alumni news - Santa Barbara High School Alumni Association

Santa Barbara High School
Vol. 35 - Fall 2009
Dear Alumni,
It has been quite a year in Santa Barbara—one Santa Barbarians would prefer not to
repeat! I live half a block from Peabody Stadium and for the first time, my husband and I
packed our cars “just in case.” It made me appreciate what my friends in Mission Canyon
and Montecito have been going through routinely for years.
As Californians know, public education from K-college is taking a budgetary hit.
Now is a good time for those of us who had a great public school system to give our current Dons a boost. Please consider donating to the Association’s Classroom Assistance
Program (CAP), putting a check in the mail for our Landscape Fund, or reading over our
list of Scholarship Funds and making an extra donation to a favorite. The Association
cannot “solve” the State of California’s school funding problems, but we Dons can support our alma mater and
the students who are carrying on the tradition of sports, community and scholarship.
Our 2009 Scholarship BBQ in May was great fun! It followed closely the Jesusita Fire but Manning
Park was spared, and we celebrated the Class of 2009 and our Distinguished Alumna, Amoretta Hoeber, Class
of 1959.
Speaking of 1959, that class just celebrated their “50th Reunion” by establishing a Class of 1959
Scholarship Fund. Not only did they have a great weekend, they are making a lasting gift to our students.
“Principal Emeritus” Claud Hardesty turned 100 years young in July. He is an inspiration who still
supports SBHS by attending football and basketball games. In honor of his birthday and his dedication, the
Fiesta Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association gave a generous donation to the Claud Hardesty Scholarship Fund. This is a nice recognition by the larger community of his dedication to “the” high
Sadly, SBHS co-Principal extraordinaire, William Jackson, has passed away. He and Gene Snyder
were an effective leadership team. Bill Jackson served as a Principal for 19 years (1970-1989), and Dons
from those years will remember him in the hallway—green jacket, gold tie, and BIG smile! A memorial
scholarship will be established by your board to honor this wonderful educator and continue his legacy.
Please explore the SBHS website,, and check out the athletics and arts events for
the year. The best way to support SBHS is to come to campus and cheer them on!
Contact Sharon (Keinath) Henning `74 at with address changes and
email information. Also, go to our website,, for postings of reunion and membership
forms. To serve your Association as a Director or officer, please contact Phil Unander at
Laura Davis Wilson `67, President
We were pleased to be able to fund 25 $1,000 scholarships at our spring awards meeting, although that
number was a reduction from our 2008 number. We experienced a slight drop off in contributions for various
funds, and interest rates on many accounts were lower as well. At the same time we decided not to commit
absolutely all the available money because we felt uncertain about financial trends for 2009-2010. We again
thank all of our donors, and we hope that a reviving economy will allow us to provide increased financial support to deserving Don seniors.
The scholarship winners expressed their thanks verbally at the BBQ and in many notes of appreciation
to the sponsors of individual scholarships. As you read the brief comments about each winner, you will again
see that we are fortunate to be assisting students with a wide variety of academic interests, and please note that
several of the young people are the first in their families to continue education past high school. Certainly we
welcome whatever assistance you can provide. We have such a wide range of scholarships honoring classes,
former teachers and administrators, and individual alumni that there should be something to catch your eye.
Failing that, we have our two general funds: the basic Alumni Scholarship fund, and the Alumni Memorial
Fund, which attracts gifts of any size in memory of deceased classmates and staff members.
We also create new scholarships to honor special graduates or staff members. Our latest new scholarship, as described later, will honor former principal BILL JACKSON, who died in late September. Again, our
deepest appreciation for your generosity.
SUSANNA AVILA Susanna says “my busy life has
made me aware of how valuable my education at SBHS has
been and what it has done for
me.” She works 20 hours a week
and is a student in the Cal-Safe
Program, Future Leaders of
America and ROP. She will attend SBCC to study dental hygiene.
SARAH AIDNIK Sarah says, “I hope to do my part
and one day be able to give back
to future Dons as an alumna.”
Her favorite class was Ethnic
Studies, where she valued the
opportunity to share thoughts
and ideas in open discussions.
She was involved with JSA, Link
Crew and “Becoming a Don.” Interested in business, she will attend Cal Poly to study graphics.
MIREYA AVILA - Mireya says “I am filled
with gratitude for a school that has given me
so much in the way of confidence – intellectually, emotionally and socially.”
She has planned and prepared
for a career in architecture and
has won design contests, had
gallery exhibits, and explored
two art mentorship programs.
