.31S !-Iillside :\venue Demarest, New Jersey 07627 201 768-7822 ext. 218 201 768-0530 FAX bcalthoffice@holyattgels.org ACADEMY C'f 1f:r wurw.holyangels.org HOLY ANGELS r. •,!::.;nl n ::-tr: EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE PLAN ALLERGYTO: Students ---Student ID Picture: Name: ---------------D.O.B: --- -- HR: - --Asthmatic: Yes * No *High Risk for Severe Reaction -- SIGNS OF AN ALLERGIC REACTION: Systems: Symptoms: Mouth itching & swelling of lips, tongue, or mouth Throat* itching and/or a sense of tightness in throat, hoarseness, hacking cough Skin hives, itchy rash, and/or swelling of face, extremities Gu( nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and/or diarrhea Lung* short of breath, repetitive cough, wheeze Heart* "thready" pulse, passing out The severity of symptoms can quickly change. *All above symptoms can potentially progress to a life-threatening situation! ACTION: 1. If ingestion is suspected, give -- -- - - -:::-:- -.---:-:----:---,--- --- - - - -(Medi caLion/dose/route) and _ _ __ _ _ immediately! 2. Call911 if: --- ---- - - - - - - - - - -- - ----- - - 3. Call Mother _-=--=---=-- __--=-=---=----or emergency contacts. -'Father (Number) (Number) 4. Call Dr: at (phone) _ _ EMERGENCY MEDICATION WILL BE ADMINISTERED AND 911 ACTIVATED EVEN IF PARENTS AND PHYSICIAN CANNOT BE REACHED. --------------- -------- ---------------MD Parent Signature Date EMERGENCY CONTACTS l. Physician Signature ___ 1. Date TRAINED STAFF MEMBERS _ _ Relation ------------Phone 2. Relation ------------ - . - - -- ··Plicfne Ext ___ 2. _ - -· ----·-- --·-Ext----------- -------· ····- - - -· ----------------------- - _ 3. 3. _ Relation -- -- --- -Phone SPONSORED by THE SCHOOL SfSTERS ofNOTRE DAME Ext