Repositioning Dynamics and Pricing Strategy Paul B. Ellickson University of Rochester Sanjog Misra University of Rochester Harikesh S. Nair Stanford University January, 2011y Abstract We measure the revenue and cost implications to supermarkets of changing their price positioning strategy in oligopolistic downstream retail markets. Our estimates have implications for long-run market structure in the supermarket industry, and for measuring the sources of price rigidity in the economy. We exploit a unique dataset containing the price-format decisions of all supermarkets in the U.S. The data contain the format-change decisions of supermarkets in response to a large shock to their local market positions: the entry of Wal-Mart. We exploit the responses of retailers to WalMart entry to infer the cost of changing pricing-formats using a “revealed-preference” argument similar to the spirit of Bresnahan and Reiss (1991). The interaction between retailers and Wal-Mart in each market is modeled as a dynamic game. We …nd evidence that suggests the entry patterns of WalMart had a signi…cant impact on the costs and incidence of switching pricing strategy. Our results add to the marketing literature on the organization of retail markets, and to a new literature that discusses implications of marketing pricing decisions for macroeconomic studies of price rigidity. More generally, our approach which incorporates long-run dynamic consequences, strategic interaction, and sunk investment costs, outlines how the paradigm of dynamic games may be used to model empirically …rms’positioning decisions in Marketing. Keywords: Positioning, dynamic games, EDLP, PROMO, retailing, pricing, price rigidity, Wal-Mart. Contact Email:; y The usual disclaimer applies. 1; It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. – W. Edwards Deming 1 Introduction E¤ective marketing strategy in a dynamic environment requires the ability to foresee the need for change and a willingness to change direction. In marketing, large changes to some or all of a …rm’s marketing apparatus are referred to as “repositioning.” Firms may reposition themselves along a variety of dimensions. Perhaps the most common (and visible) forms of repositioning are brand and product related. Recent examples include Domino Pizza’s attempt to switch their reputation from fast delivery to high quality and the repositioning of UPS from shipping to full o¢ ce solutions (“What can brown do for you?”). Other examples include adjustments to product lines, such as Hyundai’s recent move into the luxury auto segment in the U.S. or Kodak’s long-delayed transition to digital imaging. While product based decisions are clearly the most common form of repositioning, they are far from the only examples. Apple’s recent inclusion of third party retailers can be thought of repositioning their distribution strategy, while Proctor and Gamble’s adoption of “Value-Based Pricing” in 1992 (by reducing trade-promotions) was a repositioning of their overall pricing strategy (Ailawadi, Lehmann, and Neslin (2001)). A key aspect of repositioning decisions is that they are inherently dynamic. Sunk investments in positioning and reputation are often only partially reversible, and have signi…cant long-term consequences for competitive market structure and future pro…tability. Forward-looking …rms must consider not only how consumers will react to their decisions, but whether their rivals will respond in kind. They need also take into account how today’s decisions impact tomorrow’s options. For example, a promise to o¤er every day low prices has commitment value, but limits a …rm’s ability to respond to macroeconomic ‡uctuations. Taken together, these facets of the decision environment suggest that positioning decisions in Marketing should be viewed as dynamic games. Furthermore, by framing decisions in this way, we are able to construct a framework that allows us to structurally estimate the bene…ts and costs of repositioning. In this paper we examine the repositioning of supermarket …rms’ pricing strategies. The organization of retail supermarkets for CPG goods in the US is broadly split between EDLP (Every Day Low Price) and PROMO (or promotional) price positioning strategies.1 1 PROMO is also referred to as “HiLo.” 2 EDLP stores charge a low regular price per product with little temporal price variation, while PROMO stores are characterized by higher regular prices, punctuated by frequent price promotions or “sales.” The propensity of stores to choose EDLP or PROMO price positioning is motivated by both demand- and cost-side considerations. On the demand side, choosing PROMO over EDLP o¤ers an opportunity for supermarkets to intertemporally price discriminate, by using price cycles to sell di¤erentially to consumers of varying price information, loyalty, stockpiling costs or valuations (Varian (1980); Salop and Stiglitz (1982); Sobel (1984); Lal and Rao (1997); Pesendorfer (2002); Bell and Hilber (2006)). Further, the frequent price variation under PROMO creates an option value to consumers to visiting the store more frequently by reducing their average basket size per trip (Bell and Lattin (1998); Ho, Tang, and Bell (1998)). On the cost-side, EDLP enables retailers to reduce inventory costs, to better coordinate supply-chains, and to reduce stock-out risk by smoothing the demand variability induced by frequent sales. The choice of EDLP or PROMO is an important strategic choice faced by retailers that a¤ects their price image, with signi…cant long-term implications for pro…tability and local market structure (Ellickson and Misra (2008b)). We analyze repositioning decisions in the context of this choice. The empirical goals of this paper are to measure the revenue and cost implications to supermarkets in oligopolistic retail markets of changing their pricing formats. Repositioning from EDLP to PROMO (or vice versa) involves signi…cant revenue changes and sunk costs. On the revenue side, in addition to the price discrimination motive, consumer aversion to changes in price positioning may reduce long-run demand, and make …rms inertial in their pricing policies (Anderson and Simester (2010)). On the cost-side, much of costs associated with advertising the new positioning; with the man-hours involved in updating inventory and supply-chain systems for changing pricing strategy; and with purchase of new pricing and demand-management software to manage promotional activity, are sunk. The long-run e¤ects on the demand-side imply that changing price positioning requires dynamic considerations. The sunk nature of costs on the supply-side implies the format change decision is only partially reversible, and is therefore a dynamic decision (Dixit and Pindyck (1994)). The sunk aspect also implies format change has commitment value. With commitment value, format changes may have long-term in‡uence by a¤ecting market events such as the entry and exit behavior of other …rms, far into the future. Most retail markets in the US also tend to be oligopolistically competitive and concentrated, with a few (3-5) dominant players controlling the market, irrespective of its size. Both imply that strategic interaction may 3 be an important consideration for the format change decision. To accommodate these key considerations, we present an empirical framework that treats format change as a dynamic problem with sunk investment. Strategic interactions are accommodated by formulating the model as a dynamic game of incomplete information with entry and exit, in the spirit of Ericson and Pakes (1995). We outline methods for identifying the key constructs of the model using the available data, and propose new ways to infer the structural parameters of the game using recently developed methods for two-step estimation of dynamic games (Aguirregabiria and Mira (2007); Arcidiacono and Miller (2008)). We also show how to incorporate revenue information (a continuous outcome) into the estimation procedure in an internally consistent manner, while accounting for the dynamic selection induced by the co-determination of these with the discrete-choices, thereby extending the work of Ellickson and Misra (2008a) to a dynamic environment. The incorporation of strategic interaction is important to the estimation of repositioning costs. For instance, in a competitive market, a supermarket may be reluctant to switch from PROMO to EDLP because it anticipates that price competition may be toughened if a rival …rm, currently doing PROMO, shifts to EDLP in response to its action. In the absence of this control, the persistence induced on pricing strategy by such strategic interaction would be falsely interpreted as repositioning costs. This is the additional complication that is encountered when measuring switching costs for …rms. This is accommodated in our framework by allowing …rms to form beliefs about the reactions of others in the market, a¤ecting their choices of pricing formats. In our Markov Perfect equilibrium, beliefs and actions are consistent, and will be functions of the state variables faced by the …rm. We are thus able to recover the beliefs of the …rms directly from the data for use in estimation, by nonparametrically projecting the observed actions of the …rms onto the state vector. Our analysis also has the advantage that we don’t just measure inertia in pricing policy, but also provide a conceptual underpinning for why such inertia arises. Anticipation of strategic competitive response in the future is one source of pricing inertia which is embedded in the model. Additionally, by treating format change as an dynamic decision in the presence of uncertainty, we implicitly allow …rms to have an option value from waiting. Intuitively, …rms have an incentive to wait to see the realization of uncertain future shocks to pro…tability, and to optimize pricing policy as their uncertainty resolves. This is another source of pricing inertia that is a naturally embedded in our framework. Our data, which covers the entire census of retail supermarkets in the US for over a 4 decade, includes a period of intense change in the retail industry: the introduction of WalMart supercenters. This has particular relevance for inferring repositioning costs, since the entry of Wal-Mart supercenters serve as large shocks to the competitive structure of local markets, inducing a large number of format switches and a host of exits. Our identi…cation of switching costs rests on a revealed preference argument similar to that of Bresnahan and Reiss (1991): if we see that a …rm switched its price positioning, it has to be that the pro…ts (in a present-discounted sense) from the switch were higher than those without it. As we observe revenues, we can decompose this restriction on pro…ts into a restriction on the costs of the change. Combining this with the model of the industry and the variation across markets enables us to relate these restrictions to market and competitive conditions. Our results imply the costs of changing pricing formats are large and asymmetric. In particular, for the average store in our data, a change from EDLP to PROMO requires a …xed outlay equivalent to roughly half of the typical per period revenue. On the other hand, a switch from PROMO to EDLP requires outlays four times as large, providing a clear explanation for why EDLP was never uniformly adopted it is simply too expensive to be viable in most markets. We also …nd evidence for signi…cant heterogeneity in the costs across markets, holding out scope that geographic segmentation in …rm’s price positioning strategies may be worth considering. The magnitude of the values we estimate also imply that these costs have large implications for long-run market structure. Consistent with existing Marketing evidence (cited below), we …nd overwhelming evidence that PROMO produces higher revenues. For the median store-market, PROMO yields an incremental revenue