Graduation 11:00 am - Registrar


G raduation

T hursday

, d ecember

18, 2008

11:00 a




L iTTLejohn

c oLiseum o rder of

C eremonies

(Please remain standing for the processional, posting of colors, and invocation.)

P ostinG of

C olors

Pershing Rifles i nvoCation

Christopher Michael Del Campo, Student Representative i ntroduCtion of

t rustees

President James F Barker r eCoGnition of the

d eans of the

C olleGes

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Doris R Helms

C onferrinG of

h onorary

d eGree

President James F Barker r efleCtions

Benjamin Carroll Boozer

C onferrinG of

d eGrees and

d elivery of

d iPlomas

President James F Barker r eCoGnition and

P resentation of

a wards

Class of ’39 Award for Excellence

Faculty Scholarship Award

Mr. Frank Breazeale, Organist

Clemson University Ensemble, Viva Voce

Professor Michael Vatalaro, University Marshal

C eremonial

m usiC d eparTmenT of

p erforming

a rTs

Prelude — Viva Voce

Ubi Caritas — M Durufle

O Magnum Mysterium — M Lauridsen

New Day — arr. The King’s Singers

Elijah Rock — Traditional Spiritual, arr. M Hogan


Traditional Marches and Trumpet Tunes

Mr. Frank W Breazeale, Class of ’68, Organist

National Anthem — Viva Voce

Words by Francis Scott Key

Music attributed to John Stafford Smith

Arranged by David A Conley, Class of ’92


Pastoral Air with Variations — Franz X A Murschhauser

Mr. Frank W Breazeale, Class of ’68, Organist


Clemson University Alma Mater — Viva Voce

Words by A C Corcoran, Class of ’19

Music by Robert E Farmer, Class of ’49,

and Hugh H McGarity

Arranged by David A Conley, Class of ’92


Festival Postlude — Domenico Zipoli

Mr. Frank W Breazeale, Class of ’68, Organist

Viva Voce

Mr. David Conley, Class of ’92, Director

Joyce Allison

Shelly Caskey

Warren Godfrey

Adriane Hale

Liz Hatch

Joshua Hilley

Thomas Hudgins

Marlon Johnson

Thabe Matsebatlela

Kelly Miles

Lindsay Morelli

Laura Morton

Meghan Muse

Chris Odell

Kyle VanDeusen

Josh Ziska

B oard of

t rustees

Leon J Hendrix, Jr., Chairman ................... Kiawah Island

Joseph D Swann, Vice Chairman ......................Greenville

Bill L Amick .........................................Batesburg-Leesville

J J Britton ................................................................Sumter

Louis B Lynn ......................................................Columbia

Patricia H McAbee .............................................Greenville

John N McCarter, Jr. ......................................... Columbia

Leslie G McCraw ...............................................Greenville

E Smyth McKissick III .......................................Greenville

Thomas B McTeer, Jr. ........................................ Columbia

Robert L Peeler ..................................................Lexington

William C Smith, Jr. .......................................... Columbia

David H Wilkins ................................................Greenville

Trustees Emeriti

Louis P Batson, Jr...............................................Greenville

Fletcher C Derrick, Jr....................................... Charleston

W G DesChamps, Jr. ....................................... Bishopville

Lawrence M Gressette, Jr. .................................. Columbia

Harold D Kingsmore ...........................................Clemson

D Leslie Tindal .................................................. Pinewood

Allen P Wood ...................................................... Florence

Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Angie Leidinger a dministrative

o ffiCers

James F Barker .................................................... President

Doris R Helms ...................................... Vice President for

Academic Affairs and Provost

A Neill Cameron, Jr. ......Vice President for Advancement

Steven E Copeland ......................................Interim Chief

Administrative Officer

Brett A Dalton ..............................Chief Financial Officer

Gail DiSabatino ...........Vice President for Student Affairs

John W Kelly ............Vice President for Public Service and


Lawrence Nichols II .........Chief Human Resources Officer

Terry Don Phillips ................................Director of Athletics

Christian E G Przirembel.........................Vice President for

Research and Economic Development

Clayton D Steadman ................................. General Counsel

Leon E Wiles ....................................Chief Diversity Officer

h onorary

d eGree

Benjamin Carroll Boozer

Doctorate of Education

Benjamin Carroll Boozer epitomizes the strength of character and generous spirit of outreach and community service that Clemson University itself embodies.

With more than 30 years as a community development specialist, including serving as director of Clemson’s Institute for Economic and Community

Development from 2000 to 2007, Boozer has helped to establish a statewide network of technical assistance, insightful guidance and leadership capacity development in communities all over South Carolina.

Under his guidance, for the first time in our state’s history, a collaborative group of state agencies, local government entities, other institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations and civic groups convened regularly to address challenges of rural communities in South

Carolina. More significantly, this group developed strategies for pooling resources and outreach endeavors to provide assistance to these communities.

As director of Clemson’s Institute for Economic and Community Development, Boozer served as facilitator for strategic planning sessions in 28 S.C. communities, organized the S.C. Community

Development Collaborative, directed the Main Street Program providing assistance to communities revitalizing their historic central commercial core, and coordinated work with the S.C. Design Arts

Partnership and the Mayors’ Institute in rural communities across the state.

He has served on more than 10 economic development boards in South Carolina and is widely recognized as one of our state’s leading experts on community development and as a premier facilitator in conducting strategic planning sessions and other community public meetings.

A resident of Columbia and graduate of the University of South Carolina, Boozer served as executive director of the S.C. Downtown Development Association for 17 years prior to joining Clemson and was executive director of the Charleston County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Commission.

He is the recipient of many community service awards, including the Order of the Palmetto, the

Elizabeth O’Neill Verner Award from the S.C. Arts Commission, a Special Award from the S.C.

Department of Education, the Rural Leadership Award from the S.C. Rural Development Council and the Allison Furlow Award from the Municipal Association of South Carolina.

Ben Boozer’s philosophy of service is embodied in these comments he made to a state conference: “If we believe the future of South Carolina is tied irrevocably to the future of its communities, then we must come together to leverage scarce resources and eliminate duplication of services and assistance.

More importantly, we must recognize the interrelationships of issues and agencies and build a collaborative approach. Nothing less will enable South Carolina to remain competitive and viable.”

Clemson University holds Ben Boozer’s remarkable life of service and his support of and commitment to the people of South Carolina in the highest regard. It is with great honor and pleasure that we recognize Benjamin Carroll Boozer with the honorary degree, Doctorate of Education.

t he



P roCession

The academic procession is composed of the faculty, staff, officers, trustees and most honored guests of the University.

Faculty enter by college and each college is preceded by its marshal, a senior faculty member, with the college baton, described under University Regalia. The college banners are placed on the stage. Each banner is a combination of colors that declare the disciplines taught in that college. These colors, which were established by the American Council on Education, are listed below.

Collegiate faculty follow their marshal in order of academic rank wearing academic costumes of medieval origin. Those who have received their degrees from institutions outside the United States wear costumes specified by the awarding institutions. Academic costumes of faculty whose degrees are from institutions in the United States are specified by a uniform code maintained by the American Council on Education. Caps are black and are usually mortar boards with tassels. Doctors of philosophy wear gold tassels usually of metallic thread; other degrees wear black or discipline colors.

The bachelor’s gown is simple and black with long, pointed sleeves. Masters’ gowns, also black, are longer than bachelors’ gowns. Older gowns have sleeves that terminate at the elbow, while those since 1960 have sleeves extended to the wrist.

Doctors’ gowns are full, with bell-like sleeves. The front is marked by velvet panels and the sleeves are marked by three velvet bars. While most gowns are black with black velvet, one variation is to replace black velvet with velvet in the discipline color. A second variation is a colored gown usually of the university’s colors.

All hoods specify the level of degree, the type of discipline studied and the awarding institution. First, degree level is signified by the size of the hood with bachelors’ the smallest, masters’ larger and doctors’ quite large and of a different shape.

Clemson does not award hoods to bachelors. The width of the velvet trim also conveys the degree. Secondly, the degree is indicated by the color of the trim edging the hood to form the throat over the gown. The most frequently seen is dark blue, which designates the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree. Finally, the color of the hood’s lining specifies the awarding institution. The colors are displayed in combinations that are drawn from heraldry. Notice that the Clemson University hood is lined with purple through which is an orange chevron (a “V”). Although many combinations are duplicated by dozens of institutions, Clemson is presently the only institution with that registered combination.

The officers, trustees and honored guests wear academic, ecclesiastical or military regalia as set forth by their professions.

The president of Clemson University wears a purple gown with four velvet bars piped in gold and the university seal embroidered on the panels. Each trustee wears a similar gown with three velvet bars piped in gold for doctorates and an embroidered palmetto tree on each sleeve for those who do not hold doctorates. Hoods are either from Clemson or from the awarding school. They are preceded by the university marshal. Clad in a gown of office in gold and purple, the marshal wears no hood and bears the university mace. At the ceremony’s close, the faculty do not exit as a part of the recessional but are dismissed, along with students and guests, when the marshal leaves the coliseum.

C olleGe

C olors d isCiPline

Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences

Architecture, Arts and Humanities

Business and Behavioral Science

Engineering and Science

Health, Education and Human Development



Faculty Senate



Golden Yellow




Dark Blue



Peacock Blue



Golden Yellow

Light Blue



Lemon Yellow

Purple and Orange

Purple and White



Life Sciences





Accounting and Business


Public Administration

Social Sciences





Social Sciences


Academic Support


t he

u niversity

r eGalia

The university mace is the symbolic representation of the whole of Clemson University and must be present at any convocation where the University, through its delegated members, is acting officially. At any official convocation such as commencement, the university marshal, carrying the mace, precedes the president into the assembly. The mace rests before the president’s chair or speaker’s stand throughout the ceremony, and its removal from the assembly at the close of a convocation is symbolic of the official withdrawal of the University and, thus, the close of the proceedings.

The decorative design of Clemson’s mace is derived from the ceremonial maces carried by heads of the state and church in the Middle Ages. Its basic club-like shape, however, is much more ancient, probably going back to man’s prehistory. It is made of walnut wood and silver, with Clemson’s seal in gold and the university colors represented by insets of carnelian (orange) and amethyst (purple). Amethyst is also the state stone of

South Carolina.

The presidential chain and seal is symbolic of the authority vested in the office of president by the governing body of the University. Only the university president may wear it, and while wearing it, he speaks for the whole body of the institution. Clemson’s chain and seal are made of silver and gold, and cornelian and amethyst.

The batons of the college marshals also descend from medieval “staffs of office,” which were carried by the senior members of departments of state or church. They display the university seal and the symbolic color of the discipline to which the college belongs.

Clemson’s batons are made of walnut wood and silver with the various disciplines inset with enamel.

The Clemson University regalia were designed and executed by Mr. Robert Ebendorf.

Mr. Ebendorf is twice winner of the Tiffany Award and one of the most acclaimed goldsmiths of our era. The enamel plaques for the batons were executed by the late

Professor Marshall C Bell, and the lapidary work was executed by the late Mr. C C

Wilson of Clemson University.