She designed costumes for the
Theater Arts Department. She
believes that the foundation she
developed at SBHS has prepared her for college
and the rest of her life. She will attend Cornell to
study architecture.
ROBERT BISQUERA Robert’s Don heritage goes back
to his great-grandfather who
graduated in 1925. “The tradition at SBHS is very strong, and
my family and I are very much
a part of that. SBHS has been
a big part of my life.” Robert
played Varsity Football, was on
the Track and Field team, and was a Link Crew
leader. He tutored elementary and junior high
school students. He relaxes playing the piano
and being with his family. Robert will attend UC
Santa Cruz to study computer science.
EMILY BROWNING Emily loved being a freshman
during Senior Panels, where
seniors mentor freshmen. Emily devoted many hours to the
Varsity Cheer Team, the Dance
Team, and Cheer Competition
Team. Emily will study general
education at SBCC.
AARON GIL Aaron is a second generation
Don whose ultimate goal is to
pursue a Doctorate in Psychology and to have his own practice. He is a student of the Green
Academy and is treasurer for
MESA. He will attend UCSB to
study psychology.
LUZ CORDOVA - “I have learned to interpret
hardships as lessons and challenges as opportunities.” She
was actively involved with Future Leaders of America, played
on the basketball team all four
years, and is this year’s Student
Body President. Those experiences helped her improve herself
and the school. She will attend
Saint Mary’s College majoring in Kinestheology.
FABIOLA GONZALEZ Fabiola feels her family has
been her motivation and support system. She describes
herself as an ambitious, goaloriented Latina whose language
skills have served her well. She
translated for AVID’s parents on
back-to-school night. She wants
to become a doctor to serve underprivileged
communities. She has been involved in student
government, University Club, and is President
of Future Leaders of America. She will attend
SBCC to study sociology and hopes to transfer to
COYOLICATZI CORTES - Coyolicatzi wants
to go into dentistry and will
attend SBCC to study. She was
on the dance team, was active in
MESA, and worked in a medical office. Her favorite class was
Environmental Science. She
commuted from Ventura because
SBHS has a comfortable learning environment.
dedicated Visual Arts and Design Academy student. He wants to become a videogame graphic
designer. He loves to create surrealistic drawing
and objects out of recyclables. He relaxes by
playing the guitar. He would love to see a student art gallery on campus. Christian will attend
SBCC to study computer engineering.
CALVIN EMERSON Calvin is a third generation
Don whose uncle was named as
one of this year’s Wall of Fame
recipients. Calvin loves literature and wants to be an English
professor. He played football,
golf and was on the wrestling
and track and field teams. As a senior, he became
a member of A Cappella and Madrigals. He will
study English at UC Berkeley.
ALEX HUANG - Alex was inspired in his sophomore year by
his Biology teacher. He is a substitute piano and theory teacher
and sings tenor in A Cappella
and Madrigals. He was a Forge
staff reporter and participated in
the Key Club, Chess and Philosophy Clubs and the Swing Club. He has been a
member of the SB Youth Council. He will study
engineering at UC Berkeley.
DULCE LOPEZ - Dulce wants to
become a nurse and has worked
every day after school since she
was sixteen. She is an active
member of University and Fashion Clubs. Attending the Museum
of Tolerance in Los Angeles was
a meaningful experience. She
will attend SBCC to study nursing.
JAE PARK - Jae was a band
member for three years and is a
music tutor named an Outstanding Musician. His academic
interests are in the sciences, but
he also engaged in internships
for the National Park Service
and the Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco. Jae was named a National Merit
Commended Scholar and a Semi-Finalist. He
will attend UC Berkeley and has not decided on
a major.
JASON MASHO - Jason was a
Varsity member of the Swim and
Water Polo teams and was named
a USA Water Polo Academic AllAmerican. His AP US History
class “re-energized my passion
for learning and made me realize
the field of study I wanted to continue in college – History.” This National Merit
Commended Scholar will attend UCLA.
GRANADOS - Nursing and/or
psychology are Daniela’s goals.
She competed in a speech-off in
Students for the Advancement
of Global Entrepreneurship in
Brazil. She was involved with
the Dons Net Café, Virtual Enterprise, and was a page editor
for the Forge. She has learned customer service
skills through her 25-hour a week job. She will
study nursing at SBCC.
MONIQUE MEDINA Monique was a proud member of
the softball team and a member of
University Club and AVID. She
wants to become a professional
photographer and will attend the
Art Institute of Orange County to
study digital photography.
