Chowan College Giving Councils

Chowan College Giving Councils
Fiscal Year 1983-84
Century Council
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Mrs. Julia Hc^bs Adams
Mrs. Kate M. Allen
Eugene G. Anderson
Miss Frances C. Anderscm
Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Anderson
Ashley’s Grove Baptist Church, Conway
John Baganakis
W. M arvin Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Tcnn Baldasare
Guy A. Baldecchi
Mrs. Bertha W. Baldwin
Dr. and Mrs. Jam es C. Barry
Miss Jessie Helen Belch
Mrs. T. J. Benthall
M. S. Benton
Berea Baptist Church, Elizat>eth City
Mrs. Virginia A. Bird
Mrs. Myrtle A. Black
The Honorable Joseph D. Blythe
W. D. Boone, Jr.
Charles Boyd
Mrs. W. M. Brannan
Mr. and Mrs. H erbert M. Brett
Dr. SueM. Brett
L. M. Brinkley, Jr.
Mrs. Bynum H. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Wingate R. Burden, Sr.
Mrs. Henry K. Burgwyn
Burlington Industries Foundation
Mrs. Lydia Finer Bums
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Callis
Glenn E. Anderson
Carolina Securities Corporation
Mrs. Inez S. C arter
Winslow Lee Carter
Carteret Publishing Company
Dr. and Mrs. Allen Casey, Jr.
Charies A. Chitty
Christian Harbor Baptist Church, Harrellsville
Mrs. M artha C a { ^ Chubb
Herman Clark
Mrs. William C. Cobb, III
Colerain B a i ^ t Church, Colerain
Cool Spring B aptist Church, Eure
Miss P ^ ry Lee Copeland
Mrs. Claud L. Corbus
Thomas L. Craft, Jr.
Mrs. Lou Lyon Craig
Judson Creech
Creeksville B aptist Church, CreeksviUe
Danny R. Croom
Miss Anna Belle Crouch
The Daily Southerner
Mrs. Lois A. Daniel
Rev. Clyde L. Davis, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. J<rfin H. Davis
D erreth Printing Conpany
Rev. F . Marlon Dick
Jam es E arl Dilday
M rs. Dorothy W. Dillon
M rs. BuUip Downs
Owen G. Dunn Company
Eh*, and Mrs. H. F . Easom
Eastern Fuels, Inc.
Henry B. Edwards
John H. Edw ards, Jr.
M. F rank Edwards
Elam Baptist Church. Seaboard
Alton Elmore
Dr. Inez W. Elrod
E rnest L. Evans
Sam Ewell, J r.
F irst Baptist Church, Elizabeth City
F irst Baptist Church, Rocky Mount
F irst Baptist Church, Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Roy D. Flood
Eugene B. Foster, Jr.
W. L. Foy
Dr. J . P. Freem an
Shelby M. Freem an
Jam es Garrison
Gatesville Baptist Church, Gatesville
Herman W. Gatewood
Douglas L. Gleason
Dr. JohnW .Gosr^U
Gurney W. G rant
Sterling L. Gregory
C.B. Griffin, Jr.
Walter M. G ardner, Jr.
John L. Hamilton
M rs. J. P. Hammond
M rs. Willie Lee H arris
Blanton H artness
Jerry Hawkins
Dr. Thomas J. Head, Jr.
Hertford Baptist Church, Hertford
Mrs. Rosalie Gore Hinscm
Hobbsville Baptist Church, Hc^bsville
Cyrus Foster Hoffler
Mrs. G. R<^er HoUcMnan
E. L. HoUowell
Mr. and Mrs. Luther A. Irby, Jr.
Jackson Baptist Church. Jackson
A. L. James(xi
F . Roy Johnson
C arter W. Jones, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rot)ert N. Jones
Seth J(xies
Thmnas L. Jones
P a g e 8 — THECHOW ANIAN, July, 1984
The Joum al-Patriot
Mrs. Peggy Moye Kachmer
Kelford Baptist Church, Kelford
Randy Kennedy
Mrs. Anna S. Lawrence
R .E . Leary
Mr. and Mrs. R obert E . Lee
Ms. Sydney Lee Lewis
George S. Loder
Jam es B. Long, J r.
