Wind industry

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Offshore · Issue 2015 · No. 01 · € 24
Wind industry
Maxed out
Uncertainties and delays have given ample time to port
operators to establish their names as service or installation
ports. There is now enough port capacity – perhaps too much.
Protection for
the leading edge
Come wind
or weather
Innovative marine &
offshore solutions
1. The Jack-Up ‘Neptune’ installing Monopiles and
Transition pieces on the Northwind project (BE).
2. Heavy Lift Vessel ‘Innovation’ installing XL
Monopiles and Transition Pieces at the
Westermost Rough project (UK).
3. ‘Neptune’ installing Wind Turbines at the
Thornton Bank project (BE).
Drilling and piling of large diameter monopiles
Installation of transition pieces
Jacket installation (pre-piling / post-piling)
Grouting activities
Wind turbine erection
Installation works with Jack-Up platforms
Foundation and wind turbine logistics
EPCI contracts
Accommodation units
Directional drilling
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DEME: creating land for the future
A question of timing
ort business is a long-term one, even more
mainly – from a national economic perspective. The
so the heavy loads part. It takes years to
costs of port infrastructure are also weighed up against
lengthen and seal a quayside, and also for
the creation of jobs etc., not only at the port itself, but
a manufacturer to set up production there. The timing
also across the whole of the industry. The gross value
has to be right.
creation of a port is immense. Along with this national
When the first wave of offshore projects came along,
there were few ports which would have been ready for
economic importance of ports comes an obligation to
plan and develop ports strategically.
this. The Danish port Esbjerg was there right from the
Strategically – that implies a precise assessing of
start, in Germany Cuxhaven quickly positioned itself,
­necessary, existing and missing capacities. Under­­ca­pac­­
and in the Netherlands Eemshaven did so too.
ities should be avoided, just as overcapacities should
This early business made mouths water and all
be if at all possible. Supply and demand have to be har-
along the coasts ports tried to position themselves. In
monised. This is reason enough for OFFSHORE WIND
Great Britain, Hull is currently trying to develop itself
INDUSTRY to take a closer look at the subject of ports.
to become the ultimate offshore wind power port. As
Even though photos of loading foundations, nacelles
in Esbjerg, the siting of Siemens here is playing a not
and rotor blades are great eye-catchers – see the cover
exactly insignificant role in this.
– the beefing up of offshore wind power ports should be
The ports luckily had quite some time for their de-
­considered as more than just image cultivation.
velopment, for the expansion of offshore wind power
has not been progressing any faster than the beefing up
of port infrastructure. It is time that many have indeed
been spending well!
But which investments will pay off? Firm expansion targets, even if they have been curtailed again in
Germany recently, always bring one thing: security. The
sector can thus make plans until 2020. But what happens after that? Will the billions in investments along
the coasts have paid off by then? This is hardly likely
– at least not everywhere.
Port business is not only governed economically in
the business sense of the word, but also – possibly even
Katharina Garus
family is growing!
Powered by
· Issue
2014 · No. 04
· € 24
Wind i
ise: a
made a prom
e wind
The industry
for offshor
30 % low
h cost redu
n can make
e foundatio
is goal.
potential, th
towards th
major co
Full steam
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Photo: Giles Cornah /Altitec
Cover photo: Vattenfall
project update����������������������������������� 6
news ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Jan Kjærsgaard, Bladt Industries
OWI spoke with CEO Jan Kjærsgaard about market
An inspector comes
High value coating systems fail? The solution is to
train specialised inspectors, conduct checks and
consistently enforce quality requirements ����������������� 28
logistics & operations
expectations, technology transfer and corporate
Come wind or weather
philosophy���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
The meteorologists are constantly improving their
weather models and are today supplying ever better
spotlight ports
results����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Maxed out
politics & business
Port operators established their names as service
or installation ports. There is now enough port
Allocation with hurdles
capacity – perhaps too much��������������������������������������������� 14
In Germany, grid connection capacities for offshore
wind farms have come under the hammer for the first
Competition is good for business
time. However, the limited a
­ llocation by the respon­
Dutch port operators are moving into position. They
sible federal grid agency almost fell through������������� 36
have European projects in their sights, as well as new
wind farms right on their doorsteps����������������������������� 18
Europe’s powerhouse
The expansion of offshore wind energy can no
science & technology
longer remain dependent on individual countries,
Protection for the leading edge
European project������������������������������������������������������������������40
and must in future be planned and realised as a
Large rotors lead to large yields, but also a lot of
annoyance – at least as far as the coating is concerned.
Materials that really last for 20 years are still being
worked on����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Rank and file
While the bubble curtain technique is based on
uncontrollable bubbles, a new contender called the
Hydro Sound Damper is trying noise mitigation using
precisely positioned hollow floats��������������������������������� 26
events����������������������������������������������������������������� 46
dates ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 47
wab internal��������������������������������������� 48
outlook������������������������������������������������������������� 50
imprint������������������������������������������������������������� 50
The first turbine of Trianel
Windpark Borkum is commissioned and is now under­
going trial operation.
The six-month examination of the Dogger Bank
Teesside A&B development
consent order application by
the Planning Inspectorate
Siemens has installed the
first 3.6 MW wind turbine
for Amrumbank West. The
entire installation process
took 24 hours, with work
being performed around the
clock in 12 hour shifts.
The UK government has
approved the plans for
Forewind’s Creyke Beck A
and B projects, consisting of
2.4 GW of the Dogger Bank
EEW SPC and Bladt will
­supply the 32 monopiles
and the transition pieces
for Burbo Bank Extension.
Seaway Heavy Lifting has
been awarded the offshore
substation transportation
and installation contracts.
Half of the 35 turbines for
Westermost Rough are
Wind industry
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
The offshore substation for
Eneco Luchterduinen has
been loaded onto a transportation barge, waiting to
be installed at the offshore
construction site.
Project update
Vattenfall will build an offshore accommodation platform. It will house up to 50
people working for DanTysk,
as well as for Sandbank.
Dong Energy will upgrade
all turbines at Horns Rev 2.
A total of 273 blades will
be inspected, repaired with
Siemens’ rubber coating and
upgraded with new aero­
dynamic components. has awarded
Kriegers Flak cabling
contracts to ABB (100 km of
220 kV submarine cables),
the Korean company LS
­Cable & System (95 km of
220 kV) and French Nexans
(20 km of 400 kV cable).
The last of the total 41
jacket foundations for
EnBW Baltic 2 has left Bladt
­Industries site in Denmark.
Vattenfall is looking for a
contractor who will carry out
paint repair works on transition pieces of DanTysk.
CWind provides temporary
power supply for Borkum
Riffgrund 1. Meanwhile, the
first turbines feed electricity
into the grid.
The first wind turbines of
the Butendiek offshore wind
farm in the North Sea ­started
operation. 24 turbines are
already installed.
in operation
partially in operation
under construction
Offshore wind installations
stabilise in 2014
According to the report “The
­European offshore wind ­industry
– key trends and statistics 2014”
published by the European Wind
Energy Association (EWEA), 408
new offshore wind turbines in
nine wind farms and one demonstration project were fully grid
connected between 1 January and
31 December 2014.
The total installed capacity for
Cumulative and annual offshore wind installations [MW]
Europe now stands at 8,045 MW in
74 offshore wind farms in 11 Euro-
ing up the rest. For 2015, Germany
4.1 %, and tripiles for 1.9 %. Further-
pean countries.The new capacity to-
is expected to install more offshore
more, there are also two full-scale
tals 1,483.3 MW – 5.34 % less than
capacity than the UK, which has
in 2013. 536 turbines were installed
dominated installations in Europe
swimming in European waters. The
during 2014, an average of 5.9 MW
for the past three years. Wilkes says:
average offshore wind turbine size
per day. 373 of these turbines are
“Germany is set to buck the trend
was 3.7 MW, slightly less than in
still awaiting grid connection. On
this year. The UK has more installed
2013, due to the increased propor-
12 projects work is on-going.
offshore capacity than the rest of
tion of installation of the Siemens
the world combined but this year
3.6 MW wind turbines. The average
­Executive Officer of EWEA, says: “It is
shows that other countries in the EU
water depth of wind farms complet-
not surprising that we see a levelling-
are making serious investments in
ed, or partially completed, in 2014
off of installations in 2014 following
the sector. The nine financial deals
was 22.4 m and the average distance
a record year in 2013. The industry
closed in 2014, of which 4 were
to shore was 32.9 km.
has seen exponential growth in the
“billion-Euro” projects, suggest that
early part of this decade and this is a
activity will pick up substantially as
natural stabilising of that progress.”
of 2017 as these projects begin to hit
He adds: “The technology and financ-
the water.” Once completed, the 12
ing are there but we need policymak-
European offshore projects currently
ers to come forward with stable long-
under construction will increase in-
term plans to push the growth of this
stalled capacity by a further 2.9 GW,
industry and to avoid stop-go and in-
bringing the cumulative capacity in
consistent policy frameworks.”
Europe to 10.9 GW.
In 2014, the UK accounted for
Looking on the technology,
over half of all new installations
78.8 % of substructures are mono-
Wind turbine manufacturers’
(54.8 %) with Germany in second
piles, 10.4 % are gravity foundations,
share of 2014 annual installations
(35.7 %) and Belgium (9.5 %) mak-
jackets account for 4.7 %, tripods for
in terms of units connected
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Source (2): EWEA
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Photo: Siemens Wind Power A/S
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Foundation for French offshore market
“The technology behind the
The Fécamp met mast is based on a
concrete gravity based foundation in a
based on experiences from the oil
water depth of 30 m.
and gas, tunnel, and bridge indus-
tries. However, this is the first time
that this type of foundation and
installation concept has been utilised on the offshore wind market,
and it will be interesting to draw
on experience from this project in
future large scale projects,” says
Kim R. Andersen, Vice President
of Offshore & Steel Bridges at MT
A major step was recently ­taken in
­foundation to a depth of nearly
The foundation was designed
the French offshore wind ­market
30 m on the seabed of the English
by Seatower and manufactured by
with the installation of the ­Fécamp
­Channel. The foundation was low-
Eiffage TP in France, while MT
met mast in the ­English Channel.
ered by filling seawater into ballast
­Højgaard performed the installation.