MAURICIO PULIDO Mauricio would like to be a
Chiropractor or a Pediatrician.
He is part of a youth program
called City at Peace and he volunteers at the Public Library. He
was involved with MESA and
University Club and says Ethnic Studies was his favorite class. He will attend
SBCC and has not yet decided on a major.
VERONICA MORAN Veronica will pursue a career in
Marine Biology and will attend
California State at Northridge.
She was a cheerleader for two
years and was a member of
MESA. She will major in biology at Cal State Northridge
EDITH RODRIGUEZ “I am a proud Latina with a
dream to extend my education.” She heads for a career
in teaching math, bookkeeping and/or computer science.
She will study Criminal
Justice at SBCC.
KARINA PATINO - Because of
her ASB leadership positions,
she has learned to work well
in a group, which has taught
her drive and determination.
She contemplates a psychology
major and will attend SBCC and
then San Diego State.
CARLI RUSKAUFF Carli played soccer and ran
cross-country and track all four
years of high school. She was
Captain of the Cross-Country
Team. She participated wholeheartedly in sports and supported the performing arts. She will
study Business at Cal Poly.
Three association board members combined
to create a memorial to the SBHS ROTC unit, which
formed an important role in the curriculum and
student life at the school for ninety years. Using one
of the display cases in the field house, the memorial
makes use of ROTC company banners, photos of the
ROTC unit on parade, and a short history of the unit,
the memorial attempts to illustrate the role that ROTC
played on the campus.
Included in the display is a large plaque
showing a reproduction of the medallion/insignia
featured on the shoulder patch and on some of the
brass worn by the cadets. The plaque was created
by HOPE HERNANDEZ ‘70, who also served as
a member of the Colonel’s Coeds during her senior
year at the school. JOHN CAMPILIO ’53 and SHARON HENNING ‘74 also worked on the project.
As the school enters its third year without
ROTC, representatives from a local Cadet Corps have
come to Peabody Stadium to present the colors as the
band plays the national anthem. The two flags they
use feature many names of the victims of the twin
towers disaster as well as names of the rescue personnel who died in attempts to fight the fires.
TARA SWEATT - Tara claims
academics to be her main focus
and she included three years
of Varsity Track and Field and
Varsity Volleyball. A member of
Link Crew and the Red Cross
Club, she hopes to enter the field
of psychology. She will attend
UCLA to study psychology.
JESSICA ULLEMEYER “Carpe Diem” has been Jessica’s
mantra. She played Varsity
Volleyball four years and was
awarded the Coaches’ Award.
She was Junior Class VP, Senior
Class VP, and was on Site Council, Senior Panel and Link Crew.
Jessica will attend San Francisco
State to study Interior Design.
Our spring scholarship awards BBQ will be
held again next year on Saturday, May 22, at
Manning Park. Social hour at noon, dinner
at 1 pm. These events give all alumni the
chance to meet some of our finest seniors and
the opportunity to hear from a Distinguished
Alumni Award winner.
The SBHS Alumni Association is a certified
501 c (3) non-profit, and all contributions to
our funds are tax-deductible.
A beautiful three section mural, freshly
painted on the library, greeted students at SBHS this
fall. The mural replaces a 30-year old mural which
had deteriorated badly through its long exposure to
the weather. Local artist MANUAL UNZUETA and
the students from the Cesar Chavez Leadership Institute combined to execute the mural, which celebrates
multiculturalism, presents an educational message
for Chicano students, and pays homage to the United
States. The colors are vibrant and should work
together to attract students to this relatively quiet
section of the campus. According to Mr. Unzueta the
mural should serve an educational and inspirational
classes of ‘33, ‘34 and ‘35. The history of the ‘30’s
was reflected in the alumni remarks and by the scope
of their yearbooks. For instance, the difference in
style and content of the ’32 and ’33 books testified to
the rigors of the Depression: ‘33’s O&G was much
smaller and less comprehensive than the previous
year’s. Furthermore, the classes saw significant
losses among their male students during WWII.
Among the recollections of these alumni were
memories of riding horseback to school, of the daring
act of rolling a cigarette in the boys’ restroom, and the
intense rivalry with Santa Maria. Due to the amount
of work involved in organizing such a reunion, there
was speculation about a “next time”. However, given
the pleasure of sharing old times among friends, it is
not safe to bet against seeing these Dons sharing a get
together at least once more.
