Shane Goldbergs

New DVD Product Launch
November 2005
Video Training for Photoshop CS2
‘Digital Cosmetic Surgery Made Easy’
Shane Goldberg
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Thursday, October 27th 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, Hooray the weekend is almost here!!!
Objective: Feedback, See P.S. get client interaction
Hi <Firstname>,
It's Friday evening here in Adelaide, South Australia so the weekend
is almost upon us!! Hooray :)
It's been a very busy, long week! (In a good way of course)
We've been working hard on alot of new material.
I hope you've had a good week too.
Anyway I just wanted to say I hope you have a GREAT weekend and
if you have a spare 3 minutes click on the link below and check out a
new video tutorial on 'Removing Bags under Eyes!' Once you've had
a chance to have a look at it hit reply to this email and let me know
what you think.
As I mentioned it only goes for 3 minutes and is a neat technique.
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS2
P.S. If you were here with me right now what would be the 3 top
things that you would ask me about? What is it that you want
me to show you how to do in Photoshop? Just hit reply to this email
and let me know! :) Thanks again for your time.
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Thursday, 3rd November 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, Another cool video for you and…
Objective: Build Relationship of Trust, Tease re: new product, Build expectation they
will purchase it and get more interaction by telling me what they want
Hi <Firstname>,
Firstly I hope you've had a GREAT week so far. I can't believe another
week has passed and the weekend is fast approaching!
(I'm excited though as it's the first match of our tennis season
tomorrow - so fingers crossed we do well!)
Ok, now onto the important stuff....
Here is another free video tutorial for you:
(Let me know what you think of this one! :)
Finally, I actually need your help. (Please keep reading...)
I do really. You see I've been working very hard, I mean really hard
lot's of late nights and early mornings for the past few months!!
(my wife will testify to that!!)
Why? you might ask! Well you see I've been working on something
really special that is going to turn the Photoshop world on it's head.
It's the most complete and extensive set of video tutorials
on 'Digital Cosmetic Surgery' that you'll ever see
(at this point I can't say much more...but rest assured it's
going to be big!).
But, before I finalize the product and put the finishing touches
on it I want to make sure that I've covered EXACTLY what you want
to know about 'Digital Cosmetic Surgery' - Touch up secrets!
So, all I'm asking is for you to email me (just hit reply to this email
and it will come direct to me) with your Requests as to what it
will need to have for you to buy it.
We're hoping to be able to launch on a special day for me...
My 30th Birthday - November 20th...So if you can get back to me
ASAP that would be much appreciated. You'll be glad you did
when you see what's coming.
Take care and have a GREAT weekend,
and I look forward to hearing from you over the weekend.
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS2
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Monday, 7th November 2005
Subject: Hi <Firstname>, a BIG Thank You!
Objective: Plug possible launch date, Keep communication channels open, show
Hi <Firstname>,
Just a real quick message to say a BIG Thank you for your feedback
and support.
We have received a HUGE response from our last email and are
really grateful for your feedback.
It will be well worth the wait (till November 20th!) I promise :)
Have a SUPER week. Let me know if you have any other suggestions
that you may think of that would be a MUST have in the new product.
Kind Regards
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS2
P.S. Our new site specifically for Elements is just around the corner
now so make sure you Add to Favourites (Ctrl + D):
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Thursday, 10th November 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, the new product update…
Objective: Pricing survey, build emotion, personality/reality into launch
Hi <Firstname>,
Just a quick update on the new product (DVD Video Tutorials)
on Digital Cosmetic Surgery...
The DVD is jam packed with some awesome techniques over
6 hours of Photoshop training to get your head spinning....and then
the dreaded hard drive crash!! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
It appears at this stage that we may have lost alot of the content for
the DVD - we had some of it backed up but not the whole lot.
I know what you're saying now - 'you idiot Shane!' what were you
thinking!!!? You're right too - I should have backed it up much earlier.
Trust me there is no one who would agree with you more at this
point than me.
Anyway, I wanted to write quickly to let you know what the goings on
are and also apologies for not giving you another snippett
(video tutorial) today.
There is something that you could do for me though that would
help me out big time...
Just before the big crash we were discussing our pricing options
for the DVD & Manual. If you can take 30 seconds or a minute and let
me know your answers to the following questions that would be
1. What price is so cheap that you would question the value of
this DVD & Manual (over 6 hours of quality content 60-70 videos)
specifically about Digital Cosmetic techniques e.g. skin, eyes, body
image etc. (more details coming soon!)?