C andidates for the

d oCtor

’ s

d eGree

J Bruce Rafert, Dean, Graduate School

C olleGe of



, f orestry and

l ife


CienCes d oCtor of

P hilosoPhy


Liang Dong ........................................................................................................................Hefei, China

B.S., Shanghai University

Dissertation: Novel Xanthine and Oxanine Glycosylase Activity in Yeast and Mammalian Systems

Advisor: Dr. W Cao

Rongjuan Mi ..............................................................................................................Shandong, China

B.E., East China University of Science and Technology

Dissertation: Deaminated DNA Repair Enzymes in Bacteria and Human Systems

Advisor: Dr. W Cao

Biological Sciences

Jennifer Eileen Graves-Herring .....................................................................................Middletown, NJ

B.S., M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: The Development and Analysis of a Closed System of Vitrification for Mammalian


Advisor: Dr. A Wheeler


Mark Sheldon Faulkenberry .............................................................................................Pineville, NC

B.S., Western Carolina University; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Infestation and Decline Characteristics of Tsuga Caroliniana and Tsuga Canadensis

to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid and Possible Management Techniques

Advisor: Dr. J Culin

Environmental Toxicology

Kristen M Gaworecki .......................................................................................................Herkimer, NY

B.S., Nazareth College; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Changes in Brain Biochemistry and Feeding Behavior in Hybrid Striped Bass

Exposed to Environmental Contaminants

Advisor: Dr. S Klaine

Katherine Lynne Sciera.................................................................................................Fayetteville, GA

B.S., Purdue University; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Quantifying the Effects of Land Use Change on Stream Ecosystems for Use in

Ecological Risk Assessment

Advisor: Dr. S Klaine

Food Technology

Youngjae Byun .................................................................................................................... Central, SC

B.S., M.S., Korea University

Dissertation: Development and Characterization of Moisture and Heat Activated Oxygen

Scavenging Nanoparticles

Advisor: Dr. W Whiteside

Food Technology (continued)

Xiaohu Fan.....................................................................................................................Jinzhou, China

B.A., M.A., University of Petroleum

Dissertation: Optimization of Biodiesel Production from Crude Cottonseed Oil: Conventional

and Ultrasonic Irradiation Method

Advisor: Dr. F Chen

Huaping Zhang ........................................................................................................... Hancuan, China

B.S., Wuhan University; M.S., Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dissertation: Novel Anti-Tumor and Antioxidant Chemicals from the Stem Bark of

African Mahogany Khaya senegalensis (Meliaceae)

Advisor: Dr. F Chen

Forest Resources

Steven Thomas Hall ..............................................................................................Washingtonville, NY

B.S., M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Topographic Analysis and Predictive Modeling Using Geographic Information


Advisor: Dr. C Post


Dianne Marie Cohn ....................................................................................................... Chappells, SC

B.S., M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Dissertation: Utilizing Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification to Detect Novel X-Linked

Microduplications Which Cause Intellectual Disability

Advisor: Dr. M Friez

Abhijit Avinash Karve ................................................................................................... Mumbai, India

B.S., Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth College

Dissertation: Functional Characterization of Hexokinase-like1 (HKL1) from Arabidopsis thaliana

Advisor: Dr. B Moore

Plant and Environmental Sciences

Prashant Jha ........................................................................................................................ Central, SC

B.S., M.S., Haryana Agricultural University

Dissertation: Biology and Ecology of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and Tall

Morningglory (Ipomoea purpurea)

Advisor: Dr. M Riley

Antonio Marcelo Weibel ...................................................................................San Martin, Argentina

B.A., University National De Cordoba; M.S., University of California–Davis

Dissertation: Dwarfing Mechanisms of Prunus Species as Interstems and Rootstocks on Peach

[Prunus Persica (L.) Batsch] Tree Vegetative Growth and Physiology

Advisor: Dr. G Reighard

Wildlife and Fisheries Biology

Scott Andrew Zengel ...............................................................................................................Largo, FL

B.S., M.S., University of Florida

Dissertation: Wild Pig Habitat Use, Disturbance, and Understory Vegetation in the Floodplain and

Flatwoods of Congaree National Park

Advisor: Dr. W Conner

C olleGe of

B usiness and

B ehavioral


CienCe d oCtor of

P hilosoPhy

Applied Economics

Rebekka Martin Dudensing .............................................................................................Herndon, KS

B.S., Kansas State University

Dissertation: Benchmarking Regional Competitiveness: The Role of a Region’s Economic Legacy in

Determining Competitiveness

Advisor: Dr. D Barkley

Anusha Pokuri ..................................................................................................... Ammanabrolu, India

B.S., M.S., Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University

Dissertation: Emergency Department Visits in South Carolina: Implications for Uninsured

Advisor: Dr. J Nyankori

Jeffrey Joseph Roach .......................................................................................................Charlotte, NC

B.S., Bob Jones University; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Theoretical and Practical Implications of a Hedonic Pricing Model: Empirical

Observations from Wholesale Automobile Auctions

Advisor: Dr. M Maloney

Xuanwen Wang ........................................................................................................... Shanghai, China

M.S., Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science

Dissertation: Economy Analysis of Adoption of Irrigation Technologies in Northern China

Advisor: Dr. M Espey

Yigang Zhang ...................................................................................................................Fujian, China

B.A., Wuhan University

Dissertation: Decomposing Population Growth and Planned Birth Policy

Advisor: Dr. M Hammig


Divesh Ojha .................................................................................................................. Lucknow, India

B.E., University of Burdwan

M.S., Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College

Dissertation: Impact of Strategic Agility on Competitive Capabilities and Financial Performance

Advisors: Dr. V Sridharan

Dr. R LaForge

C olleGe of

e nGineerinG and


CienCe d oCtor of

P hilosoPhy


Kara Bethany Acampora .................................................................................................. St Charles, IL

B.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Effect of Clinically Relevant Mechanical Forces on Smooth Muscle Cell Response in

Model of Balloon Angioplasty

Advisor: Dr. M LaBerge

Bioengineering (continued)

Xiaofeng Cui ............................................................................................................... Shanghai, China

B.S., East China University of Science and Technology; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Human Microvasculature Fabrication Using Cell Printing Technology

Advisor: Dr. T Boland

Jason Douglas Hemmer ................................................................................................... Seekonk, MA

B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Characterization of the Viscoelastic and Frictional Properties of Vascular Smooth

Muscle Cells Using Atomic Force Microscopy

Advisor: Dr. M LaBerge

Samir Ibrahim .......................................................................................................................Austin, TX

B.S., University of Virginia

Dissertation: The Development of Hyaluronic Acid Biomaterials for Vascular Tissue Engineering

Advisor: Dr. A Ramamurthi

Aditee Ajit Kurane ..........................................................................................................Bombay, India

B.E., University of Mumbai

Dissertation: Vascular Tissue Engineering: Creation of Living, Non Thrombogenic, Functional

Blood Vessels Based on Elastin Scaffolds

Advisor: Dr. N Vyavahare

Devanathan Raghavan ......................................................................................................Clemson, SC

B.E., Bharathiar University; M.S., Oklahoma State University

Dissertation: ECM Stabilization Strategies for Bioprosthetic Heart Valves for Improved Durability

Advisor: Dr. N Vyavahare

Changhong Zhang ...........................................................................................................Hubei, China

B.S., Hefei University of Technology; M.S., Shanghai Jiaotong University

M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Synthesis and Characterization of Biodegradable Polyurethanes for Biomedical


Advisor: Dr. T Boland


Dahlia Marie Haynes ....................................................................................................... Brooklyn, NY

B.S., Claflin University

Dissertation: New Direction for Lactide Derived Polymers

Advisor: Dr. D Smith, Jr.

Stephen D Hudson ..................................................................................................................York, SC

B.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Ag Nanostructures

Advisor: Dr. G Chumanov

Mark K Kinnan .................................................................................................................Clemson, SC

B.S., University of North Florida

Dissertation: Fabrication and Optical Properties of Noble Metal Nanostructures

Advisor: Dr. G Chumanov

Suleiman Yahaya Oloriegbe ............................................................................................Springfield, IL

B.S., Ahmadu Bello University; M.S., King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Dissertation: Hybrid Bond Order Potential for Silicon

Advisor: Dr. S Stuart

Chemistry (continued)

Kulugammana Gedera Sanjaya Ranmohotti ....................................................................Clemson, SC

B.S., University of Kelaniya

Dissertation: Synthesis, Structure and Magnetic Properties of Oxy-Anion Based Magnetic Solids

Containing Transition Metal Oxide Nanostructures

Advisor: Dr. S Hwu

Changfeng Wu ...........................................................................................................Shandong, China

B.S., Shandong Institute of Light Industry; M.S., Jilin University

Ph.D., Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics

Dissertation: Fluorescent Conjugated Polymer Dots for Single Molecule Imaging and Sensing


Advisor: Dr. J McNeill

Civil Engineering

Raul Armando Flores ....................................................................................... Tegucigalpa, Honduras

B.S., M.Engr., Clemson University

Dissertation: Framework for Probabilistic Analysis of Recurrent Landslides: A Case Study of

El Berrinche

Advisor: Dr. C Juang

Computer Science

Edward James Doyle II.................................................................................................. Columbia, MO

B.S., M.S., University of Minnesota–St. Paul

Dissertation: Two Categories of Refutation Decision Procedures for Classical and Intutitionistic

Propositional Logic

Advisor: Dr. D Stevenson

Electrical Engineering

Jason Matthew Keen .......................................................................................................Huntsville, AL

B.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Aperture Coupling and Penetration in Various Configurations

Advisor: Dr. D Dawson

Guang Zeng .......................................................................................................................Clemson, SC

B.A., Xiangtan University; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Automatic Linear Feature Detection

Advisor: Dr. S Birchfield

Environmental Engineering and Science

Byung Joon Lee ......................................................................................................Deagu, South Korea

B.S., Kyungpook National University; M.S., University of Cape Town

Dissertation: Optimization of Filossulant-Aided Sediment Detention Pond

Advisor: Dr. M Schlautman

Industrial Engineering

Sajay Sadasivan..................................................................................................................Clemson, SC

B.S., Sambalpur University; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Effective VR: Interplay of Presence, Perception, Fidelity and Transfer Effects in the

Development of Inspection Training Simulators

Advisor: Dr. A Gramopadhye

Materials Science and Engineering

Oleksandr Burtovyy .........................................................................................Bogorodchany, Ukraine

B.S., M.S., Lviv Polytechnic National University

Dissertation: Synthesis and Characterization of Macromolecular Layers Grafted to Polymer Surfaces

Advisor: Dr. I Luzinov

Olha Hoy ..........................................................................................................................Lviv, Ukraine

B.S., Lviv Polytechnic State University; M.S., Lviv Polytechnic National University

Dissertation: Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer Brushes for Controlled Adsorption of


Advisor: Dr. I Luzinov

Suraj Sharma ...................................................................................................................... Jaipur, India

B.E., University of Rajasthan; M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology–New Delhi

Dissertation: Fabrication and Characterization of Polymer Blends and Composites Derived from


Advisor: Dr. I Luzinov

Mechanical Engineering

Balajee Ananthasayanam .................................................................................................Madras, India

B.E., Anna University–Madras; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Computational Modeling of Precision Molding of Aspheric Glass Optics and Higher

Order Terms in Fracture Mechanics

Advisor: Dr. P Joseph

Saeid Bashash............................................................................................................ Saadat Abad, Iran

B.S., Sharif University; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Modeling and Control of Piezoactive Micro and Nano Systems

Advisor: Dr. N Jalili


Erdi Ata Bleda ..............................................................................................................Istanbul, Turkey

B.S., Marmara University; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Calculations of Diffusion in FCC Binary Alloys Using On-the-fly Kinetic Monte


Advisor: Dr. M Daw

C olleGe of

h ealth

, e duCation and

h uman

d eveloPment d oCtor of

P hilosoPhy

Educational Leadership

John Charles Boyd .................................................................................................................Aynor, SC

B.S., University of Wisconsin–Platteville; M.S., Oklahoma City University

Dissertation: Presidential Fundraising in South Carolina’s Two-Year Technical Colleges

Advisor: Dr. F Williams

Idella Goodson Glenn ........................................................................................................... Greer, SC

B.S., Furman University; M.Ed., University of South Carolina

Dissertation: The Experiences of Chief Student Affairs Officers in Addressing Incidents of Racial

Insensitivity on College and University Campuses

Advisor: Dr. F Williams

Educational Leadership (continued)

Vicky Guin Maloney ............................................................................................................Sumter, SC

B.A., Winthrop University; M.A., Golden Gate University

Dissertation: Institutional Culture, Performance, and Learning in a Two-year Technical/

Community College

Advisor: Dr. F Williams

Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management

Mark Jonathan Kanning ................................................................................................Willowick, OH