CAMPUS NEWS - Continued
SBHS has consistently produced high quality jazz musicians, and the current students had the
special opportunity to learn from and to perform with
a legendary jazz alto saxophone player, Sherman Irby.
Irby is a member of the Lincoln Center jazz orchestra,
which is led by Winston Marsalis. Irby’s particular
focus in his class was to teach the young musicians
the secret joy of swing. After some small section
work with individual players, Irby had the entire jazz
band join up for a full group exercise where the students played the bluesy melody well enough that Mr.
Irby smiled enthusiastically at their work. The guest
artist’s visit was part of a large program of UCSB’s
Arts and Lectures which puts guest artists into the
larger community.
SBHS is in its fifth year of working with
SBCC to offer an environmental horticulture class
as the schools own garden, complete with a 4500
square foot greenhouse. The class serves between
150 and 180 students, many of whom attend during
the school’s ‘zero’ period, 7 to 8 a.m. Each student
has a small space to pursue individual interests, and
instructor JOSE CABALLERO makes sure that a
wide variety of projects keep the students’ interests.
Propagation includes work with seeds, cuttings, and
root diversions. Because the course is dual enrollment, students can earn both high school and city college credits. In the course of the year there are many
rewards, not the least of which are the fresh vegetables, either consumed on the spot or taken home for
the family table.
The Santa Barbara Athletic Roundtable hosts
a noon luncheon each week to serve as a forum for
local high school and college athletic presentations.
As part of their program, they select a scholar/athlete
for the month. September’s honoree was REBECCA
NEILSEN-ROBBINS ’10. She is an outstanding
softball pitcher, named to the All Channel League last
season with a .351 batting average and a 2.43 earned
run average. Rebecca carries a 4.8 GPA and is a National Merit Semifinalist. She has also been honored
with a Wellesley Book Award. Her coach cites her
total commitment to the team and her dynamic leadership.
Marking their 50th year out of SBHS, the
Class of 1959 gathered at a highly successful barbeque at Tucker’s Grove, where they took the important step of establishing a Class of 1959 Scholarship.
Each classmate in attendance received a scholarship
donation form which allowed them to contribute and
to join the Alumni Association as well. The proud
coordinators of the event are pleased by the enthusiastic response. Four hundred Dons turned out to
celebrate and reminisce. Classmates came from as
far away as Denmark and Australia. The dinner was
truly a Don event; TONY WARRECKER ’87 donated
the wood, while MANUEL ROBLEDO and FRANK
GALINDO (both of the Class of 1963) and LOUIE
HERRERA ’59 did the cooking. Classmates who
were unable to attend are invited to donate to the
scholarship by forwarding their checks to us: SBHS
The most special reunion of the summer was
organized by members of the Class of 1936, hosting their 73rd reunion and inviting fellow 1930’s
Don graduates. They were joined by members of the
Organizers for the Class of 1959 Reunion BBQ: (L to R)
Pamela Jameson Boehr, Gilbert Robledo, Linda Moe
business career, he retired in 2003. Jack and Karen
were on a tour in China when he died.
BILL JACKSON, SBHS Principal from
1970 to 1989, died in September after a long battle
with Alzheimer’s. Jackson shared the principal’s
job with GENE SNYDER from 1970 to 1986, in a
unique partnership as both men succeeded CLAUD
HARDESTY. Jackson began each school day in the
hallway outside his office, sharing his optimistic and
enthusiastic dedication to education with teachers and
students alike.
He worked quietly but effectively to strengthen the faculty by recruiting new teachers from the
junior highs and by encouraging young teachers to
obtain particular credentials which would allow him
to find a teaching slot at SBHS.
Jackson carried his passion for teaching into
his retirement, where he worked as a supervisor of
student teachers. Scholarships in Jackson’s name
have been established by the Scholarship Foundation
of Santa Barbara, and by the Alumni Association.
Donations in his name will honor his lifetime commitment to young people.
President, Don tennis player, and Stanford graduate,
Haight died in San Diego in July.
THOMAS JON TIMMER ’69 died in an
automobile accident in July. A longtime commercial
fisherman out of Crescent City, Timmer had recently
purchased a vineyard in Cave Junction, Oregon. Two
children and his former wife cherish hlis memory.
We have learned of the following alumni deaths since
we published our spring Alumni News. The names
are arranged chronologically by graduation year.