2. At what price would this DVD & Manual be a good deal?
3. At what price would this DVD & Manual be expensive but still
worth buying?
4. At what price is this DVD & Manual too expensive?
5. How interested are you in this DVD & Manual?
Thanking you so much for your feedback and responses to these
questions. It will help us immensly. Just hit reply to this email with
your answers.
Take care and have a Super Day!
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
I hope and pray that your day is alot better than mine! :)
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS2
P.S. My wife suggested that I get out from under the desk from the
featul position and write to you to help me deal with the current
mini-crisis :)
P.P.S. On the up-side any video tutorials that I redo are guaranteed
to be better.
If you have any questions email me direct and I'll do my best to get
back to you ASAP.
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Thursday, 17th November 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, DON’T Buy the DVD!
Objective: Get their attention, FAQ’s to overcome any objections
Hi <Firstname>,
Just to clarify about the subject line - Don't Buy the DVD - I'm
referring to the DVD Mastering Photoshop CS Made Easy
DVD that is currently selling for $97 USD plus Shipping
(Hold off until the NEW DVD is released in the next week - there
is a good reason I'm saying that - I will explain later) ;-)
I hope you've had a good week. Once again the weekend is fast
approaching. I wanted to give you a quick update as we were
scheduled to launch the *NEW* DVD on Digital Cosmetic Surgery
this Sunday 20th November (on my Birthday! - the BIG 30)
Last week - we had the hard drive crash!
This week - we've been making a speedy recovery and working
almost around the clock to make up for lost ground...Unfortunately
we wont be ready to launch on my 30th Birthday (20th November) as
planned... But, we will be ready to launch the DVD the following week.
We have received hundreds of emails from our valued clients with
feedback about the pricing of the DVD which we really appreciated,
we've also had hundreds of emails asking about the product,
wanting to know more about it, and we've even had some people
want to reserve their copy before it's even released!
I've compiled a list of a few questions and answers that may
help answer other questions that you may have in relation
to this product...I do my best to answer personally to all my emails
but this has been very VERY challenging in the past week whilst
trying to make up for lost ground.
Q. What if I have Elements will the new DVD work?
A. No! Don't buy the DVD if you are soley an Elements 3.0 or 4.0 user
We will be releasing a similar product specifically for Elements
in the future (see )
Q. Will the tutorials show me how to fix skin?
Yes, we have around 15 tutorials specifically just on the skin.
Q. I think the manual will be a great addition but will it be easy to
A. Yes, the manual will be very easy to follow. It will NOT be a
comprehensive, long winded book of explanations about every
technique. It will be a basic guide with the steps taken in the videos
and it will also include some basic tips for the techniques that
are covered on the DVD. Think of it as a handbook for the DVD.
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Q. Will you cover how to make the photos look like the beautiful
shots in magazines with soft smooth skin?
A. Absolutely!! You want it - you got it. And you wont have any
long, boring videos to show you either - the reason I say that is I've
actually watched other video tutorials and found myself falling
asleep!!! (that's not a Joke!) and there's NO WAY that I want any
of my clients getting bored out of their brains learning from me :)
Q. How many videos will be on this new DVD?
A. Over 60 video tutorials (over 6 hours worth).
Q. Many professionals and even hobbyist Photoshop users would
like to achieve professional results in making people look younger,
slimmer, basically more beautiful WITHOUT the hassle will this
type of thing be included in the DVD?
A. Ohhh YES! All of the above - and MUCH more.
Q. I'm a wedding photographer and I would like to see how to
make my wedding photos stand out. Quality is very important to
me so I need to know how to get very professional results without
having to spend hours and hours working on each image - will you
be covering that?
A. Yes, we'll show you step by step how to make your wedding
photos 'pop' and 'zing'! And the best thing about it is I'll show you
how you can start doing it in 2-3 minutes and even less with some
practice. :)
I hope this has helped to answer any other questions you may have
had. It's a very exciting time as we approach the launch.
Apologies for not being able to make the November 20th Deadline.
Things outside of my control. Hold off purchasing the other DVD
as I mentioned - sit tight for a few more days.
Let me know if you have any other questions that are not answered
above and I'll try to cover them off in a video early to Mid next week,
with a sneak preview of the DVD! Stay tuned for that one.