This marks not only a further step
tanks on the foundation. Prior, the
The prototype foundation is part of
towards opening up the French
seabed was prepared by establish-
a development project in connec-
offshore wind market, but also
ing a level layer of filter stones.
tion with the planned offshore wind
the first installation of a concrete
Tugs transported the 1,760 t foun-
farm Fécamp in France, owned by
gravity based foundation in deep
dation and the met mast from Le
the French energy company EDF
Havre harbour to the installation
Energies Nouvelles, Danish-based
site, approximately 17 km off the
Dong Energy and German-based
wpd offshore solutions. MT
the first of its Seatower Cranefree
MHI Vestas will hire 200 employees
MHI Vestas Offshore Wind has
wind turbine V164-8.0 MW, which
The new jobs have been ­created to
started recruiting skilled workers
is scheduled to start in May 2015.
fulfill the demand for Dong ­Energy’s
for over 200 full time jobs at the
The 80 m blades for the proto-
Burbo Bank ­Extension project, for
blade production facility on the
type of the V164-8.0 MW had al-
which 258 MW worth of wind tur-
Isle of Wight, UK. The new posi-
ready been designed, manufactured
bines are needed. Additionally the
tions are at the serial production
and tested at the facility on the Isle
new production capacity will also
facility for the 80 m long compos-
of Wight, which is why serial pro-
benefit potential future offshore
ite blades of MHI Vestas’ offshore
duction will be started there as well.
projects. offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: MT Højgaard
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Interview | Foundations
“The industry is
still learning”
Bladt Industries A/S is a reputable steel construction company in Denmark.
Now the Danes expand with a new production site to the UK. OWI spoke
with CEO Jan Kjærsgaard about market expectations, technology transfer
and corporate philosophy.
OWI: At the end of last year
to the new facility to secure an as
industry through its experi-
you announced that you
smooth ramp-up as possible. We
ence in the oil and gas busi-
would be establishing a new
see this new facility as a bridge
ness (O&G). What could wind
production facility in the UK
head into the UK market to secure
learn from the oil and gas
– on the bought assets out of
our continued leading position
the bankruptcy estate of TAG.
in the offshore wind foundation
Kjærsgaard: As stated above, the
What are your expectations
industry is still learning. One of
for the new location and the
the main differences between O&G
market there?
OWI: Why are there so many
and the offshore wind foundations
Jan Kjærsgaard: We have estab-
different technical solutions
are the strong need for cost optimal
lished OSB (Offshore Structures
for offshore wind foundations
solutions. In wind the cost needs to
Britain) in a joint venture between
come down to secure a lower cost
EEW SPC and Bladt Industries. We
Kjærsgaard: It is essential to
of energy. In the O&G market there
have made this investment as a
have in mind that the offshore
has not always been the same drive
strategic decision and with a leap
wind industry is still a fairly new
for constant cost out of the steel
of faith into the UK offshore wind
business, and on this basis there is
structures. Again the optimisation
market so that we are confident
still both a need and room for fur-
process will also have to continue
we will be the leading European
ther optimisation of the concepts.
in the years to come.
will also secure our customer the
OWI: But sometimes I have
OWI: How similar are these
ability to support local jobs and
the feeling that the offshore
industries (oil/gas and wind)?
manufacturing in the UK. Both
wind industry wants to
Can a lot of knowledge be
Bladt and EEW, have significant
reinvent the wheel instead
transferred or does the
experience in the offshore wind
of adapting existing tech-
offshore wind industry re-
market and we will bring this
nologies. Bladt has long been
ally have to struggle with so
knowledge and experience with us
acquainted with the offshore
many new challenges?
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: Bladt
market in the coming years. This
Jan Kjærsgaard
is CEO at Bladt Industries A/S since November 2014. He sees
it as a challenge, to secure a sufficiently steady flow of new
orders to have a reasonably even distribution of manufacturing across the company’s manufacturing sites in Aalborg, Lindø and the new facility OSB in the
UK. Previously to joining Bladt, Kjærsgaard was CEO of the Business Unit for the EMEA Region
of the Wind Power Division in Siemens – in sum employed for 13 years at Siemens/Bonus.
Kjærsgaard: Various elements
smooth loading of the plant and
Without the Infrastructure divi-
and techniques from the O&G have
thus benefitting competitiveness in
sion there would be no O&G or
been transferred to the offshore
all areas.
W&R division, so what is most
important internally – all three
wind industry – but the O&G industry mainly consists of singular
OWI: On your website the
divisions, who all are involved in
platforms and therefore optimisa-
heading “Wind & Renewable”
a series of projects domestically
tion of serial production of very
appears ahead of the head-
in Denmark as well as interna-
large structures has not been an
ings “Oil & Gas,” “Infrastruc-
tionally. One single order can
ture” and “Facilities.” How
make a tremendous “change” in
are these segments weighted
the whole order situation and
OWI: Does your work in the
within the company? What
in regard to which division is of
oil and gas business some-
priority does offshore wind
most “importance”. We are a steel
times create disadvantages?
energy have internally?
construction company – and we
For instance, do you occasion-
Kjærsgaard: This year we can
deliver complex steel structures
ally lack the vision needed to
celebrate our 50 years in busi-
to our clients – regardless if it is
find new solutions?
ness. It all started within the
infrastructural, O&G related or
Kjærsgaard: No, I do not see any
infrastructure division and since
Offshore Wind projects.
disadvantages. On the contrary, our
then the O&G division came
broad range of products creates
along and the latest division is
an opportunity to secure a more
the Wind & Renewable division.
The interview was conducted by
Katharina Garus.
Photo: Ballast Nedam
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spotlight ports | Denmark-Germany-UK
The development of
­offshore wind farms
in the North Sea is an
irregular and overall
drawn-out business. This
has been fortunate for
port operators, as it has
given them ample time
to establish their names
as service or ­installation
ports. There is now
enough port capacity –
perhaps too much.
Photo: Siemens
In the future, Siemens will ship its
rotor blades not only in the Port
of Esbjerg (photo), but also in
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
British Hull.
part from the Danish
nies,” says Strømgaard. Once the expansion is complete,
North Sea coast, the
­Thyborøn, with its 9 m water depth and a low tidal range,
port cities along the
will offer docking capacity for ships up to 180 m long.
North Sea have been
The tender process for the offshore wind farm will con­
in decline for decades.
tinue for at least another year and construction is slated
The old industries have disappeared, as has ship build­
for the spring of 2017 at the latest.
ing, ­large-scale fishing and shipping related compa­
nies. Many of the ports have succeeded in restructuring
Siemens bets on Yorkshire
their economic underpinnings, while some have not,
A good 600 km west of Thyborøn, in Yorkshire, the 250,000
or not yet. The development of offshore wind energy is
residents of the city of Kingston upon Hull on the banks
an ­opportunity to revitalise business models or bring
of the Humber River will look back on ­January 22, 2015
­stability to initial successes. Providers are jockeying for
as an historic date. It was on that day that Siemens broke
ground for a new offshore wind energy factory. The Ger­
man technology conglomerate – number one in the global
Jewel of the west coast
offshore wind industry, by the way – has set huge wheels
Construction of a new offshore support facility in the
in motion in Hull – in Green Port Hull, to be precise. The
current climate is evidence either of a fighting spirit or
name has nothing to do with lush vegetation, but rather
a particularly good set of circumstances. For the Danish
connotes the port’s focus on renewable energy. The port
port Thyborøn on Nissum fjord, it is a case of favour­
operators want to make the facility into a, “world-class
able circumstances that have given rise to its potential
centre for renewable energy.”
future as an offshore port. “Currently a call for tenders
This Siemens factory is just a single component of
for a near-shore wind farm, which will be built 4 to
this vision, as well as the most significant and important.
12 km from the coastline,” says Torben Strømgaard, the
Even more so following Siemens unexpected change of
Head of Marketing for the Thyborøn port company. That
plans in November 2014. Originally, plans called for a
would be right on his doorstep.
rotor blade production facility in Paull, 10 km upriver,
And although the west coast of Denmark has long
in addition to a wind turbine assembly plant in Hull, but
stretches of sandy beaches, it also has few natural ports.
now Siemens wants to concentrate all of its activities at
There are five ports, to be exact, of which four are small
the Alexandra Dock in Hull. This measure alone will en­
fishing and ferry ports without an industrial hinterland.
able Siemens to increase its annual output from 450 rotor
As such, the Danes are investing some € 6 million in port
blades to 600. The figure of 1,000 new jobs at the plant
infrastructure improvements at Thyborøn. “Supporting
remains unchanged. The German technology group will
the project is a cluster of around 30 regional compa­
invest a total of € 190 million in the production ­facilities.
The Accessible North Sea Base Port
spotlight ports | Denmark-Germany-UK
A big boost for Thyborøn. A new offshore port is in the making here – the
king even dropped in for a visit.