Marcia Goodwin Vaile ’25; William Russell ‘32; Helen Mattson MacConaghy ’33; Chilant Costa Sprague
’33; Jeanne Wood Pond ’34; Loyal Streiff ’35; Alma
McKnight Jones ’35; Ned Smith ’36; Blanche Corbett
Hone ’37; Alfred Artuso ’37; Oliver McAfee ’37; Alice Peacock Tapie ’38; Mary Bell Page ’39; Lawrence
Teeple Jr. ’40; Frank Smith ’40; Katherine Capovilla
Miratti ’42; Vivian Tatjes ’43; Edward Joyce. ’44; Loren Nicolson ’44; Allan Lamont ’46; Earl E. Johnson
’47; Rudy Limon ’47; Patricia Ryan Gallagher ’47;
Lilliian Weschke Wiesenthal ’52; John Ludlow Jr.
‘56; Melinda Charmicle Bailey ’66; Zachary Miller
DOUG SPENCE ’41 was a member of Don
Championship football teams and later a crewmember
in B-17’s flying out of Britain during WWII. Spence
remained a loyal Don and shared Santa Barbara memories during frequent lunches with DICK SCHUTTE
and SEY KINSELL ’41.
STANLEY RODGERS ’54, who was a Don
cheerleader in his senior year, died in August in
Florida. Rogers co-owned three TCBY yogurt shops
and was an active community member and an avid
Have you lost yours? Was it destroyed in
some catastrophe? Would you like one from your
parents’ or grandparents’ year? We may be able to
help. Please visit our web site,
to see if we have the one you seek.
Perhaps you have some you no longer wish to
keep. You can donate them to the Alumni Association
to enhance our scholarship program. Let us know by
e-mailing us at
If you live in the Santa Barbara area, we can
arrange to pick them up. The proceeds we receive
from yearbook sales go into our Alumni Scholarship
Fund. With your help, it is one Don helping another
Don. What could be better?
JACK OCHI ’51 came to SBHS after a year
in Santa Ynez High School. Originally from Taft,
Ochi and his whole family were interned from 1942
until late in 1945. He earned an engineering degree
and worked on many projects with the California
Department of Water resources. He is survived by
his wife Suzi and by his twin brother Jim, also of the
Class of 1951.
JOHN (JACK) LUDLOW ’56 attended
SBCC where he was a Yell Leader and a member of
the Golf Team before working for a degree in Business Administration at San Jose State. He married
KAREN CANTOR ’59 and raised two children, now
with four grandchildren. After a long and varied
We are still offering electronic access to the newsletter.
Lool at http.// to see that mode is good
for you. Let us know if you want us to take you off our
regular mailing list -
This process will save us postage, money and you may
get the newsletter sooner!
DAVID YAMADA ’55 published a history of Japanese Americans on the Monterey Peninsula in 1995
and has just seen the work translated into Japanese
and published in Japan. The book relies on interviews Yamada and eight others conducted with 87
Issei—first generation Japanese immigrants—and
their elder children beginning in 1991. Since many of
those interviewed were elderly, time pressures were
crucial. The immigrants were fishermen and farmers, all interned during WWII. They spoke of their
lives before and after the war, including their return
to Monterey in the late 1940’s. Yamada had earlier
worked in Japan, where he met the Tsuyoshi Ishida
family. Tsuyoshi’s widow, Takako, is the translator of
Yamada’s book.
May’s assembly presenting our Wall of Fame
honorees drew a fine group of students who got to
hear our alumni praise their years and educational experiences at SBHS. All five men, ERNIE ZAMPESE
SHELTON ’76, and ROD LATHIM ’76, entertained the audience with anecdotes about athletics,
academics, and student life from SBHS in the ‘50s
through the ‘70s. Zampese and Ford spoke about
their coaches and teammates, Cagle remembered his
cartoon adventures on the Forge staff, Lathim spoke
of the theater productions, and Shelton explained how
he came to provide a companion for the dairy cow at
Milpas and Canon Perdido. Years after graduation, he
was hired to build the new home near Nopal and Canon Perdido. In his first conversation with the property
owners, he explained that the dairy cow needed some
company. Some of you might remember the photo
we showed of a rooftop calf gazing hopefully up at
the cow. That calf was Shelton’s inspiration.
JACKIE ROTMAN ’08, one of our scholarship winners, recently won a $36,000 award in recognition of
her contributions to the Santa Barbara community.
The founder of Everybody Dance Now!, Rotman
dedicated many hours to her program which promotes
dance as a means of keeping teens out of gangs. The
Hellen Diller Family Foundation honors exceptional
Jewish teenagers who organize social action projects
throughout the state.