B.S., M.E., Bowling Green State University

Dissertation: Influence of Overseas Travel Experiences on the Worldviews of U.S. Backpackers

Advisor: Dr. W Norman

Brian Dale Krohn ............................................................................................................ Princeton, IN

B.S., Union College

Dissertation: The Impact of Emotion on the Satisfaction Response of Golf Tourists

Advisor: Dr. S Backman

G raduate


Chool d oCtor of

P hilosoPhy

Policy Studies

Erecia S T Hepburn ....................................................................................................Nassau, Bahamas

B.S., Tuskegee University; M.S., Clemson University

Dissertation: Agri-tourism: Economic Diversification Strategy for The Bahamas

Advisor: Dr. R Smith

C andidates for the

e duCation


PeCialist and

m aster

’ s

d eGree

J Bruce Rafert, Dean, Graduate School

C olleGe of



, f orestry and

l ife



C olleGe of

a rChiteCture

, a rts and

h umanities


Davis Christopher Pinner ......................................Peak, SC


Biological Sciences

Stephanie A Loveless ........................................Clinton, IN


Michael James Biondi II .................................Walhalla, SC

Suvdtsetseg Chuluunbat ................................ Clemson, SC

Maxcy Pearle Nolan IV ......................................Seneca, SC

Environmental Toxicology

Andrew David McQueen ..................................Central, SC

Food, Nutrition and Culinary Sciences

Caroline Andrea Carter ............................... Greenville, SC

Forest Resources

Horace Edward Gambrell .................... Mountain Rest, SC

Nicole Elizabeth Gilbert .............................Smithfield, NC

Atul Kale ........................................................ Indore, India

Brian John Williams ................................. Georgetown, SC


Frank J Barretta, Jr. ......................................... Macomb, MI


Andrew Russell Daane ........................................ Naples, FL

Packaging Science

Kyle David Dunno ........................................Anderson, SC

Bianca Stiller ......................................... Potsdam, Germany

Wildlife and Fisheries Biology

Latice Fuentes .................................................. Cheraw, SC

Christine E Hand ............................................. Warsaw, IN

Lindsay Jean Moore .............................................Butler, PA

Marguerite E Porter ......................................... Lilburn, GA


Bridget O’Brien Gilles ............................Minneapolis, MN

Brian Michael Graham ................................Noblesville, IN

Christopher Alexander Hnatin ..............Downingtown, PA



Jessica J Fly ........................................................ Scobey, MS


Robert James Brownlow ....................................Seneca, SC

Claudia Renee Dishon ..................................Louisville, KY

Jeanine Cesaro Garrett .................................. Clemson, SC

Shannon Lee Wright ....................................Anderson, SC



Susan T Larson .............................................Anderson, SC

Melody Fowler Shirley ....................................Florence, SC


Darcy Anne Robards Coover .....................Mt Pleasant, SC

Daniel Grafton .......................................Morgantown, WV

Eric Andrew Lager ......................................Orland Park, IL

Michael Allen Sisk .....................................Winchester, TN

Professional Communication

Deborah Leigh Dalhouse ..................................Atlanta, GA

Vicki Wilson Rhodes ........................................Atlanta, GA

C olleGe of

B usiness and

B ehavioral



C olleGe of

e nGineerinG and




Alejandro Antunez ................................... Simpsonville, SC

Brandon Ashley Dickens ............................... Clemson, SC

Cynthia Cothran Durham ............................Piedmont, SC

Mark William Evans ................................ Simpsonville, SC

Anayo C Ezenekwe ..........................................Mauldin, SC

John J Felber ............................................... Tallmadge, OH

Joshua James Grein ....................................... Rock Hill, SC

Wesley Kyle Harmelink ............................... Sioux Falls, SD

Kirk A Johnson .......................................... Collierville, TN

Olga A Layfield .................................... Desnogorsk, Russia

Brian Joseph Marotto ..........................................Greer, SC

Ronald Glenn McCoy II ................................... Sumter, SC

James Paul Miller ..................................North Augusta, SC

Charles Nye Paterno ...................................... Clemson, SC

Terence Oliver Polk ........................................... Sumter, SC

Paul Anthony Sasser ........................................... Bronx, NY

Karen Michelle Schulz ....................................Mauldin, SC

Ryan Andrew Sidilau ......................................... Keene, NH

Nathan Daniel Troyer ...................................Due West, SC

David Edward Whitaker ...............................Anderson, SC

Nathan Trevor Williamson .............................Marietta, GA

Joseph P Wright ...............................................Raleigh, NC


Christopher Michael Fidrych .........................Beaufort, SC

Christy A Landrum Moody ....................Fountain Inn, SC

Ashley Killian Young .......................................... Clover, SC



Liudmila L Kashcheeva .................................. Clemson, SC

Kristine Farrar Koutout ........................North Augusta, SC

Rania Taha Malik ..................................Dhaka, Bangladesh

Paul M Scheuren ............................................ Clemson, SC


Applied Psychology

Katherine Zaner Williams ............................Anderson, SC

Applied Sociology

Katie Elizabeth Holmes ..................................... Saluda, SC

Tylee Lynn Potter ...................................... Los Angeles, CA

Graphic Communications

Erin Vernita Burns................................... New Orleans, LA


Nachiket Kulkarni .......................................... Clemson, SC



Michelle Renee McDonough................... Simpsonville, SC


Bethany Michelle Walls .................................Concord, NH

Civil Engineering

L P Chamani S K Abayasinghe .......Kurunegala, Sri Lanka

Lee Hamilton Brackett ..................................Columbia, SC

Pranoy Choudhury ..................................Hyderabad, India

Ian Baker Hawkins .............................. Moncks Corner, SC

Paul W Johnson III ........................................ Clemson, SC

Swathi Korpu ..................................Andhra Pradesh, India

William Rogers ........................................ Summerville, SC

Andrew Sinclair Ruffin .................................Columbia, SC

Robert William Schober ................................Portland, ME

Jeffrey Robert Wilson Smith .......................Richmond, VA

Tabrez Ali Syed ............................................... Indore, India

Lucas Grimsley Young ....................................... Clover, SC

Huqin Zhang ...............................................Taiyuan, China

Computer Engineering

Rahul Nandu Amin ......................................Piedmont, SC

Matthew S Bennink ......................................Columbia, SC

Harish Chegondi ........................................... Clemson, SC

Computer Science

Tiras De Censa Eaddy.....................................Florence, SC

Lawrence Alexander Fallow ..........................Anderson, SC

John Lawrence Fisher .................................Charleston, SC

Jeremy Keith Grieshop................................... Clemson, SC

William B S Pressly, Jr. ................................. Greenville, SC

Amrita Rajamani ............................................ Clemson, SC

Shilpa Ravi Prasad Shreyas ............................ Clemson, SC

Sean Watts .................Diego Martin, Trinidad and Tobago

Electrical Engineering

Andrew Charles Alleman ..........................Spartanburg, SC

Abhishek Bhargava ..................................New Delhi, India

Venkata Naga Harish Chaluvadi ............ Vijayawada, India

Nilesh Chhajed .............................................. Clemson, SC

John Curtiss Fox ...................................... Summerville, SC

Chirag Gupta ................................................. Indore, India

Wajih Iqbal ..................................................... Clemson, SC

Jobin Jacob .............................................Trivandrum, India

Chaojiang Li ................................................. Hubei, China

Soumya Narayana Pillai ................................ Cochin, India

Linwood Matthews Ross .................................Florence, SC

Satoshi Takeshita ......................................... Greenville, SC

Megan Clarke Vutsinas .................................Anderson, SC

Environmental Engineering and Science

Lee Everton Ferrell, Jr. ..................................Anderson, SC

Baishu Guo ..................................................Hunan, China

Amy Elizabeth Ratliff ........................................Sterling, VA

Michael Edward Shade ....................................... Aiken, SC


Elizabeth Marie Bartosik .................................. Granger, IN

Industrial Engineering

Ramesh Arumugam .................................Tirunelveli, India

Sunarin Chanta ................................... Ladsawai, Thailand

Ramakrishna Chaitanya Cheturvedula ...Hyderabad, India

Sarah Jane Grigg ..................................................Greer, SC

Sandeep Kunapareddy ................................... Clemson, SC

Matthew K Miller..........................................Columbia, SC

Odette Saleeby Reifsnider...............................Florence, SC

Materials Science and Engineering

Scott William Gaylord .............................. Windermere, FL

Mathematical Sciences

Matthew Kirkland Crider ........................ Simpsonville, SC

Michael Bryce Herrington ......................Winter Haven, FL

Murat Mut ........................................................Central, SC

Mechanical Engineering

Timothy Warren Brown ..................................Zirconia, NC

Indrasen Suresh Karogal ...............................Solapur, India

Bhaumikkumar Jayantkumar Patel ............Amdavad, India

Joy Marie Pederson ........................................Louisville, KY

Maya Ramachandran .............................Coimbatore, India

Dean Daniel Arthur Rotenberg........... Brooklyn Park, MN

Thomas Morgan Starling II ............................Florence, SC

Prasanna Balaji Thiyagarajan .................... Karaikudi, India

Srinivasan Vimalanathan ........................... Chennai, India

Kushan N Vora ..........................................Vadodara, India


Ginger L Bryngelson ............................................ Waco, TX

Yu Chen .........................................................Elmhurst, NY

Hala Eid .....................................................Jidhass, Bahrain

Bethany Rae Johns ..........................................Clemson, SC

C olleGe and

h of

h ealth uman


, e duCation eveloPment


Middle Grades Education

Harold Marcus McGill ........................ West Columbia, SC

Leanne-Marie Spivey Simpson ....................... Clemson, SC


Sally Crenshaw Glenn .......................................Seneca, SC


Administration and Supervision

Richard Howard Chapman .......................Greenwood, SC

Rita Cockrell Dickert .................................... Newberry, SC

Emily Helen Freeze ..........................................Laurens, SC

Sarah Snow Hill ...............................................Laurens, SC

Shawn Lewis McCain .............................. Simpsonville, SC

Amy Lenora Mitchell .........................................Saluda, SC

Elizabeth Wilson Riddle ................................Abbeville, SC

Tammie Morse White ................................Greenwood, SC

Francis Richard Williams, Jr. .........................Abbeville, SC

James Clinton Yarborough ...................... Summerville, SC

Counselor Education

Tracy Lea Austin ...........................................Anderson, SC

Lauren P Bishop ........................................... Hartsville, SC

William David Burress ..............................Isle of Palms, SC

Erica Monts Coats ...........................................Clinton, SC

Matthew Bryson Davidson ................................. Easley, SC

Ashley Elizabeth Doten .................................... Roswell, GA

Bonnie Grooms Duncan .................................... Easley, SC

Jennifer Leah Ealey ............................................Seneca, SC

Samuel Blake Edwards ............................. Summerville, SC

Heather Lynn Foster .............................. Travelers Rest, SC

Susan Dorothy Fuller ................................... Greenville, SC

Ashley JoeAnn Gelder ................................ Jacksonville, FL

Jamie Lea Gibson ..............................................Pickens, SC

Angie Waters Gilstrap ...................................Anderson, SC

Dyamond Dalisha Henderson ..................... Greenville, SC

Joni Taylor Howard ...........................................Pickens, SC

Timothy Sawyer Nix ......................................Anderson, SC

Leesa Jean Plumblee .............................. Travelers Rest, SC

Erica Brown Scott ................................................Greer, SC

Sarah Katherine Smith ..........................Broken Arrow, OK

Megan Suzette York .................................. Mooresville, NC

Ila Phillip Young, Jr. ......................................Anderson, SC

Seth Fischel Youngblood ................................. Garner, NC

Elementary Education

Amber Singleton Barnette ...................................Greer, SC

Natalie Dobbins-Belt ............................. Travelers Rest, SC

Kimberly Dawn Brock ....................................... Belton, SC

Elementary Education (continued)

Susan Marie Fischer Crooks ........................ Greenville, SC

Stefanie Paige Eubanks ....................................... Easley, SC

Paula Ann Goodenough Huggins ..................Mauldin, SC

Jaime Leigh Lovello ........................................... Taylors, SC

Natalie Grace Riles ..............................................Greer, SC


Courtney Lynn Brunetti ...............................Anderson, SC



Sherry Lynn Gravely .........................................Pickens, SC

Elizabeth A Holmes ...........................................Seneca, SC youth Development Leadership

Kelly Marie Croughwell ....................... Fort Lauderdale, FL

Andrea Mae DeGeorge ............................. St Augustine, FL

Bryan Lee Hoover ............................................ Oxford, NC

Vincent Robert Lehotsky .................................. Homer, GA

Erin Lynn Pitts ...................................................Fresno, CA

Erika L Raymond .........................................Jamestown, NY

Vanetta Delnez Sarratt .................................. Rock Hill, SC

Terris Deshawn Thomas ................................... Athens, GA

Tabitha Rene Vasilas .......................................... Belton, SC

G raduate




Digital Production Arts

Stanley Terrell Sims ......................................Columbia, SC


(Master of Public Administration is jointly administered by

Clemson University and the University of South Carolina.)