Together with its partner, Associated British Ports (ABP),
Location is key
the total investment will reach € 371 million. Only very
In general, when analysing the offshore port industry,
large companies can afford such an investment in a po­
a distinction is made between heavy-lift ports with a
litically dominated business. Siemens is such a com­
superstructure for wind farm installation, and service
pany, and has the further advantage of scoring points
ports, from which parks are operated. Carsten Lorleberg,
with the regional value-creation argument backed by its
a spokesperson for the management of Brunsbüttel Ports
local rotor blade plant. There can be no talk of investor
puts it this way: “There is no single type of offshore port.
competition for this attractive location, says Mark Jones,
Ports used for construction conform to completely dif­
Head of Economic Development & ­Regeneration in Hull.
ferent criteria than service ports.” Construction ports can
“We haven’t had an English competitor who has been
store and handle heavy loads; ideally, they have a wind
willing to invest as much as Siemens.”
turbine construction facility near the quayside. Service
ports offer one or two transfer ships, lodging, and space
How big is the pie?
to store typical replacement parts – no more. With a little
A glance at the maps and charts of the region raises the
effort, any fishing port can upgrade itself into an offshore
question of whether all these ports will be fully utilised.
service port. The distance to the construction site is of
Or to put it another way: is the pie big enough for every­
little significance in the installation phase. In the opera­
one? An industry insider who wishes to remain anony­
tion phase, however, that is the decisive criterion.
mous, is doubtful. “You’ve got to think more in terms of
Enough ports, or too few? Currently, there are 71
potential,” he explains. “That is: I can do this, but will
offshore wind farms planned, under construction, or in
something come of it?” Sometimes things go differently
operation in the North Sea. A well-informed estimate
than we think. For instance, the Friesian Norddeich –
of whether port capacity in the North Sea is adequate is
­although it is now a key service location for Dong – is
impossible at this phase. That depends entirely on the
Federal Association of German Seaport Operators (ZDS).
geographic location. Once the wind farms are installed
Indeed, the conditions in the three big countries
and in operation, an estimated 60 to 80 potential service
bordering the North Sea are difficult to compare. The
ports in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark
question of ownership is critical. Although the port in­
and the United Kingdom will be available to serve the
frastructure in Germany and Denmark is under various
71 farms. From a purely mathematical standpoint, these
forms of state ownership, in the UK it is in private hands.
ports are bound to be underutilised. The reality, how­
The superstructure – cranes and other technical equip­
ever, will look differently – depending on a favourable
ment –­is private in all three countries. Delays or com­
distance to an offshore wind farm – because the service
petitive disparities can come about, depending on how
ports are not distributed equally.
It is clear to Hull’s Policy Manager Mark Jones that
conditions look in detail, and how political processes are
the installation ports scarcely have a chance as service
One disadvantage of the private solution in the UK
ports, due to their sub-optimal locations to wind farms.
is the condition of the infrastructure, in which little has
He does not even concern himself with the service port
been invested. In Hull, for instance, you can see a col­
alternative, but rather is carving out his niche as a sup­
lapsed quay wall – hardly an advertisement for a “world-
plier. “The development is a long term programme. In
class port,” but the competing ports on the Humber are
terms of ongoing work, the fields will need renewing and
in even worse shape. As such, competition between
maintaining and the blade factory will continue to ex­
the ports themselves takes place under the protective
port products nationally.” Apparently, having a ­Siemens
­auspices of an association, cooperation agreement, or
rotor blade plant at your back is a good ­position to be in.
other organised framework.
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Jörn Iken
Photo: Thyborøn Havn
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spotlight Ports | Netherlands
Big ships are a firm feature at the
port of Amsterdam. Soon, construction ships will be docking here too. Competition
is good for business
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
he Dutch offshore sector has been suffering
a pretty long drought
now. After the two wind
farms Egmond aan Zee
and Princess Amalia were built in 2006 and 2008,
­there came literally nothing at all. No government up
to 2014 was able to give the industry political support
and reform the rather unlucrative support mechanism
with its fixed budgets. Although nine wind farms were
granted planning approval in 2009, only two obtained
approval for subsidies. In 2011, the former right wing
Dutch government stopped all support for offshore.
Since the end of 2014, there has been a significant
turnaround, however, as the new cabinet has passed the
designation of three new zones and cleared the way for
an initial 4,450 MW. The old approvals have been retracted by the politicians. “Instead, the first three new
Photo: aim ports
Dutch companies already
play a leading role in the
­construction of offshore wind
farms. This is no surprise, as
they have a long tradition in
the oil and gas business.
Port operators are now
­moving into position. They
have European projects in
their sights, as well as new
wind farms right on their
Spotlight Ports | Netherlands
Zeeland Seaports has
Photo: Zeeland Seaports
already been involved
in the logistics for six
offshore wind farms.
tenders of 700 MW each will be put out from 2015 on-
new Dutch projects are very close and Amsterdam is
wards, and the first wind farms should enter operation
the perfect port for construction and later operation,”
in 2019. The winners of the tenders will get a complete
says Anthony van der Hoest. He is Cluster Manager for
package, including all approvals, the grid connection and
Logistics at the municipal Port of Amsterdam.
The port company has identified three port areas
the support,” explains Michiel Müller, Unit Manager for
suitable for offshore wind power. These include long
Wind at Ecofys.
quays, assembly areas, cranes, dry docks and an im-
Siren call from the seas
pressive 1.5 million m2 of storage space. “As opposed to
This good news is calling the ports into the game.
many other ports we have enough space for quick and
Metropole Amsterdam wants to position itself right at
cost-effective logistics. This is a decisive advantage, as
the front. Of the new project areas, a main share lies in
transportation and storage make up over 20 % of the
their coastal region right for the taking, as it were, and
total costs,” says van der Hoest.
the third round English projects such as Dogger Bank
Amsterdam and the seaport of IJmuiden have entered
are not far away at a distance of almost 130 km. “The
into a partnership for the implementation of projects.
Seite 1
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large components are also to be built at three sites here.
Zeeland Seaports also wishes to score points in the battle
“The canal lock is to be enlarged again by 2019 and we
for new business sites and contracts through its exper-
are currently checking whether there will be restrictions
tise. It consists of the ports of Vlissingen and Terneuzen.
for jacking up at the quays for construction ships,” says
They lie south of Amsterdam near the Belgian border.
van der Hoest. Here the level of support by specialised
“We have already been involved in the logistics for
companies is also impressive. Under the roof of the two
four English and two German offshore wind farms, and
ports a network of 56 companies has been set up, which
stored and shipped all the components for the Greater
offers a lot of expertise for offshore business services.
­Gabbard project. That was 150 monopiles and transition
Availability of space is no
problem in Eemshaven.
The port authority there is
expanding rapidly.
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: Torsten Thomas
to Amsterdam via a large canal. Mainly new hubs for
Contest for new business
IJmuiden lies directly on the North Sea and is connected
Spotlight Ports | Netherlands
pieces,” says Robbert de Reus from Verbrugge Zeeland
which is to begin construction this year, is in the ­majority
­Terminals, port operator in Vlissingen.
ownership of the Canadian company Northland Power.
This shows that they have a lot of logistics experishape of Sarens. The crane company can hook up loads of
Scoring points with
up to 1,750 t right on the quay. “Heavy components are
Because this project lies right on the German border,
thus no problem,” says de Reus. Additionally, ­Verbrugge
the port of Eemshaven is in the happy position of be-
has 200 ha of storage space on offer and 3,000 m of quay
ing charged with managing the logistics for Europe’s
space which can handle heavy loads. However, since the
second-largest wind farm. Their port authority has been
ence and they also have a strong partner there in the
involvement in the Lon-
don Array, not much has
setting its hopes on offshore wind power for quite
been happening in terms
some time now, as the port
of ­offshore because the
in Dollart Bay also lies fa-
English projects have been
vourably. Seven German
Currently, the logistics
for the 129 MW offshore
wind farm Luchterduinen,
which is being constructed 23 km from the coast,
is being handled via the
Verbrugge terminals. It is
the first new project off the
wind farms have already
Visit us:
EWEA Offshore
C2 B10
had component logistics
carried out from here and
Gemini is pretty much on
the doorstep, as it were.
There is also available
capacity here. Thanks to
a € 25 million expansion
of the Beatrix port, these
areas, complete with new
Dutch coast since 2008 and
is being built according to the old conditions. The gen-
quays and heavy load areas, will be ready by the end
eral contractor for construction is the offshore giant Van
of the year.
Oord, which is warming up for a takeover bid on its
competitor Ballast Nedam.
Additionally, Groningen Seaports already has plans
on the table to expand the location to become a service
Van Oord is also the general contractor for the
and maintenance base. This includes berths for crew
­Gemini project, which has already had support approval
tenders and maintenance ships, as well as a helicopter
for a maximum of € 4.5 billion since 2010. The former
landing area, which should be available in 2016. The
Bard Group had to sell the rights to the wind farm with
Dutch thus seem to be well equipped, and not only for
150 turbines and 600 MW of rated capacity to Typhoon
their own projects.
­Capital in 2011, however. Meanwhile, the wind farm,
GRS - OWI Magazin - Anzeige 172 x 30 mm Version1.pdf 1 28.01.2015 09:15:07
Torsten Thomas
Science & technology | EROSION
for the
Large rotors lead to high
yields, but also a lot of
annoyance – at least as far as
the coating is concerned. After
only a few years, the protective
layer, which is supposed to prevent erosion, is already worn out.
Materials that really last for 20
years are still being worked on.
applications of leading edge
protection systems since 2012.
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: Giles Cornah/Altitec
Altitec is pioneering offshore
science &
leading edge
fficially, everything is
seven years on the blade tips”, says Stefan Brassel, blade
rosy in the world of
expert at Deutsche Windtechnik Rotor und Turm.
rotor blades. Whilst
High stress
give the theme of rain
The damage can first be seen on land. Here, there are
erosion a wide berth, national and international orga-
systems which, according to Brassel, work really well
nisations are looking into it closely, as are the coating
but nevertheless start to show damage after four years.
manufacturers. On the one hand, tests have shown that
A central reason for this are the environmental influ-
the coatings have only a limited ability to withstand
ences. In addition to rain, sand and hail, UV radiation and
the extreme conditions. On the other hand, there is a
the mechanical stress within the blade cause damage.
lack of unified norms for coating test stands and for the
Because the same coating systems and manufacturing
requirements that the coating needs to fulfil.
techniques are used for offshore turbines, the same prob-
Although the exact causes of the problems are still
lems are inevitable. But of a completely different magni-
unclear, the findings are rather unappetising. The ever
tude because repairing blades at sea is more expensive
larger rotor blades have led to increasing rotation speeds
per se and the number of turbines is high.
of the blade tips. Offshore, speeds of up to 90 m/s are
Achieving solutions, however, is even more ­difficult.
now reached. This is around 330 km/h. At these speeds,
For current products with their limited durability the
raindrops and hailstones hit the coating like bullets and
manufacturers coat the blades with weatherproof coat-
remove the erosion protection like a pressure washer.
ing systems made from polyurethanes. And this is likely
After that, the rain washes away the rest of the coating
to remain so. “They are used because there is no suit-
layers and in the worst case exposes the blade structure.
