EQUIPO DOCENTE UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS – UNIDAD DEMO TEACHING UNIT – OFFICIAL LANGUAGE SCHOOL (ENGLISH) INTRODUCTION We have aimed to meet a series of objectives in the design of this Teaching Unit. Firstly, we have thought it necessary to establish a ‘global’ vision of English in the Official Language School network which is a part of the system of non-obligatory special education. Secondly, we wish to analyse the current legislation regarding the teaching of foreign languages and the teaching materials used, particularly in the light of the introduction of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Thirdly, we seek to initiate the creation of our own materials, thus answering the demands of foreign language education within the context of the current legislation. This is the first unit of a teaching programme which is comprised of 15 units and is designed to be used in the first year of the Intermediate Level of English at the Official Language School. We have decided to design these units for this level as we feel that this is perhaps the most representative of the levels available and represents a realistic objective for the vast majority of students rather than the Advanced Level which is perhaps beyond the linguistic reach of many students. In terms of our assessment procedure and criteria, we believe that this is necessary both to observe the progress made by students and to be able to adapt our EQUIPO DOCENTE UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS – UNIDAD DEMO programming and teaching methodology in the light of these results and thus correct and improve our work in the classroom. Moreover, in addition to being to extremely useful, assessment in the form of examinations and coursework is both a legal and ethical obligation for educational institutions and teachers who are obliged to confer official accreditation to students which will be decisive in their professional future. Therefore, as educators our responsibility to assess and quantify students’ progress is an obligation with our society and, although it may often seem like a tiresome and even unpleasant responsibility, this negative component of assessment should be regarded as a necessary evil within a broader goal. In terms of methodology, we have at all times opted for the Communicative Approach which is one of the hallmarks of this kind of language teaching. Moreover, before designing this Teaching Unit, we have taken into account a series of factors, such as the sociocultural diversity which characterises Official Language School students and the notable differences which may exist in terms of the age of the students. We have also taken into account a series of basic principles which we consider to be important in the development of the Teaching Unit: 1. Creating appropriate situations in order to achieve meaningful and relevant practice of the English language 2. Using the English language as a vehicle for communication in the classroom, so that pupils become familiar with its use form the start. EQUIPO DOCENTE UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS – UNIDAD DEMO 3. Taking into account the global nature of the English language, so that it serves a unifying element for other areas of the curriculum 4. helping pupils to develop working methods that allow them to learn more autonomously and thus favour the goal of life long learning which is one of the cornerstones of the language policy of the European Union EQUIPO DOCENTE UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS – UNIDAD DEMO UNIT 1 OBJECTIVES GENERAL OBJECTIVES: • Participating in conversations and debates with English speakers with different accents, imitating situations in real contexts • Controlling interaction, turn-taking, and beginning, continuing and closing short dialogues E i t SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES FOR SKILLS: READING Identifying specific information in a text Appreciating different styles and registers in written expression LISTENING Identifying the context of a short conversation Understanding the gist of an English language film with different varieties WRITING Completing a personal profile Writing an e-mail giving exhaustive description of somebody SPEAKING EXPRESSIÓN AND INTERACTION Telling personal anecdotes Summarising a text Participating in a debate LINGUÍSTIC RESOURCES GRAMMAR VOCABULARY Present simple and continuous Food and eating habits Past simple and continuous Family Personality descriptions Present perfect continuous Future forms: will, going to y shall Formation of simple and compound tenses R fl i d h PHONETICS Morphology and use of phonemes: /ə/ /u/ /u:/ /з:/ y /o:/ Question intonation Stressed and unstressed pronunciation of auxiliary verbs S d d d EQUIPO DOCENTE UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS – UNIDAD DEMO SOCIOCULTURAL CONTENTS - - Comparison of social context in Spain and the English speaking world (introductions, permission, apologising for arriving late, borrowing) Analysis of expressions that do not coincide in English and in Spanish (questions, negatives, auxiliaries instead of subordinate clauses) and similar forms in both languages (general use of tenses and conditionals) Debate with the American language assistants about American stereotypes Study and celebration of Halloween TASK-BASED LEARNING: ACTIVITIES - Signing up to an Internet forum (www.hi5.com), filling in personal information and searching for new English speaking friends - Introducing oneself and starting a conversation with a classmate on eating habits (role-play) RESOURCES - Text book. CD and CD player Photocopies DVD and DVD placer TIMING About 8-9 hours, depending on the number of students and the characteristics of the group. ASSESSMENT - Fulfilment of the objectives of the unit: o According to the European Language Portfolio Assessment of students: o ‘Quicktests’ in all skills o Assessment of student participation in song-based activities EQUIPO DOCENTE UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS – UNIDAD DEMO HASTA AQUÍ TE OFRECEMOS ESTA DEMOSTRACIÓN. EN LA PLATAFORMA DE FORMACIÓN VIRTUAL DIDACTA21 PUEDES VER LAS UNIDADES DIÁCTICAS COMPLETAS UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA de DEMOSTRACIÓN 1.- REDACCIÓN AMENA, PARA FACILITAR TANTO EL ESTUDIO DEL OPOSITOR/A COMO LA POSTERIOR LECTURA POR PARTE DEL TRIBUNAL, EN LA CORRECCIÓN. LA REDACCIÓN DE NUESTRAS UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS SE CARACTERIZAN POR: 2.- EN LA ELABORACIÓN DE LAS UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS, SE COMBINAN DE FORMA EQUILIBRADA, DOS PRIORIDADES: FUNDAMENTACIÓN LEGISLATIVA (adaptada a la normativa de cada Comunidad Autónoma) y FUNDAMENTACIÓN CIENTÍFICA con citas de autores más representativos. En DIDACTA21 somos especialistas en preparar oposiciones ON-LINE para el acceso a la función pública docente en toda España. Contamos con una “plataforma” que permite un sistema exclusivo de preparación que garantiza tu asesoramiento continuo a través de Internet. Un Equipo de OPOSICIONES. Preparadores/as trabajamos para tu ÉXITO en las Nuestro sistema te garantiza la formación más completa con una preparación amplia y variada, así como el entrenamiento específico para cada una de las pruebas a las que te enfrentes. SALUDOS del Equipo: DIDACTA21