of about $6.4M annually relative to EDLP. We also …nd that the entry of Wal-Mart has large and signi…cant e¤ects of the propensity to switch pricing formats. Our approach is closest in structure to Sweeting (2007), who estimates the dynamic costs radio stations face when changing music formats. Substantively, the question we ask is di¤erent as there is no role for consumer pricing in radio (since radio music is free); further, we allow …rms to exit, in the event that shifting to a new pricing strategy sticking with the current one or is unpro…table. In our model, the margin from staying in the market versus exiting identi…es the per-period …xed costs of operation; while the margin from changing a format, conditional on staying in the market, identi…es format-switching costs. Substantively, the empirical evidence on the relative attractiveness of EDLP versus PROMO strategies is scarce. In a study from one retailer, Mulhern and Leone (1990) 5 report sales increased in a switch from EDLP to PROMO. In the strongest evidence available so far, randomized pricing experiments involving the Dominick’s stores conducted by the University of Chicago (Hoch, Dreze, and Purk (1994)) …nd that category by category EDLP is not preferred relative to PROMO (revenues declined when categories, but not stores, were switched from EDLP to PROMO). The literature is still lacking an accounting of how these trade-o¤s change when the long-term economic costs of switching are incorporated. In our data, we …nd that a switch from EDLP to PROMO increases revenues as well as the probability of store-exits, suggesting that format change cost considerations are qualitatively important to an audit of price positioning strategies. Our paper is also broadly related to an empirical literature that has descriptively documented the e¤ects of Wal-Mart entry on incumbent …rms (e.g. Singh, Hansen, and Blattberg (2006); Basker and Noel (2009); Matsa (Forthcoming)), and to an ambitious recent structural literature that has modeled the entry decisions of Wal-Mart as dynamic (but abstracting from strategic interactions; Holmes (Forthcoming)), or as jointly determined across geographies (but abstracting from dynamics as in Jia (2008) or Ellickson, Houghton, and Timmins (2010)). Our approach is also related to the recent empirical literature in Marketing of applying static discrete games to entry models of supermarket supply (Orhun (2006); Vitorino (2007); Zhu and Singh (2009)); to demand under social interactions (Hartmann (2010)); and to product introductions (Draganska, Mazzeo, and Seim (2009)). Finally, our focus on measuring dynamic switching costs for …rms complements the recent literature in Marketing that has considered dynamics induced by consumer-side switching costs for demand with rewardprograms (Hartmann and Viard (2008)) and for …rm’s pricing decisions (Dubé, Hitsch, and Rossi (2009)). More generally, our analysis is related to a new literature that exploits the richness of Marketing scanner panel datasets to understand the frequency and nature of microlevel price changes, and to explore the extent to which prices are “sticky” (Eichenbaum, Jaimovich, and Rebelo (Forthcoming); Campbell and Eden (2010); Kehoe and Midrigan (2010); Chevalier and Kashyap (2011)). These studies investigate high-frequency price changes under PROMO. The point we make here is that a hitherto unrecognized larger source of price rigidity is the commitment by the retailer to an EDLP or PROMO strategy. In particular, the choice by a retailer to follow EDLP implies that nominal prices can lie only in a restricted set. The sense in which prices are sticky then is the fact that the restriction to this set reduces the retailers ability to respond to macro shocks. Hence, the choice of 6 price positioning has bite for understanding price rigidities in the economy. When viewed through this lens, our empirical exercise can also be thought of as measuring an adjustment cost of changing prices. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides background on the supermarket industry, as it appeared in the late 1990s. Section 3 introduces our formal model of retail competition, while section 4 outlines our empirical strategy and econometric assumptions. Section 5 describes the dataset, establishes key stylized facts, and details our approach to identi…cation. Section 6 contains our main empirical results, along with a discussion of their broader implications. Section 7 concludes. 2 Supermarket Pricing in the US: The Turbulent 90s Our analysis focuses on the strategic pricing decisions made by supermarket …rms in the mid to late 1990s.2 This was a period of signi…cant change for the supermarket industry. Conventional supermarket chains faced intense competition from the rise of new store formats and innovative entrants. At the forefront was Wal-Mart, which built its …rst supercenter (a combination discount store and grocery outlet) in 1988, opened its 200th outlet in 1995, and would operate over 1000 supercenters by 2001. Club stores, such as Sam’s Club and Costco, which each had roots in the 1970s, also expanded rapidly during this time, with Sam’s opening 350 outlets between 1995 and 2000 and Costco opening 93. Limited assortment chains, such as Aldi and Save-A-Lot, were also gaining market-share, particularly in low income areas and inner cities. While the specter of the internet still lay around the corner, a merger and acquisition wave had dramatically increased the size of many chains. At the heart of many of these threats lay the perception that limited service, thinner assortments and “every day low pricing”created enormous cost savings and increased credibility with consumers. EDLP, together with a limited product assortment, o¤ered the promise of more predictable demand, reduced inventory and carrying costs, fewer advertising expenses, and lower menu and labor costs. Larger scale was thought to go hand in hand with lower prices. Much of this perception was driven by the success of Wal-Mart alone, which leveraged technical sophistication in IT with buying power to squeeze suppliers and tighten margins, attaining out a dominant position in the retailing sector and forging 2 This section o¤ers some preliminary context for our analysis and application. Later, in §5, we describe our dataset in more detail and articulate how these trends manifest themselves in patterns of revenues, entry, exit, and pricing format changes in the data. 7 an indelible perception as a low-cost leader. Many of the strategic decisions made by the incumbent supermarket chains were geared toward competition with Wal-Mart. While the impact of Wal-Mart on retail competition is undisputed, many observers assumed that the EDLP format would also come to dominate the supermarket landscape, ignoring both the signi…cant sunk investments in repositioning necessary to implement it and the o¤setting bene…ts of having frequent promotions (e.g. the ability to price discriminate, more frequent visits leading to more impulse purchases, and the fact that many consumers simply prefer to see things “on sale”). While Wal-Mart has continued its growth in the supermarket industry, we now know the EDLP revolution did not come to pass. Our empirical analysis is aimed at understanding why. To do so, we seek to decompose the returns to adopting the EDLP or PROMO format into three components: revenues, operating costs, and repositioning costs. We …nd that while EDLP pricing provides signi…cant cost savings, it is very expensive to implement (i.e. the repositioning costs are signi…cant). Moreover, it leads to a signi…cant reduction in revenues relative to PROMO pricing. 3 Model In this section, we describe our structural model of supermarket competition and pricing format choice. There are two types of …rms, Wal-Mart and conventional supermarkets (e.g. Kroger, Safeway). We will generically refer to the …rst type as Wal-Marts and the second type as supermarkets. Supermarket …rms are assumed to compete in local markets, taken here to be zip codes, although we allow for some degree of cross-market competition in the case of Wal-Mart. Supermarket …rms choose whether or not to enter a given market, and if so, what pricing format to adopt, either EDLP or PROMO. We also model the entry decisions of Wal-Mart, but assume that every Wal-Mart is EDLP, consistent with both the data and their stated business model. Once they have entered, a supermarket …rm’s dynamic decisions include whether to continue o¤ering the same format, switch to the alternative (and pay a switching cost), or exit the market entirely. Wal-Marts neither exit nor change formats. For tractability, we assume that …rms make independent entry and format decisions across local markets, but allow for correlation and economies of scale and scope by allowing …xed operating costs to depend on past choices the …rm has made outside these local markets. The dynamic discrete game unfolds in discrete time over an in…nite horizon, t = 1; :::; 1: Firms compete in M distinct local geographic markets (m = 1; ::; M ). For ease of notation, 8 we suppress the market subscript in what follows. For each market/period combination, we observe a set of incumbent …rms who are currently active in the market. We further assume the existence of two potential supermarket entrants per period, who choose whether or not to enter the market in that period and, if so, what pricing strategy to adopt.3 If they choose not to enter, they are replaced by new potential entrants in the subsequent period. WalMart may also choose whether to enter the market each period and, if they do enter, they do so in the EDLP format. Let N denote the total number of …rms (both Wal-Mart and the supermarkets) making decisions in each market each period. Within N , the set of active …rms are called incumbents, and the remaining …rms potential entrants. We suppress the distinction between potential entrants and incumbents in the general set-up of our model, but will revisit this when we introduce the empirical framework. Within each market, we index …rms by i 2 I = f1; 2; :::; N g : Firm i’s choice in period t is given by dit 2 Di ; while the actions of its rivals are denoted dt i d1t ; : : : ; dit 1 N ; di+1 t ; : : : ; dt . The support of Di is discrete, and dependent on …rm type. For incumbent …rms, dit can take three values, [Exit, do EDLP, or do PROMO]. For potential entrants, dit can take three values, [Stay out of the market, Enter with the EDLP pricing format, or Enter with the PROMO pricing format]. For Wal-Mart, dit can take two values, [Stay out of the market, or Enter with the EDLP pricing format]. Decisions and payo¤s depend on a state vector, which describes the current conditions of the market, as well each …rm’s operating status and pricing format. Following the standard approach in the dynamic discrete choice literature, we partition the current state vector into two components, one that is commonly observed by everyone (including the econometrician) and one that is privately observed by each …rm alone, making this a game of incomplete information. We denote the vector of common state variables xt , which includes market demographics such as population, and a full description of each player’s current condition. The key endogenous state variables included in xt are each …rms’ current pricing format and whether they are active at the beginning of each period t. In addition to the common state vector, each …rm privately observes a vector t dit ; which depends on its current choice and can be interpreted as a shock to the per period payo¤s associated with making that choice, relative to maintaining the status quo.4 Once 3 A normalization on the number of potential entrants of this sort is standard in the dynamic entry literature, as it is not identi…ed without additional information. 