
Introduction to HTML
Dr. Afnizanfaizal Abdullah
Before we start…
--- index.html
--- xxxx.html
--- yyyy.html
--- zzzz.html
--- audio1.wav
--- pic01.jpg
--- pic02.gif
HTML Background
• November 1990, first created by Tim Berners Lee, the father/inventor of WWW
• Knighted by Queen Victoria in 2004
• Hypertext is text which is not constrained to be linear. • Hypermedia is a term used for hypertext which is not constrained to be text: for example, it can include graphics, video and sound
Words To Know
• Tag -­‐ Used to specify ("mark-­‐up") regions of HTML documents for the web browser to interpret. Tags look like this: <tag> • Element -­‐ A complete tag, having an opening <tag> and a closing </tag>. • Attribute -­‐ Used to modify the value of the HTML element. Elements will often have multiple attributes. Simple Meaning
• For now just know that:
– a tag is a command the web browser interpreter, – an element is a complete tag, – and an attribute customizes or modifies HTML elements. Preparation for HTML
• To begin coding and using HTML you need only two things: – a simple-­‐text editor (Notepad, Textpad)
– A browser (IE, Netscape, Firefox)
– Dreamweaver
– let you create pages quickly but you can only spicing up or polishing up HTML effects manually – can’t do that if doesn’t know HTML
Guide to HTML code
• Is not a programming language, it’s a mark-­‐up language • HTML – Hypertext Mark-­‐up Language
• Not case sensitive
• Use tag for formatting output: new line, paragraph, text size, color, font type, etc.
• Can be a single or coupled tag
• Tag general format: Single: <tag_format>
Double: <tag_format> . . . </ tag_format>
Start Tags and End Tags
• HTML5 documents delimit most elements with a start tag and end tag. • A start tag consists of the element name in angle brackets
– For example, <html>
• An end tag consists of the element name preceded by a forward slash (/) in angle brackets
– For example, </html>
• There are several so-­‐called “void elements” that do not have end tags.
• Many start tags have attributes that provide additional information about an element, which browsers use to determine how to process the element. • Each attribute has a name and a value separated by an equals sign (=). Comments
• Insert comments in your HTML markup to improve readability and describe the content of a document. • The browser ignores comments when your document is rendered. • Comments start with <!--and end with-->
<!-­‐-­‐ This is comments in HTML -­‐-­‐>
[Activity 01]
Very simple HTML code
<title>Simple HTML</title>
Hello World! All my content goes here!
The Most Important Elements
• <html></html>
– begins and ends each and every web page • <head></head>
– The head functions "behind the scenes." – Tags placed within the head element are not directly displayed by web browsers – JavaScript and CSS elements is place here
The Most Important Elements (cont.)
• <title></title>
– The words you write between the opening and closing <title></title> tags will be displayed at the top of a viewer's browser • <body></body>
– The <body> element is where all content is placed. (Paragraphs, pictures, tables, etc)
More complex code
[Activity 02]
<title>More about HTML Text</title>
This is a normal text<br><b>This is a text (bold)</b>
<i>This is a text (italic)</i>
<font face=“Arial” color=“#FF0000” size=+3>
This is a text with font = Arial, size = 3, color = Red
More complex code(cont)
Please set me to bold, italic, font = Arial, size = 3, color = Red
This is a
preformatted text
HTML attributes
[Activity 03]
• Attributes are properties of tags. • For example – <font face=“Arial” color=“#FF0000” size=+3>
– The tag is <font> and the properties are:
• Face
• Color
• Size
– <p align="justify"> ………..</p>
– <p align="center"> ……….</p>
– <p align="right"> ………… </p>
HTML Lists
• To create a bulleted list you need to add a <ul> and a </ul> tag at the beginning and the end of the list.
• Numbered lists have <ol> tags instead of <ul> tags.
• To separate single list items use <li> and </li> tags.
• You have the following bullet options:
– Disc
– Circle
– square
HTML Bullet Lists
HTML Lists
• You have the following number options:
– Plain numbers
– Capital Letters
– Small Letters
– Capital Roman Numbers
– Small Roman Numbers
HTML Lists
HTML Lists
• <img src=“image file name” . . . >
– <img src="sunset.gif" width="96" height="63" alt="This is an image of sunset" />
Image (cont.)
• Alternative Attribute
– The alt attribute specifies alternate text to be displayed if for some reason the browser cannot find the image, – or if a user has image files disabled. – Text only browsers also depend on the alt attribute since they cannot display pictures. <img src="" alt="Beautiful Sunset" align="left" />
Image (cont.)