Lowe’s C haritable Educational Foundation
Mrs. Ralph C. Mason, J r.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mast
Mrs. Sandra G. McCoy
H arry L. McDowell
Thomas H. McDowell
Mrs. Ben McFadden
Glynn McFadden
Jam es C. McGill
Mrs. Linda Ferguson McLam
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Meiggs
Menola B aptist Church. Woodland
Linwood B. Mitchell
Mrs. Daisy Lou Mixon
Hildreth P. Mobley
The Montgomery Herald
Mrs. J . Stanley Moore
Jack Morgan, Jr.
Morgan P rinters, Inc.
Robert G. Mulder, Jr.
William R. Coleman
Nash Brick Company
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. D arrell H. Nicholson
Mrs. Roxie T. Nixon
Mrs. Neith L. Osborne
Dr. Alton W. P arker
Partter Brothers Newspapers
E dgar F. P arker
Miss G race P arker
Mr. and Mrs. Lee P arker
Miss Molly Russell P arker
Ms. S arah Virginia P arker
Charles L. Paul
Mrs. Patricia B. Pearce
Mrs. Julia F. Pennington
Thomas B. Pettyjohn
Mrs. William H. Phelps
Mrs. Randolph Phillips
Miss M arietta Picot
Mrs. Jim Pittm an
Pleasant Hope Baptist Church, Wilson
Potecasi B aptist Church, Potecasi
Rev. and Mrs. Rowland S. Pruette
Revelle, Burleson, Lee, and Revelle
Mr. and M rs. Charles L. Revelle, III
Reynoldson B aptist Church, Gates
Mrs. W. Julian Robertson, Jr.
Sandy Run Baptist Church, Roxobel
Sandy Cross Baptist Q iurch, Hobbsville
Mrs. MUdred M. Satterfield
M r. and Mrs. W arren Sextcm
Miss Agnes Simons
Godwin Smith
Miss M ary C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Leon P. Spencer
Mrs. Betty Statham Spring
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Stanley
Thomas W. Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Sutton
Smithfield H erald Publishing Company
Ralph E. Taylor
Jennings B. Teal
Mrs. W. 0 . Thomas
Mrs. D erethea D. Thompson
Time, Incorporated
Transylvania Times, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Tripp
Lewis E . Turner
Mrs. 0 . C. Turner
M rs. Bela Udvamoki
Mrs. R. H. Underwood
Union Baptist Church, Ahoskie
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ussery, J r.
Bennie Thomas Vann
Sammy Vaughan
Tomahawk Motel
D. Douglas Wade, J r.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Walker
Mrs. Ann Waring
Sidney R. Warner
Mr. and Mrs. G arland Waters
Mrs. E. G. Watson
John S. W eaver
Mrs. John T. Weeks
Mr. and Mrs. H arry Webster
Dewey W. Wells
Wells Fargo Foundation
Miss Clara M. Wheeler
Mrs. Oveda E. Whitaker
Mrs. M artin H. White
Miss M ary Whitley
G ary Williams
Williamston Enterprise Publishing C(mipany
Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Winslow
L. Bruce Wynne
Carson William Young
M embers o f the Chowan College President s
Council are those persons who have given $1,000 or
more to the college during the fiscal year.
M embers o f the Chowan College Columns Coun­
cil have given from $500 to $999 and members o f the
Chowan College Century Council have given from
$100 to $499. These lists do not include gifts to the
Braves Club.
Columns Council
Jam es H. Anderson Company
Rev. and Mrs. J. Felix Arnold
Ralph Basnight
W. H. Basnight and Co., Inc.
Mrs. G .E . Bobbitt
Edwin Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es L. Briley
Randy V. Britton
Bynum R. Brown
C ^ h ie Baptist Church, Windsor
Coinjock ^ p t i s t Church, Coinjock
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby S. Cross
The Daily Reflector, Inc.
The Daily Times-News
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dickerson
The D urham H erald Company, Inc.