4 This can be interpreted as either a shock to revenues or to costs. We can allow for one, but not both. We will interpret the "-s as shocks to revenues, which enables us to account for selection on these unobservables when we incorporate revenue data in our estimation procedure. 9 again following standard practice, we make two additional assumptions. The …rst is additive separability (AS ): the unobserved state variables enter additively into each …rm’s per period payo¤ function. The second is conditional independence with independent private values (CI/IPV ): conditional on each …rm’s choice in period t, the ’s do not a¤ect the transitions of x; the ’s are also independently and identically distributed (iid) across time and over players. We further assume that ’s are distributed Type 1 extreme value (T1EV), with density function g( ). Given assumption AS, the per period (‡ow) pro…t of …rm i in period t; conditional i on the current state, can be decomposed as xt ; dit ; dt i + dit : The pro…t function t is superscripted by i to re‡ect the fact that the state variables might impact di¤erent …rms in distinct ways (e.g. own versus other characteristics). Assuming that …rms move simultaneously in each period, let P dt i jxt i i t choose actions dt conditional on xt . Since as follows, denote the probability that …rm i’s rivals is iid across …rms, P dt i jxt can be expressed P dt i jxt = I Y j6=i pj djt jxt (1) where pj djt jxt is player j’s conditional choice probability (CCP). These CCP’s represent “best response probability functions”, constructed by integrating …rm j’s decision rule (i.e. strategy) over its private information draw, and characterize the …rm’s equilibrium behavior from the point of view of each of its rivals (as well as the econometrician). For now we will take these beliefs as given, later deriving them from each player’s dynamic optimization problem and the conditions for a Markov Perfect Equilibrium (MPE). Taking the expectation of i xt ; dit ; dt i over dt i , …rm i’s expected current payo¤ (net of the contribution from its unobserved state variables) is given by, i xt ; dit = X i dt 2D P dt i jxt i xt ; dit ; dt i (2) which accounts for the simultaneous actions taken by each of its rivals. We assume that state transitions follow a controlled Markov process. We will now specify that process and construct each …rm’s value and policy functions. Let F xt+1 xt ; dit ; dt i represent the probability of xt+1 occurring given own action dit ; current state xt ; and rival actions dt i : Note that we can estimate F (:) semiparametrically from the data as all the elements, xt+1 ; xt ; dit ; dt 10 i are directly observed. The transition kernel for the observed state vector is then given by, f i xt+1 xt ; dit = X i dt 2D P dt i jxt F xt+1 xt ; dit ; dt i (3) Given the CI/IPV assumption maintained earlier, the transition kernel for the full state vector is, f i xt+1 ; i t+1 xt ; dit ; i t = f i xt+1 xt ; dit g( i t+1 ) We are now in a position to construct each …rm’s value function, optimal decision rule (strategy), and the conditions for an MPE. Assuming that …rms share a common discount factor , rational, forward-looking …rms will choose actions that maximize expected present discounted pro…ts, E (1 X t i x ;d i + d i =t jxt ; i ) (4) where the expectation is over all states and actions. They do so by choosing a policy function (strategy) ; a mapping from states to actions, to sequentially maximize (4). By Bellman’s principal of optimality, we can de…ne …rm i’s value function, the expected present discounted value of pro…ts from following ; recursively as, Vti (xt ; t ) = max dit Since t i xt ; dit + + E Vt+1 (xt+1 ; t i t+1 jxt ; dt ) (5) is unobserved, we further de…ne the ex ante value function (or integrated value i function), V t (xt ), as the continuation value of being in state xt just before V i t (xt ) is then computed by integrating Vti (xt ; t ) over t , Z i V t (xt ) Vti (xt ; t )g( t )d t t is revealed. (6) Finally, to connect values to choices, we de…ne the choice speci…c value function vti (xt ; dt ) as the present discounted value (net of t ) of choosing dt and behaving optimally from period t + 1 on, vti (xt ; dit ) i (xt ; dit ) + Z i V t+1 (xt+1 )f (xt+1 jxt ; dit )dxt+1 (7) Notice that we have now employed the transition kernel in evaluating the expectation. Given that the ’s are distributed T1EV, equation (7) reduces to, Z i i i i i i jxt+1 f i xt+1 jxt ; dit dxt+1 + v xt ; dt = xt ; dt + v i xt+1 ; dt+1 ln pi dt+1 (8) 11 where i is Euler’s constant and dt+1 represents an arbitrary reference choice in period t + 1 (this reference choice re‡ects the requirement of a normalization for level; for the full derivation of this representation see Arcidiacono and Ellickson (2011)). Note that by normalizing with respect to exit, which is a terminal state after which no additional decisions are made, the continuation value associated with this reference choice can now be parameterized as a component of the per period payo¤ function, eliminating the need to solve the dynamic programming (DP) problem when evaluating (8). Avoiding the full solution of the DP is critical in our setting, as our underlying state space is essentially continuous. Alternative methods would either involve arti…cial discretization of the state space (to allow transition matrices to be inverted) or a parametric approximation to the value or policy functions. The current approach requires neither. The choice speci…c value function, the dynamic analog of a static utility function, determines the CCPs that will ultimately form the likelihood of seeing the data. In particular, …rm i’s optimal decision rule (i.e. strategy) at t solves, i t (xt ; t ) and integrating over t = arg max vti (xt ; dt ) + dt t (9) yields the associated conditional choice probabilities, exp v i xt ; dit pi dit jxt = P exp v i xt ; dit (10) dit 2Di which were employed earlier in constructing the state transition kernels. Assuming that …rms play stationary Markov strategies, we follow Aguirregabiria and Mira (2007) in representing the associated Markov Perfect Equilibrium in probability space, requiring each …rm’s best response probability function (10) to accord with their rivals’beliefs (1). While existence of equilibrium follows directly from Brouwer’s …xed point theorem (see, e.g., Aguirregabiria and Mira (2007)), uniqueness is unlikely to hold given the inherent non-linearity of the underlying reaction functions. However, our two-step estimation strategy (described below) allows us to condition on the equilibrium that was played in the data, which we will assume is unique. This concludes the discussion of the model set-up. 4 Econometric Assumptions and Empirical Strategy We now introduce the functional forms and explicit state variables that allow us to take the dynamic game described above to data. Essentially, this involves identifying the exogenous 12 market characteristics that in‡uence pro…ts and specifying a functional form for i( ), the deterministic component of the per-period payo¤ function. Players The focus of our empirical application is on estimating the repositioning costs of supermarket …rms. Thus, although our model incorporates the endogenous actions (and state variables) of three sets of players (incumbent supermarkets, potential supermarket entrants, and Wal-Mart), the revenue and cost implications of repositioning we are interested in are identi…ed from the actions of incumbent supermarkets. Because we condition on the CCPs of all three classes of player and the structural objective function can be separately factored by type, we are able to recover consistent estimates of the structural parameters of interest without specifying the full structure of the cost and payo¤ functions for the other types. This is useful both for reducing the computational burden of estimation and in allowing us to remain agnostic regarding these additional components of the underlying structure. Payo¤ s We turn next to the per-period pro…t function of incumbent supermarkets, which captures the revenues that …rms earn in the product market, the …xed costs of operation, and the …xed costs associated with repositioning (for potential entrants, it would also include the sunk cost of entry). Since operating costs are not separately identi…ed from the scrap value of ceasing operation, we normalize the latter to zero. We decompose per-period pro…ts as follows, i xt ; dit ; dt i ; = Ri xt ; dit ; dt i ; R C i xt ; dit ; C (11) separating the revenues accrued in the product market from the costs associated with taking choice dit : The parameters =( R; C ) index the revenue and cost functions, respectively. Equation (11) is richer than the latent payo¤ structures often employed in the empirical entry literature, because it splits per-period payo¤s into revenue and cost components. We are able to do this because we observe revenue data separately for each supermarket, under their chosen pricing strategy, in each market. The incorporation of the revenue data also serves a useful auxiliary purpose: it enables us to measure all costs in dollars. Revenues We parameterize the revenue function, R xt ; dit ; dt i ; R as a rich function of both exogenous demographic variables and endogenous decision variables. To capture the heterogeneity of pro…ts across markets, we interact each component of the latter with a full set of variables comprising the former. The demographic (Dm ) variables include population, proportion urban, median household income, median household size, and percent Black and Hispanic. In addition we shift the intercept with store/…rm characteristics zi which include 13 store size and the number of stores in the parent chain. The actual speci…cation can be written as, R xt ; dit = a; dt i ; R R0 = %0m R (a) + zi z R (12) +%1m R (a) I WMM SA(m) = 1 EDLP +%2m R (a) a i +%3m R (a) N i +%4m R (a) Fi (a) with, 0 %jm R (a) = g Dm ; 0 = Dm j(a) R (13) j(a) R In the above aEDLP is the share of rival stores choosing the EDLP format; N i i is a count of rival …rms; WMM SA(m) is a dummy for whether or not Wal-Mart operates in the …rm’s MSA and Fi (a) is re‡ects the “focus” of the parent chain on the particular pricing strategy measured as a percentage of the chains’stores adopting strategy a: Costs The cost term, which is treated as latent, is parameterized as follows. We assume that all incumbent …rms pay a …xed operating cost each period that depends on their current pricing format. In addition, should they choose to switch formats, they incur an additional, one time repositioning cost. To emphasize the di¤erence between these cost components, we subset the state vector, xt , into two parts, xt dit et 1; x , where dit 1 is supermarket i’s pricing strategy in the previous period (which is part of the state vector), and x et is everything in state xt except dit 1. We can express costs for an incumbent that chooses to stay in the market (the second term in equation (11)) as, C i xt ; dit ; C = F C i (e xt ; dit ; FC) + I dit 6= dit 1 RC i (xt ; dit ; RC ) where F C i ( ) represents …xed operating costs and RC i ( ) represents repositioning costs (which are only relevant when the …rm changes pricing formats). The indicator, I dit 6= dit ensures that RC i (xt ; dit ; 1 RC ) is incurred only if the pricing strategy chosen today is di¤erent from the one chosen in the previous period. Finally, incumbent …rms that choose to exit receive a scrap value associated with selling their physical assets and residual brand value. Since this is not separately identi…ed from the …xed cost of operation, we normalize this scrap value from exiting to zero. 14 The speci…cation of F C is follows, F C i (e xt ; dit = a; FC) C0 = %0m F C (a) + zi z FC (14) +%1m F C (a) I WMM SA(m) = 1 EDLP +%2m F C (a) E a i +%3m F C (a) Fi (a) while RC is de…ned as, RC i (xt ; dit = a; RC ) = %m RC (a) + + ES RC (a) E aEDLP i + F RC (a) Fi (a) WM RC (a) I WMM SA(m) = 1 (15) As with revenues, demographic interactions are speci…ed as linear with, j(a) FC 0 (a) Dm RC (16) R ; F C ; RC ). We now present a three step em- 0 %jm F C (a) = Dm %m RC (a) = The parameters to be estimated are ( pirical strategy that delivers estimates of this parameter vector. We …rst provide a short high-level discussion of our estimation approach, and then delve into the speci…c details. 