
week. I leave on Thursday the 5th of November. My dad and I are
going to get to fly down there and have an experience that neither
of us will forget. We get to watch a Cowboy’s game; I don't know
where we will get to view the game from but I will take a lot of
pictures for anyone that wants to see. We are also going to try
and visit the guys from Fast and Loud (Gas Monkey Garage).
Gavin pushes his limits
Long sleeve T-shirts……...…$15
Short sleeve T-shirts…………$10
We want to hear from parents and
guardians when you have questions! Contact us by email or telephone, or arrange a personal conference with any of us:
Principal Stehvn Tesar
Sharon Goldsby
Administrative Assistant
MaryKaye Johnson
Christy Garza
Childcare Coordinator
Sheri Freer
Cate Percy
Sam Smith
Patrick Starkey
Social Studies/Coding
Christina Greene
Computer Lab Supervisor
Hello BMHS community,
Last year, Ms. Percy created a humanities course that has become a favorite
among both staff and students. We call it the Culture of War. I am very excited
and honored to be teaching this course second block and want to take the time
to tell everyone just a little about it. I really enjoy the course because it challenges students to reflect on the role of conflict in human society through engaging projects and activities. As they progress through the course students
also develop their critical thinking and reasoning skills through discussions
and presentations.
Currently, we are in the process of defining
war and other types of conflict. We are also
examining the overall history of war from
2500 B.C. to 2015 A.D. while debating the
circumstances that cause conflicts then and
now. Next week, we are going to vote on a
name to call our classroom and a theme for
our class chess match. We will also begin to
work on our War Songs project so if anybody knows any good war-themed songs
please be sure to send them our way.
Thanks to everyone for their support!
Samuel Smith
School phone: (208) 587-3837
FAX: (208)587-2564
School website:
School address:
560 East Jackson Street
Mountain Home, Idaho 83647
We look forward to hearing from
My US History II class is working on a Teach the Teacher project for the prohibition/organized crime era of the Roaring 20’s. Students were assigned various gangsters to research and create a presentation. Tomorrow they will be
teaching me about their mobster and how he got into crime and what his or
her fate
Weekly messages
about BMHS are
delivered automatically via telephone calls and
email messages from Blackboard Connect, s0 please make sure that
your contact information (email & telephone) is updated on Power
School so that you will receive Principal Tesar’s weekly news updates. These messages contain important information about school
related activities and deadlines, so take a minute and make sure
you’re connected!
Anthony draws!
To be nobody but myself—in a world which is doing its best,
night and day, to make you everybody else—means to fight
the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and
never stop fighting.
~ e. e. cummings
Bulletin boards provide current information on events
and opportunities for students & their families
UR BUILDING: 1926 2015
Bennett Mountain
High School has had various
renovations to its heating and
cooling systems over the years,
but both are still far from perfect. Actually, it’s the rare building that everyone is truly comfortable in, old or new. As winter begins to descend upon us,
students are urged to dress in
layers. Bringing an extra (plain!)
sweatshirt is always a good option, because you never know
when a frosty draft will emanate
from one of the old air ducts left
over from the old boiler system
that lurks in the bowels of the
building. We’ve seen some
strange sights in this building:
owls, small birds, and the occasional odd school administrator.
560 East Jackson Street
Mountain Home, Idaho 83647
Phone: 208-587-3837
Fax: 208-587-2564
Seniors participated in Kacy Buecker’s “How To” build a sock snowman
to fulfill a class assignment in Technical Writing. Other “How To” projects included chocolate bark
(Frankie), shattered glass cupcakes
(Adina), shoe tying (Braydan), pencil
sharpening (Auriq), no-bake cookies
(Colton), drawing (Patricia), Nuka
Cola making (Liam), and fingernail
painting (Courtney) presentations.
This Newsletter is being published electronically to save paper and to
reach more people. If you would like to have a printed copy, please send
Cate Percy an email message and we’ll get one out to you.
Look for our next edition on November
30th, 2015 and on each month end thereafter...well, we might have to adjust the
date at the end of December, but we’ll
keep you posted on that and other important dates throughout the year.
Brittany’s fractured face
Thanks for reading!
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a
second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second
seems like an hour. That's relativity.
~ Albert Einstein