DATA CENTER SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM David B. Horne, Pittsburgh National Bank Raymond R. Messmer, Pittsburgh National Bank Abstract In the past, a bank's dependability may have been gauged by the size and invulnerability of its vault. Today a large financial institution may just as likely be judged by its customers, especially its corporate customers and affiliate banks, based on the reliability of the bank's data center. The bank's computer handles inquiries, records transactions, and transfers funds. It must be "up" as much as possible to keep the customers satisfied and allow the bank to keep the customers. Pittsburgh National Bank has chosen to use the SAS® System to create an application to track all Data Center problems, monitoring "down" time, cause of outage, impact to customers, etc. This menu-driven and system uses SAS/AF" SAS /FSP" for data entry and maintenance, provides availability and service level reports for management, and also incorporates FSLETTER to automatically produce service level agreements for Data Center customers. Introduction Pittsburgh National Bank, an affiliate of PNC Financial Corp, is responsible for data center service level reporting for all of the Corporation's three data centers. Service level reporting began at PNB in 1973 with 10 applications and 25 customers and was processed completely manually. We now report on 253 on-line applications and 236 batch deadlines to 163 customers. At the present time, failure reporting, daily & weekly project management, service level agreements, and monthly service level reporting are automated using the SAS® system. This system has proved to be an invaluable management tool in providing a higher level of service to our customers. Why Report Service Levels? • Reporting service levels requires operations and the customer base to come to a common agreement via a Service Level Agreement. • Publishing the service levels keeps the customer base informed and provides a common document to be used when operations and the customer meet. • Service levels identify specific targets and goals for the production staff to meet. • It assists department management by identifying areas 1001 accountable for failures resolving problems quickly. and • Internal deadlines enable department management to identify equipment, staffing and training . needs early. • Service levels force program, hardware, and software changes to be made with consideration to service (better planning of outages that are controllable). • Can provide future service level projections of system performance based upon historical data. Application Overview The two main files in the Data Center Service Level Management system are the Application Master File and the Incident Record File. By comparing the data in these files, all of the statistics necessary to produce the reports used to manage the service within the data center and to report service levels achieved to the customer can be created. The Application Master File contains such system information as the CICS region where the application resides or a special file identifier to report service levels at the file level. It also has service objectives, scheduled available times, and critical batch deadlines as negotiated by the data center representative with the customer. The Incident Record File can be system generated or entered manually, but in either case, you should allow for editing through FSEDIT screens. This will enable review and verification of such things as description, resolution and accountability, thus insuring accurate information about the lost availability being reported to management. By reviewing each incident and its effect on the application, data processing management can take steps to lessen the effects of such incidents in the future. This interactive menu driven system was developed using SAS/AFe and SAS/FSp® software running under TSO. The application is started via an ISPF menu option which in turn calls SASe and displays the Data Center Service Level Management System main menu. The first screen viewed when accessing the system is the Site Selection Menu. Once the site (data center) is selected, the user receives the Main Options Menu. Option one {I} is used to enter or update incident records. Regardless of how the records are