4.1 Estimation Approach Our estimation strategy is built on the approach introduced by Hotz and Miller (1993) in the context of dynamic discrete choice, and later extended to games by Aguirregabiria and Mira (2007), Bajari, Benkard, and Levin (2007), Pakes, Ostrovsky, and Berry (2007), and Pesendorfer and Schmidt-Dengler (2008). This approach is typically applied to discretechoice outcomes. We extend the approach in this literature to incorporate revenue data (a continuous outcome). The key di¢ culty to be overcome is that revenues are observed only conditional on the chosen action (staying in the market, and choice of pricing). Hence, inference is subject to selection concerns. Moreover, selection is complicated, as it arises from choices determined in a dynamic game with strategic interaction. Extending the methods introduced in Ellickson and Misra (2008a), our estimation approach allows us to accommodate selection in an internally consistent manner to improve inference in the dynamic game. 15 Our estimation procedure consists of three steps. In step 1, we obtain consistent estimates of the (non-structural) CCPs using a ‡exible, semiparametric approach. The transition kernels governing the exogenous state variables (e.g. market characteristics) are also estimated. For these, we use a parametric approach, as they are already structural objects at this point. Both sets of estimates are then used to construct the transitions that govern future states and rival actions, which inform the right hand side of (8). The CCPs are also inverted to construct the choice-speci…c value functions for each action across …rms, markets and states. These objects will be used for estimation of the parameter vector ( R ; F C ; RC ) in steps 2 and 3. In step 2, we use the CCP-s obtained from step 1 to create a selection correction term for a revenue regression. The correction serves as a control function. Incorporating the control function then enables us to consistently estimate the revenue parameters the revenue data. Given estimates of R, R using we can construct counterfactual revenue functions that provide the potential revenues to a …rm if it chooses any of the available strategies (and not just the one it was observed to choose in the data). In step 3, we make a guess of the cost parameters F C ; RC , and combine these with the counterfactual revenues constructed from step 2, to create predicted choice-speci…c value functions for each …rm, across actions, markets and states. The “observed” choice-speci…c value functions implied by the data are available from step 1, after inverting the CCPs. We then estimate cost parameters F C ; RC by minimizing the distance between the “observed” choice-speci…c value functions, and the model-predicted choice-speci…c value functions. Standard errors that account for the sequential estimation are constructed by block bootstrapping the entire procedure over markets. Loosely speaking, the parameters indexing Ri ( ) can be thought of as being estimated from the revenue data (subject to controls for dynamic selection), and the parameters indexing both F C i ( ) and RC i ( ) as estimated from the …rm’s dynamic discrete choice over actions. We now present the speci…c details of the procedure. 4.1.1 Step 1: Estimating CCPs and Transitions We estimate the CCPs semiparametrically using a 2nd order polynomial approximation in the state variables and several interactions among the state variables. The transition density of the exogenous elements of the state vector (i.e. demographics) were constructed using census growth projections, while …rm and chain level factors were taken as known (the 16 exact speci…cation of the …rst-stage, and the full-results are available from the authors on request). Thus at the end of this step, we know the transitions conditional on rival’s actions, F xt+1 xt ; dit ; dt i ; and the CCPs that determine those actions, pi dit jxt . Further, using equations (1) and (3), we can compute the joint probability of rivals’actions, P dt i jxt , and the transitions that obtain after integrating them out, f i xt+1 xt ; dit . Finally, we let d1t denote the option to exit. Given pi dit jxt , we can also invert the CCP- s using equation (10) to recover the “observed” choice-speci…c value functions (relative to exit) as implied by the data for every incumbent …rm, action, market and state as, v i xt ; dit = ln pi dit jxt ln pi d1t jxt (17) where, implicitly, the value from exiting has been normalized to zero, (i.e., v i xt ; d1t = 0 in (10)). These objects are then stored in memory, concluding step 1. 4.1.2 Step 2: Selectivity Corrected Revenue Functions Next, we construct the model predicted analog of Ri xt ; dit ; dt i ; R . To deal with selectiv- ity, we assume that revenues are well-approximated by the following function, Ri xt ; dit ; dt i ; i t where i t = R xt ; dit ; dt i ; R R + i t dit + i t dit (18) represents an unanticipated shock to revenues from the …rms’ perspective, and is the same unobserved state variable that appears in the choice model (and, there- fore, the source of the selection problem). The di¤erence between unobserved to the …rm and the econometrician while making decision and dit , is that while is is known to the …rm, but unknown to the econometrician. Following Pakes, Porter, Ho, and Ishii (2005), is an expectation error, while is a standard random utility shock. The section problem can be articulated as the fact that revenues are co-determined with choices, and therefore, E i t dit jdit 6= 0. Hence, running the regression (18) will give biased estimates of R (:). However, we can accommodate the selectivity by noting that by construction, E i t dit jdit = 0; but that E i t dit jdit = ln pi dit jxt 6= 0 ; which follows from well- known properties of the Type 1 extreme value distribution. The term, ln pi dit jxt , is a control function that accommodates the fact that from the econometrician’s perspective, unobservables are restricted to lie a particular subspace when the …rm is observed to have chosen strategy dit . Letting Rit dit denote the observed revenues to supermarket i when choosing strategy dit , we can estimate revenues consistently via the following regression, ~ xt ; di ; d i ; R t t R = R xt ; dit ; dt i ; 17 R + i t dit (19) in which, ~ xt ; di ; d i ; R t t = Rit dit R ln pi dit jxt (20) is a selectivity corrected revenue construct that adjusts for the fact that we only see revenues for the pricing strategy that was actually chosen. Given consistent estimates of the parameters R that index R xt ; dit ; dt i ; ; we are then able to construct the predicted R revenues for any choice. We can now compute the expected revenues from the …rms’perspective associated with any choice (i.e. the revenue analog of equation (2)). Suppressing the indexing parameters for brevity, these expected revenues are then given by, ri xt ; dit = X i dt 2D P dt i jxt Ri xt ; dit ; dt i (21) in which the P dt i jxt are already known from step 1. By choosing a functional form that is linear in its parameters for Ri xt ; dit ; dt i , expected revenues (21) can be constructed directly as a simple function of expected actions. 4.1.3 Step 3: Minimum Distance Estimation of Costs The goal in this step is to estimate the cost parameters, F C ; RC . To understand the approach, recall that we can write the choice speci…c value function (CSVF) as, Z i i v i xt+1 ; dt+1 ln pi dt+1 jxt+1 f i xt+1 jxt ; dit dxt+1 + v i xt ; dit = i xt ; dit + i In above, dt+1 is a reference alternative, here chosen as the option to exit in the next period. By choosing to normalize with respect to exit, an action whose continuation value has now been normalized to zero, the …rst component in the second term of the CSVF i drops out (i.e. v i xt+1 ; dt+1 0). The remaining component of the continuation value can now be constructed directly from the data (using the …rst-stage CCPs and the structural components of the transition kernel) and treated as an o¤set term. We construct the empirical analog of this o¤set term as follows, Z P i i & ln x ; d = ln pi dt+1 jxt+1 t t 0 f i xt+1 jxt ; dit dxt+1 (22) Because our underlying state space is e¤ectively continuous, estimation cannot take place on a …xed grid of points. Instead, following Beresteanu, Ellickson, and Misra (2007), Monte Carlo simulation is used to construct the integral above, and to create the simulated analog 18 of this future value. All that remains is the per period payo¤ function i xt ; dit ; which has already been decomposed into its revenue component (constructed from (21)) and the contribution from the cost side. Because the parameters that index the revenue functions have already been recovered from step 2, the expected revenues associated with each format (or exit) choice can now be treated as an additional o¤set term. We can write the modelpredicted CSVF as, v i xt ; dit ; F C ; RC = ri \ xt ; dit | C i xt ; dit ; {z i x ;di ( t t) F C ; RC } P + & ln xt ; dit 0 P x ; di is constructed as above, and v i x ; di ; where, ri \ xt ; dit is available from step 2, & ln t t t t 0 is the predicted CSVF for the current guess of the cost parameters F C ; RC . We can now recover the cost parameters by minimizing the distance between the model-predicted CSVF and the “observed” CSVF-s from step 1 (equation 17): ( 5 F C ; RC ) = arg min v i xt ; dit ( FC; RC ) v i xt ; dit ; F C ; RC Data and Descriptive Results We now describe our dataset, and present some key stylized facts in the data that the model will need to explain. The data for the supermarket industry are drawn from two primary sources: the Trade Dimensions TDLinx panel database and the 1994 and 1998 frames of the Supermarkets Plus Database. Trade Dimensions continuously collects store level data from every supermarket operating in the U.S. for use in their Marketing Guidebook and Market Scope publications, as well as selected issues of Progressive Grocer magazine. The data are also sold to consulting …rms and food manufacturers for marketing purposes. Trade Dimensions tracks retail sales and store characteristics for every supermarket store operating in the United States. The supermarket category is de…ned using the government and industry standard: a store selling a full line of food products and generating at least $2 million in yearly revenues. Foodstores with less than $2 million in revenues are classi…ed as convenience stores and are not included in the dataset. For the TDLinx panel, Trade Dimensions collects information on average weekly volume, store size, number of checkouts, and several additional store and chain level characteristics by surveying store managers and cross-validating their responses with each store’s principal food broker. We are using the 1994, 1998, and 2002 frames from this panel. The TDLinx dataset does not contain 19 F C ; RC information on pricing format. The information on pricing strategy was obtained from a second dataset, the Supermarkets Plus Database, which was only collected in 1994 and 1998, and contained a more detailed set of characteristics. In particular, managers were asked to choose the pricing strategy that was closest to what their store practices on a general basis: either EDLP, PROMO or HYBRID. EDLP was de…ned as having “Little reliance on promotional pricing strategies such as temporary price cuts. Prices are consistently low across the board, throughout all food departments.”PROMO was de…ned as making “Heavy use of specials usually through manufacturer price breaks or special deals.”The HYBRID category was included for those stores that practiced a combination of the two, presumably across separate categories or departments. Since we are interested in the adoption of a pure EDLP positioning, we include HYBRID stores in the PROMO category. For additional information on the dataset (including a veri…cation of its correlation with actual price variation using independent scanner data) see Ellickson and Misra (2008b). 