Take care and have a SUPER weekend,
Managing Director
Pro Photo Secrets
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS2
P.S. Thanks again for all the emails with best wishes etc. for my
birthday - Much appreciated, the funny thing is you'll be thinking
it's your birthday when you see what I'm putting together for you
with the DVD!!! :)
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Thursday, 24th November 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, The time has *almost* come…
Objective: Build anticipation
Hi <Firstname>,
The time has almost come to launch the new DVD
'Digital Cosmetic Surgery Made Easy'. As you would probably
remember we lost alot of the content when we had the major hard
drive crash - but we have been working very hard to make up for
lost time (e.g. the past 2 nights we've worked thru till 4am!!! - And No
that isn't a joke!)
Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that
I'll have a video for you tomorrow showing you the NEW DVD
and I'll be answering some more questions about the up and coming
*LAUNCH* which is going to be absolutely HUGE...
Take care and have a GREAT day,
Keep your eye out for the short video tomorrow.
Pro Photo Secrets
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Friday, 25th November 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, Here’s your *Sneak Preview*…
Objective: Build anticipation, get clients emotionally involved via Video presentation
Hi <Firstname>,
Here is your *Sneak* Preview Video of the new DVD
Digital Cosmetic Surgery.
Click on the link below to check out the content of the DVD and Launch
Have a GREAT day & weekend!
P.S. Don't forget if you have any questions you can contact me direct
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Monday, 28th November 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, the official *DVD Launch* page…
Objective: Get clients to go to Launch page view timer, continuing to build
anticipation and excitement, overcome any objectives with additional testimonials
Hi <Firstname>,
Just wanted to quickly let you know the page you need to bookmark
Ctrl + D (PC) or CMD + D (MAC) - to add to Favourites.
The exact details for the Date and Time of the DVD Launch are there.
We've organised a great little bonus for those who are quick off
the mark on launch day too, so don't miss out on that one - you'll be
kicking yourself if you do! :)
We've also made this package so attractive that if you've ever even
remotely thought about getting yourself some Photoshop Training
this has to be it. You'll understand exactly what I mean on Wednesday.
Have a GREAT day,
P.S. Not sure about the whole thing? See what others just like
you have had to say about Pro Photo
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Monday, 28th November 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, Your **Un-Advertised** Special Offer
Objective: Reveal what’s in package to ‘priority subscribers’ and give them
opportunity to order before seeing sales page, spell out the huge value, overcome
objection from clients who have already purchased the 1st DVD product of ours who
may not want it as a bonus. This is where the real fun begins! ;)
Hi <Firstname>,
The time has come! The new DVD Digital Cosmetic Surgery is now
ready to ship and we're very excited about that. As you know we've
had some little hiccups leading up to the release of this great product,
but that is all behind us now and we're moving forward with smiles
all round!
<Firstname>, you are one of my valued clients. I know you've
heard that one before but you really are. My business's success is
directly related to whether people just like you like my products.
As such I wanted to give you the very first update *prior* to the
official release of the product tomorrow at 3pm Aust. EST or 12:01am
Here is what is in the Package:
**DVD - Digital Cosmetic Surgery (60 Video Tutorials)**
The new DVD will retail for $99.95 USD or $129.95 AUD
**e-Manual - PDF manual** to go along with the DVD
- Full color before and after photos included.
- Step-by-step instructions of the video tutorials and some
helpful tips. - $19.95
**DVD - Mastering Photoshop CS Made Easy**
78 Video Tutorials DVD - $97.00 USD or $129 AUD
**BONUS** Embroided Pro.Photo.Secrets T-shirt for everyone
who orders on day 1 of the launch! - $24.95
Total Value of this package: $241.85 USD + S&H
so here's the big question...
What is the price?
$89.95 USD + S&H
Yes, that is right. I've been having a few head
banging fights with those around me who really think I've gone
crazy selling at this crazy price....but... here is my thinking....
If I price this product launch package so affordable and pack it
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
with tonnes and tonnes of goodies (as above) you will have no
reason not to buy it and you will be happy because you have just
scored the bargain of the century - especially leading up to
Now, I understand that you've already bought the first DVD and
why the heck would you want another copy of it?
We have over 1,000 of them in stock at the moment and it's
almost Christmas right? Why not give it to someone else you know
who could use it? or you could even donate it to the local camera
club or if you really want you can sell it in your business!! :)
But, I totally understand if you don't want the whole kit and caboodle.