Christine Nowell Kirkland ...............................Central, SC

Charles John Nightingale ..................................Liberty, SC

Michael Kearse Reidenbach ......................Isle of Palms, SC

Katherine McKenna Smith ...........................Kennesaw, GA

Karin Marie Von Kaenel ................................ Clemson, SC

C andidates for the

B aChelor

’ s

d eGree

C olleGe of

a and


l ife



Alan R Sams, Dean

, f orestry


Biological Sciences

† *Drew Jeffrey Gunnells, Jr. ................... Vestavia Hills, AL

Megan Elizabeth Jennings ......................Charlottesville, VA

Heather Ashley Kline ..................................... Gulfport, MS

John Reid Knapp ........................................ Charleston, SC

***Anna Elise Krodel ........................................... Jasper, IN

Jason Marshall Markey ..................................... Atlanta, GA

† ***Matthew David Parks ......................... Spartanburg, SC

*Jordan Marcus Roberts ...............................Greenville, SC

*Devin Ariel Sanchez ........................................... Greer, SC

John Troy Smiley .............................................Clemson, SC

*Sarah Day Stellwagen .....................................Six Mile, SC

Natan Vega .............................................Queretaro, Mexico

† *Dane Kenneth Wilson ...............................Boalsburg, PA


Agricultural Education

*Travis Lamar Ard ............................................... North, SC

*David Martin Dorroh, Jr. .............................Newberry, SC

*Benjamin Patrick Gibson ........................ Westminster, SC

Kathryn Lea Keller .................................................York, SC

Steve Douglas McCormick, Jr. ........................... Patrick, SC

James Isaac White .......................................... Kingstree, SC

Agricultural Mechanization and Business

Mark Davis Brannon ..........................................Moore, SC

Charles Harrell Clary II .................................Newberry, SC

William Wilson Kirven IV ......................... Darlington, SC

Joseph R Nance, Jr. ............................................. North, SC

Timothy Fields Norwood, Jr. ...................... Darlington, SC

Animal and Veterinary Sciences

**Ashley N Aaron ............................................Swansea, SC

*Zachary Alan Brown .................................... Woodruff, SC

Gary Jermont Coleman ................................ Anderson, SC

*Alec Joseph Davern-Fecker .....................Goose Creek, SC

Jessica Marie Duncan ........................................Pickens, SC

Stephanie Dianne Hansen ................................Central, SC

William Kent Higgins .................................... Fort Mill, SC

Robert Trenton Hunnicutt .......................Westminster, SC

*Anna Victoria Hyland ..............................Mt Pleasant, SC

Jamie Nicole Jackson .......................................... Easley, SC

Ryan Edward James ..................................... Darlington, SC

Animal and Veterinary Sciences (continued)