5.1 Markets and Market Structure While there are several retail channels through which to purchase food for at-home consumption (e.g. supermarkets, mom and pop grocers, specialty markets, convenience stores, club stores) we focus on the supermarket channel exclusively, further narrowing our focus to chain supermarkets operating within 276 designated U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). Following Ellickson and Misra (2008b), which established that strategic pricing decisions have a strong local component, our unit of observation is a store operating in a local market, taken here to be a zip code.5 Zip codes are large enough to …t several competing …rms, but small enough to provide a good approximation to a given consumer’s relevant shopping options. They are also stable over time, making them comparable across years. Since we are primarily interested in understanding repositioning choices, which only applies to supermarket …rms (as opposed to Wal-Mart), the following summary statistics and descriptive analysis will focus exclusively on this set of …rms. Any exceptions are noted explicitly. 5 Ellickson and Misra (2008b) document the rich degree of local variation in pricing strategies chosen by individual chains. While several chains do maintain a consistent focus (e.g. Food Lion, Winn-Dixie), many choose a diverse mixture of pricing formats. Consistent with our store level decision model, this diversity extends to the repositioning choice. Of the 1145 stores that were part of a chain that switched the pricing format of three or more stores, 838 (73%) were owned by chains that did not uniformly switch to a particular focus (i.e. EDLP or PROMO). Notably, the …rms that did move in a uniform direction were much smaller on average than those that did not. 20 Table 1 provides statistics that describe these local markets and the …rms that compete in them. Focusing on the …rst frame of the table, we note that the average market contains about 22 thousand consumers, while the full set ranges in size from unpopulated (i.e. zoned to be purely commercial) to 112 thousand. There is also substantial variation in both ethnic composition and income levels across markets. Frames two and three summarize market structure in the two periods for which we have pricing data. While the average market contains just over 2 stores, some contain as many as 16. About 28% percent of stores in the average market choose EDLP, while the remaining 72% o¤er PROMO. The typical number of stores and the fraction choosing EDLP are both relatively stable over time. The biggest change observed in the data is the number of markets that either contain a Wal-Mart or face one in their surrounding MSA. Both numbers increased by a factor of 5 over this four year period, re‡ecting the dramatic roll out of the supercenter format that occurred during this period (the number of supercenters increased from 97 to 487 between 1994 and 1998). Table 2 provides summary statistics for all chain supermarkets (i.e. excluding Wal-Mart) operating in 1994 and 1998, along with separate statistics for the new entrants in 1998 and the stores that chose to exit in 1994. Again, several interesting patterns emerge. As in Table 1, the share of stores choosing EDLP is relatively stable across periods. Moreover, the stores that exit were no more likely to be o¤ering EDLP than those in the market as a whole (note, however, that these are unconditional means). In contrast, the stores that were opened in 1998 were disproportionately o¤ering EDLP, perhaps re‡ecting the in‡uence of Wal-Mart, or an overall shift in the optimal pricing policy. We further unpack these distinctions below. Most of the other patterns are intuitive. Sales volume, and both store and chain sizes are all increasing over time, as is the percent of stores operated by vertically integrated …rms, re‡ecting long term trends toward larger suburban formats and greater consolidation. Stores that choose to exit have lower sales, smaller footprints and are operated by smaller chains. Conversely, stores that just entered are bigger, owned by larger, more often vertically integrated chains, and tend to have higher sales volumes. 5.2 Key Stylized Facts The identi…cation of repositioning cost is ultimately driven by the …rms that choose to switch. Consistent with intuition from the Marketing literature on consumer-side state dependence (Roy, Chintagunta, and Haldar (1996)), we are essentially identifying repositioning costs by exploiting these switches. We now provide some preliminary descriptive 21 evidence regarding switching behavior. Table 3 summarizes the set of actions taken by the set of incumbent …rms that were in operation in 1994. The …rst panel presents raw counts, the second shows joint probabilities, and the third provides the switching matrix (conditional on your format in 1994, what state did you transition to in 1998). The …rst thing to note is that the data contain a lot of switches and a fair number of exits. Both are useful for identi…cation. The switches from EDLP to PROMO (and vice versa) provide the variation necessary to identify switching costs, while the exit choices are instrumental for identifying …xed operating costs (and accounting for continuation values). We make this intuition more precise below. Focusing next on the joint probabilities, we note that, not surprisingly, stores are most likely to stick with their current pricing format. However, as is apparent from the transition matrix, PROMO exhibits the most state dependence: conditional on choosing PROMO in 1994, 81% of stores stay PROMO in 1998 (95% if you ignore the stores that exit). By contrast, conditional on choosing EDLP in 1994, only 67% of stores stay with it in 1998 (79% if you ignore the exits). This suggests that either the bene…ts of switching from EDLP to PROMO are high, the costs of doing so are relatively low, or some mixture of the two. Our structural model is aimed at decomposing these e¤ects and uncovering the primitive determinants of …rm behavior. Finally, we note that, controlling for the fact that PROMO is the more dominant strategy, exit rates are slightly higher for the EDLP stores. As noted earlier, this was a turbulent period in the supermarket industry, driven by WalMart’s rapid roll-out of the exclusively EDLP supercenter format. Tables 4 and 5 revisit these choice and transition patterns, conditional on the presence or absence of Wal-Mart. In particular, we divide our local zip code markets into two groups, those in which Wal-Mart was present in the surrounding MSA in 1994 and those in which it was not, repeating the analysis of Table 3 for these two subgroups. The results are contained in Tables 4 and 5. Several noteworthy patterns emerge. The markets in which Wal-Mart is absent (Table 4) are very similar to the full set of markets (not surprising, since they constitute 90% of the overall total). However, the markets in which Wal-Mart is present are quite distinct (Table 5). In particular, …rms in these markets are less likely to stick with PROMO, more likely to stick with EDLP, and, conditional on switching, much more likely to adopt the EDLP format. Wal-Mart also makes …rms more likely to exit. Thus, Wal-Mart does appear to be a disruptive presence, and one that pushes its competitors towards EDLP or out of the market entirely. Again, this is a useful source of variation that will help identify the costs and bene…ts of repositioning. 22 Finally, we examine the format decisions of de novo entrants, those …rms that entered between 1994 and 1998. Table 6 contains the counts and proportions of their format decisions for the three sets of markets analyzed above. It is interesting to see the split by Wal-Mart’s presence. For the full set of markets, the split is 60/40 in favor of PROMO, revealing an overall trend toward EDLP (recall that the proportion in the 1994 data - for all …rms - was 70/30). However, there is again a di¤erence between markets with a Wal-Mart and those without: entrants into markets with a Wal-Mart are 7% more likely to choose EDLP. While some of this is clearly driven by selection (Wal-Mart prefers to enter markets which are amenable to EDLP pricing), the follow section presents regression results con…rming the underlying Wal-Mart e¤ect. 5.3 Descriptive Conditional Policy Functions To further unpack the dynamics of pricing strategy, we now present several linear probability models characterizing the players’ propensity to choose alternative actions. These can be viewed as descriptive analogs of the structural policy functions that comprise …rm strategy. Each descriptive regression explains a store’s discrete choice as a function of market, rival and own characteristics. We present the coe¢ cients for only a small subset of the included covariates to highlight a few patterns, deferring a full analysis to later. Column 1 examines a store’s decision to switch formats (either from EDLP to PROMO, or vice versa) as a function of six key constructs: whether Wal-Mart is present in the local market, whether Wal-Mart is present in the surrounding MSA, whether the store employed the EDLP format in 1994, the share of rival stores employing the EDLP format in 1994, the number of rival stores, the size of the focal store’s chain, and our own measure of strategic “focus”. To capture the extent to which chains prefer to concentrate on a single pricing format across stores (e.g. to exploit economies of scale and scope), we de…ned the variable focus as the squared di¤erence between 0.5 and the share of EDLP for stores operated by the chain outside the focal market (implying that larger values correspond to chains that tend to use the same strategy in multiple markets). We use this measure in the descriptive regressions, as it is symmetric for share-EDLP or share-PROMO. Turning to the results in column 1, the presence of Wal-Mart is associated with more switches, and the e¤ect is stronger at the MSA level than the zip code level (perhaps re‡ecting the small number of zip codes in which Wal-Mart was present in 1994). As was clear from the switching matrices, EDLP stores are more likely to switch to PROMO than 23 vice versa. The share of rival stores o¤ering EDLP in the local market is also associated with more switching, as is a larger number of competing stores (although the latter e¤ect is not statistically signi…cant). Most notably, we …nd that larger, more focused chains are less likely to switch. This suggests that switching costs may be heterogeneous and, in particular, higher for larger …rms and those whose reputation is more closely associated with a single pricing strategy (e.g. Food Lion, HEB). Column 2 examines the decision to exit. Again, Wal-Mart is an important factor in driving stores to exit. In contrast to the switching patterns, EDLP stores are signi…cantly less likely to exit, suggesting that this format, while expensive to adopt, may o¤er some additional insulation from competitive pressures. Greater competition is associated with more exit, while large, more focused chains are less likely to exit. Column 3 examines entry by supermarket chains. Not surprisingly, …rms are less likely to enter local markets that contain a Wal-Mart, but more likely to enter local markets in MSAs that do have a Wal-Mart (this likely re‡ects underlying growth patterns, rather than a causal e¤ect). As expected, the e¤ect of competition is negative, while the share of EDLP incumbents is insigni…cant. Column 4 examines the decision by incumbents to select the EDLP format, conditional on having decided to enter. The only