[Activity 04]
• Wrap text around the image
• Add align="left" or align="right" to the <img> tag
<a href=“reference object” . . . >linked object</a>
— reference object :
Part of text in the same document
Other document
Image / animation / audio / video
Application logic (CGI script)
Client script (JavaScript / VBScript)
— linked object :
— Text
— Image
• Inside document
– Declare anchor: <a name="top" id="top">
– Link to anchor: <a href="#top">[go to top]</a>
• Outside document
– Same website – only directory/filename. Without full url/http
<a href="image01.html">Link to outside page in a same website</a>
– Different website – full http url
<a href="">Link-­‐( UTM homepage)</a>
[Activity 05]
• Text as a link
<a href="">This is a link</a>
• Link text to an email
– <a href="mailto:youremailaddress">Email Me</a>
• allow your visitor to send email with the address, subject and text already entered. – <a href=" Words
&body=Please send me a copy of your new program!">Email Me</a>
• Image as a link
– <a href=""><img src="utm-­‐
scale.gif" width="230" height="230" border="0" /></a>
• Thumbnails
– Thumbnails are small size (Kilobytes) pictures that link to the larger, high quality picture. – To make a thumbnail save a low-­‐quality version of a picture and make it have smaller dimensions. – Now make this low-­‐quality picture into an image link and have it point to the high-­‐quality picture.
• Link Targets
<a href="" target="_blank">
– Predefined targets are:
_blank loads the page into a new browser window.
_self loads the page into the current window.
_parent loads the page into the frame that is superior to the frame the hyperlink is in.
_top cancels all frames, and loads in full browser window.
Begin table
Begin row Column1, Column2, . . .
End row
. . . End table
Begin table = <table . . . >
End table = </table>
Begin row = <tr . . . >
End row = </tr>
Column = <td . . . > column content </td>
column content : text, image, linked object, etc
• Table tags
Table(cont) Row/Cell Tags
Table(cont) Row/Cell Tags
• Valid for <td> tag only!
• Attributes:
– Sizing using pixel size
– Table border & bg col: • <table border="1“bgcolor="#990000">
– Spanning /merging cell
• <td rowspan="2"> • <td colspan="3"> – Cell pading: distance between cell borders and content: <table cellpadding="10“>
– Cell spacing: width of cell border: • <table cellspacing="10“>
– Cell bgcolor: <td bgcolor="#990000"> </td>
[Activity 05]
Table with 2 rows & 3 columns for each row:
<table border cols=3 rows=2 width=“100%”>
— More complex table#1
— there are two rows
<tr> . . .</tr>
<tr> . . .</tr>
[Activity 06]
• First row – two column
• Second row – one column
<tr> <td>. . .</td> <td> . . . </td> </tr>
<tr> <td> . . . </td></tr>
• Span two columns for the single column in the second row:
<tr> <td>. . .</td> <td> . . . </td> </tr>
<tr> <td colspan=“2”> . . . </td></tr>
• More complex table#2
• There are two rows (max)
<tr> . . .</tr>
<tr> . . .</tr>
[Activity 07]
• Column -­‐ is the first column in the first row • Column -­‐ is the second column in the first row • Column -­‐ is the second column in the second row <table>
<tr> <td>. . .</td> <td>. . .</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>. . .</td> </tr>
• Span two rows for column:
<tr> <td rowspan=“2”>. . .</td> <td>. . .</td>
<tr> <td>. . .</td> </tr>
• More complex table#3
• It’s your turn…..
[Activity 08]
Begin form
Form object components
End form
• Begin form = <form . . . >
• Form object components = Textfiled, Password, Hidden, TextArea, List Box (single/multiple), Radio Button, Check Box, Submit Button, Reset Button, Buttons
• End form = </form>
<form method=“?” action=“?” …>
Form object components
• Action = address
• Method = post/get
<head><title>My Page</title> </head>
<!-­‐-­‐ Here goes HTML -­‐-­‐>
<form method="post" action="">
<!-­‐-­‐ Here goes form fields and HTML -­‐-­‐>
<!-­‐-­‐ Here goes HTML -­‐-­‐>
Form object components
• Textfield
<input type= "text" name="???" size="???">
• Password
<input type="password" name="?? " size="?? ">
• Hidden
<input type="hidden" name="??? ">
Form object components
• TextArea
<textarea name=“???” rows=“???” cols=“???”>
Default textarea value
Form object components
• List Box (single)
<select name="???">
<option value="???">Text 1
<option value="???" selected>Text 2
. . . </select>
Form object components
• List Box (multiple selection)
<select name="??" multiple size="??">
<option value="???">Text 1
. . . </select>
Form object components
• Radio Button
<input type="radio" name="r1" value="v1">Text 1
<input type="radio" name="r1" value="v2" checked>Text 2
<input type="radio" name="r1" value="v3">Text 3
. . . • Check Box
<input type="checkbox" name="c1" value="v1">Text 1
<input type="checkbox" name="c2" value="v2" checked>Text 2
<input type="checkbox" name="c3" value="v3">Text 3
. . .
Form object components
• Button, Submit, Reset
<input type="button" value="??? ">
<input type="submit" value="??? ">
<input type="reset" value="??? ">
Sample Form
[Activity 09]
<form name="myform" action=“?????" method="POST">
<div align="center">
</ br></ br>
Name: </br><input type="text" name ="fname" size="25" value=""></br>
Age: </br><input type="text" name ="age" size="5" value=""></br>
<br><input type="submit" value="Show my name and age!"> <input type="reset" value="Reset!"><br>
Frame Object
• Display multiple HTML document simultaneously in the same browser window • Why use frame ?