***Jenna Marie Kutzner-Mulligan ...........Travelers Rest, SC

*Jennifer Catherine Settle ................................Lilburn, GA

Brady David Skinner.......................... Sullivan’s Island, SC

*Jenny Rebecca Sprott .....................................Clemson, SC

Natalie Torres ......................................................Lugoff, SC

Emily Catherine Tripp .................................. Piedmont, SC

Shane Carlton Weeks ....................................Lone Star, SC

*Lindsey M Wingert ......................................Hartsville, SC

Applied Economics and Statistics

Randal D Flowers ..............................................Sumter, SC

† ***Candice Martha Haney ........................... Old Fort, TN

Christopher Hamilton Harmon ...................Lexington, SC

Benjamin Jordan Strait ..................................Rock Hill, SC

*Micca Demaris Thomas .....................................Aiken, SC

William Dow Welsh ................................... Bishopville, SC

Samuel Terrance Wyatt ..........................................Starr, SC


Warren Kirk Fowler ................................... Mt Pleasant, SC

† **Emily Marie Gaunt ...................................... Buford, GA

Amanda Ruth Kelly ............................................. Greer, SC

*John Wilson Kelly IV ........................................Lugoff, SC

***Martha Lynn Wall ......................................Clemson, SC

Biological Sciences

**Justin Philip Benoit .................................Stoughton, MA

Kelly Elizabeth Dowd ....................................Charlotte, NC

Corey Jonathan Evans ...................................Rock Hill, SC

*James Bradley Glenn .....................................Clemson, SC

† ***Jessica Marie Hoffman .............................. Canton, GA

*Thomas Griffin Holland .................................. Seneca, SC

**Erin Michelle Meehan .................................. Atlanta, GA

Brandon Reid Mellin ...................................... Maitland, FL

*Jared Lee Miller .............................................Tega Cay, SC

Vy Phuong Nguyen ..................................... Charleston, SC

Alexander J Nicopoulos .....................................Shelby, NC

Ariel Joan Odom ...........................................Asheville, NC

Clint Matthew Scripnick ................................ Florence, SC

*David Whitney Van Hoy .........................Birmingham, AL

Environmental and Natural Resources

Allison Therese Cryns ................................ Milwaukee, WI

Matthew Pickens Musick ..................................Chapin, SC

Chadwell Jerry Rentz ................................. Greenwood, SC

*Joy Istifanus Sanga ...........................................Chapin, SC

† *Susan Cynthia Jane Worthington ............. Piedmont, SC

Food Science

Genevieve Emma Marie Clarke .................... Wellesley, MA

Angela Laney Ferguson ....................................Six Mile, SC

James Burdine Lumpkins III ...........................Orlando, FL

*Clyde Simmons Manuel .............................. Woodruff, SC

Jaimee Marie Park .......................................... Norcross, GA

Bradley Piper .................................................Greenville, SC

Lauren Polson Riemann ...............................Lexington, SC

Forest Resource Management

Samuel Dietrich Ardrey ................................. Lancaster, SC

Frederick William Budde IV .........................Hartsville, SC

James Christopher Foxx ................................ Piedmont, SC

Matthew Dale Hulsey ........................................ Seneca, SC

Scott Pilcher Wills ........................................Thomson, GA


† **Sherri L Hughes-Murphree ...........................Taylors, SC


Jonathan R Allen .......................................... Anderson, SC

*James David Blakely ................................ Georgetown, SC

John Casey Chumley .................................... Woodruff, SC

Patrick Jay Hagan .......................................... Anderson, SC

Tommy Walker McAlister III ...................... Marshville, NC


Mitchell Clark Butts ............................ Kennett Square, PA

† ***Yekaterina Demchenko ........................ Charleston, SC

**Kelly Elizabeth Gleffe ............................Summerville, SC

Renee Marie Holland ........................................ Seneca, SC

William Travis Jeffcoat ................................. Anderson, SC

Kathryn Rebecca Rawlings ........................ Greenwood, SC

† *Kandace Lea West .......................................Roebuck, SC

Packaging Science

Curtis Mead Beckemeyer ................................. Roswell, GA

Adam C Britton .................................. Winston-Salem, NC

*Heather Jill Ferguson ....................................Clemson, SC

**Meredith Alicia Isbell ................................ Anderson, SC

Ji Sun Kim ................................................Kyonggido, Korea

Brandon Reynard Lee ...................................Columbia, SC

Brett William Lind .......................................Lexington, SC

***Ryan Patrick Martin .................................Ooltewah, TN

Michelle Kay Olson ....................................Orfordville, WI

Carson Thomas Snipes .........................Winter Garden, FL

Preprofessional Studies

***Elizabeth Ann Jennings ........................ Greenwood, SC


Michael Robert Brumbaugh .......................... Herndon, VA

James John Meyer ....................................... Burlington, WI

Glenn Alexander Rhodes ............................. Prosperity, SC

Nicholas James Robertson ........................... Jonesboro, GA

Wildlife and Fisheries Biology

Stephanie Anne Darden ............................. Charleston, SC

*Katharine Lee DeVilbiss ................................... Lewes, DE

Kayla Megan Ford ...............................................Belton, SC

† *Caleb Joseph Gaston ........................................ Greer, SC

Joshua Lyle Trone .........................................Columbia, SC

Carlene M S Wendel ...................................... Lakeland, FL

C olleGe of and


h rChiteCture umanities

, a

Clifton S M Egan, Interim Dean rts


Margaret Louise Barron .........................................York, SC

Jonathan Ronald Bryson ................................Walhalla, SC

Ashley Nichole Buckner ...................................... Greer, SC

Charles Ashley Humphries ...........................Columbia, SC

**Trina C Krieger ............................................... Seneca, SC

*Devin Maleigh Rubinstein .......................... Anderson, SC

*Catherine Lane Whitten .................................... Pelzer, SC

*Erin Leigh Whitten ............................................ Pelzer, SC

*Kristen M Williams .....................................Greenville, SC


Matthew G Ellis ..................................... Heath Springs, SC

Katherine Suzanne Grau ................................. Duncan, SC

**Kelly M Hardwick ........................................ Florence, SC

Chad L Hoffman .................................West Columbia, SC

Jason Eldon Knudsen ....................................... Chicago, IL



Rodrick Devin King ....................................... Manning, SC

Jeffrey Mitchell Lowder ................................... Camden, SC

*Taylor Holmes Newman ............................ Charleston, SC

Ashley Marie Powell .......................................... Ladson, SC

*William Schickhaus Smith ..........................New York, NY

Broderick Lemuel Whitlock ........................... Augusta, GA

Communication Studies

Lindsay Danielle Bennett .......................... Woodstock, GA

*Cassy Elizabeth Cothern ..........................Greenwood, SC

*Ashley L R Earle ................................................ Easley, SC

*Cynthia Coles Gamble ....................................Pickens, SC

**Melissa Sue Gryn ........................................Mt Juliet, TN

Stefanie Ann Harless ................................... Charlotte, NC

Austin Dawn Harrison ................................ Greenville, SC

Hayley Husfelt Malool ...................Hilton Head Island, SC

*Liza Dabney Maness ....................................... Laurens, SC

Romana Lucienne Matthews ....................... Rockville, MD

*Laura Merriman McClure .......................Westminster, SC

Meghan Elizabeth Mulholland ........................... Media, PA

**Lindsey Kay Oliver ................................. Spartanburg, SC

Christopher Lauren Price ................................... Easley, SC

Wesley Ann Shaw ............................................. Sumter, SC

**Lindsay Blake Simmons................................McLean, VA

Whitney Scherrie Welcome ..............................Ravenel, SC


Mirenda Michelle Alexander ............................Central, SC

Darby Fenton Allen .............................................Aiken, SC

*Rachel Rose Carter ..................................... Arlington, VA

Jeffrey Scott Dunlap ...........................................Taylors, SC

Nicholas A Dwyer ........................................Cumming, GA

*Brittany Ann Halladay .....................................Kamas, UT

Ray Daniel Hobbs, Jr. ....................................Snellville, GA

*Meredith Marian Humphrey .............................. Irmo, SC

*Elizabeth Coleman Hutchison ................. Mt Pleasant, SC

John Joseph Knoblach ........................North Potomac, MD

*Vanessa C Reinarz .......................................Greenville, SC

Michelle Denise Rosenbloom ..............................Aiken, SC

Sarah Elizabeth Schumacher ..........................Walhalla, SC

Mary Felicia Spencer ....................................... Florence, SC

Sarah Caroline Stone ................................ Spartanburg, SC

Christopher Robert Waterman .................. Charleston, SC


*Nancy Brock Arthur .....................................Hartsville, SC

Jamie Leigh Barrett ............................................Berlin, MD

Bradley Edwin Blackmon .............................. Lancaster, SC

Maximilien Boone Blanton ............................Westfield, NJ

Hilary Elizabeth Blount ............................Birmingham, AL

Toni Elizabeth Boyer ............................................. Irmo, SC

Tess Elizabeth Brasington .................................Chapin, SC

Steven Joseph Brumet ...................................Columbia, SC

Hayley Marie Childress ........................................Easley, SC

James Matthew Dilleshaw .............................Greenville, SC

Anthony James Godbolt .......................................Latta, SC

Jessica Noel Griffin ...................................Indian Land, SC

Craig Allen Holtzclaw ............................. Fountain Inn, SC

Patrick Bryce Lybrand ................................ Greenwood, SC

William Arthur Shirley, Jr. ............................Hartsville, SC

Language and International Trade

Elizabeth Brett Blackwell ............................ Charleston, SC

Andrew Maguire Catterton ....................... Mt Pleasant, SC

Blair Childs Clarkson .................................Winnsboro, SC

James Alexander Comfort ...................................Morris, IL

Pamela Danette Crum ...............................Orangeburg, SC

Peter Scott Galloway ......................................... Glencoe, IL

† ***Allison Marie Kaplan ....................................Aiken, SC

*Danielle Sandra Kelly ....................................Medway, MA

Breanna Leigh Mays ........................................ Camden, SC

*Rosalyn Bates Morrison ............................ Charleston, SC

Peter Anthony Provost ................................... Hanahan, SC

Bradley Havird Usry II .................................... Augusta, GA

Modern Languages

Miriam Robinson Eltzroth..............................Varnville, SC

*Frances Helen Exley ....................................... Roswell, GA

Brooks Henry Hamby ........................................Gilbert, SC

Joseph Xavier Rainwater-Cummings ..............Bowdon, GA

*Jordan Marcus Roberts .............................. Greenville, SC

**Lydia FitzSimons Robins ........................ Mt Pleasant, SC


**Bryce Spencer Joiner .............................Glen Carbon, IL

Jacob Thomas Knoop .......................................Summit, NJ

***Tracy Diane Lamb ....................................Greenville, SC

Aaron Michael Saunders .......................... Georgetown, SC

Production Studies in Performing Arts

*Robert Trent Allen, Jr. ..................................Clemson, SC

Sean Michael Huckeba ...................................Marietta, GA


Economics and Philosophy

*Robert Dinterman .......................................... Roswell, GA

English and History

*Katherine Nicole Lehman .............................Marietta, GA


Construction Science and Management

† **Bryant Chandler Fuller ...........................Columbia, SC

*Stewart W Lee .............................................Kingsport, TN

*John Nelson Neira......................................Toms River, NJ

Robert Wesley Sarvis .................................. Charleston, SC

Andrew Warfield Young ......................Fort Lauderdale, FL

Language and International Health

(Language and International Health is jointly administered by the

College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities and the

College of Health, Education and Human Development.)

Sarah Simons Dunbar ..................................Columbia, SC

**Haley Melissa Hardgrove ........................ Blythewood, SC

Steven Ross Hovis ..........................................Rock Hill, SC

Jessica Nichole McCulley ..............................Columbia, SC

C olleGe

B of

B usiness ehavioral



Claude C Lilly, Dean and



Blair Childs Clarkson ................................ Winnsboro, SC

*Lawrence Robert Fischer, Jr. .......................Greenville, SC

Nicholas Lee Fogle ........................................Lexington, SC

Megan Alexandra Hoffman ..........................Greenville, SC

Alton White Meekins ..............................Cobbs Creek, VA

Joshua Stephen Reames ........................ Surfside Beach, SC

Steven George Vafiadou ..................................Mahwah, NJ

Jason Curdel Watson ....................................Columbia, SC

Political Science

† ***Seth Davis Beckley ...................................Clemson, SC

*Jamie Morgan Beltram ............................ Spartanburg, SC

Kristin Marie Calhoun ...................................... Inman, SC

Westley Paul Cox ...................................... Williamston, SC

*Amanda Marie Cubit ....................................Fort Mill, SC

Nicolas Anthony Guzman ............................Pendleton, SC

Lauren Courtney Lusk .................................. Anderson, SC

Mara Schilling Rice .......................................... Raleigh, NC

Nathan Grey Wheeler ...............................Summerville, SC


Sallie Anne Anders .......................................Greenville, SC

*Charlotte Marie Carroll ...............Hilton Head Island, SC

Kristen Angela Casey .................................. Alexandria, VA

Jay Alexander Caskey .............................................York, SC

*Kenna Adrienne Duckworth .........................Six Mile, SC

Kayla Marie Evatt .......................................... Piedmont, SC

Stuart LaVell Foster .............................Moncks Corner, SC

Heather Danielle Grogan ..........................West Union, SC

**Dana L Gutmann .............................................Aiken, SC

† ***Tyler Anne Hassenfeldt..........................Pittsburgh, PA

Philip Louis Johnson ..................................Fort Worth, TX

***Zachary Thomas McDonough ...................... Seneca, SC

Danielle Rene Nesbitt ..................................... Florence, SC

**Michelle Lauren Pike ............................... Alpharetta, GA

Robert Kyle Tiedemann ...................................... Dover, DE

Jessica Micheen Tucci ....................Hilton Head Island, SC

Erin McLeod Wimberly .......................................Easley, SC

Psychology (continued)

Megan Melissa Yeary ............................................Easley, SC

*Julia Christine Young ...................... Signal Mountain, TN


James Ryan Burnham .................................Gainesville, GA

Catherine Lynn Cotrupi ...............................Poquoson, VA

Samantha Louise Gamble ................................. Pickens, SC

LaTasha Dionne Harling ........................... Greenwood, SC

***Kelly Nicole Kramp ................................Brentwood, TN

***Ashley Lauren Myhal .................................Tega Cay, SC

Maria Josephine Petro ...................................... Roswell, GA

Ashley Rae Phillips .........................................Peabody, MA

*Daniel Grant Rushton ..................................... Saluda, SC

Aaron Harris Shaw ...........................................Central, SC

Katherine Grace Sherard ..................................Central, SC

Jamison Lamar Simmons .......................... Georgetown, SC

Ashleigh Lynn Swanson ............................ Garden City, SC

Sarah Ann Tymon .......................................Millersville, PA



Danielle Ryerson Adams.................................... Seneca, SC

Pamela Hendrix Baker .................................. Anderson, SC

Shannon Rashika Calhoun .......................... Anderson, SC

Robert Brock Cooke .................................Simpsonville, SC

*Cinthia Leigh Crider...................................Holly Hill, SC

† **Heidi L DeVette ..........................................Holland, MI

Lauren Ashley Dukes .........................................Sumter, SC

Jaime Fuerte ............................................. Goose Creek, SC

Gregory Leonard German ..............................Fort Mill, SC

Scott Patrick Gervais ..........................................Taylors, SC

Christopher Matthew Joy ....................................Easley, SC

† *Kristina Maureen Klem ..............................Dunkirk, MD

Jeffrey Harris Mabry......................................Southlake, TX

† ***Amanda Michelle Madigan .......................Orlando, FL

Daniel Collins Money....................................Hartsville, SC

*John Michael Nixon .................................... Anderson, SC

Gregory J Pierdon ........................................... Pottsville, PA

† **Brian Adrien Schmidt ...........................Fort Wayne, IN

Matthew Christopher Skinner .......................... Inman, SC

Helen Elizabeth Taylor ....................................Clemson, SC

***Ashlan Hurst Tutman ..............................Greenville, SC

Kelly Renee Vaughn ................................. Steubenville, OH

Alexander Davis Wieland ...............................Chalfont, PA

James Burke Williams ...................................... Atlanta, GA


Charles Jamey Howell ............................... Stockbridge, GA

*William Richard Johnston ..........................Greenville, SC

*David Glenn Myers ............................................ Stow, OH

Ryan James Sheehan .........................................Central, SC

Financial Management

Peter Kinsley Barton ...................................Wolfeboro, NH

Kristen Marbrey Boyce ............................... Greenwood, SC

Devin James Brothers ................................... Anderson, SC

William Grant Carlton ..................................Memphis, TN

Brian James Carter........................................Charlotte, NC

Kyle Alan Christensen .............................. Battle Creek, MI

*Tricia Miriam Corcoran ..................................Chapin, SC

Emily Louise Cribbs .......................................Roanoke, VA

William DesChamps................................... Bishopville, SC

Michael Paul Dickson ..........................................Aiken, SC

*Simon Alexander Fraser ...............Hilton Head Island, SC

Luke James Gildner ......................................Columbia, SC

Bradley T Golomb .............................................Milford, NJ

William Daniel Hair ................................. St Matthews, SC

Deiderick FitzSimons Hane .........................Fort Motte, SC

*Christopher Fraser Jones ..............................Roanoke, VA

Christopher Ryan Jones ....................................... Greer, SC

James Hunter Knowles .............................Simpsonville, SC

James M Lawson .............................................. Smyrna, GA

Raymond John Martzloff .................................... Burke, VA

*Brittney Poore McCall ..............................West Union, SC

Christopher William Patrick ........................Charlotte, NC

† *Kristin Rhiannan Raimondi ..... South Williamsport, PA

Peter Nabil Riyad ......................................Simpsonville, SC

Robert Tyler Schmidt ................................ Cincinnati, OH

*Daniel Ivan Sharpe .....................................Lexington, SC

Brian C Short .........................................West Windsor, NJ

Samuel David Fielder Stewart .........................Riverside, IL

Jared Asher Weinstein ..................................... Roswell, GA

*Ryan Ronald Wiggins....................................Bonneau, SC

Graphic Communications

Seth Allen Berry ............................................Lexington, SC

Kevin Taylor Bollman ........................................Darien, CT

Jonathan Scott Brannock....................................Clover, SC

Joshua Edmon Brown ...................................Columbia, SC

Andrew Alexander Costa...................................Taylors, SC

Ansley Johnson Cotton ................................. Leesburg, GA

Keri E Deily ...................................................Greenville, SC

† **Hannah Elizabeth Dillard .................... Spartanburg, SC

Olivia Helen Emerson ...................................Concord, NH

Meghan Elizabeth Frierson ...........................Lexington, SC

Amber Lynn Fulton .............................West Columbia, SC

Robert Wadell Gaddy IV .................... Winston-Salem, NC

Devon Ried Gault ..................................... Spartanburg, SC

Jordan Stephen Gorski ............................... Lake Wylie, SC

Meredith Leigh Grady ..............................Simpsonville, SC

Lindsey Renee Griffin .................................... Chesnee, SC

*Adrian James Hickcox ....................................Wexford, PA

John David Hill ........................................... Charleston, SC

Kimberly Lynn Horne ................................... St George, SC

Emily Elisabeth Jones ..................................... Florence, SC

*Jessica Leigh Klein ...................................... Bridgeville, PA

Jeremy Daniel Kyzer ......................................Columbia, SC

*Ryan Adam Laney ..............................................Easley, SC

Molly Megan Masters .................................... Anderson, SC

Graphic Communications (continued)