signi…cant driver here is share EDLP, which is positive (although many of the unreported demographic factors were signi…cant as well). This echoes the patterns of assortative matching documented in Ellickson and Misra (2008b), where the authors also account for the presence of correlated unobservables (i.e. the re‡ection problem). Finally, column 5 examines the entry decision of Wal-Mart. Not surprisingly, Wal-Mart pro-actively targets markets with a large share of EDLP incumbents, and prefers markets that already have a large number of stores (they also tend to enter markets which are closer to their home base of Bentonville, AR and in close proximity to a distribution center, which are two of the unreported controls). The correlation with incumbent store counts likely re‡ects the fact that Wal-Mart tends to prey upon markets with older, smaller incumbents (which are thus present in larger numbers), rather than a perverse taste for competition. Discussion We can summarize these stylized facts as follows. First, there are a large number of switches in this decade of the Supermarket industry these switches provide us the necessary variation to estimate the costs and revenues to Supermarkets of changing pricing strategy. Further, competition is a signi…cant driver of pricing strategy, and is co- 24 determined with entry, exit, and continuation decisions. Wal-Mart clearly has an e¤ect on the propensity to stay or leave markets, as well as the choice of EDLP or PROMO pricing. The data reveal a pattern whereby, on the one hand, the presence of Wal-Mart induces a shift of Supermarkets into the EDLP format in order to compete e¤ectively. At the same time, the presence of Wal-Mart also induces exit, but more so for PROMO …rms. Broadly, we infer that allowing for entry and for the accommodation of the option to exit are important features to explain the data. These aspects played key roles in our structural model of supermarket pricing format competition, as well as in the identi…cation of the key constructs of our model. We close this section with a brief intuitive discussion of how the pattern in the data facilitate identi…cation of the primitives of the structural model presented earlier. 5.3.1 Identi…cation The key constructs to be identi…ed are the costs of changing formats, as well as the revenue impact of changing formats. We …rst discuss the revenue side. We observe revenues before and after a change in formats. Hence, the revenue e¤ects are identi…ed directly from these data, conditional on being able to account for selectivity induced by the choice of pricing strategy and survival in the market (i.e. not exiting). Stated di¤erently, revenues are observed only conditional on a chosen pricing strategy, and conditional on being in the market. Thus, we need some source of independent variation that induces …rms to switch pricing strategy and stay active, or to exit. As we explained in the introduction and documented above, this variation takes the form of entry by Wal-Mart, which serve as large shocks to the pro…tability of …rms, causing them to re-evaluate pricing policy and market positioning. However, the identi…cation concern then is that unobservables that induced …rms to exit or to change pricing also caused Wal-Mart to enter (or not). To address this, we need some exogenous source of variation that drives Wal-Mart entry across markets, which can be excluded from …rm’s pricing strategy or exit decisions. In our framework, this variation is provided by two sets of market-level variables. The …rst captures the market’s radial distance from Bentonville, Arkansas. We follow Holmes (Forthcoming), who documents convincingly that Wal-Mart followed a systematic strategy of opening its supercenters close to Bentonville, and then spreading these radially inside out from the center. Controlling for MSA characteristics, the distance to Bentonville is excluded from Supermarket payo¤s, and serves as one source of exogenous variation driving Wal-Mart entry. The second variable 25 represents the distance of a market from the nearest McLane distribution center. These are 22 large-scale distribution centers that were operated originally by the McLane company, but acquired in 1990 by Wal-Mart to service its supercenters.6 In the period from 19902003, Wal-Mart rolled out supercenters close to these distribution centers (we see evidence for this in our data). We geocode the latitude and longitude of the distribution centers to calculate the Euclidean distance of each of them to the centroid of each MSA. The locations of the distribution centers were chosen in the 1980-s by McLane (to service a pre-existing network of convenience stores), and we treat them as pre-determined in our analysis of the 1994 and 1998 data. We now explain how we can use the observed switching matrix, exit behavior and revenue data to identify the cost-side of the model. The key distinction is to separate the switching costs of changing pricing strategies from the …xed costs of per-period operation. Conceptually, these are di¤erent constructs, as the switching costs are sunk and incurred only at the point of a switch, while the …xed costs are incurred every period. Our switching costs are identi…ed from the margin from changing a pricing format versus staying with the current policy, while the …xed costs a¤ect the propensity to stay with the current pricing policy relative to exiting. To see this, let E!P from switching from EDLP pricing to PROMO, and denote the present-discounted payo¤ P!E denote the present-discounted payo¤ from switching from PROMO pricing to EDLP. Analogously E!E and present-discounted payo¤ from staying with EDLP or PROMO respectively. Let and P!Exit as the P!P E!Exit respectively denote the present-discounted payo¤ from exiting. We normalize these to zero. These objects can be recognized as the “choice-speci…c” value functions associated with each of these six actions. For ease of notation, we suppress the dependence of these functions on the state vector. Let RE and RP denote the per-period revenues from following EDLP or PROMO respec- tively. For the purposes of this discussion, assume that these have already been estimated using a selectivity-controlled model from the auxiliary revenue data. Thus, RE and RP are treated as known. Let the …xed costs incurred per-period when using EDLP or PROMO respectively be (FE ; FP ), and let (CE!P ; CP!E ) denote the key parameters of interest: the cost of switching from one format to another. Then, we can write the choice-speci…c values 6 In May 2003, Berkshire Hathaway acquired McLane Company from Wal-Mart for $1.45 billion. 26 from staying with the current strategy as, E!E = RE + FE + 0 + E [ E (:)] P!P = RP + FP + 0 + E [ P (:)] (23) from switching pricing as, E!P = RP + FP + CE!P + E [ P (:)] P!E = RE + FE + CP!E + E [ E (:)] (24) and from exiting as, E!Exit In the above, = 0; P!Exit =0 represents a (…xed) discount factor for the Supermarkets, function conditional on choosing PROMO, E (:) P (:) the value the value function conditional on choosing EDLP, and the expectation E (:) is taken with respect to the state vector at the time of making the decision (we have suppressed unobservables, as the argument is not changed if we add additive errors). Following Hotz and Miller (1993), the choice-speci…c value functions ( P!E ; E!P ; E!E ; P!P ) are semi-parametrically identi…ed from the observed probabilities of switching, exiting, and staying with current pricing in the data. Then, we can identify the switching costs as, 6 CE!P = E!P P!P (25) CP!E = P!E E!E (26) Results We now discuss results from the estimation of our structural model. We …rst discuss the estimates from the revenue side, and then present the cost side results. 6.1 Revenues We start by documenting the revenue implications of following an EDLP versus PROMO pricing strategy. We obtain the revenues as the predicted values from the regression model. The full estimates from the revenue regression for both EDLP and PROMO are relegated to the Appendix, presented in Tables A1 and A2. The revenue regressions in Tables A1/A2 allow for interactions of each of the variables presented in the …rst column with a full range 27 of market-level demographics, and also correct for selectivity using the control function approach outlined earlier. Rather than discuss these separately, we present the predicted revenues from this model. We …rst ask how revenues would look if every supermarket we observe in 1994 chose EDLP. In Figure 1, we plot a histogram of the these revenues obtained as a prediction our revenue model (top panel). Analogously, we then ask how revenues would look if every supermarket we observe in 1994 instead chose PROMO (plotted in lower panel of Figure 1). Comparing the two histograms, it is clear that revenues are higher under PROMO. To get a sense of the di¤erences in dollar terms, we present the 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles of the distribution of revenues under EDLP and PROMO in Table 8. These numbers are presented in units of 1000-s of $/week. Looking …rst at the 50th percentile, we see the median store-market under PROMO earns revenues of about $124.56K more per week relative to the median store-market under EDLP. Converting to an annual basis, this di¤erence translates to about $6.4K Million per year ($124.56K per week 52 weeks). Comparing store-markets at the 5th percentile of the revenue distribution under both formats, this di¤erence is about $3.7M annually in favor of PROMO ($73.5K per week 52 weeks). At the 95th percentile of the revenue distribution under both formats, this di¤erence is about $5.6 M annually in favor of PROMO ($108 per week 52 weeks). Clearly, stores earn higher revenues under PROMO, whether large or small, whether in large markets or small markets, and across several competitive conditions. But, our estimates also imply signi…cant heterogeneity across both stores and markets in these e¤ects. We now discuss the drivers of this heterogeneity. We organize our discussion around four key variables of interest: (a) the revenue implications of Wal-Mart’s presence; (b) the e¤ect of local competition; (c) the e¤ect of the similarity of the chosen pricing strategy with that chosen by local competitors; and (d) economies of scale and scope. Recall from our discussion in §4 that we capture these e¤ects by including the following variables: (a) a dummy for whether or not Wal-Mart operates in the …rm’s MSA (WMM SA ); (b) the number of rival …rms in the market (N i ); (c) the share of rival stores choosing the EDLP format (aEDLP ); and (d) the “focus” of the chain measured as a percentage of the chains’ i stores adopting strategy a (Fi (a = EDLP ) and analogously Fi (a = P ROM O)). Each of these variables are interacted with a full range of market demographics, and included as right-hand side variables in the revenue regression (see Tables A1 and A2). In Figure 2, we plot the distribution across markets of the total e¤ect of each of these variables on revenues under the EDLP format. For instance, the top right panel in Figure 2 contains a histogram 28 of the e¤ect of Wal-Mart on EDLP revenues. Letting m denote a market, this is essentially 1m (EDLP ), computed from Equation a histogram of the Wal-Mart e¤ect in market m, %d R (12) as, 1m (EDLP ) = [b1(EDLP ) + b1(EDLP ) (pop ) + b1(EDLP ) (hhsize ) + b1(EDLP ) (%black ) %d m m m 0R 1R 2R 3R R 1(EDLP ) 1(EDLP ) 1(EDLP ) +b4R (%urbanm ) + b5R (%hispm ) + b6R (hincm )] where the b-s are the estimated coe¢ cients of the interactions of the W M variable with market demographics in the revenue regression for the EDLP format reported in Table A1. The other histograms in Figure 3 are created analogously for the other variables, N i ,aEDLP i , and Fi (EDLP ). To again get a sense of the heterogeneity, we report the the 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles of these distributions in