The photo display of this year’s honorees is
now on the wall in the main hallway along with all
of our past special alumni, You are always welcome
to take a stroll down that hallway to see some of our
most distinguished graduates. You will be very impressed.
SGT. MANUEL ESTRADA ’01 served in the army
for seven years, with two tours of duty in Iraq and
one in Afghanistan. At present he is a federal border patrol agent in El Centro and remains in the
Army Reserve. This summer, Estrada was awarded
the Bronze Star at the Army Reserve station in Los
Alamitos. He was cited for a relentless commitment
toward the accomplishment of a combined joint special operation during the early moments of Operation
Iraqi Freedom. Estrada is married to Priseila, a former
soldier; they have three daughters.
We use the NEWS PRESS as a primary
source of information for these notes, and we appreciate the information that our readers provide us. We
are happy to print articles from the readership, and
will appreciate any news you can provide us.
JAIME MALGOZA ’82 has been named
the new football coach at SBHS. Although not the
first ex-Don to lead the Dons, Malgoza is the first
football coach to assume the position as a walk-on
coach. He has a long record of work in the program,
having spent time as an assistant, besides being a
former player. Any walk-on coach faces the particular difficulties of not having a full time on-campus
status. However, Malgoza has demonstrated a deep
commitment to Don Football, and his promotion to
head coach does present a sense of continuity which
a brand new coach would lack. We join many in the
community in wishing Coach Malgoza the very best.
Plans are being finalized for an April 29, 2010
football game between Don and Royal graduates. This
cross town rivalry will be celebrated in a new and exciting
competition. Players from both schools will have another
chance to enjoy and test themselves in a renewal of the
city’s major high school sporting event. The sponsors have
decided to allow players who are at least five years out
of school. No word yet on an upper age limit, but given
the length of this rivalry, there may be a few 40-year olds
out there hoping to capture the magic of their youth once
again. Check the News Press or other local media for
further information.
Under the direction of Athletic Director NAN
VERKAIK ‘71 friends, coaches, parents, and alumni
gathered for an evening of refreshments and bidding
on numerous gift baskets provided by all of the SBHS
athletic teams. This has become an annual event, and
it has been held the last two years at the QAD Headquarters overlooking the ocean from the top of Ortega
Hill. The late afternoon views of the coastline and
the islands were a bonus to the friendship and camaraderie which highlighted the gathering. The gift
baskets were arranged to solicit bids during the silent
auction period, and several additional items such as
guest stays at donated vacation condos. The evening
provided substantial funding for the Dons’ varied
athletic programs.
The SBHS Education Foundation was started in
2008 by a group of parents, alumni and administrators.
Our mission is to fund projects that will strengthen the
academic program at the school, improve the physical campus, and enrich the variety of co-curricular activities so that
the students have the opportunity to excel both inside and
outside the classroom, now and into the future.
Greg Tebbe is one of the impassioned and
motivated parents/alumni who serves on the board of the
Foundation. After graduating from SBHS in 1981, Greg
attended Harvard College and received his B.A. in 1986.
He then moved to New York City to work for Goldman
Sachs, where he worked for the next 21 years as a trader
and later a senior manager in their Fixed Income, Currency
and Commodities division.
In 2007, Greg decided to retire from Goldman
Sachs so that he and his wife, Daphne, could move their
three children from Manhattan to Santa Barbara. “While
we loved living in Manhattan, our kids were getting to the
age where we wanted to raise them in a smaller community
where they would have more opportunities to experience
the outdoors. Santa Barbara was at the top of our list because of the quality of life that is possible here, as well as
the richness of its cultural and educational offerings. After
attending Harvard College, I knew that Santa Barbara High
School had provided me with an outstanding and unique
educational experience, and I am highly motivated to give
back to the school and to do whatever I can to help SBHS
continue to be an outstanding institution.” In addition to
joining the board of the Education Foundation, Greg also
helps to coach the SBHS girls’ and boys’ tennis teams.
Santa Barbara High School has been educating
our local youth with high standards in academic, athletic,
and enrichment programs for over 130 years. Unfortunately, California ranks lower than the national average in per
pupil funding, and 49th nationwide in student to teacher
ratio. In an effort to preserve student programs, fund the
current needs of the school, and to prepare our students for
tomorrow, the SBHS Education Foundation has launched
a capital campaign, Investing in the Future of Our Youth,
with the modest goal of raising $2.5 million in the next
12 months. The priorities of the campaign are to fund
additional teaching staff, academic counselors, technology in the classrooms and a gymnasium restoration. With
$500,000 raised so far, we are confident that we will reach
our goal with the community’s support.