Joseph Grant Nicol .......................................... Atlanta, GA

*Mary Catherine Byrd Ormand ...................Columbia, SC

*Mary Ann Buchanan Powell .......................Columbia, SC

Darrell Lamar Reddick .................................Greenville, SC

Jason William Rowzee .............................. Manchester, NH

John Clinton Shell IV .................................... Camden, SC

Matthew John Shenesey III ......................Summerville, SC

Kayleigh Ann Shockley ...................................... Seneca, SC

Jackson Walter Sparks ....................................... Pickens, SC

Edward Earle Struble .................................. Charleston, SC

Rebecca Cubbedge Ulmer ...............................Bluffton, SC

Angela Blair Vause ...................................Myrtle Beach, SC

Devon Teresa Wright ....................................Columbia, SC

Industrial Management

Carrie Elizabeth Arms .......................................Taylors, SC

Marshall B Brock ...................................... Westminster, SC

Bryan R Palmer ....................................... Amelia Island, FL


Bradley William Arnold ................................... Vienna, VA

Austen DuPre Attaway ................................ Charleston, SC

William Allan Bateman ......................... Chevy Chase, MD

William Andrew Bedingfield ...........................Bluffton, SC

Bryan Rashad Black ..........................................Central, SC

Kevin Michael Byrd ....................................... Phoenix, MD

Thomas Alford Camp, Jr. ................................. Pickens, SC

Andrew Douglas Campbell ................................ Seneca, SC

Megan Leigh Campbell ........................................Easley, SC

*Andrew Frank Capobianco .........................Lexington, SC

William T Carroll .....................................Watkinsville, GA

Kirkley Jayne Caulder .......................................Central, SC

Matthew Tyler Childress .....................................Belton, SC

Shing Wai Chung ................................................ Greer, SC

Jordan Andrew Coleman ...............................Rock Hill, SC

James Lewis Cranford ...................................Greenville, SC

*Timothy Patrick Cwick .............................. Charleston, SC

Michelle Elizabeth Dahl .................................Houston, TX

*Mark Cordell Darrough ......................... Fort Collins, CO

Kyle Roger Davisson ................................... Alpharetta, GA

James Lawson Day .........................................Longview, TX

Angelo Trifonov Dinkov ........................ Pazardjik, Bulgaria

Margaret Louisa Lovelace Dunn ....................Nashville, TN

Charles Edward Eiserhardt III .................... Charleston, SC

Ashley Lauren Ellis ........................Hilton Head Island, SC

Andrew Welsh Evans ................................Summerville, SC

Hannah Catherine Exall ........................... Spartanburg, SC

William Robert Faires ........................................ Seneca, SC

Malcolm Hayes Faulkenberry ........................Rock Hill, SC

**Matthew George Foster .................................... Greer, SC

Wesley David Funsch ................................. Mt Pleasant, SC

Clark Anderson Gammons ...................... Spartanburg, SC

George Michael Gee ................................... Alpharetta, GA

Jeremy Richard Gilbert ...................................... Inman, SC

William James Gill .........................................Rock Hill, SC

Management (continued)

Jessica Gratch .................................................. Madison, AL

*Micah Joseph Groeber ................................ Anderson, SC

Stephen Matthew Harris, Jr. ...................... Mt Pleasant, SC

*Hunter Locke Harvley ................................. Anderson, SC

Nicholas Ryan Hayes ........................................Decatur, GA

Jeffery Ennis Howell ............................................ Greer, SC

Brock Adam Hux ............................................ Florence, SC

David Michael Jimenez .................................Columbia, SC

Lesan Nicole Jones ...................................... Charleston, SC

Attalla A Joudeh ...........................................Kharaba, Syria

Daniel Dexter Jowers II ............................Summerville, SC

Aaron Galen Kelly ..........................................Marietta, GA

Trey Brian Kennedy ...................................... Piedmont, SC

Tyler Bradley King .......................................... Florence, SC

George Keita Kline ................................................ Elgin, IL

Lacy Randal Lee ................................................Chapin, SC

Eric Hayston Lindsay ..............................Travelers Rest, SC

Hilary Linn Loftis .........................................Greenville, SC

Patrick Cade MacGregor ................................Marietta, GA

Daniel Hunter Malone ..................................Newberry, SC

James Andrew Mayshar .........................West Boylston, MA

Thomas Lawrence McGregor II .................... Bethesda, MD

John Norton McMillan, Jr. ............................. Florence, SC

Jeffrey Scott Merritt ........................................ Beaufort, SC

Molly Marie Miles ................................................Ocoee, FL

David T Minton .......................................... Alpharetta, GA

Justin Taylor Myers .............................................. Cope, SC

Matthew Mitchell Newman ...............................Sumter, SC

Brandon Dyon Oliver ................................Summerton, SC

Dezmond L Palmer .................................... Hemingway, SC

Jerelle Brice Plotczyk .....................................Greenville, SC

Daniel E Poe II ............................................ California, MD

Branson Gabriel Pyritz ..........................................Elgin, SC

Jonathan Charles Quinn ........................... Crystal Lake, IL

Stephanie Madison Raines ............................ Landrum, SC

Matthew Baran Reese .................................... Hanover, MA

Brett William Rice .......................................... Mauldin, SC

Steven Kyle Richter ....................................... Middlesex, NJ

Justin Rivers ..................................................Columbia, SC

Paul Kemp Robinson ................................Simpsonville, SC

Sean Robert Robinson.................................Southbury, CT

Jason Corry Rogers .......................................Lexington, SC

Kristin Dean Ruffell ....................... Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

Stephen Miles Russell .....................................Oshkosh, WI

Daniel Robert Sagan ................................... Warrenton, VA

Shelby Graham Salley ................................Orangeburg, SC

Aaron Michael Sanderson .............................. Florence, SC

Richard A Santonocito ............................ Remsenburg, NY

Jonathan Earl Smith ................................. St Matthews, SC

Spencer Lyle Smith .........................................Clemson, SC

Lawrence Monroe Avery Snipes ...................Columbia, SC

Colin Michael Spann ....................................Charlotte, NC

Kali Ann Spink ........................................Chattanooga, TN

William Brent Spivey ...................................... Florence, SC

Matthew Reynolds Storey ...............................Marietta, GA

Michael Blake Teasley ..........................................Easley, SC

Management (continued)

Sarah Elise Thomason ................................ Darlington, SC

Shannon Marie Townsend ...........................Lexington, SC

Jonathan Nash Trammell................................... Seneca, SC

Zachary Chase Tucker ..........................................Easley, SC

Kevin Parker Vincent ................................. Mt Pleasant, SC

Alex Steven Wald ........................................ Alpharetta, GA

DeAngela Michelle Walker ........................... Anderson, SC

Kyle McEntyre Williams ....................... Newport News, VA

Joshua Michael Winkler .....................................Moore, SC

Kevin Louis Wittenberger .......................... Damascus, MD

Michael Wolfe .................................................Gibsonia, PA

Logan Christina Wright.....................................Gilbert, SC

David William Younts, Jr. ....................... Fountain Inn, SC


Anthony Arditi ........................................Myrtle Beach, SC

Ashley Brooke Austell ................................. Lake Wylie, SC

Patrick William Balster ................................Cumming, GA

Amy Carroll Brodland ............................. Huntersville, NC

Matthew Taylor Charpia ...........................Summerville, SC

**Kelsey Elizabeth Clark ................................ Phoenix, MD

*Andrew Karis Coleman ...............................Greenville, SC

Michael Brett Eaves ............................................Sumter, SC

Kaitlyn Claire Eisenhuth ................................Deer Park, IL

Patrick Cullen Fahey III .......................................Easley, SC

Kyle Wilkes Feeney .............................................. Greer, SC

**Elizabeth W Folsom ................................ Charleston, SC

*Alyssa Marie Godwin ................................... Suwanee, GA

Michael Harrison Hale ........................................ Greer, SC

† *Katherine Lee Haynes ............................ Greenwood, SC

*Hillary Elizabeth Herbert ............................ Knoxville, TN

William Tyler Jenkins ................................... Anderson, SC

† ***Molly B Johnson ...........................................Stuart, FL

Eric Timothy Lewis .............................................Spring, TX

Mark Ryan Lewis ................................................Taylors, SC

Paul Thomas Loiodice ..................................Columbia, SC

Melissa Ann Lyerly .....................................Mooresville, NC

*Elizabeth Farnum O’Cain ......................... Blacksburg, VA

Michael Lawrence Palatiello ..............................Reston, VA

Elizabeth Rebecca Parker ............................... Lancaster, SC

Catharine Elizabeth Sacks ...................................Aiken, SC

Corey Michael Schuerman .................................. Greer, SC

Brandon Michael Speweik ................................Toledo, OH

Benjamin Neil Sutphin .............................Summerville, SC

† **Tiffany Nicole Williams ............................. Hickory, NC

Christopher Alan Wilson .............................Lexington, SC

Political Science

Joel P Evans ...................................................Greenville, SC

Brittany Sophia Green ......................................... Greer, SC

Brian Alexander Smith ......................... Surfside Beach, SC

Patrick Andrew Witte ................................... Bethesda, MD


*Stephen Jenkins Bell ........................................ Seneca, SC

*Kemper Marion Brand II ..................................Lugoff, SC

Karen Elizabeth Butler ............................... Greenwood, SC

Catherine Ann Cain .........................................Chapin, SC

Caroline Elizabeth Campbell .................. Goose Creek, SC

*Lucy Lorena Cordell ................................... Anderson, SC

**Amy Kathryn DeArment ................................El Paso, TX

Jennifer Susan Hoffart .................................... Florence, SC

Julie Rae Hopkins .............................................Vernon, CT

Katherine Aileen Horton ....................................Aiken, SC

*Tyler Elizabeth Husted ................................Pinehurst, NC

Rebecca Lee Jackson ..................................... Penn Yan, NY

Nicole M Knopp .............................................Clemson, SC

Wesley John Lyle ...........................................Lexington, SC

*Kristen Marie Norris ..........................................Easley, SC

Allison Nicole Orteza ..................................... San Jose, CA

† ***Lesley Anne Osborn ...................................Athens, GA

**Samantha Laurie Poss ............................Summerville, SC

† ***Jacqueline Nicole Schneyer ..................Manorville, NY

Micajah Clark Spoden, Jr. .............................Nashville, TN

Amy Elizabeth Thompson ...................................Easley, SC

Summer E Thompson .....................................Orlando, FL

*Kyrsti Lynne Vaught .......................................... Aynor, SC

Erin Elizabeth Waltz .....................................Greenville, SC

Stephen Craig Zagorski .................................Columbia, SC


David Brian Gulley ....................................Orangeburg, SC

Lauren Elizabeth Jason ............................ Hunt Valley, MD

Lonita Genice Nicholson .........................Simpsonville, SC

Margaret Elizabeth Pearson ...........................Townville, SC

*John Towers Rice ................................................Easley, SC

Anna Lucia Riester ....................................... Anderson, SC

Jennifer Ann Riggins .................................... Anderson, SC

William Britton Stokes ................................... Camden, SC

Jacob Stephen Webb .................................. Woodstock, GA

C olleGe of

e nGineerinG

Esin Gulari, Dean and





Adam Timothy Farnham ...............................Mt Berry, GA


Biosystems Engineering

(Biosystems Engineering is jointly administered by the

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences and the

College of Engineering and Science.)