generated (system or manual), it is very important to have the ability to update such items as problem description, resolution, accountability, and date/time information (see screen 1). FSEDIT gives us this capability. These items should be reviewed by management at all levels. Review of each incident individually is key to managing service levels as opposed to merely reporting them. By monitoring events and reviewing their cause and effect, management can take appropriate steps to either eliminate such 1002 events or lessen their impact in the future. Option two {2} is used to update the Application Master File, again using FSEDIT. This file contains all the pertinent application information to generate availability and service level reports such as application schedules and commitment goals (see screen 2). Since we generate all of the statistics needed to report our actual service by comparing these first two files, review of this data becomes a relatively simple task. Option three {3} allows a manager to view or print historical service level statistical information for a particular application. Option four {4} Update Application History File merges the Application Master file and the Incident Record file to create the application history file. This contains the detail for all subsequent reporting needs. Although the historical data is updated via regularly scheduled batch jobs (which is the preferred method), this option provides a way to update the history data at any time of day (such as immediately following a major incident). This enables management to evaluate its effect on service level performance. This evaluation can be communicated to the data processing staff and the customer on a more timely basis. month-to-date and year-to-date "uptime" percentages, comparisons of actual versus committed availability goals, projected availability for the month based upon performance to date, and outage accountability. These may be produced on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. These reports are produced for executive management, application owners and customers. AUTHOR INFORMATION: Raymond R. Messmer Pittsburgh National Bank FI. Duquesne Building Pittsburgh, PA 15265 (412) 762-3368 David B. Horne Pittsburgh National Bank One Oliver Plaza Pittsburgh, PA 15265 (412) 762-6332 SAS, SAS/AF, and SAS/FSP are registered trademarks of SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. Option five {5} is used to produce summary reports which include date and time of outages, application affected, description and cause of the outage, customer impact, affected affiliate banks, total outage for the application, 1003 DATA CENTER SERVICE LEVEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SYSTEM OVERVIEW SELECT SITE l. Pittsburfh 2. Louisvil e 3. Philadelphia MAIN MENU l. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter Incidents Update Master Induire History Up ate Histor~ Produce Repar s II II II 2 1 Enter Incident Records 3 Edit Inquire History Select Application Application Master File II 4 H~story File I I View/Print I Print Service I Level History Agreements Command Edit SAS data set: ~-> 5 Enter Report Specs. Update Application I I View/Print I Reports APPL.APPL Screen 1 New 294 PNC eICS APPLICATION FILE APPLICATION: BANK: REGION: OBJECTIVES: D.L. Commit: DESCRIPTION: IDEN: EFEECIlVE DAlE: --- • ---------_._---------------._----------------.----------------------------On-Line Commitment Schedule: Mon: up % dn D.L. Prime up dn D.L. NPrime % up dn up % Batch: dn Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri; Sat: Sun: Critical Batch Jobs: SCREEN 1 Command --> Confirmed: _ Edit SAS data set: OL.OUTAGE Pgh. Screen 1 New 164 On-Line Outage =======~--~----===--=----=~-~---================== Application: Date Occurred:--Dept Accountable ===> __ Bank Affected: Time Occurred: -==~===--- Affiliate Accountable: ===~====--=====---===~- SCREEN 2 1004 Scheduled: Time Resolved: - ~-====~=====~-== Infoman: PITISBURGH NATIONAL BANK Affiliate: Application: Business Sales System (BSS) Month of: (1) VTIl 0 _1 iT ~ Commitment Service exceeds goal 12y stero:! U§!U.: • f[ogrammjng lm1> l!IDru. Impact 0: 00 0.00% 0: 00 0.00% (2) Month of JaD11r!(Y Pohntja1 Actual 98.50 % 366:25 hrs 100,00 'X. 372:00 hIS .