able alternative coating and the systems are, in princi-
The tips and the leading edges of the blades are most
ple, very weather-resistant, as they should be. But up
to now the protective coatings have not stood up to the
Because the aerodynamics also get ruined along with
extreme conditions for very long. This is a problem faced
the protective coating, the repair costs are accompanied
by all manufacturers”, explains Susanne Bender from
by a loss in yield for the operator. Various studies esti-
the Institute for Coatings in Magdeburg (Institut für
mate these losses to be between 4 and 10 %. If delamina-
Lacke und Farben, ILF).
tion sets in, this can quickly rise to 20 %. “The service
What has been missing in the coatings sector up
life is significantly less than 10 years. It would already
until now are well-developed test procedures and test
be an improvement if the erosion ­protection lasted six to
stands with which damage through rain erosion can be
Science & technology | EROSION
The yellow tips not only look good,
they also provide a high level of erosion protection. UK’s national offshore
wind programme provided a million
pounds for the new development.
reproducibly simulated in the laboratory. Two of the pos-
last for 20 years. But for offshore use this is not enough.
sibilities are high-pressure water jets and “helicopter”
“When speeds are higher the durability is significantly
test stands. One such helicopter test stand is owned by
reduced. Nevertheless we have made a lot of progress”,
the chemical industry giant BASF. On this stand, coated
says Christian Claus, Manager at 3M. If the ­manufacturer
GRP components rotate with a speed of 500 km/h and are
correctly applies the protection to the leading edge of
pelted with raindrops. In contrast, the ILF in Magdeburg
the blade at the factory, the artificial skin lasts for five to
uses slowly rotating samples at which a high-pressure
seven years in practice. “These solutions are expensive
water jet is aimed.
but they are accepted by the blade manufacturers. We
are also working on making it possible to use the tape
On the test stand
for repairs”, says Claus.
Both of these methods are said to provide quite an
­accurate simulation of the real conditions and produce
Avoid repairs
fast results on the durability of the material. A further
This is another aspect. If the products do not last for 20
test stand will soon go into operation at the ­Fraunhofer
years, then at least the repair kits should be as easy to
­Institute for Wind Energy and Energy ­System
use and as tolerant of mistakes as possible. In practice,
­Technology (IWES) in Bremerhaven. Their helicopter
this is often not the case, either because high-quality
test stand provides some new superlatives for the coat-
repairs performed by technicians on ropes are very dif-
ing sector. The size of the raindrops can be selected, as
ficult, or because kits for the repair of the initial coating
can the temperature using a full air conditioning system.
do not exist. This is exactly the problem that is being
Even the salt level can be adjusted in order to test the
addressed by some suppliers.
The British company Blade Dynamics already
Although there are other possibilities for testing
­provides its products with BladeShield technology that
in the U.S. and in England, the coating manufacturers
lasts for a long time, and it has developed a more robust
­usually make their way to PolyTech A/S. The Danish
blade end. They recently received an innovation prize for
specialists offer what is so far the only rain erosion test
their Advanced Blade Tip. This new tip can be integrated
stand approved by the industry. There, classical erosion
into the production processes of blade manufacturers
protection products have so far only lasted for a maxi-
and is said to have an especially durable protection
mum of two hours. A product from BASF performed
against erosion. “This is an exciting new technological
better. Their newly developed leading edge protection
development that can substantially reduce the long-term
survived the rain shower at 150 m/s for 18 hours. The
cost of energy from offshore wind turbines”, emphasises
durability of the product has thus increased in compari-
Theo Botha, co-founder of Blade Dynamics.
son with its predecessor by a factor of four. The blade
Deutsche Windtechnik and the paint manufacturer
manufacturer LM Wind Power is also heading in that
einzA Colorvision have developed a paintable leading
direction and has developed ProBlade, a new leading
edge protector. In field tests the paint survived for a
edge protection that is said to have been improved by
year without damage. This product is said to be easy and
a factor of five.
uncomplicated to use for repair work and also suitable
A good impression was also made by the erosion
for offshore use. This is at least a consolation: it could
protection system from 3M, which was also tested at
still take a long time before the DIN and ISO committees
PolyTech. Their leading edge protection tape survived
agree on a standard for test stands and the requirements
for eight hours and at blade tip speeds of 70 m/s should
for coatings. offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Torsten Thomas
Photo: Blade Dynamics
abrasive effects under different conditions.
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Isaac Tavares
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Alastair Mills, Business
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Karl Smith
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Jérôme Deflesselles, MD Head of Renewable
Origination, Société
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Amit Dewan, Managing
Director, Infrastructure &
Power Project Finance
UniCredit Bank AG
Peter Gollub, Package Manager
Foundation Amrumbank West
Daniel Nathan
Head of Strategy
E.ON Climate &
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DONG Energy
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Eirik Byklum, Technology
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Statoil ASA
Felix Würtenberger
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James Beal, Chief Operations
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Marc Costa Ros
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David Hÿtch
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Paul O’Brien, Renewable
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Alexander Ohff
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Dan Kyle-Spearman
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Bernard Casey, Head of
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In its first practical test,
the Hydro Sound Damper
was still being attached to
the pile driver.
Rank and file
Complying with legal noise limits when driving piles has become
a real challenge. While the bubble curtain technique is based on
uncontrollable bubbles, a new contender called the Hydro Sound
Damper is trying noise mitigation using precisely positioned
­hollow floats.
floats positioned around the pile to
ameter. Added to that are 2 to 6 rub-
have come to en-
be driven.
ber bladders with diameters ranging
gineers on a visit
from 100 to 180 mm. The precise
to the swimming pool. Lap swim-
The principle
distribution of the floats depends
mers are protected from waves
Essentially, the HSD is a net fitted
on the depth of the water and other
in neighbouring lanes by wave-
with an arrangement of hollow floats
factors. In the lower part of the net,
­breaking lines. The hollow floats
and polyurethane foam elements,
for example, there are significantly
are designed to break waves and
which surrounds the pile while it is
more large elements. Finally, the in-
keep the surface of the water in the
being driven. Two layers of hollow
dividual net elements are joined to-
­swimmer’s lane calm.
floats are arranged on a repurposed
gether into a huge tube-shaped net.
And what can stop waves on
fishing net. These noise-absorbing
The HSD is 27 m long, 30 m across,
water can also stop other types of
elements are by no means randomly
and has a surface area of 800 m².
waves; namely, sound waves. That is
affixed to the net, but rather in a pre-
exactly what technicians are relying
cisely configured system.
The system was developed by
Karl-Heinz Elmer from OffNoise-
on with the Hydro Sound Damper
A typical square meter of the net
Solutions. He worked together on
(HSD), which prevents the propaga-
consists of 24 small polyurethane el-
development with the Braunschweig
tion of noise emissions during off-
ements with a diameter of 38 mm,
University of Technology and Bilfin-
shore pile driving. In a nutshell, the
another 24 measuring 70 mm in
ger. Elmer had plans for the HSD ly-
system is an arrangement of hollow
diameter, and 4 with a 150 mm di-
ing in a drawer for some time. He
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photos (2): Bilfinger
he idea may well
Science & technology | Noise protection
A fishing net, repurposed. Fitted with noise-absorbing elements, this traditional device is transformed into modern high technology.
the HSD prototype over a five-month
The advantages
period. The key issue in initial field
Just how deep the HSD can function
testing was the handling of the
effectively remains an unanswered
noise mitigation system. The sys-
question. After all, the deeper the net
tem’s developers immediately saw
tube is, the more floats are required,
room for improvement. Attaching
and the more buoyant the system is.
the net to the pile driver was found
Heavy metal weights are attached to
to be impracticable. Now the HSD is
the net to keep its bottom edge on
attached to a separate frame below
the seafloor. Nevertheless, when it
had already presented the idea to the
the pile gripper which can be extend
was used for Amrumbank West a
HSD at DEWEK 2010.
water depth of 34 m was achieved.
While bubble curtains use air
Subsequent tests at Amrumbank
“The system is economical, par-
bubbles billowing uncontrolled on
West were far more concerned with
ticularly because no special ship is
their own course through the water,
the effectiveness of the HSD. Com-
required,” says Klatt, explaining the
the noise barriers of the HSD are
parative research focused on getting
benefits of the HSD. Furthermore, he
neatly arranged in rank and file. The
the system to hold its own against
adds, “In addition, it does not affect
idea is to absorb noise across the en-
the bubble curtain technique. A re-
the overall installation sequence.”
tire frequency range. “Although we
search project called “Triad” stud-
What Klatt is implying is that the
haven’t quite reached the required
ied sound propagation during the
HSD does not require an extra in-
noise limits, tests have shown that
driving of monopiles by measuring
stallation step. He says that use of
we’re on the right track,” says Tim
the transmission of noise from the
the system adds 20 minutes of ad-
Klatt, Bilfinger’s Head of Sales and
pile, through the soil and into the
ditional work.
Development. In brochures, Bilfin-
water. The project sought to assess
It all sounds very promising. As
ger reports a 23 dB noise reduction
the effectiveness of the HSD and
a result, Klatt says that the German
in 1/3 octave bands.
large bubble curtain noise mitiga-
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic
tion systems. The pile driving and
Agency (BSH) is, “highly enthusias-
Real-world testing
measuring work began in 2014. The
tic about the system.” Perhaps the
The first practical test of the HSD
official results have not yet been
agency thinks it has finally found
took place in 2012 at the London
released. Meanwhile, the HSD will
a system that can comply with the
Array wind farm. Numerous student
soon be back in use in the installa-
upper limit of 160 dB at 750 m
assistants at the Braunschweig Uni-
tion of foundations for the Sandbank
versity of Technology manufactured
offshore wind farm.
Katharina Garus
the wind
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science & technology | Corrosion
An inspector
What should you do when high value coating systems fail as a
result of mistakes during processing and handling? The solution
is to train specialised inspectors, conduct checks and consistently
enforce quality requirements – on the construction site as well.
that as soon as human’s intervene,
especially skilled workers who en-
corrosion is one
coatings quickly lose their shine.
force quality requirements during
of the most se-
A good remedy for this is a defined
operation. This alone, says Müller,
verely deleterious factors affecting
standard for the use of the materials
would have resulted in a notable
the proper functioning and safety
and, in particular, quality assurance
reduction in the defect ratio and
of offshore wind turbines, while, on
specialists permanently supervising
hence a lower rate of complaints and
the other hand, high-quality coating
the coating process.