So if you just want to upgrade and get the *NEW* DVD
Digital Cosmetic Surgery ONLY you can order it right now for only
$59.95 USD + S&H ($9.95 USD for Aussies & $14.95 USD for all
other countries)
So, you will get the DVD and the e-Manual all for $59.95 + S&H!
Here is the link to order now for the DVD Only:
As mentioned earlier this is a NON Advertised special - you wont
find it anywhere on the site. So if you want to take advantage of it
before it aint there anymore go for it.
But, what if you want the whole kit and kaboodle?
No problems - as I mentioned before the official launch is in just
about 24 hours exactly. But you can order right NOW before everyone
else for the Special Launch price of only $89.95 + S&H.
Here is the link for you:
You will be one of the very first to order and you will be guaranteed
to get one of the quality Pro Photo Secrets embroided T-Shirts.
(You have to let me know your size before we ship your product!)
Anyway, that's it for now - once again thank you for your valued
support. Do yourself a favour and get yourself the bargain of the
century now, here are the links again:
For the DVD ONLY:
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
For the WHOLE Mega, Package worth over $240 USD:
Now just a quick word of warning - if you don't manage to get your order
in today or on the first day of the launch you definitely wont
get one of the embroided T-Shirts, and once those 300 Packages
are sold or the 7-Days are up whichever comes first that is it!
Have a GREAT day,
We look forward to receiving your order.
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS2
---------------------------------------------"Thanks Shane for such a Fantastic site!
I've been scouring the web for simple to understand tutorials
on how to use Photoshop to spruce up my digital photos - you know,
techniques like removing blemishes, removing background items and
removing red-eye. Your site has showed me how to do all that,
plus some extra creative things I didn't even know I could do!"
David Peterson,
---------------------------------------------"Hi Shane,
I am a beginner to photoshop, but your video tutorials has made
my beginning so simple and infact inspired and motivated me
to go deeper.
Thanks to you and your tutorials."
---------------------------------------------"Hi Shane,
I love the program and am very proud of myself for being
able to follow the program soo easily.
I can't believe that I'm actually making these changes to my
pictures. These tutorials are soo easy to follow and
I have been telling most of my friends about them.
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
I'm not the only one that was "photoshop stupid." Before
your tutorials I was checking around for "Photoshop for Dummies"
and VOILA I received an email on your tutorials and I am
so glad that I did.
Shane I had the photshop program and had no idea how to use
it and was using 2nd rate programs that didn't do half of
what I have learned this week.
Yes, I can't wait to keep learning more, you make it so
easy to learn.
Please feel free to use any comments I make as I am amazed
at the ease to which I am learning.
Learning from the tutorials is absolutely awesome.
Thank you so very much for making it a pleasure to learn and so easy,"
Debbie Ward
Nova Scotia, Canada
---------------------------------------------"Hi Shane,
I had to write this some time ago but I am very busy so
I took the opportunity to thank you for the great videos
on your websites. I am more confident with photoshop now
and like experimenting with what I thought were difficult
Congratulations again for the good work and keep it up"
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Tuesday, 29th November 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, It’s live and away! Yihaa!!
Objective: Announce launch is live to whole list
Hi <Firstname>,
WOWZERS! We only went live approx. 40 minutes ago and things
have been crazy!! Looks like some of you were hovering like hawkes
over it's prey!
We still have plenty of Packages available but they are going fast
So don't waste another minute if you haven't already picked up your
*Christmas Present* at
Have a GREAT day,
Let everyone you know about this CRAZY Launch before it's too late!
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Thursday, 1st December 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, Digital Cosmetic Surgery – Crazy Times…
Objective: Overcome the natural tendency to procrastinate, get the sales pumping,
emphasis early success of the launch with limited stock ‘urgency’.
Hi <Firstname>,
OK, we've now been officially "launched" for just over 48 hours now
and things have been pretty crazy around here.
For a while there we were getting an order every few minutes, but
things are slowing down now. Which is a good thing...otherwise
we would have gone through all 300 packages in the first few hours.
We had some people real early on in the launch who had trouble
with when ordering, we now have 2 choices to pay
for the DVD package via Paypal or
For those who have ordered we just quickly wanted to say thank you
for your orders and we are should have all your orders out the door
just after the weekend.