* 1990 Commitment J 0: 00 0.00% 0: 00 ---"""- 1: 53 0.51% 0: 00 0.00% 0: 00 o. 00,% Peripheral Center O. 00% 0: 00 Shlft ....I2l:.!!..L Grand Total ~l..!:!!Rru;,.t lli:!..!.!.r1i. Impact 1: 53 0.51% 0.00% Djstribution of Lest Ayailability ~l"eC'"h'---~~~-P.,CoOdCu"'""i~~*~tC'C'"b"'",,,g"bLllP,",c,uc..e"n"',eL'~~~~~~~~'S'hT,71C,~ ~~~!~t g~ gg,% ** Syst!lms & Programming ~ ~ 99,49 % 370:07 hrs Service exceeds goal User Citizens Data Center f[oyjd!lnt nata CenteI lfl>lw. 0: 00 o. 00% 0: 00 0.00% 1: 53 0.51'% 0: 00 0.00% Hours Impact ** lfl>lw. Pittsburgh Data Cnntex PrOduction ~~~~ lech Services 99.49 'X. 370: 07 hrs 98.50 'X. 366: 25 hrs 100.00 'X. 372: 00 hrs ** pistribution of 19st Ayailabiljty e' Pe S PoUnt!a1 January. 1990 User Sry 6~ H% Proyjdent Data Center ~ ....Q1lliu.... g: gg% g: gg% g~ gg% r.jtiz!lDS Data Center ~ Total 6: §f% 8: gg% Grand Tgtal PeriphuaJ C!,mt!lt lfl>lw. ~ lfl>lw. lmJatl lfl>lw. ~ llm!.u Impact lfl>lw. ~ IJmwi ~ 0: 00 0.00% 0: 00 0.00% 0: 00 0.00% 0: 00 O. 00% 0: 00 0.00% 1: 53 0.51% PITTSBURGH SYSTEM AND APPLICATION OUTAGE .SUMMARY. BY APPLICATION february 12.1990 ON' APPLICATION, IINA 02/03/90 52416 8.00 8,59 PNII SP Non Prime Time' 0,59 Prime Tillie, 0,00 Commit .. ent. 0,59 COII"nents' Applic:ation was· unavailable due to late batch caused by extended ruO time of dependenc:y job PPCIf2s0 c:aused by 67.000 DDA accounts being automatically purged. Systems and Programming are researching procedure enhanc:ements to prevent future reCurrenCe. Accountability, Systams and Progral'lming. 02/071"90 53547 8,30 - 8.45 PNB SP Non Prime Time' D,OO Prime Tille. 0,}5 Commitment. 0,15 Comments. Applic:ation was unavailable due to a BNA start-up failure. Systems and Programming are researching this outage. Accountability. Systems and Programming. 021"OV90 TO Non Prime Time' 1.22 Prime Time: 0,00 Commitment, 1,22 Comme ... ts. Application was unavailable due to scheduled Tech ... ic:al Services system maintenance. Accountability, Technical Services / Operating Systems. APPLlCAIlOth DML 0,18 52477 1,40 PHil PITTSBURGH PROJECTED MAXIMUM ACHIEVABLE SERVICE LEVELS FOR p"prime time, c"commi tted, n"non-prime time february 12, 1990 :;:::::":::::::::,,,,::::,,==:==:::::::::=,,=:::;:=====:==:=:::"====:;,,==::::=:::,"'''''''==,,===========,,,,::==,,=:,,;:=:=",.,,::===: GOAL no PREVIOUS CURRENT MAXIMUM AVAILABLE APPl PCT. 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January, 1990 Missed Deadline AC(';Qllntability 1990 pittsburgh Data Center .....!!9..!L Atlill 98.50% 100.00% 21 ° Systems 0.00% ° Programming & (2) QJJ) Batch System Pe[formance De.!!lliines &4i t:!ii§: Iciil 98.50% 100.00% ** a 21 Service exceeds goal Use'[ ~ 0.00% ° (3) Month of January ** 21 t ...."." 0.00% Missed Deadline Accountability 0 0.00% Number Impact 0 O. 00% ProVident Data Center tl.lli!ilitl~ 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Cithens Data CentU Peripheral Ceoter Graod Total 0.00% ° 0.00% ° Missed Deadline Accountability SerVices 21 ° Producti~Attsb!lrgh Data Center loch ne:ku.;. Number ~ ~ ° 0 Provident Data Center Shut -..I2tAL ....2.tML ~ ~ ° 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Citjzens Data Ceoter Peripheral Center Gund Iotal -""""'" - -""""""' 0.00,% 0.00% ° 0.00% Grand Total ~~~Telecom....Q..t.h..u......I2..t..l!.L~ I Systems & Programming lmru><t ° O. DOt. ° ==:o;·~·~S'='=V=i~C_'fu~;:;C;"~d~,~g~O;';';;~;;';;;;;~f:r.lmyp~,,"o.'"-]0.',0."-",,,,=0.00% User ° 0.00% Peripheral Centel:: 0.00% ° 1990 100.00% ° 0.00% ---""'- -Tea"----Vm;""TI~P~i to,","b"""",.h_O"<,",,-,C",.",,.,, '----------.",-h Tech Production Shift lmMsl;. HM!!efflli 96.50% I I ° 0.00% Citizens Data Center 0.00% ° 21 Systems & Prpgumming ° 0.00% PrOvident Data Center 0.00% ° 0 0.00% Number Impact 1-___-_~S~',<V,i,o,''__''~'CoC'O'"d,'~g,oc',t'_._._ _ ___' User 5hdt ~TJrtaL 21 0.00% """""' Nl!!nhru: 0,00% Imn.aL..!;. 0.00% PITTSBURGH Branch New Aecounts (DNA) CAUSE""> COMMITMENT SCHEDULE February 12,1990 SP SO CO US SA OT AF TE TO 2 0 0,0(1 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0,00 0.00 0 0,00 0.00 0 Dlon 0,00 0,00 0,09 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.03 0.00 0.00 1,14 1.01 TT TC 0 0,00 0 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0 TN TOTAL 2 NO. 1.14 TIME 1. 01 pCT 0 0, on 0.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J NO. 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