Table 8. Looking at the Wal-Mart e¤ect in Figure 2, we see the presence of Wal-Mart in the same MSA as a supermarket unambiguously reduces revenues. The net e¤ect for the median EDLP store of Wal-Mart’s presence is about $28K per week ($1.45 Million annually). Note, this is a Wal-Mart e¤ect speci…cally, and not a competition e¤ect more generally, as the e¤ect of the number of stores has already been controlled for. There is also signi…cant heterogeneity across markets. From Table 8, for the stores in the 95th percentile, the e¤ect of Wal-Mart entry can be as high as $48K per week ($2.5 Million per year). These tend to be larger, more isolated markets, in which entry by Wal-Mart tends to result in especially high substitution. The e¤ect of competition from other supermarkets, as captured by the N i variable, is also negative as expected. At the median, the addition of another supermarket into the local market reduces revenues for an EDLP store by $9.58K per week ($0.5 M per year). Looking at the e¤ect of the share of other supermarkets in the local area that are also EDLP, we …nd mixed evidence. In some markets, the e¤ect is negative, suggesting stronger substitution, while in others, the e¤ect is positive. A priori, it is hard to sign this e¤ect. On the one hand, more EDLP stores in the local area clearly implies stronger substitution, and hence, lower revenues. On the other hand, the presence of other chains of the same format may induce stores to tacitly soften price competition, enabling them to jointly sustain higher base prices. This can improve the revenue pro…le. Without detailed price data, it is hard to drive deeper into these two stories. The main takeaway is that the data reveal that the cross-store substitution e¤ect does not dominate in several markets. Figure 2 also reveals some evidence for economies of scope and scale. In particular, supermarkets that have a larger proportion of stores outside of the local market doing 29 EDLP, also tend to earn more under EDLP. This e¤ect is fairly large. At the median, the economies add about $7.9K per week ($0.4M per year) to revenues. These economies may arise from the fact that large chains may commit to doing EDLP across many markets (i.e. a size e¤ect), or from the fact that doing EDLP across many markets may signal a consistent price image that has spillovers across markets (a scope e¤ect). There is also evidence of fairly large size/scope e¤ects (signi…cant mass in the right tail), presumably re‡ecting the higher revenues earned by the largest chains. Figure 3 presents analogous histograms for these e¤ects on revenues under PROMO pricing. It is interesting to compare the numbers for the e¤ects on PROMO revenues to the e¤ects on revenues under EDLP. The e¤ect of having a Wal-Mart in the MSA on revenues under PROMO is also negative as expected, but signi…cantly lower than for EDLP. At the median, the e¤ect is a $11.98K reduction in PROMO revenues per week ($0.62M annually). Comparing this to the e¤ect of Wal-Mart presence for EDLP stores, we see Wal-Mart has a 133% larger e¤ect on EDLP supermarket revenues than PROMO ($1.48M compared to $0.62M). Clearly, the EDLP positioning of Wal-Mart leads to stronger substitution with other EDLP stores in the local area, than with other PROMO stores. Also interesting is the di¤erence between PROMO and EDLP in terms of scale and scope economies. Looking at Figure 3, we see that there is not as much evidence for such economies on the revenue side when doing PROMO. This is not very surprising, as promotional polices vary signi…cantly across geographies in terms of the depth, frequency and magnitude of sales. A PROMO store in a rural market may use price cycles of di¤erent duration and depth than a PROMO store in an urban market, re‡ecting the nature of underlying demand, which a¤ects its price discrimination policy. This heterogeneity within the PROMO class contrasts with the relatively higher uniformity in pricing across geographies under EDLP. Hence, we may expect that communicating a uniform country-wide price image is easier under EDLP than under PROMO. This may be one reason to expect spillovers arising from price-image to be lower under PROMO than under EDLP. Finally, Figure 3 also indicates that the remaining competition variables do not have signi…cant bite in explaining the revenues di¤erences across markets under PROMO. 6.2 Costs We now discuss the results on the cost-side of the model. We organize the discussion along similar lines to the revenue side, presenting histograms of totals …rst, and then of individual 30 e¤ects across markets. Complete estimation results are presented in Tables A3 and A4 in the appendix. Figure 4 presents histograms of the total …xed costs incurred by incumbent supermarkets under EDLP and PROMO. Analogously, Table 9 presents the 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles of these costs distributions. How should we interpret these costs? First, note that the …xed costs are estimated relative to the value of exiting, which has been normalized to zero. A negative …xed cost estimate indicates the scrap value from exit was higher than incurring the …xed cost from continued operation under that particular pricing format. Second, the revenue data are in $1000-s per week. Hence, the …xed costs should be interpreted in the same units. At the same time, the discrete-choice model is estimated for data on two periods (1994 and 1998) that are separated by 4 years. Thus, the one-time switching costs should be thought of as borne over the 4 year window. Looking at Figure 4 and Table 9, we see the median …xed cost is $173.4K per week under EDLP ($9M annually), and $401.4K per week ($20M annually) for PROMO stores. Note, this cannot be compared directly to the median revenues reported in Table 8 because the median store-market for the revenue distribution is not the same as the median store-market for the cost distribution. If we compute the true implied gross margins from these estimates, we …nd that the median gross (or “fully loaded”) margin under EDLP is 12.16% EDLP and 16.5% for PROMO. This is consistent with anecdotal evidence for the supermarket industry. Table 9 also reports the switching costs estimates. We estimate the median cost of switching from EDLP to PROMO as $179.1K per week, which works out to be about $37M over a 4 year horizon. We estimate the median cost of switching from PROMO to EDLP to be much larger, $860.2K per week, which works out to be about $178M over a 4 year horizon. This is about 4 times higher than the switch from EDLP to PROMO. In order to understand the relative comparison of the …xed costs to the switching costs, note the scale of the …xed costs and the switching costs should be expected to be di¤erent: the …xed costs are scaled in relation to the revenue from staying relative to exit, while the switching costs are scaled relative to the present-discounted revenues from staying relative to exit. This aspect, along with the fact that the model has to rationalize the fact that there are a large number of switches from EDLP to PROMO, but few from PROMO to EDLP, imply large switching costs. We now explore heterogeneity in …xed and switching costs across stores and markets. Analogous to the revenue results, we report in Figures 5 histograms across markets of the 31 e¤ect of Wal-Mart, the share of competitors doing EDLP, as well as the “EDLP focus” of the supermarket on …xed costs. Also reported is the distribution of estimated costs of switching to EDLP across markets. Figure 6 reports the same constructs for the costs of doing PROMO. Looking at Figure 5, we …nd that the presence of Wal-Mart in the supermarket’s MSA reduces …xed costs of operation for the EDLP format. One interpretation of this result is that the presence of Wal-Mart lowers the costs of marketing an EDLP price positioning in a local market. For instance, the presence of a Wal-Mart drives tra¢ c into the local market, which reduces the costs of doing week by week advertising. Another interpretation is that the entry of Wal-Mart e¤ectively educates consumers in the local market about the value of an EDLP positioning. The trade-press reports anecdotal evidence consistent with this phenomena. For example, when Wegmans (a regional supermarket chain in the northeast) moved from PROMO to EDLP in anticipation of Wal-Mart’s entry, they made large investments in advertising and public relations to justify this repositioning to consumers, while also investing in re-educating and retraining their workforce (at stores and warehouses) to be attuned with the new strategy. We also see the e¤ect of the chain’s “focus”is to reduce …xed costs, which is essentially another manifestation of a scope or scale economy on the cost side. The more the chain tends to do EDLP across the US, the lower are its operating costs of running an EDLP supermarket in a local market. This is intuitive and in line with expectations. From Table 9, we see the e¤ect of these scope economies on the cost side are large: at the median of the distribution, the net e¤ect of chain focus on EDLP positioning is by far the largest component that reduces the …xed costs of operation. Looking at the results on the PROMO side in Figure 6, we see the e¤ect of Wal-Mart is ‡ipped: the presence of Wal-Mart in the local MSA tends to increase the …xed costs of doing PROMO. We interpret this as re‡ecting marketing and advertising costs associated with promoting and di¤erentiating the store’s strategy in the face of Wal-Mart’s local presence. The e¤ect of focus is also consistent with the results for PROMO from the revenue side: a strong focus on PROMO across the country does not seem to lead to large scale or scope economies in local markets. Again, since PROMO does not require a high degree of coordination, these results are intuitive. We can summarize the results of the structural model as follows. Doing PROMO provides higher margins and revenues. At the median, PROMO pricing provides an incremental 32 revenue of about $6.4M relative to EDLP. Moreover, the cost of switching from PROMO to EDLP is estimated to be about 4 times larger than from switching from EDLP to PROMO. The 1990-s were predicted by some as the decade of the EDLP format. These results add to our understanding of why EDLP adoption has been much more limited than predicted. 6.3 Counterfactual and Simulations In what follows, we describe two experiments that highlight the roles played by dynamics and the presence of Wal-Mart in our results. 6.3.1 Costs and Dynamics Our model estimates the costs of switching and implementing pricing strategies in a dynamic environment. To ascertain the role dynamics play in our analysis, we consider an alternative estimator that instead treats the decision problem as a static game of incomplete information. Essentially, we re-estimate the current model with the discount factor set to zero. We then ask, to what extent is a static model appropriate to understanding repositioning decisions? Under the static approach, …xed costs are estimated to be signi…cantly lower for all …rms (compared to the dynamic model). To see why, note that under a static model, there is no continuation value from remaining in the market. Thus, in order to justify the switching and exit rates observed in the data, given the counterfactual revenues, the estimator drives the costs of operation estimates down. Stated di¤erently, the cost measures under the static model are biased downward because they combine the true …xed costs of operation with the option value of staying, or continuing with the current pricing policy. For a signi…cant fraction of markets, the …xed costs were in fact estimated to be negative (i.e. the omitted option value dominated the true costs of operation). These di¤erences indicate that a static setup is inappropriate for measuring the constructs we are interested in. An examination of the repositioning costs under the static model is also illuminating. As with the …xed costs of operation, these numbers are also skewed by the change in the model assumptions, albeit to a lesser extent. The reason for this is that, even in the static case, repositioning costs are identi…ed o¤ the switches in the data. The di¤erences across the EDLP and PROMO estimates provide an interesting case in point. While the cost of repositioning from PROMO to EDLP is estimated to be about 12.67% lower (than in the dynamic model), the cost of switching from EDLP to PROMO is estimated to be 18.34% 33 higher. The intuition behind this asymmetry lies in the relative di¤erences in continuation values conditional on switching formats. Since these are no longer part of the model, the estimates adjust accordingly. Taken together, the di¤erences between the counterfactual static model and the proposed dynamic game highlight the importance of dynamics in assessing operating and switching costs. 