Keelin Owen Cassidy ....................................... Raleigh, NC

Arthur Lee Hardee ................................................ Loris, SC

Biosystems Engineering (continued)

David Nicholas Kessing .......................................Aiken, SC

Nicholas Andrew Leitner ...................................... Irmo, SC

Chemical Engineering

Albert Edward Warburton IV ............................ Burke, VA

Sherri Lyn Wegner ..........................................Fort Mill, SC


Amber Nichole Thaxton ........................... Kernersville, NC

Civil Engineering

† **Michael David Chestnut......................Birmingham, AL

*Daniel LaHuis Coith .....................................Clemson, SC

Charles Lawrence Corrigan III .................Summerville, SC

Cory Daniel Cox ........................................ Greenwood, SC

*Christopher Michael Del Campo .................. Roswell, GA

Derek Justin Denzer .......................................Hartsville, SC

Parag Sunil Fadia ......................................Simpsonville, SC

James Blakely Gilfillan ...........................................York, SC

Ronald Arthur Goodson, Jr. ...................... Darlington, SC

Christopher Allen Gray ................................Pendleton, SC

***James Michael Grayson ................................. Okatie, SC

Gregory Scott Guerriero ............................. Norristown, PA

David Geer Harriss .........................................Clemson, SC

Jessica Lee Hively ...............................................Boston, VA

*Laura Catherine Kline ..........................Ballston Lake, NY

*Matthew William Knowles ..........................Greenville, SC

George Ryan Lassiter ....................................Greenville, SC

Benjamin A Linduff ...........................................Moore, SC

† **John Patrick Longshore ................................... Irmo, SC

Blake Meredith Loudermilk .............................. Lyman, SC

David Tyler Morgan .......................................... Pickens, SC

Adam McCarty Murray .................................Columbia, SC

Rebecca Joye Murrell .........................................Sumter, SC

David Thomas Newton .............................. Mt Pleasant, SC

Brittany Anne Orzech .................................Annapolis, MD

David Ervin Oswalt, Jr. ................................. Batesburg, SC

Eric Baird Robinson ...................................... Brandon, VT

James Kyle Shirley ............................................Leesville, SC

Dontae Dwayne Thornton ...........................Columbia, SC

Sheldon Richard Waiters ..............................Columbia, SC

Adam Archie Welch ...........................................Olanta, SC

Joshua Wade Williams ..................................Pendleton, SC

Matthew Gregory Williams ............................ Roberta, GA

Garrett R Wine ........................................Myrtle Beach, SC

Computer Engineering

Nathaniel Duane Anderson ....................Cockeysville, MD

Lee Michael Boaman .............................................York, SC

David John Bonnie .................................... Mt Pleasant, SC

David Martin Busch.............................................Aiken, SC

Kenneth A Knox ....................................... Spartanburg, SC

*Joseph Coleman Lard..................................Greenville, SC

*Gary Vaughn Messer ..........................................Aiken, SC

Computer Engineering (continued)

Nicholas Lombard Mills ...............................Columbia, SC

Christopher Owen Olivier ....................... Goose Creek, SC

Stephen Emanuel Roberts III .......................Columbia, SC

*Christopher Ray Rodgers ....................... Goose Creek, SC

Matthew Martin Warren............................. Charleston, SC

Computer Information Systems

David Arenas...................................................Walhalla, SC

† **Timothy David Hammond ............................. Greer, SC

Douglas Anthony Wells II ........................Simpsonville, SC

Computer Science

† ***Michael Charles Fenn .............................. Barnwell, SC

Khoi L Hau ........................................................Taylors, SC

David Abbos Saharkhiz ..........................Travelers Rest, SC

Jason Yang ................................................... Alpharetta, GA

Electrical Engineering

**David Stephen Bell ........................................Athens, GA

*George Edward Boddiford IV ....................... Sylvania, GA

Wesley David Brickle ...................................Reevesville, SC

† *Jared Hayes Buchanan ............................... Anderson, SC

Derrick Raymond Burns .................................... Inman, SC

Gerren Dejuan Carter ....................................Crosshill, SC

Brett Andre Chestnut ...............................Summerville, SC

Charles Blake Evans..................................... Lynchburg, SC

Donald Rostin Fowler ......................................Leesville, SC

Deepro Ganguly .............................................Mysore, India

Matthew E Kent ..................................................Belton, SC

Aleksandr M Koval ................................... Spartanburg, SC

Paul Michael Martin .......................................... Seneca, SC

Rohan Pasricha ...............................................Clemson, SC

Arun Pillai ............................................................Keller, TX

**Zachary Baron Shuler ..................................Marietta, GA


Scott Alan Carroll ........................................... Kinston, NC

Kathryn Margaret Hajdu ............................... Williston, SC

Industrial Engineering

Thomas Cherian .........................................Dunwoody, GA

*Patrick M Hecht ..................................................Gray, GA

Dana Annette Johnson ....................................... Lamar, SC

† *Miranda C Montgomery ...........................Columbia, SC

Ezell Allen Smith III ......................................Rock Hill, SC

Thuy Lien Thi Tran ...........................................Taylors, SC

Mathematical Sciences

Sarah Kay Koerner .............................................. Dallas, TX

Viraj C Mehta ...................................................... Greer, SC

*Caroline Marguerite Sieger .......................... Hanahan, SC

*Christopher Nicholas Vutsinas .............. Old Hickory, TN

Mechanical Engineering

John Brandon Bagwell ..................................... Clinton, SC

Luke Adam Berglind .................................Simpsonville, SC

Michael H Brown, Jr. ....................................Greenville, SC

Patrick Leigh Burkett ...........................West Columbia, SC

Thomas Edwin Carlsen ....................................Duluth, GA

Jarrod R Carr ............................................... Alhambra, CA

Matthew Joseph Cash ....................... Signal Mountain, TN

**Devin Michael Clancy ...............................Destrehan, LA

Kevin Stephen Cobb .................................. Blythewood, SC

Bryson Edward Cook ................................. Mt Pleasant, SC

Jason R Cordell ............................................. Anderson, SC

Jillian Hana Crane ..................................... Mt Pleasant, SC

Jason Robert Eppinette ...............................Walterboro, SC

Samuel Clay Evatt ..................................... Spartanburg, SC

Andrew Thomas Ferguson ............................Columbia, SC

David Thomas Ferguson, Jr. ........................ Ninety Six, SC

*Brent Nathaniel Gregorich .........................Kettering, OH

Mark Edward Hannah ...................................... Dalton, GA

Justin Dallas Herndon .........................................Easley, SC

**Andrew Tyler Hix .................................. Westminster, SC

Samantha Laurie Knapp ...........................Ontario, Canada

† ***Layne Alan Madden ...............................Lexington, SC

Aliaksandr Iosifovich Makarchyk ........................ Greer, SC

Douglas Graham McIlwain ............................... Bristol, TN

*Benjamin Edgar Montgomery ....................Columbia, SC

Benjamin Scott Mucci ......................................... Pelzer, SC

Essam Zuhair Namouz ..................................Greenville, SC

*Khuong Xuan Nguyen ................................Greenville, SC

Mitchell Chase Niedrach ....................................Moore, SC

Mark Richard Nowakowski ............................... Chicago, IL

Nicholas John Pillman ............................... Greenwood, SC

Patrick Edward Rachels...................................Knoxville, IA

Samantha J Ramsey...........................................Gaffney, SC

Jenkins Lineberger Richardson III ...............Greenville, SC

Joseph Thomas Savitsky ...............................Toms River, NJ

*David Paul Schumann ...................................Roebuck, SC

Kellen Tyler Smith .....................................Cartersville, GA

Robert Neal Smith ...............................................Aiken, SC

William Andrew Stafford ..................... North Augusta, SC

John-Isaac S Suttles ............................................ Inman, SC

Max DeBerry Thomason III .........................Charlotte, NC

Christopher Leo Tjon ........................... North Augusta, SC

Jonathan Robert Todd .............................. Westminster, SC

Christopher Ross Vickers ................................Danville, KY

Matthew Vincenzo Vulpetti .......................... Lynbrook, NY

† *Bennett Patrick Waits ...................................... Dallas, TX

David Lee Walker, Jr. ............................................ Irmo, SC

Robert John Wertis II ............................. Minneapolis, MN

Ashley Charissa Wilburn .......................... Spartanburg, SC

Adam Richard Wilson ..................................Lexington, SC

Cesar Augusto Woolcott ................................... Ladson, SC

***Benjamin Douglas Wright .......................Kingsport, TN

Chun Cheong Yeung ............................ Hong Kong, China

† *Stephen Alexander Young ...............................Clover, SC


*Eric Alexander Newman .......................... Mt Pleasant, SC

C olleGe h of

h ealth uman


, e duCation eveloPment

Lawrence R Allen, Dean and


Early Childhood Education

Katherine Rose Bintz ......................................Clemson, SC

**Erin Morgan Brooks ....................................Walhalla, SC

Carly Brooke Kaiser .................................... Charleston, SC

***Sarah Elizabeth Morris....................................Easley, SC

*Leigh Ann Powell ............................................ Toccoa, GA

*Christen Marie Smolnycki ......................... Sevierville, TN

**Megan Christina Stuermann ................. Spartanburg, SC

**Suzanne E Van Fleet ............................Downingtown, PA

Ashleigh Nicole Watson .........................Brittons Neck, SC

*Rebecca Anne Zunker .................................Columbia, SC

Elementary Education

Ann Wyatt Taylor Bernshausen ....................Pendleton, SC

*Katherine Bonner Bowen ...........................Columbia, SC

Holly N Brainard ......................................Simpsonville, SC

***Merebeth Erin Cleland ............................Lexington, SC

**Ashley Elizabeth Cloonan ..................... Spartanburg, SC

Ayanno Quineke Davis ................................Great Falls, SC

Emily Taylor Douglas ....................................Greenville, SC

Kinsey Ann Gray ...........................................Greenville, SC

Christopher Nims Hoover ................................. Austin, TX

James Francis Lazorik ...............................Coopersburg, PA

**Katherine Renee Patrick ............................Greenville, SC

**Courtney Patricia Stanton ...............................Kildeer, IL

*Amanda Michelle Starrett .................................. Greer, SC

Kathryn Winter Waddell .....................................Easley, SC

**Sarah Katherine Wood .......................... Spartanburg, SC

Secondary Education

**Billie Lauryn Hammock ............................Greenville, SC


Mathematical Sciences and Secondary Education

Andrew Graham Baker ........................................ Greer, SC

Meagan Blaine Wolfe ....................................Lexington, SC


Career and Technology Education

William Michael Johnson, Jr. ................... Georgetown, SC

Health Science

Ian Pinckney Barwick ..................................... Mauldin, SC

*Queetta Shato Boyd .................................. Bishopville, SC

Jennifer Leigh Bryant .................................... Anderson, SC

**Andrea Carrieri ..........................................Hartsville, SC

Health Science (continued)

† ***Cassidy Lee Compton ............................Pendleton, SC

*Amanda Rose Cooper ..........................Murrell’s Inlet, SC

*Brandon Lee Doiley ................................ Georgetown, SC

*Carrie Randolph Farmer ............................Richmond, VA

Brandon Sentel Freeman ................................Clemson, SC

Alana Michelle Hudkins ............................. Charleston, SC

Jessica Danielle Kelman .....................................Taylors, SC

Zachary Ross Lancaster .....................................Duluth, GA

Ellen Marie Lux ............................................Charlotte, NC

**Briana Caitlin McInerney ................................. Greer, SC

Lindsay Marie Moore ..................................... Hanahan, SC

Kevin Kenneth Pope .......................................Bonneau, SC

Adedoyin Oluwaseun Salami ........................Rock Hill, SC

*Devin Ariel Sanchez ........................................... Greer, SC

Brian Phillip Schmidt .....................................Clemson, SC

† **Kaitlyn Kelly Smith ..................................Pittsburgh, PA

Jenna Nicole Thalman .......................................Sumter, SC

**Brittany Virginia West ............................. Alpharetta, GA


Carla Diane Addy .........................................Lexington, SC

Amy Elizabeth Thompson Austin ............Simpsonville, SC

**Elizabeth Hartjes Bass......................................Union, SC

Stephanie Brown ............................................ Ridgeway, SC

Margaret Evans Burton .................................Greenville, SC

† ***Logan Jessica Camp ................................. Chesnee, SC

***Samantha Marie Carter .......................Simpsonville, SC

Austin Wayne Caulder .....................................Cheraw, SC

**Erica Hartley Cole ..................................Centennial, CO

Melanie Anne Corley....................................Lexington, SC

*Audrey Thompson Cribb ................................. Lyman, SC

† ***Sarah Jeanelle Cross ..........................Myrtle Beach, SC

**Beverly Wilson Dalton ...................................Liberty, SC

**Felicia Downs............................................... Wellford, SC

*Casey Leigh Dulin ..............................................Easley, SC

Jennifer Lynn Errickson ............................... Frederick, MD

***Gwendolyn Emily Forrester ..........................Taylors, SC

*Leslie Denise Foster .........................................Taylors, SC

*April Gibson ...............................................Lexington, SC

*Nanette Leigh Godbee-Stephens .................Greenville, SC

**Annie Elizabeth Grant ................................Walhalla, SC

**Christian William Graver .................................Easley, SC

*Rebecca Youmans Greene ...............................Jackson, SC

*Naomi Grace Greenfield ..................................... Irmo, SC

Tara Hawkins Gunnells ......................................Belton, SC

***Brandon Zed Hendrix .......................................Starr, SC

John Raymond Howe ....................................Rock Hill, SC

Nancy Landrum Johnston ............................Columbia, SC

*Erin Richardson Kelly .....................................Chapin, SC

**Sally Lee-Ann Key ...........................................Sumter, SC

*Katherine Marie Laing ........................... Goose Creek, SC

Jennifer Lee Leitner .................................. St Augustine, FL

*Lindsay Bishop Lowry ......................................Liberty, SC

Karen Rebecca Martin ....................................Marietta, GA

*Kayce Lyn Massa ..........................................Greenville, SC

***Shoghunny Nayada McBeth .........................Enoree, SC

Nursing (continued)