­greater customer satisfaction.
ance into the manufacturing proce-
easily be resolved by considering the
The crunch comes
with handling
causes of damage to offshore wind
Some 35 % of damage is due to
with the quality assurance system
turbines. In only 2 % of damage
faulty processing, while 46 % is
on the construction site is a more
events are material defects the root
mechanical damage following ac-
difficult matter, particularly when
cause of corrosion attacks. Four out
ceptance. These figures come from
it comes to planning the deploy-
of five cases of damage can be traced
Helmut Müller, who is a well-known
ment of service personnel. “The in-
back to poor processing or damage
independent consultant for protec-
house quality management system
during transport and installation.
tive coatings in the industry. The
[Editor’s note: i.e. that of the service
On a critical note it may be said
problem can be solved by deploying
provider] frequently does not cover
While integrating quality assur-
systems are certainly available. This
seemingly paradoxical situation can
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
dures is no great challenge, dealing
Photo: Southey
n the one hand,
Offshore repairs are
­complex and expensive.
all operational activities or has been
them into the quality management
streamlined to such an extent that
At this year’s DNV GL corrosion
discretion when making decisions,”
criticises Müller, adding that insuf-
specialist Wolfgang Friese demon-
ficient quality of execution then
strated a typical example of dam-
becomes engrained in the process.
age that had been caused by faulty
Müller also sees problems in per-
sonnel fluctuation that is especially
“The greatest stress for coatings is
pronounced in the wind industry.
pile driving the monopile where it
He claims there is often not enough
is guided through a frame or, to be
time for tasks such as training tem-
more precise, through rollers on the
porary workers and then integrating
inner side of the frame. Too high a
contact pressure during this pro­
employees are free to use their own
cess can damage the coating or even
­destroy it.”
A broad range of basic and advanced
Photo: Wescott Coatingss
courses is on offer in corrosion pro-
tection. According to Müller, however, these courses are able to cover
only a part of the situations where
Full service from the same source
damage occurs due to their intricate interrelations. Added to this is
The handling of the components
poses the greatest risk to damage the corrosion protection.
the fact that the current versions of
quality requirements. These skilled
same contents. An examination is
standards and codes of practice have
personnel receive accreditation from
held at the end of the three weeks.
to be applied – which is a barely
one of the certification bodies after
manageable task for a full-time
a course lasting several weeks. The
­bodies ­expect their participants to
­service provider.
most well known of these ­bodies
have sound work experience and
relevant industry knowledge. Proof
stallation and quality management
­Frosio (Norway), ICorr (UK) and
of this is supplied by the candidates
could be bridged by paint inspectors
DIN ­CERTCO (Germany). They all
– who would at least be able to con-
offer training courses of roughly
Müller regards this as a weak
tribute their share to ­establishing
three weeks’ duration and with the
point in the qualification because
The balancing act between in-
Seals – the unassuming adversaries
of salt and water
The true quality of the components
­selection of a suitable material can
lubricant for this purpose. Due to
used becomes evident when they
also affect the sealing action. As
the high costs incurred by repairs
are deployed offshore. Require-
is the case with coating materials,
at sea, but also because of the
ments are very strict due to the
there have been numerous new
cost savings generated by long
aggressive atmosphere. This is
developments in seals over the
maintenance intervals, sealing
where seals play a vital role in
last few years. Polyurethane-based
specialists always focus on a high
combating the maritime climate.
­materials for components with a
resistance to wear and tear. The
Their purpose is to combine a
linear or slowly rotating motion
costs for offshore operations are
­maximum useful life with an
are just one noteworthy example.
several factors higher than for
­effective sealing action. The target
Target properties are a high abra-
the same work onshore. SKF has
specification is a 20-year ­service
sion resistance, low deformation
responded to this by developing
life, which equates to several
under pressure and temperature
a polyurethane for the axial seals
­hundred million strokes. Pressure
stability over a wide range. For
of the main shaft. This mate-
on the seals is huge, typically
offshore applications it is also
rial boasts a figure for abrasion
reaching values of around
vital that the seawater should
resistance five times higher than
30 MPa (=4,350 psi).
result in as little swelling as pos-
that of the commercially available
In addition to achieving
sible. The industry has developed
standard elastomers.
the required shape of the seal,
a ­composite with integrated solid
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Source: Trelleborg International, SKF
Photo: IHC
Science & technology | corrosion
trainees have “frequently” had ­little
Better products
in-service experience and this, he
Corrosion specialist and Frosio in-
in almost all aspects during recent
feels, may have negative conse­
spector Friese can report an important
years, says Friese. Today, for in-
quences when it comes to ­assessing
step in the development of ­materials
stance, it would be possible to ­apply
damage from corrosion. Müller
used in offshore ­technology: “Prod-
coating materials at 100 % air hu-
therefore considers inspection op-
ucts are becoming suitable for off-
midity or during light rainfall – in
portunities to be clearly limited. In
shore.” This makes using them easier.
other words on wet surfaces. “The
his opinion, the certificate should
Coatings used to be mixed in cans on
viscosity of materials is adjusted by
enable inspectors to recognize de-
the construction site. This procedure
using fibres or globules,” explains
viations from the specification and
resulted in a mad rush because pot
Friese, “so that a bottom coat is no
the work practices prescribed and
life was short, and occasionally be-
longer possible.” The multi-layer
forward this information to their
came even shorter due to adverse
coatings have also been greatly
clients. Müller recommends that
weather conditions. Further delays
simpli­fied by using aerosol cans
inspectors should refrain from ana-
were caused by the multi-layer coat-
on site to apply a one-component
lysing or even ­assessing damage and
ing required and the intensive prepa-
leave these activities to the ­experts.
ration of the base coat.
There have been improvements
Jörn Iken
Single layer protection
ffshore structures are
tection coating AB-COR 950 SW Repair
often protected by sol-
can be overcoated with the ­UV-topcoat
vent containing, 4-layer
AB-COR 971 Repair immediately (wet
corrosion protection coating systems.
to wet) after its application. This system
These systems are nearly impossible
offers the advantage of perfect “one day”
to renew at the extreme object and
repairs offshore as well as onshore.
climate conditions on the open sea:
AB-COR 950 SW and AB-COR 971
the required quality is possibly not
meet the requirements of the BSH
(Federal Maritime and Hydrographic
Based on the well tested AB-COR-
Agency), are tested by BAW, according
products AB-Polymerchemie has de­
to NORSOK M-501 and certified by the
veloped a state of the art offshore-
DNV GL. For submarine application
­repair-kit for application on the high
there is also a single layer system avail-
seas also considering the environmental
able, the AB-COR 930 UWS.
Photos (2): BARD
aspects. The single layer ­corrosion pro-
Initial system
Repair system
Corrosion protection coating:
800-1.500 µm
1 x AB-COR 950 SW Repair
UV - Topcoat (if required):
AB-COR 971
80-100 µm DFT
1 x AB-COR 971 Repair
Reference projects: BARD Offshore I, Global Tech I, Amrumbank West, FINO 1
AB-Polymerchemie GmbH
D - 26605 Aurich
logistics & operations | Weather forecast
Come wind
or weather
For the operators of offshore wind farms, the weather plays a key
role. Accordingly, the meteorologists are constantly improving their
weather models and are today supplying ever better results.
Photo: RWE
here is little fun in off­
This necessity has enabled a whole new branch of
shore wind energy with­
meteorology to evolve. Energy meteorology is advanc­
out reliable weather re­
ing rapidly and is developing new models by which to
ports. The expertise of
predict the fluctuating grid inputs from renewable en­
meteorologists is a high­
ergy sources. Offshore wind farms are here a central
ly sought-after economic asset. After all, numerous
concern, as they push large amounts of electricity into
participating companies are dependent on their wind
the national power grids.
and weather forecasts. That refers not only to the instal­
First of all, however, the wind turbines have to
lation companies, logistics providers and maintenance
be installed. The seemingly logical assumption that
personnel, but also to overall grid operations and the
the wind blows stronger at sea than on land is an in­
direct marketing of electricity. All these groups rely on
sufficient basis for both banks and investors. “Wind
advance information being as accurate as possible.
and yield expertises are also the order of the day for
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
The wind park layout has an important part to play.
Nordsee Ost wind farm has planted many turbines within
the first row in order to reduce shadowing.
logistics &
offshore projects. The underlying meteorological data are
precise facts on the wind and weather for both the lo­
collected from dedicated masts, lightships and platforms,”
gistics chain and the actual installation work. Wiesner:
explains ­Thomas Sperling from EuroWind. Such histori­
“Wind restrictions apply to the work with cranes and
cal data are used not only to calculate probable power
the lifting of certain components. The decisive factor is
yields for the future, but also to determine an ideal wind
the choice of lifting equipment and the maximum wind
farm layout. This includes determination of the optimum
speeds at which they can still be used.”
hub heights, rotor diameters and turbine types, as well as
Dong Energy taps several sources to plan the de­
the concrete positioning of individual turbines so as to
ployment of vessels and personnel for maintenance
avoid unnecessary energy losses due to shadowing.
assignments. Weather data for the German Bight are
Modelling is made slightly easier by the relatively
supplied by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI).
homogeneous conditions. Contrary to the situation over
The agreed package, which is updated four times a day,
land, offshore winds are less variable and turbulent, be­
includes information on wave heights and their running
cause there are no obstacles. The wind profile is only
direction, wind speeds and storm warnings. This know­
affected by high waves and rough seas. Sperling: “Yield
ledge is augmented by real-time data from platforms
calculations are already very good, and the wind strength
and measuring buoys operated by Dong itself, as well
forecasts are also better than for onshore wind farms.”
as the live images from installed cameras. “This permits
ideal comparisons between the current weather situa­
Planning for weather risks
tion and the corresponding forecasts,” says Dong Press
The clients for project-specific weather reports are the
Officer Iris Franco-Fratini.
system operators and manufacturers, who need to plan
The weathermen are naturally pleased about such
their maintenance work, and in the initial phase also
positive feedback. “We are constantly evaluating our
the installation contractors, of course. The latter often
forecasts and the comments received from our clients
promise customers a certain rate of progress, and thus
in order to minimise inaccuracies in the reports we is­
assume liability for any weather-related consequences.
sue,” says Carsten Kofoed from the DMI. The unanimous
“We usually negotiate a time reserve for the installation
­opinion is that the forecasts are already quite good.
with our contract partners. That has always functioned
­Kofoed: “The next step is to have meteorological instru­
well in the past,” says A2SEA Manager Sascha Wiesner.
ments actually present on site in the wind farms, so that
Prerequisite for such an approach is the availability of
we can compare forecasts with the real conditions.”