With strict limits placed on school district
support of all extra-curricular activities, the various
student groups such as theater, music, academies,
as well as team sports have resorted to a wide range
of fund-raising. SBHS parents have been the key
to most of the support for the students. In addition
to money-raising, the collective endeavors of students and adults have resulted in spirited cooperation
among a wide variety of community members.
A special attraction of this year’s event was
the splendid music provided by “SB PERFECT
MIX”, the award winning Don quintet, featuring Saxophonist ANDREW ADAMS ’10, bassist ROBERT
HARRELL ’11, guitarist SEAN KIM ’10, drummer
TAYLOR ’11. These highly accomplished musicians set a perfect tone for the event. The young men
participate in many of the school programs including
athletics. For your information, the band is open for
private events; they would be a perfect part of any social or family gathering. To obtain more information
you can reach them at
To learn more about the SBHS Education Foundation and ways to become involved, either as a donor or a
volunteer, visit our website at or email us at We are confident that with the community’s support of her flagship high school, we will reach
our goal and fulfill the promise that every student can reach
his or her full potential at Santa Barbara High School.
Part of the crowd at QAD to celebrate and support
Santa Barbara High School Athletics.
I would like to welcome our alumni back to Santa Barbara High School for the 2009-2010
school year!
This month, I would like to share with you the part of our newsletter that will make it to our
parents regarding our new and returning students.
We have a large spectrum of student opportunities present for parents, students, and teachers as the school year begins, and we want everybody to remember a few basic things that apply to
everybody; Get Organized – It’s time for your student to begin organizing their time, assignments,
test dates, projects, and, of course, student activities. It sounds easy except when you’re caught having an assignment due and wanting to attend a school event, and then things can get complicated!
Follow a School and Study Routine – this is an opportunity for parents and students to work together
in an environment that is free of distractions. Complete Long-Term Projects – Start early, plan the
project and divide the project into smaller parts, and set a goal for keeping track of your progress.
Communicating with the school – Keep yourself informed through Aeries online. Be sure you have
contacted Sharon Henning in our counseling office for your log-in information. Each of our staff has
an email that can be accessed through our website at And, we will be contacting you
through TeleParent. We still have telephones and all staff have extensions. We would like to have all
messages returned within a 24-hour period.
Our teenagers are active and there is so much going on in their lives! Help them make wise
choices! All of us need help in making decisions about what courses to take, what activities we want
to be involved in, socializing outside of school, and more. Help your student to recognize you are
available for them and want to help create the balance necessary for a successful life. Encourage
them to try new things, experience new school cultures, and stay aware of their progress.
Lastly, we encourage our parents to spend time together with their student and foster their
passion, regardless of how long it lasts. Interests, regardless of how long, are important to the
growth of their future. As they near the thought of graduation, they will seek their parents’ expertise
and understanding as they begin to determine their post-secondary plans. And we want supportive
parents who make themselves available because they really are needed!
As a school we play an important role in the growth and development of every student. The
staff at SBHS is here to support our parents and students in a process that can range from the most
rewarding to the most challenging. The learning process can be difficult for some, and we want to
make sure that we are contacted when necessary. It’s never too early to check! We want everybody
to stay informed, attend events, stay in touch with your teachers, and consider volunteering! It’s a
good thing!
To the alumni of Santa Barbara High School, we encourage you to visit our school and our
classes. It is important for our students to see you, and for you to share your stories and experiences.
Best wishes,
Mark Capritto, Ed.D.
Santa Barbara High School
(New) Terrance Boyes Music Scholarship: The
Elks Club of Santa Barbara; James Pincock, MD
DMD; Sharon Henning and Bonnie Keinath.
John Pasquotto Honorary Scholarship: John Pasquotto ‘36; John Pasquotto imo Anna Richardi ’36
and Harriet (Rizor) Dillingham ’37; Duane Jones ’53;
Dominic Perello ’41 imo Harold Bovee, Joe Rossi,
Danny Zuzalek; Mariko and Jim Pasquotto for John’s
92nd birthday; John Pasquotto imo Harry Sproul ’34.
Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund: Jeff Kinsell;
Carolisa Lindberg ’69 imo Terry Boyes; Kendy
Malek-Stone; Kathy (McVey) Miller; Joe Olivera;
Marla Lohneiss Dike; Ugo Peter Arnoldi; Ray Castro;
Marjorie Palonen.
(New) Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund: Pamela
(Jameson) Boehr; Rosemary (Cormack) Rice; Ken
and Judy Mastinick.
Class of 1962 Vocational Scholarship: Kathy Chapman Wetzel imo Peter Wetzel.
Christina Cavallero Scholarship Fund: Elsie Tatum
Whitaker ’43; Marsha A. Wright.
Sey Kinsell Scholarship Fund: Sey Kinsell imo
Doug Spence ‘41.
Spring ’44 Hi-Y Scholarship Fund: Alan Perry.
Claud Hardesty Scholarship Fund: American Business Women’s Association, Fiesta Chapter.
SBHS Alumni Memorial Fund: Kay and Bill Van
Horn imo Stanley Rodgers ’54 and Jack Minoru Ochi
Banner for Class of 2009: SBHS Business Office
General Fund: Ann Donati ‘53; Duane and Emily
Aasted ’51; Kathy Ludlow; Phyllis (Taylor) Ormonde
’53; Terrie (Vaile) Hauck ’55.
Special Projects Fund: Terrie (Vaile) Hauck ’55.
Donation to be used where needed: Ernie Brooks ’53.
Cameron Perry Scholarship: Elizabeth (Hoelscher)
Perry ’39.
John Richards Scholarship Fund: Duane Jones ’53.
John Nakano Scholarship Fund: Duane Jones ’53.
Doug White Scholarship Fund: Duane Jones ’53.
John Pasquotto ’36; Lenita Swedenborg ’53.
Class of ’53 Scholarship Fund: Duane Jones ’53;
Lenita Swedenborg ’53; Maureen Masson’53 imo
Mike Warren ’53.
Masako Saruwatari Scholarship Fund: Judith Van
Horn Hill.
SBHS Memorial Scholarship Fund: Joe de la Torre
and Jackie (Ator) de la Torre ’46 imo Allan Lamont
’46; Terri (Vaile) Hauck ’55 imo Marcia G. Vaile ’25;
Isabel H. Bartolome ’40 imo Frank C. Smith ’40.
Henry and Dorothy Brubeck Scholarship Fund:
Bill McNally ’70 imo his sister, Mary Ellen McNally
’68; Lenita Swedenborg ’53; Leland Leonard ’59.
Donated Student Tickets for Annual Barbecue:
Lee Wardlaw Jaffurs; Jeanette Arnoldi-Schall; Stuart
and Laura Wilson; Harris and Ann Seed; Ken Putnam; Alexander Rossi; Robert Sawyer ‘53; Laura
Fowler; Stephanie Burkard; Bruce O’Neal; Kay Van
Horn; Alan Perry; Sey Kinsell; Harold Johnson, Jr.;
E. T. Whitaker; Gary Hart; Erno Daniel.
(New) Landscaping Fund: John Pasquotto ’36;
Kathy Haas.
Class of ’52 Scholarship Fund: Sona (Eliot) MacMillan ’52.
Cap Fund: Sona (Eliot) MacMillan ’52; Terri (Vaile)
Hauck ’55.
In June of 1960, Santa Barbara Channel was the
scene of the sinking of the Marie, a workboat ferrying workers to the new oil platforms in the channel.
The tragedy claimed the lives of four SBHS alumni
and three other men. James ‘Jim” McCaffrey ‘49, P.
Dale Howell ‘46, Harold Mackie, Jr. ‘44, and Diego
“Jim” S. Terres, Jr. ‘48 were the former Dons lost in
the sinking.
We have received a letter from Terresa NewtonTerres, who is organizing a June 2010 memorial to be
held at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum located
at the foot of the breakwater in the harbor. Newton-Terres is the daughter of Jim Terres, and she is
seeking help from any Santa Barbara residents, any
alumni who might have information about her father
and the other three men who were lost.
The commemoration will take place Friday
through Sunday, June 4-6, to be followed by 15 Days
of Honor June 7-21.
If any of you have information, memories (high
school or otherwise), please provide the data to
Terresa at or www.MarieEvent.
com. She will be in Santa Barbara in November and
is hoping to interview local people and to record tapes
of those interviews. Should you wish to help underwrite the commemoration, you can contribute to the
Marie Commemoration Fund, c/o Greg Gorga, SB
Maritime Museum, Santa Barbara, California 93109.
Further information,