Ashleigh Denise McKinney ............................... Seneca, SC

*Celeste Marie McKinney ....................................Easley, SC

Megan Elizabeth McNulty ........................... Cleveland, TN

**Stephanie Barbara Meletis ....................... Charleston, SC

***Amber Nicole Miller ................................Greenville, SC

**Jessica LeeAnn Mitchell ............................ Anderson, SC

† ***Meredith Ann Nell .................................Greenville, SC

Fredda Annette Patterson ......................... Westminster, SC

*Brittany Nicole Poling ................................. Anderson, SC

**Ashley Suzanne Lawson Robinson ................ Pauline, SC

**Richard Andrew Rosebrock .......................Columbia, SC

*Katherine Elizabeth Ross ............................Greenville, SC

**Lindsay Diane Saffioti ..................................Neptune, NJ

Kari Vaughan Savage ................................Simpsonville, SC

Jennifer L Schweer ...........................................Marietta, SC

*Katrina Lynne Sharpe ................................. Anderson, SC

*Sabrina Michele Simpson ...........................Greenville, SC

*Erin Rebecca Smith ......................................Hartsville, SC

**Rebecca Lynn Stephens ............................. Anderson, SC

**Samantha Ellen Stokes .................................Six Mile, SC

*Caroline Alleene Thompson ..................Simpsonville, SC

***Mandy Lynn Thompson ...............................Taylors, SC

**Britney Nicole Thrailkille ..........................Greenville, SC

Jean Marie Trufan Tillirson ...................... Williamston, SC

***Jessica Beeco Tinsley .......................................Easley, SC

*Leslie Cameron Tumbleston ...........................Ravenel, SC

Alexis M Utley ..................................................Mullins, SC

*Cynthia Gilliam West .............................................Iva, SC

Ashley Kate Worster ...............................Murfreesboro, TN

***Emily Chantelle Wright .........................Blountville, TN

Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management

Hugh Nelson Adcock III ...................... Virginia Beach, VA

Roy Curtis Baham, Jr. .............................. New Orleans, LA

Michael James Beshaw ................................. Glen Rock, NJ

Andrew Patrick Black .................................Chesapeake, VA

Sara Ann Bowyer ........................................... Hanahan, SC

Norma Caroline Boyer .................................. Anderson, SC

William Ross Brewer, Jr. ................................Allendale, SC

Austin Zuniga Brinker ............................. Goose Creek, SC

Adam Jarred Brooks.............................................Apex, NC

Taylor Austin Bundrick .......................................Cayce, SC

Scott Allen Cline .......................... Rolling Hills Estate, CA

Patrick Thomas Crawford .............................. Lancaster, SC

Stephen Michael Curtin .............................. Whitefish, MT

Robert Andrew Davis ...................................Pinehurst, NC

Kevin Frank Day .............................................Dresden, ME

John Keith Fann ........................................ Yadkinville, NC

David Curtis Finethy ..........................Wolfeboro Falls, NH

Megan Karrynn Fletcher ..................................Six Mile, SC

Brian Michael Gardner ......................... Pawley’s Island, SC

Adam Joshua Ginn .........................................Varnville, SC

*Jenna Marie Goecker .........................................Easley, SC

Paul Mitchell Greeley .....................................Rock Hill, SC

Jared Brandon Griffin .........................................Easley, SC

Polly May Hardy ............................................ Anderson, SC

Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management (continued)

*Michael Robert Harger ...................................Proctor, VT

Martin Gill Harkins ....................................White Oak, SC

La’Donte Darrell Harris .................................Gadsden, AL

Jessica Ruth Haynie ............................................Hague, VA

Mary Elizabeth Isely ........................................Clemson, SC

Rashaad D Jackson .............................................Union, SC

Katherine Miriam Jennings ......................Simpsonville, SC

Megan Elizabeth Keown ............................... Anderson, SC

Patrick Michael Langan ............................... Ridgefield, CT

Ryan M Lemere ....................................................Easley, SC

Kori Switzer Liner .............................................. Saluda, SC

D’Lesha Arlene Lloyd ........................... Newport News, VA

Shana Sessions Mayfield ................................ Catawba, NC

Rachel Ellen McCollum ......................................Easley, SC

John Daniel McLaurin ........................................Dillon, SC

Jan Peter Murken ........................................... Hamburg, NJ

Patrick Jenkins Myers ...................................... Camden, SC

Laura Ann Quillian ......................................LaGrange, GA

**Jonathan Glenn Raynor ........................Summerville, SC

*Jeffrey M Redenbach ..........................................Presto, PA

Charles Lamar Roediger III ........................... Advance, NC

Lindsay Morgan Schumpert ......................... Prosperity, SC

Brett Anthony Smestad................................. Stratham, NH

Alexander Frederick Van Cleve Stevenson ..Sierra Madre, CA

Tasha Renea Taylor ..................................... Columbus, GA

Taylor Lorene Versace ................................... Anderson, SC

Michael Owen Volino .................................... Norcross, GA

Roger Leo Walker .......................................Cedar Park, TX

Noah James Webster ...................................... Marietta, GA

Matthew Brian Whirley ....................................Jericho, VT

Benjamin Tyler Whitehead .......................Blythewood, SC

Stanley Ray Widmann .....................................Bedford, TX

Laura Stevens Williams ................................Columbia, SC

Technology and Human Resource Development

***Dawson Whittier Alexander II .....................Seneca, SC

Robert E Brothers .........................................Pendleton, SC

*Jessica Lynn Hughes .........................................Seneca, SC

* Cum laude : A grade-point ratio of 3.40 to 3.69

** Magna cum laude : A grade-point ratio of 3.70 to 3.89

*** Summa cum laude : A grade-point ratio of 3.90 to 4.00

† Calhoun Honors College : The graduates so designated in the printed graduation program have completed an enriched program of study through the Calhoun Honors College. To earn this distinction, students must maintain an overall grade-point ratio of 3.40 or higher and complete the requirements of General Honors and/or Departmental Honors.

Students who have earned Departmental Honors appear in the line of march wearing the Calhoun Honors College

Medallion on an orange and purple ribbon. This medallion is made possible by an endowment established by Mrs.

Katherine Inabinet Vickery of Columbia, South Carolina, to honor the memory of her husband and Clemson graduate, the late B C Inabinet.

Students wearing the white stoles over their gowns are graduating with a 3.00 or better grade-point average. Those who are members of university recognized honorary societies may have the names of those societies embroidered on one side of the stole with the university seal embroidered on the other side.

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In 1989 on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of its graduation from Clemson University (then the Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina), the Class of 1939 established the Award for Excellence. It is presented annually to a faculty member whose contributions over the immediately preceding five-year period are judged by the faculty member’s peers to represent the highest achievement of service to the University and the Student Body.

Recipient of the Class of ’39 Award for Excellence for 2008

William T Pennington, Jr.

Professor of Chemistry

1989 – Dixie Gooch Goswami

1990 – Joel Vincent Brawley, Jr.

1991 – John L Idol, Jr.

1992 – Raymond C Turner

1993 – Ashby B Bodine II

1994 – Cecil Oates Huey, Jr.

1995 – Francis Anthony McGuire

Previous Recipients

1996 – R Lawrence LaForge

1997 – Chalmers McNair Butler

1998 – Larry Lee Bauer

1999 – Judith Mary Melton

2000 – Clifton Scott Miller Egan

2001 – Jerry Alan Waldvogel

2002 – Alfred P (Hap) Wheeler

2003 – Douglas Kinly Sturkie III

2004 – Art Young

2005 – Benjamin Lee Sill

2006 – Donald M McKale

2007 – Alma Bennett f aCulty



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Established at Clemson University in 1959, this award is made annually by the faculty of Clemson University to the member of the graduating class who has the highest scholastic achievement. All graduates who have completed the requirements for the bachelor’s degree since the last commencement exercise and who have completed at

Clemson at least 75 percent of the work required for graduation shall be eligible for consideration.

Recipients of the Faculty Scholarship Award for 2008

Logan Jessica Camp

Sarah Jeanelle Cross

Lesley Anne Osborn

Matthew David Parks

Benjamin Douglas Wright

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Clemson University is named for Thomas Green Clemson (1807–1888), who left the bulk of his estate to the state of South Carolina for the founding of the institution.

Thomas Clemson was born in Philadelphia in 1807 and educated at the Royal School of Mines in Paris (1828–1832). His early profession was that of a mining engineer; however, circumstances diverted his interests into politics and the life of a southern planter, and he soon became an enthusiastic advocate of scientific agriculture. He had a career as a diplomat (chargé d’affaires to Belgium, 1844–1852) and served as the first superintendent of agricultural affairs in Washington (1860). As a scientist he published numerous articles in the fields of mining, chemistry and agriculture. His varied activities included his assistance in the founding of the Maryland Agricultural College, his support of the Morrill Act, his leadership in South Carolina after the Civil War, and his part in founding Clemson University.

Thomas Clemson was the son-in-law of John C Calhoun, a South Carolina political figure of national importance during the first half of the nineteenth century. Mr.

Calhoun’s home, Fort Hill, is preserved on the Clemson campus as a national shrine.

The academic program at Clemson College began in 1893 with an enrollment of 446.

The first “college prospectus” announced only two four-year curricula, supplemented by two two-year preparatory courses. Today the University has six major academic units. These are the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences; the College of

Architecture, Arts and Humanities; the College of Business and Behavioral Science; the College of Engineering and Science; the College of Health, Education and Human

Development; and the Graduate School.

Clemson University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern

Association of Colleges and Schools to award the bachelor’s, master’s, education specialist, and doctor’s degrees.

Curricula are accredited by AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate

Schools of Business), Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, American

Council for Construction Education, American Dietetic Association (CADE), American

Society of Landscape Architects, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE),

Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP),

National Architectural Accrediting Board, National Association of Schools of Art and

Design, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, NRPA/AALR

Council on Accreditation, Planning Accreditation Board, and Society of American

Foresters. Documentation of accreditation is available in the college deans’ offices.

Clemson is a land-grant institution. As such, it is engaged not only in its primary academic program, but does extensive research at the main campus and at five agricultural experiment stations located in the state. The University is also heavily committed to a varied program of public service, including the work of agricultural extension, which has professional personnel located in each of the state’s counties.

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Farmer and McGarity/arr. Freeman

Where the Blue Ridge yawns its greatness,

Where the Tigers play;

Here the sons of dear old Clemson

Reign supreme alway.


Dear old Clemson, we will triumph

And with all our might,

That the Tiger’s roar may echo

O’er the mountain height.

We will dream of greater conquests,

For our past is grand,

And her sons have fought and conquered

Every foreign land.

Where the mountains smile in grandeur

O’er the hill and dale.

Here the Tiger lair is nestling

Swept by storm and gale.

We are brothers strong in manhood,

For we work and strive;

And our alma mater reigneth

Ever in our lives.