• Provide permanent navigation menu Navigation
Some hate frame
• Frames modify the browser interface, which results in no consistency in how operating systems and individual browsers display the results.
• Frames are difficult for both blind and mobility-­‐
impaired users. – Screen reader software has a hard time managing the altered interface. – Mobility-­‐impaired users also encounter difficulty moving from frame to frame.
• Hard to bookmark – older browser
• Ignore if still possible – last choice
Frame Object
• General Implementation
– 1 main page (combine frame 1 and frame 2)
– 1 page refer to frame 1 banner.html
– 1 page refer to frame 2 content.html
Begin set of frame
End set of frame
Frame Object
Begin set of frame:
<frameset rows/cols ="?, ?">
<frame src="?" name="?"> End set of frame:
Frame Object
• Example
<frameset rows = "20%, *">
<frame src="?" name="top">
<frame src="? " name="bottom">
</frameset> Frame Object
• Example
<frameset cols = "20%, *">
<frame src="?" name="left">
<frame src="?" name="right">
</frameset> Frame Object
• Nested frame
Frame Object
• Nested frame
Basic Example
• A frameset is simply an HTML document that tells the browser how to divide the screen into split windows.
Basic Example
<title>My Frames Page</title>
<frameset cols="120,*">
<frame src="menupage.htm" name="menu">
<frameset rows="*,50">
<frame src="welcomepage.html" name="main">
<frame src="bottombanner.html" name="bottom">
Creating a frameset
• A frameset is simply an HTML document that tells the browser how to divide the screen into split windows.
• If the frameset looked like this:
• The code would be:
<frameset cols="120,*">
• The left being 120 pixels and the right using the rest of the screen (indicated by the *).
Default pages
• You can add default pages to frame windows with the ”src” setting.
• Default pages are the pages that will be loaded when the frameset is opened the first time.
• Furthermore, we can add names to each frame window using the name setting.
• This will allow us to make a link in one frame window, open a page in another frame window.
<frameset cols="120,*" >
<frame src="menu.html" name="menu" >
<frame src= "main.html" name= "main" >
Default pages
<title>My Frames Page</title>
Default pages
• The entire frameset will look like this:
– We also have told the browser that the left frame window should load an HTML page called menu.html and that the right window should load an HTML document called main.html.
– In addition we have assigned the names menu and main to the two frame windows, so now we're even able to link to specific windows.
• To make frame borders invisible you simply need to add the parameters "cols-­‐line" to the frameset :
<frameset cols="120,*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="menu.html" name="menu" >
<frame src="main.html" name="main" >
Resizable windows
• If you don’t want the frame windows to be resizeable, you should add the parameter "noresize" to the frame src lines:
<frameset cols="120,*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="menu.html" name="menu" noresize>
<frame src="main.html" name="main" noresize>
• Lets say you don’t want a scroll bar in the menu window.
• Then the code should look like this:
<frameset cols="120,*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="menu.html" name="menu" noresize scrolling=no>
<frame src="main.html" name="main" noresize scrolling=auto>
• If you leave out the setting for scrolling, a scrollbar will appear if needed -­‐ otherwise not.
Links within
• If you have an HTML document with a hyperlink on the text "Analysis" for instance, that links to a page called "analysis.htm" then it appears in the document as:
Jump to the <a href="analysis.html"> Analysis</a> of the project
• Now if the link was in the menu window of our example, and we wanted it to load a page in the main window, the HTML code would be:
Jump to the <a href="analysis.html" target="main"> Analysis </a>
of the project
Links within
• Previously, we simply added the parameter target="main" to the parameter <a href> tag. • Four target names are reserved, and will be interpreted by the browser in this way:
– _blank loads the page into a new browser window
– _self loads the page into the current window.
– _parent loads the page into the frame that is superior to the frame the hyperlink is in.
– _top cancels all frames, loads in full browser window.
Links within
<li><a href=“main.html"
<li><a href=“main.html"
<li><a href=“main.html"
<li><a href=“main.html"
<li><a href=“main.html"
Can you do this?
Right Widget
• Hierarchical Structure of XHTML/HTML
• Resulting Hierarchy
Other important HTML
• Paragraph Justification -­‐ <p align="justify"> (double tag)
• Heading <h1> … <h6> (double tag)
• Line breaks -­‐ <br> (single tag)
• Horizontal rule -­‐ <hr> (single tag)
• List – ordered <ol> & <li> (double tag)
• List – unordered <ul> & <li> (double tag)
• Definition: <dl> start, <dt> term, <dd> definition; (double tag)
Other important HTML
Other important HTML -­‐ color
HTML – color -­‐ hexadecimal
Free resources/tutorials
• HTML Tutorial (complete)
• HTML Form Tutorial
• Frame Tutorial