6.3.2 What if Wal-Mart was everywhere? Our data and analysis exploited the impact of Wal-Mart. To further quantify the Wal-Mart e¤ect, we conducted a simple counterfactual by assuming the current state included the presence of Wal-Mart in all markets. We then forward-simulated the markets from this initial state allowing for entry, exit and strategy changes based on the model estimates. We report the distribution under the steady state. Our steady state results suggest that adding Wal-Mart to every market starting from the 1998 conditions does push the world toward EDLP, but not in an overwhelming way. In particular, the overall e¤ect is of the order of a 20% increase in EDLP adoption across the entire U.S. (32.78% of active supermarkets chose to be EDLP in the counterfactual steady state, compared to 27.37% in the data). At the same time, market structure is also pushed towards higher concentration, as exits in the steady state are around 16.3%, versus the 15.4% observed in the data. Overall, the e¤ect of Wal-Mart is to move the share of EDLP higher and to increase the exit rate. 6.4 Discussion The model, results, counterfactuals and critical discussion have all been focussed on our current application, but we believe our approach extends beyond the evaluation of pricing strategy. The framework developed here applies naturally to any setting where …rms make binding decisions to alter their existing strategies. Our results are also useful in highlighting the fact that dynamics, strategic interactions and the availability of auxiliary post-game data (such as revenues, prices and sales) are useful in cleanly articulating the costs of repositioning. Our modeling approach has limitations, and is based on assumptions that future research might aim at relaxing. In particular, we highlight three potential avenues of improvement. First, the stage game could be extended to accommodate additional structural elements. For example, Beresteanu, Ellickson, and Misra (2007) employ a Bertrand-Nash stage game that 34 allows them to recover price-cost margins and evaluate changes in consumer surplus. While we don’t have the appropriate data to a¤ord such a speci…cation here, other researchers might consider this option in the future. Second, we have focused on local market drivers of pricing strategy, but incorporated scale and scope economies to capture dependencies of strategies across markets in a limited way. A signi…cant, but challenging, extension to the current work would be to fully accommodate the joint choice of pricing strategy across markets. This would require the solution of a daunting dynamic network game, which is outside of the scope of our current analysis. Finally, extending our framework to allow for rich layers of persistent unobserved heterogeneity would an important direction forward. This is an active area of frontier econometric research. We hope to address some of these extensions in our future work. 7 Conclusions This paper has made three contributions. First, we draw attention to three salient features of repositioning decisions in Marketing: that they involve long-term consequences, require signi…cant sunk investments, and are dynamic in their impact. We outline how the paradigm of dynamic games can be used to empirically analyze positioning decisions, and to measure structural constructs like …rm’s repositioning costs. Second, we cast empirical light on an age-old question in the Marketing of CPG goods: the costs and bene…ts of doing EDLP versus PROMO. Despite the signi…cant interest in this topic, a full accounting of the longterm cost and bene…ts of these strategies remains lacking in the literature. Our estimates add to the evaluation of either strategy, and also identify the sources of heterogeneity in the relative attractiveness of either across markets. Third, we add to a growing literature at the intersection of Marketing and Macroeconomics, that has used microdata to understand the potential sources of rigidity in …rm’s prices over time. The point we make is that commitment to an EDLP or PROMO strategy is an important source of long-term rigidity of prices. This point is missing in the extant literature. We discuss why understanding this rigidity should be properly treated as a dynamic problem. We measure the “menu cost” to …rms of changing their long-term pricing strategy, and …nd these to be large and asymmetric. We hope our current work spurs further interest in the dynamics of pricing and repositioning in Marketing. 35 References Aguirregabiria, V., and P. Mira (2007): “Sequential Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games,” Econometrica, 75, 1–53. Ailawadi, K., D. R. Lehmann, and S. A. 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EDLP 0 200 400 600 800 1000 2000 1000 0 Frequency Counterfactual Revenues - PROMO 200 400 600 800 1000 Figure 1: Counterfactual Revenues 45 95% 426.7 16.8 64.5 -48.5 1068.28 95% 524.9 128.2 98.1 38.8 645.65 353.5 963.2 800 400 0 500 Frequency 1500 WalMart in MSA 0 Frequency Intercept 0 500 1000 1500 2000 -80 -40 -20 0 20 800 400 0 500 Frequency 1000 1500 1200 Number of Competing Stores 0 Frequency E(Share of competitors doing EDLP) -60 0 50 100 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Frequency 0 500 1000 Focus of Chain - EDLP -50 0 50 100 150 200 Figure 2: Revenue Components of EDLP 2500 Frequency 1000 0 0 Frequency WalMart in MSA 1000 2000 3000 Intercept 0 500 1000 1500 -50 -40 -20 -10 0 1000 1500 Frequency 0 500 3000 Number of Competing Stores 0 1000 Frequency E(Share of competitors doing EDLP) -30 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 -15 -10 -5 0 3000 1000 0 Frequency Focus of Chain - PROMO -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 Figure 3: Revenue Components of PROMO 46 400 200 0 Frequency 600 EDLP -500 0 500 1000 1500 500 0 Frequency PROMO 0 500 1000 Figure 4: Estimated Fixed Costs 47 WalMart in MSA 6000 4000 Frequency 0 2000 3000 2000 1000 0 Frequency 4000 8000 Intercept -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 -300 -250 -200 -50 0 50 6000 4000 Frequency 0 2000 3000 Frequency 1000 0 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 -600 -500 -400 -300 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Switching Cost Frequency -100 Focus of Chain - EDLP 5000 E(Share of competitors doing EDLP) -150 400 600 800 1000 Figure 5: Cost Components of EDLP 48 -200 -100 0 100 WalMart in MSA 6000 4000 Frequency 0 2000 3000 0 1000 Frequency 8000 Intercept 200 400 600 800 20 40 120 140 5000 0 1000 -50 0 50 100 150 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 500 1500 2500 Switching Cost Frequency 100 3000 Frequency 2000 1000 0 Frequency 80 Focus of Chain - PROMO 3000 E(Share of competitors doing EDLP) 60 100 200 300 400 Figure 6: Cost Components of PROMO 49 0 100 200 300 APPENDIX Table A1: Revenues from EDLP - Estimates Variable Interactions Estimate Std. Error Intercept Constant -0.6523 35.5339 pop 0.0016 0.0003 hhsize -24.4438 12.7931 p_black -102.6822 27.4781 p_urban 35.2325 15.5310 p_hisp -108.2099 45.5064 h_inc 0.0022 0.0004 size 7.5916 0.1638 Tstores -0.0023 0.0021 Wal-Mart Constant 37.1605 21.9720 pop 0.0000 0.0002 hhsize -9.0415 8.8520 p_black 6.4417 16.6351 p_urban -31.8804 11.2913 p_hisp 40.9846 28.0828 h_inc -0.0006 0.0003 E(Comp EDLP) Constant -7.1783 34.7848 pop -0.0005 0.0003 hhsize 3.4141 14.4438 p_black 8.4550 23.5232 p_urban 9.6604 12.8207 p_hisp 136.0845 40.8996 h_inc 0.0000 0.0005 Focus EDLP Constant -110.6356 40.6572 pop -0.0006 0.0003 hhsize 50.0621 14.0387 p_black 19.4849 24.9504 p_urban 25.5088 17.5207 p_hisp 122.4777 39.6719 h_inc -0.0008 0.0006 Number of Competing Constant 1.1957 7.4977 Stores pop 0.0000 0.0000 hhsize -3.6288 2.7348 p_black 16.0630 3.8475 p_urban -2.3297 2.6031 p_hisp 16.0160 8.7817 h_inc 0.0000 0.0001 50 Table A2: Revenues from PROMO - Estimates Variable Interactions Estimate Std. Error Intercept Constant -150.8458 32.7950 pop 0.0019 0.0003 hhsize 32.4116 12.6117 p_black -42.4119 22.8033 p_urban 36.4320 14.3340 p_hisp 84.6737 36.9375 h_inc 0.0018 0.0004 size 7.2117 0.1192 Tstores 0.0100 0.0010 Wal-Mart Constant 2.1223 19.1347 pop -0.0001 0.0001 hhsize 1.1092 6.7120 p_black -5.8127 10.1762 p_urban -7.6383 7.8954 p_hisp -39.7925 18.0724 h_inc -0.0002 0.0002 E(Comp EDLP) Constant 50.3958 24.5762 pop 0.0000 0.0002 hhsize -17.6420 8.8744 p_black 18.2001 15.0777 p_urban -15.1461 8.9686 p_hisp 26.3967 21.0305 h_inc 0.0002 0.0003 Focus PROMO Constant 193.5275 36.0223 pop -0.0007 0.0003 hhsize -75.1984 14.1371 p_black 46.0934 24.1102 p_urban -7.5288 17.1171 p_hisp -41.8828 37.9989 h_inc 0.0006 0.0004 Number of Competing Constant 3.2392 3.4720 Stores pop -0.0001 0.0000 hhsize -0.9315 1.2188 p_black -2.2007 2.3937 p_urban -1.3400 1.9923 p_hisp 8.0099 3.2525 h_inc -0.0001 0.0000 51 Table A3: Costs of EDLP Strategy - Estimates Variable Interactions Estimate Std. Error Intercept Constant -133.8927 55.3286 pop 0.0003 0.0004 hhsize 43.8758 20.4330 p_black 13.1109 37.9669 p_urban 253.5417 23.2904 p_hisp 97.0457 58.5680 h_inc 0.0030 0.0005 size 0.7551 0.1154 Tstores -0.0643 0.0023 VI 6.5339 3.2142 Wal-Mart Constant 29.8790 58.3165 pop -0.0001 0.0005 hhsize -2.3037 18.6033 p_black 21.7578 36.3507 p_urban -1.8997 30.6304 p_hisp -110.5341 47.2392 h_inc -0.0004 0.0006 E(Comp EDLP) Constant 204.5877 47.1675 pop 0.0015 0.0004 hhsize -64.5469 19.2611 p_black -4.8201 29.1064 p_urban -65.7558 18.0506 p_hisp 71.9132 38.9716 h_inc 0.0000 0.0005 Focus EDLP Constant 175.5205 71.2307 pop 0.0000 0.0005 hhsize -127.7017 25.9529 p_black 149.7402 47.9211 p_urban -22.0618 27.9735 p_hisp -45.6229 69.0855 h_inc 0.0019 0.0007 Switching Costs Constant 1242.8909 47.2055 pop 0.0004 0.0003 hhsize -99.5798 17.4759 p_black -265.9400 33.0221 p_urban -36.4333 20.0746 p_hisp -96.7333 49.3402 h_inc -0.0003 0.0004 Wal-Mart in MSA -182.2738 10.7021 E(Comp EDLP) -22.7443 9.1154 Focus EDLP -202.6674 13.0266 52 Table A4: Costs of PROMO Strategy - Estimates Variable Interactions Estimate Std. Error Intercept Constant 496.5106 59.8292 pop 0.0022 0.0004 hhsize -84.7668 21.5123 p_black 34.3383 35.6744 p_urban 38.4963 21.9604 p_hisp 132.0138 58.7051 h_inc 0.0023 0.0005 size -0.2533 0.1039 Tstores -0.0819 0.0018 VI 31.2659 2.7651 Wal-Mart Constant 112.2994 47.3624 pop 0.0002 0.0004 hhsize -12.8497 15.7375 p_black -7.6514 28.3152 p_urban -9.7044 22.1765 p_hisp -28.1843 33.9510 h_inc 0.0000 0.0004 E(Comp EDLP) Constant 141.6326 34.9967 pop 0.0012 0.0003 hhsize -31.5285 13.7092 p_black 43.3975 20.8641 p_urban -36.9144 14.1110 p_hisp 62.7142 27.3394 h_inc -0.0004 0.0004 Focus PROMO Constant -364.5656 64.8463 pop -0.0007 0.0004 hhsize 147.8104 23.8368 p_black -142.4658 41.0664 p_urban 88.8290 23.7750 p_hisp -231.9074 63.5559 h_inc -0.0021 0.0006 Switching Costs Constant 451.7305 46.3360 pop -0.0015 0.0004 hhsize -23.4402 17.2617 p_black 80.2194 32.9020 p_urban -70.5607 17.1047 p_hisp 107.2317 48.7995 h_inc 0.0012 0.0005 Wal-Mart in MSA 51.5697 10.6788 E(Comp EDLP) 6.3733 8.0693 Focus PROMO -209.9500 12.223 53