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logistics & operations | Weather forecast
The correct lifting equipment is of vital
­importance. Mounting a single blade to a rotor
uses less time with favourable weather conditions.
The first suppliers of suitable equipment are already
standing on the doorstep. They offer mainly buoys which
are able to function as floating weather stations. ­Fugro
Oceanor A/S, for example, has just announced the transi­
tion to commercial distribution for such a product. The
buoy is equipped with LiDAR for wind profile measure­
ments at heights up to 300 metres, and is at the same
time a fully-featured weather station. “It is an all-in-one
solution suitable for both planning and later operations,
and it is less expensive than a met mast. We are al­
ready noting considerable interest,” says Oceanor Sales
for example, because the question of risk here plays a
­Director Olaf Ingvar Sveggen.
central role. For a grid operator, it could prove disastrous
if predicted winds actually arrive a few hours earlier or
That would delight any meteorologist. After all, their
Against this background, the Met Office is work­
estimations are always subject to a certain statistical
ing on dynamic models which cover the whole global
uncertainty. And this uncertainty increases accordingly
atmosphere and are intended to provide better seasonal
when dealing with long time periods, highly localised
forecasts for a particular region. This calls for excep­
areas or complex overall weather situations. That ap­
tional computing power and high resolutions, and has
plies both to pure weather forecasts and to wind speed
necessitated investment in a new supercomputer. “This
predictions. “Generally, offshore wind farm measuring
supercomputer will be 13 times more powerful than
campaigns are expensive to install and maintain – but
the current system and will have 120,000 times more
very useful in terms of verification, determining fore­
memory than a top-end smartphone. It will enable us to
cast accuracy, and for improving forecasts,” says Francis
run more sophisticated, higher-resolution models,” says
Colledge from the Met Office, the UK national weather
Francis Colledge.
later than forecast.
The room for further improvement of the models is
To compensate this shortcoming on the mathemati­
also confirmed by Joris Brombach from EWC Weather
cal side, several weather service forecasts are incorporat­
Consult. “The best forecasts are obtained when it is pos­
ed into the calculations. Such multi-model approaches
sible to cleverly combine different weather models,” he
are in the meantime standard. Even so, there is an enor­
says, which is a reference to so-called ensemble fore­
mous difference to a typical television weather forecast,
casting. To this end, numerous forecasts are started with
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: RWE
Minimising uncertainties
Application dea
June 30, 2015
slightly different initial conditions. The para­meters
Continuing Studies Programme
Offshore Wind Energy
modified could be the atmospheric pressure, wind
speed or temperature. This approach is based on the
experience that minor differences at the beginning of a
simulation can have major impact on the final outcome.
It thus seems reasonable to assume that targeted varia­
tions in the mathematical weather models will produce
Energy yield forecasts are
These probabilities are equally vital for the grid ­operators
and direct marketing brokers. The latter need maxi­
mally precise conversions of prevailing wind speeds
Tailwind for your career
2015 / 2016
Focus on UK
and German
Foto: Siemens AG, Paul Langrock
a more realistic spectrum of possible weather develop­
into kilowatt-­hours for their 15-minute contracts on the
energy exchanges. After all, they must themselves bear
the costs for additional energy if their forecasts are not
correct. “Given the relatively low turbulence over the
sea, the output forecasts for offshore wind farms are
already very good. That applies above all to continuous
operation under full load, because we have access to
the real production and can compare this data with the
­forecasts,” says Matthias Lange from energy & ­meteo
systems. His company supplies wind forecasts to the
largest direct marketing agency in England, among
What is still missing in this puzzle is real wind data
from hub height. The meteorologists are able to judge
the wind quite successfully at 10 metres above the sur­
face and again at great heights, but this leaves a signifi­
cant gap in between. “That makes a big difference for
Ports for Your
Wind Energy
the quality, because it is difficult to verify the wind over
water. More information on the wind at heights around
100 metres would improve the forecasts and probabili­
ties,” says Kristina Lundgren from the German Weather
Service. She currently coordinates the research project
See you at
EWEA Offshore
booth C2-B10
10 - 12 March 2015
EWeLINE, which aims above all to optimise forecasts for
the operators of the transmission grids. They have their
issues with offshore wind during stormy periods. Firstly,
the rapid changes in wind direction and speed lead to
massive increases or drops in output. At the same time,
wind turbines are quite likely to shut down automati­
cally if a gale gets too strong. And then the output can
suddenly be down to zero. |
Torsten Thomas
politics & business | Grid connection
with hurdles
hree, two, one – mine:
sometimes things are
not quite as simple
as on the eBay auction platform. After
the passing of the new EEG in August
2014, the German Federal Network
Agency was given a new task by politi­
cians in its role as a regulatory author­
ity: it should tender or auction future
available grid connection capacities for
offshore wind farms.
Because the German government
had reduced its expansion targets for
2020 from 10 to 6.5 GW, there were still
1,723 MW in the pot at the start of the
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: TenneT
In Germany, grid connection capacities for offshore wind farms have
come under the hammer for the first
time. However, the limited ­allocation
by the responsible federal grid agency
almost fell through. ­Although the
grid connections are starting to take
shape, many things could be done
more easily.
The two converters BorWin alpha (left) and beta are
already installed, with gamma still to come. The BorWin
wind farm clusters are still tight on connection capaci-
politics &
ties, however.
first round. In the allocation proc­
ter that he was referring to. In this
only changed with the tendering and
ess, the distances from the coast and
part of the North Sea, two HVDC
clear framework conditions.
the development of further high sea
converters BorWin alpha and beta
But due to the restructuring by
wind farms in the individual zones
are already finished, with a further
the Federal Network Agency, only
played an important role.
connection BorWin gamma applied
450 MW of the originally avail­
At the end of October 2014 the
for. The authority wants to do away
able capacity of 850 MW were still
Federal Network Agency got to work
with the construction of a fourth
available for BorWin 3. At the same
and put the remaining megawatts
planned converter because the € 1.5
time, two bidders with 766 MW of
up to the target of 6.5 GW out to
billion and 172 km long grid con­
connection power put in a bid for
tender. Eleven players applied, of
nection BorWin 4 would not be fully
exactly this converter. They were
which three failed for formal rea­
utilised. Instead, the capacities
sons because the paperwork handed
should be transferred to the other
projects, and the energy supplier
in was inadequate. In the case of
EnBW with the 450 MW wind farm
overdemand the authority wished
And this is where the trouble
Hohe See. The energy supplier had
to resort to an auctioning. “The auc­
began because many investors
put this € 1.5 billion project on hold
tioning of connection capacity will
want to make use of the lucrative
at the end of 2012.
only be required in one cluster, as
EEG conditions, which are still valid
Without a fourth converter
the total approved connection capac­
until 2019. For BorWin 3 only the
­BorWin 3 would thus suffer from
ity of the bidders is higher than the
­demonstration wind farm Albatros
overloading and EnBW would not be
available capacity in this cluster,”
by Strabag SE had been planned un­
able to build their wind farm for the
said Jochen Homann, President of
til then, with a capacity of merely
foreseeable future. Because this also
the Federal Network Agency, at the
50 MW. The Austrian construction
applied to Strabag, the two competi­
end of October.
giant wanted to test its gravity
tors took the Federal Network Agen­
foundations there, but gave up on
cy to court with urgent applications
Much mistaken
its plans at the beginning of 2013.
and put the whole process in doubt.
He was much mistaken, however,
Because the framework conditions
“For EnBW the drama could hardly
for after the announcement things
were unclear for some time, no inter­
have been topped,” said their lawyer
really took off in the BorWin clus­
ested investors could be found. This
Thomas Burmeister.
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politics & business | Grid connection
Taking a deep
by the end of March. In return the
­depends on the Federal Network
two cases were withdrawn. Without
Agency. It must carry out a further
Only a court settlement was able to
this settlement the whole sector
tendering by the end of March so
decide the matter for the contend­
would have been left out in the cold
that the energy supplier and ­other
ing parties. The judges compelled
because the allocation of the re­
players can apply once again.
the regulation authority to allocate
maining grid connection capacities
Where the capacity is going to
450 MW of capacity for the high
would have been up in the air too.
come from is anybody’s guess, as
seas and create further capacities
It is therefore no surprise that the
the authority is continuing to say
investors took a pretty deep breath
no to the construction of the fourth
after the settlement was reached.
converter for the BorWin cluster.
It is still unclear, however, how
Not so for Jörg Kuhbier, Chair­
things will continue. At least EnBW
man of the Offshore Wind Energy
is putting on the pressure, though.
Foundation: “We consider the grid
It has meanwhile bought up the
connection BorWin 4 for absolutely
In the German North Sea the
Albatros project with a total capac­
necessary in order for companies to
offshore projects are being con-
ity of 700 MW from Strabag and
have enough planning security for
nected in groups. Four clusters
thus swallowed up the direct com­
further investments.”
have been formed for this,
petitor over BorWin 3 capacities.
But the Federal Network Agen­
namely HelWin, SylWin, DolWin
The energy supplier freed up the
cy wants a big reshuffle. In order
and BorWin, in which the wind
necessary liquidity among ­others
to spread the capacities better,
farms have been built or are
through the sale of 49.89 % of the
it wants the offshore wind farm
being planned. The connection
shares in the Baltic 2 wind farm to
­Global Tech 1 to switch converters.
is via expensive high voltage
an Australian financial investor.
