This is the Morse Code and phonetic alphabet. The word corresponding to each letter is the way that letter should be pronounced. For example: "Cadet" would be pronounced "Charlie Alfa Delta Echo Tango" A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W .-... -.-. -.. . ..-. --. .... .. .---..-.. --. --.--. --..-. ... ......-- Alfa Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X -..Y -.-Z --.. 1 .---2 ..--3 ...-4 ....5 ..... 6 -.... 7 --... 8 ---.. 9 ----. 0 ----. .-.-., --..-: ---... ? ..--.. ' .----. - -..../ -..-. () -.--."" .-..-. X-ray Yankee Zulu Wun Too Thuree Fow-er Fife Six Sev-en Ait Nin-er Ze-ro Full-stop (period) Comma Colon Question Mark Apostrophe Hyphen Fraction Bar Parantheses Quotation Marks