Lascu-Clow Marketing Principles 4e

Book Information Page
A popular, affordable and proven alternative:
Lascu-Clow Marketing Principles 4e
Product: innovative textbook for your Principles course
Price: $18 e-book; $ 19 mobile; $25 PDF; $40 Paperback
Place: Direct to students; with bookstore option
Promotion: the quality you expect;
Dana-Nicoleta Lascu
Kenneth E. Clow
with affordable options for your students...
Light on the fluff; solid on the basics: 4e is concise, yet thorough. It presents basic concepts and current theory along with
memorable and up-to-date marketing practice examples and cases. Good fit if you’re looking for a shorter book/snappier
More international in flavor; more gender awareness: Dr. Lascu’s international heritage and experience provide a higher level
of understanding of marketing within the global environment. After all, it’s not just a man’s world anymore.
More coverage on biz-to-biz and services industries. Dr. Clow’s extensive business experience provides compelling examples,
added understanding, and valuable perspectives of business-to-business and services marketing. With the majority of marketing dollars spent on trade promotions, business-to-business activities and the service industry, 4e provides an appropriate
spotlight on these (sometimes) overlooked marketing areas.
Student Price and Media Options. Base price is $17! Students can opt for online version or media bundles of online/PDF or
online/paperback. Other options include iPhone version, and an app for online interactive quizzing/e-Flash cards.
For the Instructor:
 Instructor’s Manual
 Test Bank
 PowerPoint Slides
 Choice of review copy format
For Students:
 The paperback option includes
choice of color or B/W
 Lecture guide
 Practice Tests (self-scoring)
 e-Flash Cards
About the Authors:
Dana-Nicoleta Lascu is Professor of Marketing and Chair of the Marketing Department at the University of Richmond. She has a Ph.D. in
marketing from the University of South Carolina, a master’s in international management from the Thunderbird School of Global Management, and a B.A. in English and French from the University of Arizona. She was a Fulbright Distinguished Chair in International Business at
the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria. She has published, among others, in journals such as Journal of Euromarketing, Journal of
East-West Business, International Marketing Review, International Business Review, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business
Research, Journal of Business Ethics, and Multinational Business Review. Dr. Lascu has worked as a consultant to businesses such as
Aquasource North America, Ford Motor Company, IDV North America, and Stihl, and as an international training coordinator in the United States, teaching managerial and analytical skills to civil servants from emerging markets.
Kenneth E. Clow is Professor of Marketing and Biedenharn Endowed Chair in Business at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He has a
Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Arkansas and has spent time at Pittsburg State University and the University of North Carolina at
Pembroke. Dr. Clow’s primary research activities are in the areas of services marketing and advertising. He has published more than 200
articles and eight books, including a second edition of Services Marketing and a fifth edition of Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and
Marketing Communications. His articles have been published in various journals, such as Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Professional Services Marketing, Marketing Health Services, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Restaurant
and Foodservices Marketing, Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, and Journal of Marketing Management. Prior to obtaining his
doctorate, Ken owned and operated a contract cleaning service for eight years.
Brief Table of Contents
Chapter 12- Pricing Strategies
Part 1- Introduction to Marketing
Part - Marketing Communications
Chapter 1- Scope and Concepts of Marketing
Chapter 13- Integrated Marketing Communications
Chapter 2- The Environment of Marketing in the Twenty-First Century
Chapter 1 - Advertising, Sponsorships, and Public Relations
Part 2- Marketing Foundation
Chapter 15- Consumer and Trade Promotions
Chapter 3- Marketing Ethics, Regulations, and Social Responsibility
Chapter 16- Personal Selling, Databases, and Direct Marketing
Chapter - Consumer Behavior
Part 5- Marketing Expansion
Chapter 5- Business-to-Business Behavior
Chapter 17- International Marketing
Chapter 6- Marketing Segmentation
Chapter 18- Internet Marketing
Chapter 7- Marketing Research
Part 3- Marketing Mix Strategies
A- The Marketing Plan: A Strategic Marketing Perspective
Chapter 8- Product Strategies
B- Careers in Marketing
Chapter 9- Services Marketing
Chapter 10- Distribution Strategies
Chapter 11- Retailing Strategies
Review Copies:
We’ll send PDF review copy.* Then, if you like what you see and want to seriously consider Lascu/Clow for
adoption, and need to see print version, we’ll be happy to provide a printed desk copy.
*Helps us deliver affordable student prices.
3 FAQ’s
I’ve never heard of Textbook Media...who are you guys?
We’re a Midwest –based publisher who’s been in business since 2004. The publishers who founded the business have been in
college publishing since 1980 and have published textbooks for Irwin, McGraw Hill, Houghton Mifflin and Cengage/Atomic Dog
Publishing. (We originally signed and developed Lascu/Clow when we were at Atomic Dog Publishing.) Our Textbook Media titles
are in use in over 200 colleges (2 and 4 YR) and universities. Our original focus was in Accounting, Finance and Economics. In 2011
we successfully introduced our first marketing title: Strategic Marketing 3e by Syed Akhter of Marquette University.
What media options do students typically choose?
In 2011, 50% selected the paperback/online option. 40% selected the PDF/online option and 10% went with online only. We provide the online version with all our textbook options for two reasons: students always have the option of getting online to study,
and to provide access for all in case they want to opt for interactive quizzing/e-flash card upgrade.
Do I have to do anything differently to assign your textbook?
Yes. One thing: direct students to our URL (preferably in your syllabus). We’ll take it from there. Actually, the web site takes it
from there: over 97% of students order without needing customer service. Those that do need help get it within 24 hours, and
most of those inquiries are about corrections they want to make to their order. BTW, we deliver the paperbacks via Fed-Ex, so student orders are easily tracked. And we will work with bookstores if need be. Regarding the online book: It is served up using Silverlight, a Microsoft product that’s a commonly-used rich media application used by companies like Netflix. Most of your students
may already have it. If not, it’s a free and fast download from Microsoft. The software behind the book is supported by Microsoft;
the online book experience is supported by our customer service staff. Pretty straightforward and easy for all concerned.