This completed wind farm has so
direct current transmission lines
This deal brought € 720 million
far been connected to the not fully
(HVDC) and the respective con-
into the company coffers.
utilised converter BorWin beta and
verter. The transmission capacity
“With our purchase of Albatros
is to be connected up to BorWin
of an HVDC platform was set in
we have expanded our offshore
gamma in the future. This would
2012 at exactly 900 MW. Thus,
wind portfolio and are thus conti­
result in an addition 190 MW of
two wind farms will always
nuing to systematically follow our
available capacity for BorWin 2.
share one power point. So far
strategy. The offshore wind sector
The operators of Global Tech 1 are
ten of these platforms have been
plays an important role in this, in
opposing this plan with legal pro­
built or planned. In the German
order to achieve our aim of more
ceedings. The result is unclear, but
North Sea the transmission grid
than tripling our renewable energy
a cross-cluster grid connection for
operator TenneT must have
field by 2020,” stresses EnBW CEO
wind farms is not really what was
this technology built and made
Frank Mastiaux. He has made sure
originally planned.
available. In the Baltic this is
actions follow his words too, for
Of the 1,723 MW, 211 would
the responsibility of 50 hertz,
meanwhile the tendering is under
remain available, by the way. This
which can use alternating current
way for Hohe See.
would be in a different cluster,
transmission lines thanks to the
closeness to the shore.
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Whether the newly acquired
­Albatros can actually be built
Torsten Thomas
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Converter stations can be used as
intersections for a future “supergrid”
in the North Sea. The photo shows
the installation of converter station
­DolWin alpha in the German Bight.
The expansion of offshore wind energy can no longer
remain dependent on individual countries, and must in
future be planned and realised as a European project.
urope has been in bet-
are in the meantime far beyond the stage at which they
ter shape. The mood is
could be managed with the resources of a single country.
depressed and – at the
The companies involved are international players, com-
latest since the recent
ponents are manufactured in any number of countries,
European elections – it
and questions of financing have long since risen to the
has become clear that a growing proportion of the population rejects further-reaching integration.
European level.
“Expansion forecasts show that the worldwide
That is a major concern for the future of our power
offshore market is a European market, and there es-
supplies, because their further development is depend-
sentially a North Sea market,” says WAB Managing
ent on integration. In the coming decades, neighbour-
Director Ronny Meyer. The nominal output capacity
ing countries will need to spend considerable sums to
of the planned wind farms indicates that the North
strengthen the capabilities for cross-border electricity
Sea could well serve as “Europe’s powerhouse”, con-
tributing a significant share of the power demands
in the neighbouring countries. Interconnection of
Contribution to the
­European energy union
the wind farms to form a “supergrid” would further
The expansion of offshore wind energy would ­actually
shore, even the shutdown of a complete wind farm
be an ideal project to demonstrate the benefits of
could be compensated by neighbouring wind farms
­European integration. After all, offshore wind farms
closing the gap­.
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: TenneT
increase availability. In the same way as happens on-
politics & business | International cooperation
European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) has decided
Industrial policy creates
to take the initiative. In a memorandum published on
Against the background of the present economic situa-
8 December 2014, it formulated its “5 Priorities for a
tion in Europe, the prospect of industrial development
European Energy Union”, in which offshore wind energy
and the creation of new jobs are strong arguments. In
plays a significant role. A “North Sea powerhouse” would
this respect, offshore wind energy holds potential in nu-
help to enhance supply reliability, and a “­Northern Seas
merous forms: Port expansion, increased shipbuilding,
offshore grid” should be expanded to facilitate cross-
the large-scale manufacturing of foundation structures,
­border electricity supplies and to accelerate develop-
the manufacturing of wind turbines, the laying of ma-
ment of the European energy market.
rine cables, the erection of converter and transformer
Given the rather dull overall situation in Europe, the
In this context, it is important to develop the North Sea
as an offshore region and to involve all the neighbouring
substations, and diverse operational and maintenance
services add up to thousands of jobs.
countries, as Jacopo Moccia said in an interview with OWI
For this promising development to take off, the
in his position as Head of Political Affairs at the EWEA
North Sea countries must come to an agreement and
(see page 44).
formulate a coordinated industrial policy. That, however,
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politics & business | International cooperation
Andrew Garrad: „We
have a lot to do to
achieve the 2020
targets, but we don’t
target to provide
continued pressure
for offshore.“
Photo: DNV GL
have a specific 2030
association of energy experts, DNV GL, to present a corresponding “manifesto for cost reduction” in September
2014. This paper forecasts a cost reduction of around
25 %, and even describes a figure of 40 % as by all means
is not yet the case, as revealed by a comparison of the
feasible if the measures are “combined with trends in
individual countries.
other areas such as improved supply chain efficiency”
In Denmark and Great Britain, “offshore wind en-
(see OWI 04/2014, page 44).
ergy was recognised as an element of industrial policy
Former EWEA President (March 2013 to October
rather than a purely energy-related project from the ear-
2014) Andrew Garrad, longstanding Managing ­Director
liest stage,” says Meyer. “They implemented a strategic
of the Garrad Hassan Group (1984 to 2013) and as a
top-down approach from the very beginning, whereas
current member of the supervisory board of DNV GL
­Germany placed faith in its renewable energies legisla-
­Energy one of the foremost European wind energy
tion, with the expectation that the appropriate industrial
experts, sees the branch “certainly at a crucial point,”
policy would evolve naturally from there.” Furthermore,
because discussion is currently concentrated on the ob-
the German federal government “generally questioned
jective of cutting the cost of energy by 40 %. This leaves
offshore wind energy” and in this way endangered jobs.
us caught in a vicious circle, since – as could be learned
Denmark has perhaps been most successful to date
from the development of wind energy onshore – massive
in this respect. Meyer remains diplomatic in his com-
expansion and correspondingly high numbers of units
ments: “From the industrial policy perspective, there is
are prerequisites for significant cost reductions. Massive
competition between the individual countries with re-
offshore expansion, however, currently lacks adequate
gard to turbine manufacturers, supplier industries and
political support, not least due to the aspect of costs.
port capacity utilisation, and we can note that there are
The EU Commission is playing for time and has fore-
some countries which are pushing corresponding devel-
gone the specification of binding targets for renewables
opment very strongly and also establishing local supply
for 2030. That is definitely a setback, because the wind
chains.” The lag must be overcome, however, because all
energy branch has already gained positive experience
the neighbouring countries must benefit accordingly if
with a binding target for 2020: The success of onshore
the North Sea is to become the powerhouse of Europe.
wind energy “was associated with the 20-20-20 obligation, and the stimulus from this obligation was very im-
How much cost reduction is
portant,” says Garrad, looking back. The EWEA has a lot
Cross-border energy exchanges between offshore wind
basis for cost reductions and thus to establish offshore
farms would be a contribution towards the establishing of
wind energy as a European project.
of convincing to do in Brussels if it hopes to improve the
Detlef Koenemann
a European energy union. Moccia points out that the first
step could be taken with an interconnector between two
countries. The Kriegers Flak site in the Baltic Sea, where
Ronny Meyer:
Germany, Denmark and Sweden are each planning a wind
“From the
farm, could serve as an ideal pilot project. Nothing similar
­industrial policy
is presently on the horizon in the North Sea.
perspective, there
become a topic for public debate, and the costs will then
between the indi-
play a central role. The motto must thus be: Attack is
vidual countries.”
the best form of defence, and this led the world’s largest
is competition
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: WAB
With growing importance, offshore wind energy will
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politics & business | International cooperation
“Voluntary agreement
on harmonising the
The North Sea could become a big “European power station”, but the five countries
engaged in offshore wind energy have quite different legislative frameworks and
­different support mechanisms. Offshore Wind Industry spoke to EWEA’s Head
of Political Affairs, Jacopo Moccia*, about the actual problems and the resulting
OWI: Is the offshore wind energy in the North
fully industrialised offshore wind industry that brings
Sea really an European project?
down the cost, we need to let the industry decide what
Jacopo Moccia: From a business perspective, we need
is the best and most cost-­efficient way of using the
to consider the North Sea as a single market. The com-
supply chain.
panies working in German, Danish or UK waters tend
to be the same, using the same supply chains, the same
OWI: Can we live with four or five differ-
bases for building the turbines, for transportation of
ent grid codes in Northern Europe? Shouldn’t
the turbines, for contracting the ships and the offshore
these codes be harmonised as soon as possible?
workers. But these countries all have individual policies
Moccia: At the moment, there are no technical dif-
and individual support schemes. That can create some
ficulties to creating the offshore grid, but there are
problems and inefficiency. What would be ideal is to
political problems. The actual problem is that we have
have a programme for the offshore development for the
quite different legislative frameworks, and we also
North Sea, involving all the neighbouring countries.
have different support mechanisms. We suggest, as the
EWEA, that the European Commission talks with the
OWI: The UK is the strongest market. The
North Sea countries to see whether they can come to a
government hopes that many jobs will be
voluntary agreement on harmonising the frameworks
­created. But the Danish companies seem to
and on making the support mechanisms compatible.
be more successful. Could that become a
We don’t want to have another round of revision of the
support mechanisms. And we need an impulse to get
Moccia: German and Danish companies operate from
the first bit of the integrated offshore grid built. We
the UK too, and they create jobs in the UK. A number
need one interconnector between two countries with
of harbours especially in the economically depressed
one wind farm that plugs into it. Once it has happened
areas in the north of the UK benefit immensely from
for one part of the grid, we can use this as a model for
the growth of the offshore wind business. If every
a big offshore grid which is fully meshed among the
country wants the entire supply chain on its terri-
different countries. We have the technology and we
tory, then it would be just very expensive. In Europe,
know all the principles. We only need to make the first
we need perhaps four, five or six Bremerhavens, but
psychological step: “Let’s do it!”
The interview was conducted by Detlef Koenemann.
* Shortly after the interview was conducted, Jacopo Moccia had left the EWEA. He is now Policy and Operations Director
at the industry association Ocean Energy Europe.