If you haven't ordered yet, then get your butt over to:
and get yourself one of the remaining DVD packages with both
DVD's and the eManual that goes with the Digital Cosmetic Surgery
Here's the link again:
Take care, have a SUPER weekend,
Kind Regards,
Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS2
P.S. If you haven't seen the pre-launch video yet here is the link
for that again:
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Monday, 5th December 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, Just over 24 hours left and…
Objective: Final push, spell it out for the slow movers who haven’t acted yet.
Hi <Firstname>,
Just a quick update - Last Wednesday we opened the doors on my
Birthday Special and it will be gone forever in just over 24 hours.
We had 300 packages available and are now down to less than
100 so if you think it could be for you then waste no time and pick
up one of the last packages which include:
1. DVD - Digital Cosmetic Surgery Made Easy (Over 6 hrs tutorials)
2. DVD - Mastering PhotoshopCS Made Easy (Over 7 hrs tutorials)
3. eManual - PDF manual for the Digital Cosmetic Surgery DVD to
follow along with the steps in the videos.
What a GREAT Christmas present!! ;-)
Total cost for the package well over $200 USD but until 3pm Aust.
EST or 12:01am EST (USA) Wednesday it is only $89.95 plus
Don't Miss out - get your butt over to NOW!
If you have any questions before you spend up email me direct
Have a GREAT day,
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Monday, 5th December 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, Tummy Tuck Video Tutorial…
Objective: Deliver additional content / teaser with a video from the new product
Hi <Firstname>,
If you received my email earlier today and you've already purchased
the Package please just disregard that...
But... Don't dis-regard this one!
Here is a fr-ee video tutorial for you on how to give a Tummy Tuck
It's a short video from the new DVD - Digital Cosmetic Surgery
Made Easy - 6 hours worth of this kind of stuff!!
P.S. Have a GREAT day :)
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Tuesday, 6th December 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, a BIG Thank you for your support…
Objective: Thank clients, 1 hour reminder
Hi <Firstname>,
I just wanted to quickly write and say a BIG Thank you for your
support and for not getting too upset with my bombardment of emails
over the past week!! :)
Our Digital Cosmetic Surgery Launch is almost over (in approx. 1
hour) and it has been a huge success.
>From this afternoon you will see the DVD on the site available for
the retail price of $99.95 + Shipping for the Digital Cosmetic Surgery
DVD and $97 + Shipping for the Mastering Photoshop CS Made
Easy DVD which you have picked up for only $89.95 + Shipping.
What a BARGAIN!!!
We also wanted to let you know that we have shipped ALL orders
now except for only 4 or 5 whom we have contacted individually.
If you are located within Australia you will receive your order
this week.
If you are located Overseas you will receive your order from any time
after 12th December and fingers crossed everyone will have their
DVD's by Christmas (which was the plan!)
Once again THANK you for your support - enjoy the DVD's when they
arrive and have lots of fun with them :)
Pro Photo Secrets
P.S. If you have also subscribed to our free eCourse you may receive
other emails from us too encouraging you to purchase the DVD's
just ignore that - since you've already picked up the bargain of the
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005
Emailed: Tuesday, 6th December 2005
Subject: <Firstname>, Less than 58 minutes to go!
Objective: Reminder, Launch almost over, Further social proof e.g. well over 200
packages sold etc.
Hi <Firstname>,
WOW! The DVD Launch is almost over (in less than 57 minutes now!)
As you know for the past 7 days we have run our never to be repeated
DVD Launch special (the whole package 2 x DVD's for only $89.95
plus S&H).
It's been huge - sent our office into a bit of a spin but we're back on our
feet now. We've shipped out well over 200 packages and we still have
a few left.
If you've already made the smartest buy of the year and picked up
your package just ignore this but if you haven't - don't miss out as
this offer will be gone in about 50 minutes forever!
Thanks again to everyone who has emailed us with your support
and best wishes and also your orders! We really appreciate you.
Take care, this will be the last email for a little while - HOORAY I hear
you say!! (Apologies if you're sick to death of my emails, just
remember that you can un-subscribe at ANY time at the bottom
of this email) If you're not offended by my bombardment of emails
thank you and we'll speak soon.
Have a GREAT day,
Kind Regards
P.S. As I mentioned if you haven't already - get your butt over to and get yourself one
of the remaining few packages!
© Copyright Shane Goldberg 2005