Norwood Edge
Elis Olsson-Chesapeake Foundation
W. Norman Everett
Mrs. Frances Farthing
F irst Baptist Church, Greensboro
Mrs. G .E . Gregg
G. E. G regg Benevolence Fund
Goldsboro News-Argus
Mrs. Janie Davis Griffin
Acheson Harden
C. Felix Harvey
Mrs. William T. Hatch
Mrs. Annie F . Hedspeth
Henders<m Daily Dispatch
Herald P rin tii^ Company
Hertford B aptist Church, Hertford
M rs. C. C. Hoggard
G rover E . Howell
Charles M. Jarvis
Jefferson-Pilot Corporation
John R. Jordan, Jr.
K. D. Kennedy
Frank K ram er, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Lewis
Dr. B. Franklin Lowe, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Alton H. M cEachem
Meherrin Baptist Church, Murfreesboro
M mroe Enquirer-Joum al
Murfreesboro Exchange G ub
Murfreesboro Rotary Q ub
William C. Norris
Perry-W ynns Fish Company, Inc.
Charles B. Pond, III
Mr. and Mrs. M orris G. P ritchett, J r.
M rs. Lessie H. Roberts
C.U rbin R<^ers
Rose’s Stores, Inc.
Sandler Foods, Inc.
Sears-Roebuck Foundation
John Sledge
Mrs. Ethel K. Smith
Thomas W. Sneeden
Southside Gas Service, Inc.
Robert B. Spivey
W .F. Thompson
D .J. Thurston, J r.
Mrs. Anne T. Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wallace, J r.
H. Douglas White
Edwin L. Williams
L. C l i e n t Yancey
President’s Council
The G eoi^e I. Alden Trust
Luther A. Bailey E state
Robert Barnhill, Sr.
Mrs. Clarence W. Beasley Estate
Belk-Tyler Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J . G rady Bridgers
Jam es E . and M ary Z. Bryan Foundation, Inc.
Don 0 . Bulluck, Jr.
Camp Foundation
Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company
Chowan G raphic Arts Foundation
Daniel W. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton S. Collins
Conway B aptist Church, Conway
Mrs. Colgate W. Darden, Jr.
G rady P. Davis
M.'. Jam es B. Dewar
Doughtie’s Foods, Inc.
M rs. William W. D urrett
Mr. and Mrs. W alter B. Elsee
Mrs. E . R. Evans, Sr.
Fayeteville Publishing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H. Ferebee
Mr. and Mrs. John E . Ferebee
F irst Baptist Church, Ahoskie
Jack BaUey,
Franchise Enterprises, Inc.
Georgia-Pacific Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gem-ge E. Gibbs
Hamilton Baptist Church, Hamilton
Jam es H arrell
M rs.D eryl H art
Mr. and Mrs. BobF. Hill, Sr.
Dr. Donald L. Henson
Dr. Jam es L. Henson
M rs. M ary R. Holt
W .E. Homer, Sr.,
The Sanford Daily Herald
Keiji Iwamoto Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Johnson, J r.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike H. Johnson,
Johnson M ercantile Ccmtipany, Inc.
Dr. H. Melvin Kunkle
H .B .L an d ,Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lewis
L. Vincent Lowe, Jr.
Mrs. Robert F. M arks
Thomas M. McCrary
N. 0 . McDowell, Jr.
Dr. A. A. McLean
Murfreesboro Baptist Church, M urfreesboro
NCNB, Murfreesboro
New Jersey Aluminum Company
News and Observer Publishing CcMnpany
The New York Times
North State f*rovision Company
E.W . P arker
Park Newspapers, Inc.
Pe(^les Bank and Trust Company
Perdue Farm s, Inc.
E. Neil Pickett
Planters Bank
Mrs. Alberta K. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Revelle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Revelle, Sr.
R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc.
Z . Smith Reynolds Foundation, Inc.
Helen Wood Scott Estate
Seaboard Foods, Inc.
H. T. Smith E state
Jam es D. Smith
Mrs. W. Eldridge Smith
Russell L. Stephenson
Mrs. Henry B. Stokes
Dr. H argus Taylor
M ary P. Th<Mnas Estate
Miss Ruth M. Thomas
Union Camp Corporation
Walker-Ross Printing Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Carmage Walls
A. J . Watkins
West Point-Pepperell Foundation. Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Whitaker
Mr . and Mrs. Robert C. White
Woodland B aptist Church, Woodland