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: EWEA
we don’t need 20 Bremerhavens. If we want to have a
6-7 MaY
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stay connected
Energy & Marine
Welcome home
What better place could there be than ­Denmark
for EWEA Offshore to take place? Denmark
is not only the ancestral home of onshore
wind power, it is also the motherland of offshore wind energy and is therefore
­predestined to hold the offshore event of the year like nowhere else.
rom the 10th to the 12th of March the
ambassadors says, not without reason: “Offshore wind
­offshore wind energy industry will meet
is now starting to demonstrate its enormous potential
in Copenhagen for the two-yearly con-
as a scalable resource for Europe and the world with
ference and exhibition of the European Wind Energy
prospects of significantly reducing costs. Active and
­Association (EWEA). For those who are active in the
farsighted EU and national policies have backed the in-
offshore wind industry this is a must-go event. The con-
dustry to this point. Further policy support is needed
ference promises 24 sessions and 200 technical posters,
for offshore wind to reach its full potential, but as an
the exhibition three halls. And when you consider how
industry we see the path of offshore wind becoming
many well-known offshore wind energy companies are
fully competitive during the next decade.”
based in Denmark, you can be sure that the three halls
will be full to bursting point – without even ­mentioning
the international exhibitors.
After Amsterdam in 2011 and most recently
Cost reduction remains the dominating theme in
­Frankfurt, Denmark’s capital city is this year’s location
the ­industry, and is one which EWEA Offshore in
for EWEA Offshore. Copenhagen seems to be a more
­Copenhagen is dedicated to. The keywords that one
obvious choice than Frankfurt – the EWEA chose the
associates with this are not new. “The main levers are
inland metropolis because the finance industry is at
innovation in technology, along with industrialising
home there. And if you take a closer look, it becomes
the supply chain including installation and logistics,”
clear that hardly anywhere could be more suitable than
says Michael Hannibal, CEO Offshore of Siemens Wind
­Power Division. Jens Tommerup, CEO MHI Vestas
With the offshore wind farm Middelgrunden only
Offshore Wind, adds: “Only by building strong part-
3.5 km away, Copenhagen is almost within a stone’s
nerships and leveraging on technical expertise and fi-
throw of what in its time – 2001 – was the largest off-
nancial strength across the industry, can the necessary
shore wind farm worldwide. Maybe you will take the
reductions in the cost of energy be made to bring off-
opportunity to have a closer look at it during EWEA
shore wind on par with other energy sources, both here
Offshore. Even though the latest offshore wind farms
in Europe as well as in Asia and the USA.”
look different, and a lot has changed technologically
And whether you wish to make new contacts and
since Middelgrunden was constructed, the experience
to start new partnerships, to share the best practices,
that Denmark has gained with nearshore and farshore
to showcase products and solutions or to inspire fresh
wind farms is of immense importance for the entire
thinking and new ideas, EWEA Offshore, the world’s
­offshore industry.
largest offshore wind energy event with participants
As Samuel Leupold, Executive Vice President for
wind power at Dong Energy and one of the three event
Cost reduction remains an
important theme
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
coming from more than 50 countries, is the perfect
Katharina Garus
EWEA Offshore
Windforce 2015
March 10 – 12, 2015
June 9 – 11, 2015
Copenhagen, Denmark
Bremerhaven, Germany
EWEA Offshore is the world’s largest offshore wind en-
The Windforce conference has become the central
ergy conference and exhibition. The biennial event unites
­meeting place for the offshore wind industry in Germany
the whole of the wind energy supply chain under one roof,
during its 10-year history. The Windforce 2015 offshore
this year in the wind energy’s motherland Denmark.
conference in Bremerhaven
will feature a show with
­international workboats.
Deeper Water Offshore Wind
April 21st, 2015
London, UK
Deep Water Offshore Wind Conference is a senior,
­one-day, industry-led conference & networking event.
All-Energy 2015
May 6 – 7, 2015
Operating Specialist Wind
­Vessels Summit
June 17 – 18, 2015
Aberdeen, UK
The Operating Specialist Wind Vessels Summit will
be co-located with the 8th Offshore Support Vessels
­Summit. Benefit from the joint networking session and
two streamed event of OSVs for oil & gas, as well as the
specialist wind vessels sessions in the same venue.
Glasgow, Scotland
All-Energy Exhibition and Conference is the UK’s l­argest
renewable energy event. As a free-to-attend event,
­showcasing the complete range of renewable and sustainable technologies and with a world-class multi-stream
conference alongside, All-Energy is where busy people
come to do business.
­Renewable Energy)
May 20 – 21, 2015
Nantes, France
7th annual UK Ports Conference
June 23rd, 2015
London, UK
This essential update for the UK ports industry allows
senior representatives from across the ports, shipping &
maritime sector to network and discuss the opportunities
for ports in 2015 and beyond.
Global Offshore Wind 2015
June 24 – 25, 2015
The international convention THETIS MRE was created in
London, UK
2011 to meet the expectations of players involved in this
The expansive exhibition showcases 200 + high quality
raising sector, to gather and share experiences and to
exhibitors including manufacturers, developers, service
promote the development of green energy as a source of
suppliers, consultancies, government agencies, national
blue economic growth.
pavilions, and more.
from left: Jean Huby
(Ocean Breeze Energy),
Thomas Haukje (Nordwest Assekuranzmakler
GmbH & Co. KG), Irina
Lucke (EWE), Dr. Klaus
Meier (wpd AG), Dr. Antje
Wagenknecht (Fraunhofer
IWES), Jens Assheuer
(WindMW), Thorsten
Rönner (BVT Bremen
GmbH), Dr. Knud Rehfeldt
(Deutsche WindGuard
GmbH), Thorsten Schwarz
(ALSTOM Grid), Norbert
Giese (Senvion SE)
New executive board
On December 10, 2014, wind energy industry network
Following the election, executive board members
WAB’s annual member assembly elected a new execu­
confirmed Dr. Klaus Meier as continuing Chairman
tive board in Bremerhaven. Norbert Giese (Senvion),
of the board. Irina Lucke was elected Deputy Chair­
Thomas Haukje (Nordwest Assekuranzmakler), Jean
Huby (Ocean Breeze Energy), Dr. Klaus Meier (wpd AG)
Moreover, the member assembly decided to con­
and Thorsten Schwarz (ALSTOM Grid) are staying in
tinue active involvement in the political debate on the
their positions, while Irina Lucke (EWE Offshore Service
design of the energy transition throughout the country,
& Solution), Dr. Knud Rehfeldt (Deutsche WindGuard),
in the new year. “We will continue committing our­
Thorsten Rönner (BVT Bremen), Dr. Antje Wagenknecht
selves on behalf of our members in Berlin; in the next
(Fraunhofer IWES) and Jens Assheuer (WindMW) were
few months, for example, we will focus on the issue
newly elected to the board. Former members Gerhard
of tenders,” states Ronny Meyer, Managing Director
Gerdes (Deutsche WindGuard), Dirk Kassen, Detlef
of WAB. Together with other networks from northern
Lindenau (REETEC) and Nils Schnorrenberger (BIS
Germany, WAB maintains a Berlin office as part of the
Bremerhaven) left the board at their own request.
Offshore Wind Industry Alliance (OWIA).
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Photo: WAB
Wind energy industry network WAB, based in Bremerhaven and Berlin,
­Germany, has elected a new executive board. Dr. Klaus Meier remains
­Chairman of the association.
EWEA Offshore 2015
Many members will present their businesses at WAB’s joint stand at EWEA
Offshore 2015 in Copenhagen.
From 10 to 12 March 2015, WAB will be present with
bers. You are cordially invited to visit us at the WAB
15 member businesses at a joint stand at the EWEA
joint stand C4-C39 and use it as a meeting place or for
Offshore in Copenhagen, Denmark, providing informa­
talks with your business partners. Fresh coffee and soft
tion on the wide-ranging specialist competences of our
drinks will be available throughout. We look forward
industry network, which boasts more than 350 mem­
to your visit!
offshore consulting since 1989
About wab
The WAB Wind Energy Agency is the leading business network for the wind energy industry in
Germany’s northwest region and is the national point of contact for the offshore wind energy sector
in Germany.
Follow wab on
A good blend
Photo: Heli Aviation
Operations and maintenance strategies are advancing
towards a potpourri of Crew Transfer Vessels, Service Operations Vessels, helicopters as well as fixed and ­floating
accommodation platforms. But which concept is the best
choice for which project?
Operative vessels
The choice of the best service concept relies heavily
on the very availability of any dedicated vessel in
Photo: Damen
question. OWI takes a close look at the market of
vessels for the operative phase.
Taking measure of wind speeds by way of laser
Photo: Galion
light is indeed, by now, so common it will only be
a matter of time when the method will prevail.
Upon buoys is where these LiDAR instruments have
achieved their offshore all-rounder reputation.
Publishing company:
BVA Bielefelder Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Richard Kaselowsky
Niederwall 53
33602 Bielefeld
Prof. Dr. Bernhard von Schubert
Publishing Manager:
Lutz Bandte
Dr. Volker Buddensiek (responsible),
Katharina Garus,
Freelance authors:
Jörn Iken, Detlef Koenemann, Torsten Thomas
Martin Haase, Phone: +49/5 21/59 55 90,
Christine Michalsky, Phone: +49/5 21/59 55 25
Customer Service:
Bernd Schulte zur Wissen, Virginie Beclu
DSV Deutscher Sportverlag GmbH,
Cologne, Germany
Dierichs Druck + Media GmbH & Co. KG,
Frankfurter Str. 168
D-34121 Kassel
Raymond Culp, Timothy Hanes, Übersetzungsbüro Hartmann, Jeremy Heighway, Thomas
Schickling, Mark Wigfall
OFFSHORE Wind Industry is an independent journal. Material in this publication may not
be reproduced, reprinted or stored in any form
without the publisher’s written permission.
The next issue will be published on June 1, 2015
For further information see
offshore Wind Industry 1|2015
Proven Technology,
High Efficiency –
the Senvion 6.XM Series
Visit us at
EWEA Offshore 2015
in Copenhagen
10 – 12 March
stand C2-B18
We have been operating successfully on the offshore market for many years with our principle
of “consistently improving and selectively optimising reliable technology”. More than 160
installed wind energy systems in the multi-megawatt class have turned us into a market leader
in this segment.
Experience more about our projects like Nordsee Ost where 48 turbines of the 6MW series
were installed and take the chance to ask us about the experiences we made with our new
prototype of the 6.2M152 turbine.
Visit us at EWEA Offshore in Copenhagen, the largest offshore wind energy conference!